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2022-10-17 7:42 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by jmkizer

Congratulations Leanne!

First in age group! Wow!

Thank you so much! WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am still a little shocked that I not only PR'd but I placed first in my age group. The top 5 in my age group went under 5 hours. I took my slot for World's which will be next Aug in Lahti, Finland. I had not even dreamed that I would ever get the chance to get a slot so it had to be a quick decision. While I don't really feel I am at that level to compete with those ladies in my AG I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will most likely never have the chance ever again. Plus, it will make for a nice trip!

Of course you had to accept the spot for World's and of course you are at the same level with the others going! Racing in Finland will be so much fun. 

2022-10-17 7:47 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

October 15-16
Leanne - Ironman NC 70.3
Robin P - White Squirrel Classic 24 ride
Janyne - White Squirrel Classic 100k ride

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?


I think I mentally checked-out after my Sprint Triathlon two weeks ago.  October races are usually the end of the Season for me and I usually take a month off before starting my Winter Maintenance indoor training plans.  This year I have a Marathon in December so last week I hit a 14 mile long run and this week the plan was a 16 mile long run.  I have been hitting the runs, but missing all my swims and only completing about half of my bike work outs.  Hmm?  I guess when I know I don't have any more races with a swim or a bike that It is hard to push hard in those disciplines.   That are actually really important my Marathon training plan though.  Without them I am not getting the volume that I need.  The long run this week was a good one though.  I joined another guy in my running club on Saturday that was doing a 17 mile run with Quantity (5) one-mile surges it it.  He did the first three a little slower than my tempo runs so they weren't too bad but he did the last two at my 10K race pace.  It was pretty crazy running 10K race pace (sub 6:00 min/mi for me) in the middle of a 17-mile run.  I enjoyed it though. It reminded me of some of the Triathlon training I have done that puts all the running speed work into the long run or brick runs where there aren't enough training sessions in a week to get to everything if they aren't combined in to fewer number of run.

I find it hard to stay motivated without a race on the calendar too - so I'd be scrubbing all my swim and most of my bikes if I had no triathlon in sight. Of course, I find any reason I can to ditch the swim workouts   Including some speed work in long runs is a nice way to break up the monotony IMO. Great work!  

2022-10-17 7:54 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by jmkizer

Congratulations Leanne!

First in age group! Wow!

Thank you so much! WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am still a little shocked that I not only PR'd but I placed first in my age group. The top 5 in my age group went under 5 hours. I took my slot for World's which will be next Aug in Lahti, Finland. I had not even dreamed that I would ever get the chance to get a slot so it had to be a quick decision. While I don't really feel I am at that level to compete with those ladies in my AG I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will most likely never have the chance ever again. Plus, it will make for a nice trip!

Of course you had to accept the spot for World's and of course you are at the same level with the others going! Racing in Finland will be so much fun. 

Finland will be so amazing!

2022-10-17 9:30 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Wow! Not sure what age group you are talking but if you are female and went under 5 hours and won your AG in a major race, then you definitely deserve to be at Worlds and will be in the mix. Hoping to see you there! It's me who doesn't belong there--I was getting close to 5 hours a few years ago and lately have barely been under 6. Sometimes partly a matter of hard course or tough conditions but also just slow. At Calgary, I think I got lucky with a combo of conditions I'm good at and no high flyers showing up--8th AG at Washington 70.3 and even discounting the yucky bike ride, 6th on swim and run so not really up there with the best in my AG competitively. Of course it helps to put in some serious training before June for races in late July and mid-September.....

I will really have to put in the training long-term and have some better luck with health to....well....not even a chance of being truly competitive-- in 50-55 one still needs to be at/under 5 hours to really be up there--but at least not totally humiliated.
2022-10-17 12:27 PM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by canadarn2001

Originally posted by jmkizer

Congratulations Leanne!

First in age group! Wow!

Thank you so much!

WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am still a little shocked that I not only PR'd but I placed first in my age group. The top 5 in my age group went under 5 hours.

I took my slot for World's which will be next Aug in Lahti, Finland. I had not even dreamed that I would ever get the chance to get a slot so it had to be a quick decision. While I don't really feel I am at that level to compete with those ladies in my AG I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will most likely never have the chance ever again. Plus, it will make for a nice trip!

Super cool! Congrats!
2022-10-17 1:37 PM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by jmkizer

Congratulations Leanne!

First in age group! Wow!

Thank you so much! WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am still a little shocked that I not only PR'd but I placed first in my age group. The top 5 in my age group went under 5 hours. I took my slot for World's which will be next Aug in Lahti, Finland. I had not even dreamed that I would ever get the chance to get a slot so it had to be a quick decision. While I don't really feel I am at that level to compete with those ladies in my AG I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will most likely never have the chance ever again. Plus, it will make for a nice trip!
Oh my gosh, how fantastic!! Big congrats on the AG win and the ticket punched for Worlds in Finland!  For sure you should do that if you are able, truly a unique, special experience. 

2022-10-18 8:53 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by jmkizer

Congratulations Leanne!

First in age group! Wow!

Thank you so much! WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am still a little shocked that I not only PR'd but I placed first in my age group. The top 5 in my age group went under 5 hours. I took my slot for World's which will be next Aug in Lahti, Finland. I had not even dreamed that I would ever get the chance to get a slot so it had to be a quick decision. While I don't really feel I am at that level to compete with those ladies in my AG I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will most likely never have the chance ever again. Plus, it will make for a nice trip!
Oh my gosh, how fantastic!! Big congrats on the AG win and the ticket punched for Worlds in Finland!  For sure you should do that if you are able, truly a unique, special experience. 

^^^^^ ALL of this. What a great accomplishment and adventure.
2022-10-19 3:34 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by jmkizer

Congratulations Leanne!

First in age group! Wow!

Thank you so much! WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am still a little shocked that I not only PR'd but I placed first in my age group. The top 5 in my age group went under 5 hours. I took my slot for World's which will be next Aug in Lahti, Finland. I had not even dreamed that I would ever get the chance to get a slot so it had to be a quick decision. While I don't really feel I am at that level to compete with those ladies in my AG I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will most likely never have the chance ever again. Plus, it will make for a nice trip!

Of course you had to accept the spot for World's and of course you are at the same level with the others going! Racing in Finland will be so much fun. 

Finland will be so amazing!

Congratulations! You had a great race. I would go just for the experience of racing in Finland.
2022-10-19 8:04 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by canadarn2001 

Thank you so much! WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am still a little shocked that I not only PR'd but I placed first in my age group. The top 5 in my age group went under 5 hours. I took my slot for World's which will be next Aug in Lahti, Finland. I had not even dreamed that I would ever get the chance to get a slot so it had to be a quick decision. While I don't really feel I am at that level to compete with those ladies in my AG I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will most likely never have the chance ever again. Plus, it will make for a nice trip!

Congratulations!  That is awesome.

2022-10-20 8:11 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by Hot Runner

Wow! Not sure what age group you are talking but if you are female and went under 5 hours and won your AG in a major race, then you definitely deserve to be at Worlds and will be in the mix. Hoping to see you there! It's me who doesn't belong there--I was getting close to 5 hours a few years ago and lately have barely been under 6. Sometimes partly a matter of hard course or tough conditions but also just slow. At Calgary, I think I got lucky with a combo of conditions I'm good at and no high flyers showing up--8th AG at Washington 70.3 and even discounting the yucky bike ride, 6th on swim and run so not really up there with the best in my AG competitively. Of course it helps to put in some serious training before June for races in late July and mid-September.....

I will really have to put in the training long-term and have some better luck with health to....well....not even a chance of being truly competitive-- in 50-55 one still needs to be at/under 5 hours to really be up there--but at least not totally humiliated.

I am in 40-44 age group. It's pretty competitive. My goal for World's will be 'just to hold my own'. My focus for the winter is swim/bike. I noticed that most people who do REALLY well are stellar bikers. I was 30th out of 121 out of the water and 14th out of 121 on the bike. The run is my strength and saving grace.

We will have to meet up in Finland (and get a pic!!) How exciting! Have you book accommodations yet?
2022-10-20 9:39 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Yes, that AG is crazy competitive! I was fifth AG at Calgary one year (on a MUCH faster course, but still....) with a 5:06! Even for 50-54 (I'm 53 now), at Seattle the first three were close to 5 hours. Yikes. You will do great!

Not sure you have been to Worlds before but if not.... Usually the best deal (well, the only deal??) is available with packages through a company called Nirvana which sort of has a monopoly on these events. They usually include everything but the flight. If you have good local knowledge and contacts you can try to do it freestyle which might be cheaper, but logistically tough to put all the pieces together.

Nirvana was supposed to be contacting qualifiers about the packages sometime soon. My guess is that they will probably wait until after 70.3 Worlds next month. But if I don't hear something by then, might check their website. I talked to some other qualifiers at Calgary and they said they'd checked already about accommodation in Lahti and nothing showed availability locally, probably because Nirvana had booked it all up. It doesn't look like a big place so maybe people will have to bus in from Helsinki or elsewhere??

I just don't have time to deal with this until our winter break. Also not willing to sink lots of investigation time into something that, honestly, might not happen, or might not happen in Finland. I'm glad I qualified and will go if it's doable, but with the ongoing Covid situation, possibility of stricter travel or entry policies in Europe if there's another wave, and/or problems with Russia (it's right next to Finland....), we need a certain amount of luck for this event to actually go off as planned. I would not be surprised if it ends up being moved elsewhere at some point, if it does take place. Sorry--my life over the last few years has not given me much reason for optimism. But if the event happens and I can get there, I will do my best to go.

2022-10-20 9:43 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by canadarn2001   I am in 40-44 age group. It's pretty competitive. My goal for World's will be 'just to hold my own'. My focus for the winter is swim/bike. I noticed that most people who do REALLY well are stellar bikers. I was 30th out of 121 out of the water and 14th out of 121 on the bike. The run is my strength and saving grace. We will have to meet up in Finland (and get a pic!!) How exciting! Have you book accommodations yet?

Ya...I was told that Triathlons are won on the bike.  That doesn't mean the person with the fastest bike split always wins though.  It just means the person that sets him or herself up the best on the bike for the run wins.

2022-10-20 11:14 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
So sad for me. Try as I might, the bike is just not my strength. I have done a lot of strength work, big-gear work, hill riding, but I never really seem to make solid progress. I'm on the lightweight, skinny side for the sport so really only have an advantage biking on a very hilly course, and/or at altitude. (Thus, Calgary LOL!). I am a strong swimmer (for a triathlete, not as an actual swimmer), especially for distance, but I don't always swim up to my ability in races--honestly no idea why. Same with run--I have a big run background and *should* dominate the run, but my times have been lackluster since my mid-40's. Not sure if it's due to aging, a near-constant series of low-grade niggles that sometimes limit volume or speedwork (probably also age-related), or just a lack of consistent quality training. I'm quite sure my fastest days are behind me, but still feel like I should be able to put together much better races than I often do. I guess it's the challenging of trying to put together good efforts in all three events on race day that keeps me going in the sport!
2022-10-21 10:27 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Last night my friends and I attended a benefit dinner to hear Chris Nikic and his dad speak.  It was very moving to hear Chris' story and he has such a sense of humor!  He went from a sprint triathlon in the Special Olympics to IM Florida to IM Kona.  (there was also a do-it-yourself 70.3 in there during COVID since the official one was cancelled). 

Chris had to learn how to do all three disciplines.  He couldn't swim freestyle (he had done a modified breast stroke/doggy paddle just to get around the pool), he couldn't balance on a bike, and couldn't run more than 100 yards.  That's where the '1% better' slogan came from - striving to do just a little bit better each day or each workout.  There are so many other factors he needed to overcome to achieve the goal of completing an Ironman.

It was enlightening to hear his dad's take on a few points: Chris doesn't have a learning disability, it's those who teach him that didn't know how to teach him and others like him (not just teachers or academics, his dad, too, teaching him anything).  He also brought up a very interesting point that if Chris studied or read or did some sort of pursuit that involved learning right after a good, hard, workout, he had tremendous results remembering/learning that info compared to not having worked out first.

He now earns his own money by having endorsements, writing a book, doing public speaking.  He recently bought (or put a down payment on) a house of his own and is engaged to his girlfriend.

My only negative takeaway from the talk was it seemed like it was more the dad's goal than Chris', or his dad had to convince him this was his goal.  The dad wanted him to achieve something no one else with DS has ever accomplished in order for him to get noticed, to get out there, to have a basis/reason for doing public speaking engagements. 

Overall a very good experience, though, and I would recommend hearing him if you get the chance! 

Edited by melbo55 2022-10-21 10:28 AM
2022-10-21 10:50 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by jmkizer

Congratulations Leanne!

First in age group! Wow!

Thank you so much! WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am still a little shocked that I not only PR'd but I placed first in my age group. The top 5 in my age group went under 5 hours. I took my slot for World's which will be next Aug in Lahti, Finland. I had not even dreamed that I would ever get the chance to get a slot so it had to be a quick decision. While I don't really feel I am at that level to compete with those ladies in my AG I figure it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will most likely never have the chance ever again. Plus, it will make for a nice trip!
Oh my gosh, how fantastic!! Big congrats on the AG win and the ticket punched for Worlds in Finland!  For sure you should do that if you are able, truly a unique, special experience. 

^^^^^ ALL of this. What a great accomplishment and adventure.

What a great way to put it!

2022-10-21 10:58 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by melbo55

Last night my friends and I attended a benefit dinner to hear Chris Nikic and his dad speak.  It was very moving to hear Chris' story and he has such a sense of humor!  He went from a sprint triathlon in the Special Olympics to IM Florida to IM Kona.  (there was also a do-it-yourself 70.3 in there during COVID since the official one was cancelled). 

Chris had to learn how to do all three disciplines.  He couldn't swim freestyle (he had done a modified breast stroke/doggy paddle just to get around the pool), he couldn't balance on a bike, and couldn't run more than 100 yards.  That's where the '1% better' slogan came from - striving to do just a little bit better each day or each workout.  There are so many other factors he needed to overcome to achieve the goal of completing an Ironman.

It was enlightening to hear his dad's take on a few points: Chris doesn't have a learning disability, it's those who teach him that didn't know how to teach him and others like him (not just teachers or academics, his dad, too, teaching him anything).  He also brought up a very interesting point that if Chris studied or read or did some sort of pursuit that involved learning right after a good, hard, workout, he had tremendous results remembering/learning that info compared to not having worked out first.

He now earns his own money by having endorsements, writing a book, doing public speaking.  He recently bought (or put a down payment on) a house of his own and is engaged to his girlfriend.

My only negative takeaway from the talk was it seemed like it was more the dad's goal than Chris', or his dad had to convince him this was his goal.  The dad wanted him to achieve something no one else with DS has ever accomplished in order for him to get noticed, to get out there, to have a basis/reason for doing public speaking engagements. 

Overall a very good experience, though, and I would recommend hearing him if you get the chance! 

Very interesting! I imagine if you're a parent of a child with DS (or other disabilities) one of your main worries is what happens to the child after you're gone, so having an independent child must take a lot of worry away. I hope Chris enjoys all the training etc and is not just doing things b/c his dad wants him to.

2022-10-21 11:27 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Racing Manatees!!!

October 22-23
Anne - Big Sugar Gravel (50)

Doooo eeeettttt!!!!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

2022-10-24 11:00 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by melbo55

Last night my friends and I attended a benefit dinner to hear Chris Nikic and his dad speak.  It was very moving to hear Chris' story and he has such a sense of humor!  He went from a sprint triathlon in the Special Olympics to IM Florida to IM Kona.  (there was also a do-it-yourself 70.3 in there during COVID since the official one was cancelled). 

Chris had to learn how to do all three disciplines.  He couldn't swim freestyle (he had done a modified breast stroke/doggy paddle just to get around the pool), he couldn't balance on a bike, and couldn't run more than 100 yards.  That's where the '1% better' slogan came from - striving to do just a little bit better each day or each workout.  There are so many other factors he needed to overcome to achieve the goal of completing an Ironman.

It was enlightening to hear his dad's take on a few points: Chris doesn't have a learning disability, it's those who teach him that didn't know how to teach him and others like him (not just teachers or academics, his dad, too, teaching him anything).  He also brought up a very interesting point that if Chris studied or read or did some sort of pursuit that involved learning right after a good, hard, workout, he had tremendous results remembering/learning that info compared to not having worked out first.

He now earns his own money by having endorsements, writing a book, doing public speaking.  He recently bought (or put a down payment on) a house of his own and is engaged to his girlfriend.

My only negative takeaway from the talk was it seemed like it was more the dad's goal than Chris', or his dad had to convince him this was his goal.  The dad wanted him to achieve something no one else with DS has ever accomplished in order for him to get noticed, to get out there, to have a basis/reason for doing public speaking engagements. 

Overall a very good experience, though, and I would recommend hearing him if you get the chance! 

That is really awesome!
2022-10-25 4:46 PM
in reply to: 0

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by Hot Runner So sad for me. Try as I might, the bike is just not my strength. I have done a lot of strength work, big-gear work, hill riding, but I never really seem to make solid progress. I'm on the lightweight, skinny side for the sport so really only have an advantage biking on a very hilly course, and/or at altitude. (Thus, Calgary LOL!). I am a strong swimmer (for a triathlete, not as an actual swimmer), especially for distance, but I don't always swim up to my ability in races--honestly no idea why. Same with run--I have a big run background and *should* dominate the run, but my times have been lackluster since my mid-40's. Not sure if it's due to aging, a near-constant series of low-grade niggles that sometimes limit volume or speedwork (probably also age-related), or just a lack of consistent quality training. I'm quite sure my fastest days are behind me, but still feel like I should be able to put together much better races than I often do. I guess it's the challenging of trying to put together good efforts in all three events on race day that keeps me going in the sport!


I am just hitting my mid 40's now (I will be 45-49 AG next year).  I was never the runner that you were but at the local level I have been a successful open runner.  When I stared Triathlon I spent all my time on the bike.  I was getting beat by the top people in my AG by an hour or more on the bike over 56 miles.  I would runner terrible with 13.1 miles runs at 30-45 minutes over my open half marathon times. I was usually #1 or #2 in my AG on the run so I just kept on giving up 30-45 minutes on the run justifying that there were bigger gains to be made on the bike.  When Scott Kubinski was my coach for a year it seemed that after every races I would be excited to tell him I PR'd on the swim or I PR'd on the Bike and all he would say is "Did you negative split the run?".  If I could not say yes it seemed that he didn't want to hear anything else.  Even if I PR'd or the run he would only want to know if it was a negative split.  So...I am happy to say that after several years of run focus that I have brought down my run split by 25-40 minutes and almost always have the evenest run splits of anyone on the day. I hope that things keep going in that direction, but we will see what age does over the next 5 years as I move from a master to a grand master.


Edited by BlueBoy26 2022-10-25 4:50 PM
2022-10-27 8:24 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Is anyone from our group doing the 70.3 Championship this weekend?

2022-10-27 1:42 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

No, I haven't done a IM brand 70.3 since 2018.  I would have liked to be there though.  I have family in St. George and have be wanting to go back there to race again.  There are about 8-9 people from the Kiwami Race Team that are doing St. George which isn't a surprise.  There are two people from my running group doing St George which is a big surprise though.   When I joined the group a year and a half ago there was one guy who was an X-Triathlete but I was the only person in the group who actually ever rode a bike or got to a pool.  Then one of the guys started to ask me in the fall about coaching and training because we was signing up for IM Texas The Woodlands and doing IM 70.3 Waco as a milestone race.  Then at our Christmas get-to-gether another guy said that he was doing a reunion race with a bunch of his college friends at IM 70.3 Oregon and started to ask me about bike training and swim training. they both earned slots to St. George at their debut races and are racing it this week and I am at home doing Marathon training.  It is a complete reversal of rolls.  :-)  Both of the guys in my running group are capable of doing Sub 1:13:00 half Marathons and one of them was a College Swimmer too.  I will enjoy watching them go head-to-head at St. George.

2022-10-27 9:15 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
No. I qualified for the one next year in Finland, not the race this year. Glad I'm not racing in St. George--I heard they had snow nearby a couple nights ago and air temps might be near freezing for the swim. Yikes! Low 50's at Washington was cold enough.
2022-10-28 6:33 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by canadarn2001   I am in 40-44 age group. It's pretty competitive. My goal for World's will be 'just to hold my own'. My focus for the winter is swim/bike. I noticed that most people who do REALLY well are stellar bikers. I was 30th out of 121 out of the water and 14th out of 121 on the bike. The run is my strength and saving grace. We will have to meet up in Finland (and get a pic!!) How exciting! Have you book accommodations yet?

Ya...I was told that Triathlons are won on the bike.  That doesn't mean the person with the fastest bike split always wins though.  It just means the person that sets him or herself up the best on the bike for the run wins.

I would agree with this statement. I think a strong bike + run is the ticket!
2022-10-28 6:36 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by Hot Runner

Yes, that AG is crazy competitive! I was fifth AG at Calgary one year (on a MUCH faster course, but still....) with a 5:06! Even for 50-54 (I'm 53 now), at Seattle the first three were close to 5 hours. Yikes. You will do great!

Not sure you have been to Worlds before but if not.... Usually the best deal (well, the only deal??) is available with packages through a company called Nirvana which sort of has a monopoly on these events. They usually include everything but the flight. If you have good local knowledge and contacts you can try to do it freestyle which might be cheaper, but logistically tough to put all the pieces together.

Nirvana was supposed to be contacting qualifiers about the packages sometime soon. My guess is that they will probably wait until after 70.3 Worlds next month. But if I don't hear something by then, might check their website. I talked to some other qualifiers at Calgary and they said they'd checked already about accommodation in Lahti and nothing showed availability locally, probably because Nirvana had booked it all up. It doesn't look like a big place so maybe people will have to bus in from Helsinki or elsewhere??

I just don't have time to deal with this until our winter break. Also not willing to sink lots of investigation time into something that, honestly, might not happen, or might not happen in Finland. I'm glad I qualified and will go if it's doable, but with the ongoing Covid situation, possibility of stricter travel or entry policies in Europe if there's another wave, and/or problems with Russia (it's right next to Finland....), we need a certain amount of luck for this event to actually go off as planned. I would not be surprised if it ends up being moved elsewhere at some point, if it does take place. Sorry--my life over the last few years has not given me much reason for optimism. But if the event happens and I can get there, I will do my best to go.

So I have a place to stay so far. We were able to book a hotel in Helsinki + a local triathlete also qualified along with a lady from Raleigh, NC so the 3 of us plus our spouses found an AirBnB half way between Helskini and Lahti.

What are your racing plans for 2023? I'm thinking maybe I need to do another half before worlds? Like in May or June? Trying to figure just how hilly the bike course will be.
2022-10-28 2:20 PM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

No know racers this weekend. I guess we are between most of the age group tris and full on run season?

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

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