BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2016-04-04 12:47 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by QueenZipp

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Mary G - Balance, we all have to find it.  For each of us, it’s different and for many of us, it’s a moving target and we have to adjust our training and goals/expectations accordingly.  

McMatt - I’m so glad that you are feeling better.  Did I see that you were able to run outside today?  Let us know when you are well enough that we can removed you from the DL.

Robin - Ear infection, ugh!  I hope that you are back in the pool soon!

Ben - April Fools snow, huh?

Connor - Smoking race!  Congrats on your placement!  (big age range there!)

Dave - Congrats on the race! (did not see the race report, is it public?)

Stacey - It’s great the way that you were there to support K!

Sean - Awesome race! Way to find the short course speed with the long course training!

Judi - I know that you’ve struggled with your decision about tri (see Facebook).  It all goes back to what Mary said about balance.  I hope that you’ve found yours.

MR Matt and TJ - I hope that both of you are feeling better.

All - Pay attention, a new thread is coming soon!

Yes to everything Janyne said   Seriously, congratulations to all the racers, you all had great races, so well done!  

Hmm, I guess I'll have to find Judi on Facebook and friend request her to find out what the decision is -although I'm pretty confident I know. 


Yes, do that.  I have decided to call the end of triathlon for me.  I no longer trust my legs to cooperate with a build of any sort without having to bail on races.  Time to get back to doing a little of this/ a little of that for my health and finding joy in running again.  (as opposed to the constant fear of injury and the rehab/ injury cycle)

I'm going to Aquabike the Williamsburg Rwv 3 because I simply can't trust them to build the run back.  After the, selling gear.  The Lovely Lola too...sad to sell her--but makes no sense to keep a full carbon try bike if I'm not doing triathlons.

I'm perfectly at peace with this decision.  It'r a realistic assessment of my health and life status that indicates these legs are toast.  Time to find a new path and haven in fitness.

Parting is such sweet sorrow, no? (with triathlon, not the pod, I hope!

I'm happy for you that you've figured out what you need and are making a positive decision to continue to pursue happiness in the best way for you.

Closing one door, while in some ways sad, opens others...

I hope (like some other "run only" folks of note) that you'll still pop in when you can and say hey to the pod!  (what kind of sounds do manatees make, anyway?)

My best to you, Judi. 


Oh!  I had assumed that Judi would stay with the pod!  We have plenty of single sport Manatees!

Of course I am staying with the pod!

BTW, I am giving up ALL racing.  Like I said, I can't trust my legs for a build.  I'm going to do strength and flexibility with enough SBR for cardio when I feel like it.

2016-04-04 12:48 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by QueenZipp

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Mary G - Balance, we all have to find it.  For each of us, it’s different and for many of us, it’s a moving target and we have to adjust our training and goals/expectations accordingly.  

McMatt - I’m so glad that you are feeling better.  Did I see that you were able to run outside today?  Let us know when you are well enough that we can removed you from the DL.

Robin - Ear infection, ugh!  I hope that you are back in the pool soon!

Ben - April Fools snow, huh?

Connor - Smoking race!  Congrats on your placement!  (big age range there!)

Dave - Congrats on the race! (did not see the race report, is it public?)

Stacey - It’s great the way that you were there to support K!

Sean - Awesome race! Way to find the short course speed with the long course training!

Judi - I know that you’ve struggled with your decision about tri (see Facebook).  It all goes back to what Mary said about balance.  I hope that you’ve found yours.

MR Matt and TJ - I hope that both of you are feeling better.

All - Pay attention, a new thread is coming soon!

Yes to everything Janyne said   Seriously, congratulations to all the racers, you all had great races, so well done!  

Hmm, I guess I'll have to find Judi on Facebook and friend request her to find out what the decision is -although I'm pretty confident I know. 


Yes, do that.  I have decided to call the end of triathlon for me.  I no longer trust my legs to cooperate with a build of any sort without having to bail on races.  Time to get back to doing a little of this/ a little of that for my health and finding joy in running again.  (as opposed to the constant fear of injury and the rehab/ injury cycle)

I'm going to Aquabike the Williamsburg Rwv 3 because I simply can't trust them to build the run back.  After the, selling gear.  The Lovely Lola too...sad to sell her--but makes no sense to keep a full carbon try bike if I'm not doing triathlons.

I'm perfectly at peace with this decision.  It'r a realistic assessment of my health and life status that indicates these legs are toast.  Time to find a new path and haven in fitness.

I know you've been dealing with leg issues for some time now, so hopefully this new path with get you back to healthy and having FUN again.

2016-04-04 1:47 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Welp, we signed up for a few races. 

Have a 10k next weekend (something like the 3rd biggest in the country), the Cap10k.  Ran it last year and was a blast, though this year we'll be jogging it (despite that likely netting a "race pace" HR!). 

Then have the "Life is good in the 'wood" Rollingwood 5k on the 22nd.  Volunteered at this one last year and will run with the family this year (in our new neighborhood, or at least what will be if we ever move!). 

Then lastly have the Autism Speaks 8K later in May (my company sponsors this, as we have a diagnostic product in the space and some passionate employees - a great experience last year!). 

Might also do the local Oly that weekend as a fun race (cuz I sure won't be race ready by then).  We'll see how it feels to run events without being anywhere near a high level of fitness.  I'm guessing it'll be a blast (the post-race festivities don't ask)!

Just thought I'd post a DO EEEET update.  Hit home when Kim signed us up for the 10k yesterday... 


2016-04-04 1:50 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Welp, we signed up for a few races. 

Have a 10k next weekend (something like the 3rd biggest in the country), the Cap10k.  Ran it last year and was a blast, though this year we'll be jogging it (despite that likely netting a "race pace" HR!). 

Then have the "Life is good in the 'wood" Rollingwood 5k on the 22nd.  Volunteered at this one last year and will run with the family this year (in our new neighborhood, or at least what will be if we ever move!). 

Then lastly have the Autism Speaks 8K later in May (my company sponsors this, as we have a diagnostic product in the space and some passionate employees - a great experience last year!). 

Might also do the local Oly that weekend as a fun race (cuz I sure won't be race ready by then).  We'll see how it feels to run events without being anywhere near a high level of fitness.  I'm guessing it'll be a blast (the post-race festivities don't ask)!

Just thought I'd post a DO EEEET update.  Hit home when Kim signed us up for the 10k yesterday... 


You do realize that doing this sort of think will get you kicked off the DL, don't you?

2016-04-04 2:57 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

I've seen the word "volunteer" a couple of times in here today. So, I just want to encourage others to do volunteer if the opportunity arises. This weekend was a great reminder as to one reason why I do these events. It was truly inspiring, to the point of allergic reaction, to work sweep at the end of the event. To have the last 2 people come up to me an hour later to say thanks for being there to help them when they needed it was humbling and touching. The front may have some cool, fast, inspiring people, but I have found some moving stories at the back of the pack as well. And, you never know who you are helping with an encouraging word, or how much you are helping them.

2016-04-04 3:46 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Welp, we signed up for a few races. 

Have a 10k next weekend (something like the 3rd biggest in the country), the Cap10k.  Ran it last year and was a blast, though this year we'll be jogging it (despite that likely netting a "race pace" HR!). 

Then have the "Life is good in the 'wood" Rollingwood 5k on the 22nd.  Volunteered at this one last year and will run with the family this year (in our new neighborhood, or at least what will be if we ever move!). 

Then lastly have the Autism Speaks 8K later in May (my company sponsors this, as we have a diagnostic product in the space and some passionate employees - a great experience last year!). 

Might also do the local Oly that weekend as a fun race (cuz I sure won't be race ready by then).  We'll see how it feels to run events without being anywhere near a high level of fitness.  I'm guessing it'll be a blast (the post-race festivities don't ask)!

Just thought I'd post a DO EEEET update.  Hit home when Kim signed us up for the 10k yesterday... 


You do realize that doing this sort of think will get you kicked off the DL, don't you?

No where is it written that one must be healthy to race. 

OK, probably a good idea to be full up, but still...  We've already committed to this being just a training run with a great party at the end.

Actually, the run yesterday felt really good.  7 miles outside and the foot and rib cooperated the whole time (foot still hurts when barefoot in the morning, but in Hokas seems not to mind an easy run).  So, I'm back, but slowly, on the road (I'm just going to live with the hamstring and stick with some fairly obsessive PT for the Achilles - which still feels OK, knock wood).  Color me off the DL for 2 out of three!

I'm most anxious about getting back in the pool.  Oh, and also concerned that my rib will hurt when I do. 


2016-04-04 3:47 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by cdban66

I've seen the word "volunteer" a couple of times in here today. So, I just want to encourage others to do volunteer if the opportunity arises. This weekend was a great reminder as to one reason why I do these events. It was truly inspiring, to the point of allergic reaction, to work sweep at the end of the event. To have the last 2 people come up to me an hour later to say thanks for being there to help them when they needed it was humbling and touching. The front may have some cool, fast, inspiring people, but I have found some moving stories at the back of the pack as well. And, you never know who you are helping with an encouraging word, or how much you are helping them.

Ditto here.  You get what you give in life (if you're lucky).


2016-04-04 4:47 PM
in reply to: #5157817

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Well after a few days of physical funk and a few of mental funk I'm home and (mostly) recovered. I guess the first plan of action is to find a substitute race. Then plan my training accordingly.
2016-04-04 5:19 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Guys, I'm a sobbing mess. Vivaldi has an enlarged heart...twice the size it should be. Bloodwork should come back tomorrow, and we got some meds for her.
2016-04-04 5:27 PM
in reply to: #5175346

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Oh no! {hugs} for both of you. And prayers that they find a cause and solution
2016-04-04 5:41 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Atlantia Guys, I'm a sobbing mess. Vivaldi has an enlarged heart...twice the size it should be. Bloodwork should come back tomorrow, and we got some meds for her.

Oh no!  I am so sorry to hear this!  

2016-04-04 5:41 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Atlantia Guys, I'm a sobbing mess. Vivaldi has an enlarged heart...twice the size it should be. Bloodwork should come back tomorrow, and we got some meds for her.

Oh no!  I am so sorry to hear this!  

2016-04-04 5:52 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Atlantia Guys, I'm a sobbing mess. Vivaldi has an enlarged heart...twice the size it should be. Bloodwork should come back tomorrow, and we got some meds for her.

Oh no, I'm so sorry!  Hopefully, the bloodwork will offer a workable solution.

2016-04-04 5:54 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner Well after a few days of physical funk and a few of mental funk I'm home and (mostly) recovered. I guess the first plan of action is to find a substitute race. Then plan my training accordingly.

I'm glad you're out of your funk and mostly recovered.  Now find that race!

2016-04-04 6:12 PM
in reply to: #5175351

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
So sorry to hear this Laura! Did they say how that could be related to the seizures?
2016-04-04 6:34 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by AtlantiaGuys, I'm a sobbing mess. Vivaldi has an enlarged heart...twice the size it should be. Bloodwork should come back tomorrow, and we got some meds for her.
So sorry Laura. ((((Hugs)))) for you and gentle snuggles for Vivaldi

2016-04-04 7:09 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by IronOx

So sorry to hear this Laura! Did they say how that could be related to the seizures?

The vet mentioned fluid in the lungs and an episode of congestive heart failure. I guess we'll know more when the bloodwork comes back?
2016-04-04 7:46 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Atlantia
Originally posted by IronOx So sorry to hear this Laura! Did they say how that could be related to the seizures?
The vet mentioned fluid in the lungs and an episode of congestive heart failure. I guess we'll know more when the bloodwork comes back?

The bloodwork will definitely give you some more information on all her body systems.  I am wondering if what you/your SO saw was syncope (fainting) rather than a seizure.  Can be common with dilated cardiomyopathy.  Not saying it couldn't be a seizure.  Darn pets, I wish they could tell us what is going on for them!  Sending puppy prayers and big hugs.

2016-04-04 7:49 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Atlantia Guys, I'm a sobbing mess. Vivaldi has an enlarged heart...twice the size it should be. Bloodwork should come back tomorrow, and we got some meds for her.

So sorry Laura, we are thinking of you!

2016-04-04 8:59 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by Atlantia

Originally posted by IronOx

So sorry to hear this Laura! Did they say how that could be related to the seizures?

The vet mentioned fluid in the lungs and an episode of congestive heart failure. I guess we'll know more when the bloodwork comes back?
Oh Laura I am so very sorry to hear this. I hope that the blood work brings some more positive news.
2016-04-04 9:03 PM
in reply to: 0

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Sooooo I can totally buy new running shoes just cause they are cool right? It doesn't matter if I already have one new pair waiting to get used does it?

I got an email from Brooks this morning with these in it. They aren't flouro or orange so I know they wont be fast but thats ok by me.
(they are the type that I have been wearing for years but maybe I should try the 2016s that I won a couple of times before I buy another pair).

Edited by StaceyK 2016-04-04 9:05 PM


Brooks.JPG (40KB - 4 downloads)

2016-04-05 12:36 AM
in reply to: #5157817

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
I have a pair that I recently started using and two more pairs still in the box in my bike room. Sort of hidden. So yes, as long as it won't get you into trouble, I say dooooo eeeeet. Those are pretty!
2016-04-05 4:08 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Sooo I've been thinking that maybe seeing as K will be taken care of at the August event that we have planned maybe, just maybe I could tackle the Marathon instead of the half. This is just a toying with idea at present and I know the standard DOOOO EEEEETTTTTTTTT applies but seriously. What do you think?

I have no consistent run training (yes my logs are up to date) but I can run/walk for 10km at present (not fast) and the event is 20 weeks and 4 days away. My thinking is that if you guys truly think it is doable then I could start training with that aim and if it doesn't go to plan I could drop back to the Half.

What are your honest thoughts?
2016-04-05 6:22 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by StaceyK

Sooo I've been thinking that maybe seeing as K will be taken care of at the August event that we have planned maybe, just maybe I could tackle the Marathon instead of the half. This is just a toying with idea at present and I know the standard DOOOO EEEEETTTTTTTTT applies but seriously. What do you think?

I have no consistent run training (yes my logs are up to date) but I can run/walk for 10km at present (not fast) and the event is 20 weeks and 4 days away. My thinking is that if you guys truly think it is doable then I could start training with that aim and if it doesn't go to plan I could drop back to the Half.

What are your honest thoughts?

If you want to do it and stay focused on a plan I am sure you can get there. As you said you can always drop back if need be.

Do it!
2016-04-05 6:53 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by StaceyK Sooo I've been thinking that maybe seeing as K will be taken care of at the August event that we have planned maybe, just maybe I could tackle the Marathon instead of the half. This is just a toying with idea at present and I know the standard DOOOO EEEEETTTTTTTTT applies but seriously. What do you think? I have no consistent run training (yes my logs are up to date) but I can run/walk for 10km at present (not fast) and the event is 20 weeks and 4 days away. My thinking is that if you guys truly think it is doable then I could start training with that aim and if it doesn't go to plan I could drop back to the Half. What are your honest thoughts?

Staci, I think 20 weeks is plenty of time to build up to a marathon.  Given that 6 miles is your long run these days, I'd look at Higdon's novice 1 plan.  I think he starts out with the long run about that distance.

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.