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Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Boston, Massachusetts
United States
48F / 9C
Total Time = 2h 37m 35s
Overall Rank = 4068/4135
Age Group = 40-49
Age Group Rank = 377/381
Pre-race routine:

Tried to nap yesterday afternoon twice with no sucess. Went to bed early to get a good night's sleep, but had a hard time getting to sleep. Woke up at 5:30am, ate breakfast of 1 egg, 3 pcs. Canadian Bacon, whole wheat toast w/ PB. Helped Emily delivery papers, headed to Boston, found excellant parking nearby. Ate a Cliff Bar 45 minutes before the race. Looked at DD for BTers and couldn't locate them. Called Max and found him, soon joined JoAnne, May, Rob, Glen, Denise, Amanda, JoAnne took some pictures and hung at DD until 8:08.
Event warmup:

Didn't warm up...wore a throw away polar fleece jacket from my heavier days...size 26 thanks to a tip from May.

Goal to finish, negative split if possible, see what I could do, PB for longest run, run the whole race, have a positive mental outlook, work my plan, and most of all HAVE FUN and DO IT!!!
  • 2h 37m 35s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 12m 02s  min/mile

Plan was to go out 12:30 first 3-4 miles, see how I felt and go from there.

Started with Max and Rob and went out a bit fast and I was concerned about how I was feeling. Both Max and Rob said it takes 3 miles to get into the grove. It was an amazing to be running through Boston. We slowed down in mile 2 & 3 and I felt better. We saw May at the Port A Potty at mile 2, and she caught up with us on Longfellow Bridge in time for a photo. It was great to be running on the bridge with such a spectacular view. I was feeling better, positive and getting in the zone. I was able to talk more with Rob and just enjoy the run. On Memorial Drive we saw the leaders coming back the other direction really flying.

My goal was to drink 21 oz of water an hour and take in 200-250 calories. At mile 4 I had drank 16 oz of water and was on target. Eatting got a bit off as I wasn't focousing on time on purpose, but need to improve that next long run.

We bumped into Emily and Kevin probably 2/3 of the way to the turn was great to get some high 5's. We saw Glen and his running partner Nicole?...looking strong and running fast. Ah then we saw Max and May who shared just 3 miles to turn around...not a funny joke then...Max set us staight. We made it to the turn around...wohooo...almost half way!!!

Run back was great since I knew I'd see Emily and Kevin again..more smiles, high fives and some pictures. Here we started to see some folks suffering and doing the walk run thing. Two women would walk and we'd catch them and then they'd run ahead of us...we pondered how long it would take us to pass them for good. We caught them between mile 11 & 12. I would haven't noticed them at first until Rob pointed them out. We started passing a few people here and there.

Quick stop at the porta potties....ran straight inside but almost fell over as it was a tilt and going from running to squatting isn't smart...had to grab onto the door....visions of falling out went through my head. 8 miles many more...6 Rob tells me it is only 5...sounds much better.

Back over Longfellow I'm in new territory..never in my 44 years have I run this far...from now on out PB all the way. At the downward side of the bridge we hit 10 miles....let's see if we can take it up a bit and do some negative splitting. Back into the heart of Boston...we start reeling folks in...some take the shortcut on the sidewalk we run on the street and pass them...this is fun...11:29 m/m...nice....Rob asks if I want to slow down as we need to save some for the end...nope...let's keep going. There I see Emily and Kevin again at the end of the Commons...more cheers and support from family...very motivating. I see I have 15 minutes of running left...I will achieve something last year was not even on the radar screen. I used to be the women who ran at night so my neighbors couldn't see me and I couldn't even run one of my block. Maybe Rob was right the end of mile 12 was kinda hard...ah but there is the Bridge...over it to the finish line what motivation to pick up a bit.

Over the Bridge we can hear the music, see the crowd and the finish line...this was great....keep on passing people here and there....come into the gates with throngs of people and try to pass some more people. Rob points out four...says you can pass them. Normally I can't sprint to the finish, but I did, I was catching them...oh I see a group of BTers and I ran as fast as I can wand wave my arms in victory onward to catch the last 3...more BTers to wave to....passed another one....the two are there...ah....pass them maybe 5 feet from the mat...super way to finish...Rob was right I could do it!!!

In the past I'd get all choked up and teary eyed when I finished something hard for me. Before I started I knew I was going to finish so that was a foregone I would race and with what mental strength was the felt so different so much better.

I felt was so fun. Rob was so supportive and encouraging plus fun to be with...and I ran the farthest I ever had. My coach Will calls these type of events Changers....I agree it changes my attitude about what I can do, gives me confidence to do bigger and better things.

My last 5K was faster on this 1/2 Mary than any of my 5K times in my sprint Tris last year by more than 2 minutes and I had run 10 miles before the last 5K which I think for me harder than the swim and bike thing I do in a Tri.

When I do these long runs afterwards I feel like a million bucks (I tell my family I feel like a super hero).

I probably placed in the bottom 2% but it doesn't bug me which is a change. This was such a positive experience made possible to BT and the BTers that I have met. Rob's and so many other support and encouragement before the race and Rob's during the race allowed me to stay calm and enjoy the race and do my very best.

Drank 42 oz of water and took in 350 calories...just a little short in the calories as goal was 200-250 an hour.

What would you do differently?:

Not much...try to eat more...I executed my plan as I had hoped.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around, took pictures, hugged BT friends. Ate a Cliff bar, banana, half a bagel, did leg drains and went to see the IMAX movie with BTers about the Tour. Of course I started thinking about which 1/2 Mary I can do next, how much faster I can be, next year what m/m pace can I this normal?

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Same old thing...being 44 and overweight (working on this). Confidence in myself to achieve something big...but doing a race like today helps me feel like I can achieve more than I can dream.

Last updated: 2006-03-04 12:00 AM
02:37:35 | 13.1 miles | 12m 02s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/381
Overall: 0/4135
Performance: Good
mile 1 11:41, HR 164 mile 2 11:57, HR 148 mile 3 12:09, HR 149 mile 4 12:42, HR 146 mile 5 12:12, HR 148 mile 6 12:16, HR 149 mile 7 12:22, HR 150 mile 8 12:04, HR 151 mile 9 12:46, HR 150 includes porta potty break mile 10 12:04, HR 152 mile 11 11:29, HR 155 mile 12 11:45, HR 158 mile 13 12:10 (11:04 m/m), HR 158
Course: Through downtown Boston, over Longfellow Bridge, down Memorial Drive, back over Longfellow Bridge, downdown Boston, Boston Commons and back to Sea Port.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2006-03-12 7:58 PM

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Subject: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

2006-03-12 8:18 PM
in reply to: #367831

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Kathy, what a great race and a great report too!!  Everyone here knew you could do it, and do it in style just like you did!!  Kathy you rock!!
2006-03-12 8:22 PM
in reply to: #367831

Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

You looked so great coming across the finish line!  Woo hoo...what a day!  Hahahaha...May and I were yelling to you "3 minutes to the turnaround!"  Hope we didn't discourage you!  This is another accomplishment, just think back a while ago when something like this wasn't even on your radar screen.  You're going to be a big inspiration to Emily!


2006-03-12 9:16 PM
in reply to: #367831

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Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Fantastic run, Kathy - congrats!!!!
2006-03-12 9:27 PM
in reply to: #367831

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
KATHY!  Awesome race!  I am so coming to do this with you next year ... Longfellow Bridge!  What a great race!  GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
2006-03-12 9:42 PM
in reply to: #367831

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Kathy you are so amazing   Congrats on a great race.  We are all so proud of you

2006-03-12 10:23 PM
in reply to: #367831

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

You are my hero! I'm doing my first Half Marathon next weekend and I'm having major major doubts.... especially after today's run.

Hope I can do as well as you did.....Actually I just hope I can finish in one piece without bleeding or vomitting.

Aiming low.

Good for you! Congratulations, Kathy.  I'm proud of you!  You must feel goooooooood.


2006-03-13 12:20 AM
in reply to: #367831

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Great job! And you were worried you wouldn't be able to do it!
2006-03-13 5:40 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Congratulations Kathy! Awesome job, way to meet (yet another) goal!
2006-03-13 5:48 AM
in reply to: #367831

Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
I had a wonderful time running with you yesterday, Kathy. You did fantastic! You ran a smart race: keeping track of your splits and nutrition; staying focused on your perceived effort; and you really kept calm.

Congratulations! You should be very proud!
2006-03-13 6:54 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Granvile, Ohio
Silver member
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

You may not have gotten teary eyed at the finish, but I sure did reading your report!  Thanks for an inspiring story.  Really nice job Kathy!


2006-03-13 7:20 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon


I like the term!

Your porta potty story about falling over reminded me of this episode of "Jackass" (which I am sure is WAAY TOO UNREFINED for your sensibilities) where this guy stood in a porta potty and his crew rolled it so the toilet waste came out of the potty and splashed everywhere inside and on the guy. So GROSS, but it was good for a belly laugh as I read your RR.

I'm so glad you have come this far in your running and your confidence. I'd have NEVER in a million years, not even before yesterday's race when you were asking people if anyone was nervous, that you were "one of those women who ran at night so no one saw you".

I'm glad that woman's not around anymore

Yeah....Max and I were saying 3 MINUTES to the turn around!! MINUTES MINUTES!! LOL

Edited by TypeA Girl Pilot 2006-03-13 7:21 AM
2006-03-13 7:43 AM
in reply to: #367831

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wrightsville beach, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

'sprinting to the finish' and 'changers' .......WOOHOO!!! kathy!!!


you rocked the race!! and BEAT a whole bunch of runners!!


Thank you for letting us into your world, Kevin and emily are such sweathearts.


revel in your success!!  lol..whats next?  

2006-03-13 7:55 AM
in reply to: #367831

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Congratulations!! What a great first 1/2 marathon and a great race report. It is definitely normal to already be thinking about your next race - I did the exact same thing after Tampa. As soon as I got home I was on searching for races that were coming up, but not too soon! I'm so glad your family was there to cheer you on - I need to do a race close to home so I can make my kids get up early to watch me!
2006-03-13 7:55 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Extreme Veteran
Northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

Way to go, Kathy!  I'm so glad you took the plunge and did it!  It's been inspiring to watch your transformation.  Know that you are a role model for many of us.



2006-03-13 8:01 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon

Kathy, congrats again. 

I'm adding you to my "mental inpiration list".  I guess I'm going to work on a 1/2 mary soon. 

2006-03-13 8:04 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Yay Kathy!! Thanks for the inspiration! My first half is in t minus 13 days, hope it's as positive an experience as yours
2006-03-13 8:07 AM
in reply to: #367831

Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
This was definately a "changer" for you (great term by the way). Just a huge accomplishment and boy are you going to kick but this tri season.

2006-03-13 8:18 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Awesome race!!! I knew you could do it! Congrats!!!!!
2006-03-13 8:48 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Great job Kathy, I have been looking forward to this race and report and you did not disappoint. Superstrong finish and a great race all the way around.

2006-03-13 9:00 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Extreme Veteran
Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Thats an amazing race you ran! Negative splits and SPRINTING TO THE END!!

Great race and keep going strong! I hope you wore your medal all night like I did.

2006-03-13 9:26 AM
in reply to: #367831

Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Hi Kathy! I've been looking forward to reading your report for weeks! I knew you were going to do GREAT. What a fantastic experience you guys had. So, does this motivate you to do a full mary someday? Congratulations!!! Looks like you did everything right on race day.
2006-03-13 9:30 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon


 Running with someone who wants you to succeed, wants it almost as much or more than you do - that is such a great feeling. I'm so happy for you, Kathy!

(hey, I'm 44 too!)

2006-03-13 10:02 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
Amazing! Way to go on the half marathon!
2006-03-13 10:11 AM
in reply to: #367831

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Boston's Run to Remember Half Marathon
.................HAPPY DANCE......................!!!!!!!
Enjoy that Superhero Cape- You wear it well..!
There is nowhere I more wanted to be yesterday than watching you DO this..
Reading your report- makes me teary- but makes me SMILE....
Thanks Kath- you're the best.I am looking forward to your NEXT goal smash!
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