I Love the Tavern
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I Love the Tavern - Triathlon
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Comments: This is my first successful OWS. Even though I pretty much sucked, I'm so happy with my performance. When I was calm, I was able to swim freestyle - no problem. Unfortunately, there were a couple of things that did not make me calm - but let's start with the good stuff. THINGS I THOUGHT WOULD BOTHER ME: 1) Deep water. Nope - I don't need to touch the bottom; I can swim. 2) Dirty water. No problem. In fact, when I was in the groove, it was actually pretty peaceful. THINGS THAT DID BOTHER ME: 1) The man having the seizure. It was a deep water start, so I waited a bit before joining my wave because I didn't want to tread. When I got about half-way out to the start buoy, I realized everyone was signalling for help because a man in the waive prior needed medical attention. This of course got me very nervous and also made our start later, which meant more treading, which meant more nerves. I hope the man is OK - I never heard more about him. But - this is probably not something that will happen in my next race. 2) Inefficient sighting - when I sight, I get out of my groove and it stalls me a bit 3) Touching other swimmers - yeah...I know. BUT - this was a success. I did not kayak/buoy hang. I did not panic. There were 3 occasions when I got a little off-kilter, but I flipped to my back, took a couple deep breaths, and flipped back over. All of these were in the first 200m - after that, and all the way to the end, I swam. What would you do differently?: Well, I need to get better at sighting. I'm OK with that. I should probably get better at swimming in proximity with other folks. Then I wouldn't need to back off. Yes - I need to practice this more, but I no longer think that OWS is a limiter in and of itself. :) Which is why I rank this swim as AWESOME. Transition 1
Comments: This transition included a fairly long run from the river to the T zone. I brought my flipflops to avoid the little gravel...maybe a little faster without them? I also took a moment to compose myself and put my Shot Blox in my pocket (didn't want them to get sticky in the swim). What would you do differently?: Maybe skip the flipflops? Bike
Comments: I felt good about the bike. I would have liked to see an avg mph above 17, but I'll take it. This course seemed to be uphill out, downhill back - with one killer-beeyotch hill at the turnaround. After the swim, I didn't really feel settled until about mile 4. Some of this may be due to the slight up hill of the course...downhill felt wonderful. I ended up walking maybe 0.2 up the hill because I was afraid I was going too slow to stay upright. No biggie - got right back on and to the turnaround. Slow at the turnaround, because they had to mark your arm and because it was a tight turn (and the chic in front of me was babying it...grr...that's OK, because I passed her like a demon on the downhill - I hit 38mph - rock on!) Felt awesome from that point forward...it actually got fun. 16 oz nuun, 3 shot blox on the bike. Marg flavor for the salt. Yum! What would you do differently?: Figure out how to get my self calm faster...once I was in the groove, I really enjoyed the bike, but it took me almost a quarter of the bike to get there. Transition 2
Comments: No problem in T2. Changed shoes and hats, grabbed a GU and off I went. What would you do differently?: Nothing. T2 is my best event. :) Run
Comments: I love me some running. :) Why can't a triathlon be 3 running events? (Or as Jen and I were talking...why isn't there a bike-run division? Oh, yeah - that would be a duathlon.) I enjoyed the run. Saw Jen & Judi (apparently I had passed Judi on the bike and missed her.) Felt good. Felt fast. Felt strong. What would you do differently?: Run faster? Post race
Warm down: Since I had passed Jen & Judi on the run, I knew I was the first Nibb in, so I grabbed some BBQ and went to the finish line to cheer for them and the other finishers. Hung out with them for a while, called Sugar Daddy to tell him I wasn't still in the river and that I would be signing up for the Oly. :) Went home and crashed. What limited your ability to perform faster: I need to work on my swim...mostly comfort and sighting...but I know now that I can do it. I need to work on my bike...mostly getting my groove on earlier (oh, and not walking up beeyotch hills) I need to work on my run...because I love love love running. Event comments: I have basically decided to avoid any Richmond Multisport productions in the future. I hate RMS. Sorry. It's true. The race itself is usually well done. In fact, I thought the volunteers on this course were fantastic - thanks to the Powhatan police guys and the little guys in the woods pointing directions on the run - you guys were great. However, the pre-race and the post-race blow chunks. Here are my gripes: 1) It took over 24 hours to post results for a teeny-tiny race. 2) They never have enough beverages for the later finishers...I took the last diet Coke. Judi & Jen could only get water. 3) They are very much in love with themselves - the door prizes are based on tri-trivia about RMS or the Richmond Tri-Club or Tri-Girls training. They don't seem to be interested in racers that aren't members of these organizations. 4) The pre-race meeting was kind of silly and too much time was spent on inside jokes. 5) They didn't do a good job of responding to the calls from my wave of swimmers about the guy who needed aid. 6) They have never had a working megaphone. 7) Packet pickup is usually a screw-up. 8) The shirts this year are butt-ugly. OK, I'm done venting. Sorry. Last updated: 2008-04-26 12:00 AM
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2008-07-03 6:21 AM in reply to: #1499300 |
2008-07-03 11:13 AM in reply to: #1499300 |
2008-07-04 11:48 AM in reply to: #1499300 |
General Discussion-> Race Reports! |
United States
Richmond Multisports
80sF / 0C
Overall Rank = 101/138 F
Age Group = 35-39F
Age Group Rank = 21/27
Woke up at 5 am, ate my Cliff MOJO bar and started drinking my diet Pepsi...wrote a couple of posts...packed up the car and headed out. On the way down, my bike got a little funky in the trunk rack, but all was good.
Walked from the parking to the transition zone (about 0.25 miles), got my transition set up and then went off to find Jen...finished my double-fist of diet Pepsi...looked for Judi...used the ladies (I stood in line for the flush potties...it was shorter than the port-a-potties...but it ran out of TP - thankfully the guys kept bringing it over in 10 square increments.