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2010-09-16 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Hahahaa OK so I just had to watch the video after the above posts---so what race was that???  Ummm NO wetsuits and guy in speedo on the bike (not to mention LOTS of no shirts)----ummm it was 37/38* last year?!!?!??!?!

2010-09-16 11:42 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I was expecting, well hoping, to see something that really showcased the course and beautiful venue. I've been telling all my tri buddies about the race, most have never heard of it (I'm on the west coast). Thought it would be really cool to forward the video to them since it's all I've been talking about. Was a bit disappointed. Oh well, we all know how awesome it'll be.

Edited by popsracer 2010-09-16 11:43 PM
2010-09-17 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
The video looked like the Triangle Triathlon to me...
2010-09-17 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3103598

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Extreme Veteran
In front of computer when typing this.
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
popsracer - 2010-09-17 12:42 AM I was expecting, well hoping, to see something that really showcased the course and beautiful venue. I've been telling all my tri buddies about the race, most have never heard of it (I'm on the west coast). Thought it would be really cool to forward the video to them since it's all I've been talking about. Was a bit disappointed. Oh well, we all know how awesome it'll be.

I t hought the same thing. I was excited and called my wife over. The beginning was cool but then it kinda turned into an ad for PPD (which is fine, but like I said in an earlier post, I think they missed a great opportunity to do something really inspirational). I kinda had to back off the "hey hon, come see this!" excitement to "hmm, OK, you can go back to what you were doing now".)What would have been really neat is if they have showcased the course, whenever the B2B vs branded IM discussion pops up, you can refer to that video. Anyway, since Scottie (Halfpint) is the guy mounting the yellow bike at 0:40s, we can just see what races he did. I know he did Triangle so it may very well be that one.

Edited by louiskie 2010-09-17 10:36 AM
2010-09-17 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Noooooo you guys are sooo very wrong---keep this race a nice secret!!!  OK well not so secret that it disappears but secret enough that the price doesn't go through the roof and you don't have to be on-site to register...
2010-09-17 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
That was triangle tri...I had my ac joint injury from my bike crash-taped shoulder...personally I think I make the vid rock with my tri prowess and superb color coordination...

Edited by halfpint 2010-09-17 10:50 PM

2010-09-20 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
6.5 hour triple brick yesterday. Totally exhausted today. Ended up being closer to 7 hours with transitions and a few misestimates of how long it would take to get back to base. Ended up covering about 90 miles on the bike and 11.5 on the feet.
2010-09-20 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Did a 4000+yard swim followed by a 1.5 hr ride.  What I found is that swimming that far makes me hungry, may need a sub sandwich in T1.  Long ride later this week.
2010-09-20 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3107507

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Extreme Veteran
In front of computer when typing this.
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
dougiegr - 2010-09-20 9:39 AM 6.5 hour triple brick yesterday. Totally exhausted today. Ended up being closer to 7 hours with transitions and a few misestimates of how long it would take to get back to base. Ended up covering about 90 miles on the bike and 11.5 on the feet.

Sounds pretty awful! LOL Having said that, I don't think a 6hr ride followed by an hour run (brick) would be any more fun. Once you get into that 5-7hrs of exercise on a given day, it is just looooong. nice work dude. I had a good training week last week as well- got my long run (up to 15 miles now) and long ride (did 95) in and those are the things I want to keep making sure I get in every week. 
2010-09-20 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Pretty good week for me too last week.  I'm now starting a 2-week taper (80% this week, 50% next week) in preparation for the HalfMax race in Myrtle Beach on Oct. 2.  Then -- no rest for the weary! -- 4 weeks of final IM training before the 2 week taper to B2B. 

People have told me that HIM this close to IM is not ideal, but Halfmax was always my A race, and B2B was, well, an afterthought.  And frankly I'm wondering.  My volume is pretty high (my long run and long bike this week were 18 and 112 miles respectively and total volume was nearly 23 hours).  So taking a couple of weeks at lower volume to regroup and then 4 more weeks of 18 mile runs and 112 mile bikes doesn't sound like terrible preparation to me.  But I don't really know what I'm talking about -- this is only my second season of tri.  If anyone with experience or knowledge has any great insights about what I'm doing wrong, let 'em fly!

Oh, and keep plugging away everyone!  We're almost there!
2010-09-20 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3082561

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

adgradiology - 2010-09-05 1:38 AM Lots of great information; thanks.  I do have some questions about managing getting to and from the event.  I'll have family with me and will have the ability for someone to pick me up at the finish.  What would be the best advise for managing T1 arrival and where family can go for seeing and helping me at the finish?
Thanks so much.

My wife did the following:

Drove me to T1.  She body marked here also.

Watched me come out of the water and then exit T1

Went for her long run.

Volunteered on the first turn of the run course.  She told them I was racing and they recommended it.  She saw me come in off the bike and go by 4 times on the run.  She was supposed to quit volunteering but she liked the spot and just kept on doing it.

Ran to the finish line with me.

Got me a beer. 


It's probably best for them to take you to T1 in the morning and hang out or go get some breakfast.  There is plenty of room for spectators here.  Next they can go rest, eat, or shop while you are biking.  Then take the water taxi from downtown to the battleship.  From there they can see you come in off the bike and exit T2.   After that they can go back to the down town and watch you or just stay there.

2010-09-25 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Kind of quiet 'round here...Anyone doing anything great this weekend?

I'm gonna do a 50/15 brick tomorrow. The training benefit? Not sure there is one..

Good luck to all...
2010-09-25 9:24 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Did a 92 mile ride yesterday and felt good.  More long rides/Swims for the next few weeks.  Weird to think that taper is coming in about 6 weeks.
2010-09-25 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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New user

Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Did 113 miles on the bike today followed by a 40 min run. I think the reality of how hard that marathon is going to be is finally setting in..... suddenly a 10 min mile sounds quite acceptable
2010-09-26 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
95 mile bike ride yesterday. It decided to be 90+ degrees and I went through six bike bottles. Woof.
2010-09-27 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I'm honestly astonished, maybe ashamed, at how much effort you guys are putting into your training. I haven't swam since the Nation's Tri & my longest bike is only 70 miles. Next week, along w/STARTING to swim, I'll try to 100, 80, 100 bike, & then begin tapering. My weekly long run (w/a few 2 to 4 milers during the week) is 13 miles. I don't see a benefit to going longer but maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway, your numbers are starting to scare me! 

2010-09-27 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I'm not doing that pesky little marathon at the end, so just swimming and biking for me. I'm all set on the swim, but have got a lot of work to do on the bike. Longest ride to date is 68 miles. I'm riding the Seagull Century in two weeks, but my only goal there is to complete it, so I imagine it's going to take me most of the day.

After a 45  mile training ride this weekend on a flat, windy course (following a 2.4 mile OWS), I have been working at not getting wound up about doing 112. I keep reminding myself that less than six months ago I was anxious about riding 12 miles in my first sprint....
2010-09-27 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3119148

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
but my only goal there is to complete it, so I imagine it's going to take me most of the day.

After a 45  mile training ride this weekend on a flat, windy course (following a 2.4 mile OWS), I have been working at not getting wound up about doing 112. I keep reminding myself that less than six months ago I was anxious about riding 12 miles in my first sprint....

The most I rode for my first IM was 90 miles (finished the 112 in 6 hrs). You can do it & you're on your way but you MUST spend the bike time! Don't let that go seeing that we're down to a month--2 weeks for tapering.

2010-10-01 2:28 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I just logged my first 100 mile run month as well as my first 500 mile bike month. WOOHOO!

As I said in another thread, I've seen 98 miles and 99 mile months. This is the first one with the actual triple digits, though.
2010-10-01 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3127417

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-10-01 3:28 AM I just logged my first 100 mile run month as well as my first 500 mile bike month. WOOHOO!

2010-10-01 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Great work, DanielG!

2010-10-01 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3127417

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-10-01 2:28 AM I just logged my first 100 mile run month as well as my first 500 mile bike month. WOOHOO! As I said in another thread, I've seen 98 miles and 99 mile months. This is the first one with the actual triple digits, though.

Sweet!! Nice job!

Okay folks, just a little over a month away!  Hope everyones training is going well.  While overall I had a good Sept (no where as good as Daniels) I have been struggling a little this week.  Just no juice in the legs this week but took yesterday off so I am hoping that I can energize for this weekend.
2010-10-01 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I just finished my first HIM, Augusta as a tune up for B2B. Did surprisingly well. If had a bit of an unscheduled recovery week this week, but the plan is to destroy the legs over the month of Oct. Starts tomorrow with 6 hours on the bike!
2010-10-01 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3127417

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-10-01 2:28 AM I just logged my first 100 mile run month as well as my first 500 mile bike month. WOOHOO! As I said in another thread, I've seen 98 miles and 99 mile months. This is the first one with the actual triple digits, though.

Dude that's an astonishing accomplishment in & of itself. My only question is, how do you balance everything else!? Also, how do you feel as far as burnout is concerned? (I guess I didn't only have one question.)
2010-10-01 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3128869

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Porfirio - 2010-10-01 3:50 PM

DanielG - 2010-10-01 2:28 AM I just logged my first 100 mile run month as well as my first 500 mile bike month. WOOHOO! As I said in another thread, I've seen 98 miles and 99 mile months. This is the first one with the actual triple digits, though.

Dude that's an astonishing accomplishment in & of itself. My only question is, how do you balance everything else!? Also, how do you feel as far as burnout is concerned? (I guess I didn't only have one question.)

I'm a geek. I'm used to not having a personal life.

I'm a one and done. The one will happen and I will make the time cutoff. Well, or spectacularly flame out and end up in the Med tent.
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