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Ironman Wisconsin - TriathlonFull Ironman

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Madison, Wisconsin
United States
Ironman North America
75F / 24C
Total Time = 16h 06m 44s
Overall Rank = 2266/2550
Age Group = W30-34
Age Group Rank = 115/139
Pre-race routine:

Oh wow. Where to start! I could start exactly one year ago, that seems like a good place. I volunteered for the 2nd time in women's T2 in 2009 and signed up the next day with Linda. I remember watching the finish line together and wondering what the next year would hold... we were so excited that it would be US next year coming around that finish chute corner and getting high fives and a hero's welcome. I never doubted I'd be there in a year. And what a year it was.

I had some significant life changes at the very beginning of my IM training. I went into this having a comfortable level of support, which suddenly disappeared in the March timeframe. I found myself single, and a little down about life in general. But thank goodness for something to pour my time and thoughts into like the Ironman. I trained hard and I trained steady. I focused on getting my minutes in, figuring out nutrition, and finding new training parnters. I made some of the best friends of my life over this summer through training - funny how it all worked out.

Fast forward to race week. I am strong. I am trained. I am ready. I'd swam this race course once, biked this bike course twice, and trained in one of the hottest summers in Kansas. I couldn't WAIT to get this party started.

Started the 12-hour road trip by picking up Amber (InnerAthlete) in El Dorado, then we picked up Linda (LindaKC) and her husband Dave in Kansas City. The drive went by in the blink of an eye, we were so excited and chatty in anticipation. Saw the caravan of Kansas River Valley Tri Club peeps near Dubuque as they recognized the Kansas plates - and I'm sure our red shoe polished windows gave a little something away, too :). Dinner at Chili's Thursday night, along with setting off our hotel's fire alarms at 11 p.m. since apparently we were the first ones to turn on the heater in the entire city of Madison. Heh.

Friday we started the day with a quick bike ride - just beautiful out. I flatted at the very end, and changed it successfully on my own. Glad I got that out of the way before the race. Headed downtown for athlete checkin and did that whole thing - saw Phil at weigh in and perused the expo. Decided not to swim since it was super windy and choppy, I guess two people had to be 'rescued' that day from the lake, yikes. Back to the hotel I made some tofu and rice since I knew I couldn't eat the athlete dinner food, then we headed to the dinner. Sat and met up with BTers and sat through the presentation - getting super excited now.

Saturday we got up a little earlier to do a variety of things before bike checkin. Little run, little swim, little ride in the parking lot to make sure my tire/tube was okay. Checked bikes and gear bags in - everything just took a lot longer than we anticipated in general. Which was fine, we just didn't have as much "down time" as we planned on. Picked my Mom up from the airport and suddenly things got very real for me. My MOTHER was here from Kansas! Chilled at the hotel with her for a few hours before dinner, where we all met up with Linda's sister and mother, and my sister, brother in law, and two nephews. Now it's SUPER real, my entire cheering section is here from two different states just for little ol' me. We had a great dinner at Bucatini (gluten free pastas!), saw some BTers there, and had our families write motivational/inspirational things on 3x5 index cards we would place in our Run Special Needs bags. Gave my family their goodie bags, and then it was time to leave. Back at the hotel one last check of SN bags and race morning stuff, and we were in bed by 9 p.m. As soon as I laid down, my heart started pounding and it didn't stop for a few hours. I estimate I got around 3 hours of sleep.

Up at 3:15 a.m. before my alarm went off. Got dressed, ate my first breakfast at 4 a.m., gathered everything up. In the car before 4:30, right on time. Easily found parking in the garage we'd been parking in all weekend, and walked to Monona Terrace. Dropped off my Infinite bottle in T1 bag, dropped off Run/Bike Special Needs bags. Back in the Terrace I saw my tri club friends, and then ran into Tony - he'd been looking for us. Went outside and chilled a bit while I ate my 2nd breakfast, some sports beans, and sipped on Gatorade and water. Got halfway into my wetsuit. Getting close now.

Finally it was time to walk down to the swim start. Dropped off morning clothes bag, said goodbye to Tony, and me and the girls took a deep breath and headed towards the mass of wetsuits.

Pulled up my wetsuit all the way and put on my cap/goggles as we shuffled along with 2500 of our closest friends. Amber took off to get in the water as soon as she could, so it was just Linda and me. I looked around and took in the massive crowd, the beautiful day, and gave myself a little pep talk. When we finally saw the "Swim Start" balloon arch, I got super scared all the sudden, grabbed Linda's arm, and clutched her hand. I started to cry. I was just emotional. I clung to Linda until we were almost in the water, and I saw my family! I was wondering if I'd see them before the race and there they were... gave my sister a high five and walked into the water with Linda. We swam out to about the ski jump area while we waited for everyone else to get in. We were in the back, just like we'd planned.

It was so surreal, being in the water before the start. The spectators, the posters, the excitement in the air. Mike Reiley was talking to us, telling us we would be an Ironman today. The national anthem was sung, and I put my hand over my heart underneath the water and tried hard to keep from crying. More people filled in the space around me, and we had floated closer to the bouey line so I told Linda I was going to swim a little towards the shore for the start. "Beautiful Day" by U2 was playing on the speakers and here I was, about to start my first Ironman. Let's do it.
Event warmup:

There is no warmup in Ironman :)
  • 1h 23m 26s
  • 4224 yards
  • 01m 59s / 100 yards

The gun went off and I started my Garmin. I thought I'd wait a little bit before starting, but I just started swimming when the people in front of me did. I was extremely mentally prepared for a violent swim.

The first stretch everyone was "tarzan" swimming as I imagined we would. I was very pleased with my low heart rate and measured breathing - no freak out, no hyperventilating, no stress. Just swimming in the midst of a billion people. Not 2 or 3 minutes into the swim, a guy next to me starts yelling at another guy. All I heard was something like "Don't tell me you didn't do that on purpose, a-hole!" and some other choce words. Really, Mr. Testosterone? You want to settle this with a fist fight in the swim of an Ironman? Let it go, dude. I promptly tried to swim away from that mess.

So that first leg was exactly as I thought it would be, actually better. I got kicked in the chest a lot, but not hard. I think that was just the result of 2500 people changing from vertical to horizontal positions. I got hit in the right eye pretty hard, immediately followed by a hit to the back of my head - by the same guy. So I moved away from him. But for the most part, everyone was very considerate. I would describe my experience on the first leg as congested, but not violent by any means. Whew.

The first turn bouey it is tradition in this race to "MOO" out loud, that was fun. Except I found myself a little too close to the bouey for my comfort - lots of peeps in one area but nothing I couldn't handle. Same for the 2nd turn bouey, I wished I'd swung out wider.

In the 3rd (long) leg, it started to clear out and I had lots of open space. I swung to the right a little bit and that helped even more. The 3rd turn bouey I had tons of room, and then I came up to the end of the first loop - it seemed like it went by so fast! I peeked at my watch and it read 39 minutes and some change, which I was very pleased with.

The 2nd loop was so uneventful - which is GOOD - I just swam smooth and took the boueys wide. My left shoulder only hurt a TINY bit, and I was so grateful. Coming up on the 3rd turn of the last loop there was HUGE waves, not sure where those came from but everyone stopped swimming and just bobbed up and down trying to make the turn. It was like a huge wave pool in a water park. Weird.

Swimming the last stretch was so amazing. I tried to take it all in, and sight often just to see the crowds. I was smiling underwater the whole time... I was almost done with the first part of an IRONMAN! What a great feeling.
What would you do differently?:

Really, nothing. I had little contact from what I was expecting, and swam well within my goal time. It was a great experience for me.
Transition 1
  • 12m 37s

Out of the water, I took off my Garmin and unzipped my wetsuit. One of the peelers grabbed me and helped me get the suit off my arms, which was harder than it should have been. He tugged it down my hips and finally I got to sit down and he pulled it off my legs. Probably spent a whole minute there, but nothing I could do about that.

Took off my cap and goggles as I started up the Helix. Can I just tell you how ELECTRIC this was? I know they say the finish chute is magical, but today the HELIX was also magical. It was lined with spectators the entire way up, and the athletes were whopping and hollering and fist pumping the whole way. It's like we were excited to be out of the water or something :)

I could NOT stop beaming from ear to ear as I ran, ran, ran. I literally shook my head in awe at the atmosphere and the energy I was drawing from it. MY FAMILY was on the helix, and they jumped up and down and screamed for me like crazy. I high-fived them and kept running - this was so surreal, and so amazing. Wow.

Ran indoors and through the T1 bag room, grabbed my bag mid-run, and went into the change room. I was NOT expecting it to be this crowded. I've only seen T2 before in an Ironman, so this was new. No volunteers available so I just climbed - literally - over people to an open chair. Right when I got there a volunteer freed up so she helped me put my wetsuit in the bag, and then started helping someone else too.

Put on my jersey, sunscreen, chamois butter, helmet, Infinite bottle, etc. and they told us not to run with our bike shoes since it was wet and slick outside. So I carried my bike and sunglasses towards the door, but not before getting a Whizzzzz hug from Laura :) - it was nice to see a familiar face in there.

Outside I ran ran ran to the bikes and a volunteer was able to help get mine off the rack as I put my shoes on. Then I ran my bike about halfway out of the area before a walked a little - kinda hard running that far in cleats. Found the mount line, got on, and started to ride down the helix.
What would you do differently?:

My T1 time was longer than I expected, but I don't feel like I piddled around at all. I sunscreened myself and took time to dry off a little - felt like I executed fairly well in the chaos of the changing room.
  • 7h 31m 49s
  • 112 miles
  • 14.87 mile/hr

Don't eat the paste. Don't drink the KoolAid. Stay in the box.
I was pretty excited to be in the bike - I'd pee'd 9 times on the swim (yeah! I know! ok some of those were just a little bit, but still. I guess I was hydrated) and was really thirsty starting the bike. Got onto the "stick" portion and just relaxed a little.

Started the first loop feeling great, keeping things steady. It was going to be a long day for my legs. Linda passed me early, around mile 15, looking super strong as usual. I had a little headache, which was kind of concerning, but knew I had Tylenol in my special needs bag. I met GracefulDave early on, Lonnie from my tri club said hi as he passed me, and Amber as she passed me, too. Kind of fun having your name behind you so everyone can say hello.

I had to pee just after mile 20, and really wanted to try this whole "going on the bike" thing. I needed all of the time savers I could get so I tried so relax, but just couldn't. Really, I tried 5 or 6 times but my body or mind just wouldn't let me. Then the hills came, so I had to forget about it! OH THE HILLS were so much fun lined with spectators - it was like the Tour de France! Guys in Elvis costumes, Cow costumes, men in cheerleading uniforms and speedos... so much energy. I passed people on EVERY hill. I couldn't believe it. I loved every minute of them - so much fun! My family was stationed right after the 2nd big hill, and I slowed down to high five the kiddos. I was so glad they found their way out to the bike course and I got to see them.

By the time I got to the mile 50 aid station I REALLY had to pee, so I got off and took 60 seconds in the porta potty. Not bad.

Finally got to special needs and pulled off to get my Payday and Tylenol. A volunteer held my bag while I fumbled with the Tylenol package. My hands were moist and shaky, and I asked her if she was any good at opening these things. She said she wasn't allowed to help me (which is weird since transition volunteers can literally dress you and tie your shoelaces and what not, but these people can't open a package for you?), so I struggled a bit with that. Put my Payday in my Bento Box and put on more sunscreen. The volunteer said I should spray the back of my neck and when I did, it felt like I'd taken a BLOWTORCH to my neck. Apparently I'd chafed a bit from my wetsuit. Owww. But onward.

So after special needs, I felt kinda low on energy. I was drinking my Infinite on schedule (every 15 minutes) like it was my JOB, but my legs were just kinda zapped for about 10 miles, but then I started to feel stronger. My Payday didn't sound good right away, but I made myself eat a little bite at a time, alternating with Sports Beans. This worked well. I was topping off my aerobottle with water at every aid station and felt like I was drinking well.

Round 2 of the hills was definitely harder, but the spectators were still out there. Whizzzzz was on Timber Lane (I think it was that one?) and ran/walked next to me for a few seconds as I was passing someone. Woohoo, this was still fun! All of those 100-degree rides and trips to Lawrence and Latham to ride hills were paying off. Good girl.

I had to pee pretty bad again around mile 80 (?) so I got off the bike again. Another minute in the porta potty, but I'm not crying about it.

The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful. Finished up the 2nd loop and headed back on the stick. Not many bikes around me on a lot of this last part, and Verona was like a ghost town compared to the first loop. It reminded me of how slow I really was, but I also made myself think positive thoughts, remembering how far I'd come from my first season of triathlons just 4 years ago when I had to walk my bike up a hill at the Shawnee Mission Tri. Here I was, about to finish up the bike leg of an IRONMAN, and one of the toughest, hilliest bike courses at that. There is no way I would let myself get down, not now.

I got really excited when I saw the capital building, and riding along the lake I knew I was almost done. I let out a big WAHOO as I started to ride UP the Helix. I got a little dizzy at the end, but then there I was at the top, and someone appeared and took my bike and pointed me into the building. Holy crap, I just finished the bike. Of an IRONMAN. That is a mighty good feeling.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. I didn't ride too fast or blow up, I never got hungry and my nutrition was spot on. I pee'd twice on the bike so I knew I was well hydrated. I was a little disappointed in my average pace, but later I realized I stopped 3 times (2 potty stops and special needs) so my moving time was probably above 15mph. Still slow, but really, a good ride for me with no hot foot or any mechanical issues.
Transition 2
  • 08m 46s

In the gear bag room, a volunteer had my bag ready to hand to me so I didn't have to stop running. I was so excited to get into T2... this was the area I'd volunteered at for the past 2 years so I felt like I had a special connection to it. I'd been imagining T2 for the past year, this time I got to be the one running across that hallway into the arms of a volunteer so eager to help ME. And when I got there, I was so glad to see BARB waiting... she saw me and immediately cut in line saying "I've got this one!" Yaaay for Barb!

She guided me to a chair and dumped my bag, but not before I yelled "I'M IN T2!!!!"... OMG I was in T2! I couldn't believe it, and I felt great.

Changed my wardrobe completely, wiped down with a Ponds wet wipe (NICE), drank my 5-hour-energy, body glided feet, socks, shoes, visor, long sleeved shirt around my waist, ziplock bag with gels and such in my back pocket. Barb cracked me up when she pulled out my peanut butter sandwich and said something like, "And are we eating our picnic lunch today?" Hahaaaa funny girl, but no it didn't sound good in the least.

Was I really done in T2? I was kind of hesitent to leave... felt like I was forgetting something, but we'd gone through everything in my bag and it was time to go. One last hug from Barb, and I got up and jogged out. I let the sunscreen people coat my arms and back since it was still sunny out. Tried not to think about how disgusting their gloved hands must have been, but I really didn't want to burn.

I was all smiles, woo-hooing and simply ECSTATIC; I couldn't believe I was running out of T2 and on my way.

What would you do differently?:

Nothing at all. This was exactly what I expected my T2 time and experience to be.
  • 6h 50m 9s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 15m 39s  min/mile

My family was RIGHT THERE out of T2 waiting for me, actually I think even before the timing mat to start the run. I stopped and gave my Mom the biggest hug ever, I was so glad they were there.

OMG I'm on the run of an IRONMAN! Seriously! The crowd and people were so amazing here... I was beaming like a crazy person and gliding across the ground effortlessly. I felt amazing.

After the initial excitement, I thought though my run race plan. Run to mile 10 without stopping except for the aid stations. Then get to special needs at mile 13 so I can start reading all of the messages from my family. WAIT WHERE ARE MY MESSAGES??!! Crap I forgot to get them out of my T2 bag, didn't I. I was so bummed for the first mile or 2 because I thought I'd left them in T2. I planned on asking Tony at mile 6 to call Barb and have her dig in my bag and get them - why didn't I see them in that bag? After awhile, I realized the cards were in my SPECIAL NEEDS bags, not in T2, and felt silly for all of that worry. Sheeesh Lisa. :)

First mile was in 10:35 and I knew that was just because of my excitement. My goal was to run at least the first 10 miles, hopefully the entire first loop. I didn't even stop at the first 2 aid stations - well I took water and sports drink - but I didn't stop running. I'd need all of the seconds I could get. I spotted someone in front of me on the verge of cramping so I offered him some of my SaltStick pills (yeah, I wasn't gonna eat them after I gagged on the 2nd one on the bike) and he gratefully took 2. I was hoping for good run karma points :)

Miles 2-8 I was very steady in the 12s. I was running 90% of the miles and walking the aid stations - just like planned. Very pleased with this. It was kinda hot, but not unbearable. I think it was only 80 degrees at the most. Running through Camp Randall stadium I was shocked there were no spectators in there! It was completely quiet and peaceful, but no one there. At the State Street turnaround I got to see Laura and then Tony, which gave me a big boost. I let Tony know my stomach was a tad funny, but nothing terrible. I was still running and feeling great. All I had to do was make it to mile 10 like I told my Dad I would do.

But then my tummy had a sudden "uh oh" and I stopped in my tracks. I needed to find a porta potty. So at the 10-mile aid station I ducked in, and tried to go, but it was just a false alarm. Whew. I think. Except that was a 16 minute mile, eeeh.

Then I got hungry, so I ate a Gu - that was wonderful. Kept drinking water and sports drink at every aid station. Still feeling relatively good. Just make it to the special needs, that was all I focused on. I was so happy. I was smiling and saying hi to the volunteers... apparently a smile at this point in the run is uncommon, because probably 8 out of every 10 volunteered commented on my smile. I told you, I'm a happy little racer :)

Finally to the turnaround and I was mentally prepared to run into the finish chute, just to have to turn around. But my FAMILY WAS THERE, and they were whooping and hollering like crazy. I stopped and high fived them and said "This is really hard!" and they said to keep going, just 13 more miles till I'm done. I crossed the timing mat and knew people back home would be tracking me and know I was on the home stretch. And then I started to cry. I couldn't help it. I was so emotional, I'd had a great day so far, but I knew the hardest part was still to come. I was terrified of the last 13 miles of the run because my run training was not nearly what it should have been. I was scared. I was happy. I was getting tired. As I wiped some tears from my face I noticed I was also wiping away salt, so I decided I should start the chicken broth soon for the salt, or at least when the sun went down in a little bit.

At special needs I immediately grabbed my ziplock of 3x5 cards from my family. They were going to get me through this run and I knew it. I looked at what I'd put in there - PB sandwich, no - Gus, no, I still had some - Gum, no - Salt/vinegar chips - maybe? I took one out and ate it. It wasn't terrible, but I didn't want to carry the whole ziplock with me. I grabbed some Tootsie Rolls and put them in my back pocket and that was it. OK Lisa, you are going to do this.

Miles 13-15 I was running in the 15s. I'd walk a little but try not to walk for any long stretches at a time. I knew I had around 22 or 23 cards so I told myself I could read 2 cards at every mile marker. You have no idea how much this helped me mentally... I read cards from my Mom, my Dad (who couldn't be there), my Grandma and Grandpa (my mom had them write cards in advance), my sister, her husband, my 6- and 10-year old nephews(the little one painted me a picture!), and also from Linda, Dave, and Amber. What a godsend those cards were. They made me laugh, and cry, and remember how lucky I am to have the support I do in my friends and family. I highly recommend the card/message thing.

The sun was going down now, and it was getting hard to read the cards and see my Garmin. A guy was walking next to me and asked where I was from. Turns out he lives in Wichita, too, and is in my tri club! The local 5K that runs right by my house is named after his son - what a small world. He mentioned cramping and pains, so I gave him 3 salt pills and 2 tylenol for more run karma. I should have started running again with him, but my Garmin beeped a mile marker which meant I could read 2 more cards, and there was a flood light right there, so I let him go while I read some more cards.

At some point I got handed my glow necklace and I put it around my neck. I was running so slow it didn't bounce much. I started drinking chicken broth at mile 17, and told myself it was veggie broth. It tasted really, REALLY good, that veggie broth.

At the State Street turnaround I was so surprised to see my FAMILY again! Out there in the dark, there they were, cheering and cowbelling for me. I told them I was tired, actually I'm not sure what I said at all, but they gathered I was tired and struggling. Little did I know my sister was updating my Facebook from my phone and texting back my friends :)

I think I stopped again to pee around mile 19 since that is a slower one in my splits, I was just trying to get to mile 20, that seemed like a mental wall I needed to get over. Miles 20-23 I was walking a lot, averaging 18s. This was hard. But it wasn't because I'd reached "THE LINE", or was mentally in a bad place. I was still smiling and laughing such, it was simply that my legs were screaming at me. My quads and left IT band were so angry with me it was really alarming. I just couldn't lift my legs! Which made me a little irritated. I mean, my nutrition and hydration were perfect, my mind was in a great place... my legs were simply undertrained and not conditioned for this run. So I walked a lot, and ran when I could. I started singing the "Airplanes" song cause you know... "I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now" :). I looked up at the sky and saw so many stars, and was thankful it wasn't raining.

I saw my friend Eric a few times on the run, and I remember seeing him at mile 21 or so on the paved trail part. He ran with me a few steps and said all kinds of encouraging stuff to me. What a great friend (who came all the way from Wichita to see the race!).

I walked almost all of miles 22-24. It was painful but like I said, I was still happy and in a good mood. I was just kind of lonely. I never found a running/walking, or talking buddy. Not once. People who were also walking would pass me. That was depressing. But I encouraged them and tried to swing my arms so I'd move faster. One foot in front of the other.

I decided at some point to try to walk 100 steps, run 100 steps. This worked out all right, I wish I would have thought of it earlier. While I was doing this, suddenly I saw Tony walking my way. What a sight for sore eyes. I was past mile 24 and soooo close. Every volunteer and spectator made sure to tell me that. Tony and I walked for about a mile and a half I think, and it really helped pass that last little bit. I told him all about my day, and my run, and such. I asked him if I needed to "fix" anything for the finish line which he thought was amusing. Well! I didn't want to have bike grease all across my face or something! I gave him my glow stick and my long sleeved shirt and when we finally got close to the capital, he told me I should try to run because the finish line was only 2 turns away. OK. I can run. He left to go tell my family I was on my way, and then I saw the start of the finish chute.

This was it. This was the moment I'd been thinking about every day for the past year. I thought about all of the hot runs this summer, runs in the morning, runs at night in the dark... and at the end every run from my house I had imagined the turn into my street being the finish chute, and how amazing it would be. Except this time, it wasn't Lewis street, it was the IRONMAN finish chute, and it was real.

From the very beginning of the long chute, the spectators were hungry for me, they wanted me to high five them, they were cheering for me like I was some sort of super hero and it felt amazing. I slowed down and looked around - I didn't want to forget one moment of this. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. I am in the finish chute. I am finishing an Ironman.

I went to the right side of the chute and high fived a ton of people - they loved me and I loved them. I looked around and decided I probably wouldn't see my family in this chaos, so just kept going toward the bright lights. I remember getting closer to the finish line and OMG I saw my family! I honestly don't remember if I stopped or high fived them or hugged them or what, but they were there, and it was so surreal.

One last look behind me, and a girl was right next to me just in my blind spot and I told her to go ahead. She did. I slowed down and looked around me one last time. It was loud and electric and everything I'd ever imagined. I crossed the recognition timing mat and a few seconds later I realized Mike Reiley was talking, it was the first time I'd heard him since I entered the chute. He said the girls name in front of me, and I wondered if he'd say my name... and then... and then... and THEN... I heard it. I heard him say my name and that I was an Ironman and I uncontrolably put both of my arms in the air and screamed with utter happiness. I. Am. An. Ironman.
What would you do differently?:

Oh boy. Well for starters I would train for DISTANCE and not TIME for a run like this. I was told over and over to train for TIME, and my longest run was only 15 miles (2hr 50min). I managed to hold on till about mile 20 in this race, but the last 6 were mostly walking and that is directly attributed to my lack of mileage in run training.

Really though, I had such a good time on the run just smiling and enjoying the experience. I waited till mile 17 to take broth and coke, and I think that worked out well. I was never hungry, and my stomach only had a little queasy-ness for a few miles at the beginning. Otherwise my nutrition was excellent. I took 2 Gus, 1 Tootsie Roll, that one chip (ha), 6 grapes, and sports drink at probably 10 of the aid stations.
Post race
Warm down:

I was shocked I wasn't bawling, since I'm such an emotional racer. I felt great! My finish line catchers were so nice... they asked me questions and once they realized I was okay, one of them left. My lady walked me to the timing chip guy, the hat guy, the t-shirt girl, got my picture taken, and then to the drink table. All they had was Diet Coke, sports drink, and water. I really wanted real soda, dangit. Took a water and kept walking. She asked me if I had friends/family, and I said my family was a ways down the finish chute, but they I saw Tony, Chris and Laura and told he she could leave me with them and she did. Later I realized she never mentioned post race food at all, which makes Lisa sad. I really should have eaten something right away.

Found my family and felt so bad for my youngest nephew. He was OUT like a light. Apparently he had curled up on the curb and fallen alseep waiting for me to finish. We took pictures and I found Linda and Amber. I had to pee bad, so hobbled to the porta potty. My family was so tired and ready to go home, so one last big hug from everyone and they left. We watched a few more finishers come in and decided we should probably start hobbling to the car. Legs were still super angry, but I can take it. I'm an Ironman after all :)

Back at the hotel, Linda's family had brought champagne and painted M-Dots on champagne glasses for us! Tony cooked my pizza for me and I ate most of it after I showered and put on my compresion socks. Linda's family left, and we stayed up telling stories of our day till almost 3 a.m. Finally laid my head down and don't think I woke up once until an alarm went off.

Packed everything up in the morning and headed back to the Terrace to grab special needs bags. This was not nearly the pain that people are saying it is. They are organized by number in boxes, and it took maybe 3 minutes total to find both of my bags. Then we headed to the expo and I bougth a finisher shirt, it was I think the only shirt left since it was so late in the morning. Then I got my M-Dot silver necklace - my Mom had put on one of my run inspiration cards that if I finished, she would buy it for me. :)

Met up with Tony and Kelly and said goodbye - then we got on the road. It was going to be a long drive back. Dave drove for most of the first half as we chatted about the race. Then I got super tired and tried to sleep but just closed my eyes. We walked around at each of the gas stops, but the legs were just so stiff. Ouch. Got to KC around 9:30 p.m. and got Linda and Dave inside. Amber drove to El Dorado and I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. Got to her house around 12:30 and transferred my stuff to my car. Just one more hour and I'm home... finally got home around 1:30 and hauled my stuff inside and ate a little cause I was hungry. Couldn't fall asleep right away, but once I did I was out until 10 a.m. the next day. Tired girl.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I think training in an unusually hot summer (100+ on nearly every long ride) took a toll on my pace and abilities. Lack of brick runs in my training plan. Training for time instead of distance on the run.

I secretly would have liked to come in under 16 hours, but I am not disappointed. I had the time of my freaking LIFE, and yes, I'll probably do it again :)

Last updated: 2009-09-25 12:00 AM
01:23:26 | 4224 yards | 01m 59s / 100yards
Age Group: 64/139
Overall: 0/2550
Performance: Good
Suit: Xterra Vortex3 full sleeve
Course: 2 loops, rectangle
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Shot
Water temp: 68F / 20C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Below average
Waves: Good Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 12:37
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Good
07:31:49 | 112 miles | 14.87 mile/hr
Age Group: 103/139
Overall: 0/2550
Performance: Good
Wind: Little
Course: Lollipop course - stick, 2 loops, then stick back into town. Beautiful farm land and nice roads for the most part.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 08:46
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
06:50:09 | 26.2 miles | 15m 39s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/139
Overall: 0/2550
Performance: Average
Course: 2 loops, pretty compact course. Lots of out and backs.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2010-09-14 5:00 PM

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: Ironman Wisconsin

2010-09-14 5:29 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Congratulations and welcome to the club.
2010-09-14 5:29 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
I was so ridiculously excited to see you coming into T2 all smiles...I'd been keeping an eye on the clock and hoping to see your face soon. But it was a pleasure catering to your every whim in transition.

You are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, Lisa. Don't ever forget that.

Congratulations, IRONMAN!!!
2010-09-14 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Congrats on your finish.  Great race report. 
2010-09-14 5:38 PM
in reply to: #3098611

User image

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Really great job Lisa, its been enjoyable to follow you and the other BT'ers that raced in Wisconsin and certainly serves as an inspiration for mine in November.  Also, all your tips have been great, I purchased t-shirts for my family on the site you suggested in the forums.  Congratulations again!

2010-09-14 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Congratulations!!! IRON(wo)MAN!

Sounds like you had an awesome Day! Great Report too!

2010-09-14 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
That was a really great report.  I don't know why, but I find myself in tear all the time reading all these reports with all the emotions going on. You Iron people are just amazing!

Honestly how does one pee on the bike?  How do you tell yourself it is OK to pee and not worry about smelling or getting acidic burns?
2010-09-14 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3098611

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
I'm too amazed at athletes who do ironman.  Your race report was extremely well written, moving, and inspiring!!!  Reading these wonderful race reports makes me inspired to one day do an ironman myself.  

Wonderful job Ironman Lisa. 
2010-09-14 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Lisa, great job Ironman!  Your RR really does portray the range of emotions that goes through an athlete's head during the day.  Nicely written.  I saw your family at one point.  I think they recognized me, at least they looked right at me and encouraged me. 

2010-09-14 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Living in the past
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Congrats, Ironman. Well done. I enjoyed the RR.
2010-09-14 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3098611

User image

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Congrats!! you did awesome and your race report was great! I think I saw you finish! my husband and I came back to watch and we arrived around 10:30ish....i'm so happy for you!

2010-09-14 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
I know what you mean about it being lonely out there....that trail was PITCH black!!!  I thought I was going to walk into someone it was soooo dark!!  Congrats though...YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!!!
2010-09-14 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Awesome race report!  I expected that though

So glad you had a great race, you totally deserved it always getting your training it.

Congrats, Ironman! 
2010-09-14 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3098611

User image

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Great report Ironman!! Glad we met and really enjoyed following your journey!!
2010-09-14 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Great job Lisa and terrific race report!  I totally understand the smiling underwater comment, I felt the same way.
2010-09-14 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Congrats Ironman. Welcome to the club

2010-09-14 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Congrats!  What an awesome way to spend the day. 

2010-09-14 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Congrats Lisa! It was great seeing you on the course and even better to see you cross that finish line! I saw your family (recognized the shirts) and said hello, your little nephew was peacefully sleeping on the ground, I don't think he minded waiting
2010-09-14 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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United States Military Academy
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Strong work Lisa.....I hope I can remain positive through the whole IM like you. 
2010-09-14 10:14 PM
in reply to: #3099061

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Wtg Lisa - sounds like it was a great day!
2010-09-14 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3098611

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Extreme Veteran
Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Awesome. Congratulations, Ironman! A great race report too. You had me smiling too as I read through the report.

2010-09-15 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3098611

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Great race report, awesome read! Congrats on being an IRONMAN!!!
2010-09-15 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3098611

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Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin
Congratulations...awesome job!  Sounds like you had fun out there! 

and I know there are a lot of opinions on the run for time...not distance with training.  but I agree with you...train for distance.
2010-09-15 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3098611

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

There sure was a lot going on in your head!!  GREAT race report, Lisa!!!

I liked the message cards idea - that must have really helped!

Airplane song??  I don't think I know that one, but I can picture you looking up in the sky and thinking that with a relief smile on your face.

I was on bike retrieving, but was sent to the back to put away bikes by the time you came in, so I missed you - bummer.

Then, I was at mile marker one and around the Kohl Center area for quite awhile, but, never saw you.  Bummed again.

But, I always need to say this to you new club members -


2010-09-15 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3098611

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Durango, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin

Awesome job Lisa!  You are an IRONMAN!!!

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