BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered) Rss Feed  
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2014-06-24 9:28 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by StaceyK Knee update. It felt really good this morning no pain at all so I decided to do an easy 15 minutes on the bike with very little resistance. It still felt good after that so I decided to do my scheduled short 15 minute run. It felt ok during this a small amount of pain but nothing really. About an hour later it started to get sore, but not as bad as yesterday. I went back to the Dr and no fracture or chip or crack or anything so that is good. He has put me on anti inflammatories for 10 days and said to come back in 2 weeks and he will either sign off that it is all good, or look at doing more tests if it is still hurting. He didn't say anything about not running or riding so I'm all good to go. WOO HOO no DL list for me so we are still all clear, unless you count Yanti's suspected food poisoning.

Good to hear the doctor didn't find anything. Are you still doing ok awhile later? That delayed soreness happens to me quite often when coming back from an injury. One reason I keep doing a lot less than I think I could that day for a little while.

I took a tablet with lunch and by tea time the soreness is gone from my knee. I will keep taking them and see how I go. I will also keep seeing how I am each day before I run or ride and won't over do it because I want to tackle my first 10k run event at the end of August.

That's good the soreness has gone down. Still, do be careful of how much you push things for now. Could be a painkiller element in the meds or just the anti-inflammatory making things feel a bit better than they are. I've seen too many facepalm moments when people will take something and go push until it hurts just as much as they'd normally do, forgetting to compensate for their reduced sensation to pain and wondering why things swelled up or whatever even worse.

2014-06-24 9:47 AM
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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by StaceyK Knee update. It felt really good this morning no pain at all so I decided to do an easy 15 minutes on the bike with very little resistance. It still felt good after that so I decided to do my scheduled short 15 minute run. It felt ok during this a small amount of pain but nothing really. About an hour later it started to get sore, but not as bad as yesterday. I went back to the Dr and no fracture or chip or crack or anything so that is good. He has put me on anti inflammatories for 10 days and said to come back in 2 weeks and he will either sign off that it is all good, or look at doing more tests if it is still hurting. He didn't say anything about not running or riding so I'm all good to go. WOO HOO no DL list for me so we are still all clear, unless you count Yanti's suspected food poisoning.

Well that's good news!  Glad your pain level has drastically dropped.

Please keep me off the DL, too, as I'm really only not allowed to swim.   I'm among the WW, walking wounded.

Edited by melbo55 2014-06-24 9:47 AM
2014-06-24 9:49 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by StaceyK Knee update. It felt really good this morning no pain at all so I decided to do an easy 15 minutes on the bike with very little resistance. It still felt good after that so I decided to do my scheduled short 15 minute run. It felt ok during this a small amount of pain but nothing really. About an hour later it started to get sore, but not as bad as yesterday. I went back to the Dr and no fracture or chip or crack or anything so that is good. He has put me on anti inflammatories for 10 days and said to come back in 2 weeks and he will either sign off that it is all good, or look at doing more tests if it is still hurting. He didn't say anything about not running or riding so I'm all good to go. WOO HOO no DL list for me so we are still all clear, unless you count Yanti's suspected food poisoning.

Good to hear the doctor didn't find anything. Are you still doing ok awhile later? That delayed soreness happens to me quite often when coming back from an injury. One reason I keep doing a lot less than I think I could that day for a little while.

I took a tablet with lunch and by tea time the soreness is gone from my knee. I will keep taking them and see how I go. I will also keep seeing how I am each day before I run or ride and won't over do it because I want to tackle my first 10k run event at the end of August.

Yay for no DL for you!  So glad to hear there's no major damage and the anti-inflammatory helps.  One thing to keep in mind:  taking the anti-inflammatory regularly rather than just when it hurts will help reduce the inflammation more over time.  On the other hand, it turns off the pain signal that helps keep you from overdoing it so it's kind of a balancing act.  I've found that taking an anti-inflammatory regularly for at least several days, then trying to taper off works better than just taking it when it hurts.  Keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!

2014-06-24 12:41 PM
in reply to: tigrrruns

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by tigrrrunsLast week was one of the worst I've had in a long while between stuff going on in my family and work and travel. One workout. By Thursday I will have worked 120hrs in 2 weeks...I get grumpy when I don't workout. On the plus side, I biked again today. For an entire hour. Then I went for a 2km run. And I thought I was going to die. Seriously. Is there a trick to running AFTER getting on the bike? And regarding races: The race I'm doing has a try-a-tri and a Sprint triathlon. Given that I can already run 7km and swim 750m, I think I could do the Sprint, but what are you thoughts?? Is it realistic? It's a 750m swim, 33km and a 7km run. I have to pick one...

Wow, Emily, you've been working a LOT.  No wonder you've been grumpy!  Even with that, you managed to get on your bike today and got some good run time in as well.  Good job!  I've found that if I can coast a little on my bike before taking off to run, that helps get the legs a little more relaxed.  When you do your race, walking your bike into T2 and walking out before you start running can help you get your legs moving in the right direction. 

As for doing the sprint, here's the Manatee Mantra:  DOOOOO  EEEEET!!    Seriously, your tri is in at least 6 weeks, so you'll be fine doing the sprint.  I'm about at the same point with 8 weeks to go and DH tells me I could probably finish one now.  He's pretty realistic about these things, having done a few tris himself and with a background in coaching, so I (pretty much) believe him.  Based on your training log, you're right on track to be able to finish.  I say go for it!!


2014-06-24 2:29 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

I think this may be the most quiet day in the pod EVER!!!  My only contribution to this great discussion  is I'm heading out now for a massage.  Don't hate 

2014-06-24 2:38 PM
in reply to: 0

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by amd723

I think this may be the most quiet day in the pod EVER!!!  My only contribution to this great discussion  is I'm heading out now for a massage.  Don't hate 

Oh sure.  Rub it in.  (Hee hee.  Couldn't resist.)

Yeah, people must be working or sumthin'.  Weird.

Edited by laffinrock 2014-06-24 2:38 PM

2014-06-24 2:48 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Danged job.

2014-06-24 2:56 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by cdban66

Danged job.

Yeah, what he said.  Plus I finished up my Race Report from Sunday. I put a nice sunrise pic that I took on the way to my friend's house (note the ground fog) as the first one so the gory ones wouldn't show in the big box by default. You are welcome.

Edited by melbo55 2014-06-24 4:05 PM
2014-06-24 3:13 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by cdban66

Danged job.

Yeah, what he said.  Plus I finished up my Race Report from Sunday. I put a nice sunrise pic that I took on the way to my friend's house (note the ground fog) as the first one so the gory ones wouldn't show in the big box by default. You are welcome.

Yo, I caught a glimpse on the internets of some crazy open flesh and stitches that I believe belonged to you. Glad to see you are alive! Did you throw some dirt in it, slam a beer and get on with the day?

Might not have time for the RR at the moment but I'll try!

2014-06-24 3:29 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Oh and Monica & Matt, when you move to Austin from downtown run across the river and up the creek via the Ann & Roy Butler trail to the Barton Spring Pool. 


A small part of the creek was dammed up and turned into a natural swimming pool. It's awesome! Plus, I think it would be a great controlled environment to practice OWS. 


There are plenty of other amazing trails to run on and whatnot, I am sure you will figure it out.


Other tips:

1. ABGB for beer and music (and pizza)

2. Container bar (a rad little space)

3.  Rogue Running (super cool warehouse space they share with a gym) They have a lot of good running groups all the way up to elite. 

4. Make sure you have a couch I can crash on for SXSW and maybe the beer mile championship

2014-06-24 3:53 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by cdban66

Danged job.

Yeah, what he said.  Plus I finished up my Race Report from Sunday. I put a nice sunrise pic that I took on the way to my friend's house (note the ground fog) as the first one so the gory ones wouldn't show in the big box by default. You are welcome.

Don't have time to read your RR at the moment so I just skipped to the gore.  Wow, those are going to be some scars.  Talk about a race for the ages!  Will read all the deets later. 

Alrighty, folks, I'm off to a retirement party (sadly, not mine).  Will check in later after tonight's muggy (for here) bike ride.

2014-06-24 4:02 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by cdban66

Danged job.

Yeah, what he said.  Plus I finished up my Race Report from Sunday. I put a nice sunrise pic that I took on the way to my friend's house (note the ground fog) as the first one so the gory ones wouldn't show in the big box by default. You are welcome.

Yo, I caught a glimpse on the internets of some crazy open flesh and stitches that I believe belonged to you. Glad to see you are alive! Did you throw some dirt in it, slam a beer and get on with the day?

Might not have time for the RR at the moment but I'll try!

Ha, close!  Pear martini and cider therapy

2014-06-24 4:03 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Oh and Monica & Matt, when you move to Austin from downtown run across the river and up the creek via the Ann & Roy Butler trail to the Barton Spring Pool. 


A small part of the creek was dammed up and turned into a natural swimming pool. It's awesome! Plus, I think it would be a great controlled environment to practice OWS. 

There are plenty of other amazing trails to run on and whatnot, I am sure you will figure it out.

Other tips:

1. ABGB for beer and music (and pizza)

2. Container bar (a rad little space)

3.  Rogue Running (super cool warehouse space they share with a gym) They have a lot of good running groups all the way up to elite. 

4. Make sure you have a couch I can crash on for SXSW and maybe the beer mile championship

Wow, that place looks awesome!  Austin sounds like the place to be!

2014-06-24 7:18 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Oh and Monica & Matt, when you move to Austin from downtown run across the river and up the creek via the Ann & Roy Butler trail to the Barton Spring Pool. 


A small part of the creek was dammed up and turned into a natural swimming pool. It's awesome! Plus, I think it would be a great controlled environment to practice OWS. 

There are plenty of other amazing trails to run on and whatnot, I am sure you will figure it out.

Other tips:

1. ABGB for beer and music (and pizza)

2. Container bar (a rad little space)

3.  Rogue Running (super cool warehouse space they share with a gym) They have a lot of good running groups all the way up to elite. 

4. Make sure you have a couch I can crash on for SXSW and maybe the beer mile championship

Wow, that place looks awesome!  Austin sounds like the place to be!

I'm getting jealous. It looks like a great place to live.

Can anyone fill me in on what Brownsberg Indiana might be like?
The people Phil went to help out on his trip might be looking for someone to pit crew full time for them next year and they said that they would be willing to sponsor him to get a visa so he could do the job so we are contemplating the move. Still lots to work out as it would be a major move especially as we will not go if we can't take our dogs.
2014-06-24 7:23 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)


Gosh, so far behind!  Jonathan TX, awesome news about Houston, congrats.  Mary, you certainly have come a long way!  You are going to rock it.  Stacey, hope the knee is improving.  Yanti-ummmm, what can I say?  Not surprised?    Monica, Ann Marie, Jo, well done!  Melanie, I haven't looked at the pics yet, but it sounds pretty awful!  Hope you are healing up.  Jen, sounds like you had fun on your ride!  TJ, sorry about IT band.  Take care of it!

I bet I missed sumpin'....

2014-06-24 7:30 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Oh and Monica & Matt, when you move to Austin from downtown run across the river and up the creek via the Ann & Roy Butler trail to the Barton Spring Pool. 


A small part of the creek was dammed up and turned into a natural swimming pool. It's awesome! Plus, I think it would be a great controlled environment to practice OWS. 

There are plenty of other amazing trails to run on and whatnot, I am sure you will figure it out.

Other tips:

1. ABGB for beer and music (and pizza)

2. Container bar (a rad little space)

3.  Rogue Running (super cool warehouse space they share with a gym) They have a lot of good running groups all the way up to elite. 

4. Make sure you have a couch I can crash on for SXSW and maybe the beer mile championship

Wow, that place looks awesome!  Austin sounds like the place to be!

I'm getting jealous. It looks like a great place to live. Can anyone fill me in on what Brownsberg Indiana might be like? The people Phil went to help out on his trip might be looking for someone to pit crew full time for them next year and they said that they would be willing to sponsor him to get a visa so he could do the job so we are contemplating the move. Still lots to work out as it would be a major move especially as we will not go if we can't take our dogs.

Looks like it is a suburb of Indianapolis which is a large midwest city.  That pretty much sums up my knowledge of Indiana (other than South Bend is home to Notre Dame - Go Irish!!)

Here are a couple of articles/wikipedia stuff that may help.,_Indiana


Sounds like a nice place.  And, wow, what a big move!!

2014-06-24 7:34 PM
in reply to: bcraht

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

We rode the first part of the Bike route today, plus 10km of the run route.  Wind again, this time on the run.    Ah well, we will be ready for it on race day!

2014-06-24 9:21 PM
in reply to: bcraht

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

I was on my bike for almost 65 miles today.  Then I went to my Body Back class.  Ride did not go as well as Sunday.  Legs are really sore.  My tailbone hurts a lot when I ride and I don't know what causes it.

2014-06-24 9:32 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by Artemis

I was on my bike for almost 65 miles today.  Then I went to my Body Back class.  Ride did not go as well as Sunday.  Legs are really sore.  My tailbone hurts a lot when I ride and I don't know what causes it.

Wow, that's quite the day!!  Great work.  Sorry about your legs and tailbone though.  I can't help on the latter...

2014-06-24 9:35 PM
in reply to: 0

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

I saw the manatees at Disney World today!!

I do have pictures of them but there are so many in my file that I need to go through them.....


I also got a good shot of a gecko  

Edited by QueenZipp 2014-06-24 9:37 PM
2014-06-25 6:27 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

So much good stuff to see in the past couple of weeks in here. Good races, good training, good family time. I hope everyone continues with more of the same.

Jen - I'm not sure how/where you are making contact with your seat. It could be an issue with your seat, with your shorts, or your overall fit. How much riding have you been doing? I know if I haven't been on the bike in a while, it takes a bit for things to toughen up a bit. Has it been going on for a while?

2014-06-25 6:38 AM
in reply to: bcraht

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by bcraht

We rode the first part of the Bike route today, plus 10km of the run route.  Wind again, this time on the run.    Ah well, we will be ready for it on race day!

You are going to crush it race day!

2014-06-25 6:39 AM
in reply to: bcraht

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by bcraht

Originally posted by Artemis

I was on my bike for almost 65 miles today.  Then I went to my Body Back class.  Ride did not go as well as Sunday.  Legs are really sore.  My tailbone hurts a lot when I ride and I don't know what causes it.

Wow, that's quite the day!!  Great work.  Sorry about your legs and tailbone though.  I can't help on the latter...


2014-06-25 6:41 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by QueenZipp

I saw the manatees at Disney World today!!

I do have pictures of them but there are so many in my file that I need to go through them.....


I also got a good shot of a gecko  

You are super tough for tackling DW in our summer weather!  I think we are even hotter than our normal June, so you get bonus tough points!

2014-06-25 7:25 AM
in reply to: amd723

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by QueenZipp

I saw the manatees at Disney World today!!

I do have pictures of them but there are so many in my file that I need to go through them.....


I also got a good shot of a gecko  

You are super tough for tackling DW in our summer weather!  I think we are even hotter than our normal June, so you get bonus tough points!

It hasn't been too bad as they planned a lot of attractions indoors so it's just walking from point A to point B then getting water.  We did wilt for a bit yesterday, the frozen drinks outside of the test track ride fixed that.

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