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2013-01-17 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4581731

Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
I hate all you never get sick people. I reliably get 1-3 colds every winter, without fail, despite meticulous attention to hygeine and antiseptics. I get the flu shot the second it arrives in the clinics, wipe down all work surfaces with antiseptic wipes regularly at work, wash hands all the time, and constantly carry hand sanitizer. But I still get sick, every year, without fail. Sucks.

2013-01-17 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4582633

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

yazmaster - 2013-01-17 11:13 AM I hate all you never get sick people. I reliably get 1-3 colds every winter, without fail, despite meticulous attention to hygeine and antiseptics. I get the flu shot the second it arrives in the clinics, wipe down all work surfaces with antiseptic wipes regularly at work, wash hands all the time, and constantly carry hand sanitizer. But I still get sick, every year, without fail. Sucks.

We don't do any of the things you wrote about, including getting a flu shot, and we rarely get sick as a family.  We also have a constant parade of other kids through our house. 

I don't know....we don't use any anti-bacterial, antiseptic soap at all around the house.....never have.  I would only use hand sanitizer as a last resort.....I'd use plain hot water before I'd use it.  We've raised our kids to do the same. I can't remember the last time any of us took any antibiotics.  I have no idea if I'm right or wrong, but I think all of the above has helped build strong immune systems for us.  I guess there is plenty of room for disagreement, but we're not changing what has worked for us.

2013-01-17 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4581898

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

wannabefaster - 2013-01-16 9:17 PM None so far. I swear that the training keeps the common cold away. My whole family has been afflicted and I have been passed over. Lightning will now probably strike me......

I was thinking about not posting here for that exact reason. None for me either and agree with you on training - can't prove it but EVERYONE is or has been sick. But hubby and I have been passed over so far. I am so grateful since I am pregnant and all so getting sick could be extra miserable.

2013-01-17 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4581731

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
So far, 2 or 3.  But I have a one year old in daycare who loves to cuddle with her mommy when she's sick.  There's a lot of cold sharing in my house.
2013-01-17 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4581731

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
2013-01-17 12:48 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

1 cold and it has been 4 weeks long. Everyone around me at work has had it too.

I keeps moving back and forth from Chest to Sinus depending on the day.

2013-01-17 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4582831

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Sin City
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

None that I'm aware of.

I have been a little sluggish and off for about 4 weeks, but I'm not sure if that's a virus or just the winter blahs...

2013-01-17 1:09 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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New user
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
My first one just hit me last night/this morning.  Unfortunately it always seems to take me forever to get over these things so it might be my only one of the season.
2013-01-17 1:19 PM
in reply to: #4581731

South Wales, UK
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
Had norovirus in September, all six of us in the house had it over 10 days over my 40th birthday, really foul, even though I am a nurse and can deal with vomit! It was still very revolting cleaning their puke and my puke and the same time. sorry!!!!!! I now have another achy, coughy lurgy. Come on spring . Good health to you all xxxx

Edited by diane.b 2013-01-17 1:20 PM
2013-01-17 1:19 PM
in reply to: #4582867

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

Tri_Pharm - 2013-01-17 1:09 PM My first one just hit me last night/this morning.  Unfortunately it always seems to take me forever to get over these things so it might be my only one of the season.

^^^^ Had a great run last night. Went home, took a shower and sat down and went UGH!!! Didn't even realize what was happening.  Woke up this morning with a terrible headache and sinus stuff happening all over the place.  I tend to not get sick too often, but when it does, I'm SICK!

2013-01-17 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
No colds, but I had the flu the week after New Year's.

2013-01-17 2:21 PM
in reply to: #4582945

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

I'm not going to say to avoid the jinx.

My husband is on cold #2. I told him when he feels better, he needs to bike more (he usually does a lot but has been busy lately).  I think activity and going outside helps a lot.  Maybe having some fresh air versus breathing the disgusting germ ridden stuff at work? 

I work in a library, but in a back room department.  My coworkers in public service have been on a revolving door of sick days.

2013-01-17 3:13 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
None this year or last year since I started working on triathlons.  Gotta love this sport.
2013-01-17 5:07 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

one in October that wasn't too bad, one now that has been going on for three weeks.  couldn't train for two weeks.

Day 1 - nausea, feeling run down

Day 2 and 3 - runny nose and sneezing (rode my trainer on Day 2)

Day 4 - major sinus congestion (vacation day)

Day 5 through 8 - nasty nasty chest congestion (stat holiday, two sick days, one stupid day in the office that I so should not have been at work for).

Day 9 and 10 - Major sinus congestion again (weekend), sunday night I discovered nasal strips.  Ahhhh relief!

Day 11-now (day 21 and counting) every day the nasal and chest congestion has been getting a little better, started training again on day 17, might have been a day or two early, when I was done, I could not stop coughing.

Now - a little stuffy and a little chest congestion, heart rate still elevated.

2013-01-17 6:12 PM
in reply to: #4582665

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
Left Brain - 2013-01-17 11:21 AM

yazmaster - 2013-01-17 11:13 AM I hate all you never get sick people. I reliably get 1-3 colds every winter, without fail, despite meticulous attention to hygeine and antiseptics. I get the flu shot the second it arrives in the clinics, wipe down all work surfaces with antiseptic wipes regularly at work, wash hands all the time, and constantly carry hand sanitizer. But I still get sick, every year, without fail. Sucks.

We don't do any of the things you wrote about, including getting a flu shot, and we rarely get sick as a family.  We also have a constant parade of other kids through our house. 

I don't know....we don't use any anti-bacterial, antiseptic soap at all around the house.....never have.  I would only use hand sanitizer as a last resort.....I'd use plain hot water before I'd use it.  We've raised our kids to do the same. I can't remember the last time any of us took any antibiotics.  I have no idea if I'm right or wrong, but I think all of the above has helped build strong immune systems for us.  I guess there is plenty of room for disagreement, but we're not changing what has worked for us.

this is us too. I also give credit, whether deserved or not, that each of my children were extensively breastfed which makes them healthier and less likely to get us sick.
2013-01-17 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4582880

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

diane.b - 2013-01-17 2:19 PM Had norovirus in September, all six of us in the house had it over 10 days over my 40th birthday, really foul, even though I am a nurse and can deal with vomit! It was still very revolting cleaning their puke and my puke and the same time. sorry!!!!!! I now have another achy, coughy lurgy. Come on spring . Good health to you all xxxx

You poor thing. I had norovirus once, and it was absolutely miserable.  

2013-01-17 9:15 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
Colds I get one a year my daughter gets tonsillitis had it twice in seven years. She had a. Ad bacterial stomach bug after she lost a quarter of her body weight she got antibiotics- it's not often but I'm not too proud to ask I'd rather she got better quick
2013-01-17 9:47 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

I'm actually not sure, this winter is my first in a long long time (11 years) as a non-smoker. I've felt a few times like I was starting to get sick, but then it went away. I don't know if that's just what a cold feels like now because I don't have my smoking habit making it worse or if my immune system is just fighting it off before it really takes hold.'s so much better than it used to be, where i felt like I had a cold all winter long.


Fingers crossed that my luck keeps up.

2013-01-17 10:17 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
prior to kids, maybe once a year to the extent that I was knocked out from training.

Now, with the kids, and since the one has been going to daycare and preschool and gymnastics and swimming.....well I haven't been knocked out to the extent that I can't run but it seems that I have had odd sore throats/ear aches/coughs/stuffy noses, probably for about 7 days out of a week I would say. Just guessing though.
2013-01-17 10:41 PM
in reply to: #4581731

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Anaheim Hills, CA
Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?
I've had about .5.  I felt a sore throat coming on a few weeks ago but was able to fight it off. *knock on wood*
2013-01-17 11:55 PM
in reply to: #4583759

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Subject: RE: How many colds did you get this winter?

BigDH - 2013-01-17 10:17 PM prior to kids, maybe once a year to the extent that I was knocked out from training. Now, with the kids, and since the one has been going to daycare and preschool and gymnastics and swimming.....well I haven't been knocked out to the extent that I can't run but it seems that I have had odd sore throats/ear aches/coughs/stuffy noses, probably for about 7 days out of a week I would say. Just guessing though.

You'll reap the benefits down the road if my experience holds true for you.  Yeah, the little germ carriers will beat you down now....but you'll build a monster immune system and rarely get sick in the future.  

That's my completely non-scientific opinion.......but we virtually never get sick anymore...not even a sniffle.

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