BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2016-01-10 5:30 PM
in reply to: Lighttower

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
BAH! nothing worse than finishing a weeks worth of training with X:59 Hrs of training. I would have stuck in an extra 1 minute on the treadmill if I would have know.

2016-01-10 5:50 PM
in reply to: Lighttower

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by Lighttower

I've lost another Kg during this week, and I've felt a little bit dizzy and light-headed on my late night run tonight, I guess my blood-sugar level plummeted. I am thinking about buying some cliff bars, to have some "emergency" calories with me, just in a case like this.

Sounds like you were on the way to a bonk. A bar is okay but they take a while to digest, I would suggest packing a gel or 2 but even then you have to take it before you start getting dizzy. Good job on losing another Kg, If needed I can send you some of mine.
2016-01-10 6:04 PM
in reply to: DaveL

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by DaveL BAH! nothing worse than finishing a weeks worth of training with X:59 Hrs of training. I would have stuck in an extra 1 minute on the treadmill if I would have know.

How do you set up your runs? I watch time more. Not for this reason, but it has worked better in managing the load.

2016-01-10 6:05 PM
in reply to: DaveL

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by DaveL
Originally posted by Lighttower I've lost another Kg during this week, and I've felt a little bit dizzy and light-headed on my late night run tonight, I guess my blood-sugar level plummeted. I am thinking about buying some cliff bars, to have some "emergency" calories with me, just in a case like this.
Sounds like you were on the way to a bonk. A bar is okay but they take a while to digest, I would suggest packing a gel or 2 but even then you have to take it before you start getting dizzy. Good job on losing another Kg, If needed I can send you some of mine.

Looks like the run took 1:36. Pretty good size.

2016-01-10 6:35 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by DaveL BAH! nothing worse than finishing a weeks worth of training with X:59 Hrs of training. I would have stuck in an extra 1 minute on the treadmill if I would have know.

How do you set up your runs? I watch time more. Not for this reason, but it has worked better in managing the load.

to be honest I am pretty unstructured on my runs right now . How long I run depends on how long the program I am watching is or how much time I have. My focus is on the bike right now so running is not a huge priority and I still have a somewhat tender big toe so I have to take it easy. It is getting better though so I will probably move into a 10k or half plan soon.
2016-01-10 6:52 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Munich, Bayern
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by DaveL
Sounds like you were on the way to a bonk. A bar is okay but they take a while to digest, I would suggest packing a gel or 2 but even then you have to take it before you start getting dizzy. Good job on losing another Kg, If needed I can send you some of mine.

I try to maintain weight, I have around 3-4 kg extra fat on me right now and I really would like to keep it.
I tried something that tasted like a baby fruit syrup once and I wasn't a fan of it, I might try a few other gels just in case.

Originally posted by brigby1
Looks like the run took 1:36. Pretty good size.

I usually have two small runs a day, three times a week.

2016-01-10 7:41 PM
in reply to: Lighttower

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Ok, I signed up for the half marathon. Katy Half. Sean I hope you come out there and cheer me on since it's in your neighborhood .

The only time I've done an official race longer than a 5k was in 1998 and that was a 10k. I ran that one with no prep whatsoever and I was hurting bad for a week (I wish I could come close to the pace I ran that one with training these days, oh well).

I swore that I would never run anything further than that 10 k for the rest of my life. I guess some promises are just meant to be broken and I'm following the Manatee advise and I'm going to "DOOOOOO EEEETTTTTTTT".
2016-01-10 8:17 PM
in reply to: DaveL

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by DaveL
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by DaveL BAH! nothing worse than finishing a weeks worth of training with X:59 Hrs of training. I would have stuck in an extra 1 minute on the treadmill if I would have know.

How do you set up your runs? I watch time more. Not for this reason, but it has worked better in managing the load.

to be honest I am pretty unstructured on my runs right now . How long I run depends on how long the program I am watching is or how much time I have. My focus is on the bike right now so running is not a huge priority and I still have a somewhat tender big toe so I have to take it easy. It is getting better though so I will probably move into a 10k or half plan soon.

Well that sounds like good news!

2016-01-10 8:18 PM
in reply to: Lighttower

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Lighttower
Originally posted by brigby1 Looks like the run took 1:36. Pretty good size.
I usually have two small runs a day, three times a week.

Oh, ok. So you've been putting down the overall for the day then?

2016-01-10 9:50 PM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by johnthecat

Ok, I signed up for the half marathon. Katy Half. Sean I hope you come out there and cheer me on since it's in your neighborhood .

The only time I've done an official race longer than a 5k was in 1998 and that was a 10k. I ran that one with no prep whatsoever and I was hurting bad for a week (I wish I could come close to the pace I ran that one with training these days, oh well).

I swore that I would never run anything further than that 10 k for the rest of my life. I guess some promises are just meant to be broken and I'm following the Manatee advise and I'm going to "DOOOOOO EEEETTTTTTTT".

Yeheyyy!! I am so happy you decided to do it I signed up for my very first HM too. And I also thought I would never do anything longer than 10k. In my opinion running for more than 2 hours is crazy (and marathon runners are insane).

I have my "trial" run on January 23rd and "let's do it" half-m in April. When's yours? Good luck and DOOOOOO EEEEETTTT!!!!!
2016-01-10 9:56 PM
in reply to: 0

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
It's official: I'm crazy.
It was super cold today, 13 degrees, and I went running. After not having enough sleep last night (friend's b-day party). When I finished my run it was 10 degrees.
Okey, if you told me a year ago I would be running in a freezing conditions, I would laugh to death. For me less than 60 degrees disqualified going for a run.
And here I am today, running in the snow, bit of ice here and there, hitting my frozen chicks. I only had two long-sleeve shirts and it felt pretty perfect. My butt was freezing though. And you know what...? I actually enjoyed it! I talked to my brother and we both decided that running in cold is wayyyyy better than when it's hot and humid (oh Chicago...).
Here are some pics. Not as spectacular as Adrienne's, but hey - it's winter
I hope all racers from this weekend had a great time!

Edited by marysia83 2016-01-10 9:58 PM



bieg2.jpg (124KB - 3 downloads)
bieg1.jpg (113KB - 3 downloads)

2016-01-10 10:03 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
To Steve:
I wish you only healthy days and a quick, peaceful recover. I know you are very strong and will manage to be in a great running shape very soon.
You have always been so supportive, motivating, and inspiring, especially to beginners. You are such an experienced and knowledgeable triathlete, and you never let beginners to think they are just super silly. You've always had plenty of respect to everyone on this forum, who was lost in training and seeking an advice. I am very thankful to be a part of this forum with you. Get better soon!!!
2016-01-10 11:08 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by marysia83

I have my "trial" run on January 23rd and "let's do it" half-m in April. When's yours? Good luck and DOOOOOO EEEEETTTT!!!!!

February 6th.
2016-01-11 1:17 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Congrats on getting out in the cold! When I was a student I spent a semester in Harbin, China, up near the border with Russia, and really did run pretty much every morning, down to about -20 C. I think I was running in a thermal base layer, wool turtleneck, wool sweater, and light wind jacket, plus run tights and sweats, hat, gloves under mittens, and vaseline all over my face. It wasn't very fast running, but I remember those cold, clear mornings as some of the most beautiful runs I've ever done--sometimes through a small forest at a forestry college near where I was studying or the botanical gardens, and sometimes along an abandoned railroad line through town that all the runners, snowshoers, and dog walkers used for exercise. It was amazing, considering not only the cold, but that this was China in the late 80's and the economy wasn't that developed yet--I had lots of company on those runs!

If your butt feels cold, I suggest a pair of compression shorts or capris underneath winter tights. They not only help keep your legs from cramping (I tend to have issues with hamstrings cramping when it's cold) but also give the butt an extra later of warmth.
2016-01-11 6:28 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 It's official: I'm crazy. It was super cold today, 13 degrees, and I went running. After not having enough sleep last night (friend's b-day party). When I finished my run it was 10 degrees. Okey, if you told me a year ago I would be running in a freezing conditions, I would laugh to death. For me less than 60 degrees disqualified going for a run. And here I am today, running in the snow, bit of ice here and there, hitting my frozen chicks. I only had two long-sleeve shirts and it felt pretty perfect. My butt was freezing though. And you know what...? I actually enjoyed it! I talked to my brother and we both decided that running in cold is wayyyyy better than when it's hot and humid (oh Chicago...). Here are some pics. Not as spectacular as Adrienne's, but hey - it's winter I hope all racers from this weekend had a great time!

Mary, those pics are spectacular. Because they are proof of your life changing!

2016-01-11 6:38 AM
in reply to: Lighttower

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Lighttower Adam: Life happens, train as you feel like it, try to stick to the plan and don't worry if it does not work out. You always have next week/next month/next year. Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. Always try to achieve your best and have fun, don't worry about tomorrow, if you don't have to. I've joined the Strava Manatees club (wohoo!!!), I am looking forward for my well earned 6-7th place next week! :D I will have my first ever masters swim tomorrow, I hope I will not injure anyone. Today it was raining on my runs, but I still managed to take a photo from the alps, just for you, I hope you like it:'ve lost another Kg during this week, and I've felt a little bit dizzy and light-headed on my late night run tonight, I guess my blood-sugar level plummeted. I am thinking about buying some cliff bars, to have some "emergency" calories with me, just in a case like this.

Nice! Very nice!

2016-01-11 6:41 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 It's official: I'm crazy. It was super cold today, 13 degrees, and I went running. After not having enough sleep last night (friend's b-day party). When I finished my run it was 10 degrees. Okey, if you told me a year ago I would be running in a freezing conditions, I would laugh to death. For me less than 60 degrees disqualified going for a run. And here I am today, running in the snow, bit of ice here and there, hitting my frozen chicks. I only had two long-sleeve shirts and it felt pretty perfect. My butt was freezing though. And you know what...? I actually enjoyed it! I talked to my brother and we both decided that running in cold is wayyyyy better than when it's hot and humid (oh Chicago...). Here are some pics. Not as spectacular as Adrienne's, but hey - it's winter I hope all racers from this weekend had a great time!

If I could just breath when it is cold. Good job. Those pics are beautiful and peaceful. The sound (or lack of sound) when you are outside by yourself in the snow is mesmerizing.

2016-01-11 7:50 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by ceilidh

If I could just breath when it is cold. Good job. Those pics are beautiful and peaceful. The sound (or lack of sound) when you are outside by yourself in the snow is mesmerizing.

Nothing but the distinctive sound of snow crunching as each foot lands. Running in the snow is sometimes a real treat.

We had rain all day and that changed to snowing overnight along with howling winds. Drifts were approx. 2 feet high in my drive way this morning and I had real problems opening the door of my car. The rears still wont open despite warming it up.

Maybe I will try to get out for a quick run today. It will depend on the wind.
2016-01-11 10:33 AM
in reply to: DaveL

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Happy Monday Manatees!  Hope everyone had a good one!  Winter seems to have finally arrived to all of the states, including Florida!  Of course, our winter is a bit different from what Mary ran through this weekend.  Man, that is some seriously cold weather, good job getting out there!

In other news, I had a really fun race.  For those with time on their hands, here's the race report!  

2016-01-11 10:37 AM
in reply to: amd723

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by amd723

Happy Monday Manatees!  Hope everyone had a good one!  Winter seems to have finally arrived to all of the states, including Florida!  Of course, our winter is a bit different from what Mary ran through this weekend.  Man, that is some seriously cold weather, good job getting out there!

In other news, I had a really fun race.  For those with time on their hands, here's the race report!  

Finally getting one of our deep freeze periods as it went below zero.

2016-01-11 10:49 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed


With a few caveats... need to wear an ankle brace, start slow, very low volume, etc. My log today has all the details but I think I'm going to stick with the AMT elliptical until my range of motion returns, etc. etc. etc. - but this is such a huge step in my recovery. HAPPY GIRL 

2016-01-11 10:52 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Happy Monday, Manatees!

Mary, your pics are gorgeous to me, as DC contends with weird rain and warmer temps...all I want is some of that snow!

Markus - good on you for signing up. You're going to do great!

My Aunt B was discharged from hospital, but with no real diagnosis as to what is causing the infections/sepsis. Frustrating, but at least she's home and no longer critical. Thanks for all the thoughts for her!
2016-01-11 11:04 AM
in reply to: lisac957

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by lisac957


With a few caveats... need to wear an ankle brace, start slow, very low volume, etc. My log today has all the details but I think I'm going to stick with the AMT elliptical until my range of motion returns, etc. etc. etc. - but this is such a huge step in my recovery. HAPPY GIRL 

Nice! Amazing how good it can seem to just get on an elliptical after not doing anything.

2016-01-11 11:10 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by lisac957


With a few caveats... need to wear an ankle brace, start slow, very low volume, etc. My log today has all the details but I think I'm going to stick with the AMT elliptical until my range of motion returns, etc. etc. etc. - but this is such a huge step in my recovery. HAPPY GIRL 

Yay!  Yup, take is slow and easy!

2016-01-11 11:11 AM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Atlantia Happy Monday, Manatees! Mary, your pics are gorgeous to me, as DC contends with weird rain and warmer temps...all I want is some of that snow! Markus - good on you for signing up. You're going to do great! My Aunt B was discharged from hospital, but with no real diagnosis as to what is causing the infections/sepsis. Frustrating, but at least she's home and no longer critical. Thanks for all the thoughts for her!

Glad to hear Aunt B is home; hope they can figure out what is going on!

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date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.