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Earth Day 15K - Run

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Seattle, Washington
United States
70F / 21C
Total Time = 1h 03m 8s
Overall Rank = 1/20
Age Group = F30-39
Age Group Rank = 1/5
Pre-race routine:

Beer the night before: Wonderland IPA by Two Beers Brewing

I was sick all week, thought beer would probably help. It did.
Event warmup:

Arrived on time. Yes! Picked up my registration then ran a few miles easy followed by some strides.

Today was a game day decision. I had been sick all week. So sick in fact that i took 3 days off of running. I am not sure what it was. I had a fever and was nauseous but no puking. Just intense stomach pain.I began running again Wed-Friday but continued to have severe pain through Friday morning. By end of day I had some relief but was unsure of whether or not I would race. This was mean to be a tune up so in my mind there was no sense in racing if I didn't think I could run decent.

I woke up and didn't feel too much pain so I decided to give it a go.
  • 1h 03m 8s
  • 9.32 miles
  • 06m 46s  min/mile

The plan:

My plan was to try and run this as consistent as possible. It was a tune-up race so for me it was more seeing how I can do with pacing, consistency (execution) and a general idea of my fitness. I hadn't run on the road in a LONG time so projecting a pace would be silly. I did this exclusively by feel.

Loop 1:

I ran into a friend who I hadn't seen in a long time! She was doing the 10K. She ran at UC Davis in college and was a 5K runner, got burnt out and took a long break and was starting to dabble in longer events. I took mental note to use her as my visual through loop 1. Certainly not to pass her but also not to let her get too far out. Of course using my own RPE as the final say.I lined up a couple rows back since there was a 5 and 10 k combined as well. I certainly didn't want to get caught up in the 5K pace start. I started out and kept to the inside of the loop. I was trying to really focus on the small things like tangents so as to be as efficient as possible. Especially because this course has A LOT of turns. This is one of those things I know, but sometimes slips on my radar. I also wanted to be sure to increase my cadence and relax on the up hills and really capitalize on the downs. I felt slightly uncomfortable until about halfway through the first loop but for me that is pretty typical. I made sure to keep relaxed in my face and hands. I kept LuLu in my sights but not too close. As we closed lap one I found myself gaining on her. We came through in 21:06. I took no food/water

Loop 2:

Lulu took off like a bat out of hell. I was sure not to follow. I felt very relaxed and controlled coming into lap two and really comfortable. I made the same moves on the course in terms of tangents and hills. I could see Lulu really cranking, and in fact maybe too much. I was hoping shed dial it back a bit so that she had something in the tank for the finish. I tried not to think too much about her race though. Right about halfway through my stomach pain came in full force. It felt like someone was pulling on two ends of rope to tighten a knot. I tried to compartmentalize the pain and keep only running on my mind. It was pretty hot out and I was regretting not wearing a hat, squinting into the sun. I decided that if I was within a minute of my first loop I would reward myself with some water at the station. I came through in 21: 20 and took water as I came through, no food.

Loop 3:

I was pleased with my pacing thus far but wanted to stay conservative at least through the next 2/3 of the loop. I put all my mental strength into my plan. It's interesting, I feel that there is about a 5-10 second per mile that I can lose or gain depending on my mental engagement, with the same perceived physical effort. I tried to channel everything and not let my mind wander (which I think is a little harder during longer/slower events vs say a 5K) I had a little trouble in this lap with other people on the course including a whole family in the single track portion. I had to remain calm and patient as this was just part of sharing a course. My stomach pain had passed and I was feeling pretty good with my pace. Finally I hit the last third of the course or so and started to put the hammer down, hoping I could make up for the family slow down. I rounded the last corner into the straightaway and put the pedal to the metal. I ran through the finish, my loop right about 20:44. No water/fuel.

It was a small race, especially as the 15K distance is a little a-typical but I beat all the men and got the overall win. I particularly loved this event because of its environmental focus. Instead of finisher medals everyone got a tree to plant and even the starting horn was co2 free :)

What would you do differently?:

Obviously I could have done without the stomach issues. I'd wear a little sun protection and maybe run just a touch faster in the second half of loop two and all of 3? Hard to say, I think I could run this a touch faster but not much. It's pretty representative of my curent fitness and I've got about 8 weeks until the marathon.
Post race
Warm down:

Ran a little then headed up to the mountains

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Sick, still building fitness, weather/attire a bit

Profile Album

Last updated: 2016-04-18 12:00 AM
01:03:08 | 9.32 miles | 06m 46s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/5
Overall: 1/20
Performance: Average
Course: The race consisted of a 5K loop, run 3 times. The loop was a nice tour of Magnuson park. It was about 50/50 road train and of the trail it was about 70% wide gravel service road and 25% single track. The course is generally rolling with the couple bigger hills early. The course is also open so you have to watch out for other trail uses including dogs, strollers and children.
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2016-04-18 4:09 PM

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Subject: Earth Day 15K

2016-04-18 4:18 PM
in reply to: #5177777

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Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Yeah, #1 overall, even the men!!  Super!  I love reading your race reports, there are always nuggets of strategies or tips to take along and store away, thank you.  Hope your stomach issues clear up for good soon.  Great race, great prizes - I mean, getting to plant a tree - how cool is that?!  Keep up the good work, speedy one!

2016-04-18 6:35 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Yeah, #1 overall, even the men!!  Super!  I love reading your race reports, there are always nuggets of strategies or tips to take along and store away, thank you.  Hope your stomach issues clear up for good soon.  Great race, great prizes - I mean, getting to plant a tree - how cool is that?!  Keep up the good work, speedy one!

Aww thank you! I am happy to share and I am glad there is something for you to take away. I think we can all learn a whole lot from each-others experiences! 

2016-04-18 6:38 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

, California
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Congrats!  I hope you're feeling better and more on track for your next race

2016-04-18 7:29 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K
sounds like a fun race, congrats on the win
2016-04-18 10:25 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K
Huge congrats on the win!!! Despite the sickness.... You rock!!
I'm sorry you felt horrible the days before.. Do you think it could have been some sort of anxiety before the race? I hope it goes away and never come back!
Also, soooo cool to go snowboarding after the run I love the pic!

2016-04-19 7:51 AM
in reply to: #5177777

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Good job on the OA win, congratulations. Even better that you were able to work on the tangent running and the mental aspects in preparation for a couple months from now. I hope the stomach is OK, did you ever figure out what it was? Also, I hope the tree is doing well, how cool that there is a race that touches you in multiple ways!

2016-04-19 10:34 AM
in reply to: #5177777

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Congrats on the OA win! You rock!

Sounds like the execution was pretty much as you'd planned. How'd LuLu do?

I hope you are feeling better.

Last week I watched a PBS show about city parks and they talked about a couple of them in the Seattle area. One thing they said that I thought was cool was that Seattle claims that from any high spot in the city a person can see water, mountains and trees (I think I got that right). What a neat city for being outdoors.

2016-04-19 10:46 AM
in reply to: #5177777

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K
Yeah, nice one! Overall WIN!!
Your race reports are so neat. I love how you think about strategy, how you think about pain, and how you think about execution. So helpful!
2016-04-19 11:28 AM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K
Wow, amazing time! Way to go!
2016-04-19 9:19 PM
in reply to: 0

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New user
Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Love the report, love the results, love the snowboarding! Awesome job!!

and love the trophy!!

Edited by trijamie 2016-04-19 9:27 PM

2016-04-20 9:09 AM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Originally posted by spudone

Congrats!  I hope you're feeling better and more on track for your next race

Thank you, I am! 

2016-04-20 10:47 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Pretty awesome that you can really do the mental focus to keep running when you don't feel great. And even better to win! 

Have you planted the tree (super cool prize, too)?

2016-04-20 1:39 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K
Huge congrats on the overall win!!! Overall just a great effort from strategy to exertion!! Way to go!
2016-04-21 1:06 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Originally posted by marysia83 Huge congrats on the win!!! Despite the sickness.... You rock!! I'm sorry you felt horrible the days before.. Do you think it could have been some sort of anxiety before the race? I hope it goes away and never come back! Also, soooo cool to go snowboarding after the run I love the pic!


Thank you!

Nah not anxiety. I have run plenty of races and this one in particular had not a lick of significance in my mind. In fact I didn't even give it any thought until Thursday. I mean, anything is possible but I highly doubt it.

2016-04-21 1:08 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Originally posted by cdban66

Good job on the OA win, congratulations. Even better that you were able to work on the tangent running and the mental aspects in preparation for a couple months from now. I hope the stomach is OK, did you ever figure out what it was? Also, I hope the tree is doing well, how cool that there is a race that touches you in multiple ways!

Never figured it out. Tested negative for several bacterial strains my doc thought it might be. It has since passed for the most part. Shrug. 

2016-04-21 1:12 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Originally posted by rrrunner

Congrats on the OA win! You rock!

Sounds like the execution was pretty much as you'd planned. How'd LuLu do?

I hope you are feeling better.

Last week I watched a PBS show about city parks and they talked about a couple of them in the Seattle area. One thing they said that I thought was cool was that Seattle claims that from any high spot in the city a person can see water, mountains and trees (I think I got that right). What a neat city for being outdoors.

Thank you! Lulu ended up winning womens OA. I think right around 40 minutes? I think if she paced it better she should be down closer to 38, and more like 36 high or 37 when she is truly in shape for the event. 


And that bit about mountains, trees and water from the high points is absolutely true. We have large bodies of water to our east and west and then the inland is dotted with smaller lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. We have two significant mountain ranges (also east and west) and then of course, trees everywhere. It really is an amazing city. 


2016-04-21 1:16 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Originally posted by juniperjen

Pretty awesome that you can really do the mental focus to keep running when you don't feel great. And even better to win! 

Have you planted the tree (super cool prize, too)?

I chose the option to let the "tree hugger" group (a non-profit group) plant it in the park for me. Our yard is too small to really let the tree grow and the city has some guidelines around the species type that can be planted in the planting strip (we live IN the city) so as to not interfere with the service lines above and below. 

2016-04-24 7:14 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Nicely done, congrats!  Glad you're feeling better!!

2016-04-25 12:17 PM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Earth Day 15K

Congratulations!  Amazing running.  You rock!

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