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2014-04-30 3:12 PM
in reply to: GoFaster

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by GoFaster

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by rymac

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Knee update.  Won't go more than a couple miles without a flare-up (which I thought was behind me, based on the last couple weeks).  So, lots of 2 mile runs in my future until that's not my limit...

I think this might be a summer of swimming, biking and jogging just for fun, as cutting my run at this point puts me in the completer not competer category - for the first half of the season at a minimum.

Not sure what it will be like not having races to focus on, as I love racing more than training, but that'll be part of the adventure I guess.  



Are you still planning on doing the Grand Rapids HIM in early June?  I am probably going to pull the trigger on this for the Half.  I see the water temp is up to 55 degrees!

I really hope so, but it now looks questionable at best.  I was able to do 25' s-l-o-w on the 'mill today without much pain, so I'm just going to keep doing that until I can go longer.  

IF biking doesn't aggravate it (or my hamstring), then I might be able to salvage a decent race, although I will not be able to really go for it (too close to race day now to absorb a training setback like this and still be able to really race).

Frustrating, but at least I can go 25'!  Although I love racing, as long as I can keep moving, I'm good...

I hope to see you there!!


Matt - just hoping things continue to improve for you.  I would wonder if maybe avoiding any running that causes pain might be better than slow and without much pain.  If you can bike and swim then it may just be wiser to lay off the running for a little longer and see what happens.

I'd be in the same boat as you trying to run and not lose all that running fitness/speed, but it's easier to dispense advise than it is to listen to it sometimes. 

Thanks Neil - it's good to hear the above (always should question returning to activity and whether it's too soon - so you're keeping me honest!).  I've been wondering the same thing.  The odd thing is that after taking some time off and returning gradually, it seemed OK.  Then I took a bit more time off during travel and returned again and it hurt.  Not sure if that's normal for patellar-femoral-syndrome (I'm not an ortho).

In looking at the run Monday where it started hurting, all I could note is that I was going a bit faster and had some turns in the run.  So, I am trying an experiment with keeping the run slow and controlled on the 'mill.  The knee actually felt fine until mile 2.25 or so yesterday (run slowly for me) before a slight twinge - so I stopped.  Today it felt good through 25', also slowly with a very heavy focus on form, and I stopped before any discomfort.  I only felt some tenderness walking about afterward (going down stairs hurt for an hour or so but feels OK now).

I'm hoping that just going easy (no speed) and short, but frequently, will allow me to run some without further aggravation.  It's an experiment...

For sure, though, if I feel the twinges that I did Monday, I'm going to pack it in for a couple weeks (with your voice in my head!).    The running I'm doing at the moment is more about being able to run some than really trying to hold on to fitness.  I think that if I were approaching it from the standpoint of keeping speed for racing, I'd be too likely to push too hard.  I've largely let go of thoughts of the first half of the season (unless my knee just heals quickly), so hopefully that helps me making the right call wrt when to call it off completely, if needed...

I hope that the above doesn't come off as defensive!  I really appreciate what you're saying.  I'm going to try this approach and be disciplined in shutting it down completely if it doesn't work out…  And I know that you all will keep me honest (hopefully I will be honest with myself first!).



2014-04-30 4:07 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Matt -- first step is admitting there's a problem.  If you're anything like me, it's so, so easy to lie to yourself and try to convince yourself that it's nothing or it's not getting worse or whatever.

If you can keep with the SHORT, EASY, frequent runs without it bothering you, go for it.  But try to be honest with yourself....and stop if it hurts.  Take a bit of time off, try again....if it still hurts, see an ortho.  Maybe it's as simple as rehabbing via PT (note: I said simple, not necessarily quick). 

And if biking and swimming doesn't bother it, make them your focus.  FWIW, I took well over a year off of running due to a knee injury, which allowed me time to focus on the bike and swim.  It paid off with some pretty huge gains, so even though it sucked to not get to run (or really race.....because it does suck to come out of T2 in the top X% of your age group and watch tons of people run past you), I'm fairly confident in saying that if I'd not taken that time, I wouldn't have made the same gains on the bike and swim.


....and when you've done all that you can to fix your knee, if it's still not better but not getting worse, run through it (think that's my and Chris's plans for our nagging knee/foot pains).  But don't do this till you've exhausted your other options.

2014-04-30 5:22 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Matt, I think the short and easy (stupid easy) approach is a good one to try.  I suggest sticking with it longer than you think you need to though!  Once you feel like you are good, give it another week.... or two.

2014-04-30 5:26 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Ok, who has a magic blister fix for me?  Ever since the HM I ran in Feb I've had a recurring blister at the base of the big toe on my left foot that I can't seem to shake.  Several times it seems like it has been healed up but then it comes back seemingly for no reason, could be a short or long run, easy or hard.

I've tried taping over it with Rocktape and I think that helps so maybe I just need to be consistent with using it for a while to let it heal 100% but if anyone else has tips on fixing it, I'm all ears!

2014-04-30 6:07 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Ok, who has a magic blister fix for me?  Ever since the HM I ran in Feb I've had a recurring blister at the base of the big toe on my left foot that I can't seem to shake.  Several times it seems like it has been healed up but then it comes back seemingly for no reason, could be a short or long run, easy or hard.

I've tried taping over it with Rocktape and I think that helps so maybe I just need to be consistent with using it for a while to let it heal 100% but if anyone else has tips on fixing it, I'm all ears!

Hmmm, I usually just put some bodyglide right on the blister. Then once it's gone put the bodyglide on that same spot to prevent another one. I generally only get one when I race hard in flats. 

2014-05-01 7:05 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!
I'm hoping race day goes better than the last couple days. Really struggled to get the bike broken down and packed into the bag (will be using bike transport in the future...unfortunate as I bought that bag in hopes of doing a bike tour through France or Italy next year, but I'm pretty concerned that it's not even going to make it to SG in one piece / fully functional). And then this morning, I found out that TSA will not allow you to bring peanut butter in a carry on...and they won't let you just toss it on the security side, so I had to go back out, throw it away, and go through security all over again. Things that might not be as big a deal normally put me on the verge of freaking out right now!! So I'm hoping I've got all the crap out of the way and things will be smooth come Saturday.

2014-05-01 7:54 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by ligersandtions I'm hoping race day goes better than the last couple days. Really struggled to get the bike broken down and packed into the bag (will be using bike transport in the future...unfortunate as I bought that bag in hopes of doing a bike tour through France or Italy next year, but I'm pretty concerned that it's not even going to make it to SG in one piece / fully functional). And then this morning, I found out that TSA will not allow you to bring peanut butter in a carry on...and they won't let you just toss it on the security side, so I had to go back out, throw it away, and go through security all over again. Things that might not be as big a deal normally put me on the verge of freaking out right now!! So I'm hoping I've got all the crap out of the way and things will be smooth come Saturday.

Based on past personal stress before a big race, you're going to need to find something that helps calm you down a touch and gets that stress out of your system.  When you arrive at the race site in SG, perhaps it would be best to pay the money and get the onsite bike support to put your bike back together.  It might help allevaite some of the worry..

As for a bike tour in the future - you'll have lots of time to practice taking the bike apart and putting it back together again, including after this race.  But for this one, maybe let the paid experts manage it.

2014-05-01 12:55 PM
in reply to: GoFaster

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Ok - going to stop lurking and ask a question.

If I don't get into the follow-on Army school I want, I'm going to train for the Philly Marathon. I decided that if I ever did another marathon (after my first one) that I'd be more focused and do it right. This one is 1.5 weeks after my current school ends, and my sisters will run it too!

I'm looking at Pfitzinger 18/55 and 24/55. 

18 week: shorter focused time, but may keep me more sane

24 week: longer focused time, but that's a heck of a long time to follow a program

I'm also open to other options (coaching, other plans). My first marathon was a 10 week build after my first half iron. So, basically anything will be better than that I like a little variety, so the Higdon plans make me want to stab myself in the eye just reading them. 

2014-05-01 1:03 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Ok - going to stop lurking and ask a question.

If I don't get into the follow-on Army school I want, I'm going to train for the Philly Marathon. I decided that if I ever did another marathon (after my first one) that I'd be more focused and do it right. This one is 1.5 weeks after my current school ends, and my sisters will run it too!

I'm looking at Pfitzinger 18/55 and 24/55. 

18 week: shorter focused time, but may keep me more sane

24 week: longer focused time, but that's a heck of a long time to follow a program

I'm also open to other options (coaching, other plans). My first marathon was a 10 week build after my first half iron. So, basically anything will be better than that I like a little variety, so the Higdon plans make me want to stab myself in the eye just reading them. 

First of all, Pfitzinger is a tough plan but it's excellent. I am pretty sure you are familiar with a variety of quality workouts like vo2 max, threshold etc. correct? I think it's important to have some experience doing those kinds of workouts before taking on a plan like pfitz.

Second, this might be personal but I am in favor of a shorter focus period. I prefer to spend the time before that just getting a solid base.

I'm not a huge fan of Higdon, other than first time runners and even then, I don't like the proportions he seems to have for weekly miles and the long runs. Again, that's my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.


As for the specific plan , I can't remember, does that 55 mean 55 is the peak mileage? What kind of volume have you logged before?

2014-05-01 1:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Ok - going to stop lurking and ask a question.

If I don't get into the follow-on Army school I want, I'm going to train for the Philly Marathon. I decided that if I ever did another marathon (after my first one) that I'd be more focused and do it right. This one is 1.5 weeks after my current school ends, and my sisters will run it too!

I'm looking at Pfitzinger 18/55 and 24/55. 

18 week: shorter focused time, but may keep me more sane

24 week: longer focused time, but that's a heck of a long time to follow a program

I'm also open to other options (coaching, other plans). My first marathon was a 10 week build after my first half iron. So, basically anything will be better than that I like a little variety, so the Higdon plans make me want to stab myself in the eye just reading them. 

First of all, Pfitzinger is a tough plan but it's excellent. I am pretty sure you are familiar with a variety of quality workouts like vo2 max, threshold etc. correct? I think it's important to have some experience doing those kinds of workouts before taking on a plan like pfitz.

Second, this might be personal but I am in favor of a shorter focus period. I prefer to spend the time before that just getting a solid base.

I'm not a huge fan of Higdon, other than first time runners and even then, I don't like the proportions he seems to have for weekly miles and the long runs. Again, that's my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.


As for the specific plan , I can't remember, does that 55 mean 55 is the peak mileage? What kind of volume have you logged before?

55 is peak

Never ran a 55 mile week. Maxed out at 40 for my last marathon, but that was Jan 2012. Plan averaged 35mpw, I think. Was just going to complete. Not that my goals for this will be much different, but there's more potential.

The shorter focus would let me get nice and comfy in the 30-35mpw range before starting, which is probably the smarter route...

ETA: tougher plan would make me happier. I felt like I just slogged some training miles and ran a marathon last time. I'd like to show up feeling more prepared.

Edited by ratherbeswimming 2014-05-01 1:16 PM
2014-05-01 1:26 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Ok - going to stop lurking and ask a question.

If I don't get into the follow-on Army school I want, I'm going to train for the Philly Marathon. I decided that if I ever did another marathon (after my first one) that I'd be more focused and do it right. This one is 1.5 weeks after my current school ends, and my sisters will run it too!

I'm looking at Pfitzinger 18/55 and 24/55. 

18 week: shorter focused time, but may keep me more sane

24 week: longer focused time, but that's a heck of a long time to follow a program

I'm also open to other options (coaching, other plans). My first marathon was a 10 week build after my first half iron. So, basically anything will be better than that I like a little variety, so the Higdon plans make me want to stab myself in the eye just reading them. 

First of all, Pfitzinger is a tough plan but it's excellent. I am pretty sure you are familiar with a variety of quality workouts like vo2 max, threshold etc. correct? I think it's important to have some experience doing those kinds of workouts before taking on a plan like pfitz.

Second, this might be personal but I am in favor of a shorter focus period. I prefer to spend the time before that just getting a solid base.

I'm not a huge fan of Higdon, other than first time runners and even then, I don't like the proportions he seems to have for weekly miles and the long runs. Again, that's my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.


As for the specific plan , I can't remember, does that 55 mean 55 is the peak mileage? What kind of volume have you logged before?

55 is peak

Never ran a 55 mile week. Maxed out at 40 for my last marathon, but that was Jan 2012. Plan averaged 35mpw, I think. Was just going to complete. Not that my goals for this will be much different, but there's more potential.

The shorter focus would let me get nice and comfy in the 30-35mpw range before starting, which is probably the smarter route...

ETA: tougher plan would make me happier. I felt like I just slogged some training miles and ran a marathon last time. I'd like to show up feeling more prepared.

A tougher plan will make you a better,  well-prepared runner, too.

 I think in his plans suggest having run  a certain volume for a period of time, so I would suggest finding out what those two variables are and be sure you get there during your base building. 

2014-05-02 4:19 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

So I've got a big road bike project this weekend.

New cables/housings
New hood covers
New handlebar tape
New chain
New wifli rear derailleur
New headset bearings

Maybe I should have just bought a new bike...LOL.

2014-05-02 4:38 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Jason N

So I've got a big road bike project this weekend.

New cables/housings
New hood covers
New handlebar tape
New chain
New wifli rear derailleur
New headset bearings

Maybe I should have just bought a new bike...LOL.

Oooh super cool! I took a  bike maintenance class and  could actually do all of that stuff minus the derailer! 

How regularly do you try and do that stuff? Just as you start to notice wear? 


2014-05-02 5:54 PM
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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

I normally replace my chain, cables, and housings every year (about 5000-7000 miles) regardless of any noticeable (or unnoticeable) wear.  I also change the bar tape anytime I change the cables.  I probably should replace my chain twice a year given how much I ride though.

I'm changing the hood covers because the right side has two tears in it.

Changing the rear derailleur because I want the ability to run a 12-32 cassette for steep climbing days.

My headset bearings are shot.  I believe this is the first time I'm changing them.

I already changed my bottom bracket bearings earlier this year.  I usually do that once a year as well.

Edited by Jason N 2014-05-02 5:55 PM
2014-05-02 7:46 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by axteraa

Ok, who has a magic blister fix for me?  Ever since the HM I ran in Feb I've had a recurring blister at the base of the big toe on my left foot that I can't seem to shake.  Several times it seems like it has been healed up but then it comes back seemingly for no reason, could be a short or long run, easy or hard.

I've tried taping over it with Rocktape and I think that helps so maybe I just need to be consistent with using it for a while to let it heal 100% but if anyone else has tips on fixing it, I'm all ears!

Hmmm, I usually just put some bodyglide right on the blister. Then once it's gone put the bodyglide on that same spot to prevent another one. I generally only get one when I race hard in flats. 

Most of the time I'd run less and probably a bit easier. I think, don't really get them much and it's been awhile. Are you sure it's getting healed up? Lacing your shoes the same? Also wondering if something is wearing out. Socks and/or shoes. Bodyglide or tape can be a temp fix, but I've really tried to fix things so none of that is needed.

2014-05-03 7:25 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!
Hopefully things calmed down for you a bit.... Good luck today!! Race hard and more importantly smart.

all, do we have a number for her to track?

Edited by ChrisM 2014-05-03 7:27 AM

2014-05-03 11:24 AM
in reply to: ChrisM

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by ChrisM Hopefully things calmed down for you a bit.... Good luck today!! Race hard and more importantly smart.

all, do we have a number for her to track?

Looks like she's bib 920 , out of the water in 32min and change (wish I could swim like that).  Go Nicole!

2014-05-03 12:42 PM
in reply to: GoFaster

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!
Thanks Neil. I'll be watching when I can think straight

hardest, most intense training ride I've ever done. 3:03 with 303 NP. Was 307 at 1 hour, 312 at 2, then dropped. Three big climbs over 50 miles. Never averaged > 300 NP for a ride. At some point during the ride it became an obsession. Running off the bike wasn't even a possibility

2014-05-03 1:38 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by ChrisM

Thanks Neil. I'll be watching when I can think straight

hardest, most intense training ride I've ever done. 3:03 with 303 NP. Was 307 at 1 hour, 312 at 2, then dropped. Three big climbs over 50 miles. Never averaged > 300 NP for a ride. At some point during the ride it became an obsession. Running off the bike wasn't even a possibility

nice ride Chris!

2014-05-03 1:53 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

32 swim, sub 3 bike, on her way to a 5:40ish finish.   Solid!

2014-05-03 2:57 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by ChrisM

32 swim, sub 3 bike, on her way to a 5:40ish finish.   Solid!

Make that 5:35!  Great result Nicole, congrats!  Looks like a possible negative split on the run too??

2014-05-03 3:12 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by ChrisM Thanks Neil. I'll be watching when I can think straight

hardest, most intense training ride I've ever done. 3:03 with 303 NP. Was 307 at 1 hour, 312 at 2, then dropped. Three big climbs over 50 miles. Never averaged > 300 NP for a ride. At some point during the ride it became an obsession. Running off the bike wasn't even a possibility

Yowsers, that's some serious power!  Nice ride!

I got out for my first ride of the year today with Tab.  Just an easy 37km cruise but it sure was nice to get off the trainer.

2014-05-03 3:30 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by ChrisM

32 swim, sub 3 bike, on her way to a 5:40ish finish.   Solid!

Make that 5:35!  Great result Nicole, congrats!  Looks like a possible negative split on the run too??

That's a fantastic finish Nicole - way to go!!

2014-05-03 3:31 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by ChrisM Thanks Neil. I'll be watching when I can think straight

hardest, most intense training ride I've ever done. 3:03 with 303 NP. Was 307 at 1 hour, 312 at 2, then dropped. Three big climbs over 50 miles. Never averaged > 300 NP for a ride. At some point during the ride it became an obsession. Running off the bike wasn't even a possibility

Can't comprehend when you guys put up numbers like that.  Well done Chris.

2014-05-03 4:22 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by ChrisM

32 swim, sub 3 bike, on her way to a 5:40ish finish.   Solid!

Make that 5:35!  Great result Nicole, congrats!  Looks like a possible negative split on the run too??

Legit time on a legit course.   Way to go Nicole!!!!

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2014-05-14 7:37 AM Dominion
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