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2022-09-19 1:46 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Hey Manatees, 

Question for you all - I am starting to train for a 5k and as such my intensity is ratcheted up a bit from where i have been for a while so i do need to focus on taking care of myself. As such want to begin to do better run warm up and cool down - do you have such routines and what do they involve? 

2022-09-19 1:54 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by Hot Runner Thanks for all the stalking and cheering! As should be apparent from the split (if a stalker) it was a decent swim, a horrid bike, and (for me, lately, at least) good run. Not a mechanical on the bike, just bad judgement. This was one time when I really needed an extra layer on the bike and I didn't put one on. I thought it was warmer than it was, that the day (and I) would warm up faster than we did, and all I had to do was "bike hard" and tough it out for the first few miles. Not. I was shivering violently for most of (no kidding) the first 46 miles of the bike. Even stopped to ask at aid stations if there was any discarded clothing I could put on. (Don't do this--people just look at you like you're nuts!) With me at least, cold and shivering = cramps in every single muscle of the body. Including stomach. I had three or four gus and tasted them all at least twice. Had to stop to switch water bottles; at one point I could not squeeze a bottle to get fluid in my mouth. Not that cold--50's for much of bike (50 at start), warmed up later but by then I think my core temp had dropped and I could only get warm going up big hills (fortunately, there was a little of that, which warmed me up enough to keep control of the bike and carry on. Much of run was in dense shade and I have never appreciated sun more! Fortunately it was well into the 60's by the start of the run and 70's by the end, and legs seemed to have suffered no lasting effects. After a few miles trying to get my lower back to loosen up, I felt fine. Gu stayed down and I felt stronger than I have in any HIM run since Wanaka, so long ago before the injury/Covid cancellation fiasco that has been the last several years began. I really should listen to my own advice sometime--always telling the kids, "Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it."

I feel ya on the cold! Great job working through it and finishing with a strong run.

2022-09-19 2:42 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
You'd think I'd realize that if a race is in a place called "Maple Valley", there probably isn't going to be a whole lot of sunshine on the bike course. (There were lots of maple trees.) We drove the course the day before and it still didn't dawn on me that pretty much 90% of the ride is in very deep shade! The course (I believe) has a net downhill in the first 10-20 miles, and a net uphill in about the last 20 miles (that's part of the wonky splits, along with overall slowness, stops, and puking). So most of the chance to freeze your butt off is at the start, and most chance to warm up at the end!

The run is absolutely beautiful. (Some sun on that--I meant to say most of bike course was in shade.) 90% was a wide, flat dirt/gravel trail through the woods, along a river, with several bridges and stunning views of gorges. The other 10% was a mix of narrower trail and paved bike path. Glorious! More in the race report to come.
2022-09-19 2:44 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by Hot Runner You'd think I'd realize that if a race is in a place called "Maple Valley", there probably isn't going to be a whole lot of sunshine on the bike course. (There were lots of maple trees.) We drove the course the day before and it still didn't dawn on me that pretty much 90% of the ride is in very deep shade! The course (I believe) has a net downhill in the first 10-20 miles, and a net uphill in about the last 20 miles (that's part of the wonky splits, along with overall slowness, stops, and puking). So most of the chance to freeze your butt off is at the start, and most chance to warm up at the end! The run is absolutely beautiful. (Some sun on that--I meant to say most of bike course was in shade.) 90% was a wide, flat dirt/gravel trail through the woods, along a river, with several bridges and stunning views of gorges. The other 10% was a mix of narrower trail and paved bike path. Glorious! More in the race report to come.

Sorry to hear about the puke but I'm glad that you survived.

Would you do this one again?

2022-09-19 4:56 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Definitely! The race was very well-organized and I have no complaints. You can't control the weather, or my own stupidity! But the logistics were challenging given the timing in my school year. It fell at the end of our second week of school, and like most districts nationwide we have a severe ongoing shortage of subs. Plus I hesitate to leave a new class with a sub when they are still developing relationships with the teacher, learning routines, etc. I would do it if I was sick, but not for a race.

So after one of my busiest work weeks of the year, we drove up to Seattle (with traffic, about 6 hours, not counting a dinner stop) on Friday, and then headed back immediately after the race yesterday. (Not that immediately as we had to wait in a long line to catch a shuttle to parking a few miles away.) I got to bed at 10, got up at 5:45, to work at 7 for a job that has me on my feet most of the day. It was physically pretty exhausting. I'd really recommend spending a bit more time there--it's a beautiful area--or at least giving your body a break the day after!
2022-09-20 7:25 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by Hot Runner Definitely! The race was very well-organized and I have no complaints. You can't control the weather, or my own stupidity! But the logistics were challenging given the timing in my school year. It fell at the end of our second week of school, and like most districts nationwide we have a severe ongoing shortage of subs. Plus I hesitate to leave a new class with a sub when they are still developing relationships with the teacher, learning routines, etc. I would do it if I was sick, but not for a race. So after one of my busiest work weeks of the year, we drove up to Seattle (with traffic, about 6 hours, not counting a dinner stop) on Friday, and then headed back immediately after the race yesterday. (Not that immediately as we had to wait in a long line to catch a shuttle to parking a few miles away.) I got to bed at 10, got up at 5:45, to work at 7 for a job that has me on my feet most of the day. It was physically pretty exhausting. I'd really recommend spending a bit more time there--it's a beautiful area--or at least giving your body a break the day after!

I'm glad to hear that the event was so well organized. Sorry that it doesn't fit into your teacher's schedule. That kinda stinks.

2022-09-20 7:38 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by Hot Runner Definitely! The race was very well-organized and I have no complaints. You can't control the weather, or my own stupidity! But the logistics were challenging given the timing in my school year. It fell at the end of our second week of school, and like most districts nationwide we have a severe ongoing shortage of subs. Plus I hesitate to leave a new class with a sub when they are still developing relationships with the teacher, learning routines, etc. I would do it if I was sick, but not for a race. So after one of my busiest work weeks of the year, we drove up to Seattle (with traffic, about 6 hours, not counting a dinner stop) on Friday, and then headed back immediately after the race yesterday. (Not that immediately as we had to wait in a long line to catch a shuttle to parking a few miles away.) I got to bed at 10, got up at 5:45, to work at 7 for a job that has me on my feet most of the day. It was physically pretty exhausting. I'd really recommend spending a bit more time there--it's a beautiful area--or at least giving your body a break the day after!

Ugh! That does not sound like a good time!!

2022-09-20 8:07 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by Hot Runner Thanks for all the stalking and cheering! As should be apparent from the split (if a stalker) it was a decent swim, a horrid bike, and (for me, lately, at least) good run. Not a mechanical on the bike, just bad judgement. This was one time when I really needed an extra layer on the bike and I didn't put one on. I thought it was warmer than it was, that the day (and I) would warm up faster than we did, and all I had to do was "bike hard" and tough it out for the first few miles. Not. I was shivering violently for most of (no kidding) the first 46 miles of the bike. Even stopped to ask at aid stations if there was any discarded clothing I could put on. (Don't do this--people just look at you like you're nuts!) With me at least, cold and shivering = cramps in every single muscle of the body. Including stomach. I had three or four gus and tasted them all at least twice. Had to stop to switch water bottles; at one point I could not squeeze a bottle to get fluid in my mouth. Not that cold--50's for much of bike (50 at start), warmed up later but by then I think my core temp had dropped and I could only get warm going up big hills (fortunately, there was a little of that, which warmed me up enough to keep control of the bike and carry on. Much of run was in dense shade and I have never appreciated sun more! Fortunately it was well into the 60's by the start of the run and 70's by the end, and legs seemed to have suffered no lasting effects. After a few miles trying to get my lower back to loosen up, I felt fine. Gu stayed down and I felt stronger than I have in any HIM run since Wanaka, so long ago before the injury/Covid cancellation fiasco that has been the last several years began. I really should listen to my own advice sometime--always telling the kids, "Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it."

I did the shivering bike ride at IM St. George 70.3 in 2016.  It was raining for half of the bike leg with temperatures in the mid to low 50's.  I didn't layer.  I went with just the trisuit and was hypothermic when I got to T2.  I knew I would be in trouble if I didn't push through T2 and get running.  A few miles into the run I started to warm up and the sun even came out.  50's seems like a heat wave for a run, but when you are jumping on a bike wet and get the 20 MPH wind speed passing over you.  50's is brutal.

2022-09-20 2:01 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hey Manatees, 

Question for you all - I am starting to train for a 5k and as such my intensity is ratcheted up a bit from where i have been for a while so i do need to focus on taking care of myself. As such want to begin to do better run warm up and cool down - do you have such routines and what do they involve? 

warm up for training or racing?

Karen - the cold is my biggest nightmare. Sorry you had a rough bike - but thank you for the reminder to pack extra and always have throw away gear!
2022-09-20 2:19 PM
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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hey Manatees, 

Question for you all - I am starting to train for a 5k and as such my intensity is ratcheted up a bit from where i have been for a while so i do need to focus on taking care of myself. As such want to begin to do better run warm up and cool down - do you have such routines and what do they involve? 

My runs usually begin with 15 minutes of just ez running. In the past I have broken those 15 minutes up as : 5 just run ez; 5 as :30 hard, :30 ez; and final 5 back to just running ez. My cool down is walking to the car and getting starbucks. Don't be me!

Edited by amd723 2022-09-20 2:20 PM
2022-09-21 1:46 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hey Manatees, 

Question for you all - I am starting to train for a 5k and as such my intensity is ratcheted up a bit from where i have been for a while so i do need to focus on taking care of myself. As such want to begin to do better run warm up and cool down - do you have such routines and what do they involve? 

warm up for training or racing? Karen - the cold is my biggest nightmare. Sorry you had a rough bike - but thank you for the reminder to pack extra and always have throw away gear!

I was thinking more for regular training - but also racing, I am curious about as well (I have signed up for a 5k so a warm up will be necessary!

2022-09-21 1:48 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hey Manatees, 

Question for you all - I am starting to train for a 5k and as such my intensity is ratcheted up a bit from where i have been for a while so i do need to focus on taking care of myself. As such want to begin to do better run warm up and cool down - do you have such routines and what do they involve? 

My runs usually begin with 15 minutes of just ez running. In the past I have broken those 15 minutes up as : 5 just run ez; 5 as :30 hard, :30 ez; and final 5 back to just running ez. My cool down is walking to the car and getting starbucks. Don't be me!

LOL! I definitely am like you right now - except i walk home and make coffee (I run from my front door

2022-09-21 6:00 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
For workouts, I pretty much always start with about 15 minutes of just easy running. Then maybe five minutes of short strides followed by easy running, like 30 seconds stride/30 seconds easy. Usually I stop to stretch en route if anything feels tight.

Pretty much the same for a 5K race but a bit more extensive. I haven't done a competitive stand-alone one for years, but back in high school and college, it was kind of my specialty. For that, it's very important to first get loosened up with some easy jogging (I might do even more for a race, like 20-25 minutes. I usually overdress a bit for warming up to get everything nice and loosened up. Then get the fast-twitch muscles going with some pickups or strides; some dynamic stretches if they work for you. You will often see elite runners doing stride-outs and jogging back right from the starting line just before the gun goes off, if it's allowed.

For a 5K race, you want to be fully warmed up and ready to go hard from the gun. It's not like a tri swim start (for most people; I guess not for pointy-end Kona types or pros) or the way you should start a marathon or half--you can't treat the first mile as a warm-up, because there's only 3 of them!
2022-09-22 8:17 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hey Manatees, 

Question for you all - I am starting to train for a 5k and as such my intensity is ratcheted up a bit from where i have been for a while so i do need to focus on taking care of myself. As such want to begin to do better run warm up and cool down - do you have such routines and what do they involve? 

warm up for training or racing? Karen - the cold is my biggest nightmare. Sorry you had a rough bike - but thank you for the reminder to pack extra and always have throw away gear!

I was thinking more for regular training - but also racing, I am curious about as well (I have signed up for a 5k so a warm up will be necessary!

When I'm behaving, for training I jog 10 minutes and then do some dynamic warm up stuff - you know, hip openers, butt kicks etc.

For racing a 5K I jog 10 minutes and then do a bunch of strides - 10-15 seconds total until I feel warmed up. I also do some dynamic warm up moves in there too.
2022-09-23 1:49 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Racing Manatees!!!

September 24-25
Jim - Ragnar (Friday-Saturday)
Leanne - YMCA Wrightsville Beach Sprint Triathlon - Saturday

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

2022-09-24 5:53 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

September 24-25
Jim - Ragnar (Friday-Saturday)
Leanne - YMCA Wrightsville Beach Sprint Triathlon - Saturday

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Good luck Leanne!
The Ragnar was a blast! Exhausting, but so much fun! I did run an extra 1.3 miles when I Misread a sign and turn when I shouldn't. It's OK though because the mistake had me run an extra hill. We lost 12 minutes because of it. My team was fun. We are waiting for results, but we think we were one of the top teams. I also had 17 kills.

2022-09-24 6:37 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by JBacarella

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

September 24-25
Jim - Ragnar (Friday-Saturday)
Leanne - YMCA Wrightsville Beach Sprint Triathlon - Saturday

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Good luck Leanne!
The Ragnar was a blast! Exhausting, but so much fun! I did run an extra 1.3 miles when I Misread a sign and turn when I shouldn't. It's OK though because the mistake had me run an extra hill. We lost 12 minutes because of it. My team was fun. We are waiting for results, but we think we were one of the top teams. I also had 17 kills.

Thanks Jim!

Did you hear anything yet about your team?

Race went well…1st in AG out of 23 and 5th OA female. I’ll take it,

2022-09-24 7:12 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

September 24-25
Jim - Ragnar (Friday-Saturday)
Leanne - YMCA Wrightsville Beach Sprint Triathlon - Saturday

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Good luck Leanne! The Ragnar was a blast! Exhausting, but so much fun! I did run an extra 1.3 miles when I Misread a sign and turn when I shouldn't. It's OK though because the mistake had me run an extra hill. We lost 12 minutes because of it. My team was fun. We are waiting for results, but we think we were one of the top teams. I also had 17 kills.

nice job Jim!

2022-09-24 7:13 PM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

September 24-25
Jim - Ragnar (Friday-Saturday)
Leanne - YMCA Wrightsville Beach Sprint Triathlon - Saturday

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Good luck Leanne! The Ragnar was a blast! Exhausting, but so much fun! I did run an extra 1.3 miles when I Misread a sign and turn when I shouldn't. It's OK though because the mistake had me run an extra hill. We lost 12 minutes because of it. My team was fun. We are waiting for results, but we think we were one of the top teams. I also had 17 kills.
Thanks Jim! Did you hear anything yet about your team? Race went well…1st in AG out of 23 and 5th OA female. I’ll take it,

I‘d take it too! Congratulations !!

2022-09-25 8:37 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

September 24-25
Jim - Ragnar (Friday-Saturday)
Leanne - YMCA Wrightsville Beach Sprint Triathlon - Saturday

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Good luck Leanne! The Ragnar was a blast! Exhausting, but so much fun! I did run an extra 1.3 miles when I Misread a sign and turn when I shouldn't. It's OK though because the mistake had me run an extra hill. We lost 12 minutes because of it. My team was fun. We are waiting for results, but we think we were one of the top teams. I also had 17 kills.
Thanks Jim! Did you hear anything yet about your team? Race went well…1st in AG out of 23 and 5th OA female. I’ll take it,

I‘d take it too! Congratulations !!

Id take it, too. That race was my very first ever triathlon!Sounds like you had a fun race, Jim. Except for the additional miles
2022-09-25 5:40 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

September 24-25
Jim - Ragnar (Friday-Saturday)
Leanne - YMCA Wrightsville Beach Sprint Triathlon - Saturday

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Good luck Leanne! The Ragnar was a blast! Exhausting, but so much fun! I did run an extra 1.3 miles when I Misread a sign and turn when I shouldn't. It's OK though because the mistake had me run an extra hill. We lost 12 minutes because of it. My team was fun. We are waiting for results, but we think we were one of the top teams. I also had 17 kills.
Thanks Jim! Did you hear anything yet about your team? Race went well…1st in AG out of 23 and 5th OA female. I’ll take it,

I‘d take it too! Congratulations !!

Id take it, too. That race was my very first ever triathlon!Sounds like you had a fun race, Jim. Except for the additional miles

Great job Leanne!

We took 6th place in the Men's division. 5 of our 12 are women and some of our fastest runners. We averaged a 7:36 mile over 222.5 miles. My mistake didn't change our standings. The best indicator of how we were doing for me was when we started the port-a-potties were trashed. When we finished, I had to take the wrapper off of the toilet paper.

2022-09-26 9:23 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hey Manatees, 

Question for you all - I am starting to train for a 5k and as such my intensity is ratcheted up a bit from where i have been for a while so i do need to focus on taking care of myself. As such want to begin to do better run warm up and cool down - do you have such routines and what do they involve? 

I did a similar thing several months back when I switch my running intensities from what I was doing for Olympic to 70.3 races to what I needed for Sprint races.  The first week killed me and I had to step things way back for two weeks after that.  Then I had to find a happy medium some where between the Oly/70.3 intensity and the prescribed sprint intensity.  Then I slow worked on increasing from there.  It took me about 2 months to get to the prescribed intensities.  I only did them for about three week before scaling back again because they were too high to sustain.  So...the scaling back just turned into a longer taper (5 weeks vs 2 weeks).  We will see how things worked out when I race on Saturday.  I am feeling slow, but after looking at the temperature and humidity adjustments 5-10 sec/mi slower calculates to 3-5 seconds faster that what I was doing at races in March.  :-)

My warm-up and cool-downs are not that impressive.  I was on the pace team for a pair of 15k's early in the year and my pacer goal time was about 30 sec/mi slower than what I typically did for my warm-up & cool down so I just focused on trying to hit them at my goal pace for the 15K.  I would do 10-20 minute warm ups before a track workout or a tempo run and a 10 minutes cool down.  That was about it.  I have stuck with the goal time for my 15k pacer assignments just because that is what I got good and dialing into.   

When intensity did pick up I often would not feel fresh for the next workout so I started walking about 4 hours after my workouts for 20-30 minutes.  The walks help a lot.  I think they help more than my warm ups and cool downs.  There also are a lot of running drill that I have used in warm ups when I was following a training plan.  High knees, skips, butt kicks, etc.  They improved my mobility to where I was looser in my runs.  They didn't help with recovery, but did help with the spring in my step and helped me stay relaxed in my run workouts.  If I had a lot more time every day I would do my drills every day, but to save time I don't do them most days.  Also, there was a time when I would do 6-10 x 50yd strides after every run.  There also helps with the spring in the step and with keeping my legs loose.  I also don't do many of those due to time.  If I were to need to cut out my weekly track workout I would go back to strides after every run.  That is another idea, but if you are already increasing intensity then you probably don't need strides too.     

2022-09-26 9:38 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

September 24-25
Jim - Ragnar (Friday-Saturday)
Leanne - YMCA Wrightsville Beach Sprint Triathlon - Saturday

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Good luck Leanne! The Ragnar was a blast! Exhausting, but so much fun! I did run an extra 1.3 miles when I Misread a sign and turn when I shouldn't. It's OK though because the mistake had me run an extra hill. We lost 12 minutes because of it. My team was fun. We are waiting for results, but we think we were one of the top teams. I also had 17 kills.


17 Kills?  Impressive.  Kills are so...... a Ragnar thing. 

I read a post two weeks ago of a runner I follow that was titled "The Accidental Marathon".  He was a pacer at a race and after finishing his segment I guess he was enjoying himself so he kept going.  I think he had it in the back of his mind that he would drop out at some point after he had a good long run, but he started to feel better and better as he went so he kept going.  The way the course was designed the last place he could have dropped out was around the 21 mile mark.  After he paced the point of no return he said he was committed for the full 26.2 and so he started trying to make up all the time he lost while running slower as a pacer.  He said that we was picking people off like it was a Ragnar.  That made me laugh because everyone that has done a Ragnar counts the time by kills and not by miles.  

2022-09-26 2:23 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Plans had to change today. Jim and I were going "glamping" in Kentucky to do the bourbon burn 3 day bike ride. We are expected to get flooding rains and high winds from the hurricane. We can't leave my Mom or the cabins with that kind of threat. At least I got to deferred to next year! Be safe Chris Banting!
2022-09-26 6:30 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by ceilidhPlans had to change today. Jim and I were going "glamping" in Kentucky to do the bourbon burn 3 day bike ride. We are expected to get flooding rains and high winds from the hurricane. We can't leave my Mom or the cabins with that kind of threat. At least I got to deferred to next year! Be safe Chris Banting!
And Anne-Marie!!!
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