BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2019-10-02 9:56 AM
in reply to: abake

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by abake
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella Since my salt swimming is limited to the day the guy got stung in the face by a Jellyfish and a 500 yard ows in the York river (it is actually brackish) what do I need to know about ocean swimming?

Rinse off before the bike if you can. For many, the saltwater causes more chafing issues than fresh water.

Practice bilateral breathing.  If there are waves coming from one side, it's helpful to be able to breath from the other side.

Sighting should be the same as on Lake Huron -- you can see more from the top than the bottom ;-)

I believe that the Gulf is likely to be calm that time of year. You'll do great!

ooh, i had forgotten for a minute that Jim was doing IM Florida! Yes, if they have fresh water for you to rinse off a bit in, do it. I've never had an issue with the salt, but know some are more sensitive. Another thing, salt water in the mouth makes for a great taste :0 I don't know anyway to avoid getting some in your mouth, even with a calm gulf, but just don't swallow a ton and you'll be fine! They will probably have water for you as you come out of the water, use it to rinse out your mouth.

Ah! Good point! I know the first time that I did a saltwater swim, I had to eat or drink something pretty quickly to get the taste out of my mouth.  It didn't really bother me after that so YMMV.  I'd plan to swish your mouth on the way to T1.

Thanks. It was super easy for me to convince Michelle (actually she convinced me) to go to Florida on Tuesday before the race. I'm hoping I can make both of their scheduled OWS practices, plus do some on my own. I hate the taste of salt water! I'm glad to hear they normally have warm water to rise with. I will have some gum in T1 bag, just in case. I never thought of salt and chafing! We bought a used kids wet suit once from ocean people, and it turned to dust before the summer was over. I plan on washing mine in warm soapy water after the race. Is there anything else about gear care I should know? The one familiar thing is sighting. It feels weird when I swim someplace and not only can you see the other side, but you can actually swim to it.

I'm glad to hear that Michelle is willing to take one for the team and get you to Florida early!

Most of the time when I have done a saltwater swim, there are showers between the swim exit and T1.  I don't see anything on the course maps.  I'm pretty sure that Anne has done IMFL.  I'll ping her and see if she has any intel.

I volunteered at swim exit there. They have showers that you run through (or walk through) after the wetsuit stripping and on the not so sandy spot. I dont know if there was any drinking water. The swim the year Ann did it had BIG waves.

Thanks for the shower intel.

Fingers crossed for flat water in PCB on November 2nd.  We'll be talking about you in our van!

When I did IMFL in 2015, there were showers after the ocean swim (and Robin and Laura (StartingtoTri) were volunteering as wetsuit strippers so that was awesome!). I had tossed a tiny bottle of Listerine in my T1 bag and actually remembered to rinse my mouth with it to get the salt water taste out. I read about that somewhere and it was a tip that served me well.

Great tip!

2019-10-02 10:07 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella Since my salt swimming is limited to the day the guy got stung in the face by a Jellyfish and a 500 yard ows in the York river (it is actually brackish) what do I need to know about ocean swimming?

Rinse off before the bike if you can. For many, the saltwater causes more chafing issues than fresh water.

Practice bilateral breathing.  If there are waves coming from one side, it's helpful to be able to breath from the other side.

Sighting should be the same as on Lake Huron -- you can see more from the top than the bottom ;-)

I believe that the Gulf is likely to be calm that time of year. You'll do great!

ooh, i had forgotten for a minute that Jim was doing IM Florida! Yes, if they have fresh water for you to rinse off a bit in, do it. I've never had an issue with the salt, but know some are more sensitive. Another thing, salt water in the mouth makes for a great taste :0 I don't know anyway to avoid getting some in your mouth, even with a calm gulf, but just don't swallow a ton and you'll be fine! They will probably have water for you as you come out of the water, use it to rinse out your mouth.

Ah! Good point! I know the first time that I did a saltwater swim, I had to eat or drink something pretty quickly to get the taste out of my mouth.  It didn't really bother me after that so YMMV.  I'd plan to swish your mouth on the way to T1.

Thanks. It was super easy for me to convince Michelle (actually she convinced me) to go to Florida on Tuesday before the race. I'm hoping I can make both of their scheduled OWS practices, plus do some on my own. I hate the taste of salt water! I'm glad to hear they normally have warm water to rise with. I will have some gum in T1 bag, just in case. I never thought of salt and chafing! We bought a used kids wet suit once from ocean people, and it turned to dust before the summer was over. I plan on washing mine in warm soapy water after the race. Is there anything else about gear care I should know? The one familiar thing is sighting. It feels weird when I swim someplace and not only can you see the other side, but you can actually swim to it.

I'm glad to hear that Michelle is willing to take one for the team and get you to Florida early!

Most of the time when I have done a saltwater swim, there are showers between the swim exit and T1.  I don't see anything on the course maps.  I'm pretty sure that Anne has done IMFL.  I'll ping her and see if she has any intel.

I volunteered at swim exit there. They have showers that you run through (or walk through) after the wetsuit stripping and on the not so sandy spot. I dont know if there was any drinking water. The swim the year Ann did it had BIG waves.

Based on Ann's post there were showers, but no drinking water. I find that weird as every ocean or bay race i do here they have water for swim exit. I guess race directors in Florida who do multiple races a year understand the need for water after a salty swim! You'd think IM Fl would have figured that out

2019-10-02 11:14 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
I had written a blog post about IMFL and went back and read it. There are a lot of details I had forgotten about, some I would rather forget about, and some that made me laugh out loud at the memory. Hopefully this helps someone!
2019-10-02 9:29 PM
in reply to: abake

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by abake

I had written a blog post about IMFL and went back and read it. There are a lot of details I had forgotten about, some I would rather forget about, and some that made me laugh out loud at the memory. Hopefully this helps someone!

This is kind of crazy, but I read your post when I was picking my race.
2019-10-02 9:31 PM
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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
I'm ok with rough,unless it's like this. We have been getting pounded with 6'-8' surf all day.

Edited by JBacarella 2019-10-02 9:33 PM

(The water.jpg)

The water.jpg (80KB - 10 downloads)
2019-10-03 8:08 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by lisac957

Hey friends! Checking in after the weekend - Augusta 70.3 was a rough one with the head index at 99 degrees when I finished. I had a great swim and bike, so there's that! My race report is up if anyone is interested 

Awesome job! I know a lot of people who just melted on the run.

Would you recommend this event to out of towners?

Only if you have a sherpa or crew to help you. The logistics are not easy for bike check-in and retrieval. For drop off, the Athlete Guide did not provide an actual address, so when you put "Riverfront Marina" or whatever it said into GPS it took you to the swim start, which is of course 1.2 miles away from the swim exit and transition. No signage, no directions, no address. It was frustrating for someone not familiar with the area. For retrieval they do have a shuttle that will take you there, but you either have to ride or walk your bike back - about 2 miles. If you drive for either instance, you have to park about a mile away (not an exaggeration). I've done a number of 70.3s as a solo racer, and this was by far the most difficult in terms of logistics. They just don't make it easy.

2019-10-03 8:54 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Will try to post more ocean swim advice later. Sorry--week from Hell at work. I do usually park a small water bottle in my transition space to rinse out mouth and get a drink before getting on the bike in T1. Most races have a run-through shower and foot rinse entering T1 but not all have water available there to rinse your mouth out. That makes a difference. Also, if you do swallow salt water, it may upset your stomach a while on the bike, so you may need to wait a bit before trying to get in nutrition.
2019-10-03 9:19 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by abake

I had written a blog post about IMFL and went back and read it. There are a lot of details I had forgotten about, some I would rather forget about, and some that made me laugh out loud at the memory. Hopefully this helps someone!

This is kind of crazy, but I read your post when I was picking my race.

LOL that's fantastic! I think I searched out every blog and forum post on the internet while trying to decide if I wanted to sign up
2019-10-03 9:34 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by lisac957

Hey friends! Checking in after the weekend - Augusta 70.3 was a rough one with the head index at 99 degrees when I finished. I had a great swim and bike, so there's that! My race report is up if anyone is interested 

Awesome job! I know a lot of people who just melted on the run.

Would you recommend this event to out of towners?

Only if you have a sherpa or crew to help you. The logistics are not easy for bike check-in and retrieval. For drop off, the Athlete Guide did not provide an actual address, so when you put "Riverfront Marina" or whatever it said into GPS it took you to the swim start, which is of course 1.2 miles away from the swim exit and transition. No signage, no directions, no address. It was frustrating for someone not familiar with the area. For retrieval they do have a shuttle that will take you there, but you either have to ride or walk your bike back - about 2 miles. If you drive for either instance, you have to park about a mile away (not an exaggeration). I've done a number of 70.3s as a solo racer, and this was by far the most difficult in terms of logistics. They just don't make it easy.

Oh boy.... your descxription of logistics made me scratch this race from any potential future lists...
Good job on being able to manouver through this!
2019-10-03 12:03 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
2019-10-03 8:29 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by Atlantia

Race report for Waterman's is up!

Good report. Change the horseshoe shaped wire inside the cleats on the bottom of your shoes and your speedplay pedals should work fine. I had the same problem, the wire was slightly bend. As soon as I changed the wire, the problem was solved.

2019-10-03 10:27 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
About the only other advice I can think of that others may not have offered is it really helps to get there a bit early and swim around race time on multiple days. Every ocean and beach "feels" different and has its own patterns of tides, currents, etc. Surfers are great to talk to about this stuff. It really shouldn't be a huge surprise on race morning, though conditions can vary a lot with winds, etc. I've found that water temps tend to vary quite a bit on a longer ocean swim, even in the tropics, compared to rivers or lakes. You tend to go through areas that are noticeably cooler or warmer than others. This can be disconcerting if you're not expecting it. There was one section of the IM Malaysia swim that was really quite uncomfortably hot. And even in Vietnam, some sections of races in the central part of the country were so cold they were probably wetsuit legal. It helps to expect that. I've also found it useful to use a slightly higher stroke rate if the ocean is choppy or you feel like you're on a "roller coaster" (deep waves with little break). It helps you sustain forward momentum and not get pushed off course as much as a more gliding stroke.
2019-10-04 8:46 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by Atlantia

Race report for Waterman's is up!

Good report. Change the horseshoe shaped wire inside the cleats on the bottom of your shoes and your speedplay pedals should work fine. I had the same problem, the wire was slightly bend. As soon as I changed the wire, the problem was solved.

Thanks! Can you buy the wire separately? Or will any wire cut to size and shape work?
2019-10-04 1:25 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by Atlantia

Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by Atlantia

Race report for Waterman's is up!

Good report. Change the horseshoe shaped wire inside the cleats on the bottom of your shoes and your speedplay pedals should work fine. I had the same problem, the wire was slightly bend. As soon as I changed the wire, the problem was solved.

Thanks! Can you buy the wire separately? Or will any wire cut to size and shape work?

If you save the box there is usually 2 extras in the box. I don't know, but the cleats are about $25.00 on Amazon.
2019-10-05 8:59 AM
in reply to: abake

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

I was asked to do a sacred duty and I failed!

Could you please post the racing manatees list this Friday? I'll be out of town and I hate posting via the mobile app.

This is what I have so far. If you know of anything else, please add it!

Racing Manatees!!!

October 5-6
Janyne - St. George marathon on Saturday
Stacey - Perth Running Festival 42k on Sunday

October 7 is Laura’s birthday

Is anyone else racing?

2019-10-05 9:00 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh

I was asked to do a sacred duty and I failed!

Could you please post the racing manatees list this Friday? I'll be out of town and I hate posting via the mobile app.

This is what I have so far. If you know of anything else, please add it!

Racing Manatees!!!

October 5-6
Janyne - St. George marathon on Saturday
Stacey - Perth Running Festival 42k on Sunday

October 7 is Laura’s birthday

Is anyone else racing?

Hope your race is better than my posting, Janyne!!!!!

Have a great race, Stacey

2019-10-05 10:32 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by ceilidh

I was asked to do a sacred duty and I failed!

Could you please post the racing manatees list this Friday? I'll be out of town and I hate posting via the mobile app.

This is what I have so far. If you know of anything else, please add it!

Racing Manatees!!!

October 5-6
Janyne - St. George marathon on Saturday
Stacey - Perth Running Festival 42k on Sunday

October 7 is Laura’s birthday

Is anyone else racing?

Good luck Racers.
I wouldn't worry about a small glitch in completing this sacred duty. There is only one Janyne, besides I am comfortable in saying had it been bestowed upon me, I would have failed miserably, So good job.
2019-10-05 1:09 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by ceilidh

I was asked to do a sacred duty and I failed!

Could you please post the racing manatees list this Friday? I'll be out of town and I hate posting via the mobile app.

This is what I have so far. If you know of anything else, please add it!

Racing Manatees!!!

October 5-6
Janyne - St. George marathon on Saturday
Stacey - Perth Running Festival 42k on Sunday

October 7 is Laura’s birthday

Is anyone else racing?

Hope your race is better than my posting, Janyne!!!!!

Have a great race, Stacey

Congtats Janyne and go Stacey!

2019-10-05 7:29 PM
in reply to: #5253173

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Thanks all! Nice event today I enjoyed it!

Reminder: The Manatee shirt order closes on Monday!

2019-10-06 10:42 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer Thanks all! Nice event today I enjoyed it! Reminder: The Manatee shirt order closes on Monday!

Glad you had a good time! Sorry I failed my duty!

I sent my order but got a wonky email about my credit card. but also got an email that the order went through. I hope it worked.

2019-10-09 5:33 PM
in reply to: #5263115

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
I think I just packed half of my house in my Subaru. Headed out for LOU in the morning!!!!!!!!!!! #eek #icantbelieveitsalmosthere #cansomeonedosomethingaboutthetoxicalgae

2019-10-09 6:18 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by glfprncs I think I just packed half of my house in my Subaru. Headed out for LOU in the morning!!!!!!!!!!! #eek #icantbelieveitsalmosthere #cansomeonedosomethingaboutthetoxicalgae

It's amazing how much stuff you need for IM! Enjoy the pre-race excitement, then kill the race 

2019-10-09 6:44 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by glfprncs I think I just packed half of my house in my Subaru. Headed out for LOU in the morning!!!!!!!!!!! #eek #icantbelieveitsalmosthere #cansomeonedosomethingaboutthetoxicalgae

It's amazing how much stuff you need for IM! Enjoy the pre-race excitement, then kill the race 

I know! So much gear!

You'll do great and I look forward to stalking tracking you!

2019-10-09 7:09 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by glfprncsI think I just packed half of my house in my Subaru. Headed out for LOU in the morning!!!!!!!!!!! #eek #icantbelieveitsalmosthere #cansomeonedosomethingaboutthetoxicalgae
I can only imagine!! POOF! #notoxicalgae! There!
2019-10-09 7:20 PM
in reply to: #5263201

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Thanks, Robin! I'm already resting easier! #poof
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