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Ironman 70.3 Texas - Triathlon

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Galveston, Texas
United States
World Triathlon Corporation
78F / 26C
Total Time = 4h 58m 20s
Overall Rank = 249/2221
Age Group = F30-34
Age Group Rank = 6/101
Pre-race routine:

Leading up to the race, I was feeling really good, both mentally and physically. I was almost worried that everything had gone too well and that maybe I was in store for some major mishaps on race day ;)

On the Wednesday before the race, we had a tornado touch down at work (about 45 minutes away from Galveston). We had some equipment damage, and things had been generally stressful for the past few weeks anyways. The forecast for Sunday was looking at least as bad -- they'd already issued severe weather warnings for Sunday and I was starting to get worried the race might get canceled or shortened. I'd already started looking around and noticed that Florida 70.3 was the next weekend and still had slots available....if this race was getting canceled, I was gonna buy a plane ticket and get myself to Florida! I was really excited to race and wanted to test out my fitness!

The day before the race, I headed down to Galveston to do packet pickup and bike check in. I picked up my packet and then walked into the expo to see if there was anything I wanted....I wanted to get one of the tank tops that has the participants' names on the back and a "Women for Tri" hat. Unfortunately, the line was ridiculously long and I really wanted to minimize the time on my feet, so I decided against it. I was ready to head back to my car to grab my bike but stopped in to use the restroom first. When I got back to my car to put all the stickers on my bike and helmet, I realized I'd set my packet down when I was in the restroom....and never picked it back up! Oh jeez! Booked it back to the bathroom only to find that it was gone. Crap, are you serious?!?! I walked back over to packet pickup area and asked if anyone had turned it in or if we could somehow make a new one....turns out, someone had turned it in! Whew! Crisis averted!

Finally put the stickers on my bike and brought it to the transition area to rack it. It was windy and they specifically asked us to rack by the seat....of course, my tiny bike doesn't actually touch the ground at all when racked by the seat, so it was blowing in the wind and I was just hoping for the best! But, at least it was just windy and didn't appear that the apocalypse was headed our way!

I headed home to take it easy for the rest of the afternoon/evening, had an early dinner, had my pre-race beer -- a Brett DIPA dry hopped with citra hops from B-52 -- and turned in for an early night. I slept alright, but woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off. Checked the weather and was thrilled to see that it was going to be super windy, but that there were no thunderstorms in the forecast! I had steel cut oats, a scoop of protein powder, and a handful of almonds for breakfast. I've switched it up since last year and am liking it (if for no other reason than that I don't have peanut butter in my house that I binge eat!).

Event warmup:

I left home right about 5am and was parked right about 5:30am. I walked over to transition and found that my bike had made it through the night with no issues! Got transition set up, pumped up my tires, decided to walk my pump back to my car since I had time, applied ample amounts of body glide (apparently not quite enough...), and then exited transition about 6:30am. I'm not very social on race morning (in fact, it's much better if I'm not because then I don't have anyone's nervous energy to feed off of...), so I walked over to the morning clothes bag drop area and sat there, visualizing my race. My wave didn't go off until 7:48am, so I had plenty of time.

Around 7am, I finished most of the bottle of Skratch I'd been sipping on, ate a banana, and got my wetsuit pulled on up to my waist. I then dropped off my bag and made the five minute walk over to the swim start area.

I got the rest of the way into my wetsuit, made sure that the arms and legs were pulled up appropriately and that my range of motion wasn't constricted. I got in line with the rest of the girls in my swim wave and inched toward the swim start. I was calm and ready to race. This is the calmest I've ever been before a was really nice!

Just as the wave before us went off, they allowed us in the water. It felt really good! I took a few strokes to get over to the swim start and made sure my goggles were de-fogged and seated nicely. I was ready to get started....I had a feeling it was going to be a good day!

  • 37m 34s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 47s / 100 yards

I lined up toward the front/right side (buoys are meant to stay on your left) hoping I could find some clear water and then settle in on some feet as I made my way toward the buoys. When the horn sounded, I hit the start button on my 910 and took off. The plan was to start out hard and then settle into what feels like HIM effort in the pool (for me, that's pretty consistently about 1:38/100m in a 25m pool)....and make surges if I find a set of feet that I can latch onto.

I felt like I was executing my plan at the start of the swim and was feeling confident that I was going to have a good swim split (unlike all of last year!). My pool swimming has improved a lot over the past five months and I was excited to see how it would translate to OWS.

We made it to the first set of turn buoys reasonably quickly, and then the second set was also pretty close.....then we settled into the long back stretch that seemed to go on forever! I was trying to keep myself mentally focused, but did find myself relaxing a bit too much and slowing my turnover rate. I tried to pick it back up and stay focused. I was working my way through blue, purple, and red caps.....but was pretty lonely as my fellow pink cappers had either dropped me or were somewhere behind me. It's pretty common that I swim in no-mans land with regards to my AG.....I definitely did not grow up a swimmer, but I seem to have picked it up alright for an adult.

We finally made it to the last set of turn buoys and headed in toward shore....and toward the sun and wind! It was choppy and felt a little bit like an endless pool, but it wasn't really that bad. I heard a lot of complaints about it, but I felt like the long back stretch was worse!

I swam until my hand touched the ground and then popped up to my feet to run out of the water. The exit ramp was very narrow, so I had to squeeze by if I wanted to get out quickly, which I did! I hit the lap button on my 910 and immediately saw that the screen was blank. Damn!

What would you do differently?:

At this time, I was blissfully unaware of just how bad my split was. It may have been a blessing in disguise that my 910 died on me, but I had also mentally prepared myself for another 38 minute split, so I probably would have been just fine.

Regardless, there's something about OWS that's not clicking for me these days. My pool swimming has improved a lot since last year, and I'm back swimming at paces that I was when I was racing well in 2014, but it's not translating to my OWS. Spoiler alert (in case I do a race report later...): I swam a 2.5k OWS race the following weekend to see if I subconsciously sabotage myself in triathlons because I know I have to bike and run after.....and I swam just as poorly. There are two girls who swim in my masters group who each swim a lane down from was within 30" of me for this race and the other one beat me for the 2.5k race. So I've gotta figure that out....and I will!

Transition 1
  • 02m 18s

By the time I got up the ramp exiting the water, I had my 910 off and clamped the band in my teeth, pulled my cap and goggles off, and started to work the top half of my wetsuit down. I actually managed to get it off my wrists with no issues and had it down below my butt by the time I got to the wetsuit strippers.....scoped out my best option and ran to a guy, laid down, and he ripped that thing off like he has practiced it a billion times :)

I ran to my bike, put on socks and shoes, helmet, sunglasses, grabbed my bike, and ran out to the mount line. I'm actually pretty pleased with this transition

What would you do differently?:

Flying mount? lol, I think I mention that in every race report :P

  • 2h 28m 49s
  • 56 miles
  • 22.58 mile/hr

The favorite! Everyone had been freaking out about the wind. In fact, in the athlete briefing the day before, they made a comment about how this was going to be a race "to keep both hands on the handlebars"....curious how many people didn't take in enough hydration or nutrition because of that. The cross wind was gnarly....made even more "fun" by the fact that you go along long sections that have condos, then no condos, then condos, then no condos, you get a little protected from the wind and then it hits you again. Honestly, stuff like this doesn't bother me in the least. I opted to run my disk and Flo60 front wheel, as I was not concerned and wanted to be fast. I train in stuff like this all the time.....headwind, crosswind, tailwind.....can basically guarantee that if I'm riding outside in Houston, it's gonna be windy! The thing that was a little sketchy was the fact that there were others who were obviously not as comfortable in it as I was, which meant they did unpredictable things and/or would get moved around in the lane a lot more than I did. Given that I started in a reasonably late wave, had a reasonably slow swim, and am a pretty good cyclist meant that I'd be passing for most of the race....and watching out for slower cyclists who were struggling to hold their lines. There were only a handful of people who passed me (none of whom were female), and they did so convincingly!

The course starts by winding through some residential area until you get up to the main drag, where you spend something like 25 miles going out, U-turn, and then spend another 25 miles coming back in. I love this course....I love it for training (there are only three stop lights total!) and I love it for racing -- you can settle into your power and just hold it forever. It's pancake-flat, with the exception of San Luis pass, which is about a five second "climb" over some rough roads in each direction.

Heading out, I was making mental notes of how I was feeling, where the aid station was on the return leg, and when I crossed paths with the pros. Most of the time (sometimes in training, but especially in racing), RPE is not in line with what HIM power should be. I convince myself that I'm going too hard and need to back it off so I can save some for the run. I raced Austin 70.3 last year to prove to myself that I could have a strong bike and follow it up with a strong run, so I told myself I was doing it again. Thankfully, RPE was exactly in line with power this time! My HR was slightly elevated early on, but that was more a matter of having come from the swim (horizontal) to the bike (vertical), and it came down soon enough.

The bike plan for this race was to hold high-150's to low-160's and make small surges if/when needed to ride legally. About a quarter of the way into the ride, my power was fluctuating back and forth between 162 and 161 and I made myself a deal....hold 162 to the turn-around and then you can let off a little and fall back into the high-150's. I made it to the turn-around and was feeling I ended up holding power steady throughout. Oh yeah, and for those wondering how I had these metrics with my 910 having died....I run a 520 on my bike, so I had all the information I needed :)

There were three aid stations on the course. I carry two bottles (of Skratch) on my bike -- one BTA, one behind my seat, and a third bottle behind the seat as a flat kit. I know I need to drink about three bottles' worth of liquid to keep hydrated over the expected time it would take me to ride the course, so I grabbed bottles of water at each aid station. I'd grab the bottle, drink as much as I wanted/needed, would sometimes pour some water on me to keep me cool, and then would toss it by the "last trash" sign. I successfully grabbed bottles at all three aid stations, which made me happy, as I tend to miss at least one attempted grab!

I had three Honey Stinger waffles cut into quarters in my bento box. I ate quarters every 15-20 minutes and made it through 2.75 waffles by the end of the ride. I keep thinking about eating "real food" and/or changing up my nutrition plan, but this just keeps working for me, so I haven't been overly motivated to change.

In the end, my NP/AP was 162/160, so I was really pleased with's just slightly over 3.0 W/kg, which is pretty respectable, imo :) My max 30 second power was right about threshold and my max 1 minute power was in the sweet spot range, meaning that I kept my surges short and smart, minimizing any match-burning. I think I was about a minute faster on the way back in than I was on the way out, so it was almost completely cross-wind, but maybe slightly more beneficial on the way in. I managed to go from 22nd out of the water to 4th by the end of the bike :)

What would you do differently?:

Honestly, probably nothing. I told Marc that Best Bike Split had predicted 2:29....he thought that was optimistic. I was pretty happy when I saw that I'd come in just under 2:29....I bet he thought I blew my power target, but I was very disciplined!

Transition 2
  • 01m 49s

Coming back into Moody Gardens, I slipped my feet out of my shoes and prepared to dismount. Everything here went smoothly, but then something weird happened. When I was running with my bike, the crank would continue to turn, and my shoes would drag on the ground. At some point, one of my shoes/pedals smashed into the big toe on my right foot. It hurt instantly, and I noticed that it was cut (but not bleeding) when I got to my transition spot. It hurt a little, but it wasn't a big deal.

Once I got to my transition spot, I racked the bike, changed socks, threw my shoes on, and ran out while situating my hat, race belt, and Gu's.

Oh yeah, and I made the decision that I didn't want to run I had grabbed my 520 off my bike and ran with it in my hand for the entire half marathon. I'm more concerned with the fact that I wouldn't push myself hard enough without it, rather than needing it to keep me in check.

What would you do differently?:

I need to figure out if this whole crank rotating while in freewheel is normal or not. I had a 10-speed cassette on my Flo rear wheel that I recently changed out the freehub body so I could put an 11-speed cassette on there. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, or if this is normal. If it's normal, I need to figure out how to run with the bike if the shoes are still clipped in.

For what it's worth, my big toe was pretty sore and the toenail is completely black now. I kinda thought it was broken for about a minute, but it's not :)

  • 1h 47m 50s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 08m 14s  min/mile

Every single race report leading up to this one laments about how I need to learn to run....well, I finally did it! I finally learned to run! I mean, I still have room for a lot of improvement....but for the first time ever, I feel like I've actually kind of learned to run :)

Another first (and maybe this isn't good....), my run was better than my swim in terms of AG-placement. Admittedly, my swim was pretty pathetic, but still....I'm super happy with my run!

This is a three loop run course and you rarely get long straight-aways to just settle into your pace. When I did this race two years ago, the first mile marker you came across was for mile #9. I remember thinking to myself, "Oh god, that's not fair! I can't wait to be there...." This year, I didn't even see mile marker #9 until I was on my second loop, but it was still the first mile marker you came across! I did see the #5 mile marker, which is the second one.....and then came across mile #1. I think there's a lot to be said for the fact that I didn't even notice #9 and when I got to #5, I wasn't dying to be there (or further along than I was).

Now, don't get me wrong....the first loop was tough. It was starting to get warm out and my legs hadn't quite settled in yet. Each loop got progressively better, though I could feel the fatigue settling in during the second half of the third loop.

My 910 was set up to auto lap every mile, and I also had average pace and lap pace displayed. My 520 is obviously not set up that lapping every mile would drive me batty on the bike! It was tough to try to keep track of my pace with just a timer and distance and I didn't want to be trying to do all kinds of calculations in my head (though it is a nice distraction sometimes). I decided to lap my computer at each mile marker....some were long, some were short, and there might have been a couple that were right on. I could have lapped at 1.00 miles each time it came across on the computer, but I didn't want to be staring at it all the time, so I decided to just lap at the mile markers even if they were off.....and not freak out if I ran a 7:50 or a 9:10 lap, even though my target pace was about 8:20 :)

Mostly, what I wanted the computer for was to make sure that I didn't let my HR go too low. I know I need to keep it above 155 for a race, and I also know that I can maintain up into the low-160' if I ever found myself slacking off, I'd have the data to remind myself to pick it up.

I was making good progress through the course and through the racers, but there were still a lot of people passing me. Some people make it look so effortless, even though you can tell that they're working hard. Unfortunately, a couple girls in my AG did pass me and I had zero chance of actually holding on to their pace (in fact, of the five girls who placed higher than me, four of them ran 1:35-1:37 and the fifth ran a 1:40....I'm not quite there yet, but I'm working on it). I also remember when the female pro with the fastest run split passed me....she was breathing hard, but she looked really good! I want to run like that!

At each aid station, I grabbed at least one cup of water. I did a run-through on all but one aid station.....walked through (I think) the second to last one to make sure to get water in me. For the second time ever, Gu sounded awful....I literally forced myself to suck it down. I'd never had this problem in the past, but starting at Austin 70.3 last year, I began to hate the stuff. It happened again at the race, but I forced it down....and, unlike the bike, I'm actually motivated to find something different to eat on the run, since this is no longer ideal (it seems to work, but I kinda hate it!).

Coming in to the finish, I was feeling pretty good, but also feeling the fatigue....and was happy when I got to hang a left to go to the finish, instead of staying right to make another lap (or two). I finished strong and crossed the line feeling completely spent.....though a few minutes later, I was fine, so maybe I wasn't as spent as I could be...

What would you do differently?:

I think I could have been mentally stronger if I'd been able to see my paces and continue to push if I was letting them slide, but I'm pretty happy with the execution and effort.....and my decision-making skills to bring the 520 with me :)

Post race
Warm down:

When I crossed the finish line, I was kind of a mess....I hardly noticed the volunteers who were trying to put a medal around my neck and hand me a finisher's hat....I had tunnel vision on the kiddie pools full of cold water! I regained my composure, thanked the volunteers, and made my way to the water, where I was handed two bottles. I then heard my friend, Michelle, call out my name. I leaned against the fence and talked to her for a moment before it occurred to me to ask her what time it was. She looked at her phone and said "12:48" and I instantly lost it!

I knew I'd started at 7:48am, so if it was just now 12:48pm, then I must have come in under five hours. I was in shock....I was so happy....and then she pulled up the results and confirmed that I'd come in under five hours and I completely lost it. Emotions took over and I was a crying, laughing, sweaty, hugging mess....and completely unapologetic for it!

Marc had told me a while back that he thought I could go sub-5. I knew I had it in me, but I didn't think I was quite there for this race. In fact, I'd wager that he didn't think I was there for this race either. It is a flat, fast course, so sub-5 here doesn't mean I can go sub-5 anywhere, but I'm hoping to continue to grow and improve....and hoping I can do it again at 70.3 WC in Chattanooga later this year :)

Michelle had chocolate milk for me, and I grabbed a few more bottles of water. We headed over to the run course to cheer on other athletes and meet up with friends. I changed into some dry clothes and dry shoes....and saw that my right big toe was kind of mangled :P

We hung around for a while and then decided to head over to Galveston Island Brewery for a couple post-race celebratory beers! This is the first race ever where I wasn't hungry after the race, but I sure was thirsty :)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I need to figure out my swim issues (which are in progress) and will continue to work on my running. This race exceeded my expectations. I truly thought 5:05 - 5:10 was achievable, and that there was a very slight possibility that I could go sub-5, but everything would have to be perfect. My previous PR was 5:26, so this is a huge step for me! Not everything was perfect, but I managed to sneak in under five hours, so I think I need to work on being more confident in myself

Event comments:

This is a good race, and I'll probably do it again in the future, but that's really only because it's local to me. Personally, I don't think I'd travel to race Galveston 70.3

Last updated: 2017-04-03 12:00 AM
00:37:34 | 2112 yards | 01m 47s / 100yards
Age Group: 22/101
Overall: 0/2221
Performance: Below average
Suit: Tyr Hurricane Cat 5
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Waves
Water temp: 74F / 23C Current: Medium
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Below average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Below average
Waves: Average Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Average
Time: 02:18
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
02:28:49 | 56 miles | 22.58 mile/hr
Age Group: 3/101
Overall: 0/2221
Performance: Good
Wind: Cross-winds
Course: Out and back
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 79
Turns: Average Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills:
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:49
Overall: Below average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Below average
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Average
01:47:50 | 13.1 miles | 08m 14s  min/mile
Age Group: 10/101
Overall: 0/2221
Performance: Good
Course: Three loop, completely convoluted course that I couldn't recreate if I needed to! But the crowd support is awesome!
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2017-04-13 3:58 PM

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Houston, Texas
Subject: Ironman 70.3 Texas

2017-04-13 6:53 PM
in reply to: #5218319

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas
Wow! Congrats on the sub-5! That sounds like challenging conditions on the bike. I hear you about the condo/no condo/condo/no condo thing. That was Toughman Washington for me a few years ago. Plus add rain and hundreds of deer to the mix. Though I would have a nervous breakdown by the end of the bike leg! Literally had to struggle to unclench my fingers from the aerobars.

Now you have me thinking--my best is 5:16, at Calgary, which is NOT a flat course (big net uphill on the bike). My AP and power per kg were almost exactly the same as yours (and did a 2:49 bike split!). Wonder if I could go sub-5 if I managed to find a fast place to try????? At my age, though, time is probably running out.

Anyway, enjoy your recovery and best of luck in your other races this year.
2017-04-13 8:53 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas

Originally posted by Hot Runner Wow! Congrats on the sub-5! That sounds like challenging conditions on the bike. I hear you about the condo/no condo/condo/no condo thing. That was Toughman Washington for me a few years ago. Plus add rain and hundreds of deer to the mix. Though I would have a nervous breakdown by the end of the bike leg! Literally had to struggle to unclench my fingers from the aerobars. Now you have me thinking--my best is 5:16, at Calgary, which is NOT a flat course (big net uphill on the bike). My AP and power per kg were almost exactly the same as yours (and did a 2:49 bike split!). Wonder if I could go sub-5 if I managed to find a fast place to try????? At my age, though, time is probably running out. Anyway, enjoy your recovery and best of luck in your other races this year.

And you complain that you're "not a strong biker" :P

I bet you could go sub-5 on the right course and if you manage to keep yourself healthy.  Somewhere in Vietnam may not be the right place when it gets too warm/humid.  We were right on the cusp, but had a mild enough day.  

Not sure what Chattanooga will be like this year, but I'm hoping it will be great.  If you qualify, will you travel and race?  

2017-04-13 9:59 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas
I had not planned on doing Worlds this year, even if I qualified, but then some things changed.....

I got an invite to do it without having to qualify! (Actually, I may well have qualified at Calgary anyway--was second to a woman who seems to race every other weekend and is very highly ranked; didn't stick around for roll-down as I wasn't planning to do Worlds and Mom and I were both starving!) It's some kind of initiative to get more women in the race (Women for Tri??)--they were offering spots to the top 20 last year in each age group (ranking, not Worlds placing).

I had already signed up for Chongqing 70.3 in China around the same time--it's one of the China 70.3 races where you can qualify for Kona. But between Trump's election, which seems to be throwing a wrench into US/China relations, worsening ties between China and Vietnam, which make the visa very difficult to get from here, very limited time at home to get the visa (it's only good for three months), plus a mid-summer family move planned back in the US (I don't even know my home address!), it was just getting to be too much of a headache. I don't want to train for months for a race I might well be unable to do for reasons very much beyond my control (visas, politics).

So I swallowed my pride and took the '"free" Worlds spot. I need a re-do after last year's bike leg fiasco! Feel like I never really got to do the race justice. Worlds this year matches up with a Vietnamese holiday the previous weekend and Monday, so I can head back to the US a week ahead of time; should be rested for the race; coming back right after will be ugly, but it is what it is!

Dunno about sub-5. I've always done disproportionately well at altitude and on hilly courses, both as a runner and triathlete. It may be due to my size--I have a really small build (about 5'7" and 115-117 pounds) and am a lot better at power per weight than absolute power. Strength has always been my limiter. Good climber but the bigger women tend to blow by me on the flats. Looking at your split, wondering if something is wrong with my position as well--maybe I'm not aero enough?? We seem to be similar size, so seems like my bike should be faster than 2:49--OTOH, Calgary had 3300 feet total elevation gain (point to point) and LOTS of hills. I'm doing Coeur d'Alene 70.3 in June--not sure how much easier that'll be!

Did you qualify for Worlds this past weekend or elsewhere? If so, hope to see you there!
2017-04-14 7:16 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas

Check out Best Bike Split -- put in the Calgary 70.3 course, your power, weather conditions as much as you can, and force it to match your time by changing your aerodynamic numbers.  Then you can use those numbers and predict yourself on other courses.  It's been pretty accurate for me.

BTW, I "qualified" for Chattanooga in the same way.  I had some reservations about taking the slot, but decided that I wanted the opportunity to race there.  I thought I had a chance for qualifying, either at Galveston (didn't stick around for roll down), and would have tried again at Buffalo Springs.  I had told myself previously that I would not race 70.3 WC again until I could go sub-5....I've now done that and am happy that I get the opportunity to race there

2017-04-14 9:01 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas

Wow.  Great race and that was a really good read.  30' PR...that's just awesome, and it sounds like you have areas where you feel you can improve, too.

What was really great was that you had a plan, and stuck to it, even after losing your feedback for a while.  And most of us have to make sure we keep our HRs from getting too HIGH, not too LOW. 

2017-04-14 10:11 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas

Incredible race Nicole!  

+1 to what Mike said - great job overcoming the adversity of not having your #1 training partner (the Garmin!).  

2017-04-14 11:13 AM
in reply to: #5218319

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas
Amazing race! I loved reading your RR. Sucks about your big can probably say goodbye to that nail in a few weeks or so. I've lost some toenails in the past, it's not too bad

For the OWS, are you practicing in open water or mostly swimming in a pool and hoping it will translate? I like to get out in open water at least a couple times before a race. You also have to take into account that you aren't pushing off a wall every 25yards. Makes a difference. You will get there! Especially now that you have successfullly "learned" to run

Congrats again!
2017-04-16 8:02 AM
in reply to: #5218319

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas
Terrific race Nicole! You are an uber cyclist, for sure. Can't wait until you get the swim figured out, but a super great all around race.
congratulations on sub 5!

2017-04-17 4:40 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas
Congratulations on a great race.
2017-04-19 3:19 PM
in reply to: #5218319

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Texas
Congrats on a great race and breaking 5!!! Well done!!

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Ironman 70.3 Texas

Started by JDKadlick
Views: 979 Posts: 1

2016-12-29 3:13 PM JDKadlick

Memorial Hermann Ironman 70.3 Texas

Started by x01509
Views: 1078 Posts: 1

2016-08-21 8:11 PM x01509

Ironman Texas 70.3

Started by jasonwb
Views: 1290 Posts: 1

2016-04-19 4:14 PM jasonwb

Ironman 70.3 California Oceanside

Started by Pacific John
Views: 1608 Posts: 2

2016-04-24 8:35 PM ChrisM

Ironman 70.3 California Oceanside

Started by jenth
Views: 1882 Posts: 7

2016-04-14 9:40 AM juniperjen