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2014-12-29 12:33 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Alright! I made it over to the new thread on the second page.  Not bad!  Will do bio and all that soon.

Welcome back, Tom!  How's the knee?

The knee is doing ok so far.  As you have likely noticed, I'm doing track repeats, and I'll build those into longer runs.  I felt something strange in my calf last Monday and took the rest of the week off from running, and I'll be picking that back up today.  I'm telling myself that I don't really need to be in a hurry.  I have plenty of time before the spring races.

How are you doing?

2014-12-29 12:45 PM
in reply to: msteiner

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Hello, I'd like to be in the group again, I'll get my bio loaded in the next few days.

Matt MS, are you also known as "HoneyBadger" on that large cycling logging site???

2014-12-29 12:49 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

NAME: Adrienne

STORY: I have been running just over 3 years. I first experimented with road racing, joined a running club and picked up cross country running as well as a little bit of track competition.

I've been to Nationals in the Olympic distance of triathlon, the 10K distance on the track and cross country. 

I've qualified for Boston in all 5 marathons that I have run 

FAMILY STATUS: My partner and I have been together almost 9 years. We have 3 cats and a pug. We live in Seattle, WA. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I Just raced: race report which more or less fills in the details of my year. I've had some odd setbacks this year but have regained some fitness and built up a base to get after it in 2015

I am taking some time to slowly build my mileage up and then tackles some mountain running. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: My winter/spring/summer may look something like this

Jan 3: 25K Tiger Mountain Loop
Jan 17: Capitol Peak Mega Fat 25K Trail Run
Feb 3: Lord Hill 5 mile trail run
March 7: Lake Samammish Half Marathon
March 28: Dash Point 10K trail run
April 11:Squak Mountain 12K trail
May 2: Grand Ridge 5 mile trail run
May 23: Soaring Eagle 5K trail run
July: USATF Mountain Running National Championship
 Aug 15-16: Pike's Peak Ascent Half Marathon

And then a big 105 mile trek on the PCT with a few fellow runner friends

BODY COMPOSITION: I want to continue to become a leaner, stronger beast-woman

2014-12-29 1:00 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!
Originally posted by Asalzwed

NAME: Adrienne

STORY: I have been running just over 3 years.

How did I not know this? OMG! You are truly my hero!! :D

So this year I'm going to try something new - NOT copy and paste my old bio. Although since the story is the same it'll probably sound similar.....

NAME: MtnBikerChk/MBC/Randee

STORY: Who am I? I'm a 41 year old (soon to be 42) accountant from New England. As a kid, I enjoyed skiing, softball and watching tv. Sounds odd, right? Sometimes I needed that shove to get out the door (and sometimes still do) but once I'm out, cycling is my passion. It used to be mountain biking but it wasn't until I was hurt (from running) and forced to swim that I made the jump to triathlons. I have no chance of winning but TO FINISH IS TO WIN so I go with that.

I'm also a former beer snob who has given up alcohol completely in 2011.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a marathoner (but we're going to get him swim lessons so you never know) with 1 greyhound and 2 cats.

CURRENT TRAINING: Today marks day 1 of my official Ironman Mont Tremblant training (my first full). Of course I woke up feeling like crap so I haven't done my run yet today - here's hoping I can squeeze it in.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: It's only official once the credit card gets charged -
5/17/15 Ten Penny duathlon (sprint)
6/7/15 Challenge Quassy HIM
8/16/15 IMMT

BODY COMPOSITION: I've put on some holiday pounds that are sure to come off once the training kicks up into full blast.

Welcome back everyone and HI to the new peeps! This forum is REALLY active so try to keep up (I never can).

2014-12-29 1:03 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Welcome, Amy!  Welcome, Matt!  Welcome, Neil!  Welcome, Michael!  It's nice to have you as part of the 'pod'!!  

2014-12-29 1:08 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by msteiner

Got a fun 5.5 hr ride in yesterday for 110 miles, despite it being a bit wet and cold.  My team got new kits in, so we had to try them out.

Pretty spiffy new kits!  Which one is you? 

Great job on your ride.  Taking on the elements makes that kind of achievement all the sweeter, doesn't it?  Plus it helps justify a nice hot drink or two with your fellow sufferers. 

I'm second from the left in the black helmet.  The ride was brutal towards the end, but I'm glad I did it versus doing a lesser workout on the trainer.


Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Fun with big T.I.T.S. ! ;)

For anyone who doesn't know ... that's Time In The Saddle.

It's really great to have you focused on cycling and sharing it here. Several of the Manatees do some pretty serious cycling but I think you're our only current dedicated biker. So far :)

Thanks.  I'm looking forward to seeing how the change of pace goes.

Edited by msteiner 2014-12-29 1:09 PM

2014-12-29 1:08 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Alright! I made it over to the new thread on the second page.  Not bad!  Will do bio and all that soon.

Welcome back, Tom!  How's the knee?

The knee is doing ok so far.  As you have likely noticed, I'm doing track repeats, and I'll build those into longer runs.  I felt something strange in my calf last Monday and took the rest of the week off from running, and I'll be picking that back up today.  I'm telling myself that I don't really need to be in a hurry.  I have plenty of time before the spring races.

How are you doing?

Doing well except my knee sucks.  I can't run at all without pain, like 5/10 pain. Cycling makes it throb a little but nothing I can't handle. I start PT on 1/12.  I think it's probably related to changing my running style, which is causing muscle imbalance and ITB issues.  We'll see what the PT says.  In the meantime, I foresee a bunch of aqua-jogging, swimming and maybe cycling in the near future.  I'll also continue working on core and L hip strength stuff.  Fun fun.

Good attitude.  I'm thinking the same way.  Even if I don't get to do my HM, I should be (better be!!) okay by tri season.

2014-12-29 1:12 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Salty, you've only been running for a little over 3 years??  Dang, you're a beast woman already!

So cool that you're doing the Pike's Peak Ascent.  That's only an hour from where I live so we'll definitely have to do a Manatee Meet-Up.  I don't drink beer but there are lots of fine craft breweries in the area.  PM me when we get closer and maybe we can have dinner or something.

2014-12-29 1:14 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by Havok First post on BT! I would like to join you guys if its still possible! I am currently on lunch break so I will complete my bio later tonight at home. Bio: NAME: Michael STORY: FAMILY STATUS: Married w/2 dogs CURRENT TRAINING: THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: BODY COMPOSITION: Badly out of shape after graduating college a year ago, looking to drop the weight and start up a new sport.

Hi Michael! Great to have you. Welcome to BT and the Manatees!

LOL on the married with two dogs bit ... I always tease Janyne (jmkizer aka NyNy) about saying she's married with one dog, people usually marry other people ... here you are married with TWO dogs!


Haha! I can honestly admit that proper grammar is not a strong point of mine, being an engineer I always tell everyone "I do math!".


Originally posted by laffinrock

Michael, we have another Michael too.  He's in Alabama (I think) and drops in occasionally.  What state are you in so we can differentiate between the two of you?


I am from Kentucky 

2014-12-29 2:28 PM
in reply to: amy mutz

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by amy mutz Hello!! I would love to join your group, it sounds like the place for me to begin again... I started doing Triathlon's in 2007, have since done sprints, Olympic and attempted a HIM, I finished the swim and bike, but didn't make the time limit on the run. The last two years I have put my passion for Triathlons on hold due to tragic circumstances, loss and grief...I just lost myself in the process. I feel I am now prepared and ready to rejoin the sport I love and that fulfills my desire to challenge myself. I am 50lbs heavier than I was two years ago, and I'm a little older. But I love this sport and I love to encourage, inspire and watch others achieve while I myself reinvent myself and my goals. I was considering becoming a mentor, but I don't feel I'm ready to do that yet and I don't want to overwhelm myself while just getting back to the sport. I hope you have room for me. Yanti I recall you from my years gone by here on BT, I remember feeling you had a wonderful spirit and were a joyful person. Maybe you are just what I need to make my comeback at 53 years old!! Thank you!! NAME: Amy Mutz Age: 53 Occupation: Full time student, attending college to get a Masters in Social Work FAMILY STATUS: Married, two grown children CURRENT TRAINING: Biking, Power Walking/Running, Swimming THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Compete again in two sprints, 1/2 Marathon Louisville, Possible Olympic at end of season BODY COMPOSITION: 50 lbs overweight, strong athletic build

Welcome Amy!  When you have a chance, please open your training log for us to see.  We are nosy supportive like that.

2014-12-29 2:32 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by msteiner

Ha!  I'm fine with that designation, and welcome all new and returning members.  

Everybody got fun training going on this weekend?  It's going to rain all weekend here, so I have lots of trainer time ahead.

Welcome, Matt MS, and welcome back everybody else!

I tried aqua-jogging for the first time as a way to "run" without hurting my already hurty knee.  It worked great, although I felt like a dork wandering around the deep area of the pool.  Then I did a little 800 yd. swim.  And for the record, I've done *two* strength training sessions this week, have a 3rd scheduled for tomorrow and definitely plan to do it!!  I've decided that instead of being annoyed at the playful dog who thinks strength training = play time for her, I'm going to enjoy it and giggle my way through.  It definitely makes it less dreadful.  Plus if I can manage to do all my assigned strength training sessions for 4 weeks, I get a new, fancier (and better) foam roller.  My coach will be pleased that I'm doing what I'm supposed to do and I'll be proud of myself for not skipping.  I might even get some benefit and get stronger.  What a concept! 

Good girl, Mary, trying aqua-jogging despite worrying about the dork factor and excellent job "doing what you are supposed to be doing" per the coach.  I hope PT gets you back on track soon!  Yes, dogs can make strength training extra challenging, but taking your approach is the best way to deal with it, IMO.  Roll with it, you'll eventually get the workout in between dog toy throws!   My Jack Russell thinks as soon as I'm on the floor for core work she needs to climb on me and stand on my chest/stomach, so I've actually held her to my chest and used her as resistance weight while doing crunches!  Oddly enough, she doesn't mind and seems to like one  ever claimed that dog was normal...

That's awesome!  I've heard of people using their infants to work out too; they make great weights.  My play dog (the other one is the "love dog") gets all excited when I do active stuff.  She was absolutely thrilled by the mini-trampoline.  She kept putting her ball on it for me to kick while I was using it, then kept playing with it when I was done.  She finds a way to turn everything into a game.  She's quite an inspiration, really.  She has bad hips but such a sunshiny spirit that she never lets it slow her down.

Got an email from my coach yesterday.  She and her boss (the head coach of the group) want to do another run assessment to see if the way I changed my gait after my video assessment in Nov. is contributing to the knee problems.  I also got a PT appointment for 1/12.  At this rate, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do my HM in March.

I'm glad that your coach is on top of it.  I think that between the coach(es) and the PT, they'll get you straight.

2014-12-29 2:34 PM
in reply to: Havok

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by Havok First post on BT! I would like to join you guys if its still possible! I am currently on lunch break so I will complete my bio later tonight at home. Bio: NAME: Michael STORY: FAMILY STATUS: Married w/2 dogs CURRENT TRAINING: THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: BODY COMPOSITION: Badly out of shape after graduating college a year ago, looking to drop the weight and start up a new sport.

Welcome to BT and to the Manatees!  

2014-12-29 2:49 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Welcome Amy, Michael, Neil, Tom, Salty, Chris and Randee!

2014-12-29 2:55 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by msteiner

I want in if the group would have me.  

NAME: Matt

I ran track and played football in high school and got really out of shape in college (5'7 and 190lbs).  After I started working I started training for a half marathon.  I lost about 10 lbs after 6 months of running and was frustrated in how slow I was losing weight.  During my half training I heard about this local triathlon that was a half mile swim, 40k bike, and 10k run.  The format sounded crazy to me, but I said out loud "one day I'm going to do that race!".  

After finishing a beginner tri training group program put on by a local running store I went on to finish the tri that got me interested and got hooked.  I have raced 5 seasons of triathlon and have gone from hoping to finish races to competing in my age group to shooting for overall podiums.  

 Now that I finished my 5th season I've been looking for something different, so I've been in the process of converting to road racing.  I'm looking forward to seeing how my first season with that goes!


FAMILY STATUS:  I'm engaged and will be married in April.  My fiance has a two year old boy, so another reason I'm converting to road racing is due to having to cut back on training time a good bit. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm riding my bike A LOT!  I also have picked up mountain biking some to keep things fresh, which is a lot of fun!

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS:   There is a TT/Crit in February that will be my debut in the road racing world.  Rouge Roubaix in March will be my first big race.  It's a 106 mile road race featuring terrible roads, lots of hills, and gravel!

BODY COMPOSITION:  I'm relatively happy with my body composition, but you can always be leaner, right?

Yo Matt, congrats on the engagement and welcome!

Thanks.  I've been wondering where you've been hiding.  Looking forward to watching you kill it in 2015!

2014-12-29 2:55 PM
in reply to: msteiner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by msteiner

Got a fun 5.5 hr ride in yesterday for 110 miles, despite it being a bit wet and cold.  My team got new kits in, so we had to try them out.

Pretty spiffy new kits!  Which one is you? 

Great job on your ride.  Taking on the elements makes that kind of achievement all the sweeter, doesn't it?  Plus it helps justify a nice hot drink or two with your fellow sufferers. 

I'm second from the left in the black helmet.  The ride was brutal towards the end, but I'm glad I did it versus doing a lesser workout on the trainer.


Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Fun with big T.I.T.S. !

For anyone who doesn't know ... that's Time In The Saddle.

It's really great to have you focused on cycling and sharing it here. Several of the Manatees do some pretty serious cycling but I think you're our only current dedicated biker. So far

Thanks.  I'm looking forward to seeing how the change of pace goes.

What they said -- great job getting on there for a long ride in less than stellar conditions!   GREAT !

2014-12-29 3:01 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Originally posted by laffinrock

Salty, you've only been running for a little over 3 years??  Dang, you're a beast woman already!

So cool that you're doing the Pike's Peak Ascent.  That's only an hour from where I live so we'll definitely have to do a Manatee Meet-Up.  I don't drink beer but there are lots of fine craft breweries in the area.  PM me when we get closer and maybe we can have dinner or something.

Yep! Ran late summer/fall of 2011 and my first marathon in Dec 2011. Kind of crazy to think how short it's been and how long it feels.

I haven't 100% confirmed pikes but I will let you know if/when I do

2014-12-29 3:12 PM
in reply to: 0

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Hi, everyone!!  I'd love to get back in if you can put up with me. 

BACKGROUND:  Long-time runner, switched to tri's in 2010 because it sounded like a good thing to do and would keep me less injured (hmmmmm...not sure that worked out).  I've had an up and down four years since then but have completed about 20 run races and a half dozen triathlons.  2014 was a GREAT year...I set PRs in every race distance and had a really solid OLY race.  The wheels kinda came off during my half mary training and I struggled a bit through that race.  Lately I've just been maintaining a base.  I'm also fighting a low back injury (spondylolisthesis).  Again.

Looking to train for and race in several bike races, plus REALLY, ACTUALLY, COMMIT to get better at swimming.  If my spondy behaves, then I'll throw some tri's in for good measure.

I'm going to lose 10 lbs by race season...I usually fluctuate almost 15 +- throughout the year and I'm used to it, but still hate the look/feel of it now.  :-/

I'm married with a 12 YO daughter who absolutely SMOKES me in the pool.  I used to be able to out-sprint her, but even that anymore.  :-(

Glad to see everyone is doing well!!

Edited by jmhpsu93 2014-12-29 3:19 PM
2014-12-29 3:24 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!
NAME: Sean

STORY: I'm a 33 year old dude who is also good at math. I was a varsity basketball player back in the day, but did also swim competitively in the summers. I had a couple of road bikes way back in the day, but never did too much riding (I think 45mi was my farthest ride). I had never run farther than 2.5 miles, and only when forced to in high school. I got pretty out of shape starting around age 23 and got up to 215lbs, but lost weight down to around 185 when my first child was born ~5 years ago doing P90X. I then gained and lost the same 20 lbs 4 or 5 times over the next 4 years. About August 2013 I started lifting weights every morning before work and playing full court basketball 2-3 times a week. I kept that up for over a year. We moved into a neighborhood in 2013 that hosted a sprint tri, and I was always curious/interested in it. This year I volunteered through my church to help out at the sprint tri in September and I was hooked. It got my competitive juices flowing, and I was like "I can do this!" In typical fashion for me (I'm an idiot), I went home and told my wife I was going to do an Ironman, and I went on my first training run at 5 am two days later (3.26mi in 32:01).

FAMILY STATUS:Married for 8 years (also dated 8 yrs). We have two boys, ages 2 and 4. And an 8 year old black lab.

CURRENT TRAINING: M: Swim ~1 hr(masters) @5am, maybe slow 5k at lunch; T: 45min spin class @lunch; W: M: Swim ~1 hr(masters) @5am, maybe slow 5k at lunch; TH: Upper body weight session followed by 45min spin class @ 5am; F: rest; Sa: Long run (currently @ 6mi); Su: Has been rest, but I just finally got a bike yesterday so will be doing long bike on Sundays

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: No Label Brewery Sprint in March; 70.3 Galveston in April; Katy Tri Sprint in Sept; Looking for full IM in 4Q, thinking Cozumel

BODY COMPOSITION: Currently 6'1" 185lbs ~11% body fat. Would like to get down to 7-8% bf which with my current LBM would put me at 176lbs or so.

2014-12-29 3:35 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!
May I play too, please?

I'm Robin. I was a swimmer and a skier as a kid and through my college days. I did my first "tri" that was an indoor tri and I was hooked. I'd always wanted to do a tri but never had the opportunity and that indoor tri opened the door. My first Sprint Tri was the Tri for the Cure here in Denver. During the start I was pushed off the boat ramp and my leg got caught between the ramp and a rock, breaking my foot and injuring my ankle. I finished the race anyway. Had surgery on the foot and ankle a month later and it has been nothing but trouble since. I will have to have surgery again but I'm putting this off for as long as possible. Hey, being in a cast for 6 months will interfere with my training, right?

I'm married to an amazingly supportive husband and we have 4 fur kids: a golden receiver (he retrieves nothing) , a real golden retriever, a cat that needs to lose a few pounds, and an adorable kitten who loves to sit on my aerobars while I'm on the trainer.

I wasn't happy with my races last year, so after two weeks of doing light stuff after my last 70.3 I called my coach and told him I wanted more. I'm currently at 12 hours/per week. I'm heavy on the swim and light on the running. My coach knows my injury and works around it, hence the easy on the running for now.

This year's races:
Colfax Marathon or Half (depending on the limb) May 17
Boulder 70.3 June 13
Boulder Ironman August 2
I really hope to sign up for the Disneyland Avengers Half Marathon on Nov. 15 because that is my 50th birthday. Disney, on my birthday = heaven! (I'm really 5 not almost 50)

Body Composition? I lost 20 pounds last season and have gained about 5 of those back since my last race. I would like to lose those 5 plus another 5, but I have to stop eating the kitchen after long workouts..
2014-12-29 3:48 PM
in reply to: #5075498

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!
May I join you all? I'll post a full bio when I'm at my computer. The short version: Nancy, 43, martied, 3 dogs, 3rd season of tri...
2014-12-29 4:01 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!


STORY: Been active in various sports all my life. Eventually led to tri when a friend of similar athletic ability gave it a shot an liked it.
CURRENT TRAINING: Lots of running to get that back in order. Working in some riding at times too.
THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Lots of possibilities I'm keeping open to. More running than before and likely more of a variety instead of being very tri-centric.
BODY COMPOSITION: Just staying in shape for things that look interesting.

2014-12-29 5:04 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!
My name is Emily, I'm a 31 yo just getting started in the sport of triathlon. I've been a runner since I was little with a little background in competitive swimming. I'm fairly new to road cycling and this is the area I'm want to see the most improvement in. My brother has done triathlons for years and did Ironman WI in 2013, which inspired me hugely. This fall, I completed a sprint triathlon and that cemented my plans to go ahead and do a full Ironman in 2015. So... I have an Olympic planned for this spring and an Ironman planned for the fall, with a half probably somewhere in the middle.

Family: Partnered with multiple pets

Current Training: Run ~14 mi/week, Bike ~40-50 mi/week, and Swim 2 mi/week.

Body Composition: No weight loss needed, wouldn't mind gaining more muscle
2014-12-29 5:37 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

I have admired the Manatees from afar and have always wanted to join the ranks.  I've gotten to know many of you from other threads and would love to journey through a truly epic year with you all.  

NAME: Steve

STORY: Oh dear, I think I could write a book about all I've been through.  I'm 53 and have been running since I was 14.  Ran my first marathon at 15 in 3:06.  Did my first tri about 35 years ago.  Only dabbled with running and tri's during most of my middle years until getting hooked for life about seven years ago.

Did a few HIM's before getting very, very sick five years ago.  Was given about a 5% chance for one more year.  By the grace of God, I've been given much more than I could ever hope for.  I live by my sig line motto and have utilized my gift as fully as I can.  Since being sick, I've done another two HIM's, two IM's, ten marathons, a couple 50+ mile ultras, and dozens of other shorter races.  The highlight of my day is getting out for a run or hoppng on my trainer.

I've learned so much from the BT peeps and hope to keep expanding my training knowledge.
FAMILY STATUS: Married with children.  I have four adult kids and one very precious nine year old son who is the joy of my life.  He did his first tri last year and he can't wait for the upcoming season.  We have trainers setup side by side in our man cave. 
CURRENT TRAINING:  I'm coming off 1500+ miles of running this year and after tapering down through the Holidays looking forward to hitting it hard and smart after the first of the new year.  I made great strides in all three disciplines this year and can't wait for my "A" race in June with the Boise 70.3.
THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I like to race a lot and will do everything from a 5k to an IM.  I love the experience of racing and rarely turn down an opportunity to participate.  Most of these races will be hard training runs.  I've noted the ones that have a little more focus:

Jan 17 – Capital Peak 25k trail run

Feb 14 – Wooley Trail HM

Feb 21 – Fragrance Lake Trail HM

Feb 28 – Phoenix Marathon (B)

Mar 7 – Lake Sammamish HM (B)

Mar 14 – Stewart Mt. Trail HM

Mar 28 – Yakima River Canyon Marathon (B)

Apr 4 – Honeywagon HM

May 2 – Haggen to Haggen 5k (B)

May 9 - Lost Lake 25k

Jun 13 – Boise 70.3 (A)


BODY COMPOSITION: Would like to shed a few pounds but I'm I pretty happy with what I got for an old guy. 


2014-12-29 5:47 PM
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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!

Wow, lots of new Manatees!  Welcome, Mike, Sean, Robin, Nancy, Emily, and Steve.  Hope you like it here.  We're pretty chatty (understatement of the year!) and tend to get a little (or a lot) off-topic at times so dive right into the fray.  Looks like there are lots of fur kids too.  Yay for fur kids!  And real kids too, of course.

Mike, I have spondy too.  That plus a couple herniated disks (L4-L5) and some other back crud is what knocked me for a loop a few years ago so I totally feel your pain.  In fact, I'm currently sitting here nursing my sore back after doing too much bending and twisting at work today.  You'd think I'd know better by now.  Ugh.

Nancy, looking forward to hearing more about you.

Sean and Emily, welcome to tris.  Hope you love it as much as the rest of us!

Robin, it would be fun to meet.  I'm in the Denver area and it looks like you are too.  TJ, another Manatee, comes up this way periodically from NM, and we've done a few races together.  It's always fun to have Manatee Meet-Ups.  PM me if you'd like to get together some time.

Steve, what an amazing journey you've had!  Coming back after being that debilitated really gives one an appreciation for the simple things in life, doesn't it?  I love that you and your son train together.  How cool is that?!

Edited by laffinrock 2014-12-29 5:56 PM
2014-12-29 5:51 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors - OPEN to all kinds!
ok so you guys will like this:

I was talking to my dad about those personal safety devices - you know, you pull the pin and it screams really loudly. I said I was kind of freaked out about being on the rail trail by myself in the dark since that woman got stabbed (and no, they haven't made any arrests).

He says "why don't you get a pistol permit."

And he was serious.

(He's a retired police officer so that may help you interpret where he's coming from but thanks)
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Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--CLOSED Pages: 1 ... 49 50 51 52

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Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group (Open)

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2014-05-18 1:30 AM Baowolf

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group

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2014-05-18 12:48 AM Baowolf

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2014-05-18 12:01 AM Baowolf

Mentors Needed - INSTRUCTIONS

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
comments : 0
Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
comments : 0
Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.