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2004-09-13 4:54 PM
in reply to: #61014

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Oh yeah,
there are a couple more I was curious about:
Chucky Finster and Ginger ninja.... so what's the story?

2004-09-13 4:54 PM
in reply to: #61006

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

I always wondered about coredump too... I figured it had something to do with the body's core. Core temperature or something... and...and.... I really have no idea what else. 

De-mystification, here at BT.   I'm finding this extremely interesting!!!

Edited by Whizzer 2004-09-13 4:55 PM

2004-09-13 4:56 PM
in reply to: #60946

Subject: ...
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2004-09-13 5:13 PM
in reply to: #61014

Helena, MT
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

madcow - 2004-09-13 2:51 PM I've always wondered about yours Coredump. Now I know, I'm a little disappointed. I thought it had something to do with the military or BM's... my bad Tom

Yeah, I thought it was a 'leave it all on the course' kinda thing. Giving your all.... core dump. Now it's just a haywire computer...... le sigh....

2004-09-13 5:29 PM
in reply to: #60689

north end of vancouver island, BC, Canada
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
I'm with you Zagagirl, I have some pictures loaded on my computer, but have no idea how to get them into that little box!!! Can someone help us??!!!??!!!
I want to show off my new bike here soon. I pick her up tomorrow.

2004-09-13 5:41 PM
in reply to: #60689

Extreme Veteran
Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym name is Jasmine...hence...

I was so excited because I usually NEVER get to use my name as my pseudonym! I usually am known as:

JazzyWx...because Jazzy is one of my many nicknames, and Wx is the symbol for weather (I'm an Atmospheric Scientist)

JizzleJazzle...because my boyfriend calls me this. I called him "Dizzle" one day because of the new Snoop-dog lingo, so he, in return, called me Jizzle. He's the king of nicknames, so Jizzle-Jazzle was born. High School, my nickname was "Spazzy", because not only does it rhyme with Jazzy, but I was a little crazy. My last name is Cetrone, which one of my whitty friends noticed is like Citron, hence Citrus.

Um, the pic is of me. I'm getting a tri-related pic up there tonight (hopefully).

I LOVE THIS THREAD!!! Zagagirl, I can't believe I didn't notice that sooner! Duh (I mean, Hud...)

Edited by jasmine 2004-09-13 5:42 PM

2004-09-13 6:02 PM
in reply to: #60689

Northern VA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

I guess I'm gonna have to change my name so I have a cool story to tell.  Wah Wah Wah. 

Great thread though!!!

2004-09-13 6:30 PM
in reply to: #60689

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Tbone- from an episode of Seinfeld. George decided he wanted his co-workers to give him a cool nickname which he decided should be "tbone" because it sounded tough and masculine. His co-workers had a different opinion and adopted the nickname "monkey boy" for George.

While laughing over the episode one evening, my sister-in-law decided I should be Tbone and it stuck.

My picture- only picture I had of myself on the computer, taken by a friend of mine at Loveland Pass just above Arapahoe Basin, CO on a ski trip this past spring. I love the words, "long range weaponry" on the avalanch warning sign.

I also intend to put up new pictures soon as my first tri is this coming weekend.

2004-09-13 6:52 PM
in reply to: #61074

Sonoma County, CA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
tbone - 2004-09-13 6:30 PM
Tbone- from an episode of Seinfeld. George decided he wanted his co-workers to give him a cool nickname which he decided should be "tbone" because it sounded tough and masculine. His co-workers had a different opinion and adopted the nickname "monkey boy" for George.
While laughing over the episode one evening, my sister-in-law decided I should be Tbone and it stuck.

Okay, YOU WIN!
I love that episode and think that's the funniest nickname....haha

2004-09-13 6:55 PM
in reply to: #60689

Elite Veteran
northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Sigh.... It's my name. On several other boards, I'm Academia Nut -related to my job and my ...ummm...general demeanor. But I got tired of people not knowing my actual name, so here I just used my name.

And no, that's not me in my avatar. My previous avatar was me, but I changed it to this one -which is of my daughter. Then I tried to change it again, to me on my bike, but it seems not to have "taken". I'll try again one of these days.

2004-09-13 7:00 PM
in reply to: #60689

New user
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
When I started swimming again my hubby kept calling me "fishie". So I had to tell him that I wasn't fast enough to be a fishie yet, and that I wanted to be fierce like a barracuda, anyway. So he shortened it to Cuda and it's stuck ever since.

2004-09-13 8:14 PM
in reply to: #60689

Extreme Veteran
Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
I've never been too original when it comes to user names, my first name is actually Lynette, my last name starts with a B, I've had a couple co-workers that have called me LynnieB over the years and so that's what I've used...
2004-09-13 8:27 PM
in reply to: #60689

, Alabama
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

My first initial is S. and last name is Opkins.  If you spell SOpkins backwards, you get snikpos.  The only other nickname I've ever had was IronFlautist, which I got prior to my first and only ironman, when I won a wetsuit playing flute at the talent show during the pasta party.  I don't use that nickname much though, and was afraid I'd forget it.  I figured my name would be easiest for me to remember.


2004-09-13 8:30 PM
in reply to: #60689

Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Easy. It's my car - my other main hobby when I'm not training...

2004-09-13 8:39 PM
in reply to: #60689

Kinston, NC
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Spot - Trying to figure a name other than my own, (which always seems to be used) I shortened my youngest son, Spotswood, to Spot. We call him that from time to time and he hates it (he's 5)
2004-09-13 9:20 PM
in reply to: #60689

Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
I needed to come up with something on the fly and a friend of mine uses the noun/verb combo, so I just started thinking of different nouns & verbs that might apply to me. I had just started rock climbing, so Vertical was an easy choice. Listing as in leaning to the side....I always seem to be just a little bit off kilter. Therefore vertical_listing

My only other nickname is from a race car team I used to be on. My real name is Kristen, and one of the guys had a neice who was obsessed with the "American Girl" doll Kirsten. But of course he couldn't just say was more like KiieeeeEEEEERsten.

2004-09-13 9:20 PM
in reply to: #60689

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
I saw a number bib on a female triathlete (I think it was Barb Lindquist) that said "Will race for Cookies", and she was sponored by some type of energy cookie. Well.... I don't eat cookies, but .....!! As for the picture, The 3 Stooges have always been my favorites, and I truely believe that EVERY situation needs some humor.....
2004-09-13 9:25 PM
in reply to: #60966

Extreme Veteran
Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Machiavelo - 2004-09-13 3:43 PM

Oh yeah, and as for choosing the little pussy cat for my avatar, well, I just thought it was was cute. That and the fact that I would rather be identified with a gentle creature as opposed opposed to a ferocious beast like a lion or a bull or something like that!

theres nothing wrong with bulls! they can be cute too... i guess, maybe not as cute as The Bear, but i do what i can.

Mine isnt too interesting, it came from my AIM screen name, my last name is Bull... i used to be an avid fan of the RedBull energy drink (as well as enjoyed what seems like an extensive sponsorship of a wide array of sporting events.
GT is for my car (VW jetta GT...i'm in love w/ volkswagens...) and 337 is the code name for the original VW GTI (as well as the name of the aniversary edition gti)
and the 'avatar' (i guess thats what the pic is called) is just the best pic of me i could find on my computer... its of me at the NY auto show this spring
TBONE! would you be offended if we suggested to ron about changing your name to CoCo?

Edited by redbullgt337 2004-09-13 9:26 PM
2004-09-13 9:29 PM
in reply to: #60689

Online or Offline
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
The name's a joke. Back when I started at the first airline I worked for, a few of the other pilots (men) would call the few women pilots "girl pilots". Without getting into workplace politics, some of the older (male) pilots, less accepting to the industry's demographic changes would spit out the words "girl pilot" when referring to a female co-worker. Heaven forbid if she was *percieved* as overbearing, controlling, overachieving, "my way is right", time-urgent, and hostile; Type A. Not to mention, a Type A personality isn't really favored by Human Resources when hiring pilots. I'm sooo far from that type personality. I hope.

A time came when I needed to have an email contact for my Union to send me information. I didn't want to have that kind of propaganda mixed in my "important personal" mail, so I used this as an email address @ my service provider. I'm sure they loved seeing that when they added me to their email database. ~~~~It's all about having fun ~~~~

So I've used it here and many other logins just to keep it simple.

When I joined BT, I didn't have a pic to post, and solicited my husband's opinion as to what I could use for my icon, but to no avail. Over the Labor Day weekend, I had a big block of days off from work and I went down to Va. Beach for a family gathering at my parents. When going through the photos on my parents' computer, I found this one, circa 1976. Its a cropped picture of me standing next to my big brother in his recreational league football uniform. He played for the Colts and I cheered for them! I thought it was the funniest thing because in the picture, I'm ALL TUMMY from my collarbones to my legs. I emailed it to my husband for a laugh, and he cropped it and suggested I use it for my BT icon, since everyone's always cheering for each other. So here it is. Go BT!

Can you tell that I am a fan of self-deprecating humor and physical comedy?

Mom, looooooove the socks! (I do miss my bloomers though, I thought they were the coolest things. They had horseshoe prints on each butt cheek that you could see whenever we tumbled.)

We'll see how long it takes until I get sick of seeing a tubby 5-yr old me whenever I post.
2004-09-13 9:53 PM
in reply to: #60689

Extreme Veteran
las vegas
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
cristin is my name and november 24th is my birthday. i was hoping for lots of gifts.

as far as my avatar goes...i really dig snoopy. if i were a cartoon dog, i'd definitely be snoopy. and the red fro speaks for itself.
2004-09-13 10:00 PM
in reply to: #60689

Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
I am another not very exciting one...My first name is Caitie, Middle initial J, and last name starts with Wonder...hence CJWonder...

This is a very cool thread!

2004-09-13 10:23 PM
in reply to: #60689

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Equally unexciting... First Initial, First several letters of last name and my jersey number on my mens league ice hockey team. Not my age unfortunately. 'M'att 'HAN'shaw '22'...

Fun thread though.
2004-09-13 10:33 PM
in reply to: #60689

Kingston Ontario
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

I must say that I had all of you in mind when I chose this name...thought it would be motivating for others to see all of the time......OK everyone, get out the kleenex now!!! (sniffle, dab, dab). 

I'm with Whizzer in that I always see "Zaza girl."..I can't get my head around just isn't right!!

Michel, I always wondered about Machiavelo, too!

I have no Avatar because I have no clue as to how to make one!!


2004-09-13 10:40 PM
in reply to: #60758

Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Me too! sigh...

2004-09-13 10:40 PM
in reply to: #60689

Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
I love cycling (road and mountain). My bikes go with me everywhere, vacations, family vists, etc. So cyclist had to be part of my pseudonym. Zia is the symbol of New Mexico. I recently moved to NM for work. I've been coming to NM for many years for snow skiing and vacations. I really enjoy the unique culture. The Zia symbol is a sacred symbol of the Zia pueblo indians. Read more about it here:

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