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2017-01-31 8:05 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by StaceyK

For those of you that are interested I wanted to update you on how the January "Turtle Challenge" went.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about my mum, my myself, and my friend K were lacking a bit of motivation to run through November and December last year and we were supposed to be gearing up to start training for the 2018 Disney Dopey Challenge. So to get us motivated I worked out the entire years training plan and wrote it out on a wall planner for each of us.

The challenge was then set that the person who dropped the most number of training days between 26/12/2016 and 31/01/2017 had to buy the other two a $100 gift voucher each at the store of there choice. (There were some rules around being sick and being allowed to rearrange a week but won't go into them).

Well today the challenge ended and we all completed 100% of the required training within the rules, which means we all ran (or walked if injury was involved) 27 out of the last 37 days. We have all been running mostly easy and sure the distances haven't been huge (nothing over 7k) but they have been what's required to get us from where we are through to finishing Dopey. All of us have seen fairly considerable improvement in our average times, dropping between 30seconds and a minute off our average pace per km.

Anyway I wanted to let you know how the people that you are helping through the information and encouragement you are giving me are going.

We haven't worked out what the payout will be for the February challenge, but regardless it starts tomorrow.

Congratulations, to all of you! It is amazing what consistency can do.

2017-01-31 8:20 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Today's Rant. I worked out of town today and "thought" I would be able to get a swim in. When I got to the pool there was a masters swim class taking up all but one lane. It was a paid class complete with a coach. In the last lane was an older man standing in the middle of the lane bouncing. I asked him if it would be ok if I swam on the inside of his lane. He responded by saying he won't be long. I went and sat in the hot tub and watched him bounce in place for 40 minutes. Sometimes he went in circles and sometimes he would flail his arms in what looked like bad disco moves. I sat there fuming. Wanting so badly to tell him why don't you go walk in the lazy river, like everyone else who is doing pool rehab does. He finally finished, I started for the lane and another old guy got into the lane, and started walking. At that point, I said forget it and left.
2017-01-31 9:38 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
You are a far nicer person than I will ever be. Faced with that situation, I have basically jumped in and said, "We're splitting the lane, okay?" If not okay, I go get the lifeguard. Although this usually doesn't happen because in Saigon, I often have the pool to myself. Home in the US, the situation is generally solved by sending the serious swimmers outside in all weather, reserving the indoor facility for pool walkers, rehab, and the like. Occasionally the outdoor pool closes early or opens late--then the people inside are expected to share. There is a sign to that effect, although some do try to ignore it. If I have paid for entry or membership, and so has the walker, and we both have limited time to do our workouts, then certainly we can share a lane.
2017-01-31 11:26 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by JBacarella

Today's Rant. I worked out of town today and "thought" I would be able to get a swim in. When I got to the pool there was a masters swim class taking up all but one lane. It was a paid class complete with a coach. In the last lane was an older man standing in the middle of the lane bouncing. I asked him if it would be ok if I swam on the inside of his lane. He responded by saying he won't be long. I went and sat in the hot tub and watched him bounce in place for 40 minutes. Sometimes he went in circles and sometimes he would flail his arms in what looked like bad disco moves. I sat there fuming. Wanting so badly to tell him why don't you go walk in the lazy river, like everyone else who is doing pool rehab does. He finally finished, I started for the lane and another old guy got into the lane, and started walking. At that point, I said forget it and left.
no way I would have waited for 40 minutes. After about 10 I would got in or left.
2017-02-01 4:43 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by rrrunner

Those of you registered for an IM event. Did you get the $90 insurance? I did but have 10 days to cancel. From what I can tell it'll cover travel problems and injury or sickness. It'll cover if the event is stopped after it starts but not if it doesn't start for weather reasons.


I went back and forth on that but ultimately did not get the insurance.
2017-02-01 4:48 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by JBacarella

Today's Rant. I worked out of town today and "thought" I would be able to get a swim in. When I got to the pool there was a masters swim class taking up all but one lane. It was a paid class complete with a coach. In the last lane was an older man standing in the middle of the lane bouncing. I asked him if it would be ok if I swam on the inside of his lane. He responded by saying he won't be long. I went and sat in the hot tub and watched him bounce in place for 40 minutes. Sometimes he went in circles and sometimes he would flail his arms in what looked like bad disco moves. I sat there fuming. Wanting so badly to tell him why don't you go walk in the lazy river, like everyone else who is doing pool rehab does. He finally finished, I started for the lane and another old guy got into the lane, and started walking. At that point, I said forget it and left.

Ugh, frustrating!!

2017-02-01 6:24 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by JBacarella Today's Rant. I worked out of town today and "thought" I would be able to get a swim in. When I got to the pool there was a masters swim class taking up all but one lane. It was a paid class complete with a coach. In the last lane was an older man standing in the middle of the lane bouncing. I asked him if it would be ok if I swam on the inside of his lane. He responded by saying he won't be long. I went and sat in the hot tub and watched him bounce in place for 40 minutes. Sometimes he went in circles and sometimes he would flail his arms in what looked like bad disco moves. I sat there fuming. Wanting so badly to tell him why don't you go walk in the lazy river, like everyone else who is doing pool rehab does. He finally finished, I started for the lane and another old guy got into the lane, and started walking. At that point, I said forget it and left.
no way I would have waited for 40 minutes. After about 10 I would got in or left.

x2 I would have either left or jumped in and started swimming.

2017-02-01 8:26 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Dave you are nicer than I.

My rant today is theives.

After my race on Sunday I went back to my truck and it looked like someone had jimmied the key hole trying to get into my truck. Everything of value was still inside, but I noticed that all of my credit cards were right side up inside my wallet. I always put them in upside down to protect the magnetic strip.

I was pretty sure that someone had stolen my CC info. I paid close attention to all of my accounts, and sure enough, yesterday evening all of the cards started getting hit with fraudulent charges.

If you think about it, it's a perfect setup for thieves. All racers are leaving their valuables in their vehicles for the race and then no one will be in the parking lot during the race for the most part.

I've notified the race and asked them to consider a police officer or security guard to monitor the parking lot in the future.

Also, I shouldn't have left my wallet in plain sight, I'm sure they wouldn't have spent the time to break into my truck and dig around for stuff if it hadn't been in plain sight. I'm sure they were moving fast.
2017-02-01 8:37 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by Jet Black Dave you are nicer than I. My rant today is theives. After my race on Sunday I went back to my truck and it looked like someone had jimmied the key hole trying to get into my truck. Everything of value was still inside, but I noticed that all of my credit cards were right side up inside my wallet. I always put them in upside down to protect the magnetic strip. I was pretty sure that someone had stolen my CC info. I paid close attention to all of my accounts, and sure enough, yesterday evening all of the cards started getting hit with fraudulent charges. If you think about it, it's a perfect setup for thieves. All racers are leaving their valuables in their vehicles for the race and then no one will be in the parking lot during the race for the most part. I've notified the race and asked them to consider a police officer or security guard to monitor the parking lot in the future. Also, I shouldn't have left my wallet in plain sight, I'm sure they wouldn't have spent the time to break into my truck and dig around for stuff if it hadn't been in plain sight. I'm sure they were moving fast.

That really sucks!!! Sometimes people really stink. 

Glad you noticed it all and got it taken care of that's a stress you definitely didn't need! 

2017-02-01 9:35 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by JBacarella

Today's Rant. I worked out of town today and "thought" I would be able to get a swim in. When I got to the pool there was a masters swim class taking up all but one lane. It was a paid class complete with a coach. In the last lane was an older man standing in the middle of the lane bouncing. I asked him if it would be ok if I swam on the inside of his lane. He responded by saying he won't be long. I went and sat in the hot tub and watched him bounce in place for 40 minutes. Sometimes he went in circles and sometimes he would flail his arms in what looked like bad disco moves. I sat there fuming. Wanting so badly to tell him why don't you go walk in the lazy river, like everyone else who is doing pool rehab does. He finally finished, I started for the lane and another old guy got into the lane, and started walking. At that point, I said forget it and left.


The kids' swim team takes 3 of the 5 lanes at the LTF I swim at. I will tell the walker I am swimming on one side. I don't ask, I tell. The kids' coach and I have a standing bet on how long it will take the walker to either stop all together, complain because I'm splashing them in the face, or move to the other pool. You know, the leisure pool that also has lanes designated for walking. One guy will stick it out for about 15 minutes. There is one lady who gets mad because I get her hair wet. Not kidding.
2017-02-01 9:46 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Jim - how frustrating!  And rude of the guy to say he'd be done shortly then goof around for another 40 minutes.

Sean - that really stinks, some people really suck.  At least you were observant and noticed the entry attempt and that your cards were not as you left them.

2017-02-01 9:48 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

I also have an announcement - I and my sister and two friends are going to Scotland in September, a few days after LP 70.3!  I am beyond excited!

2017-02-01 10:10 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by melbo55

I also have an announcement - I and my sister and two friends are going to Scotland in September, a few days after LP 70.3!  I am beyond excited!

Very exciting! I take it you haven't been before? (I haven't, sounds great though)

2017-02-01 10:35 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by melbo55

I also have an announcement - I and my sister and two friends are going to Scotland in September, a few days after LP 70.3!  I am beyond excited!

Awesome! Perfect timing too!
2017-02-01 10:44 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by Jet Black

Dave you are nicer than I.

My rant today is theives.

After my race on Sunday I went back to my truck and it looked like someone had jimmied the key hole trying to get into my truck. Everything of value was still inside, but I noticed that all of my credit cards were right side up inside my wallet. I always put them in upside down to protect the magnetic strip.

I was pretty sure that someone had stolen my CC info. I paid close attention to all of my accounts, and sure enough, yesterday evening all of the cards started getting hit with fraudulent charges.

If you think about it, it's a perfect setup for thieves. All racers are leaving their valuables in their vehicles for the race and then no one will be in the parking lot during the race for the most part.

I've notified the race and asked them to consider a police officer or security guard to monitor the parking lot in the future.

Also, I shouldn't have left my wallet in plain sight, I'm sure they wouldn't have spent the time to break into my truck and dig around for stuff if it hadn't been in plain sight. I'm sure they were moving fast.

Oh no, I am so sorry! I hope you were able to contact CC companies and it will not hit you with any charges, nor identity issues? I would contact credit reporting agencies, just in case....

I agree that parking lots are like heaven for thieves...
2017-02-01 10:45 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by melbo55

I also have an announcement - I and my sister and two friends are going to Scotland in September, a few days after LP 70.3!  I am beyond excited!

That's fantastic!! I am so happy for you and your group. Can't wait for the pictures.... I am actually beyond jealous

2017-02-01 10:58 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
This is my sort of proof of life. Sorry for not being too active. 2017 started with tons of stuff. Thankfully, everything's going the right direction - it is just time consuming and intense.

I believe I mentioned that my kids and I moved outside of Chicago just before the New Year. It was a great decision for my family, but you know - packing, moving, unpacking... blah... I still have stuff unpacked. New year started right away with classes and this semester my classes were full of reading and writing (Adam: I'm taking methods in psychology, so I may be contacting you so far feels much better than stats............)
In addition to that my son has tons of trouble with school. His teacher apparently ignored his IEP plan and decided to simply fail him on almost every subject (the kid is only 3rd grade!!!) Long story short, after fighting with the extravaganza of the public school system, I decided to transfer my kids to our new school (I was planning to transfer them at the beginning of the new year, to avoid some stress, but apparently they will benefit much more if they go asap). So here I am - juggling between work, school, and all the paperwork for the transfer. And trying to fit my marathon training (it is NOT going well...)

Anyways... I decided I need to relax, step back for a moment, because I will go nuts. I will do my best to visit this group more often, to seek some asylum until things get settled And to see how everyone is doing

Off to a new month!
2017-02-01 11:01 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by fortissimo

Originally posted by JBacarella

Today's Rant. I worked out of town today and "thought" I would be able to get a swim in. When I got to the pool there was a masters swim class taking up all but one lane. It was a paid class complete with a coach. In the last lane was an older man standing in the middle of the lane bouncing. I asked him if it would be ok if I swam on the inside of his lane. He responded by saying he won't be long. I went and sat in the hot tub and watched him bounce in place for 40 minutes. Sometimes he went in circles and sometimes he would flail his arms in what looked like bad disco moves. I sat there fuming. Wanting so badly to tell him why don't you go walk in the lazy river, like everyone else who is doing pool rehab does. He finally finished, I started for the lane and another old guy got into the lane, and started walking. At that point, I said forget it and left.


The kids' swim team takes 3 of the 5 lanes at the LTF I swim at. I will tell the walker I am swimming on one side. I don't ask, I tell. The kids' coach and I have a standing bet on how long it will take the walker to either stop all together, complain because I'm splashing them in the face, or move to the other pool. You know, the leisure pool that also has lanes designated for walking. One guy will stick it out for about 15 minutes. There is one lady who gets mad because I get her hair wet. Not kidding.

I'm sorry, but I could not help but laugh at bad disco moves and poor lady with wet hair....

It sucks... I agree...
2017-02-01 11:03 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
That sucks about the swim lanes and Sean, unreal someone would break in at a race! I've got some good news to share, I'm heading to the Superbowl! I've been a Pats fan for as long as I can remember so I figure since it's driving distance from Dallas and I was able to snag some free tix, I can't miss it. Any other Pats fans / anyone else going this weekend?
2017-02-01 11:10 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by marysia83

This is my sort of proof of life. Sorry for not being too active. 2017 started with tons of stuff. Thankfully, everything's going the right direction - it is just time consuming and intense.

I believe I mentioned that my kids and I moved outside of Chicago just before the New Year. It was a great decision for my family, but you know - packing, moving, unpacking... blah... I still have stuff unpacked. New year started right away with classes and this semester my classes were full of reading and writing (Adam: I'm taking methods in psychology, so I may be contacting you so far feels much better than stats............)
In addition to that my son has tons of trouble with school. His teacher apparently ignored his IEP plan and decided to simply fail him on almost every subject (the kid is only 3rd grade!!!) Long story short, after fighting with the extravaganza of the public school system, I decided to transfer my kids to our new school (I was planning to transfer them at the beginning of the new year, to avoid some stress, but apparently they will benefit much more if they go asap). So here I am - juggling between work, school, and all the paperwork for the transfer. And trying to fit my marathon training (it is NOT going well...)

Anyways... I decided I need to relax, step back for a moment, because I will go nuts. I will do my best to visit this group more often, to seek some asylum until things get settled And to see how everyone is doing

Off to a new month!

Congrats on the move and getting it done. It's an enormous amount of work, but kinda nice to take the opportunity to purge things. Balancing training and life is tough, at least for me, and I seem to go in cycles of focusing/neglecting various aspects of my life. Hope you are more successful at that than I am.

Good luck in Psyc research methods! I bet you'll be great (though I'm happy to help however I can). Most people take that before the stat. Stat seems to go down a little easier once you have an idea of the design/methods.
2017-02-01 11:11 AM
in reply to: TXTriRook

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by TXTriRook That sucks about the swim lanes and Sean, unreal someone would break in at a race! I've got some good news to share, I'm heading to the Superbowl! I've been a Pats fan for as long as I can remember so I figure since it's driving distance from Dallas and I was able to snag some free tix, I can't miss it. Any other Pats fans / anyone else going this weekend?

I'm not a Pat's fan by any stretch of the imagination... but I am so happy that you get to experience that! Congrats and have a great time.

2017-02-01 11:15 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by Jet Black Dave you are nicer than I. My rant today is theives. After my race on Sunday I went back to my truck and it looked like someone had jimmied the key hole trying to get into my truck. Everything of value was still inside, but I noticed that all of my credit cards were right side up inside my wallet. I always put them in upside down to protect the magnetic strip. I was pretty sure that someone had stolen my CC info. I paid close attention to all of my accounts, and sure enough, yesterday evening all of the cards started getting hit with fraudulent charges. If you think about it, it's a perfect setup for thieves. All racers are leaving their valuables in their vehicles for the race and then no one will be in the parking lot during the race for the most part. I've notified the race and asked them to consider a police officer or security guard to monitor the parking lot in the future. Also, I shouldn't have left my wallet in plain sight, I'm sure they wouldn't have spent the time to break into my truck and dig around for stuff if it hadn't been in plain sight. I'm sure they were moving fast.
Oh no, I am so sorry! I hope you were able to contact CC companies and it will not hit you with any charges, nor identity issues? I would contact credit reporting agencies, just in case.... I agree that parking lots are like heaven for thieves...

Wow that sux. I'm always nervous about leaving my stuff in the car for a race or even a workout.  I know those are prime locations for car thieves.  If I don't plan to go anywhere else I'll sometimes take just my license and maybe one debit card that I can keep with me. More often then not, though, I'm running errands afterwards so I hide my wallet under a seat. If I'm at the gym I take it in. My gym has the cubicles out in the open which has it's pro's and con's.

2017-02-01 11:46 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by Jet Black Dave you are nicer than I. My rant today is theives. After my race on Sunday I went back to my truck and it looked like someone had jimmied the key hole trying to get into my truck. Everything of value was still inside, but I noticed that all of my credit cards were right side up inside my wallet. I always put them in upside down to protect the magnetic strip. I was pretty sure that someone had stolen my CC info. I paid close attention to all of my accounts, and sure enough, yesterday evening all of the cards started getting hit with fraudulent charges. If you think about it, it's a perfect setup for thieves. All racers are leaving their valuables in their vehicles for the race and then no one will be in the parking lot during the race for the most part. I've notified the race and asked them to consider a police officer or security guard to monitor the parking lot in the future. Also, I shouldn't have left my wallet in plain sight, I'm sure they wouldn't have spent the time to break into my truck and dig around for stuff if it hadn't been in plain sight. I'm sure they were moving fast.
Oh no, I am so sorry! I hope you were able to contact CC companies and it will not hit you with any charges, nor identity issues? I would contact credit reporting agencies, just in case.... I agree that parking lots are like heaven for thieves...

Wow that sux. I'm always nervous about leaving my stuff in the car for a race or even a workout.  I know those are prime locations for car thieves.  If I don't plan to go anywhere else I'll sometimes take just my license and maybe one debit card that I can keep with me. More often then not, though, I'm running errands afterwards so I hide my wallet under a seat. If I'm at the gym I take it in. My gym has the cubicles out in the open which has it's pro's and con's.

This stinks!  We get cycles of people breaking into cars at the park we all meet for our Saturday long run and there are also times when a group starts hitting the gym parking lot.  People can really be a PITA!

2017-02-01 12:23 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 This is my sort of proof of life. Sorry for not being too active. 2017 started with tons of stuff. Thankfully, everything's going the right direction - it is just time consuming and intense. I believe I mentioned that my kids and I moved outside of Chicago just before the New Year. It was a great decision for my family, but you know - packing, moving, unpacking... blah... I still have stuff unpacked. New year started right away with classes and this semester my classes were full of reading and writing (Adam: I'm taking methods in psychology, so I may be contacting you so far feels much better than stats............) In addition to that my son has tons of trouble with school. His teacher apparently ignored his IEP plan and decided to simply fail him on almost every subject (the kid is only 3rd grade!!!) Long story short, after fighting with the extravaganza of the public school system, I decided to transfer my kids to our new school (I was planning to transfer them at the beginning of the new year, to avoid some stress, but apparently they will benefit much more if they go asap). So here I am - juggling between work, school, and all the paperwork for the transfer. And trying to fit my marathon training (it is NOT going well...) Anyways... I decided I need to relax, step back for a moment, because I will go nuts. I will do my best to visit this group more often, to seek some asylum until things get settled And to see how everyone is doing Off to a new month!

Here's hoping the new school will be better for them both and you.  It sounds like you have the right idea - pause, take  a deep breath and regroup.  Take care, and good luck with it all!

2017-02-01 12:25 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by melbo55

I also have an announcement - I and my sister and two friends are going to Scotland in September, a few days after LP 70.3!  I am beyond excited!

Very exciting! I take it you haven't been before? (I haven't, sounds great though)

Nope, never been there.  I'm especially excited because my great-grandmother immigrated from Scotland in the early 1900s so I'm looking forward to going to her hometown and finding out more about my Scottish relatives.

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