BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2020-03-11 1:11 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Originally posted by ceilidh  the book "training after 50" recommends using a 10 to 12 day "week" instead of 7 day to allow for more recovery.

Originally posted by jmkizer  And that would totally work for people who can move their longer training days off the weekend!

Hmmm, another book to buy.  Thanks for the clue.

ETA:  Robin, I can't find that book via Google.  Can you give me the author, or a link?

I will dig it up. It is in Jims stash.

2020-03-11 1:24 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by abakeProof of Life post for me as well --- life's been a bit hectic but I've got the Mid South this weekend. Please do an anti-rain dance for me --- it's on Oklahoma red dirt roads and will be a sticky mess if the rain in the forecast materializes. I've got a can of Pam packed and plan to spray down the bike on race morning.
i never heard od Pam-ming a bike. That os elegant.

Wax works too!
2020-03-11 1:27 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by leatherneckpa


I definitely over-exerted myself on Friday, still paying the price today.  I have had those "palpitations", that exhausted feeling, ever since then.  I remember reading somewhere, maybe in Friel's Training Bible, that an athlete may actually need to take several days to an entire week off for recovery if they are training too hard.  I think that is where I am at right now.

Friel writes, "...overtraining can come from one or more of the common training excesses: (1) workouts that are too long (excess duration); (2) exertion that is too high too often (excess intensity); and (3) too many workouts in too little time (excess frequency)." (pg 187)  I am betting that I am guilty of both (1) and (2).  When I look at a sample Custom Plan I created using BT's tool the early durations are less than half of what I have been doing and I know I am almost always guilty of driving too hard.

My solution?  Same as always, read and research.  I pulled out my Training Bible with the intent of reading it cover to cover this week and highlighting significant portions.  Then using the Custom Plan Creator and what I learn from my reading to create a more sustainable plan.  I have to remember to take into account the YEARS of inactivity that preceded this life change.

Sure, I loved seeing those miles and hours piling up.  Yes, they "encouraged" me to push harder.  The problem is, I haven't been smart enough not to over-exert myself.  That changes this week.

the book "training after 50" recommends using a 10 to 12 day "week" instead of 7 day to allow for more recovery.

And that would totally work for people who can move their longer training days off the weekend!

Though I have not been doing this bc it requires me to think too much about my training plan, Dr. Sims recommends for women in certain phases of life to do a 2 -2.5 week build and then have a really big cut back week. For younger women, the traditional 3 week build 1 week cut is generally not ideal bc your hormones aren't on that cycle (for most women) and you will get the most benefit from training if you train depeding upon high/low hormone times. 

For men over 50 I assume that the 2-2.5 week build would be equally effective as it is with the women. Of course, one has to build based upon where one is with their own training! 

Good advice. At 58, I'm pretty much past the hormonal ups and downs that younger women experience but I have naturally gravitated to longer periods of cutting back just because I don't recover like I used to.
2020-03-11 1:44 PM
in reply to: abake

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by abake
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by leatherneckpa


I definitely over-exerted myself on Friday, still paying the price today.  I have had those "palpitations", that exhausted feeling, ever since then.  I remember reading somewhere, maybe in Friel's Training Bible, that an athlete may actually need to take several days to an entire week off for recovery if they are training too hard.  I think that is where I am at right now.

Friel writes, "...overtraining can come from one or more of the common training excesses: (1) workouts that are too long (excess duration); (2) exertion that is too high too often (excess intensity); and (3) too many workouts in too little time (excess frequency)." (pg 187)  I am betting that I am guilty of both (1) and (2).  When I look at a sample Custom Plan I created using BT's tool the early durations are less than half of what I have been doing and I know I am almost always guilty of driving too hard.

My solution?  Same as always, read and research.  I pulled out my Training Bible with the intent of reading it cover to cover this week and highlighting significant portions.  Then using the Custom Plan Creator and what I learn from my reading to create a more sustainable plan.  I have to remember to take into account the YEARS of inactivity that preceded this life change.

Sure, I loved seeing those miles and hours piling up.  Yes, they "encouraged" me to push harder.  The problem is, I haven't been smart enough not to over-exert myself.  That changes this week.

the book "training after 50" recommends using a 10 to 12 day "week" instead of 7 day to allow for more recovery.

And that would totally work for people who can move their longer training days off the weekend!

Though I have not been doing this bc it requires me to think too much about my training plan, Dr. Sims recommends for women in certain phases of life to do a 2 -2.5 week build and then have a really big cut back week. For younger women, the traditional 3 week build 1 week cut is generally not ideal bc your hormones aren't on that cycle (for most women) and you will get the most benefit from training if you train depeding upon high/low hormone times. 

For men over 50 I assume that the 2-2.5 week build would be equally effective as it is with the women. Of course, one has to build based upon where one is with their own training! 

Good advice. At 58, I'm pretty much past the hormonal ups and downs that younger women experience but I have naturally gravitated to longer periods of cutting back just because I don't recover like I used to.

Right, when we no longer have estrogen affecting us our bodies do weird things. Tradition training methods are not adequate for improving bone, muscle, and body comp. Among other things there is decreased lipid removal rates with a decrease response to anabolic stimuli. There is a decrease sensitivity to insulin, so insulin resistance , there are cognitive changes , and reduced stimulus for bone turn over. Phew! So, we have to change the way we train. Interval training will help increase lean mass and decrease stomach fat. HIIT with resistance increases blood sugar control and helps clear residual blood sugar as well as increasing lean mass.

2020-03-11 2:52 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Thanks for the reference to Dr. Stacy Sims - watching her TED Talk now. Love it! 

2020-03-11 5:55 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by juniperjen

Thanks for the reference to Dr. Stacy Sims - watching her TED Talk now. Love it! 

Glad you liked it!

2020-03-11 6:48 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
I did my first ride since my "crash". Low cadence, low exertion. You know how you shouldn't rock on the bike? Well I really got to practice that. Rocking hurts, so I worked hard to stay steady. Overall an ok ride. I honestly have been going crazy not doing anything these past few days, as I watched the things I planned fall to the side. Tomorrow, I'm going to try walking on the treadmill.
2020-03-11 9:30 PM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
I have Sim shorts, which are pretty much the same thing. (Actually I had a pair of Lava shorts but gave up on them due to sizing issues--one was way too big and the next smaller one way too small!) Mainly got them so that swimming with my busted elbow would be less difficult and painful. Mixed reviews--they did allow me to swim much further, a bit faster, and with closer to normal form than would otherwise have been possible. I think they helped me get in enough swimming to regain/retain a decent degree of strength and muscle patterning. I would recommend them for rehabilitation or recovery-type efforts.

Not so sure about their use as a normal training tool--I think my stroke was not natural with them and it has taken some work to get back to normal. Not sure how much of that is a fitness issue and how much an issue with the shorts themselves or maybe the biomechanics that my limited range of motion forced me into. It does seem like people might come to depend on them as a crutch instead of getting instruction on proper swim technique, particularly with body position (not dragging legs).

Edited by Hot Runner 2020-03-11 9:31 PM
2020-03-12 10:06 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by Hot Runner I have Sim shorts, which are pretty much the same thing. (Actually I had a pair of Lava shorts but gave up on them due to sizing issues--one was way too big and the next smaller one way too small!) Mainly got them so that swimming with my busted elbow would be less difficult and painful. Mixed reviews--they did allow me to swim much further, a bit faster, and with closer to normal form than would otherwise have been possible. I think they helped me get in enough swimming to regain/retain a decent degree of strength and muscle patterning. I would recommend them for rehabilitation or recovery-type efforts. Not so sure about their use as a normal training tool--I think my stroke was not natural with them and it has taken some work to get back to normal. Not sure how much of that is a fitness issue and how much an issue with the shorts themselves or maybe the biomechanics that my limited range of motion forced me into. It does seem like people might come to depend on them as a crutch instead of getting instruction on proper swim technique, particularly with body position (not dragging legs).

I was just wondering about using them in advance of a wetsuit swim. Or else just using them in a warm lake in preparation for a wetsuit legal race swim as my local lakes get well beyond wetsuit comfort temperatures fairly early in the season.

2020-03-12 10:12 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

I'm guessing that those signed up for IM-branded events should keep training and watch this page for updates?

The info about Taiwan being canceled isn't there, thus the guessing part.

This page seems to have an up-to-date listing of endurance events in general.

2020-03-12 10:41 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

I'm guessing that those signed up for IM-branded events should keep training and watch this page for updates?

The info about Taiwan being canceled isn't there, thus the guessing part.

This page seems to have an up-to-date listing of endurance events in general.

If i was signed up for IM Texas and or Boston (i'm sure there are lots of other races, but those 2 spring to mind)  I'd be really worried! I'm somewhat worried about Choo 70.3 but am hoping it is far enough out that the worst will be over and we will be getting back to normal. 

2020-03-12 10:48 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

I'm guessing that those signed up for IM-branded events should keep training and watch this page for updates?

The info about Taiwan being canceled isn't there, thus the guessing part.

This page seems to have an up-to-date listing of endurance events in general.

Thanks for the links. I am keeping my eye on my April event.
2020-03-12 10:52 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Originally posted by ceilidh  the book "training after 50" recommends using a 10 to 12 day "week" instead of 7 day to allow for more recovery.

Originally posted by jmkizer  And that would totally work for people who can move their longer training days off the weekend!

Hmmm, another book to buy.  Thanks for the clue.

ETA:  Robin, I can't find that book via Google.  Can you give me the author, or a link?

This is amusing. The author is the one you are reading, the book is " faster after 50" Joe Friel.
2020-03-12 12:30 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by jmkizer

I'm guessing that those signed up for IM-branded events should keep training and watch this page for updates?

The info about Taiwan being canceled isn't there, thus the guessing part.

This page seems to have an up-to-date listing of endurance events in general.

Thanks for the links. I am keeping my eye on my April event.

The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

2020-03-12 12:32 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by jmkizer

I'm guessing that those signed up for IM-branded events should keep training and watch this page for updates?

The info about Taiwan being canceled isn't there, thus the guessing part.

This page seems to have an up-to-date listing of endurance events in general.

Thanks for the links. I am keeping my eye on my April event.

The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

Not a surprise, but i feel sorry for everyone!

2020-03-12 12:34 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by jmkizer

I'm guessing that those signed up for IM-branded events should keep training and watch this page for updates?

The info about Taiwan being canceled isn't there, thus the guessing part.

This page seems to have an up-to-date listing of endurance events in general.

Thanks for the links. I am keeping my eye on my April event.

The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

Not a surprise, but i feel sorry for everyone!

It sounds like Boston may be moved to the fall but won't be happening in April at any rate.

2020-03-12 2:01 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Ironman updates

I expect this part if of the most interest to our Pod:

  • Postponement:  Registered athletes for events that are postponed due to COVID-19 by the local health authorities are automatically transferred to the rescheduled date. For those that the new date does not work, we will allow deferrals into the same event the next year.
  • Cancellation: Registered athletes for events that are cancelled due to COVID-19 by the local health authorities are automatically deferred to the same race in 2021.
  • Other options: We are vetting other options to allow displaced athletes to race in 2020 and will communicate those in due course.
2020-03-12 2:18 PM
in reply to: 0

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer


The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

So...I guess I need to bite the bullet and sign up for the overprices Regional Dualon that is in two weeks and in-state just in case the rest of my races that I have planned get scratched from the book.  Sad to hear about all the race cancelations.  I really haven't been following things very close, but do you think that the smaller local races will stay open (i.e. sprints with 150 participants) and just the big races (i.e. M-dot races with 2500 participants with about 10% of that from outside the country and most traveling from out of state being pulled? 

Edited by BlueBoy26 2020-03-12 2:19 PM
2020-03-12 2:23 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer


The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

So...I guess I need to bite the bullet and sign up for the overprices Regional Dualon that is in two weeks and in-state just in case the rest of my races that I have planned get scratched from the book.  Sad to hear about all the race cancelations.  I really haven't been following things very close, but do you think that the smaller local races will stay open (i.e. sprints with 150 participants) and just the big races (i.e. M-dot races with 2500 participants with about 10% of that from outside the country and most traveling from out of state. 

It depends on the state. I heard that some places are pulling race permits for larger events.

Our big local event organizer, Setup Events, said that they are going with a rolling go/no go policy and will contact those who are registered about a week before the event.

The issue isn't just event participants and social distancing, it's also volunteers and expos and packet pickup and getting medical personal there.  I expect that smaller events are more likely to happen and also more likely to be flexible with event transfers and refunds.

I feel fine about training outside, just today I started to have mixed feelings about going to the pool -- not the pool itself but the locker room and so on. 

2020-03-12 2:25 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Ironman updates

I expect this part if of the most interest to our Pod:

  • Postponement:  Registered athletes for events that are postponed due to COVID-19 by the local health authorities are automatically transferred to the rescheduled date. For those that the new date does not work, we will allow deferrals into the same event the next year.
  • Cancellation: Registered athletes for events that are cancelled due to COVID-19 by the local health authorities are automatically deferred to the same race in 2021.
  • Other options: We are vetting other options to allow displaced athletes to race in 2020 and will communicate those in due course.

That is actually way more than I thought IM would do -i figured they'd just invoke the too bad, so sad clause!

2020-03-12 2:26 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Ironman updates

I expect this part if of the most interest to our Pod:

  • Postponement:  Registered athletes for events that are postponed due to COVID-19 by the local health authorities are automatically transferred to the rescheduled date. For those that the new date does not work, we will allow deferrals into the same event the next year.
  • Cancellation: Registered athletes for events that are cancelled due to COVID-19 by the local health authorities are automatically deferred to the same race in 2021.
  • Other options: We are vetting other options to allow displaced athletes to race in 2020 and will communicate those in due course.

That is actually way more than I thought IM would do -i figured they'd just invoke the too bad, so sad clause!


2020-03-12 2:29 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer


The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

So...I guess I need to bite the bullet and sign up for the overprices Regional Dualon that is in two weeks and in-state just in case the rest of my races that I have planned get scratched from the book.  Sad to hear about all the race cancelations.  I really haven't been following things very close, but do you think that the smaller local races will stay open (i.e. sprints with 150 participants) and just the big races (i.e. M-dot races with 2500 participants with about 10% of that from outside the country and most traveling from out of state. 

It depends on the state. I heard that some places are pulling race permits for larger events.

Our big local event organizer, Setup Events, said that they are going with a rolling go/no go policy and will contact those who are registered about a week before the event.

The issue isn't just event participants and social distancing, it's also volunteers and expos and packet pickup and getting medical personal there.  I expect that smaller events are more likely to happen and also more likely to be flexible with event transfers and refunds.

I feel fine about training outside, just today I started to have mixed feelings about going to the pool -- not the pool itself but the locker room and so on. 

Thankfully i have an outdoor pool and only have to pass through the office to get to the deck! Since it is only .5 mile from my house I don't need the tiny locker room. 

I don't know if any of you do the Vacation Races events, but they are saying they have no plans to cancel anything since most races are in remote/less populated areas and running is outside and not a contact sport. Of course, if they lose permitting that will change. 

2020-03-12 2:31 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer


The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

So...I guess I need to bite the bullet and sign up for the overprices Regional Dualon that is in two weeks and in-state just in case the rest of my races that I have planned get scratched from the book.  Sad to hear about all the race cancelations.  I really haven't been following things very close, but do you think that the smaller local races will stay open (i.e. sprints with 150 participants) and just the big races (i.e. M-dot races with 2500 participants with about 10% of that from outside the country and most traveling from out of state. 

It depends on the state. I heard that some places are pulling race permits for larger events.

Our big local event organizer, Setup Events, said that they are going with a rolling go/no go policy and will contact those who are registered about a week before the event.

The issue isn't just event participants and social distancing, it's also volunteers and expos and packet pickup and getting medical personal there.  I expect that smaller events are more likely to happen and also more likely to be flexible with event transfers and refunds.

I feel fine about training outside, just today I started to have mixed feelings about going to the pool -- not the pool itself but the locker room and so on. 

Thankfully i have an outdoor pool and only have to pass through the office to get to the deck! Since it is only .5 mile from my house I don't need the tiny locker room. 

I don't know if any of you do the Vacation Races events, but they are saying they have no plans to cancel anything since most races are in remote/less populated areas and running is outside and not a contact sport. Of course, if they lose permitting that will change. 

But don't gather and the finish line or high five anyone! And BYO hydration.

2020-03-12 2:53 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer


The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

So...I guess I need to bite the bullet and sign up for the overprices Regional Dualon that is in two weeks and in-state just in case the rest of my races that I have planned get scratched from the book.  Sad to hear about all the race cancelations.  I really haven't been following things very close, but do you think that the smaller local races will stay open (i.e. sprints with 150 participants) and just the big races (i.e. M-dot races with 2500 participants with about 10% of that from outside the country and most traveling from out of state. 

It depends on the state. I heard that some places are pulling race permits for larger events.

Our big local event organizer, Setup Events, said that they are going with a rolling go/no go policy and will contact those who are registered about a week before the event.

The issue isn't just event participants and social distancing, it's also volunteers and expos and packet pickup and getting medical personal there.  I expect that smaller events are more likely to happen and also more likely to be flexible with event transfers and refunds.

I feel fine about training outside, just today I started to have mixed feelings about going to the pool -- not the pool itself but the locker room and so on. 

Thankfully i have an outdoor pool and only have to pass through the office to get to the deck! Since it is only .5 mile from my house I don't need the tiny locker room. 

I don't know if any of you do the Vacation Races events, but they are saying they have no plans to cancel anything since most races are in remote/less populated areas and running is outside and not a contact sport. Of course, if they lose permitting that will change. 

But don't gather and the finish line or high five anyone! And BYO hydration.

yeah, not ideal! Vacation Races has always used hydro pouches for its races, so minimal volunteers at water stops, you fill up your own hydro pouch using the fast faucet on the cooler, so bringing your own hydration isn’t too different, I guess. Plus I think that was particularly meant for the upcoming Antelope Canyon ultra where I assume most use their own camelbacks. But really, I’m  just hanging onto to their optimism bc I want to go to Glacier!

2020-03-12 2:54 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer


The Tobacco Road Marathon was just canceled.

And there went Boston...

So...I guess I need to bite the bullet and sign up for the overprices Regional Dualon that is in two weeks and in-state just in case the rest of my races that I have planned get scratched from the book.  Sad to hear about all the race cancelations.  I really haven't been following things very close, but do you think that the smaller local races will stay open (i.e. sprints with 150 participants) and just the big races (i.e. M-dot races with 2500 participants with about 10% of that from outside the country and most traveling from out of state. 

It depends on the state. I heard that some places are pulling race permits for larger events.

Our big local event organizer, Setup Events, said that they are going with a rolling go/no go policy and will contact those who are registered about a week before the event.

The issue isn't just event participants and social distancing, it's also volunteers and expos and packet pickup and getting medical personal there.  I expect that smaller events are more likely to happen and also more likely to be flexible with event transfers and refunds.

I feel fine about training outside, just today I started to have mixed feelings about going to the pool -- not the pool itself but the locker room and so on. 

Thankfully i have an outdoor pool and only have to pass through the office to get to the deck! Since it is only .5 mile from my house I don't need the tiny locker room. 

I don't know if any of you do the Vacation Races events, but they are saying they have no plans to cancel anything since most races are in remote/less populated areas and running is outside and not a contact sport. Of course, if they lose permitting that will change. 

But don't gather and the finish line or high five anyone! And BYO hydration.

yeah, not ideal! Vacation Races has always used hydro pouches for its races, so minimal volunteers at water stops, you fill up your own hydro pouch using the fast faucet on the cooler, so bringing your own hydration isn’t too different, I guess. Plus I think that was particularly meant for the upcoming Antelope Canyon ultra where I assume most use their own camelbacks. But really, I’m  just hanging onto to their optimism bc I want to go to Glacier!

Gotcha.  Keep training.  If all else fails, you have a gravel bike that needs riding.

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