BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered) Rss Feed  
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2014-06-22 4:55 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Stacey, I just ordered the green ones! I was torn between those two colors.

2014-06-22 5:50 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by Artemis 59.21 miles done in 4:10:15! I seriously considered giving up at a few points and it rained for the last hour. However, I still managed to get it done!

Way to hang in there!!

2014-06-22 6:52 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
I think I am caught up now.

Chris - it's great to have you back from holidays.

Mary - it's great to have Phil home and he is doing much better thanks. Still a way to go but getting there slowly.
Also it's definitely better to have a DFL than a DNS and I think that no one really even notices who finishes last except for the person who does.

TJ - sorry about your leg I hope the new bike setup fixes the cause of the problem.

Jonathan - I hope you get a spot at in the marathon.

Jen - great job on the bike ride, way to go. I like the green shoes much more than the white ones, the pinks are all a bit mismatched on the white ones.

I saw this really cool story on a current affairs show last night. A guy and his friend were training for an IM when she was diagnosed with Moto Neurone Disease (probably spelt that wrong). She has gotten really bad really quick, to the point that she battles to walk now. Knowing that it was her life long dream to finish an IM her training partner towed her in the swim, towed her on the bike and pushed her on the run of IM Cairns! He finished in just under 17 hours. It was amazing to watch him, but man what a thing to do.
2014-06-22 7:33 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by rrrunner Good morning Manatees! Good news / bad news on my leg mess. Good news, James, the LBS owner thinks the IT issue could be my home grown speed-sl setup and adjusted that and my fit. And DS2 has agreed to run for me next Saturday. Bad news, leg still hurts like a sommommabish. I forgot and "ran" a couple steps this morning and holy MOLY that hurt!

Morning, TJ.  Hope the new set-up helps the leg and really glad that DS2 is going to do the race with you.  Kinda takes the sting out of the fact that it sucks so bad, but not really.  Heal up soon!

8 weeks today until my very first tri!!  I rode the bike leg this morning.  OMG, I have some work to do!  Thankfully DH was there to encourage me up the hills and I only had to stop once.  He pointed out that it's better to finish DFL than to DNS and he figures that I won't even be DFL.  I said I'm going to finish if I have to walk my bike up those dang hills and crawl across the finish line.  I have to remember that between June 26, 2012 and January 21, 2014, I had 2 hip surgeries and was only swimming 600 yds 1x/week with a pull buoy (no kicking at all) at most.  When I think about it that way, I've come a looooong way in the last 6 months.  Feeling a little emotional about the whole thing and so grateful for all the help I've gotten along the way, including from you Manatees.

"You've come a long way, baby!"

Anyone remember that slogan?  But in all seriousness, you've come a long way, baby!   No worries about 8 weeks from now, you'll get there.

2014-06-22 7:33 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by Artemis 59.21 miles done in 4:10:15! I seriously considered giving up at a few points and it rained for the last hour. However, I still managed to get it done!

Yeah, girl!!  Nice job, way to persevere!!  Manatee tough!

2014-06-22 7:38 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Spoiler alert for the eventual race report: I wiped out at about mile 5.25 on my trail race today, but still somehow PR-ed by 4 minutes...wipe out also involved a trip to the ambulance guys, a refusal to go to the hospital, and a trip to the Urgent Care center which resulted in 4 stitches, lots of cleaning and gauze, a tetanus shot and antibiotics followed by some adult beverages for 'treatment'.  All in all a great day!  Oh, and I can't swim for at least 10 days until the stitches come out .  Pics are on FB (I love do love me some wound pics) for those of you who are brave enough to view them.  Who am I kidding, I'll probably post at least one in my RR, too!   You've been warned.

2014-06-22 8:59 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by melbo55

Spoiler alert for the eventual race report: I wiped out at about mile 5.25 on my trail race today, but still somehow PR-ed by 4 minutes...wipe out also involved a trip to the ambulance guys, a refusal to go to the hospital, and a trip to the Urgent Care center which resulted in 4 stitches, lots of cleaning and gauze, a tetanus shot and antibiotics followed by some adult beverages for 'treatment'.  All in all a great day!  Oh, and I can't swim for at least 10 days until the stitches come out .  Pics are on FB (I love do love me some wound pics) for those of you who are brave enough to view them.  Who am I kidding, I'll probably post at least one in my RR, too!   You've been warned.

I looked. I think they are cool pics, but i would do the same thing. I'm glad you didn't get hurt more and I hope you heal quickly.
2014-06-22 9:01 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by melbo55

Spoiler alert for the eventual race report: I wiped out at about mile 5.25 on my trail race today, but still somehow PR-ed by 4 minutes...wipe out also involved a trip to the ambulance guys, a refusal to go to the hospital, and a trip to the Urgent Care center which resulted in 4 stitches, lots of cleaning and gauze, a tetanus shot and antibiotics followed by some adult beverages for 'treatment'.  All in all a great day!  Oh, and I can't swim for at least 10 days until the stitches come out .  Pics are on FB (I love do love me some wound pics) for those of you who are brave enough to view them.  Who am I kidding, I'll probably post at least one in my RR, too!   You've been warned.

Speaking of Manatee tough!!  A PR and 4 stitches!  That'll be a memorable scar, to say the least.  We're not FB friends so please do post them in your RR - you might as well put the proof in the report for the record.  (hee hee - and maybe I kinda like me some wound pics too...)

2014-06-22 9:22 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by StaceyK

I think I am caught up now.

Chris - it's great to have you back from holidays.

Mary - it's great to have Phil home and he is doing much better thanks. Still a way to go but getting there slowly.
Also it's definitely better to have a DFL than a DNS and I think that no one really even notices who finishes last except for the person who does.

TJ - sorry about your leg I hope the new bike setup fixes the cause of the problem.

Jonathan - I hope you get a spot at in the marathon.

Jen - great job on the bike ride, way to go. I like the green shoes much more than the white ones, the pinks are all a bit mismatched on the white ones.

I saw this really cool story on a current affairs show last night. A guy and his friend were training for an IM when she was diagnosed with Moto Neurone Disease (probably spelt that wrong). She has gotten really bad really quick, to the point that she battles to walk now. Knowing that it was her life long dream to finish an IM her training partner towed her in the swim, towed her on the bike and pushed her on the run of IM Cairns! He finished in just under 17 hours. It was amazing to watch him, but man what a thing to do.

Had the pleasure of watching Sharn's race day unfold. Seriously the poor lady can barely walk. Her deterioration has been very quick. She has ALS which is a motor neurone disease that claimed the life of the guy Blaize and now everyone in Hawaii does that Blaize roll thing. She won't live very long it's terribly sad. But watching her and the team race was far from sad. It was uplifting and inspiring. Commentator Pete Murray said it was the highlight of his commentating career.

And watching her, makes me believe I can achieve anything I want to.
2014-06-22 9:26 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by melbo55

Spoiler alert for the eventual race report: I wiped out at about mile 5.25 on my trail race today, but still somehow PR-ed by 4 minutes...wipe out also involved a trip to the ambulance guys, a refusal to go to the hospital, and a trip to the Urgent Care center which resulted in 4 stitches, lots of cleaning and gauze, a tetanus shot and antibiotics followed by some adult beverages for 'treatment'.  All in all a great day!  Oh, and I can't swim for at least 10 days until the stitches come out .  Pics are on FB (I love do love me some wound pics) for those of you who are brave enough to view them.  Who am I kidding, I'll probably post at least one in my RR, too!   You've been warned.

I did my first trail race yesterday (Sunday) 15km of hurt! Man I should have trained a little bit! I spent so much time looking at the terrain, rocks, mud wet and dry, tree roots, cliff edges, low branches, prickly scrub, hills hills hills, stairs both up and lost once coz I missed the sign too busy trying not to break an ankle!

I had a blast. I was last last last by so far it was ridiculous but I smiled all the way.

And then this morning checked the results - no not LAST there was a lady 9 mins behind me (ten years younger FYI)

Huge congrats to all Manatee racers and brides and grooms of the fluro kind.
2014-06-22 10:02 PM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Right on time...5 weeks out and I am starting to obsess...

2014-06-22 10:10 PM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
OK Medical advice needed (cause you know internet diagnosis is very reliable).

On Tuesday of last week I whacked my knee really, really hard at work. Got up, avoided throwing up and after an hour or so it stopped throbbing.
The next morning when I got up it was a bit sore but not too bad, I thought it was just bruised.

I didn't do any training for the rest of the week because of other stuff. My knee felt a bit twingy every now and then but nothing bad.
On Saturday I started to get this sharp stabbing pain behind the knee cap when I walked, I hadn't done any running or riding. I just figured maybe it was because it is so damn cold here. Anyway yesterday (Sunday) I went for a stroll with the dogs and afterwards it was sore again. I didn't walk fast.

This morning I got on the treadmill and did an easy run/walk for 25 minutes. The sharp stabbing pain came back while I was on the treadmill but it wasn't really bad, maybe a 3/10.

In the 4 hours since I got off the treadmill it has gotten much worse and now every time I take a step I get the sharp stabbing pain behind my knee cap. There is no swelling or bruise but there does feel like there is a small dent in my knee cap.
Should I:
a) suck it up and stop being a wimp
b) give it a couple of days with no running and see how I go
c) go to the Doctor and get it checked out.

I have filed an incident report at work because after watching Phil have to have a knee reconstruction from a minor little trip last year I want to be covered if I have in fact done some damage to it. Thankfully the lady that handles the incident reports was in the meeting where I whacked it so that makes it a bit easier to make a claim if I need to.
2014-06-22 10:13 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by StaceyK OK Medical advice needed (cause you know internet diagnosis is very reliable). On Tuesday of last week I whacked my knee really, really hard at work. Got up, avoided throwing up and after an hour or so it stopped throbbing. The next morning when I got up it was a bit sore but not too bad, I thought it was just bruised. I didn't do any training for the rest of the week because of other stuff. My knee felt a bit twingy every now and then but nothing bad. On Saturday I started to get this sharp stabbing pain behind the knee cap when I walked, I hadn't done any running or riding. I just figured maybe it was because it is so damn cold here. Anyway yesterday (Sunday) I went for a stroll with the dogs and afterwards it was sore again. I didn't walk fast. This morning I got on the treadmill and did an easy run/walk for 25 minutes. The sharp stabbing pain came back while I was on the treadmill but it wasn't really bad, maybe a 3/10. In the 4 hours since I got off the treadmill it has gotten much worse and now every time I take a step I get the sharp stabbing pain behind my knee cap. There is no swelling or bruise but there does feel like there is a small dent in my knee cap. Should I: a) suck it up and stop being a wimp b) give it a couple of days with no running and see how I go c) go to the Doctor and get it checked out. I have filed an incident report at work because after watching Phil have to have a knee reconstruction from a minor little trip last year I want to be covered if I have in fact done some damage to it. Thankfully the lady that handles the incident reports was in the meeting where I whacked it so that makes it a bit easier to make a claim if I need to.

I say c).  And then depending on what the Doc says, maybe b).  At no point with sharp stabbing pain should a) be an option...   Put some ice on it in the meantime.

2014-06-22 11:24 PM
in reply to: bcraht

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by bcraht

Originally posted by StaceyK OK Medical advice needed (cause you know internet diagnosis is very reliable). On Tuesday of last week I whacked my knee really, really hard at work. Got up, avoided throwing up and after an hour or so it stopped throbbing. The next morning when I got up it was a bit sore but not too bad, I thought it was just bruised. I didn't do any training for the rest of the week because of other stuff. My knee felt a bit twingy every now and then but nothing bad. On Saturday I started to get this sharp stabbing pain behind the knee cap when I walked, I hadn't done any running or riding. I just figured maybe it was because it is so damn cold here. Anyway yesterday (Sunday) I went for a stroll with the dogs and afterwards it was sore again. I didn't walk fast. This morning I got on the treadmill and did an easy run/walk for 25 minutes. The sharp stabbing pain came back while I was on the treadmill but it wasn't really bad, maybe a 3/10. In the 4 hours since I got off the treadmill it has gotten much worse and now every time I take a step I get the sharp stabbing pain behind my knee cap. There is no swelling or bruise but there does feel like there is a small dent in my knee cap. Should I: a) suck it up and stop being a wimp b) give it a couple of days with no running and see how I go c) go to the Doctor and get it checked out. I have filed an incident report at work because after watching Phil have to have a knee reconstruction from a minor little trip last year I want to be covered if I have in fact done some damage to it. Thankfully the lady that handles the incident reports was in the meeting where I whacked it so that makes it a bit easier to make a claim if I need to.

I say c).  And then depending on what the Doc says, maybe b).  At no point with sharp stabbing pain should a) be an option...   Put some ice on it in the meantime.

Agreed.  And take some ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen; that'll help with the pain until you can get in to see the doc.  Heal up quick! 

We've been doing so well keeping the DL empty lately.  We've got a streak going here, people, so stop hurting yourselves already!

2014-06-23 3:04 AM
in reply to: 0

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Ok knee update. My boss made me go to the Doctor (felt like a whinger going and wasting his time).

His verdict most likely severe bruise to the tissue between the skin and the knee cap (I didn't think there was any but anyway) or maybe a small fracture in the knee cap, but as there is no swelling and no visible bruise this is unlikely. Xrays taken and get the results tomorrow.

(Edited because I cant spell)

Edited by StaceyK 2014-06-23 3:07 AM
2014-06-23 4:48 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by StaceyKOk knee update. My boss made me go to the Doctor (felt like a whinger going and wasting his time). His verdict most likely severe bruise to the tissue between the skin and the knee cap (I didn't think there was any but anyway) or maybe a small fracture in the knee cap, but as there is no swelling and no visible bruise this is unlikely. Xrays taken and get the results tomorrow. (Edited because I cant spell)
I'm glad you went to the doctor as that was going to be my suggestion! Hope it is just a bad bruise. What type of X-rays did you have that results aren't in immediately? Was it an MRI ?

2014-06-23 4:49 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by melbo55

Spoiler alert for the eventual race report: I wiped out at about mile 5.25 on my trail race today, but still somehow PR-ed by 4 minutes...wipe out also involved a trip to the ambulance guys, a refusal to go to the hospital, and a trip to the Urgent Care center which resulted in 4 stitches, lots of cleaning and gauze, a tetanus shot and antibiotics followed by some adult beverages for 'treatment'.  All in all a great day!  Oh, and I can't swim for at least 10 days until the stitches come out .  Pics are on FB (I love do love me some wound pics) for those of you who are brave enough to view them.  Who am I kidding, I'll probably post at least one in my RR, too!   You've been warned.

Wow, that is some HTFUing!! Looking forward to the RR and pictures
2014-06-23 5:04 AM
in reply to: amd723

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
2014-06-23 5:05 AM
in reply to: amd723

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
2014-06-23 6:44 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by StaceyKOk knee update. My boss made me go to the Doctor (felt like a whinger going and wasting his time). His verdict most likely severe bruise to the tissue between the skin and the knee cap (I didn't think there was any but anyway) or maybe a small fracture in the knee cap, but as there is no swelling and no visible bruise this is unlikely. Xrays taken and get the results tomorrow. (Edited because I cant spell)
I'm glad you went to the doctor as that was going to be my suggestion! Hope it is just a bad bruise. What type of X-rays did you have that results aren't in immediately? Was it an MRI ?
normal x-rays but takes them an hour to send them through to the Dr and it was already nearly 4pm so back again tomorrow morning.
2014-06-23 6:46 AM
in reply to: JJ-

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by JJ-

 photo Screenshot2014-06-23050222_zps2eaa6203.png

Congrats, now time to get training. How many months away?

2014-06-23 7:40 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

I had a fun race Saturday.  Even managed an AG win!  Here is the RR

And not to give too much more away, there is some kissing involved too 

2014-06-23 7:59 AM
in reply to: 0

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by StaceyK

Originally posted by JJ-


Congrats, now time to get training. How many months away?


Guess it's time for no more pop-tarts, cookies, or beer

Edit: On second thought that's a little much. Man I must have been hyped up on excitement. Time for a beer

Edited by JJ- 2014-06-23 8:02 AM
2014-06-23 8:08 AM
in reply to: JJ-

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Way to go racers!  Congratulations Monica and Ann-Marie, Melanie (ouch!) and Jo!

TJ, sorry about the IT band issues.  Bad IT band!  Bad!  I'm glad that you have a relay partner to call upon and that the LBS owner is helpful.  

Melanie, LT update?

Jen - It looks like you had fun at Bike Virginia yesterday!  Hopefully Tuesday's ride will be equally enjoyable!

Yanti - The Bali reception looks like it was outrageous!  It makes me happy that our "Strava club" HQ is there!

Stacey - Love the new shoes!  It look like Phil did a good job :-)  Oh, my internet Dx, see a doctor.  It's been almost a week and what you are experiencing is not normal.  Glad to see that you went.  Did he say anything about bursa?  That's not fun but it does go away.  Take care!

Kirk - Excellent!  I'd love to have another Manatee on campus!

Mary - You definitely have come a long way!  It's great that you were able to ride the course.  

Kirsten - "Starting to" obsess?  I thought that started a few weeks ago!  ;-)

Jonathan TX - Congrats on getting into Houston!

2014-06-23 8:56 AM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by jobaxas
Originally posted by StaceyK I think I am caught up now. Chris - it's great to have you back from holidays. Mary - it's great to have Phil home and he is doing much better thanks. Still a way to go but getting there slowly. Also it's definitely better to have a DFL than a DNS and I think that no one really even notices who finishes last except for the person who does. TJ - sorry about your leg I hope the new bike setup fixes the cause of the problem. Jonathan - I hope you get a spot at in the marathon. Jen - great job on the bike ride, way to go. I like the green shoes much more than the white ones, the pinks are all a bit mismatched on the white ones. I saw this really cool story on a current affairs show last night. A guy and his friend were training for an IM when she was diagnosed with Moto Neurone Disease (probably spelt that wrong). She has gotten really bad really quick, to the point that she battles to walk now. Knowing that it was her life long dream to finish an IM her training partner towed her in the swim, towed her on the bike and pushed her on the run of IM Cairns! He finished in just under 17 hours. It was amazing to watch him, but man what a thing to do.
Had the pleasure of watching Sharn's race day unfold. Seriously the poor lady can barely walk. Her deterioration has been very quick. She has ALS which is a motor neurone disease that claimed the life of the guy Blaize and now everyone in Hawaii does that Blaize roll thing. She won't live very long it's terribly sad. But watching her and the team race was far from sad. It was uplifting and inspiring. Commentator Pete Murray said it was the highlight of his commentating career. And watching her, makes me believe I can achieve anything I want to.

Incredible effort.  It does put things in perspective, no?

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : March 12, 2014
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
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