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2013-12-19 8:24 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Name: Jason
From: CT

STORY: I was pretty athletic in highschool and then lifted weights a bunch in my 20s. Later in my 20s we were having our first child and I gained a bunch of weight so before I turned 30 I decided to do a triathlon while I was working out in the mornings at an LA Fitness that had a nice pool and spin classes (I didn't have a bike). I bought a bike and taught myself to swim with those Total Immersion videos (couldn't swim 100 straight before that). Did a sprint in June, signed up for Timberman the next week and did my first 70.3 8 weeks later and had lost 40lbs in about 6 months. Totally naive, I drove myself up a few hours, did the race and drove myself home (it was a long day). Then I became hooked. That was in 2009. I've been keeping logs here ever since.

2010: I went back to Timberman and shaved almost 40 minutes off and got under 5 for the first time mostly from being decent on the bike.
2011: I did Rev3 Quassy which is a pretty difficult course (lot slower than Timberman) and went under 5 there too by improving my run before doing IMLP and blowing up and having a pretty bad rookie Ironman race but managed to go about 11hrs. I had been working on my run and decided to do the Philly Marathon with some friends a few months later and did a little over 3:20. I felt like I was about to turn the corner and get a lot faster all around and had some big goals like BQing and then going under 10 somewhere like Florida or Arizona but then a bunch of work and life changes happened and I just sort of did what I could for the next year with no real racing.
2013: I felt like riding and rode with a group by me. My training time went from about 10hrs avg/wk for a couple years to 7hrs/wk. I did a State TT 10 mile and won the CAT 4/5 in CT on not much training and realized I'm just better on the bike. I did the Road Race championships but was a little overweight and took 7th.

2014 Goals:
-I'd like to get my bike power up with some structured training. I'm probably going to do some Crit racing in the spring (First one in a local series is in about 10 weeks!).
-I'd also like to get back into some tris. I haven't done one in awhile and don't swim much but could do ok in some local sprints and maybe do a late season 70.3 and just fall back on the bike strength and shore the run a little (and float for 35 minutes in a wetsuit).
-I need to lose about 15lbs. I went into the races this year at 5' 9" 190lbs which is way to heavy to climb.
-Get my mojo back all around.

I think I'd make a good mentee because I like to train and am passionate about it. I am busy with 2 little kids and a job like most people here so my time is pretty limited. I try to squeeze in what I can in the mornings. I don't have as much time as I'd like and feel I need to be competitive at long course triathlon and became discourage the past couple years. I've been around long enough and read some books, was coached one year and have a pretty good understanding of things compared to a newbie. I've been training with power for a couple years but it's mostly been just trying to make it go higher or attacking a Strava segment here and there. I had a decent handle on about what my FTP was this summer but not through testing as much as basically riding as hard as I could for an hour and doing a lot of steady tempo and sweetspot type riding.

I had an older version of Golden Cheetah and have been using TrainerRoad a little this year too. I respect Marc and Shane (and Jason) a lot by their contributions to this board over the past couple years so was intrigued and excited to sort of start fresh and turn the corner and kick off 2014 proper.

2013-12-19 8:46 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

NAME: Scott71 / Scott -  living in Southern Ontario, Canada (just outside of "Mayor Rob Ford's" Toronto).

STORY: After realizing a few years ago that the extent of my exercise was the 10 minute walk from the train station to the office, I made a New Year’s resolution when I was 39 that I would get into shape before I turned 40. Trained for 5 months for my first triathlon – a “Try-a-Tri” distance – and have been hooked ever since. I'm 42 years old, so I’ve been doing triathlons for 3 years now.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 great kids (4 and 6). My wife races Triathlon as well, so it has been great having an understanding significant other that can tolerate my training and race schedule.

CURRENT TRAINING: Over the winter I scale back my swim training and focus mainly on the bike and run. I try to get 3 to 4 workouts of each a week, unless life gets in the way. When the weather warms up, my long bike ride will typically be outdoors on the weekend, but otherwise all workouts during the week are on the trainer.

EQUIPMENT: 2012 Felt B16 with only a few upgrades – Adamo Road saddle, FLO 60/90 race wheels with Wheelbuilder aero cover. I don’t have a power meter yet, but do all of my indoor training with virtual power on TrainerRoad with a Cycleops Fluid 2 and Garmin cadence sensor.

2013 RACES: 8 Sprint distance races (I intended to race my first Olympic but weather and life got in the way) along with multiple 5 km and 10 km running races and 2 HMs.

2014 RACES: My plan is for 5 or 6 Sprint distance races and 1 or 2 Olympics. HIM is in my future, but a few years down the road when our kids are a little older.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really an issue for me. I’m 6’1” and my off-season weight ranges at around 170 and race weight at 165.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE? I hit PRs in 5 km, 10 km and HM running races this past year, and so my goal for the 2013-2014 off season was to shift focus to the bike. I followed the Jorge winter plan last year, but once it was completed I didn’t really move on to a solid “build” phase. The focus of this mentor group is exactly what I need to stay on track and to learn about power and how workouts should be structured.


I am really looking forward to learning and suffering with you all!

Marc and Shane – thanks to you both for putting in your time for this group. I was not aware of World Bike Relief but it looks like is a very worthy cause. I will be glad to make a donation.


2013-12-19 9:18 AM
in reply to: marcag

Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Name: Ron

Story: I have been the big kid/guy for most of my life and finally got my stuff together 18 months ago when I went to a nutritionist/weightloss doctor. His first question was if I wanted to do weightloss surgery and I said NO WAY, I do this on my own or it just doesn't get done. I was 336 pounds then and now weighing in at 248. Still have a ways to go but I will get there.

Like Nicole I'm big into Scuba and earned my PADI Divemaster rating last year. So since I was already swimming and did some weekend recreational bike rides, all I needed was the running to complete the trifecta. Started the C25K in July and been running 3 days a week since then. Just finished the Hal Higdon Novice 10K plan so my long run is up to 6 miles. Still slow but my cardio is the best its ever been.

Current Training: Running 3 days a week and will probably add a 4th run day (short run) in at the first of the year to build a better run base. Got the trainer all set up and I'm now doing Trainer Road with Sufferfest videos. Only doen the FTP 20 Minute test and a couple of sessions of Fight Club. Swimming will be added in January and still trying to decide if I want to join a Masters program or just get a couple of coaching sessions per month and do the drills on my own.

2013 Races: I did a couple of 5K's and did a 31 and 35 mile Bike ride. No tris yet but that is the 2014 goal.

2014 Races: Looking at possibly doing Wiki Wiki Man in April (Sprint/Olympic) and going to do the Life Time Triathlon Olympic in October. I also want to complete a 100K Bike Ride this year.

Weightloss: 248 is the current weight with first goal being 220. I still see the weightloss doctor and will until the goal is met.

What would make me a good mentee: I take direction very well and enjoy completing tasks that I sign up for. I seem to do really well with defined goals and especially when I feel that I'm accountable to someone other than just myself. With the tri specific training and knowledge, I'm like a new sponge, ready to soak it all up.

Equipment: Riding a Trek Hybrid (major bike envy right now), KK Road Machine, Garmin Speed/Cadence sensor, Trainer Road with virtual power, Downloaded Golden Cheeta and got that installed.

2013-12-19 9:42 AM
in reply to: marcag

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New user
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
hey everyone. I probably won't get to posting a bio until this weekend or maybe even sometime next week, but I wanted to check in, say hi, and say thanks to Marc and Shane again for putting this together. I'm looking forward to participating.

2013-12-19 9:45 AM
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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Name: Tom aka tallytom

Story: Been in triathlon for about 6 years now. Entering the M45-49 this year. Played a lot of basketball and lifted weighs for my exercise before deciding to get into endurance sports in my late 30's. I believe I have made great strides along the years and remember the very first day a few years ago when I told my then wife I was going out for a jog. Wow, basketball shape wasn't running shape. Learned that I truly am a sweater. Don't due that many races due to work schedule and other obligations, but as my 2 boys get a bit older they are becoming part of the team and may be able to do more.

Current Training: In taper for the Jacksonville, FL marathon at the end of this month. Got some bike training in early in training cycle, but trying to knock it out of the park and BQ (3:15) doesn't leave much time out there. With that said, this is my second full marathon and my body does well when I get to bike and swim as well. Not sure if straight running is for me. Can't wait until 2014 so I can get back into tri mode.

2013 Races: HITS Half in Ocala FL (5:02), IM TX (12:58)-to include a 5.5 hr+ run due to cramping entire run. It was brutally hot. IM 70.3 Augusta (4:56)-PR. A great way to close year. Actually paced it. After this year I decided I needed to get better/more effecient on the bike to set up good run.

2014 Races: Ideally would like to do an early season 70.3, but due to expenses associated with IM CDA I'm going to throw a couple of local sprints in March and April. Fall season 70.3 either Augusta again or Miami, but work schedule will not be out until February to decide. May throw in a few late season Olympic or sprints. May do a 300k brevet in March as well. Done a 200k one before. Yes I'm a randonnuer.

Weightloss: Actually a fairly lean guy (5'11'ish and mid 150's). Eat like a maniac and food is a passion. For now my metabolism is running around the clock due to odd work and eating schedules.

What would make me a good mentee: I log my workouts and like the technology side of things. Caveat, not the best at understanding them at first. But once I learn, I'm good to go. I understand the power of motivating others by setting an example and positive reinforcement. I want to be able to perform at my best and that includes seeing results. I've already got a few people at my work to get involved in tri's and other endurance activities.

Equipment: 2011 Cervelo P2 with Power2Max powermeter. Garmin 510 on bike/310XT. Have Ridley Orion road bike that I built up from the frame after I broke my collarbone when crashing my Kestrel tri bike a few years ago. I like to ride outdoors since I live in N. Florida. It does get a tad cold in the early part of the year and my cheap fluid trainer does the job sometimes. But also have nice cold gear to make it happen. Have plenty of DVR shows to get me through.

Edited by tallytom 2013-12-19 9:49 AM
2013-12-19 10:10 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by gsmacleod In addition to just doing the workouts, we will hopefully be able to help you with the how's and whys of training with power and give you a good idea of where to go with your bike training when this group finishes up.
Thanks for being part of this. It would not be the same without you. (pink) It would probabay be less painful Seriously, I suspect people will learn to go beyond what they would normally do. That was the first thing i learned when training with Power. I don't know how Shane feels about this, but for those that don't have power meters and use VP, a HR monitor can be your friend. You can learn what your HR does at different power levels and then transpose that to outdoor. It's not as accurare as a PM but I find it useable, especially for the Z2/Z3 type efforts So, train with power, be guided by power, but being aware of what your HR does is not a bad thing. My HRM is my backup if my Powermeter fails I suspect there will be several times in this thread that we may have diverging opinions. I don't think there is one right answer,

This was one of the things that took me time to learn.  I had a HRM first, and when I first got power, I started to ignore it.  Pretty much to the point where after 2 months, I didn't even wear it at all while riding thinking that power was the end all and be all to pacing my rides. 

IMHO, to totally understand your bike training, you need to know the two main factors.  How hard you are pushing the pedals, and how much effort your body is requiring to accomplish that.  Power doesn't measure the later.  Not implying that everyone also needs to go out and buy a HRM, but using perceived effort can be just as good.  The point is that power by itself does not give the whole picture...not even close.

2013-12-19 10:53 AM
in reply to: marcag

New user

Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
NAME: Marty (Martin)

STORY: I got into marathons in 2007 with Team in Training and to run with my wife who had already done a bunch of marathons. It wasn't a great feeling having her go for a long run, then to breakfast and get home before I got out of bed. so I started tagging along on her runs.
I then bought a used road bike and did a century ride. After that I did the bike leg of a tri as part of a relay team and finally entered a sprint tri. I was hooked. I then progressed up to olympic and HIM distances before tackling my first IM, IM Lake Placid in 2012.

CURRENT TRAINING: Not much for the last month or so. I spent the early part of the year really focusing on running and took 17 minutes off my marathon time. Then I tired to cram for a couple of HIM's with mixed results and finished out the year with a marathon. I decided to ramp down the volume before I get back into IM training for Lake Placid 2014 in January. I'll be starting up the Fink Competitive 30-week plan on 12/30.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Vermont City Marathon (good), Tremblant 70.3 (bad), Pumpkinman HIM (good) and Smuttynose marathon (bad)

2014 RACES: My A race is IMLP. I will do a few running races early in the year and Quassy HIM as tune ups. Then I'll close out the year with Pumpkinman HIM and maybe another marathon

WEIGHTLOSS: Either my dryer is shrinking my clothes or the lowered training volume coupled with the holidays and deer camp has added some pounds. I'd like to be 5-10 pounds lighter come racing season.

What would make me a good mentee ?
I have had a power meter for 1.5 years but don't really know how to use it. My logs are accurate so you can see that once I am into a training block I don't like to skip workouts. I am nervous/excited to take another crack at IMLP so I am motivated to train hard through the winter.

Equipment: Riding a P1 with wireless PowerTap, KK Road Machine, GSC 10, a laptop with ANT+ stick to capture rides to the computer, and have done about 6 rides on Trainer Road. I really like the TR interface. Being able to watch movies/tv shows on the computer and see my power is great. I also record all of the workouts on my Garmin Edge 500.

Thanks again for starting this group.
2013-12-19 11:33 AM
in reply to: SuperMarto

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

NAME: ratherbeswimming / Elaine

STORY: I'm an engineer, and Army National Guard Officer, and a triathlete. I've been tri-ing for quite a few years and coaching for two. I've got a strong background in swimming (age 5 through college and then masters...) and I've been running a little longer than I've been cycling. I'm USAT and USAC certified.

FAMILY STATUS: single, living with the best dog ever.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm Olympic focused. I'm chasing a dream of being able to try out for the Army tri team. This involves cranking out a 2:35 qualifying time! That time may get my foot in the door, but might not get me on the team.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Duathlon Nationals, Xterra trail runs, Ragnars... spent most of 2013 in Army training!

2014 RACES:  My first shot at sub-2:35 is SuperSeal in San Diego on March 16th. Rest of the season is TBD - I've got a spreadsheet of races to choose from!

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm a few pounds over a decent race weight - I'm working on that right now 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I picked up a PowerTap G3 right before Thanksgiving. I'm still reading, researching, and trying to make sense of all of the data. I'm a numbers geek, for sure. I'm trying to make some decent gains in cycling in the process. I've got a lot to learn, and hopefully something to contribute. I'm really looking forward to learning from Marc and Shane - and the rest of you guys

2013-12-19 4:25 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Welcome Jason, Scott, Ron, DJ, Tom, Marty and Elaine

A few more people and we should be ready to get going.
2013-12-19 8:21 PM
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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by karen26.2 2013 Races: A couple of trail runs and then my A race was IM Tahoe (awesome!)

2014 Races: A race is IM Boulder

You pick the easy ones :-) IM Boulder is going to be something else

Haha, I like hills and the challenge. I have also done Louisville (first IM) and Vineman. I'm not a fan of flat courses. I'm really hoping learning how to pace the bike using power will help with my run (which is my weakness).

ETA - Oh and IM Wisconsin. How could I forget that one - one big party!

Edited by karen26.2 2013-12-19 8:27 PM
2013-12-19 9:36 PM
in reply to: JAYCT

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
NAME: reecealan / Reece

STORY: Summer of 2008 was nearly 250 lbs and had BP of 150/100 something like that. Was on the couch from '88 to '08 so 20 years of absolutely no exercise other than some golf and beer league softball. Swam two years in high school back in ’84-85 but was slow for a H.S. swimmer, best 200 FS was 2:27 (SCY). I also ran XC my senior year in H.S. and did get down to a 17:37 for 3 miles just after 3 months of running but never did build on that, what was I thinking!!!!! So in 2008 got a gym membership, started swimming 4-5 times a week, then did spin, then ran on a treadmill etc. One year later in 2009 did my first Tri as part of the Kansas City Corporate Challenge competition. Loved it, have done about 20 tri’s since, ranging from sprint to HIM which included Branson 70.3, tough bike course but awesome event.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (barely), two kids, daughter 14, son 17

CURRENT TRAINING: Wanting to get faster for next season, I think I can still improve a lot on the bike. Currently going to spin class 1-2 times a week, usually follow that up with a short 2-3 mile run. I’ve had some heel pain lately, just below Achilles, not sure exactly what it is but my plan is to cut back on distance and add frequency then try to build up from there. Heel pain seems to be reducing, crossing my fingers. Swimming with a masters group 2-3 times a week, I’d like to increase that to 4-5 times per week. I think hard focused training on the trainer will help. I have a KK Road Machine and will buy a bike computer so I can determine power based on speed etc.

2013 RACES: Did a couple sprints, a few longer than sprint but not quite Oly distance races, did the local 5150 series race followed up by Hy-Vee 5150 which was great. Placed 1st n my AG in a local sprint near the end of summer which qualified me for 2014 AG Nationals. On special note, I did get a silver medal for a 3 mile bike Time Trial event for Corporate Challenge. It was on the Kansas Speedway, 3 miles which was about 2 laps around, very cool.

2014 RACES: Plan is to do the IMKS 70.3, the Kansas 5150, the Kansas City Triathlon and maybe Savageman 70.0. Also considering AG Nationals. I’d like to get close to 5 hours on the HIM and go sub 2:20 in the 5150 and most of that will have to come from the bike. I guess I'll make my A race the HIM which should carry over to some good Oly distance performances.

WEIGHTLOSS: I can probably lose a few pounds, currently at 195 ish but I’m 6’2” tall. My diet can definitely be improved upon.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I can’t promise I’ll be a “good” mentee as I’m not exactly sure what that is. I log all of my workouts here on BT so I guess that’s a big plus. I’m honest, about myself as well as to others and can take constructive criticism very well (even unconstructive criticism for that matter). I enjoy seeing others accomplish goals and I’m our company coordinator for the local corporate challenge competition which runs for two months during summer and includes S/B/R stuff including a Du/Tri.

EQUIPMENT: My only bike is a 2011 Felt F75 with standard compact crank fitted with PD T2+ aerobars and FF seatpost. I got a Retul fit so this setup is pretty well dialed in. I have a KK Road Machine still in the box so I’ll be setting that up this weekend. That’s it on the equipment so I know I’ll at least need to get a bike computer, probably wired due to budget, so I can extract power using the KK power curve.

Really looking forward to suffering in my basement this winter and learning from everyone here.

2013-12-19 10:13 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by GoFaster Muskoka 70.3 (4th time will be the charm)
Neil and I have been in a few groups together and both did Muskoka in 2012 but didn't know each other Coming to the end of the bike there was a guy on the side of the course with a mechanical and I said to myself "poor guy, after that brutal get a mechanical". Guess who it was

I'll have some choice words for that section of the road next year - once I'm past it...

And for those of you who don't really know much about Marc, he won his AG at Muskoka that year.  The combination of Shane and Marc = two very knowledgeable guys whom I pay a lot of attention to when either one posts.


2013-12-20 5:17 AM
in reply to: reecealan

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by reecealan

That’s it on the equipment so I know I’ll at least need to get a bike computer, probably wired due to budget, so I can extract power using the KK power curve.

Welcome Reece

Do you have a PC near the trainer ? If so, the ideal setup would be a Garmin cadence/speed sensor and Grmin USB key (you may already have this if you have a watch).

The speed sensor sends cadence/speed wirelessley to the USB key plugged into the computer. Golden cheetah displays it and as a bonus calculates virtual power on the fly.

These components are re=usable if you get a Garmin watch/bike computer eventually and will make the whole KK experience much nicer. Lots of other cool things to do with these, which we will discuss.
2013-12-20 7:34 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

I don't know how Shane feels about this, but for those that don't have power meters and use VP, a HR monitor can be your friend. You can learn what your HR does at different power levels and then transpose that to outdoor. It's not as accurare as a PM but I find it useable, especially for the Z2/Z3 type efforts

So, train with power, be guided by power, but being aware of what your HR does is not a bad thing.

My HRM is my backup if my Powermeter fails

I suspect there will be several times in this thread that we may have diverging opinions. I don't think there is one right answer,

I have mixed feelings on following HR as a metric when an athlete is training with power; in some cases it can be very valuable and in other cases, completely worthless. For an athlete who is training with power all the time (road and indoors) and has a good feel for RPE, then I feel that Andrew Coggan's observation that if you have power, HR is at best redundant is a good rule to follow.

However, if you haven't been an endurance athlete for long enough to have a good grasp on RPE, then having HR as a backup can be useful. If one is diligent about checking how their HR responds in a variety of training situations and uses this to guide their efforts on race day, this can be invaluable. The key with this is that the athlete needs to have paid close attention to HR in a variety of situations, especially those that are similar to racing or in actual races, as HR is susceptible to many different factors.

For someone who is training only with power on a trainer, then monitoring HR I think is very valuable as the athlete will not have power on the road so in order to have a primary and backup method of gauging intensity will require HR and RPE (in whatever combination the athlete chooses). So while on the trainer, keep an eye on how HR responds to a variety of intensities, what happens with lots of rest, little rest, when well hydrated, well fueled, not as well hydrated/fueled, etc and then you can use this information when you get out on the road to try to use what you know of effort and power once you hit the roads and ultimately on race day.

2013-12-20 9:27 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by reecealan

That’s it on the equipment so I know I’ll at least need to get a bike computer, probably wired due to budget, so I can extract power using the KK power curve.

Welcome Reece

Do you have a PC near the trainer ? If so, the ideal setup would be a Garmin cadence/speed sensor and Grmin USB key (you may already have this if you have a watch).

The speed sensor sends cadence/speed wirelessley to the USB key plugged into the computer. Golden cheetah displays it and as a bonus calculates virtual power on the fly.

These components are re=usable if you get a Garmin watch/bike computer eventually and will make the whole KK experience much nicer. Lots of other cool things to do with these, which we will discuss.

I have a laptop so PC will be easily done. I have a Garmin 305 somewhere but I don't think that's bike friendly. I've never used bike computers, always have gone by RPE. I carry my iphone when I ride and run Strava but I don't know how my ride went until I've finished. So using bike related gadgets and a trainer is TOTALLY new to me. FYI I'm a mechanical engineer so I "get" technical jargon etc. But I'm heavy on the Fluid dynamics and controls side not so much "nuts and bolts".

I'm on a fairly lean budget but I can flex a little so let me know what Garmin product I should get to send data to the PC. I like the Golden Cheetah perk of seeing power on the fly. That way I can yell upstairs during training rides for my kids to come down and say "check it out, I'm at 400 Watts...."

Also, I have Neuvation wheels on my bike but still have the stock wheels that came with it. I'm thinking it might be handy to use the stock rear solely for trainer purposes. Then I don't have to change skewers etc. to ride outdoors. So all I need is a second cassette to make that happen right?
2013-12-20 9:37 AM
in reply to: reecealan

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by reecealan
Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by reecealan That’s it on the equipment so I know I’ll at least need to get a bike computer, probably wired due to budget, so I can extract power using the KK power curve.
Welcome Reece Do you have a PC near the trainer ? If so, the ideal setup would be a Garmin cadence/speed sensor and Grmin USB key (you may already have this if you have a watch). The speed sensor sends cadence/speed wirelessley to the USB key plugged into the computer. Golden cheetah displays it and as a bonus calculates virtual power on the fly. These components are re=usable if you get a Garmin watch/bike computer eventually and will make the whole KK experience much nicer. Lots of other cool things to do with these, which we will discuss.
I have a laptop so PC will be easily done. I have a Garmin 305 somewhere but I don't think that's bike friendly. I've never used bike computers, always have gone by RPE. I carry my iphone when I ride and run Strava but I don't know how my ride went until I've finished. So using bike related gadgets and a trainer is TOTALLY new to me. FYI I'm a mechanical engineer so I "get" technical jargon etc. But I'm heavy on the Fluid dynamics and controls side not so much "nuts and bolts". I'm on a fairly lean budget but I can flex a little so let me know what Garmin product I should get to send data to the PC. I like the Golden Cheetah perk of seeing power on the fly. That way I can yell upstairs during training rides for my kids to come down and say "check it out, I'm at 400 Watts...." Also, I have Neuvation wheels on my bike but still have the stock wheels that came with it. I'm thinking it might be handy to use the stock rear solely for trainer purposes. Then I don't have to change skewers etc. to ride outdoors. So all I need is a second cassette to make that happen right?

Garmin 305 will work for the bike.  You would just need the speed/cadence sensor + usb to get it all working with GC.

2013-12-20 9:51 AM
in reply to: GoFaster

Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Just need one of these


one of these

That will get you going with virtual power on the PC.

2013-12-20 10:19 AM
in reply to: WaterRat

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by WaterRat Reece, Just need one of these and one of these That will get you going with virtual power on the PC. Ron

I've found that ebay is a lot cheaper if you need the ANT+ stick.

2013-12-20 10:37 AM
in reply to: gsmacleod

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
I wanted to extend an invitation to anyone in the group who is interested in purchasing gear through the ScotiaMultisport order; normally this is only open to current and former ScotiaMultisport athletes but for 2014 I am going to open it up to anyone here as well.

The current design is on my website and you can see the bike jersey and bibs here - The list includes items that I've ordered in the past as well as a couple of items that will be added for 2014. However, with Champion Systems, I can order one of most items on their website so if there is something you see on the Champ-Sys website ( that you would like, drop me a line and I'll see if that's doable.

If you have questions about any of the items, let me know and I can give you my impressions as I used almost everything that has been ordered before. For the bike kits, the basic level is very durable and the quality is good; not the best but for the price of the kit, I'm quite happy with the quality. The Edge jersey and bibs are a step up and I like the quality of these much better but I do have several of the basic kits from various clubs and teams and they have seen extensive use over the past three years with no real issues.

I am also in the process of an alternate jersey design, will be lighter in colour and also offered in the AirLite Edge material for hot summer riding and possibly a new option for bib short as well. I should have these proofs along with the cycling cap and socks early in the new year.

The order won't be placed until the end of February so you have lots of time but I wanted to offer this to everyone here in case they were looking for new gear for 2014.


2013-12-20 4:32 PM
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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
We probably need a Sticky on setting up virtual power for budget constrained athletes. Another USB doggle that works well and is reasonably priced is: .

Garmin e-bay here:

And if you like to live life on the edge and know how to use a command line:

Edited by pschriver 2013-12-20 4:42 PM
2013-12-20 10:08 PM
in reply to: pschriver

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Also want to say thank you for offering this group!

Name: Jaime

Story: I got into triathlons 3 summers ago, when forest fires in New Mexico closed all my running trails. Got hooked, did sprints and olys, finished my first HIM in October. I'm an ER doctor with random schedule, a great supportive husband, and 2 kids, ages 4 and 6.

Current Training: Trying to learn from past mistakes, I took an extended break after my HIM (5 weeks) and am just now started back to easy aerobic training. Not much swimming at all right now.

2013 Races: A few pool sprint tris, a few local open water Olys, and Austin 70.3.

2014 Races: Unfortunately a lot of my local races aren't happening next summer, so I'm still trying to figure out what to do. But I have a few sprints on the calendar and the City of Lakes Oly in late June so far. Also a couple of trail races.

Weightloss: Not really an issue for me, but I still need to work on nutrition.

Equipment: My husband is the gear geek, he got me a PowerTap for Christmas (sorry! I don't know the number! The cheapest one?) I can also use virtual power with the trainer, which says "Travel Trek" on the side. I don't know how, but he makes it work.

What makes me a good mentee: The bike is my weakest discipline, and I got interested in power because I feel like I am blind when I am riding. With my running experience, I generally know how hard I am working and have a good feel for my pace, but on the bike I just have no idea, and I feel like it's impossible to train effectively. I am stupid about my new power meter, but not afraid to ask questions. I love physiology and being my own coach and learning more. I am reading Coggin's Training With Power now.

2013-12-21 5:53 AM
in reply to: gsmacleod

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by gsmacleod

The current design is on my website and you can see the bike jersey and bibs here -


I sometimes find cycling clothing a little too "colorful" and "in your face". I like your colors !
You can never have too many cycling garments. Especially when you hate doing laundry.
2013-12-21 5:59 AM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by RunningJoke
The bike is my weakest discipline, and I got interested in power because I feel like I am blind when I am riding.

Welcome Jaime

I am this way as well. I am getting a better feel now with the PM, but I would either be going way too easy or way too hard. The in-between was hard to find.

My power meter really helped here but I am still trying to calibrate my RPE.

2013-12-21 7:54 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Is everyone getting email updates on this thread?  I'm not, I thought it went quiet, but after receiving the PM from Mark today I see there's a whole lot of activity since I posted earlier.  There's no toggle to select email notifications.  I'll see if after this post I'll get notifications...
BTW thanks for posting the links for the ANT+ parts.  I sure wish MS would get its act together with API support for BT Smart peripherals in Windows, such a waste having embedded BT4 in my notebook that can't be used.  I see TR is now able to use BT with some success with a certain BT dongle but GC is still waiting on this.

On the HRM, I found it useless during interval work due to the lag issues, hence why I started using VP.  I've also had up to 6 bpm differences in 20' power test averages but was due to not enough cooling as when I added additional fan(s) HR averages normalized. I haven't used HR on the trainer in a long time.  I live in FL and the garage is my pain cave and subject to the time of the year temps & humidity, I love working out this time of the year out there!


2013-12-21 9:29 AM
in reply to: Donto

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
I'm guessing the email toggle will show up when we go live. Right now we are in stealth mode I think.I tried training & racing with HR and it just does not work for me. Running yes, but biking I never figured it out. Maybe because I ride mostly hills so it spikes for the climbs, but quickly drops at the top and then is basically not even bottom Z1 on the downhills. Average at the end of rides (both training & racing) would be Z1 - leading me to believe I went too easy. But my legs would be dead for the run.

Indoor training was better with HR, but then i could never figure out how to coorelate it for outdoors.

Hence the reason I finally bought a power meter. I think it's going to be a game changer! (Hoping anyway...)

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