Other Resources My Cup of Joe » How much do you give to charity? Rss Feed  
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How much do you give to charity?
Nothing - giving is not a priority for me0 Votes - [0%]
Nothing - I want to but finances won't allow2 Votes - [6.45%]
A calculated percentage of my income1 Votes - [3.23%]
A set dollar amount3 Votes - [9.68%]
It varies year to year24 Votes - [77.42%]
I give back in other ways1 Votes - [3.23%]

2015-12-07 10:08 AM

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: How much do you give to charity?

I had an unexpected and very candid conversation over the weekend about charitable giving and it got me thinking (see my log if you want the long version!). I thought I'd throw out the question and see what this population does. Do you give a percentage of your income? A set dollar amount (based on what)? Does it vary year to year? Or is it not a priority for you?

I know this conversation is extremely personal, which is why I have never "judged" someone by what they give or do not give. I learned a long time ago that you really never know anyone's individual circumstances, what they may be doing in the background or why they chose to put their money where they do.

So if you're inclined to anonymously answer this poll I'm genuinely curious as to what others do or don't do. If you'd like to explain or put more detail in a comment below that would be cool, too!

2015-12-07 10:51 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?
It varies, but not so much in recent years as our income has stabilized. We give a set amount to our church and few other non-profits that we have been involved with a long time like colleges, various social justice organizations, and environmental groups, but it can then go up from there if we participate in more random fund raisers (think charity balls) or local things like school or community fund raisers.

All totaled, we give about 10% of our gross income to non-profits and have for years. We have limited time, so feel the best thing for us is to contribute money versus a lot of time, although we do a fair amount with our church.
2015-12-07 11:45 AM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

Mine tends to vary but we have two work related charity campaigns - the spring/summer for health related charities and in the Fall we do United Way.  I give a set amount to both and participate in the various events giving a bit more here and there.  I will sponsor friends for different charity campaigns throughout the year.  It's not a huge amount but I feel like i am doing some good and don't feel guilty about not giving more.

This year I gave extra because my uncle passed away and instead of flowers my aunt directed us to donate to the War Amps. 

2015-12-07 12:04 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

We give a set amount each year to "Our Little Haven"....a fantastic organization that deals with abused/neglected children.

We also give each of our kids $50.00 at X-mas that they MUST donate to a charity that they choose.

2015-12-07 2:01 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

Varies year to year and most often it's to someone raising money for a race or what ever.  I try to do most of it through work since we have matching gift program.  I get hung up sometimes checking how much of each dollar donated actually gets used for whatever cause or disease it's for vs running the charity.

I read your log and that's weak.  It's really none of your buddies business IMO.

2015-12-07 2:19 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

Originally posted by Left Brain

We also give each of our kids $50.00 at X-mas that they MUST donate to a charity that they choose.

This is neat!

2015-12-07 2:41 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Evergreen, Colorado
Bronze member
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

We're self-employed and income varies quite a bit year to year, so it would be tough to set a percentage or set amount. I usually just give money to charities I support when I have the money in the bank to do so - typically $500-$1000 here and there when I can afford it, and who knows what it adds up to until I do my taxes! 

I will say that I often hesitate to support friends who are doing marathons, etc for charity. It seems to me that in many cases, so much of the money raised is going to pay for entry fees and travel that I would much rather just support the charity directly myself. If you want to run a marathon in another state, awesome, but I don't want to pay for it under the guise of "charity". Now, if you are raising money for a local event and all of the money raised goes to the charity itself, I'm much more willing to help. So, I'm a little bit picky about those.

I'm an artist, and I get asked to donate a painting to everyone and their mother's charity auction. I say no a lot, and get a lot of flack from people for not being charitable enough, but the IRS will only let me deduct the value of my supplies (maybe $50 on a $2,000 painting) and if my painting sells for less than retail, it's bad for my prices. So, I just say no unless I truly support the organization enough to want to donate. The people who judge me for saying no have no idea how much cash I donate to organizations otherwise, so I say screw 'em! 

2015-12-08 4:57 AM
in reply to: Stacers

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Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?
It varies year to year. We sponsor a child through World Vision which is 60AUD a month. I give at least $100 twice a year to a police youth club helps get kids off the streets and into a gym or on bikes etc.

Random giving apart from that.
2015-12-08 5:09 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?
Varies a lot year to year. I do not have a high income, but I do live in a developing country where there are lots of needs. Our school supports a number of charitable initiatives with environmental and social organizations, so sometimes I am involved in that, both donating and helping to organize student fundraisers. I have made larger donations when the spirit moves me. I figure need is pretty much limitless and my funds are limited, so I try to spread it around. Last year, one of my students was doing a run-a-thon whose benefits were going to an initiative by the Dutch government to rebuild medical facilities in Nepal after the earthquake. I happened to have both personal ties to Nepal, and what I felt was an ill-gotten $300 worth of prize money (run bonus for fastest VN resident at IM Vietnam, even though it was my slowest-ever HM!), so I gave most of it to sponsor him.

Another time several years ago, I was traveling in a pretty remote area of southwest China and delivering some educational supplies from our school (in Beijing) to a number of rural schools there. The local people were so generous that I ended up spending almost none of the $ I had brought for the trip as almost all my food and accommodation were free. So I used the money I didn't spend on that (about $800 for a 3-week trip) to outfit a newly built school, for rural kids entering at different ages with no previous schooling, with textbooks for all, a program for teaching basic English (it was an area where ecotourism is becoming popular and that would bring employment opportunities) and some other teaching supplies for basic literacy, etc. In that case, I knew the people who were setting up the school and even went with them to the warehouse to buy the books--I feel better when I know my money's ending up in the intended place.

We are talking now about doing a school project where our students would learn about micro-finance and raise money, perhaps through auctioning artwork, to donate to a local project chosen by each class.
2015-12-08 1:07 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

I answered "set dollar amount" because we have a set amount we give at church and have sponsored three children (through 3 separate agencies) for years.

Like the others we also do misc other stuff like sponsoring someone for a race or a mission trip or what have you.


2015-12-08 1:13 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by Left Brain

We also give each of our kids $50.00 at X-mas that they MUST donate to a charity that they choose.

This is neat!

Not my idea.  Just passing on a tradition from my parents when I was growing up.  It did instill in us the idea of sharing with people who were less fortunate than we were.  I hope it does the same for my own children.

2015-12-08 1:42 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?
My income isn't very stable and never really has been, so I've never been one to give money. I lean towards giving time instead. I get a better warm fuzzy feeling out of it, I know exactly where my contribution is going (no hidden admin fees) and it doesn't hurt my pocketbook. I've gotten a bit of flack over the years from people who think I should donate money. I just try to sidestep the whole conversation with those kinds of people. Giving is giving...it isn't for recognition, it isn't required, and no one should be made to feel bad for giving it a skip.
2015-12-09 7:54 AM
in reply to: Stacers

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

Originally posted by Stacers

We're self-employed and income varies quite a bit year to year, so it would be tough to set a percentage or set amount. I usually just give money to charities I support when I have the money in the bank to do so - typically $500-$1000 here and there when I can afford it, and who knows what it adds up to until I do my taxes!

Same here.  It varies based on what I can afford.  I also volunteer my time.


2015-12-10 3:59 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by Left Brain

We also give each of our kids $50.00 at X-mas that they MUST donate to a charity that they choose.

This is neat!

Not my idea.  Just passing on a tradition from my parents when I was growing up.  It did instill in us the idea of sharing with people who were less fortunate than we were.  I hope it does the same for my own children.


We kind of do the same thing except we make our kids go earn some money by doing work. We also give 10% of our paycheck to our local church. (that includes kids allowances that they give)

2015-12-11 10:30 AM
in reply to: jford2309

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

I'd say we vary year to year as well.  We don't really do a set "percentage" we just give as opportunities present themselves.  If I were to put a percentage on it over the past several years it's anywhere from 5% - 20%, but we probably average somewhere in the 10%-15%.  
Sometimes it's hard for me to quantify in dollars because I donate a lot of equipment and time with my business to local startup charities and various organizations.  With those, I could donate $30k worth of equipment and another $10k in labor but I'll often work with my suppliers to get heavy discounts knowing it's for charity.  So the entity is getting $40k in real value, but my cost might only be $10k or $15k.  Then you throw in volunteer labor by me or my employees.

Either way, I feel that giving is extremely important because it makes us better people.  When you're giving from the heart and not out of obligation or religious "duty" it changes who you are.

2015-12-11 10:45 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

We pledge a set dollar amount to our church every year.  Nothing close to a Biblical tithe, but a number that fits our household budget.  Over the course of a year we also make what I would call "discretionary" gifts to other charities.  These are usually organizations we have some personal connection to, either through volunteering or a cause that we believe in.  The list varies from year to year, but has included Habitat for Humanity, The American Cancer Society, and  our local All-Faiths Food Bank, among others.  


2015-12-11 10:53 AM
in reply to: RedCorvette

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Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

Almost 15 years ago to the day we met with a catholic priest about baptizing our twins.  He told us that we hadn't contributed enough in the offerings each week and that he would look at it again in about 6 months. 

It went downhill from there.......he was locked in his back office when the Police showed up after he called them on me.

2015-12-11 1:24 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?

We give a set amount to the Rotary Foundation every year, provide in-kind donations to our local Rotary fundraiser and purchase tickets to galas, support the Strong Kids Campaign at the local YMCA which provides scholarships for kids in need, support a youth soccer initiative for kids in need, and provide food on Thanksgiving to a local group that feeds a couple thousand people every year.  Otherwise, we give a little here and there depending on whats going on in the community.

2015-12-11 2:14 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: How much do you give to charity?
I give a small amount to the church and to various things that come up with kids of friends. But the majority goes to running my triathlon team which gives back to local animal rescues. I give 20% of all team dues to partner rescues. We also help them in other ways, by volunteering and helping them raise awareness of their own charity events and helping them over social media to share animals that need to be adopted. Our efforts last year raised or helped raise several thousand dollars last year. I feel pretty good about that!
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