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Tundra Time Trial - CycleTime Trial

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Hiram, GA, Georgia
United States
Surge Sports
20'sF / 0C
Total Time = 27m 20s
Overall Rank = 124/192
Age Group = Cat V
Age Group Rank = 36/65
Pre-race routine:

Prepped everything the night before. Woke up at 5:40AM so I could take a warm shower, because it was going to be a cold morning. Dressed (warmly), made a PB&H sandwich to eat upon arrival at race location, drank a yogurt, grabbed a bottle of water and headed out to meet Brett (aka Rocket Man) and other NAMC/BT'ers (Rebecca, David, and Felix) at our designated meeting point.
Event warmup:

Wore the warm clothes until approx. 45 minutes prior to my start (10:23.30AM). After getting race-ready, I worked on the trainer for approx. 20-25 minutes. So glad I brought the trainer, as being able to warm up was a *big* help. Approx. 10 minutes prior to start, I took the bike off the trainer and did a quick "spin-up" up/down the trail. My legs felt good; they were turning a good cadence and generating some speed. The only issue - the wind was starting to pick up.
  • 27m 20s
  • 9.5 miles
  • 20.85 mile/hr

ALL riders had to be checked-in by 8AM; the race started at 8:31. A new rider was put on the course every 30 seconds thereafter. If a rider didn't show, he was started as a "Ghost" - this helped keep everything in order and on time.

This was my first official cycling race - ever - and I was pleased with my effort. I paced myself well going out and was able to hit it hard coming back. My *only* gaffe was slowing down at the "200m to go" sign - my eyes were blurry and I thought it was the finish. I made a final push to that point and then coasted a bit after passing it, only to realize I *hadn't* finished yet. Fortunately this error only cost me 5-10 seconds.
What would you do differently?:

Not much...biggest thing would be to pay more attention to exactly where the finish is located so I could plan my final push accordingly. Otherwise, just work on continuing to push to my limit. Did I leave anything out there today - perhaps a little bit, but not much. It felt like I put forth a consistent strong sustained effort.
Post race
Warm down:

Spun up the trail another 3/4 mile, turned around, and then headed back to "Camp NAMC/BT" in the parking lot adjacent to the SCT. Then I put on some warm clothes - it was cold!!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I think better performance will come simply via time in the saddle and more strength training (legs).

Event comments:

Surge Sports did a good job with this race. Despite the chilly, chilly conditions, they had plenty of volunteers on hand to keep things safe and moving smoothly.

PICS (below, from top left): #1. David, Brett, and Rebecca - cold!!, #2. Felix and Brett helping Rebecca get set up with new (used) *fast* Zipps! #3. The start ramp, from behind, looking out. #4 Top 3 Overall loot - hand-blown glass trophies. Really sweet!. #5. Some Surge Sports folks and volunteers who helped make this event happen. Without volunteers, Race Directors would be lost!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2007-02-04 12:00 AM
00:27:20 | 9.5 miles | 20.85 mile/hr
Age Group: 36/65
Overall: 124/192
Performance: Good
Additional ranking info: Quite a few folks "no-showed" the race (wonder why?)...they weren't counted for ranking purposes; I also excluded Yth (who only rode half the course). 9/21 of Cat V racers aged 40-49 Max HR was 165; avg was ~153
Wind: Some with gusts
Course: Out and back. This is not a flat course. The course is a section of the Silver Comet Trail located between Hiram and Paulding. The "out" portion includes some 2-3% grade that hits a rider hard. Throw in some head and crosswinds for good measure and a time-trialist has his/her hands full. This is where the real work is done. A good pre-race warm-up is key to hitting this portion with strength.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 90
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2007-02-18 8:27 AM

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: Tundra Time Trial

2007-02-18 8:56 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
Great job lou! Way to push it through some tough conditions. You doin' the brasstown bald buster century?
2007-02-18 10:19 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
Awesome work out there yesterday! It was COLD!!
2007-02-18 11:40 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
Great job.
2007-02-18 12:40 PM
in reply to: #694409

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial

jamesreeves - 2007-02-18 9:56 AM Great job lou! Way to push it through some tough conditions. You doin' the brasstown bald buster century?

Thank you, James!  Re: B'town Bald Buster Century - not doing it, because it's same day as my first tri (Tri the Parks at John Tanner State Park in Carrollton).  You riding it?  If so, you may want to touch base with David O'Rear (FALLS-RUNNER) as he might be too.

2007-02-18 2:52 PM
in reply to: #694399

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Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
Nice race report Lar, I am proud of you and all of our little group out there. It was cold but we made it through.

2007-02-18 8:00 PM
in reply to: #694399

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Extreme Veteran
Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
You kicked a** on your first ever race.  I hope to make up some time on you next year.
2007-02-18 8:23 PM
in reply to: #694610

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial

Rocket Man - 2007-02-18 3:52 PM Nice race report Lar, I am proud of you and all of our little group out there. It was cold but we made it through.

Appreciate your comment, Brett - means a lot.  It *was* cold, but we did well - and to be part of the record-setting lowest start temp for a TTT...well, that's just special...

Dude, love the new av!!  What in heck is that thing!!?

2007-02-19 6:10 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Reston VA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial

Nice race!

The good thing about a bike race in the bitter cold is that if you ever have a cold weather tri, you know that that it "could" be colder!

2007-02-19 7:50 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial

Those pictures are awesome!  You can't even see Brett's face in that first one b/c he's trying to stay warm.

Fantastic time, Lou!  I'm really going to have to work so that you don't beat me again in any future races.    Had a great time hanging out with you and the crew.  Thanks for your help in getting me all setup and all.  Can't wait until the next time!

2007-02-19 8:38 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
Great work. I need to do some racing once my times go up.

2007-02-19 8:55 AM
in reply to: #695141

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
shelly123 - 2007-02-19 7:10 AM

Nice race!

The good thing about a bike race in the bitter cold is that if you ever have a cold weather tri, you know that that it "could" be colder!

Thanks!!  Re: cold, you are sooooo right - at this point, I feel like I can handle pretty much any weather thrown my way...have a great day!!

2007-02-19 8:59 AM
in reply to: #695241

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
steamy - 2007-02-19 8:50 AM

Those pictures are awesome!  You can't even see Brett's face in that first one b/c he's trying to stay warm.

Fantastic time, Lou!  I'm really going to have to work so that you don't beat me again in any future races.    Had a great time hanging out with you and the crew.  Thanks for your help in getting me all setup and all.  Can't wait until the next time!

Next year we'll have a tent, propane heater(s), was indeed a blast hanging out with you & the rest of the me not beating you in future about you let me beat you in cycling and I'll let you absolutely thrash me in the water (which you'll do "letting" about it...) Enjoy your new wheels.  Your AG competition's not going to know what hit them this year.

2007-02-19 9:03 AM
in reply to: #695295

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial

Bluejack - 2007-02-19 9:38 AM Great work. I need to do some racing once my times go up.

Thanks Mentor group-mate!!  It was fun and it was great to be in the midst of so many accomplished cyclists...Re: getting your time up - just sign up and then you'll be forced to train a bit harder.   One thing I found, the Carmichael Training Systems Time Trial DVD was a big help re: the type of training needed for something like this event (or for a sprint/Oly distance tri).  I definitely noticed some benefit and plan to use it more as prep for my first sprint in April.

2007-02-19 10:43 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial

Great race Lou.

You all look really cold in the pics.  I applaud you for braving the cold that morning.  

2007-02-19 11:02 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
GREAT job - a very impressive showing, especially for a first cycling event. I think I would have been one of those falling off that start ramp! Nice job placing in the top 10 for your age group - you're off to a great start for 2007!!

2007-02-19 11:48 AM
in reply to: #694399

Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
Congrats on the race -- you did awesome for your first race ever! I wish I could sustain a 20+ MPH pace on a bike!
2007-02-19 12:18 PM
in reply to: #694399

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial

Simply awesome Lou! Excellent Avg to establish a PR, I'm sure next time you'll break it!

That sounds like so much "fun", it just convinced me to do a 7.3M TT in March! I read an article about it in the local paper last week.  Fastest speed was 27.x mph, the rider at Tundra was hauling...

2007-02-19 3:54 PM
in reply to: #694399

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Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
nice work speedy!!!! think what you could have done if your chain and gears were warm???

2007-02-19 9:06 PM
in reply to: #694399

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Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
Awesome race Lou! Very impressive.
2007-02-20 9:06 AM
in reply to: #694399

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial

Wait a minute ... first race ever and you nail it!  Congratulations!!! Well done.  (This portends for a great season )

2007-02-20 1:18 PM
in reply to: #694399

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Tundra Time Trial
Great race! Sounds like you had fun! ?You just may motivate Don and I to do one!
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