BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009 Rss Feed  
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2008-11-06 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I'd like to be in as well.  Like others I don't have a power meter but I do have a HRM.  One question, what is RPE?  Sorry, I've been cycling and doing tris off and on for 20-years but not familiar with RPE.

2008-11-06 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1792702

Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Me.  Me.  Me.  HRM and trainer.

This is awesome of you.



2008-11-06 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Extreme Veteran
Colo Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I'm in too. I am signed up for a century at the end of Feb l, and then want to do the Wildflower Oly in May so this should give me a good start. And since I've been focusing on my run for the last month or two, it's time to get back in the saddle!
2008-11-06 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Lake in the Hills
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Me please . 
2008-11-06 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I'm definitely interested Jorge, and thanks for doing this. New ct at home that I'm just starting to get sorted out. I'm trying to do relatively more running right now, before the snow flies, but I really want to make some gains on the bike before next summer too.
2008-11-06 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Jorge, thanks for doing this!  I am in though I travel and may miss a few or have to adjust my shedule, this will be great to keep me on the bike this winter.  I have a marathon in May and my longer tris start after that, so it should work good while allowing me to get my runs in for marathon training.

I hope you get some business out of this!

2008-11-06 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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The Ocean State
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Jorge, thanks so much for doing this. Count me in!!!
2008-11-06 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
RPE is rate of perceived exertion. It's basically a scale that ranks how hard you feel like you're working. It's usually from 1 to 10. Running, for example, an RPE of 1 would be the about the slowest jog you could manage, while an RPE of 10 is a flat out sprint that you couldn't sustain for more than 10-15 seconds.
2008-11-06 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Count me in.... thx!!!

I'm anxious to see how the power meter I just bought for my kurt kinetic helps with tracking my work....
2008-11-06 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Me too! Me too! I just have a plain ole trainer and a plain ole HRM but would be willing to get a fresh LT test done beforehand if you think its necessary. I'm doing my first HIM , Timberman next summer so this will be perfect. Thanks so much for doing this Jorge!!
2008-11-06 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I'm in too.  HRM and trainer.  Tnx Jorge!!!

2008-11-06 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

I have no idea as to what half of those words meant in your opening thread or how to do any of that testing stuff.


so clearly I need to join. pming you now.

2008-11-06 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Orange County
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
This sounds great. Please count me in!
2008-11-06 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

I'm in!

Thanks for doing this Jorge.

2008-11-06 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

1.      Is this for anyone or just those with a power meter? Anyone who is willing to do the work and easy into the programs can join. I’ll provide sessions based on watts, HR or RPE (respiratory perceived exertion). If you use a trainer or have a road/loop in which you can test often under the same circumstances it will make it easier for you to wuantify your improvement.

2.      Is this only for indoors or outdoors training? Any! The sessions are around 1 hr long each max considering many of us training live in the north and are forced to ride the trainer more often than not. Also this type of sessions are easier to do on the trainer as you can managed your efforts easier and void the hassles of outdoors (spot lights, traffic, terrain, weather, etc.) for that reason the sessions are relatively short but intense enough that most of the time spent is well used. But if you live in warm climates you can easily do these sessions outside.

3.      Can I use rollers? You could, just keep in mind you are going to be pushing your effort to threshold or VO2 max constantly hence you have to be careful!

4.      What kind of base do I need to have before joining this group? As long as you’ve been active and done some riding over the past 6 months you should be able handle the load. The first 5 weeks of the plan are precisely focused to allow your body adapt so you can handle greater load and push yourself more coming January 09.

5.      I have a computrainer (or any other trainer with power feature) but sometimes I might ride outside, how can I do both? Once of the key goals of the plan is to teach you get in tune with your body so you can assess what sort of work you are doing given RPE. Hence some of the intervals done indoors I will suggest you to cover your HR or power meter and go by feel and see how well you do. Learning this you will have a built in power meter

6.      The plan starts kind of early in the year, I don’t want to end up burn out by the summer. Indeed the plan starts early but the 1st 3 weeks are relatively simple in workload. Really we’ll start pushing the load as of week 4 and the progression will be gradual so really we’ll have 11 weeks of structured training. Also we’ll have a holiday ‘break’ that should help you recover mentally while doing a bit of something AND after the program is over, I recommend taking an easy week or two to recover before jumping into your specific season training.

7.      I’ve been training consistently over the past month and the plan seems a bit conservative for my goals, how can I adjust it? You will have two options: 1) either slow down a bit, start the program with everyone just adding a more intensity than advised and wait until Jan to really pick up the pace. That can be wise if you have planned a long racing season and don’t want to be burn out by mid summer. 2)  Or start the program doing your testing on week no.1 and then pick up the plan on week no. 6. By the time you complete it you can test, adjust your training zones with you higher power threshold and do it again! You WILL have a killer cycling training under your legs coming March.

8.      I need to address other limiters, how can I do that while following the program? The plan is design in general to allow athletes to fit in swimming and running as well so you can address other limiters and become a more complete athlete. The current plan allows for a balanced focus as: 3 swims, 3 bikes and 4+ runs. If you want to address another limiter then you could:
a.      If limiter is swimming: You should be able to fit easily 4-6 swims x week and handle the cycling program, plus 3-4 runs a week. If it is too much you can drop one of the cycling sessions
b.      If limiter is cycling: you can fit in easily 3 swim as maintenance, do 3-4 runs as maintenance and follow the program or even add an extra bike x week , for those training for 70.3/IM you can just do a 2-4 hr ride on the weekend between z2 and z3.
c.       If limiter is running: you have a few options i) do 3x swim maintenance, follow the program as it is and do 4-6x run. You will need to focus on ‘just’ run at the pace that your body feels good on the given day, IOW just run but keep intensity in check (low) and build base through frequency. ii) do 3x swim maintenance, drop one bike session of program as it is and run 4-5 a week adding more intensity (strides, threshold) etc.
The above are just suggestions of course, there are many other ways to address this and make it fit your needs.

Remember the main point for this program is to help you accomplish your 2008 racing goals, and by following it should make sense for your plans. There are many ways to tackle training and this is just one way (may way ), the point is for you to grab bits and pieces of information to help you learn and apply it to your specific needs. Or for those seasoned athletes to play and help others and keep each other motivated.

In the end the plan by itself is just a map that if used properly and if you do the work it will help you get a jump start for 2009! If you have more questions, keep em coming, if you PM me I'll replied on this thread for everyone to read.

2008-11-06 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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New user
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Count me in!  This is just what I need to get through the winter months.  Thank you!

2008-11-06 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Please count me in too   Thanks for doing this!!
2008-11-06 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Va Beach
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I'm in perfect timing and I roll right into my IMKY training.
2008-11-06 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Thanks Jorge and I'm in. Every time I read all the bike lingo/jargon it makes me realize how much more I need to learn and focus on the bike. Can't wait.
2008-11-06 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I would love to join this group if you'll take me.
2008-11-06 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

I would absolutely LOVE to do this!

Thank you So much for doing this for the whole BT community!  It's great for people like me who have very little knowledge regarding bike training!

You're a true community helper-outer!!


2008-11-06 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I'm in! Sounds like a great idea and thank you in advance.
2008-11-06 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1793849

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
JorgeM - 2008-11-06 7:25 PM

1.      Is this for anyone or just those with a power meter? Anyone who is willing to do the work and easy into the programs can join. I’ll provide sessions based on watts, HR or RPE (respiratory perceived exertion). If you use a trainer or have a road/loop in which you can test often under the same circumstances it will make it easier for you to wuantify your improvement.

2.      Is this only for indoors or outdoors training? Any! The sessions are around 1 hr long each max considering many of us training live in the north and are forced to ride the trainer more often than not. Also this type of sessions are easier to do on the trainer as you can managed your efforts easier and void the hassles of outdoors (spot lights, traffic, terrain, weather, etc.) for that reason the sessions are relatively short but intense enough that most of the time spent is well used. But if you live in warm climates you can easily do these sessions outside.

3.      Can I use rollers? You could, just keep in mind you are going to be pushing your effort to threshold or VO2 max constantly hence you have to be careful!

I wouldn't use rollers for these workouts, but was wondering if they would be beneficial to improve spin, balance, etc..  I would ride the rollers on easy steady state type days. 

I guess I should ask if you train with rollers some?  Thanks.

4.      What kind of base do I need to have before joining this group? As long as you’ve been active and done some riding over the past 6 months you should be able handle the load. The first 5 weeks of the plan are precisely focused to allow your body adapt so you can handle greater load and push yourself more coming January 09.

5.      I have a computrainer (or any other trainer with power feature) but sometimes I might ride outside, how can I do both? Once of the key goals of the plan is to teach you get in tune with your body so you can assess what sort of work you are doing given RPE. Hence some of the intervals done indoors I will suggest you to cover your HR or power meter and go by feel and see how well you do. Learning this you will have a built in power meter

6.      The plan starts kind of early in the year, I don’t want to end up burn out by the summer. Indeed the plan starts early but the 1st 3 weeks are relatively simple in workload. Really we’ll start pushing the load as of week 4 and the progression will be gradual so really we’ll have 11 weeks of structured training. Also we’ll have a holiday ‘break’ that should help you recover mentally while doing a bit of something AND after the program is over, I recommend taking an easy week or two to recover before jumping into your specific season training.

7.      I’ve been training consistently over the past month and the plan seems a bit conservative for my goals, how can I adjust it? You will have two options: 1) either slow down a bit, start the program with everyone just adding a more intensity than advised and wait until Jan to really pick up the pace. That can be wise if you have planned a long racing season and don’t want to be burn out by mid summer. 2)  Or start the program doing your testing on week no.1 and then pick up the plan on week no. 6. By the time you complete it you can test, adjust your training zones with you higher power threshold and do it again! You WILL have a killer cycling training under your legs coming March.

8.      I need to address other limiters, how can I do that while following the program? The plan is design in general to allow athletes to fit in swimming and running as well so you can address other limiters and become a more complete athlete. The current plan allows for a balanced focus as: 3 swims, 3 bikes and 4+ runs. If you want to address another limiter then you could:
a.      If limiter is swimming: You should be able to fit easily 4-6 swims x week and handle the cycling program, plus 3-4 runs a week. If it is too much you can drop one of the cycling sessions
b.      If limiter is cycling: you can fit in easily 3 swim as maintenance, do 3-4 runs as maintenance and follow the program or even add an extra bike x week , for those training for 70.3/IM you can just do a 2-4 hr ride on the weekend between z2 and z3.
c.       If limiter is running: you have a few options i) do 3x swim maintenance, follow the program as it is and do 4-6x run. You will need to focus on ‘just’ run at the pace that your body feels good on the given day, IOW just run but keep intensity in check (low) and build base through frequency. ii) do 3x swim maintenance, drop one bike session of program as it is and run 4-5 a week adding more intensity (strides, threshold) etc.
The above are just suggestions of course, there are many other ways to address this and make it fit your needs.

Remember the main point for this program is to help you accomplish your 2008 racing goals, and by following it should make sense for your plans. There are many ways to tackle training and this is just one way (may way ), the point is for you to grab bits and pieces of information to help you learn and apply it to your specific needs. Or for those seasoned athletes to play and help others and keep each other motivated.

In the end the plan by itself is just a map that if used properly and if you do the work it will help you get a jump start for 2009! If you have more questions, keep em coming, if you PM me I'll replied on this thread for everyone to read.

2008-11-06 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
I'm in. I'll be in the HRM group.

Thanks Jorge.
2008-11-06 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

I'm in.  Should coincide nicely with my plan for IM NO 70.3.

Thanks for doing this.

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