BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered) Rss Feed  
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2014-05-16 1:14 AM

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Melon Presser
Subject: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

WELCOME to the Mad Manatees! We are all mentors and mentees, which sounds like manatees--hence our name.

All experience levels and goals welcome. We have not-yet-triathletes, single-sport enthusiasts, multiple-iron finishers, folks at the highest levels of endurance sport, and everyone in between. Our training philosophies, gear, and methods are similarly varied.

We are very committed to health and to each other--physical, social, mental, spiritual, nutritional, et al. We are an extremely supportive and very active group. Please check in (even to admit you're procrastinating or overwhelmed) and be passionate about health through sport. Keeping up your training log here on BT and opening it to other group members is mandatory. (If you don't know how, we'll help you set up). We know how BT works and how to guide you through its wealth of resources.


TO JOIN, PLEASE REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE (include or later add bio ASAP). Bio: whatever you want from format below/what you want us to know.

We believe the journey is the reward, and look forward to having you as a fellow traveler. 

NAME: What you're actually called.
STORY: Who you are, why you want to do endurance/multisport, any athletic background/none
FAMILY STATUS: Family situation (single/partnered/family/pets)
CURRENT TRAINING: If/how you have been training so far
BODY COMPOSITION: any reshaping achievements or goals (weight reduction or otherwise)

Edited by IndoIronYanti 2014-06-11 12:22 AM

2014-05-16 1:24 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Hi, I'm Yanti.

Growing up in Indonesia, I swam with national and high school teams. In the U.S, I coached/competed/won in martial arts (both traditional and sport fighting) at the world level, but after an injury became sedentary and eventually morbidly obese. Fast forward … a student suckered me into doing a charity marathon—then I learned how to ride a bike and picked swimming back up! After 15 years in the States, I've been back in Indonesia for 5 years, mostly on the paradise island of Bali. Triathlon and endurance sports here have exploded in these years and it's been tremendous to be part of that as a competitor, coach, and organizer.

Family status: I'm 38, married to Kingsley Bugarin OAM (a world-class swimmer/parathlete/community service guy), have a black Lab smarter than I am and trains the other dog and cats to outsmart me, too. We call it the Funny Farm. My dad passed away last year so I spend a lot of time in Jakarta (capital, 1.5hr plane flight from Bali), helping my mom out (she has Alzheimer's) and holding the family business together. My third city of residence is Perth, with Kingsley (who also comes to Indonesia often).

Current training: Building into high-volume, Ironman-specific training for IM Malaysia in September 2014. Swim training is disproportionately high because I also do an ocean 10K in July and am looking to do Rottnest Channel Swim in Australia next year (about 20K).

2014 Races:
April - Sungailiat Triathlon (done)
June - SEAPMasters Swim Meet (50 free, 100 I.M., 200 free)
July - Bali 10K Ocean Swim
September - IM Malaysia
December - IM Western Australia

I'm sure I'll be adding a bunch more races as they come up.

Body Composition: At race weight I'm about 140lbs LESS than what I weighed at my highest (morbidly obese), but right now I'm a good 20lb over race weight as I'm working through thyroid issues, hopefully temporary.

Experience, Encouragement, Empathy, and Extreme Fun are what I offer you! I've done dozens of endurance races all over the world. I was a researcher, writer/editor, and headquarters trainer for a global fitness and sports company for several years, so I'm pretty keyed into sports physiology and endurance coaching. I have the dubious distinction of being BT's top poster, but I also read all the forum threads, BT news, articles, programs, lots of blogs, and other endurance forums, books, news, and research. Am currently in training to be a certified Open Water swim coach and race official.

2014-05-16 8:12 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2014-05-18 8:00 AM
in reply to: 99Puddles

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Welcome, Debi! You and this group are a great match, I believe. We're also big animal lovers and Janyne, another super pod herder, lives in your neck of the woods.

2014-05-22 10:06 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

East Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)
Here!!! I love this group! It has helped me so much in achieving my dream over the past few years.

NAME: Jonathan

STORY: My story is weight-loss. At my heaviest I was 250 pounds. I've always dreamed of completing an Ironman and finally started my journey 2 years ago. After losing 70 pounds and completing 6 shorter distance triathlons in the last 18 months I finally achieved my dream of Ironman last weekend at Ironman Texas. I love this sport and although I won't be doing another 140.6 for a few years I still plan to participate in at least two 70.3s a year. Triathlon has changed my lifestyle.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 small boys and one child on the way (due in October)

CURRENT TRAINING: Well I'm still recovering from my Ironman last weekend. I plan to do nothing for about 2 weeks and then ease back into my training. My IT Band is pretty tight so I need to just be cautious and let my body rest. I haven't taken much time off in the last 2 years so it's time for some healing time.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I plan to do a few sprint distance triathlons this fall but my next big event will be my first Open Marathon in either December or January.

BODY COMPOSITION: After losing 70 pounds I am now going to shift my focus into building muscle and finish leaning out. I would like to drop by BF% down to 10% by this winter.
2014-05-22 10:45 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)
Back for another wonderful season!!

NAME: Jonathan

STORY: I have always been a running, running with my sister who is 7 years older than me when she was in Jr. High. Ran Cross Country in HS and College. Got away from staying fit and in '09 started running again. I was 248 lbs wearing size 38" waist jeans. Got down to 190lbs before joining the Army. In '12 ran my first half marathon and did my first Sprint Triathlon. I feel in love with tri's and trying to keep up with it and stay fit. Currently in Afghanistan on my second Deployment.

FAMILY STATUS: Divorced, 3 children live with ex-wife, Pikatti my 16 month old Alaskan Husky currently with my Mom but normally with me.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently training for a HIM later this year. Running 4-6 days a week, 2-3 bikes a week and 2-3 dryland swim training a week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: USO HM on May 26; B2B on Oct 25, debating about Lookout Mtn 50 miler Dec 20. Other shorter races as they arise.

BODY COMPOSITION: 203 lbs, target of 185. More body fat than I would like but working towards my goals.

2014-05-22 10:51 AM
in reply to: jbwills

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

The J's are back in town! Yeeeeaaaah

2014-05-22 11:50 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!  A shiny new Manatee thread!! 

NAME:   Monica, Tangerines, Betty, Hey You, etc.  

STORY:  Hi!  I'm a transplanted Canadian, currently living in Chicago after a 2 year stint living in London... and (hopefully) soon to be moving to Austin because winters here suck big hairy donkey balls.  But enough about that... I was a competitive gymnast growing up, then played basketball and beach volleyball until I slowly became more and more a "sit on your butt" kind of person.  It was amazing how much things changed after my ex and I split up... all of a sudden I found the gym again, lost about 40lbs, and found the sport of triathlon.  I'm now very happily married to a fellow BTer and we have 2 cute little furry jerks (aka teh kittehs) Priscilla and Felix.  

CURRENT TRAINING:  Just starting my build for IM Chattanooga in September - I gotta find some hills to train on!!  

2014 RACES: 
Lake Mills (maybe)
Lake in the Hills (registered)
Pleasant Prairie (registered)
Racine 70.3 (registered)
AG Nationals (maybe)
IM Chattanooga (registered & freaking out a little

BODY COMPOSITION:  Ugh... the fluff. The winter weight.  The... ugh.  I'm certainly healthier than I was either at my heaviest or at my skinniest (I was kinda scary skinny), but I'm also carrying about 10lbs extra that I would like to go away, however, I don't really see that happening any time soon as I just like food & wine too much.    

2014-05-22 11:59 AM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

I get t swim in the Manatee Pod again, right?  Bio later (as if you really need to know it!!)

2014-05-22 12:02 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)


On a somewhat random note, I have been eating a lot of tangerines lately. So cheap. So sweet. So healthy. Uh ... not that that has anything to do with you. Except the sweet and healthy parts.

2014-05-22 12:05 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by QueenZipp

I get t swim in the Manatee Pod again, right?  Bio later (as if you really need to know it!!)

Just because we stalk each other doesn't mean the new/er Manatees don't need to know how awesome you are!

2014-05-22 12:07 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

I'm in if you'll have me. I am on the road, so a bio will arrive late this weekend.

2014-05-22 12:11 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

i'm back for another round of manatee madness!  Will post the bio in a little bit.

2014-05-22 12:22 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti


On a somewhat random note, I have been eating a lot of tangerines lately. So cheap. So sweet. So healthy. Uh ... not that that has anything to do with you. Except the sweet and healthy parts.

Really?  You left out cheap???   

2014-05-22 12:39 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

I'm in too!!  Love this group and have gotten so much out of it already (just my 2nd swim with y'all).  Will post bio this weekend when I get home.

2014-05-22 1:09 PM
in reply to: #4996915

Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)
31 miles on my bike this morning in the now summer heat and humidity. Took me two hours and a bit of change. Summer in these parts requires all but the insane to slow their paces on all but swimming. Since summer is here to stay it's time for my yearly hair cut. Shoulder length hair is a pain I'm the summer. Also the ph.d squeeze is after me to get it cut. She is so conservative.

Will give a bio later. Time for a nap. Naps are an integral part
of my training plan.

2014-05-22 1:23 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)


I'm back for another round of Manatee Madness!!

Real Name:  Ann-Marie (some people around here call me Hands or Hands-Marie)

Story:  I've always been active and competed in various non-tri type sports.  Having 3 brothers meant growing up I played  a lot of football and basketball and with 2 sisters I added in tennis.  I only ran when needed to keep in shape and then never more than 4 miles.  Then I would get bored with running and stop until I got bored with going to the gym.  In 2008, as I was getting bored with another round of running for fitness, I decided I needed to do something to stop the madness and did something even more crazy - I signed up for the 2009 Disney marathon.  I joined a training group and eventually found myself saying things like, "It's only a 15 mile run today" and "I'm looking forward to the long run this week".  In 2010, I did my first triathlon.  Since then I've averaged about 4-5 tris a year.  The last 3 years I've focused on the HIM distance.

Family status: Happily single with a large German Shepherd (Gunnar).  I also do most of my races (especially the tris) with at least 2 of my brothers.  Other family members join in from time to time. 

Current training: This past winter was run focused with a little bit of swim thrown in, but absolutely no biking.  I've started back on the bike (and have the sore sit bones to prove it), because my first triathlon of the season is next month.

2014 Races:
February-Orlando Xtreme trail HM

                 Everglades Ultra trail 25k

March:     Swamp House HM.

                 Tomoka HM

April:        Smoky Mountain Relay

June:      Riviera Beach Sprint Tri

July:        Virginia Key probably sprint tri

August:  Nothing - I'm going to Alaska!

September:   Escape to Miami, either the sprint or Olympic (tentative)

October:     Cherokee Harvest HM

November:  Wild Horses trail HM

                     REV3 Venice, either the Oly or HM (probably the oly and that is tentative too)

I'm sure I'll be adding a bunch more races as they come up.

Body Composition: I just had someone say that I'm "awfully skinny", so I guess that means I'm almost at race weight  Actually, I'm pretty happy with where I am right now, but will be even happier if I could drop a few pounds while not giving up ice cream and beer.


2014-05-22 1:29 PM
in reply to: amd723

Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)
Hey Tees!!!



Story: Turned 40 last year and started off the year from a stress fracture which left me with nothing to do but swim. Since my background is in cycling and my husband loves running, I figured "why not try a tri?" So 10 sprints later, here I am I had no real training program and my goals were always to finish which I was successful at (I was also healing my leg in the process). This past winter was tough (I'm an accountant so in addition to my time being very limited) I have tibial tendonitis that I have to work very hard to keep at bay.

Family: Married for nearly 13 years. 1 Dog, 2 cats and my husband who is a marathoner and a cyclist. I can't get him to swim but he's always up for a good duathlon.

Training: I signed up for online training with Mike from so far, if nothing else, being accountable is getting my a$$ to the pool at 6am twice a week. Good thing too because I have a HIM relay (SWIM) coming up mid June.

2014-MY A race is the Pumpkiman HIM in Maine in September 2014. For early season I'm registered as a relay team for the Patriot HIM in MA in June. I will be swimming because I need to just have one good long distance swim without having to worry about the biking and running. There are a few Olys on the calendar but none are paid for yet. I'm in a 2 person relay for the Vermont City Marathon on Memorial Day weekend.

2013 Season: 10 sprints and a few other things in there. You can check me out on Athlinks.

Everything else:
Currently breaking in the saddle on my new Tri bike and driving everyone insane in the process so prepare yourselves.

I use Hammer Nutrition products and in October I saw they were taking sponsorship applications so I figured "what the hell?" Well I don't really know how competitive the field is but I was accepted to their Tier 3 program so YAY ME - It's a start I guess My overall finishes have generally not been impressive but I do tend to place well in the bike.

Now if spring will actually arrive in the Northeast we can get this whole TRAINING thing underway OUTSIDE!
2014-05-22 1:34 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk Hey Tees!!! copy-->paste MtnBikerChk/MBC/Randee Story: Turned 40 last year and started off the year from a stress fracture which left me with nothing to do but swim. Since my background is in cycling and my husband loves running, I figured "why not try a tri?" So 10 sprints later, here I am I had no real training program and my goals were always to finish which I was successful at (I was also healing my leg in the process). This past winter was tough (I'm an accountant so in addition to my time being very limited) I have tibial tendonitis that I have to work very hard to keep at bay. Family: Married for nearly 13 years. 1 Dog, 2 cats and my husband who is a marathoner and a cyclist. I can't get him to swim but he's always up for a good duathlon. Training: I signed up for online training with Mike from so far, if nothing else, being accountable is getting my a$$ to the pool at 6am twice a week. Good thing too because I have a HIM relay (SWIM) coming up mid June. 2014-MY A race is the Pumpkiman HIM in Maine in September 2014. For early season I'm registered as a relay team for the Patriot HIM in MA in June. I will be swimming because I need to just have one good long distance swim without having to worry about the biking and running. There are a few Olys on the calendar but none are paid for yet. I'm in a 2 person relay for the Vermont City Marathon on Memorial Day weekend. 2013 Season: 10 sprints and a few other things in there. You can check me out on Athlinks. Everything else: Currently breaking in the saddle on my new Tri bike and driving everyone insane in the process so prepare yourselves. I use Hammer Nutrition products and in October I saw they were taking sponsorship applications so I figured "what the hell?" Well I don't really know how competitive the field is but I was accepted to their Tier 3 program so YAY ME - It's a start I guess My overall finishes have generally not been impressive but I do tend to place well in the bike. Now if spring will actually arrive in the Northeast we can get this whole TRAINING thing underway OUTSIDE!

How did I miss this?!  Congratulations!!

2014-05-22 2:27 PM
in reply to: amd723

Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)
Originally posted by amd723

How did I miss this?!  Congratulations!!

Heh heh - I dunno?!

2014-05-22 2:50 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

I gots lost .  Working the past couple days, haven't had time to check in.  Then it occurred to me that I hadn't had any email updates...just went to the old thread and realized I have missed a lot!!!  Sigh.

Any hoo.  I rode my tri bike to work yesterday.  The aero bars were rotating a bit when I went over bumps, so I was going to stop at the LBS near my work to have them tighten them up for the ride home.  I have tightened them myself, but I didn't want to overtighten, so haven't tightened enough.  Anyway, I realized that I was working a block from where my fitter works.  So, emailed, he had me come on my break.  I was chatting about how I was feeling after several rides.  So he moves my bars back, tightens them, moves the saddle forward.  Only had the ride home to check it out so far, but I do believe some of my saddle issues have been worked out.  I am definitely going to check into a new one, but at least for now, I shouldn't be so uncomfortable after an hour.

Intro coming up.

2014-05-22 2:52 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

NAME: Your jmkizer / Janyne

STORY:  I'm 45, married with one dog, Emma.  We live near Raleigh, NC.  I've lived in the Raleigh area since 1990.  Before that I lived, in order of appearance, in Newfoundland; Milwaukee; Wappingers Falls, NY; Waterloo, IA; Ramsey, NJ; and Shippensburg, PA.  I ran cross country in high school and college and then "took a break."  You know, got married, stopped paying attention to my weight, etc.  Then someone gave me a picture of me and my dog.  I looked at it and tried to identify that fat person with my beautiful puppy!  No way!  Started riding bikes.  Stopped eating junk. Started riding bikes a lot.  Decided to run some.  Joined a gym with a pool and decided that I should swim too…  Now I'm looking forward to my fourth iron distance event!

FAMILY STATUS:  Married with one dog.

CURRENT TRAINING:  A little bit of everything!


Myrtle Beach Marathon
Rock 'n' Roll Raleigh
Tour de Cure bike ride
Washington Olympic
Lake Logan Half
BikeMS ride
Ironman Chattanooga
Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas half marathon

2014-05-22 2:57 PM
in reply to: 99Puddles

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by 99Puddles

I'm going to try this.........

NAME: Debi Long

STORY: I am 49 years old. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and the struggle continues. Last year, despite my thyroid levels being "textbook" they discover nodules (3) on my thyroid. Thankfully the biopsy found them to benign and after months of medication the size of the nodules are reduced. Weight issues.......still the same. I know there is a triathlete stuck inside me somewhere. I love doing all three of the sports, I love the thrill of the finishline. One day my body will love doing all three of them back to back. It's been a power struggle but I think I'm starting to get the upperhand.

FAMILY STATUS: I am the proud mother of one son and three grandchildren. My oldest grandson (7) will be doing his first official tri this July. I am also a military widow of 25+ years. I once had seven very large and very loving lab/shepherd mixed babies, 4 of them had moved on to greener pasture over the last 2 years. My oldest sweetheart (Kirby) is 16 and is as tough as nails. Nearly blind and deaf, he still manages to believe he is the protector of the house. Jack & Hunter (12 years)' on most day, let him believe it as well. These little furry buddies have been my lifeline through so many lonely nights.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently surviving Master's swim classes and running with the local running club. Now that the weather is better, I will be rejoining the cycle club for the many adventurous bike rides out on the Fort Bragg drop zones. There's nothing like gunfire and bombs exploding all around you to make you pedal faster. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Other than a few "at the last minute" 5K runs, my only planned event is the "Dash for Divas" super sprint in September. I secretly want to shot for a HIM, but we'll see how my training and weight loss proceed. I have lots of help this time with coaches, training plans and a super support system. Maybe this year I will find success.

BODY COMPOSITION: Goals........I want my body to catch up to my training program. I want to drop 50 pounds, safely,  And become that shining red bike....

Welcome Debi!  I live in the Raleigh area so we are relatively close!  Woo hoo!  Another North Carolina Manatee!

2014-05-22 3:10 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by 99Puddles

I'm going to try this.........

NAME: Debi Long

STORY: I am 49 years old. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and the struggle continues. Last year, despite my thyroid levels being "textbook" they discover nodules (3) on my thyroid. Thankfully the biopsy found them to benign and after months of medication the size of the nodules are reduced. Weight issues.......still the same. I know there is a triathlete stuck inside me somewhere. I love doing all three of the sports, I love the thrill of the finishline. One day my body will love doing all three of them back to back. It's been a power struggle but I think I'm starting to get the upperhand.

FAMILY STATUS: I am the proud mother of one son and three grandchildren. My oldest grandson (7) will be doing his first official tri this July. I am also a military widow of 25+ years. I once had seven very large and very loving lab/shepherd mixed babies, 4 of them had moved on to greener pasture over the last 2 years. My oldest sweetheart (Kirby) is 16 and is as tough as nails. Nearly blind and deaf, he still manages to believe he is the protector of the house. Jack & Hunter (12 years)' on most day, let him believe it as well. These little furry buddies have been my lifeline through so many lonely nights.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently surviving Master's swim classes and running with the local running club. Now that the weather is better, I will be rejoining the cycle club for the many adventurous bike rides out on the Fort Bragg drop zones. There's nothing like gunfire and bombs exploding all around you to make you pedal faster. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Other than a few "at the last minute" 5K runs, my only planned event is the "Dash for Divas" super sprint in September. I secretly want to shot for a HIM, but we'll see how my training and weight loss proceed. I have lots of help this time with coaches, training plans and a super support system. Maybe this year I will find success.

BODY COMPOSITION: Goals........I want my body to catch up to my training program. I want to drop 50 pounds, safely,  And become that shining red bike....

Welcome Debi!  I live in the Raleigh area so we are relatively close!  Woo hoo!  Another North Carolina Manatee!

I'm pretty sure I did warn advise her of you earlier

The part where you say "married with one dog" gets me. Every. Single. Time. HAHAHAHAHA ... of course, if I had a dog as awesome as Emma, I might get married with her too


2014-05-22 3:22 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors: We Will Stalk You (Open)

NAME: Kirsten.  Ask Yanti for my nickname cause I can't spell it

STORY: Athlete all my life.  Started running in 2009 to lose some weight.  Always wanted to do a triathlon, and an Ironman, so in 2011 started training.

FAMILY STATUS: Partnered for 7+ years.  Currently 2 Staffordshire Bull Terriers, 2 cats.  New Pumi puppy being picked up from the Czech Republic next week.

CURRENT TRAINING: Painful .  Going well though, 2+ weeks to Boise, 9+ weeks to IMC!  Has been really nice having my friend Sean take me under his wing.  He pushes me (sometimes literally up hills). 

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Boise 70.3, IM Canada, likely Vancouver Olympic. 

BODY COMPOSITION: Always, always trying to drop last 10lbs.  But, I like food and beer too much, so I pretty much just accept myself as I am!

Welcome Debi, glad to have you.  Nice to see all you past Manatees back too!

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered) Rss Feed  
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Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31

Mentors Needed - INSTRUCTIONS

Started by Ron
Views: 11079 Posts: 1

2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
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Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : December 17, 2007
author : LukeTX04
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I learned in this race that in order to finish the swim, you have to know where you are going. And in order to know where you are going, you have to learn to sight.
date : September 25, 2007
author : Tri Swim Coach
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Discussion on sinking hips, balance drills, open water freak-out, best breathing for open water swimming and head position.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.