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2010-09-02 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3077746

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

If I remember correctly it was disposable plastic bottles.  I was a bit delirious with fever at that point, but I am 98% sure they were throw away bottles and fit in my cages no problem

2010-09-02 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3075374

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
louiskie - 2010-08-31 9:09 PM
alltom1 - 2010-09-01 7:43 AM
Experior - 2010-08-31 10:18 PM br />Pretty solid training month for me, apart from swimming.

Bike:41h 17m 27s  - 603.15 Mi (8 hours on trainer)
Run:24h 08m 43s  - 180.58 Mi
Swim:14h 00m  - 35200 M
That's some big-boy volume right there!

Pretty solid? That's a bit of a monster month if you ask me! Mine looks like this, but I was on vacation for 10 days (no bike during that time) and nursing a calf injury (no running for a bit), so the volume is off a little. Trying to crank it up this month and next but won't come close to your totals! :-)

August's totals:
Bike:22h 13m 36s  - 444.09 Mi
Run:9h 16m 24s  - 66.43 Mi
Swim:5h 15m 49s  - 19000 Yd

don't feel bad's my feeble month:

August's totals:
Bike:18h 21m 57s  - 335.46 Mi
Run:5h 37m 57s  - 33.44 Mi
Swim:5h 24m 14s  - 13920.21 Yd
2010-09-02 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3077786

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Extreme Veteran
In front of computer when typing this.
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
halfpint - 2010-09-02 8:01 AM
louiskie - 2010-08-31 9:09 PM
alltom1 - 2010-09-01 7:43 AM
Experior - 2010-08-31 10:18 PM br />Pretty solid training month for me, apart from swimming.

Bike:41h 17m 27s  - 603.15 Mi (8 hours on trainer)
Run:24h 08m 43s  - 180.58 Mi
Swim:14h 00m  - 35200 M
That's some big-boy volume right there!

Pretty solid? That's a bit of a monster month if you ask me! Mine looks like this, but I was on vacation for 10 days (no bike during that time) and nursing a calf injury (no running for a bit), so the volume is off a little. Trying to crank it up this month and next but won't come close to your totals! :-)

August's totals:
Bike:22h 13m 36s  - 444.09 Mi
Run:9h 16m 24s  - 66.43 Mi
Swim:5h 15m 49s  - 19000 Yd

don't feel bad's my feeble month:

August's totals:
Bike:18h 21m 57s  - 335.46 Mi
Run:5h 37m 57s  - 33.44 Mi
Swim:5h 24m 14s  - 13920.21 Yd

Scottie my man, we need to get you outside and running again! :-)
2010-09-02 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I have a few questions about T1 for those that have done the race. I like to be able to visualize things and there are parts I'm just not seeing after reading the Athlete's Guide and past race reports.

First, I have read there are ladders for existing the water and I also thought I read that one year those weren't necessary. If ladders are required to get out does that create a bottleneck? If there is an alternate way out of the water, what does that consist of, beach, ramp?

There was mention of wetsuit strippers. Where are they in relation to the exit of the water and transition bag pickup. If you use a wetsuit stripper do you have to carry your wetsuit a lengthy distance?

I'm considering wearing booties. Would you pull those off when wetsuit stripped or wear them through the lengthy run to transition area? I'm almost thinking if the wetsuit strippers are near water's edge I'd rather just keep everything intact until I get to where I'm going to change. Thoughts?

Edited by popsracer 2010-09-02 1:38 PM
2010-09-02 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

You'll need the ladders as there's no other way to the top that I noticed and the back ups were minor and seemed rather orderly for the full athletes.  Nothing to worry about.  Strippers were maybe 25 yards down the walkway you use to head to T1 leaving plenty of room for athletes to get away from the ladder area and yes your responsible for your wetsuit.  Not really a big deal and much easier then trying to take it off at T1, there is little to no room in the changing tent.

You'll get your T1 bag just before entering the changing tent, so it's a bit of a walk from the water exit but all you'll have to carry is your wetsuit.  You'll be responsible for getting your swim gear back into your T1 bag, tie it and set it at the exit of the tent.  The tent was packed when I got there, so I dropped the swim jammers and put on my tri shorts and got out of the tent doing the rest of my dressing with plenty of room outside.

I didn't really see the need for booty's or neoprene caps but realize I'm use to colder waters and temps as a norm compared to folks from down south.

2010-09-02 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3078969

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
rottieguy - 2010-09-02 2:55 PM

I didn't really see the need for booty's or neoprene caps but realize I'm use to colder waters and temps as a norm compared to folks from down south.

I have heard that the booties would not be for the temperatures but for the 300m on pavement to T1.  Not an issue?

2010-09-02 3:31 PM
in reply to: #3079036

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
jmkizer - 2010-09-02 3:14 PM

rottieguy - 2010-09-02 2:55 PM

I didn't really see the need for booty's or neoprene caps but realize I'm use to colder waters and temps as a norm compared to folks from down south.

I have heard that the booties would not be for the temperatures but for the 300m on pavement to T1.  Not an issue?

Feet will be numb for that 300m big-time but not sure it's worth schlepping booties for.. The cap, OTOH, is probably worth at least considering.
2010-09-02 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2687568

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I didn't notice the 300 meter run/feet being cold last year.  I was so happy to be out of the open water!
2010-09-02 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

I didn't think the ground was to bad barefoot, but if you don't like the cold that's the only reason I'd consider booty's and thought's that why people used them.

If you want to get a better overview of the exit to T1, check out a google map of Wrightsville Beach or check this link out of it works:,+nc&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wrightsville+Beach,+New+Hanover,+North+Carolina&gl=us&ei=cSCATK78GMmnnQeTnuRk&ved=0CCUQ8gEwAA&t=h&ll=34.212521,-77.804822&spn=0.003904,0.009645&z=17

You can see from the sat view that there's 4 rows of docks.  The sidewalk that they all connect to is the one you'll be using.  You'll exit the water at the outer most dock and sidewalk area, and go nearly all the way to the last dock, turn left through the parking lot to Dock Drive turning right towards Causeway Drive.  You'll turn right and cross Causeway Drive at some point to enter T1.   Bob Sawyer Drive is where the T1 exit and mount line will be where the area towards the SE will be the entrance and where the tent is located.  Hwy 76 symbol on Causeway Drive is on the map I'm seeing and is where the T1 entrance is.

Hope that makes sense.

Wish I could go back.


Edited by rottieguy 2010-09-02 5:29 PM
2010-09-02 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2687568

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

did you see special needs on the bike is at mile 51?  That seems silly to have it so early in the race.

2010-09-03 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Hi, Guys just signed up for B2B. I suffered some major mechanicals in IM Louisville starting with a broken deraileur and rode most of the course single speed until Bike tech couldn't fix my bike anymore, my first DNF.  So I've decided to use that base and lay some speed on it for B2B, which seems to already be fast. I'm looking forward to it and look forward to seeing you guys out there.

2010-09-03 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Middle Georgia
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
got a dumb question, if I wait to register until the last minute, will I miss the opportunity to reserve a spot on the taxi or shuttles?  just wondering if I should go ahead and sign up now so I don't get stuck w/out transportation.
2010-09-04 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Did a 5 hour bike and one hour run today.  Felt pretty good.  Kept the HR on the bike in the 130 and avg 17.5. I want to shoot for 19 MPH plus for the B2B bike and I think I can get there before the race.  That puts me under 6 hours on the bike.  Anyone have experience on the bike last year.  What were you training at leading up to the race and what were you able to avg. This is my first IM and I don't want to blow up on the bike and have to walk most of the run.  I know the course is flat.  I have avg 20 plus for 75 miles recently in the last two weeks.  Today I did not push at all.  I wanted to see how I felt.  At my rate today it would be a 6 hour and 24 min bike.  Only about 30 min savings in time that could really be eaten up quick on a run if I blow up.  Any thoughts?
2010-09-04 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Hey all!
Managed a 4 hr ride today.  Garmin said 17.5 avg but it went funky the first mile so not completely sure that is accurate.  Last 1.5 miles I was feeling goodTook the pace to 20-21 mph and when I finished I felt like I had plenty left.  Looks like my nutrition is dialed in (that and it was actually cool outside!). Swimming is really going well.  Haven't hit super long distances (mid 2000meters mainly) yet my work on my swim stroke has really paid off.  Biggest issue is boredom in the pool  4000meters just sounds like a lot of laps.

BCooper - at my HIM the run was hot and I over did the bike.  I would trade the 1/2 hr slower on the bike for not blowing up on the run.  You can easily lose that 1/2 hr on a bad run ( I lost more like 45 minutes).
2010-09-04 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3081618

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
lakeview - 2010-09-03 9:33 PM got a dumb question, if I wait to register until the last minute, will I miss the opportunity to reserve a spot on the taxi or shuttles?  just wondering if I should go ahead and sign up now so I don't get stuck w/out transportation.

I don't believe that they start taxi shuttle spot reservations until closer to the race, so not pulling the trigger yet will not hurt you.
2010-09-04 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3082261

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
GaryRM - 2010-09-04 5:24 PM Hey all!
Managed a 4 hr ride today.  Garmin said 17.5 avg but it went funky the first mile so not completely sure that is accurate.  Last 1.5 miles I was feeling goodTook the pace to 20-21 mph and when I finished I felt like I had plenty left.  Looks like my nutrition is dialed in (that and it was actually cool outside!). Swimming is really going well.  Haven't hit super long distances (mid 2000meters mainly) yet my work on my swim stroke has really paid off.  Biggest issue is boredom in the pool  4000meters just sounds like a lot of laps.

BCooper - at my HIM the run was hot and I over did the bike.  I would trade the 1/2 hr slower on the bike for not blowing up on the run.  You can easily lose that 1/2 hr on a bad run ( I lost more like 45 minutes).

I agree.  I am going to do at least 4 more 100 mile rides before middle Oct and will see how am doing.  My run is the only thing concerning me as of now. I lost a few weeks of build up due to a knee problem.  Swimming is good.  Really pumped for this race.

2010-09-04 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I did 92 mile ride and 5 mile run brick this morn. Felt good. Its starting to come together!!
2010-09-04 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2687568

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Tomorrow I'm 1 mile swim/112 mile bike.

Anyone doing coast to capital Trysports ride on Oct 2nd?
2010-09-04 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3082450

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
titeloops - 2010-09-04 9:49 PM I did 92 mile ride and 5 mile run brick this morn. Felt good. Its starting to come together!!

Nice job!  Keep it up.
2010-09-04 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I had a 100 miler ride planned was cut short to 91 due to a tubular blow out. (like hell i'm changing that after 91 miles!)

I had a good ride any my nutrition plan allowed me to jhave great energy during the ride as well as afterwards! woot! 
2010-09-04 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3082261

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
GaryRM - 2010-09-04 4:24 PM

Biggest issue is boredom in the pool  4000meters just sounds like a lot of laps.

I hear you on the boredom. I'd go nuts without my Swimp3. My daughter did six miles in the pool the other day. She is a machine.

2010-09-05 12:38 AM
in reply to: #2687568

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Lots of great information; thanks.  I do have some questions about managing getting to and from the event.  I'll have family with me and will have the ability for someone to pick me up at the finish.  What would be the best advise for managing T1 arrival and where family can go for seeing and helping me at the finish?
Thanks so much.
2010-09-05 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3082472

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
halfpint - 2010-09-04 10:09 PM I had a 100 miler ride planned was cut short to 91 due to a tubular blow out. (like hell i'm changing that after 91 miles!)

I had a good ride any my nutrition plan allowed me to jhave great energy during the ride as well as afterwards! woot! 

I with you on that!.  
2010-09-05 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3082489

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
popsracer - 2010-09-04 9:30 PM
GaryRM - 2010-09-04 4:24 PM Biggest issue is boredom in the pool  4000meters just sounds like a lot of laps.
I hear you on the boredom. I'd go nuts without my Swimp3. My daughter did six miles in the pool the other day. She is a machine.

Wow, six miles would take me all day (yep, I am a bit slow).  Have considered getting a mp3 for swimming but have a hard enough time counting laps.  Once I get one of those lap counter I will have to look into some music while swimming.
2010-09-05 6:13 PM
in reply to: #3082561

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
adgradiology - 2010-09-05 1:38 AM Lots of great information; thanks.  I do have some questions about managing getting to and from the event.  I'll have family with me and will have the ability for someone to pick me up at the finish.  What would be the best advise for managing T1 arrival and where family can go for seeing and helping me at the finish?
Thanks so much.

OK I don't think I understand you question for T1 so I'm no help there...

As for family and watching---best bet/easiest (I'm guessing since I raced last year without anyone there for me...) seems like to be just before the last bridge on the bike--this would be near the 1st aid station on the run---they could see you go by on the bike and then they could walk into downtown Wilmington and cheer for you on the out-and-back run--both ways on the first loop and at least out on the second loop and that puts them near the water taxi to get over to the finish and see you finish and help you collect your gear........not sure this makes sense so ask more if needed!!!

As for bike ave speed from above---hard to say on this course---YES it is flat BUT there can be wind--last year was a head wind for the last almost 40 miles and I know people that were ave well over 20 ended up with aves in closer to 18-19...I rode comfortable and ave just over 20mph (including T1 since there were timing issues...)---I paced completely off of power though so I'm not much help other to say that ave speed is NOT a good way to race this course IMHO! 
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