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2009-04-29 4:31 PM

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Subject: 100 milers back to back?

I am training for IMLouisville this year.  One of my training buddies wants to do this race we have at the end of May which is a 100 mile ride on saturday and sunday.  Is there any benefit to doing something like this?  I was going to do the 100 on saturday anyway, but he wants to do them both.  It would be really slow both days stopping at most the aid stations etc.  What do you think?


2009-04-29 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2119223

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
Training for IMAZ last year one weekend we rode from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara (about 90 miles) on Saturday (plus a run) and rode home Sunday.  Lots of miles, strangely, some of us felt better Sunday than Saturday.  I thought it was pretty good, not sure how IM specific the training was since you never get that tired on the bike.

But it sure was fun.
2009-04-29 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2119223

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
Do it.  It helps overall bike fitness.  Won't hurt you, especially being at the end of May. 

HAve fun!
2009-04-29 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2119223

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
Sounds like a fun way to build some fitness and spend some time in the saddle.

2009-04-30 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?

Ok cool....I wanted to do it, but i was just wondering if there was anything to gain.  Or if i would just wear myself out.

2009-04-30 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?

I would say you'll have plenty of time to recover from the rides.  What does the training the week after the ride look like? 

2009-04-30 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
Riding lots is always good.  I did an MS150 (split as about 115/50 by the time I rode to/from the start) while I was IM training.  Just make sure you recover properly!
2009-04-30 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Loughborough, England
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
I'd do it.  I'm planning on a couple of back to back high mileage days on the bike in the next couple of weeks as I finish my prep for IM France.
2009-04-30 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2120378

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?

McFuzz - 2009-04-30 8:40 AM

I would say you'll have plenty of time to recover from the rides.  What does the training the week after the ride look like? 

The following week doesn't look to hard...One run over an hour and a long ride on saturday.  What if i do both of these 100's and the next saturday i'm doing a HIM?  It would be a 1/2 that was just for nutrition purposes.  It's the only HIM i can find that i can do between june and august.

2009-05-01 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
DO IT!!!!!

Doesn't matter what the week after looks like, doesn't matter that you have a HIM the next weekend. . just do it. .. . 

If we were always worried about the next training week or the "not an A race" the next weekend, we wouldn't get any serious training done.  If Ironman is your end goal, then a 100 mile ride followed by a 100 mile ride the next day will do nothing but help you get ready. . .heck, I say throw in a 4 mile run after each 100 mile. . and then the next day run 16 miles. . .

Have fun! 

Edited by Tell3131 2009-05-01 8:19 AM
2009-05-01 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
Well, when I was training for IMKY last year... I probably wouldn't have done it myself... only because it would have affected a long run the next day and my coach would have told me NO. HA!

If it doesn't affect your training plan and you can continue with the rest of the training, then do it. But don't let something else suffer just so you can do it.

2009-05-01 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2123148

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Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
Tell3131 - 2009-05-01 8:19 AM DO IT!!!!!

Doesn't matter what the week after looks like, doesn't matter that you have a HIM the next weekend. . just do it. .. .  

Careful.  It does matter.  The most important aspect of IM training is consistency - training day after day, week after week, month after month.  If the 100/100 fits into your training plan and you can continue with your training after the workout and not be injured or burnt out, then yes do it.  But if the training will interupt your plan or leave you so tired you can't continue the plan, i.e. need days off, then no don't do it.
2009-05-01 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?

Thanks for all the feedback...I know i'll be tired, but i'm sure i can push through my workouts the next week and do the HIM that next saturday.  Besides these workouts are 3 months out from my IM so i'm thinking even if i am sluggish during the week that week, the training i put my body through that week will help me more than not doing it.

2009-05-01 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2123704

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
ballyard7 - 2009-05-01 11:13 AM

Thanks for all the feedback...I know i'll be tired, but i'm sure i can push through my workouts the next week and do the HIM that next saturday.  Besides these workouts are 3 months out from my IM so i'm thinking even if i am sluggish during the week that week, the training i put my body through that week will help me more than not doing it.

Exactly!  That was my point.  You are still 3 full months out from that date till IMKY and you will be fine.  I was looking at your logs and it seems like you are doing ok. . .  No doubt you will be tired and no doubt that the HIM the next weekend may not be your fastest race ever (it might though, who knows. . . some of my best races have come a day after a hard ride), but in the end it will be a monster week of training. . built upon by weeks of training that have led up to it. 
2009-05-01 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2123634

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
zia_cyclist - 2009-05-01 10:50 AM
Tell3131 - 2009-05-01 8:19 AM DO IT!!!!!

Doesn't matter what the week after looks like, doesn't matter that you have a HIM the next weekend. . just do it. .. .  

Careful.  It does matter.  The most important aspect of IM training is consistency - training day after day, week after week, month after month.  If the 100/100 fits into your training plan and you can continue with your training after the workout and not be injured or burnt out, then yes do it.  But if the training will interupt your plan or leave you so tired you can't continue the plan, i.e. need days off, then no don't do it.

Well, I am not suggesting that someone new the sport jump on a bike and bike 100 miles, then another 100 the next day.  This person is training for IMKY and after looking at his training logs thought he could handle it.  At least he should be able to. 

I doubt this will be the only thing in ones life that could disrupt a training plan.  Training plans shouldn't be so ridgid as to not allow someone to some other stuff or some challenges along the way. 

You are right, it is about consistency, week upon week, brick by brick, but why not have a monster weekend once in a while. . ????
2009-05-01 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2119223

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
They have this ride here in VA (I think it is this weekend, in fact) called the Tour de Skyline, back-to-back centuries.  A friend of mine who did IMLP last year said it was the single best thing he did for his training, so if you can handle it, give it a shot.

2009-05-02 12:00 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
ballyard7 - 2009-04-29 3:31 PM
What do you think?


My advice would be to do whatever you want. Training must be fun in order to stick with it over the long-term.

I will tell you what I'd personally do. I've ridden 57% more miles than you this year, 121% more in 2008. I plan on riding 900 miles this month and 8000 total for 2009. There's no way that I would not try to ride 100 on consecutive days at the end of this month. I'm sure I could probably suffer through it. But besides it being an injury risk that I'm not willing to take, I think it would mess up my training for about two weeks.
2009-05-02 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2125184

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?

breckview - 2009-05-02 12:00 AM
ballyard7 - 2009-04-29 3:31 PM What do you think?


My advice would be to do whatever you want. Training must be fun in order to stick with it over the long-term. I will tell you what I'd personally do. I've ridden 57% more miles than you this year, 121% more in 2008. I plan on riding 900 miles this month and 8000 total for 2009. There's no way that I would not try to ride 100 on consecutive days at the end of this month. I'm sure I could probably suffer through it. But besides it being an injury risk that I'm not willing to take, I think it would mess up my training for about two weeks.

Thanks for the advice....But there are also aspects of my training that aren't on my logs...i have done a ton of mountain biking over the winter and recently that would put my miles a lot closer to yours.  And if you are riding 900 miles in a month then why would you even think twice about doing back to back centuries?  Anyway i've got a little more of a "Just do it" mentality than most.  My training buddy does the same.  He jumps into 50 mile grand canyon runs and we just did an adventure race just for the heck of it.  I do appreciate all the comments and suggestions....if you ride slow i don't see how there is much of a risk of injury...Yes my training might suffer for a week, but hey it will be fun.

I guess i have talked myself into it lol....Ohh and i signed up for the HIM the next weekend and it has 4000ft of climbing on the bike...Guess i'm in for some pain lol.

Edited by ballyard7 2009-05-02 3:37 PM
2009-05-02 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2119223

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Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?

Good. Glad you are going for it.

2009-05-03 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2125758

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Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?
ballyard7 - 2009-05-02 2:35 PM
And if you are riding 900 miles in a month then why would you even think twice about doing back to back centuries? 

I actually only rode 500 in April. I rode 800 last May so I'm going for 900 this May. I will do a few 75 milers but not back to back. I've been in cycling shape before where I could do back-to-back 5-6 hour rides easily and I did them very regularly. But I'm not even close to that condition yet. I'm only 3 years out of spinal fusion surgery which followed 3 years of inactivity due to chronic pain so I'm trying to ramp back into condition very slowly.

Anyway i've got a little more of a "Just do it" mentality than most.  My training buddy does the same.  He jumps into 50 mile grand canyon runs and we just did an adventure race just for the heck of it. 

Nothing wrong with that! I've done lots of things just because they were there as well, mostly mountaineering and ski projects.

if you ride slow i don't see how there is much of a risk of injury...

Everybody's different. My body finds a way of shutting down when I push it too far beyond my physical ability. I've also been completely shut down multiple times for months and even years due to injuries. This triathlon thing I'm doing is a 5-6 year project for me and I'm just 2.08 years into it so I'm certainly overcautious at this early stage.

Ohh and i signed up for the HIM the next weekend and it has 4000ft of climbing on the bike...Guess i'm in for some pain lol.

Good luck! Long-term success in training largely depends on how much fun you're having. It appears that you've found some fun challenges and that's a very good thing.
2009-05-11 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2119223

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: 100 milers back to back?

Did a similar weekend last weekend (2 century rides + runs after each).  Bike fitness will improve for sure.  Do it!

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