BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois Rss Feed  
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2016-11-18 1:25 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Stupid question of the day.

Could you please confirm that this means that the crank length is 170?

And that the image below indicates a crank length of 172.5?

2016-11-18 1:39 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by Atlantia Healing thoughts and prayers needed: My best friend's youngest is having surgery on Monday. They found a brain tumor this morning. It is quite invasive. She isn't even two yet. Please send all your healing thoughts and prayers to Lucy.

I'm sorry, that is rotten. Hope all turns out well.

2016-11-18 2:15 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by jmkizer

Stupid question of the day.

Could you please confirm that this means that the crank length is 170?

And that the image below indicates a crank length of 172.5?

I believe so for both. That's normally where I've seen it.

2016-11-18 2:57 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by Atlantia Healing thoughts and prayers needed: My best friend's youngest is having surgery on Monday. They found a brain tumor this morning. It is quite invasive. She isn't even two yet. Please send all your healing thoughts and prayers to Lucy.

Oh Laura, I am so sorry. I am at a loss, I can't even imagine how your friend is doing.

2016-11-18 2:59 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by jmkizer

Stupid question of the day.

Could you please confirm that this means that the crank length is 170?

And that the image below indicates a crank length of 172.5?

I'll take a look when I get home, but I believe that is it.

2016-11-18 3:56 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by Atlantia I'm dealing with this now...I have my eye on the Coeur sports one piece that came out...snappy looking, I already know and love the shorts, and I really love the idea of sun protection for my shoulders and arms. Anybody know if sleeves are an issue for USAT non-wetsuit races? I've read through the rules, but most seem to apply to the wetsuits themselves, not the trisuit. Also...and I know this is ridiculous, so someone please smack me...I feel like I'm not speedy enough for the sleeved suit. Most are marketed as being aerodynamic, and I'm too slow on the bike for that kind of thing to be of interest to me right now. I just want it for the sun protection!

I don't know what the current rule is, but want to point out looking at both USAT and WTC as they  have not been the same on this in the past. Crowie got a DQ in a WTC race by missing that bit.

I have a feeling that the sleeves could grow in popularity at least as much for sun protection as for aero. Given the complications seen in fitting tri suits above, adding form fitting shoulders to the mix is not going to make fitting easier. Think many won't realize how form fitting things need to be for it to actually work, but the sun protection will be very real. Just say it's for that if anyone asks. Think anyone will understand not wanting to get burned.

2016-11-18 5:37 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Originally posted by Atlantia

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by TXTriRook
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Poll time.

Do you prefer one-piece or two-piece tri suits?

Only ever tried 2 piece.

Just bought my 1st one piece. Haven't raced in it yet but with all the end of season sales going on I couldn't resist. Have had no issues with 2 piece but figure I give one piece a shot. It also has sleeves which I'm psyched about. Despite loading on the sunscreen I've still had too many burns racing in TX in the summer.

This is what I'm thinking about.  Just saw a Pearl Izumi suit with sleeves that's a one-piece.  Have only raced a two-piece up to this point.  Two makes going to the bathroom easier, but up to this point in my short-course career I haven't had to do that.  Anyhow, I definitely do like the idea of sleeves.

Think sleeves would be another question altogether. I'm iffy on getting a good enough fit for myself. Still not sure I'd like it even then. I can see how the sunburn protection is appealing though.

Never had to stop during a race. Most long rides haven't needed a stop either. Actual need for that has probably been rather rare.

I'm dealing with this now...I have my eye on the Coeur sports one piece that came out...snappy looking, I already know and love the shorts, and I really love the idea of sun protection for my shoulders and arms.
Anybody know if sleeves are an issue for USAT non-wetsuit races? I've read through the rules, but most seem to apply to the wetsuits themselves, not the trisuit.
Also...and I know this is ridiculous, so someone please smack me...I feel like I'm not speedy enough for the sleeved suit. Most are marketed as being aerodynamic, and I'm too slow on the bike for that kind of thing to be of interest to me right now. I just want it for the sun protection!

As far as I know, the sleeved suits are fine for non-wetsuit events IF the suit does not extend past the elbow or knee. At any rate that is the rule for IM events and I think USAT followed suit. But you do need to be sure that the arms fit well enough (no flapping or rubbing) to be comfortable on the swim in a non-wetsuit race. I know at 70.3 Worlds there were quite a few people (not just pros; age-groupers as well) in the sleeved suits. I don't think you have to be "speedy" to wear a sleeved suit. If anything, I'd think a slower racer would have more need of it, due to more hours out there in the sun! Believe me, I am not Wonder Girl on a bike, and all the aero in the world isn't going to change that. But I don't want to get burned, or get skin cancer like my dad. I do feel a bit that way about aero helmets, though. Even on my tri bike, I ride as "fast" as some people on old road bikes, and I'd feel like a total poser wearing an aero helmet. I would probably fall off the bike laughing at myself. But they are also quite a bit hotter than normal helmets (not even all the pros wear them at Kona), so it's not really an issue here--you see a lot fewer riders with aero helmets in SE Asia races.
2016-11-18 8:10 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
RE the cranks--yes, that is where the size is on my original cranks. I had a big kerfuffle with that last year when I ordered a crank-based power meter (the one you order replaces your crank so has to match the size). Lots of sending pictures to my coach. But that is where I found the crank size.

As for the sleeved suits, definitely should be legal for WTC if they were worn at 70.3 Worlds and Kona. Not sure about USAT, though.
2016-11-18 8:10 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
A quasi-triathlon entertainment post. I just watched the NETFLIX movie "Run To Me." About a lady trying to qualify for Kona and then hires a psychotic coach. Your don't need to know anymore. Probably one of the movies I have ever seen,
2016-11-18 9:59 PM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
That sounds like a great pretext for a movie. Maybe it is Sophie's coach?! (Trying to persuade her to join me for the Chongqing race next fall.) We have been having a good snicker over this Youtube video called, "What Would You Sacrifice for Kona?"

First off, it appears that I need steroids if you need to look like that to KQ. Then, if this buff lady is going to sacrifice both her career AND her family AND her relationships, exactly who is going to support her? Maybe she's independently wealthy? And why does one have to give up shopping to KQ? (Especially when the video is trying to make you shop for a sleeved tri-suit?) And wine--even Rinny enjoys a glass once in a while.... Plus she is running way too fast to sustain for an IM, even by Rinny standards, and why does she appear to be training in rural Laos? Plus, you can just BUY the darn jersey and shorts, can't you?! (The video is a Betty Designs promotion.) Cute suit, but white and light blue? She apparently has sacrificed normal female bodily functions as well.

Maybe I can put on my "ultimate tool" Worlds tri shorts and top (the latter is waiting for me in the US--of course the IM store was out of women's size small in about 5 minutes at the actual race venue) and we can shoot our own spoof video with me running top speed with the motorbikes and pollution in Saigon, and her doing death-defying rides on National Highway 1.

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-11-18 10:01 PM
2016-11-19 3:37 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by JBacarella A quasi-triathlon entertainment post. I just watched the NETFLIX movie "Run To Me." About a lady trying to qualify for Kona and then hires a psychotic coach. Your don't need to know anymore. Probably one of the movies I have ever seen,


Swim was cancelled this morning as were Saturday flights (there are only flights on Saturdays and Tuesdays, but several each day--passenger, cargo, RAF, one more). They've also had 3 med-evacs this week which is apparently a record. Several flights have also diverted here from Christmas Island which is ... I think like 700mi away.

We swam anyway, just not 8K and nearly 3 hr bike riding. On steel-cruiser fixies, great Ironman training.

Funnily enough, I am a certified psychotic as well.

2016-11-19 4:18 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Hope you enjoy your new life on Thanksgiving Island or wherever you are! Maybe you can get citizenship? Maybe you ARE the coach in the movie and it is one of your athletes??? Though personally, I still think anyone who does a full IM is psychotic. (Yes, I realize and acknowledge that someday in the next few years, that category may quite possibly include myself.)

If you get bored, I can see a great chance to do a spoof video right there on that island.
2016-11-19 9:04 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by Hot Runner That sounds like a great pretext for a movie. Maybe it is Sophie's coach?! (Trying to persuade her to join me for the Chongqing race next fall.) We have been having a good snicker over this Youtube video called, "What Would You Sacrifice for Kona?" off, it appears that I need steroids if you need to look like that to KQ. Then, if this buff lady is going to sacrifice both her career AND her family AND her relationships, exactly who is going to support her? Maybe she's independently wealthy? And why does one have to give up shopping to KQ? (Especially when the video is trying to make you shop for a sleeved tri-suit?) And wine--even Rinny enjoys a glass once in a while.... Plus she is running way too fast to sustain for an IM, even by Rinny standards, and why does she appear to be training in rural Laos? Plus, you can just BUY the darn jersey and shorts, can't you?! (The video is a Betty Designs promotion.) Cute suit, but white and light blue? She apparently has sacrificed normal female bodily functions as well. Maybe I can put on my "ultimate tool" Worlds tri shorts and top (the latter is waiting for me in the US--of course the IM store was out of women's size small in about 5 minutes at the actual race venue) and we can shoot our own spoof video with me running top speed with the motorbikes and pollution in Saigon, and her doing death-defying rides on National Highway 1.

I dunno. Unless she's at least 6 ft, I'd end up flattening her without feeling a thing.

2016-11-19 2:46 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by JBacarella A quasi-triathlon entertainment post. I just watched the NETFLIX movie "Run To Me." About a lady trying to qualify for Kona and then hires a psychotic coach. Your don't need to know anymore. Probably one of the movies I have ever seen,

This sounds like a good rainy day/snow day movie :-)

2016-11-19 3:49 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

November 19-20
TJ - Dead Horse Ultra on Saturday
Anne - El Tour De Tucson on Saturday
Yanti - Cocos Islands 8k Ocean Swim on Saturday
Mary S. - Pumpkin Pie 5k on Saturday
Stacey - Triathlon Pink on Sunday
Salty - USATF Regionals on Sunday
Anne-Marie - Clermont Clay Road 15k on Sunday

Good thoughts for Robin NC, who continues to deal with the fires near her home.

Is anyone else racing?

I hope all the racing Manatees have fun! Don't forget the sunscreen
2016-11-19 9:55 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Well, the lady looks buff compared to me. Probably most people do. No one ever guesses I am an athlete, unless they know me personally or I am in my gear. Reminds me of a story my coach had in her blog. Let's just say she's quite petite. She was 30-something, on her way to a top-10 AG finish at Kona, and passed some dude on the run, who then commented, "I didn't think they let kids do Ironman."

2016-11-20 4:29 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Oh happy day! Smoothie Factory just re-opened in our neighborhood, this time in the mall just across the river, maybe 10 minutes walk away! There was one in the neighborhood four years ago when I was training for my first HIM, but for some reason it closed after several months. It was really a godsend--after long workouts in high heat/humidity, it can be very difficult for me to get down anything, much less the recommended amount of protein and carbs, within the recommended 30-60 minute "recovery window". Pretty much the only thing that goes down during that time is a frozen drink, and if I make it myself, it might well be 30 minutes before I even get off the floor to start on it. They have special "recovery smoothies" including the caloric bomb peanut butter banana, and will add vegan protein powder to anything. Might have to start ending my bricks there once they start getting long again!

Just hope it sticks around. Food products/stores in particular tend to come and go. Unlike the decade I spent in China, the selection hasn't consistently grown in quality/quantity over time. Still without affordable granola bars (the rice-based FitBar goes down all right before running, but I don't like it--too sweet, and too heavy on the dried fruit to be a safe pre-race choice) or whole wheat bread. I think I will try to bring back a bread machine that runs on 220 current next time I go to Singapore in February.

2016-11-20 4:59 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by Hot Runner Well, the lady looks buff compared to me. Probably most people do. No one ever guesses I am an athlete, unless they know me personally or I am in my gear. Reminds me of a story my coach had in her blog. Let's just say she's quite petite. She was 30-something, on her way to a top-10 AG finish at Kona, and passed some dude on the run, who then commented, "I didn't think they let kids do Ironman."

Those types of comments would certainly be annoying! I am underestimated all the time too, just plenty tall to avoid those types of comments. Do get a number of thoughts on being too skinny. Just don't have as much of what people normally look for. I haven't actually said it, but it is tempting when one of the truly skinny guys is around to ask if one realizes I'm 40-50 lbs heavier than that person is.

2016-11-20 5:47 PM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Yep, spending summers in Eugene, I have spent plenty of time looking at elite distance runners from a fairly close range (as they sprint past me) and, especially compared to most of the Africans, I am not only buff, but almost downright chunky! I'd venture that on average, elite triathletes are somewhat taller, heavier, and more "built" than elite distance runners, but you get a bigger range of sizes/builds with the triathletes. There is about a foot of height between Heather Wurtele and Rinny, and probably close to that between Jan Frodeno and Tim Reed. The avatar is me standing next to Macca. I'm 5'7" and change (maybe 6 inches taller than my coach!) and in the photo, about 120 pounds (it varies with training load, time of year/month, etc.). Macca does not appear to be a whole lot bigger, especially considering he's a guy. He'd just hugged all the AG winners--can testify from that experience that he's pretty lean.

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-11-20 5:58 PM
2016-11-20 11:17 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Anyone wanting a Christmas card from Christmas Island/Cocos Islands send me a PM with your address

They only had 20 cards in the shop (as I said, reeeaaaally remote!) so first 20 responders get 'em

2016-11-20 11:47 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Got in ~2,000 at masters tonight without any difficulty. Notably slower than I used to be, but still ok considering it's been over 2 years since any type of swimming and going through a major injury. Just short things, but seeing 1:35/100 or faster already. Had some IM work in there and got through it fine. Even butterfly was still fine, at least for one length. Not quite sure the amount of rest I was getting, but don't think the lead guy was used to keeping track of time so much. Things still feel a bit weird, but glad to keep up in a more measured lane instead of having to go to the beginner one.

Something else great is how many people I knew before wanted to catch up. This group really watches for each other.

2016-11-20 11:53 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
I hope that everyone had a great weekend and Laura I really hope that your friends get some good news after their daughters surgery.

I used my Garmin 735 for the first time in a tri on the weekend and I loved it. It was super easy to go from one sport to transition to the next leg and what was even better was that my preset run/walk intervals picked up right from the start of the run leg.

The only thing that it struggled with was the swim distance but in its defense I would say that the swim is an extended M up and down and across a 50m 8 lane pool and every year it turns into an over crowded fest due to people not being able to self seed anywhere near correctly (seriously if you are going to get in and start breaststroking or backstroking straight away don't start at the front of the line).

Once I got out of the pool I had a pretty good race (for me) and I managed to catch myself taking my foot off the pedal a couple of times and corrected the effort level which is a massive step for me because normally I go into cruise mode to the end of the race. I missed my goal time by 30 seconds which was a bummer. I should have started right at the very front of the swim line and I should have paid better attention to where I set up transition and I shouldn't have stopped on the run to see if the puking lady needed any help and I shouldn't have walked with the lady that was crying because it was too hard - then I would have come in well under my goal time.
2016-11-20 11:56 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Originally posted by brigby1

Got in ~2,000 at masters tonight without any difficulty. Notably slower than I used to be, but still ok considering it's been over 2 years since any type of swimming and going through a major injury. Just short things, but seeing 1:35/100 or faster already. Had some IM work in there and got through it fine. Even butterfly was still fine, at least for one length. Not quite sure the amount of rest I was getting, but don't think the lead guy was used to keeping track of time so much. Things still feel a bit weird, but glad to keep up in a more measured lane instead of having to go to the beginner one.

Something else great is how many people I knew before wanted to catch up. This group really watches for each other.

I'm glad it went so well for you but I must say that you suck being able to swim at that fast after not swimming for 2 years. I have never got even close to that speed.
2016-11-21 12:01 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by StaceyK I hope that everyone had a great weekend and Laura I really hope that your friends get some good news after their daughters surgery. I used my Garmin 735 for the first time in a tri on the weekend and I loved it. It was super easy to go from one sport to transition to the next leg and what was even better was that my preset run/walk intervals picked up right from the start of the run leg. The only thing that it struggled with was the swim distance but in its defense I would say that the swim is an extended M up and down and across a 50m 8 lane pool and every year it turns into an over crowded fest due to people not being able to self seed anywhere near correctly (seriously if you are going to get in and start breaststroking or backstroking straight away don't start at the front of the line). Once I got out of the pool I had a pretty good race (for me) and I managed to catch myself taking my foot off the pedal a couple of times and corrected the effort level which is a massive step for me because normally I go into cruise mode to the end of the race. I missed my goal time by 30 seconds which was a bummer. I should have started right at the very front of the swim line and I should have paid better attention to where I set up transition and I shouldn't have stopped on the run to see if the puking lady needed any help and I shouldn't have walked with the lady that was crying because it was too hard - then I would have come in well under my goal time.

Stopping to see if the puking lady needs any help and walking with the lady that was crying cause it was too hard is worth way more than 30 seconds in my book.  Sounds like a great race, congratulations!

2016-11-21 12:02 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by brigby1

Got in ~2,000 at masters tonight without any difficulty. Notably slower than I used to be, but still ok considering it's been over 2 years since any type of swimming and going through a major injury. Just short things, but seeing 1:35/100 or faster already. Had some IM work in there and got through it fine. Even butterfly was still fine, at least for one length. Not quite sure the amount of rest I was getting, but don't think the lead guy was used to keeping track of time so much. Things still feel a bit weird, but glad to keep up in a more measured lane instead of having to go to the beginner one.

Something else great is how many people I knew before wanted to catch up. This group really watches for each other.

I'm glad it went so well for you but I must say that you suck being able to swim at that fast after not swimming for 2 years. I have never got even close to that speed.

x2.  How fast are you when you have been swimming lots?  Glad it went well; nice to have a good group of peeps too.

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.