BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2016-02-07 5:28 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by brigby1

Over visiting my parents as my brother was down with his kids. After dinner, Mom brings some ice cream up for us. I needed help scooping it out. 

As long as they still let you have some ice cream!

I know that after my shoulder surgery, I needed help opening any kind of jar at all.  Sucked.

2016-02-07 5:31 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Congratulations to both Markus and Adrienne!  Great running!

2016-02-07 5:56 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
I am off the DL! I had an amazing, pain free hour with the DM this afternoon. Pre game of course, go Broncos!
2016-02-07 10:02 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Over visiting my parents as my brother was down with his kids. After dinner, Mom brings some ice cream up for us. I needed help scooping it out. 

As long as they still let you have some ice cream!

I know that after my shoulder surgery, I needed help opening any kind of jar at all.  Sucked.

For how long? I'm almost 3 months post op. Interesting enough, I could get a number of jars rather quickly. Direction makes a substantial difference.

2016-02-07 10:38 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Hey!  Thanks for the greets. 

Glad to be back - really missed the group.

Brief bio (rules of the road, and it's a new season with new pod-mates and all):

NAME: My name is Inego Montoya...  Wait, no.  Just, "Matt."
STORY: Did tri's back in the early 90's.  Went on to just running (family, job, etc. limited time and, although it's my worst of the three disciplines here, running is my fave - still).  Came back to tri in 2012, I think (maybe 2013? Need to check) and got the bug again.  Did a bunch of races - I love racing! - up through late last spring.  Then needed to take some time away from, for me, crazy amounts of structured training to spend time with family and work on a few injuries that speedwork oddly didn't seem to be curing...
FAMILY STATUS: Uber-happily married to The Better Half (Kim), and we still are running together now that I'm back on the road (and yoga-ing with her, too - I love yoga... who knew?!?).  Three great kids (11, 13, 15) and two labs.
CURRENT TRAINING: Just really started back from the "fat/dumb/happy" road to hopefully being only two of those.  Happy to have run FOUR times in the SAME week last week.  Ugh - baby steps...  But really psyched to be able to add at least some runs and spins in between yoga and such. 
THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: We'll see.  Probably not going to go at it as competitively this season.  Might start with some chill road races.  Just don't know, but am going to approach it from an unstructured fun standpoint rather than a structured training block with target races standpoint this year.  Really don't know if I can race chill...
GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: To come back the year I age up and CRUSH SOULS!   Ahem... nope - just want to maximize endorphins and enjoy.  Never, ever, thought of myself as a masochist, but I miss "the good pain" of racing!
WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I love this pod of peeps.

Hope to be here with more frequency this year.  Looking forward to catching up!


So happy to have you here! Especially with your sense of humor and the love for yoga (I guess...? )
I'm sorry about your mom, I hope you all spent the most wonderful time together last year.

Have a great season with us, the crazy mad bunch
2016-02-07 10:39 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by rrrunner

I am off the DL! I had an amazing, pain free hour with the DM this afternoon. Pre game of course, go Broncos!

Yay!!! So happy for you!

2016-02-07 10:44 PM
in reply to: CRFTX2001

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by CRFTX2001

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

February 6-7
Adrienne - Hill Climb Time Trial on Friday
Adrienne - New Balance Winter Grand Prix Track Race on Saturday
Markus - Katy HM on Saturday
Chris - Sarasota Music Half on Sunday
Kirsten - Aldergrove Ramble on Sunday

Disabled List
Mary S - post-concussion syndrome
Ben - clavical.  out of sling prison < update?
Steve - Surgery 1/20 followed by 8 weeks of recovery before SBR can restart.  Recover week 2 is done!
Tom - foot issues
Robin NC - under the weather
Connor - under the weather
TJ - knee
Yanti - under the weather

Thinking of Jim and his elder parent issues.

Welcome back McMatt!

Good luck to all the racers this weekend and good health to all on the DL. As for me, I'm almost back up and running. I'll be going for a short swim today to see how I feel, and hopefully that's a thumbs up for a ride tomorrow.

Congrats to the racers! I hope you've had some awesome time today

I am waiting for the DLs to get out of this list... This is not cute :/ Feel better and recover fast!

Connor, hope you're back with running and swimming strongly
2016-02-08 2:36 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by rrrunner

I am off the DL! I had an amazing, pain free hour with the DM this afternoon. Pre game of course, go Broncos!

Great news and well done!
2016-02-08 8:20 AM
in reply to: tomsimper

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

2016-02-08 8:55 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Good morning Jen,
I am so sorry about all the difficulties you have had to deal with recently. It must be extremely hard to cope with miscarriage, and then adding your long-time cat friend being gone was not helpful...
We're here to support you! Please let me know if there's anything we could do for you. I cannot even imagine what you've been through, and I salute you for your attitude, staying positive and looking at things from different perspectives.
Good luck with the dentals!!
2016-02-08 8:58 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner I am off the DL! I had an amazing, pain free hour with the DM this afternoon.

Woo hoo!

2016-02-08 9:02 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, I am so sorry that 2016 has been off to a somewhat craptastic start for you :-(  You and your family have been in my thoughts. {{hugs}}

2016-02-08 9:05 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal


I'm very sorry that you are having such a rough time.  Hopefully, listing the positives and getting back to working out will help with the grieving process.  Will be thinking of you.

2016-02-08 9:05 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner I am off the DL! I had an amazing, pain free hour with the DM this afternoon. Pre game of course, go Broncos!


2016-02-08 9:29 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Quick drive by before we head out to the masseuse. Thanks for all the support. Race was a windfest, final 3ish miles into a wind that was gusting up to 30 mph. And standing 6'2", there was no one I could hide behind. So, no PR.  I kinda knew that going in, but was holding out hope. Not to be. I'll have a RR up in the next couple of days.

Jen, I truly hope that things get better as 2016 progresses. 

And on a personal note, I won't be around much for a week or so, I have some family things to attend to and will be on the road for most of the week.

2016-02-08 9:36 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

I'm very sorry to hear about all the challenges and sad things you have going on now, but it's good to see you are trying to find positive in them all.  ((hugs)) keep hanging out in Mad Manatee Land, we'll cheer you up!

2016-02-08 9:40 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner I am off the DL! I had an amazing, pain free hour with the DM this afternoon. Pre game of course, go Broncos!


2016-02-08 9:41 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

So, arnica cream users - do you have any brands to recommend?  I've been poking around Amazon (found the Luca's Papaw Cream, thanks, Adam for locating it and thanks, Stacey and Yanti for also recommending it) and figured it never hurts to stock up on stuff to help ouchies.

2016-02-08 9:44 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by melbo55

So, arnica cream users - do you have any brands to recommend?  I've been poking around Amazon (found the Luca's Papaw Cream, thanks, Adam for locating it and thanks, Stacey and Yanti for also recommending it) and figured it never hurts to stock up on stuff to help ouchies.

I use the gel.  I generally get Arnicare of 365, whichever is cheaper.

2016-02-08 9:50 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

So, arnica cream users - do you have any brands to recommend?  I've been poking around Amazon (found the Luca's Papaw Cream, thanks, Adam for locating it and thanks, Stacey and Yanti for also recommending it) and figured it never hurts to stock up on stuff to help ouchies.

I use the gel.  I generally get Arnicare of 365, whichever is cheaper.

This is what I got as well. I liked it. Not stinky, not greasy and apparently worked well. The visible bruise on my knee is gone and the one on my hip, for which I didn't use the gel, is still quite purple.

2016-02-08 9:52 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

I'm so sorry you are hurting. My thoughts and prayers are with you. As for the root canal, I had one a week or so ago. It wasn't that bad, I think their methods have improved.

2016-02-08 10:52 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, thinking of you and sending thoughts and hugs your way.
2016-02-08 10:57 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner I am off the DL! I had an amazing, pain free hour with the DM this afternoon. Pre game of course, go Broncos!

Congrats TJ. Both for the DL news and for the Broncos!

2016-02-08 11:02 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
2016-02-08 11:03 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

I am so sorry to hear that, Jen.


I do love that you took the time to list out the positives. Hang in there! 

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
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