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2013-04-03 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4684496

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

4agoodlife - 2013-04-03 1:12 AM Oh, wow...almost to 100 again? And I haven't even seen a few people in here for 2-3 weeks.


2013-04-03 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4684512

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

jbwills - 2013-04-03 2:45 AM Hey all, sorry I have not been around a lot. Things have been crazy here. I finish my first Masters class on Friday and should have an A, I am in my 3rd week of my second class, not doing super stellar with the research for the paper. Work has been 50-ish hours so not a lot of training but at least I have gotten some Army PT in during the past couple weeks.


Pikatti the pup is doing good. He is getting big, turned 11 wks this past Monday. He is almost house broke, but occasionally I do not hear him whimper to go out to go potty so we have accidents. Overall, he is doing good.

Oh, that awkward phase where he knows what to do but the two of your are working on communications skills with each other.

I worked a couple things out at work so I wi get more training in. I should be able to get at least 4 days a week in during the week. The pool on post opened back up so I am looking forward to swimming at lunch again. I have been skipping Masters Swim due to work and Pikatti.

I am sure I missed a lot, but I am also sure there will be more to come from this group. I am hoping to be able to check in more over the next couple of weeks, 7 wks before I leave Alaska.

Thanks for the update!

2013-04-03 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4684601

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-04-03 8:05 AM

OK, so Yanti's comment about BT changing from what it was to what it will become got me thinking. Some of ya'll have been here a while, others of us, not so much. But, we all got here and for some reason stuck around. I stick around because of people and the information they share. So, here come the questions:

Who was the first person you interacted with? I lurked for quite some time, and I finally posted in the "Introduce Yourself" forum and heard back from Yanti almost immediately. I was quite taken with her kindness, and really, the kindness of many posters here. After a bit of wading through the "BS" I started to figure out who was worth learning from.

Have you met any other BTer's IRL? I have met cwpeters at a number of races, since we are in the same area. Also, I had the opportunity to watch fellow Manatee Ann-Marie race in Rev3 Venice this year. That was a neat experience, but I had to leave before she finished, so I still haven't actually met her. Unfinished business for me, but it may happen this year at that race.

What is the best piece of information you've gotten here? I have to admit, mine is actually 2 things. Scout7 wrote often that you should "Run lots, mostly easy, sometimes hard" and it is something that I came to firmly believe has worked for me. The other was from bryancd after St. George last year. There was a long thread where people were asking about his experience, since it was such a tough race, and he replied to nearly every post in there. I distinctly remember the windy bike conditions and his statement that he needed to stay in aero.  One of my regular training routes is from home to work, into the wind for much of it.  I keep his words in my head as much as possible.

Have a great day everyone!

I don't remember who I interacted with first.  I was in jmk-brooklyn's mentor group.  I didn't realize how ... inconsistent he is.  Oh well, live and learn.  In my early time on BT, I learned a lot from KathyG and laurak11 (read her IM St. George race report!) and I quite enjoyed following ahohl's journey to Rev3 Cedar Point (lots of work life family training balance goodness).  I emjoy reading Whizzzzz as well.  Sadly, Kathy, Laura and Alice are all inactive now (Kathy maintains her blog but is currently unable to train).  I do, however, draw inspiration from the Manatees!

BTers that I've met in person...  Maria527.  I was really embarrassed to meet her because it was at my first tri!  She totally intimidated me!  I met Bryce Hiigle two years ago when we both did the Gator Half.  I actually "met" Bryce through DailyMile and then found out that he was on BT as well.  I had hoped to meet Yanti at B2B 2011 (or was it 2010 when I did the half?) but health issues prevented her participation Frown

Edited by jmkizer 2013-04-03 8:39 AM
2013-04-03 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4684601

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-04-03 9:05 PM

OK, so Yanti's comment about BT changing from what it was to what it will become got me thinking. Some of ya'll have been here a while, others of us, not so much. But, we all got here and for some reason stuck around. I stick around because of people and the information they share. So, here come the questions:

Who was the first person you interacted with? I lurked for quite some time, and I finally posted in the "Introduce Yourself" forum and heard back from Yanti almost immediately. I was quite taken with her kindness, and really, the kindness of many posters here. After a bit of wading through the "BS" I started to figure out who was worth learning from.

Have you met any other BTer's IRL? I have met cwpeters at a number of races, since we are in the same area. Also, I had the opportunity to watch fellow Manatee Ann-Marie race in Rev3 Venice this year. That was a neat experience, but I had to leave before she finished, so I still haven't actually met her. Unfinished business for me, but it may happen this year at that race.

What is the best piece of information you've gotten here? I have to admit, mine is actually 2 things. Scout7 wrote often that you should "Run lots, mostly easy, sometimes hard" and it is something that I came to firmly believe has worked for me. The other was from bryancd after St. George last year. There was a long thread where people were asking about his experience, since it was such a tough race, and he replied to nearly every post in there. I distinctly remember the windy bike conditions and his statement that he needed to stay in aero.  One of my regular training routes is from home to work, into the wind for much of it.  I keep his words in my head as much as possible.

Have a great day everyone!

I lurked for a long time before I posted anything. One of the first few things that I read was Yanti's IM Western Australia race report. I just loved her positiveness about the whole thing even though I knew it had been a really tough day. I guess when I saw that she had started the Manatees group I wanted in. I have learnt so much from everyone I this group it has been great.

I read some of the threads in TT and post every now and then there but not often, still learning who is credible and who isn't so I tend to take the info in TT with a grain of salt. However I believe everything that a Manatee tells me.

The best thing that I have learnt is that being consistent key (I haven't managed to put it into practice yet but I'm working on that).
2013-04-03 9:27 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

I lurked for a long time, too, but eventually got the nerve up to join a mentor group.  Before the manatees, I was involved in 3 other mentor groups, two of which were outstanding with great mentors and one that was a total fail, IMO.  The 'bad' mentor had his logs blocked, I mean, really?!  I won't mention the name of the bad one, but had a very good experience with both Experior and ratherbeswimming.  Now that I've found the camraderie, support, knowledge and general awesomeness of the manatees, I hope to always be a manatee.

I've met stilgarnaib at a local race and have seen but not quite had the courage to walk up to a few others.  It just feels a little weird to walk up to someone who is a total stranger based on 'hey, I'll be riding the blue Cannondale and I'm race #xxx' but that's as deep as the 'relationship' is/was.

I've also met a guy who used to post on here occassionally and I've since become Facebook/Twitter friends with him and met him at the Half Full Team Fight luncheon last year.  He has a blog, so I felt I 'knew' a fair amount about him but yet we're really just strangers to each other, especially me to him since he only knew little tidbits about me from comments.  The internet is a funny thing, no? 

I was supposed to meet up with a group at IM Lake Placid last year to bike, but for some reason that never happened.  Bad communication, and lack of organization, methinks.  I know I wouldn't have issues meeting any of the manatees because you all feel like friends and people I am familiar with.  I feel our 'relationships' are more than just strangers.

Edited by melbo55 2013-04-03 9:34 AM
2013-04-03 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4684601

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-04-03 8:05 AM

Who was the first person you interacted with? I lurked for quite some time, and I finally posted in the "Introduce Yourself" forum and heard back from Yanti almost immediately. I was quite taken with her kindness, and really, the kindness of many posters here. After a bit of wading through the "BS" I started to figure out who was worth learning from.

Have you met any other BTer's IRL? I have met cwpeters at a number of races, since we are in the same area. Also, I had the opportunity to watch fellow Manatee Ann-Marie race in Rev3 Venice this year. That was a neat experience, but I had to leave before she finished, so I still haven't actually met her. Unfinished business for me, but it may happen this year at that race.

Gosh...I've been on BT since 2004 (I think).  I have no idea who I first interacted with.  I have been lucky enough to meet a bunch of BTers!

I count Judi (Queen Zipp), Kristen (enders_shadow), Marilyn (mehaner), Dan (marvarnett), Nicole (MD Hill) and others as friends.  I've met many others at races through the years.  I'm not sure that I can even recall all of them!

2013-04-03 9:38 AM
in reply to: #4684646

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 8:43 AM
Artemis - 2013-04-02 11:08 PM

Update on Jen:

1. My mom is visiting this week!  Little E is in heaven; she loves "ga-ga" so she's been spending tons of time with her.  I'm off this week just hanging out.  Lots of park visits, walks, etc. 

I hope that you are having a good visit.  Clearly E is!

2. I went running today. Ran for 19 minutes (1.63 miles) and ran the whole time.  

Woo hoo!

3. Bike stuff is up on eBay. Right now it's up to $870 or so, which is about 1/3 of the purchase price of the new bike.

Clearly we need to start a bidding war or something!  Innocent

lol...well it's up to almost $1100 this morning!  Close on Monday, so it looks good!

2013-04-03 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4684900

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Artemis - 2013-04-03 9:38 PM
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 8:43 AM
Artemis - 2013-04-02 11:08 PM

Update on Jen:

1. My mom is visiting this week!  Little E is in heaven; she loves "ga-ga" so she's been spending tons of time with her.  I'm off this week just hanging out.  Lots of park visits, walks, etc. 

I hope that you are having a good visit.  Clearly E is!

2. I went running today. Ran for 19 minutes (1.63 miles) and ran the whole time.  

Woo hoo!

3. Bike stuff is up on eBay. Right now it's up to $870 or so, which is about 1/3 of the purchase price of the new bike.

Clearly we need to start a bidding war or something!  Innocent

lol...well it's up to almost $1100 this morning!  Close on Monday, so it looks good!

Yeeeehaw! Heh I was thinking of Baby E today ... Tina and I took Mutti to lunch at a chicken place and there was this adorable baby. My sister didn't know I don't think babies or kittens are cute! To wit: I was an UGLY baby. And not just in my opinion!

Baby E being a major exception, of course. She had a distinctive look and personality pretty much out of the chute. Most months-ers kind of all look the same to me and kind of like scrunched up aliens.

2013-04-03 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4684900

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Artemis - 2013-04-03 10:38 AM
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 8:43 AM
Artemis - 2013-04-02 11:08 PM

Update on Jen:

1. My mom is visiting this week!  Little E is in heaven; she loves "ga-ga" so she's been spending tons of time with her.  I'm off this week just hanging out.  Lots of park visits, walks, etc. 

I hope that you are having a good visit.  Clearly E is!

2. I went running today. Ran for 19 minutes (1.63 miles) and ran the whole time.  

Woo hoo!

3. Bike stuff is up on eBay. Right now it's up to $870 or so, which is about 1/3 of the purchase price of the new bike.

Clearly we need to start a bidding war or something!  Innocent

lol...well it's up to almost $1100 this morning!  Close on Monday, so it looks good!

Sa-Weet, go price go! I feel like I'm cheering at a race now.

2013-04-03 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4684512

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

jbwills - 2013-04-03 1:45 AM Hey all, sorry I have not been around a lot. Things have been crazy here. I finish my first Masters class on Friday and should have an A, I am in my 3rd week of my second class, not doing super stellar with the research for the paper. Work has been 50-ish hours so not a lot of training but at least I have gotten some Army PT in during the past couple weeks.

Pikatti the pup is doing good. He is getting big, turned 11 wks this past Monday. He is almost house broke, but occasionally I do not hear him whimper to go out to go potty so we have accidents. Overall, he is doing good.

I worked a couple things out at work so I wi get more training in. I should be able to get at least 4 days a week in during the week. The pool on post opened back up so I am looking forward to swimming at lunch again. I have been skipping Masters Swim due to work and Pikatti.

I am sure I missed a lot, but I am also sure there will be more to come from this group. I am hoping to be able to check in more over the next couple of weeks, 7 wks before I leave Alaska.

Getting the first class done is a milestone. I'm glad you and the puppy are working out well together.

2013-04-03 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4684601

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-04-03 7:05 AM

OK, so Yanti's comment about BT changing from what it was to what it will become got me thinking. Some of ya'll have been here a while, others of us, not so much. But, we all got here and for some reason stuck around. I stick around because of people and the information they share. So, here come the questions:

Who was the first person you interacted with? I lurked for quite some time, and I finally posted in the "Introduce Yourself" forum and heard back from Yanti almost immediately. I was quite taken with her kindness, and really, the kindness of many posters here. After a bit of wading through the "BS" I started to figure out who was worth learning from.

Have you met any other BTer's IRL? I have met cwpeters at a number of races, since we are in the same area. Also, I had the opportunity to watch fellow Manatee Ann-Marie race in Rev3 Venice this year. That was a neat experience, but I had to leave before she finished, so I still haven't actually met her. Unfinished business for me, but it may happen this year at that race.

What is the best piece of information you've gotten here? I have to admit, mine is actually 2 things. Scout7 wrote often that you should "Run lots, mostly easy, sometimes hard" and it is something that I came to firmly believe has worked for me. The other was from bryancd after St. George last year. There was a long thread where people were asking about his experience, since it was such a tough race, and he replied to nearly every post in there. I distinctly remember the windy bike conditions and his statement that he needed to stay in aero.  One of my regular training routes is from home to work, into the wind for much of it.  I keep his words in my head as much as possible.

Have a great day everyone!

1) Yanti, Whizzzzz, and KathyG. I still stalk all three. It says a lot about a person when they reach out to newbies.

2) I haven't met any Bters, but I've been in races with them. I saw LisaC from a distance at one race, but she was with her friends and tri-group, and I was exhausted, so I didn't approach her.

3) Scout is the bomb.

2013-04-03 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4684712

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 8:17 AM

I don't remember who I interacted with first.  I was in jmk-brooklyn's mentor group.  I didn't realize how ... inconsistent he is.  Oh well, live and learn.  In my early time on BT, I learned a lot

I was not ever in his mentor group, but the first mentor group I was in was horrible. The "mentor" checked in maybe once a week or so.

The odd thing (to me) is that she always has a mentor group running. Still. And I peek into it sometimes to see if she's changed. Nope. Hardly ever checks in and always apologizes because she's been "so busy." Foot in mouth If I hadn't have found the Manatees after that experience, I would have been pretty jaded about the whole mentor experience. And honestly, probably would even be on BT anymore.

Edited by KansasMom 2013-04-03 10:29 AM
2013-04-03 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4684900

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Artemis - 2013-04-03 9:38 AM
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 8:43 AM
Artemis - 2013-04-02 11:08 PM

Update on Jen:

1. My mom is visiting this week!  Little E is in heaven; she loves "ga-ga" so she's been spending tons of time with her.  I'm off this week just hanging out.  Lots of park visits, walks, etc. 

I hope that you are having a good visit.  Clearly E is!

2. I went running today. Ran for 19 minutes (1.63 miles) and ran the whole time.  

Woo hoo!

3. Bike stuff is up on eBay. Right now it's up to $870 or so, which is about 1/3 of the purchase price of the new bike.

Clearly we need to start a bidding war or something!  Innocent

lol...well it's up to almost $1100 this morning!  Close on Monday, so it looks good!

That is so exciting!! Mama's getting a new bike!!!

I'm happy to hear that the visit with your mom is going so well.

2013-04-03 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4684660

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 7:54 AM

4agoodlife - 2013-04-03 1:12 AM Oh, wow...almost to 100 again? And I haven't even seen a few people in here for 2-3 weeks.


Maybe they are just drafting??

2013-04-03 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4684512

User image

Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
jbwills - 2013-04-02 11:45 PMHey all, sorry I have not been around a lot. Things have been crazy here. I finish my first Masters class on Friday and should have an A, I am in my 3rd wemostek of my second class, not doing super stellar with the research for the paper. Work has been 50-ish hours so not a lot of training but at least I have gotten some Army PT in during the past couple weeks.

Pikatti the pup is doing good. He is getting big, turned 11 wks this past Monday. He is almost house broke, but occasionally I do not hear him whimper to go out to go potty so we have accidents. Overall, he is doing good.

I worked a couple things out at work so I wi get more training in. I should be able to get at least 4 days a week in during the week. The pool on post opened back up so I am looking forward to swimming at lunch again. I have been skipping Masters Swim due to work and Pikatti.

I am sure I missed a lot, but I am also sure there will be more to come from this group. I am hoping to be able to check in more over the next couple of weeks, 7 wks before I leave Alaska.
ah-ha! There you are I was just saying there were some missing podmates and POOF! you appeared. That was a cool trick. Sorry you're so busy and stressed, but glad you checked in and, most importantly, told us how Pikatti is doing So 7-week countdown.... tick tock.... Yay!
2013-04-03 10:44 AM
in reply to: #4684446

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-04-02 10:47 PM
Muskrat37 - 2013-04-03 3:37 AM
TriAya - 2013-04-02 9:02 AM

Clipless pedals transfer pressure better because your foot is locked in and the bike shoe sole is stiff.

Upstroke has nothing to do with it (power simply isn't generated then) nor with running off the bike. The mental imagery or physical feeling of a locked-in circular stroke usually means you are "unweighting" the rising foot well so that the downward-pushing foot isn't having to propel the bike AND lift up the weight of the other foot.

Tri bikes are better for running off the bike because your position on them decreases wind resistance, and you therefore use less energy to go the same speed as you would on a road bike.

While this may be true, it is also true that the tri bike uses your hamstrings more than a road bike, therefore saving some of the quads for the run. Whether you are just "unweighting" the back foot, or actually pulling up with it (which engages the glutes)...the end result is the same; you are not utilizing as much energy from the quad muscle to push down the pedal on the downstroke. Saving energy in all ways possible (efficient pedal stroke AND aero dynamics) is beneficial for the run.  

This article on BT specifically states that:

"The forward position (of the tri bike) requires more energy from the hamstrings when pedaling. Hopefully this will conserve some energy for the quadriceps when the bike leg is over and it’s time to run. We also can’t overlook the aerodynamic benefits of an efficient aero position."

I notice my hamstrings get a lot more work when I am in Aero for a long time.

That is my understanding, and experience.

It *could* be true, but there isn't any evidence for it. Ex phys evidence is very hard to establish, admittedly, for many reasons, but that's the nature of the beast.

"Hopefully this will conserve some energy for the quadriceps" that's either crappy science (not the least of which is the word "hopefully"--either it is or isn't, might or might not be, but say it) or an attempt to put it into layperson's terms which went badly.

I hate to say it, but most of the articles on BT are pretty crappy, if they have anything to do with ex phys or training justifications. For that kind of info, it is much better to do searches on ST and read the articles there, or links from posts. Best yet is to read the top-acknowledged people in the individual sports--and by that, I do NOT mean people like Joe Friel.

Why don't you like Joe Friel?

2013-04-03 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4684501

User image

East Texas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-04-03 12:26 AM
TriAya - 2013-04-02 8:47 PM
Muskrat37 - 2013-04-03 3:37 AM
TriAya - 2013-04-02 9:02 AM

Clipless pedals transfer pressure better because your foot is locked in and the bike shoe sole is stiff.

Upstroke has nothing to do with it (power simply isn't generated then) nor with running off the bike. The mental imagery or physical feeling of a locked-in circular stroke usually means you are "unweighting" the rising foot well so that the downward-pushing foot isn't having to propel the bike AND lift up the weight of the other foot.

Tri bikes are better for running off the bike because your position on them decreases wind resistance, and you therefore use less energy to go the same speed as you would on a road bike.

While this may be true, it is also true that the tri bike uses your hamstrings more than a road bike, therefore saving some of the quads for the run. Whether you are just "unweighting" the back foot, or actually pulling up with it (which engages the glutes)...the end result is the same; you are not utilizing as much energy from the quad muscle to push down the pedal on the downstroke. Saving energy in all ways possible (efficient pedal stroke AND aero dynamics) is beneficial for the run.  

This article on BT specifically states that:

"The forward position (of the tri bike) requires more energy from the hamstrings when pedaling. Hopefully this will conserve some energy for the quadriceps when the bike leg is over and it’s time to run. We also can’t overlook the aerodynamic benefits of an efficient aero position."

I notice my hamstrings get a lot more work when I am in Aero for a long time.

That is my understanding, and experience.

It *could* be true, but there isn't any evidence for it. Ex phys evidence is very hard to establish, admittedly, for many reasons, but that's the nature of the beast.

"Hopefully this will conserve some energy for the quadriceps" that's either crappy science (not the least of which is the word "hopefully"--either it is or isn't, might or might not be, but say it) or an attempt to put it into layperson's terms which went badly.

I hate to say it, but most of the articles on BT are pretty crappy, if they have anything to do with ex phys or training justifications. For that kind of info, it is much better to do searches on ST and read the articles there, or links from posts. Best yet is to read the top-acknowledged people in the individual sports--and by that, I do NOT mean people like Joe Friel.

Good to know.  I wasn't particularly impressed with this particular article either.

Maybe the real advantage to a tri bike is that they look cool.  I like mine for that reason.. 

As always Yanti - I bow to your knowledge.  I am very new to this sport, and learning as I go.

Wow, What? I thought this was scientific fact? I always feel better on the run after my Tri bike than road bike.

2013-04-03 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

Edited by JJ- 2013-04-03 10:54 AM
2013-04-03 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

I'm HOOOOOOME at the Funny Farm!

Not for long, two days, but boy do I need the break. I'll still be really busy--both with Jakarta stuff and all the stuff that's piled up here in my absence--but man, is it good to be home.

Now to decide which bike to take back to Jakarta ... well ... Red Robber (tri bike) is packed (still from NZ!) and mostly repaired (and Jakarta has far better bike shops anyway) and it looks like I'll be spending the most time there ...

2013-04-03 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4685000

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2013-04-03 8:25 AM
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 7:54 AM

4agoodlife - 2013-04-03 1:12 AM Oh, wow...almost to 100 again? And I haven't even seen a few people in here for 2-3 weeks.


Maybe they are just drafting??

LOL...funny ladies!

2013-04-03 11:07 AM
in reply to: #4651276

User image

Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

I have no recollection who I first interacted with.  I was in another mentor group to start--there was very little mentoring that went on...  I think the entire thread was less than 20 pages...

I posted in the 'good luck Yanti' thread for her IM Melbourne race last year--you don't know me but good luck kinda post.  I got a PM in reply and I said I would like to be a manatee and here I am Laughing.

I have noticed a change since I started here just over a year ago.  There is a little less knowledge, and a little more attitude especially in TT.  I take everything with a grain a salt, ask for clarification here if needed and recognize that the only thing that will make me better, stronger, faster is hard work and consistency.  That is why I love the Manatees--because there are so many living examples of that here!

2013-04-03 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4685065

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-04-03 8:53 AM

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

Gooooooooooooo Jonathan!

2013-04-03 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

omg, I lost most of my contacts in my phone so the last couple of days have been super entertaining trying to distinguish who they are coming from.

I literally just got one that said, "WASH YOUR HANDS! I'm not joking. I got pink eye." LOL! 

Also, on another entertaining note, my friend just sent me this:

2013-04-03 11:09 AM
in reply to: #4684990

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2013-04-03 11:20 AM
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 8:17 AM

I don't remember who I interacted with first.  I was in jmk-brooklyn's mentor group.  I didn't realize how ... inconsistent he is.  Oh well, live and learn.  In my early time on BT, I learned a lot

I was not ever in his mentor group, but the first mentor group I was in was horrible. The "mentor" checked in maybe once a week or so.

The odd thing (to me) is that she always has a mentor group running. Still. And I peek into it sometimes to see if she's changed. Nope. Hardly ever checks in and always apologizes because she's been "so busy." Foot in mouth If I hadn't have found the Manatees after that experience, I would have been pretty jaded about the whole mentor experience. And honestly, probably would even be on BT anymore.

I believe I was in there with you. It kinda pointed out to me how time intensive this sport can be. But I think the mentor thing is a bit hit or miss, although the concept is great.

2013-04-03 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Nice to hear from you Jonathan!  Congrats on the A in your class, that is awesome!  And I am glad your little furry friend is doing well .  I hope you are able to get some training in.
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