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2010-04-08 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
Hi All,

NAME: Gofaster / Neil

I have no real background in sports, except for playing hockey as a kid.  I got into Triathlon in 2007 with a Try a Tri, and in 2008 did a few Sprint races.  In 2009 I moved up to the next level and did some Sprints, plus an Olympic, and the season ended with the Muskoka 70.3.

Unfortunately, I got injured during the run in Muskoka, and it turned out to be an ITB issue.  I’ve been dealing with this for the past 6 months, and am currently still suffering with it.  Since running is my strength, this has led to a lot of frustration since I can’t really run at the moment.

This year I’d like to return to do another ½ Ironman, but this all depends on being able to run the way I’d like to.  I’d also like to really improve my biking and swimming, since I’m MOP on the bike and BOP in the swim.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, with two terrors for kids.  A 5 year old boy, and 1 year old girl  (but they’re great).

CURRENT TRAINING: Swimming is my weakness so I’m currently trying to improve in the water.  It would be nice to get faster, but more important is I would like to see some better fitness that should let me bike and run better, rather than feeling exhausted getting into T1.

I’'ll spend most of my bike time on the trainer, usually only getting in a single ride outdoors each week.  For the past few months I've barely done anything on a cycling front - except for buy myself a powertap which I'm excited about.

2009 RACES: 3 Sprints, 1 Olympic, and a ½ Ironman.

2010 RACES:  Currently registered for a ½ Marathon in May, which is part of the frustration since I’m looking to rebuild my run base at the moment.  I’m planning to do a ½ Ironman this year as well, although this plan is on hold till I get the ITB issue sorted, along with a couple of Sprints and perhaps an Olympic.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not lose more weight.  At 6’, I’m typically tipping the scales at between 155-160 lbs.  Before I started Tri training I was just under 175 lbs.


Edited by GoFaster 2010-04-08 10:03 AM

2010-04-08 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
Here are my details:

My name is Doug. Last year was my first year of triathlon. I did mostly sprints one olympic. This year is 5 sprints 2 olympic and Augusta HIM in September is my A race.

FAMILY STATUS: Married almost 14 years with two kids 9 and 11.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have had a coach since late last year and he coached me through my firrst marathon this past March.  First tri is 4/18, but I am treating it like a glorifies training day.

2010 RACES: Nations Tri in D.C (Olympic) and 1/2IM Augusta 9/26 are my A races. I have other sprints and olympics planned.

Biking is my strength. I was a competitive cyclist a lifetime ago and I was a bicycle mechanic off and on for 6 years. My swim used to be my worst but I worked at it this past year and now running is my worst. But I am hoping to flip flop them again.

This is my 3rd time in this MG, Looking forward to yet another year of inspiration.

2010-04-08 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
This group was so nice, I have to do it twice!!

NAME: gdale / George

AGE:  37

I live in Horseheads, NY.  I decided in November 2008 to give tri's a try!  I have been running for fitness since the beginning of 2007 when I realized that I was about 55 lbs heavier than when I went to college.  I guess the freshman 15, the first years of marriage and then a lot of sympathy eating with my wife while she was pregnant over the years added up.  So with diet and running in 2007 I lost about 20 lbs but then put about half back on.  I did some biking in the summer of 2007 too but only about once a week.  Seemed to be plateauing with running so I added swimming at the end of August 2008.  I was a lifeguard in highschool but never a swimmer--just did the minimum amount of laps to complete my required workouts.  After I started feeling comfortable in the pool, I decided that working towards a tri would keep me motivated to improve my fitness.  Besides work and training, I am actively involved in my kids sports  (coach for wrestling, t-ball and soccer) and serve on the board for a charity based in Dallas, TX.  In the tri's I did this year, I was pretty much MOP in all three disciplines.  Hope to move up to the back end of the FOP group this year.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to Kristine for nearly 12 years with 3 boys - 10, 8, and 3.  Kristine is doing her first tri this year!!

CURRENT TRAINING: A lot of my training happens at lunch at the YMCA near where I work.   I have been swimming with a Masters group 2 mornings per week which really helped my swimming.  I try and do each discipline 3 x per week.

2009 RACES: YMCA Tri at the Y for my first tri.  Keuka Lake Sprint.  Cayuga Lake Oly.  2 10ks and my first half marathon.  Happy with my first seasons performance!

2010 Races:  Not finalized yet but plan to do Cayuga Lake Oly again, Mini Mussleman (sprint), Finger Lakes Tri.  Will likely do 2 10Ks, and 2 half marathons.  Thinking about stepping up to a half and doing the Syracuse 70.3 in September but haven't convinced the wife yet!

WEIGHTLOSS:  Currently around 165, would like to be around 160 or a little lower.  Was there in season but have been eating without thinking for a few months.


2010-04-08 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
May I join? I will post my bio in a sec - I just wanted to get in before you're full!
2010-04-08 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
I'm back again if that's OK with everyone.


STORY: Never much of an athlete - did the usual intramural volleyball/basketball teams in grade school, 1 year of track in HS (came in last in every race except one!), HS racquetball for 2 years, then not much of anything.  I tried softball and indoor soccer as an adult but wasn't very good at either one.  About 3-1/2 years ago I volunteered at a local triathlon just to see what it was about and decided it was something I wanted to try.  At the time, I couldn't swim (never learned as a kid), couldn't run more than 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to die, and had only been on a bike once or twice in about 10 years.  I decided to start with the running since I figured it would be the hardest for me to pick up.  Since then, I've done 3 half marathons - doing my 4th this weekend - lots of shorter running races, and last year I did 2 sprint triathlons.  This year I'm hoping to move up to Olympic distance in August.  In fact, I've already registered for the race so I guess I'd better be ready!

FAMILY STATUS: I'm 46, married, with 2 kids.  Our son is finishing his first year of college and our daugher is a HS sophomore. 

CURRENT TRAINING:  I've been concentrating mostly on running due to my half marathon this weekend, but I'm also trying to get in 2 bike rides a week and 3 sessions in the pool.  The bike suffers most - I do most of it on a stationary at the gym right now.  That's partly due to weather and partly due to the fact that I'm still not really comfortable riding on the roads.  I bought a road bike last year that I like, I just need to make myself get out and ride it.  That's where I'm hoping you'll be able to helpSmile

I don't do a lot of "intense" training and don't do a lot of analysis of my workouts.  I'm doing this for fun - don't know anything about watts on the bike, don't know my VO2 max for the run, nothing like that.  I workout by feel most of the time and I'm OK with that.  I have nothing against getting better/faster, but it's not the primary focus for me. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I'm doing a sprint in May, an Olympic (hopefully) in August and a bunch of 5k's, 10k's etc this summer.

2010 RACES:  Here's my schedule so far!

4/11/10 - Go!St Louis half marathon
4/24/10 - SCC Wellness Festival 10k
5/23/10 - Gateway Sprint Triathlon
6/6/10 - Run for Your Life 5k
7/3/10 - Firecracker 10k
8/1/10 - Fleet Feet Flat 5 (5 mile race)
8/21/10 - Lake St Louis Olympic triathlon
10/2/10 - Roots'N'Blues'N'BBQ half marathon (maybe)

2010-04-08 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!

NAME: Jeanie

AGE:  33

I have never been athletic, although there have been short spurts of exercise here and there throughout my life. I've always been pretty out of shape. 6 years ago I had my first daughter and OMG I gained some serious weight. 60lbs! I lost 30 of it pretty fast, but the remaining 30 lbs hung on. 2nd daughter came along 3 years later and I hadn't lost any weight. 2 years ago I was tired of looking terrible and so I started loosing weight. I weighed less, but I was still very out of shape. A year ago I wanted to get in shape, so I hired a personal trainer and started working out with her. I remember her telling me to warm up by running and I told her I wasn't much of a runner. I wasn't! I couldn't run more than a half a mile, on a treadmill, at 13 minute miles.

Last August my husband was in a sprint tri. I watched and loved the atmosphere so much that as soon as he and our friends were done with the race I said I wanted to do one. Well there was an adventure race/tri coming up in October for the military and I said I wanted to do it with them. I started training way too fast and messed up my legs, but I completed the race and it was fun! After the race I ended up at the doctor getting bone scans on my legs and was told to stop running for 2 months. So November and December were out. I just started running again in January after doing virtually nothing in December.

In February I decided to take the plunge and sign up for a tri in April. It's this weekend, in fact! I wasn't sure I would be able to do it when I signed up, but there's nothing like pressure for motivation. In March I signed up for a 5k three days before the event because I needed to run 3.1 that Saturday anyhow and I wanted a t-shirt. This from the girl that couldn't run a half a mile a year ago!! So here we are.

Married with 2 girls - 3 and 6. My 6 year old REALLY wants to do a kid's duathlon.

I do as much as I can with my schedule. I work swing shift and get about 5 hours of sleep a night. So it makes it hard to get longer distances in but I'm working on balancing exercise and trying to get a nap every day.


2009 RACES: Adventure race in October. Relay. I did 14 miles of the bike, 3 miles of the run, and 2 miles of rafting.

2010 Races:  Shamrock 5k, Texas State Sprint Tri, the rest are to be determined. I have to switch off race weekends with my husband to avoid having to have a babysitter too often. I may do one May 1st though. It's a super sprint.

WEIGHTLOSS:  I'm happy with my weight. I'd like to cut some more bodyfat though. I'm still pretty flabby from all the weight loss. Maybe not flabby - loose skin. I'm 5'1" and 115lbs.

2010-04-08 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!

In for three if ya'll have me

Name:  ashort33 - Andy

Story: Did my first tri in 2007 - a mini sprint and then promptly did nothing until last year when I jumped in with both feet.

Current training:  Been sporadic lately, but I have several sprints and oly's planned for the year.  I really need to learn to love to run...

Family status:  Married for 17 years with a 9 year old daughter

Goals for 2010:  Have fun and enjoy the lifestyle!  Try to find that balance between tri training and life so I don't burn out or up....  Lose some weight permanently...

2010-04-08 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
wonderful.  a canadian that trains with a power tap.  here's how this conversation is gonna go.... canada blah blah blah be nice blah blah blah free stitches blah blah blah hit a moose on my bike last night blah blah blah... coupled with a conversation with tony about numbers per second per watt per hair on the a$$ per i just peed so not only is my frontal area reduced but i'm lighter hence faster per how good do i look in this kit. 

and its nice to have new people that all are really slow like me so i can talk smack and and back it up another heart-stirring 15mph bike ride.    oh wait, by the looks of some of these logs i'm seeing that didn't happen either.

welcome to THE mg. 

2010-04-08 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2776545

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
fattyfatfat - 2010-04-08 9:41 AM wonderful.  a canadian that trains with a power tap.  here's how this conversation is gonna go.... canada blah blah blah be nice blah blah blah free stitches blah blah blah hit a moose on my bike last night blah blah blah... coupled with a conversation with tony about numbers per second per watt per hair on the a$$ per i just peed so not only is my frontal area reduced but i'm lighter hence faster per how good do i look in this kit. 

and its nice to have new people that all are really slow like me so i can talk smack and and back it up another heart-stirring 15mph bike ride.    oh wait, by the looks of some of these logs i'm seeing that didn't happen either.

welcome to THE mg. 


For those that haven't met him, John is the class clown (one of them anyway!)
2010-04-08 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!

I'm in for round 3!

Name: Roni

Family Status:  Married for 21 years to Gary (gslye). We have two adult daughters, 19 and 22.

Story: I first got into triathlons by following BT's "12 week basic Sprint Plan". Before that I had never run a full mile in my life, and only swam and biked recreationally. After finishing my first sprint I was hooked! I love having a goal race to keep me motivated to train, and I love getting outside on the trails, roads, and in the lakes. Officially I live in Kalispell, Montana, but spend the great majority of the time in The Dalles, Oregon because that's where my husband is currently working.

Current Training: I was sidelined by a stress fracture about 5 weeks ago. So, for the most part, my training is on hold until I heal. I'm swimming a few times a week and doing some aqua jogging.

2009 Races: Started 2009 with a new 5k PR at a New Year's day race, ran the Snow Joke 1/2 Mary in February, my first Marathon in April, followed by a Trifecta race (10k, 5k, 1 mile) later that month, Bloomsday in May, Onionman Olympic Tri end of May, my first HIM( Boise 70.3) in June, Missoula Marathon and Polson Days 1 mile swim in July, Whitefish Lake Sprint in August, Garden City Olympic and Black Diamond HIM in September, Columbia Power Marathon in October, and got my first DNF at Woodside 50k trail run in December (I'm a bit directionally challenged )

2010 Races/Goals:  This is all up in the air at the moment, just depends on how the healing goes. My goals were to finish my first Ironman and 50 miler strong, but we will see what the season brings.

I lost 55 lbs about 4 years ago, but have gained back 15 over the last 1.5 years. My new goal is to lose 20 lbs and get down to around 20% body fat.

2010-04-08 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
Welcome back Holly! It's good to see you back

Welcome to all the new members too! I look forward to getting to know you all!

2010-04-08 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
Happy Thursday oldies and newbies...welcome Jeanie, Neil, TJ, Stephanie, Julia, Chris and Mike!!!

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this picture?  One week ago today, I was roasting in the outfit on the left and today, nearly freezing in the outfit on the right! It was 24F and snowing....Spring in WI!

2010-04-08 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2776641

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!

SSMinnow - 2010-04-08 9:05 AM Happy Thursday oldies and newbies...welcome Jeanie, Neil, TJ, Stephanie, Julia, Chris and Mike!!!

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this picture?  One week ago today, I was roasting in the outfit on the left and today, nearly freezing in the outfit on the right! It was 24F and snowing....Spring in WI!

Um, global warming?  No wait, global cooling??!!??  Uh...  Oh wait - its Spring!!!

2010-04-08 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2776641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-04-08 9:05 AM Happy Thursday oldies and newbies...welcome Jeanie, Neil, TJ, Stephanie, Julia, Chris and Mike!!!

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this picture?  One week ago today, I was roasting in the outfit on the left and today, nearly freezing in the outfit on the right! It was 24F and snowing....Spring in WI!

that looks like a dead muppett on the right.
2010-04-08 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2776545

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!

fattyfatfat - 2010-04-08 8:41 AM wonderful.  a canadian that trains with a power tap.  here's how this conversation is gonna go.... canada blah blah blah be nice blah blah blah free stitches blah blah blah hit a moose on my bike last night blah blah blah... coupled with a conversation with tony about numbers per second per watt per hair on the a$$ per i just peed so not only is my frontal area reduced but i'm lighter hence faster per how good do i look in this kit. 

and its nice to have new people that all are really slow like me so i can talk smack and and back it up another heart-stirring 15mph bike ride.    oh wait, by the looks of some of these logs i'm seeing that didn't happen either.

welcome to THE mg. 


Don't worry John, I am trying to reach equilibrium between my bike speed in MPH and my run speed in Min/Mile... 12 seems like a likely number for both

2010-04-08 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2776044

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!

CyborgQueen - 2010-04-08 1:59 AM Back for second round!! 


FAMILY STATUS: Engaged for 2+ years, not yet married...who knows when! 4 cats, Reno, Keno, Mocha and Hobbes, and a dog - Stardust. Which ones do you think were adopted in Vegas? :-)

CURRENT TRAINING: 3x3x3 and a day off. Working on toward my first finish my first Sprint Triathlon on May 15th! First season of tri's and anything athletic!

A few...many firsts though! First 5k on May 1st. IronGirl Vegas (Sprint), Lake Las Vegas Tri, (Sprint), Las Vegas Tri (Olympic), Pumpkinman (Sprint or Olympic), and a couple charity rides.

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD PART OF THIS GROUP:  I'm a goofball sometimes.


2010-04-08 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Extreme Veteran
, Utah
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!

May I join,  I'm at work.  I'll post a bio when I get a break.


2010-04-08 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2776679

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
ashort33 - 2010-04-08 10:13 AM

CyborgQueen - 2010-04-08 1:59 AM Back for second round!! 

  I'm a goofball sometimes.


Only on days ending in "y"  {wink}

But in all fairness, you do not hold a candle to the Trevor/John combo...

Edited by Tobey91 2010-04-08 9:19 AM
2010-04-08 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
Hey Roni How is the aqua jogging going? Did you get a floatation belt? If so, what kind? Heal well and fast.

2010-04-08 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2776685

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
tritiny - 2010-04-08 7:14 AM

May I join,  I'm at work.  I'll post a bio when I get a break.


Yes, that is fine... You will see "FULL" when you get back in, but you are fine....
2010-04-08 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2776641

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-04-08 10:05 AM Happy Thursday oldies and newbies...welcome Jeanie, Neil, TJ, Stephanie, Julia, Chris and Mike!!!

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this picture?  One week ago today, I was roasting in the outfit on the left and today, nearly freezing in the outfit on the right! It was 24F and snowing....Spring in WI!

If you lived in NC those outfits would have turned yellow from all the pine pollen.  I went for a run last night and had to brush my teeth when I got home. The toothpaste spit was yellow!    NASTY!!!!

2010-04-08 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2776699

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- WE FLY!!!
DougRob - 2010-04-08 7:16 AM Hey Roni How is the aqua jogging going? Did you get a floatation belt? If so, what kind? Heal well and fast.


Thanks, Doug! Yep, I got the Aquajogger flotation belt and a waterproof case for my Ipod (music is essential when aqua jogging ). I actually enjoy it, but I do have a really hard time getting my heart rate up doing it. My average hr runs about 115 aqua jogging which is nowhere near the 145-150 I average running. I've found that intervals work best because in order to get your hr up you have to have a super fast cadence, which is difficult to maintain for long.

 Unfortunately, our local pool just shut down for remodeling and I haven't gotten a membership for the pool at the next closest town yet. So, I haven't been doing much of anything this week. I am noticing some improvement in my foot though and have been doing some walking (grocery shopping, etc) without my boot.
2010-04-08 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2771574

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Room for another?   If so, I'll post a bio.  If not, bummer. Doesn't seem  to be my day!

I'm Linda, married mom of 3, been doing tris for 19 months(!) Did IMMoo last year, doing IMCdA this year, would love to be part of a group that includes IMs!  I'm also doing Wildflower HIM in 4 weeks, and Boston Mary in 11 (egads) days.

Edited by velcromom 2010-04-08 9:44 AM
2010-04-08 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2776768

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
velcromom - 2010-04-08 9:37 AM Room for another?   If so, I'll post a bio.  If not, bummer. Doesn't seem  to be my day!

I'm Linda, married mom of 3, been doing tris for 19 months(!) Did IMMoo last year, doing IMCdA this year, would love to be part of a group that includes IMs!  I'm alsway doing Wildflower HIM in 4 weeks, and Boston Mary in 11 (egads) days.

Ok, I'm not Birdy, but I say  your did IM WI and you're doing Boston....I already like you!
2010-04-08 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2776773

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-04-08 7:39 AM
velcromom - 2010-04-08 9:37 AM Room for another?   If so, I'll post a bio.  If not, bummer. Doesn't seem  to be my day!

I'm Linda, married mom of 3, been doing tris for 19 months(!) Did IMMoo last year, doing IMCdA this year, would love to be part of a group that includes IMs!  I'm alsway doing Wildflower HIM in 4 weeks, and Boston Mary in 11 (egads) days.

Ok, I'm not Birdy, but I say  your did IM WI and you're doing Boston....I already like you!

OK... My older "much wiser" sister says your in.... I won't argue with her!!!

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