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2015-01-22 10:57 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by brigby1

Set your FTP where you think it should be based off the info you have. Then do the workout(s) at an appropriate percent for what you want out of them. There is some nice data that can come from having FTP set properly, so don't get in the habit of fooling around with that.

I'd love some additional feedback on the comment above. 

My TR virtual power FTP is 295 based on a 20 minute test done a little over two years ago.  I repeated the test going into my build period last year and had a lousy result (more like 275), but I felt that wasn't very indicative of my real number, so I've kept it there ever since. 

I've been doing base training (mostly Z2, some Z3, a tad of Z4 and some force efforts) over the past three months, averaging around 200 TSS per week.  As I've progressed I've noticed the Z2/Z3 stuff feels pretty easy, but once I hit 95% or so of FTP I fall apart.  Maybe it's where I am in the periodization of my plan.

I've done a couple of "practice" tests on Sufferfest videos the last week:  The Rookie (nailed the intervals +/- errors in accelerating, etc.) and Hell Hath No Fury (had a good first 20' set, then the wheels fell off). 

So, based on the comment above plus what I've described, i'm thinking of leaving FTP where it is and dropping the TR workout effort by x% depending on the type of workout. 

The power numbers are just numbers without a way to relate them to you. That's where FTP comes in. Performance at threshold is fairly simple to figure out and is useful to know for various things. All of the work you described relates back to a common point as they are a percent (or range of percents) to something. Meaning threshold performance, or FTP since we're talking bike power. As your FTP goes up or down the power values you associate with those zones should follow accordingly. Greg LeMond still said it best, it doesn't get easier, you just get faster.

Without having a reasonably established FTP, you don't actually know if your workouts were Z2, Z3, Z4 or wherever you thought. Then for the harder workouts, if you don't ever do them, you will have to relearn how to work up there again. And it can take a few workouts to do so.

2015-01-22 10:58 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Went to Saguaro National Park today. Aptly named! Not sure I've ever seen so many of them in one area. Literally, a forest of cacti...minus any shade. Whew! It was really, really warm. I was pouring water into and over the kids to keep them cooled. We hiked up a river bed and climbed dry waterfalls. Ok, the kids wanted to climb everything.

Saguaros can live 200 years, but they grow very slowly. This baby (pic) I found was only 1-2" tall, which makes it around 10 years old.

Rad pics!

Ahhh your desert is so different from ours.

I can't wait to do some exploration in an area like this.

My sis is having her bday in Vegas (which I HATE) but I think I am going to capitalize on an opportunity to explore red rock 


This desert has grown on me, but I do miss the coastal rainforests. When I was teaching I raised money to take my classes to Marin Headlands for a week of outdoor education. Outside, hiking, rain or shine. Muir Woods day hike was always a highlight for the kids. It was amazing how they could be awed into silence.

Vegas...don't blame you. From my few previous trips I didn't realize how much there was to do off The Strip.  Next time things will be different! A high school/college acquaintance lives there and works for a rehab center that uses "experiential therapy" (yoga, rock climbing, kayaking, hiking) as part of their program. She's really gotten into rock climbing and now ice climbing. Love the pictures she posts.

2015-01-22 11:04 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Another tragic hit and run reported today in Velonews.  One cyclist killed, another seriously injured in hit and run in southern FL.  At least the guy turned himself in a short time later.

Tragic for all involved. Did you see the Velo article about the Boulder cyclist that was hit by a car and TICKETED!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

2015-01-22 11:31 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by cdban66


I was blown away by the inability of professional athletes to grasp the 60 minute nature of the game. I was pulling for the other team and could not get over the number of decisions that led to the Packers snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Not to downplay the Hawks victory at all, since they played the hand that was dealt to them and they kept after it. I was really impressed by their collective resolve. And by the toughness of a few individuals in particular.

But goodness, could the Pack have played and coached that game any worse? Oh, yes, they could have been the Colts!


Yeah. I agree. I won't go as far as saying we don't deserve the win, because we do. But we were not our best that game. Not one individual was. Except maybe Jon Ryan  

They did make some terrible decisions but they also had some really bad luck. I mean, that onside kick? Us making that catch for the 2 point conversion? Even the winning touchdown...they had him completely wrapped up and he still made that catch. 

Watch the onsides kick again. The catch is supposed to be made by Jordy Nelson, the little guy in the picture below and the Packers #1 receiver. The other guy is a blocker. Instead, the fellow that was supposed to be blocking decided to try to catch the ball. That created two issues. 1) Jordy couldn't catch it. 2) No one blocked the Hawks Mathews, who recovered the ball. 

There were a number of other plays like that, but in the end, the Hawks were the better team. Congratulations!!!  Now please beat the Patriots. And yes, Jon Ryan is way cool! Punters throwing TD passes rock!

I'm looking forward to not being emotionally invested at the Super Bowl Party

I think I'll watch cartoons upstairs with the kids.

I love a good game.  But let your playing speak louder than your mouth...meh.

2015-01-22 11:39 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Did anyone read this?

Pretty awesome to stay with the elites through age 41.  Still hard for me not to see her as elite, even is she's not so named for the race - I think once you set a world record, you kind of own that title!

Glad that she's continuing to mentor and develop others in the sport (and compete in a way that makes sense for her).  Good stuff...


That's what I was thinking. Such an hold her own into "old age"

2015-01-22 11:56 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Mary- any response from your bus-bike guy?

Stacey- I was going to say happy things about finding your bike deal, but then I got to the car repair bill  One step at a time...or bus ride? Depending on how Mary's deal works out, that might be Plan B.

2015-01-22 12:15 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Mary- any response from your bus-bike guy?

Stacey- I was going to say happy things about finding your bike deal, but then I got to the car repair bill  One step at a time...or bus ride? Depending on how Mary's deal works out, that might be Plan B.

I heard back from him and we're working on a time for a test ride.  SOOOOO excited!!

2015-01-22 12:16 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Wow. My body is still a little rocked after the weekend's adventures. Every slow run I have done the week has been a struggle.

When my socks rolled down during the trail race there was a ton of friction on my heels and they got all bloody and blistered. As if that wasn't enough, the ascent in snowboard boots/splitboard ripped them open further. I have like, 4 band-aids and a steady reapplication of antibiotic in hopes I can get them healed up before we attempt St. Helen's this weekend. 

If they don't close up beforehand...any tips? Should I just tape them up? Because I think applying lube/anti-chafe would hurt if they are open still. 

2015-01-22 12:19 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by laffinrock

Another tragic hit and run reported today in Velonews.  One cyclist killed, another seriously injured in hit and run in southern FL.  At least the guy turned himself in a short time later.

Tragic for all involved. Did you see the Velo article about the Boulder cyclist that was hit by a car and TICKETED!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

I did.  Disgusting!!!!!  I just love the presumption of guilt by the cop.  I hope the cyclist fights the ticket--and gets a judge who's a cyclist or at least more fair-minded than the stooopid cop.  I'm frankly amazed that the cyclist didn't die or even get seriously injured and I'm glad the woman who hit him took immediate responsibility.

2015-01-22 12:25 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by laffinrock

Another tragic hit and run reported today in Velonews.  One cyclist killed, another seriously injured in hit and run in southern FL.  At least the guy turned himself in a short time later.

Tragic for all involved. Did you see the Velo article about the Boulder cyclist that was hit by a car and TICKETED!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

I did.  Disgusting!!!!!  I just love the presumption of guilt by the cop.  I hope the cyclist fights the ticket--and gets a judge who's a cyclist or at least more fair-minded than the stooopid cop.  I'm frankly amazed that the cyclist didn't die or even get seriously injured and I'm glad the woman who hit him took immediate responsibility.

Yeah, clearly an anti-cyclist cop. Driver admits guilt, cop tickets her AND the cyclist. Wow! Didn't sound like he was going to fight it but at least he has a media outlet with which to communicate the issue.

2015-01-22 12:33 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Happy Battle of Rorke's Drift day fellow Manatees.

Thanks!  You too! Do you watch the movie Zulu all day long to celebrate? 

Apologies for the lack of consolidation among my posts - who knew I'd have so much to say on a rainy morning. 

Buuuut.....  I LOVE THAT MOVIE and think about it fairly frequently, even having not seen it in a few years.  Badazzes all around in that one...  Much to learn from it, good and bad.

Makes me glad that my battles are around how to help patients, be an ever better dad/"Other Half", with myself to push harder during training and racing, etc.  Very lucky, indeed!


Not quite Anne Marie. The Regiment I served in was The Royal Regiment of Wales. It is an amalgamation of The Welsh Regiment and The South Wales Borderers (the regiment in the film). I was in 5 platoon, B Rorkes Drift Company, the company that defended it I the film. Every year, on Rorkes Drift a Day, non senior non commissioned officers would wake each soldier up with gunfire (tea and brandy) served by an officer and a drummer boy. We'd then have a game of rugby, followed by dinner served by the officers, before settling down to watch Zulu whilst getting very drunk.

Matt, I love the movie also, I think it's the musical score that really makes the film. I know what you mean about counting your blessings with regards to the "battles" you have to fight, especially with all that is going on in the world today. I was lucky enough to be part of a group of people to go to Isandlwhana and Rorkes Drift to commemorate 120 years of the battle. We got to stay in the school house and marched ti Isandlwhana the following day to be met by the Zulu king and xx thousand Zulus. It was quite awe inspiring. I will never forget the wave of sound you feel when you hear that many Zulus singing their war songs. Chilled to the bone just thinking what those men must have been feeling when they heard it.

2015-01-22 12:58 PM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Happy Battle of Rorke's Drift day fellow Manatees.

Thanks!  You too! Do you watch the movie Zulu all day long to celebrate? 

Apologies for the lack of consolidation among my posts - who knew I'd have so much to say on a rainy morning. 

Buuuut.....  I LOVE THAT MOVIE and think about it fairly frequently, even having not seen it in a few years.  Badazzes all around in that one...  Much to learn from it, good and bad.

Makes me glad that my battles are around how to help patients, be an ever better dad/"Other Half", with myself to push harder during training and racing, etc.  Very lucky, indeed!


I was lucky enough to be part of a group of people to go to Isandlwhana and Rorkes Drift to commemorate 120 years of the battle. We got to stay in the school house and marched ti Isandlwhana the following day to be met by the Zulu king and xx thousand Zulus. It was quite awe inspiring. I will never forget the wave of sound you feel when you hear that many Zulus singing their war songs. Chilled to the bone just thinking what those men must have been feeling when they heard it.

Wow, that must have been an amazing experience!  Hopefully the meeting with the Zulus was a chance for some reconciliation as well.  Sounds like a pretty horrific conflict for both sides.  I honestly hadn't heard of it until today.  Shows you my ignorance of South African and British history!

I'm going to Louisiana in a couple of weeks.  I sing in a choir that performs Negro spirituals, which served as a way for slaves to communicate among themselves using biblical references without the masters knowing what they were talking about.  Songs like "Wade in the Water" were used to instruct runaway slaves to walk in the water to hide their scent from the bloodhounds tracking them.  We'll be performing at Whitney Plantation near Baton Rouge.  Whitney has been restored and augmented to focus primarily on the psychological and physical impacts of those who were enslaved.  I anticipate that's going to be a pretty powerful and emotional day.

2015-01-22 1:14 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Happy Battle of Rorke's Drift day fellow Manatees.

Thanks!  You too! Do you watch the movie Zulu all day long to celebrate? 

Apologies for the lack of consolidation among my posts - who knew I'd have so much to say on a rainy morning. 

Buuuut.....  I LOVE THAT MOVIE and think about it fairly frequently, even having not seen it in a few years.  Badazzes all around in that one...  Much to learn from it, good and bad.

Makes me glad that my battles are around how to help patients, be an ever better dad/"Other Half", with myself to push harder during training and racing, etc.  Very lucky, indeed!


I was lucky enough to be part of a group of people to go to Isandlwhana and Rorkes Drift to commemorate 120 years of the battle. We got to stay in the school house and marched ti Isandlwhana the following day to be met by the Zulu king and xx thousand Zulus. It was quite awe inspiring. I will never forget the wave of sound you feel when you hear that many Zulus singing their war songs. Chilled to the bone just thinking what those men must have been feeling when they heard it.

Wow, that must have been an amazing experience!  Hopefully the meeting with the Zulus was a chance for some reconciliation as well.  Sounds like a pretty horrific conflict for both sides.  I honestly hadn't heard of it until today.  Shows you my ignorance of South African and British history!

I'm going to Louisiana in a couple of weeks.  I sing in a choir that performs Negro spirituals, which served as a way for slaves to communicate among themselves using biblical references without the masters knowing what they were talking about.  Songs like "Wade in the Water" were used to instruct runaway slaves to walk in the water to hide their scent from the bloodhounds tracking them.  We'll be performing at Whitney Plantation near Baton Rouge.  Whitney has been restored and augmented to focus primarily on the psychological and physical impacts of those who were enslaved.  I anticipate that's going to be a pretty powerful and emotional day.

Wow, that is very cool, Mary.  I went to a small museum on the outskirts of New Orleans when I was there after the hurricanes and I learnt a lot about the history of the area.  Now I, too, need to go look up Rorkes Drift because I have no idea.

2015-01-22 1:14 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by laffinrock

Another tragic hit and run reported today in Velonews.  One cyclist killed, another seriously injured in hit and run in southern FL.  At least the guy turned himself in a short time later.

Tragic for all involved. Did you see the Velo article about the Boulder cyclist that was hit by a car and TICKETED!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

I had to read it twice as I just don't get it.  I am curious as to what the specific citation language is.  Have a hard understanding how in this circumstance "failing to move over" makes any sense.  He says he was not riding side by side or in the middle of the road so if he is riding on the right half of the lane it makes no sense.  He has no legal obligation to get off the road unless there is some odd law there (again curious of the exact statute).  If this situation is as it is presented I would certainly fight the ticket as a matter of principle.

2015-01-22 1:18 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Wow. My body is still a little rocked after the weekend's adventures. Every slow run I have done the week has been a struggle.

When my socks rolled down during the trail race there was a ton of friction on my heels and they got all bloody and blistered. As if that wasn't enough, the ascent in snowboard boots/splitboard ripped them open further. I have like, 4 band-aids and a steady reapplication of antibiotic in hopes I can get them healed up before we attempt St. Helen's this weekend. 

If they don't close up beforehand...any tips? Should I just tape them up? Because I think applying lube/anti-chafe would hurt if they are open still. 

I'm guessing your wounds are too big for the Band-Aid blister-specific strips (or whatever they are)?  Ya know, the kind you put on and leave on a few days?  I'm brainstorming for a solution for a bigger area and not coming up with too much.  3M makes a really awesome flexible, stretchy tape that could possibly get utilized for something...

2015-01-22 1:20 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Happy Battle of Rorke's Drift day fellow Manatees.

Thanks!  You too! Do you watch the movie Zulu all day long to celebrate? 

Apologies for the lack of consolidation among my posts - who knew I'd have so much to say on a rainy morning. 

Buuuut.....  I LOVE THAT MOVIE and think about it fairly frequently, even having not seen it in a few years.  Badazzes all around in that one...  Much to learn from it, good and bad.

Makes me glad that my battles are around how to help patients, be an ever better dad/"Other Half", with myself to push harder during training and racing, etc.  Very lucky, indeed!


I was lucky enough to be part of a group of people to go to Isandlwhana and Rorkes Drift to commemorate 120 years of the battle. We got to stay in the school house and marched ti Isandlwhana the following day to be met by the Zulu king and xx thousand Zulus. It was quite awe inspiring. I will never forget the wave of sound you feel when you hear that many Zulus singing their war songs. Chilled to the bone just thinking what those men must have been feeling when they heard it.

Wow, that must have been an amazing experience!  Hopefully the meeting with the Zulus was a chance for some reconciliation as well.  Sounds like a pretty horrific conflict for both sides.  I honestly hadn't heard of it until today.  Shows you my ignorance of South African and British history!

I'm going to Louisiana in a couple of weeks.  I sing in a choir that performs Negro spirituals, which served as a way for slaves to communicate among themselves using biblical references without the masters knowing what they were talking about.  Songs like "Wade in the Water" were used to instruct runaway slaves to walk in the water to hide their scent from the bloodhounds tracking them.  We'll be performing at Whitney Plantation near Baton Rouge.  Whitney has been restored and augmented to focus primarily on the psychological and physical impacts of those who were enslaved.  I anticipate that's going to be a pretty powerful and emotional day.

That will be a very moving trip in many ways.  Have you read Twelve Years a Slave?  It was a very eye-opening book for me.  And yeah, now I need to go read up on Rorkes Drift, too!

2015-01-22 1:29 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Happy Battle of Rorke's Drift day fellow Manatees.

Thanks!  You too! Do you watch the movie Zulu all day long to celebrate? 

Apologies for the lack of consolidation among my posts - who knew I'd have so much to say on a rainy morning. 

Buuuut.....  I LOVE THAT MOVIE and think about it fairly frequently, even having not seen it in a few years.  Badazzes all around in that one...  Much to learn from it, good and bad.

Makes me glad that my battles are around how to help patients, be an ever better dad/"Other Half", with myself to push harder during training and racing, etc.  Very lucky, indeed!


I was lucky enough to be part of a group of people to go to Isandlwhana and Rorkes Drift to commemorate 120 years of the battle. We got to stay in the school house and marched ti Isandlwhana the following day to be met by the Zulu king and xx thousand Zulus. It was quite awe inspiring. I will never forget the wave of sound you feel when you hear that many Zulus singing their war songs. Chilled to the bone just thinking what those men must have been feeling when they heard it.

Wow, that must have been an amazing experience!  Hopefully the meeting with the Zulus was a chance for some reconciliation as well.  Sounds like a pretty horrific conflict for both sides.  I honestly hadn't heard of it until today.  Shows you my ignorance of South African and British history!

I'm going to Louisiana in a couple of weeks.  I sing in a choir that performs Negro spirituals, which served as a way for slaves to communicate among themselves using biblical references without the masters knowing what they were talking about.  Songs like "Wade in the Water" were used to instruct runaway slaves to walk in the water to hide their scent from the bloodhounds tracking them.  We'll be performing at Whitney Plantation near Baton Rouge.  Whitney has been restored and augmented to focus primarily on the psychological and physical impacts of those who were enslaved.  I anticipate that's going to be a pretty powerful and emotional day.

That will be a very moving trip in many ways.  Have you read Twelve Years a Slave?  It was a very eye-opening book for me.  And yeah, now I need to go read up on Rorkes Drift, too!

I've always been intrested in history so when I spent 6 months in Georgia I visited several plantations and read a lot of books about that era.

2015-01-22 1:30 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Just a quick drive by and hello.

Too busy launching new parts this week and more automation. And silly busy at home. Pretty happy I have managed to get in some workouts this week. I have to say it is only Thursday and I am exhausted. I am hoping to put in a quick swim.

I have made my mind up to do a fathers day sprint triathlon somewhat localish to me. Leamington Tomatoman I have done it in the past so here is hoping for this year. Still need to drop about 21 lbs. But I have until June. So I should be able to pull that off. More so when warm weather hits and I get out on the bike.

Cool part is my step daughter was asking if she could do the kids of steel.
2015-01-22 1:48 PM
in reply to: Techdiver

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Techdiver Just a quick drive by and hello. Too busy launching new parts this week and more automation. And silly busy at home. Pretty happy I have managed to get in some workouts this week. I have to say it is only Thursday and I am exhausted. I am hoping to put in a quick swim. I have made my mind up to do a fathers day sprint triathlon somewhat localish to me. Leamington Tomatoman I have done it in the past so here is hoping for this year. Still need to drop about 21 lbs. But I have until June. So I should be able to pull that off. More so when warm weather hits and I get out on the bike. Cool part is my step daughter was asking if she could do the kids of steel.

That's great that your step daughter wants to participate.  I would strongly encourage it.  Nothing beats when you see the sense of accomplishment on their faces when they finish.  Down the road they make great training partners and turn a "me" thing into a "family" thing.

2015-01-22 2:05 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by laffinrock

Another tragic hit and run reported today in Velonews.  One cyclist killed, another seriously injured in hit and run in southern FL.  At least the guy turned himself in a short time later.

Tragic for all involved. Did you see the Velo article about the Boulder cyclist that was hit by a car and TICKETED!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

I had to read it twice as I just don't get it.  I am curious as to what the specific citation language is.  Have a hard understanding how in this circumstance "failing to move over" makes any sense.  He says he was not riding side by side or in the middle of the road so if he is riding on the right half of the lane it makes no sense.  He has no legal obligation to get off the road unless there is some odd law there (again curious of the exact statute).  If this situation is as it is presented I would certainly fight the ticket as a matter of principle.

I just looked up the law (sometimes being a paralegal has its non-work uses ).  The law says that if a cyclist is going slower than the normal speed of traffic and in a lane big enough to be shared with a car, s/he needs to be far enough over toward the edge of the lane to be passed by a car but not so far over that the cyclist has to ride in unsafe conditions (crumbling shoulder, gravel, etc.).  The cyclist isn't expected or required to ride without a reasonable safety margin on the edge of the lane.  So it really boils down to whether this guy gave the driver enough room to pass safely.  Without a reconstruction of the accident, there's no way to know where he was in the road and it becomes a case of differing perspectives.  I wonder if the cop would have cited him if he had been more injured.

2015-01-22 2:07 PM
in reply to: Techdiver

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Techdiver Just a quick drive by and hello. Too busy launching new parts this week and more automation. And silly busy at home. Pretty happy I have managed to get in some workouts this week. I have to say it is only Thursday and I am exhausted. I am hoping to put in a quick swim. I have made my mind up to do a fathers day sprint triathlon somewhat localish to me. Leamington Tomatoman I have done it in the past so here is hoping for this year. Still need to drop about 21 lbs. But I have until June. So I should be able to pull that off. More so when warm weather hits and I get out on the bike. Cool part is my step daughter was asking if she could do the kids of steel.

Super cool!!  Sounds like you and she have a pretty good relationship and you're setting a good example for her in terms of the fun of doing tris.

2015-01-22 2:11 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Interesting article about some research going on here at the university where I work.  One of our civil engineering professors is looking at why cyclists break traffic laws and whether it has to do with how our transportation systems are set up.  He's also interested in why cyclists are considered more criminal than people who speed in their cars.

2015-01-22 2:20 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Interesting article about some research going on here at the university where I work.  One of our civil engineering professors is looking at why cyclists break traffic laws and whether it has to do with how our transportation systems are set up.  He's also interested in why cyclists are considered more criminal than people who speed in their cars.

 I feel a lot of the why they break the law part is addressed is his quote, "If you're sitting at a red light and you're waiting at a queue with a bunch of cars and there's no cross traffic, it does feel safer to get ahead of those cars and establish myself in the lane as opposed to trying to compete with them," 

And then of course there are the types that just think they are above the law and critical mass groups that go out of their way to be cyclist-jerks.

I also think there is a huge us vs them piece and sadly I think the attitude of A LOT of cyclists don't really help the relationship. Not to mention car drivers who have not taken a moment to try and put themselves in the shoes of the cyclists. 

I don't know about the cycling communities in your cities but I think the general feeling about them around here is that cyclist are pretentious aholes. 

2015-01-22 2:35 PM
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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Interesting article about some research going on here at the university where I work.  One of our civil engineering professors is looking at why cyclists break traffic laws and whether it has to do with how our transportation systems are set up.  He's also interested in why cyclists are considered more criminal than people who speed in their cars.

 I feel a lot of the why they break the law part is addressed is his quote, "If you're sitting at a red light and you're waiting at a queue with a bunch of cars and there's no cross traffic, it does feel safer to get ahead of those cars and establish myself in the lane as opposed to trying to compete with them," 

And then of course there are the types that just think they are above the law and critical mass groups that go out of their way to be cyclist-jerks.

I also think there is a huge us vs them piece and sadly I think the attitude of A LOT of cyclists don't really help the relationship. Not to mention car drivers who have not taken a moment to try and put themselves in the shoes of the cyclists. 

I don't know about the cycling communities in your cities but I think the general feeling about them around here is that cyclist are pretentious aholes. 

Why thank you.

No that is not the case here in Raleigh.  Certainly there are some but I don't appreciate being thrown into that group. 

It's an engineering problem and an attitude problem CYCLISTS and PEDESTRIANS (including runners) ARE TRAFFIC.  Plain and simple.  If the light will not turn for me no matter how long I stand there with my bike, whose fault is that?  If I contact the local authorities and mention the problem (nicely), and I am told to "act like a pedestrian," is that an acceptable solution?  If the light won't turn for a car, would the problem be corrected? 

(edited to correct typos)

Edited by jmkizer 2015-01-22 2:36 PM
2015-01-22 2:36 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Interesting article about some research going on here at the university where I work.  One of our civil engineering professors is looking at why cyclists break traffic laws and whether it has to do with how our transportation systems are set up.  He's also interested in why cyclists are considered more criminal than people who speed in their cars.

 I feel a lot of the why they break the law part is addressed is his quote, "If you're sitting at a red light and you're waiting at a queue with a bunch of cars and there's no cross traffic, it does feel safer to get ahead of those cars and establish myself in the lane as opposed to trying to compete with them," 

And then of course there are the types that just think they are above the law and critical mass groups that go out of their way to be cyclist-jerks.

I also think there is a huge us vs them piece and sadly I think the attitude of A LOT of cyclists don't really help the relationship. Not to mention car drivers who have not taken a moment to try and put themselves in the shoes of the cyclists. 

I don't know about the cycling communities in your cities but I think the general feeling about them around here is that cyclist are pretentious aholes. 

Interesting article and interesting research. Of course the comments are always enlightening as well. I see both law-abiding and law-ignoring cyclists here. Unfortunately, though the city is trying to change, it is not bike friendly. I regularly hear on the road and in converstion that I don't belong on the road (of course I hear that in Colorado as well). We've had a couple of recent situations where cyclists were killed by motorists and the motorists weren't punished becuase they weren't negligent enough. Seems it almost has to be to the point of intentional.

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