BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket) Rss Feed  
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2015-11-23 10:55 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Proof of life post.  Work is keeping me stooopid busy.  Not totally loving it.  I'm awfully glad we are in week 11 of 13....


2015-11-23 11:02 PM
in reply to: IronOx

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by IronOx

Pumpkin pie! Mmmmm pie.

Pretty much!

2015-11-23 11:04 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi everyone - so what do our 'Merican manatees have planned for the holiday week? Anything exciting??

I am not doing great on consistency. I totally bailed on getting my third run in ... i need to shake it up a bit or just recruit my running buddy so i get out. I won't get to swim tonight because my DH is going to the Leafs' game with work so maybe i'll hit up our cold garage for some treadmail time. Any tips on making working out in the cold garage easier to start? I have no problem running outside in the cold but in the garage and seeing the temperature gauge at like 4C. Brrrr 

We did have a super fun time at the kids' christmas party hosted by DH's company and Felicity LOVED it! And we bought new appliances for our future kitchen as part of the reno. I'd really love to have them now but alas they wouldn't fit or work. So they'll stay on order with the company until next year.

We have a super low key Thanksgiving planned. It'll be just the three of us so I'll still cook but nothing big planned. I'm thinking I'll make cinnamon rolls or something for DH to take to work for the poor folks at the airport who have to deal with Thanksgiving travelers.

As for the garage... can you set up a computer or television to watch? Orrrr I've seen several suggestions lately on running sites about fun dm workouts.

Since I haven't run in two weeks I had the time and energy to clean house this weekend!


Heh story of my life. No, no no not the moronic part

I think I may have overcompensated with the whole pursuing the joy of running and have managed to do 0 kind of actual quality workout in the past few months. I suppose I had better get my butt in gear and explore that whole moderation thing. Especially before marathon training. 

The ox part then?

Think the count is 50-some people coming over this year.

2015-11-24 12:26 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


2015-11-24 2:36 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by popsracer

Can't wait for Thanksgiving.  It is my favorite meal of the year.  I have so much to be thankful for and it is a special time to be with family.  There is a local 5k turkey trot that I'll get up and do.  I have not done any speed work in weeks with my focus having been on marathon build.  I know I am stronger but also slower.  Given I have not run anything close to 5k pace other than some strides I'll just take it as a tempo training run.  Last thing I want to do is strain something.  It'll be clear and cold.  Now I just need to get through the next couple days of work.  Very busy.

Kevin said that he likes Thanksgiving more than Christmas.  He said that for him, Thanksgiving is all about family without other pressures.

I actually LOVE the idea of thanksgiving, I'm even contemplating celebrating it just for its coolness! I wish that it was one of your "holidays" that we would pick up rather than Halloween, which has been making an appearance here in the last couple of years (because its a good way for stores to sell more crap). So I have American friends here that normally do thanksgiving but they wont be able to do it on Thursday because he is away at meetings. Is there something easy that I could bake that is really linked to Thanksgiving that might bring a smile to their face for the day?

gotta go with pumpkin pie!

2015-11-24 7:08 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


2 years ago we baked, smoked, and fried 3 seperate turkeys. Last year we went for a more moderate 2 turkey day, fried and baked. Actually, the baked is done on the BBQ grill, leaving room in the oven for sweet potatoes, greenbean casserole, stuffing, fresh bread/biscuits, etc.  I may smoke a small turkey this weekend, just to have some of the lovely, juicy bird in the house. Covered with my spice and herb rub and on low heat provided by an offset oak and rosemary fire. Yum.

In related news, I need to run more...

2015-11-24 7:18 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


Ooo I did Turkey Wellington for my family for Christmas last year, it was great.

Would pumpkin muffins be an ok substitute for pumpkin pie? Need something that I can wrap and leave out over night?
2015-11-24 7:40 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by laffinrock

My parents are coming to our house for T-day.  Dad hasn't been here in years because of his issues with DH.  Now that he's accepted him, he's welcome to come back.  Last year was the first time DH had been welcomed at their house in the 16 years we'd been together so this is a big step.  Dad is bringing his usual pumpkin pie and another pumpkin pie that's a bit of an experiment.  It'll have lemon and orange zest and meringue on top.  Since his other signature pie is lemon meringue, it'll be fun to have a combo. 

I guess after 16 years dad figures DH is here to stay Glad the family is coming together!

We host turkey day at my little house. 13 of us stuffed into my little house. That's ok because I get to make all the food I like and cook it how I wanna eat it Nothing out of the ordinary - turkey, stuffing, mashed taters..... it's my favorite holiday. How can it not be - it's centered around food!?

DH has a 5K that morning - I'm just happy to have him out of the house for a bit! LOL Lots of cooking and cleaning to finish up.

Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!
2015-11-24 8:11 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi everyone - so what do our 'Merican manatees have planned for the holiday week? Anything exciting??

I am not doing great on consistency. I totally bailed on getting my third run in ... i need to shake it up a bit or just recruit my running buddy so i get out. I won't get to swim tonight because my DH is going to the Leafs' game with work so maybe i'll hit up our cold garage for some treadmail time. Any tips on making working out in the cold garage easier to start? I have no problem running outside in the cold but in the garage and seeing the temperature gauge at like 4C. Brrrr 

We did have a super fun time at the kids' christmas party hosted by DH's company and Felicity LOVED it! And we bought new appliances for our future kitchen as part of the reno. I'd really love to have them now but alas they wouldn't fit or work. So they'll stay on order with the company until next year.

Short version:  turkey trot, eat food, eat more food (maybe swim first).

My aunt and uncle are flying in from France.  They are staying with my parents (Aunt Pat is my mom's sister).  Kevin and I are going to my parents place across town for Thanksgiving afternoon.  In the new and different category, my somewhat estranged (or maybe just strange?) brother will be attending.  My mom's good friend is having gall bladder surgery tomorrow.  It's supposed to be arthroscopic and I think even outpatient but her surgeon said something like, "if the stones are in a place that we can't get to them, we'll cut you open and get them while you are under."  Anyway, Marva and her husband may or may not drop by.  My mom had planned for six (my and dad, aunt and uncle, me and Kevin) and now it has grown to 7-9 and she's getting freaked out.

My aunt and uncle have lived in France since 1980s.  They originally moved to Paris when the NY Times transferred my uncle to the International Herald Tribune.  Since my aunt was a food writer for the Times, it was not a tough decision for them!  They have a place in Paris and also a place in Provence.  They were in Paris the week of the recent terrorism but had planned to go to Provence that Saturday morning (the morning after the attacks).  I was glad that they stuck with their plans and left Paris.  My aunt gets into Raleigh today.  My uncle is actually in Lebanon, PA until Wednesday. 

On Friday, my aunt is doing a presentation at a local food specialty store. My mom and I are going to that.  My dad, uncle and Kevin are going to do a guys lunch thing.  I have no idea what my brother Dan plans to do.

Before all that, I am running in a turkey trot.

Your uncle is not too terribly far from me!  ~30 minutes depending what part of Lebanon.  I'll wave in that general direction. 

Sounds like it will be a fun visit with your aunt, uncle, and parents.  Hope the brother thing works out ok.  Very cool you get to go see your aunt do a presentation!

My Thanksgiving won't be what I hoped for (a nice, relatively quiet day/meal with my siblings, remembering Dad) so I'll just hope for the best.  I'll be in wild, wonderful West Virginia at my in-laws, which means tons of people, noise, excitement and general mayhem, which my dogs (which are going along) aren't real crazy about and I, too, can only take so much before it becomes overwhelming. There are a lot of strange and interesting dynamics in his family, I'm really hoping all stays peaceful. They do love their drama.  I do not.  

I might do a 5K Thanksgiving morning with EFP and his niece and nephew, just since I've never raced in WV and I was going to do a race in PA that day, anyway. Could be interesting.

That's why I mentioned it.  His aunt is in her 90s and lives there.  She's retired from a college there -- I don't think Lebanon Valley.  I'll have to ask him. Anyway, Aunt Jean lives alone and has never been married and honestly, as long as we have known Walter, he's been closer to her than anyone else in his family.  Walter always stops to see Aunt Jean when they are on the east coast.

Anyway, we should have a fun visit with them.   My aunt and uncle have always spent Thanksgiving with us -- well, maybe we missed a few when my family was in Iowa but when we lived in NY and NJ and now here, they have been with us.  It's very nice.

2015-11-24 8:47 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by popsracer

Can't wait for Thanksgiving.  It is my favorite meal of the year.  I have so much to be thankful for and it is a special time to be with family.  There is a local 5k turkey trot that I'll get up and do.  I have not done any speed work in weeks with my focus having been on marathon build.  I know I am stronger but also slower.  Given I have not run anything close to 5k pace other than some strides I'll just take it as a tempo training run.  Last thing I want to do is strain something.  It'll be clear and cold.  Now I just need to get through the next couple days of work.  Very busy.

Kevin said that he likes Thanksgiving more than Christmas.  He said that for him, Thanksgiving is all about family without other pressures.

I actually LOVE the idea of thanksgiving, I'm even contemplating celebrating it just for its coolness! I wish that it was one of your "holidays" that we would pick up rather than Halloween, which has been making an appearance here in the last couple of years (because its a good way for stores to sell more crap). So I have American friends here that normally do thanksgiving but they wont be able to do it on Thursday because he is away at meetings. Is there something easy that I could bake that is really linked to Thanksgiving that might bring a smile to their face for the day?

Kirsten nailed it.  Pie -- pumpkin or apple or pecan. 

Anything cranberry.  That's assuming that you can get cranberries and their not uber expensive.

2015-11-24 8:48 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by IronOx

Proof of life post.  Work is keeping me stooopid busy.  Not totally loving it.  I'm awfully glad we are in week 11 of 13....


And we are glad that you are alive!

2015-11-24 8:49 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


Ooo I did Turkey Wellington for my family for Christmas last year, it was great. Would pumpkin muffins be an ok substitute for pumpkin pie? Need something that I can wrap and leave out over night?

YES!  Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, etc.  Pretty much anything pumpkin or anything cranberry.

2015-11-24 9:34 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


Ooo I did Turkey Wellington for my family for Christmas last year, it was great. Would pumpkin muffins be an ok substitute for pumpkin pie? Need something that I can wrap and leave out over night?

YES!  Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, etc.  Pretty much anything pumpkin or anything cranberry.

Have to concur with the others- anything pumpkin. I'll be making way too many pies and pumpkin muffins/bread the next few days. If you want I can pop an extra batch into the oven for you (what's one more batch of something when I'm already making 15 more pies?). I'm sure it will make it safely to Australia by Thursday morning.

Now, do I go start another pie or get on the trainer for an hour?
2015-11-24 9:47 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


Ooo I did Turkey Wellington for my family for Christmas last year, it was great. Would pumpkin muffins be an ok substitute for pumpkin pie? Need something that I can wrap and leave out over night?

YES!  Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, etc.  Pretty much anything pumpkin or anything cranberry.

My favorite flavors of the season are cranberry and eggnog

I try to resist the eggnog, DH goes through it like it's going out of style. I'm making him an eggnog cheesecake. Cheesecake is his favorite dessert so I thought I'd combine the two.

2015-11-24 10:35 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


Ooo I did Turkey Wellington for my family for Christmas last year, it was great. Would pumpkin muffins be an ok substitute for pumpkin pie? Need something that I can wrap and leave out over night?

YES!  Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, etc.  Pretty much anything pumpkin or anything cranberry.

My favorite flavors of the season are cranberry and eggnog

I try to resist the eggnog, DH goes through it like it's going out of style. I'm making him an eggnog cheesecake. Cheesecake is his favorite dessert so I thought I'd combine the two.

Mmmm, that sounds awesome!  Your dh is a lucky man! 

I definitely agree with the pumpkin.  A pie could hold up overnight and be re-heated. 

Cranberry can go right to Christmas for me. Yum. All this talk of food! 

I am trying to be good during the day at work - it's getting to be holiday time and i need to save my treats for when they really count! Soon, enough everywhere we turn someone will be offering chocolates, cookies, candy canes. It really is insanity isn't it? 

2015-11-24 10:39 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by juniperjen

Mmmm, that sounds awesome!  Your dh is a lucky man! 

I definitely agree with the pumpkin.  A pie could hold up overnight and be re-heated. 

Cranberry can go right to Christmas for me. Yum. All this talk of food! 

I am trying to be good during the day at work - it's getting to be holiday time and i need to save my treats for when they really count! Soon, enough everywhere we turn someone will be offering chocolates, cookies, candy canes. It really is insanity isn't it? 

By insanity, you mean completely EPIC???? JK, it does get a bit out of hand this time of year. No wonder so many of us make New Year's Resolutions based on this.

2015-11-24 10:39 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


Ooo I did Turkey Wellington for my family for Christmas last year, it was great. Would pumpkin muffins be an ok substitute for pumpkin pie? Need something that I can wrap and leave out over night?

YES!  Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, etc.  Pretty much anything pumpkin or anything cranberry.

My favorite flavors of the season are cranberry and eggnog

I try to resist the eggnog, DH goes through it like it's going out of style. I'm making him an eggnog cheesecake. Cheesecake is his favorite dessert so I thought I'd combine the two.

Mmmm, that sounds awesome!  Your dh is a lucky man! 

I definitely agree with the pumpkin.  A pie could hold up overnight and be re-heated. 

Cranberry can go right to Christmas for me. Yum. All this talk of food! 

I am trying to be good during the day at work - it's getting to be holiday time and i need to save my treats for when they really count! Soon, enough everywhere we turn someone will be offering chocolates, cookies, candy canes. It really is insanity isn't it? 

Which is precisely why I decided to do my run hiatus in November rather than December

Of course, I am one of the worst at constantly making the goodies. I just love this time of year and the yumminess that goes with it.

2015-11-24 11:51 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Hey everyone! I'm sorry, I was super busy at work and then extremely into the book The Martian at home (this novel is absolutely awesome!)
I went through the whole week of posts (finally!) I am addressing some of the posts, although, I enjoyed all of them
Btw - thank you soooo much for all the advices for my leg drag with freestyle. I truly appreciate it. I could not practice it, because our pool was closed for almost a week. WHich I used for some run time.

I hope your aunt and grandma are feeling better! Good job with flip turns, huge yeeey ? I am pretty sure your husband finds job very quickly. Stay positive!

How’s potty training going?
As for the flip turns, I was told hitting the wall is not too harmful and I would not die. This was enough for me to overcome the fear My problem was still, however, turning too early – so I could not hit/push the wall with my legs enough to get some good speed. I hope you’ll figure it out!
How are the teeth?

I hope you are doing better! I am so glad you are improving.

How was the wheel making? I’m anxious to know
I cannot wait until I watch The Martian movie! I have just finished the book and I was amazed…

Haha my nose is fine, my brain – hell knows I love your daughter’s story and I’m glad she had no damage I remember running onto glass doors all the time, to the point my parents removed the glass, so we had just the frame that was opening and closing. Which made us run through it (why bother opening/closing it anyway…?) and we kept falling if we did not make enough jump… So they finally removed the whole door…
I love the pic with a doggie )

I’m sorry about the fires… Ohhh, the weather :/ I hope you and your family stay safe!

Winter is coming…. Thankfully, I did not have to deal with the snow. My people did (well, the people hired by our building’s management… but still ) I hope most of the snow is gone by today.

Okey, back to the current day
Mary G
2015-11-24 1:29 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Another proof of life post. I've been taking it real easy lately (probably too easy) including even thinking about tri too much (hence my absence here), but am about to start ramping the training back up after Thanksgiving.

I hope everyone has been doing well and has a great Holiday!
2015-11-24 1:32 PM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by Jet Black Another proof of life post. I've been taking it real easy lately (probably too easy) including even thinking about tri too much (hence my absence here), but am about to start ramping the training back up after Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has been doing well and has a great Holiday!

I think that is very smart to have taken a bit of a break.  You hit it pretty hard at the end of the season and with an IM build coming up it's best to recharge the batteries.  IM volumes can be very draining and going into it fresh will serve you well.

2015-11-24 2:28 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


Ooo I did Turkey Wellington for my family for Christmas last year, it was great. Would pumpkin muffins be an ok substitute for pumpkin pie? Need something that I can wrap and leave out over night?

YES!  Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, etc.  Pretty much anything pumpkin or anything cranberry.

My favorite flavors of the season are cranberry and eggnog

I try to resist the eggnog, DH goes through it like it's going out of style. I'm making him an eggnog cheesecake. Cheesecake is his favorite dessert so I thought I'd combine the two.

Since you mentioned eggnog and I just saw this article, maybe you need to try the CHEG -- Chai Latte made with eggnog instead of milk

2015-11-24 2:35 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by popsracer

Yep, pumpkin pie is probably your best option unless you want to bake a turkey but then you'd have to make stuffing, potatoes, gravy,......


Ooo I did Turkey Wellington for my family for Christmas last year, it was great. Would pumpkin muffins be an ok substitute for pumpkin pie? Need something that I can wrap and leave out over night?

YES!  Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, etc.  Pretty much anything pumpkin or anything cranberry.

My favorite flavors of the season are cranberry and eggnog

I try to resist the eggnog, DH goes through it like it's going out of style. I'm making him an eggnog cheesecake. Cheesecake is his favorite dessert so I thought I'd combine the two.

Since you mentioned eggnog and I just saw this article, maybe you need to try the CHEG -- Chai Latte made with eggnog instead of milk

Been there, done that... made even better with a shot of esspresso

Actually, the eggnog chai is usually our first foray in to eggnog for the year

2015-11-24 3:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Due to my friend having other plans, I couldn't go riding this morning... so I decided to make myself feel worse by getting in the pool.


ETA: However, at the moment, a pumpkin choc chip cookie is making me feel better.

Edited by 4agoodlife 2015-11-24 3:25 PM
2015-11-24 3:50 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Due to my friend having other plans, I couldn't go riding this morning... so I decided to make myself feel worse by getting in the pool.


ETA: However, at the moment, a pumpkin choc chip cookie is making me feel better.

Good save!

2015-11-24 3:58 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

As much as I absolutely hate running on a treadmill, I am considering one for Xmas.  I do not mind the cold, rain, and wind because I can just dress accordingly but I am beginning to struggle with running in the dark.  Even though I have a very powerful headlamp, it is getting harder for me to see irregularities on running surfaces at night.  I felt like I was feeling my way along last night and I didn't like it.  I am torn because I know I would only use it part of the year.  So wondering if I should just tough it out through the Winter or give in.  Has anyone found the treadmill to be enjoyable or at least tolerable over time?

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2015-02-23 11:27 AM IndoIronYanti
date : January 29, 2013
author : Scott Tinley
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There are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
date : April 23, 2009
author : Team BT
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The closed fist drill will ensure that you are pulling with your entire hand and forearm.