BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2020-03-24 10:37 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Mom and I figured out how to access the 75,000+ e-books available online for free through our local library, which will go a long way toward preserving some semblance of sanity! (Relying on Little Free Libraries wasn't going to get us very far. Anyway, I heard those were shut down in the Bay Area, so not sure how long they'll still be a thing here.)

No "non-essential" businesses as of yesterday. But our local bike shop is still open, at least for now. Basically the order affects businesses where people congregate and 6 foot distance can't be easily maintained. Andreas needs a new battery for his power meter and I can't do it without removing the bottom bracket, which I can't do given my available tools, muscle, and technical skill. They are, amazingly, booked solid thru Thursday. We have an appointment for Friday. (It's on an appointment-only basis, with one customer at a time for drop off and pick-up.) Will evaluate Friday if it's a risk I want to take, both in terms of health and getting Andreas stuck if things change during the day (the shop does have a contingency plan for that). Presumably I can disinfect the bike before I bring it home.

Just hard to know what's really going on. Our county supposedly has only four confirmed cases, only one that might have been from "community spread" (others have been traced to travel and close contact with someone who traveled) but who knows how many they're testing? Oregon's sandwiched between two of the hardest-hit states, we're all connected by I-5, so I doubt we'll get off lightly. Just hoping it spreads more slowly here as few people rely on mass transit, the county's mostly rural aside from our town, university is closed, and we don't have many crowded areas at the best of times.

Edited by Hot Runner 2020-03-24 10:38 AM

2020-03-24 11:56 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
For some reason I can't respond to your post, Janyne. Two of the counties, near the Smokies have closed their borders to all but residents. This is on the NC side. They fear too many visitors to overwhelm the tiny hospitals there.
2020-03-24 12:15 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by Hot Runner

Mom and I figured out how to access the 75,000+ e-books available online for free through our local library, which will go a long way toward preserving some semblance of sanity! (Relying on Little Free Libraries wasn't going to get us very far. Anyway, I heard those were shut down in the Bay Area, so not sure how long they'll still be a thing here.)

A lot of libraries offer audio books as well. I've been a member of Audible off and on, but mostly get audio books from the local library now.
2020-03-24 12:36 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh For some reason I can't respond to your post, Janyne. Two of the counties, near the Smokies have closed their borders to all but residents. This is on the NC side. They fear too many visitors to overwhelm the tiny hospitals there.

I knew about Graham county. I heard Madison is on some kind of shelter-in-place but don't know the details.

2020-03-24 1:34 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

It's all so strange but i do worry about actual social isolation which is bad for us too. Mental health is health too - so even though some older folks seem to be acting like teenagers its perfectly normal to cling to routines. It's such a tough balance because the danger to our physical health is real. 

I know my mom struggles with depression so any way that we can help while still being physically distant but not actually socially can be helpful. My mom, sisters and i have a group chat which we are checking in on every day and just sending random photos. I hope it helps. 

My mom's quilt group is meeting via Zoom today.  Her book club is meeting via Zoom tomorrow.  They seem to be figuring it out.

Oh, and the quilters are doing the face masks.

How precious that your mom's quilting and book group are getting together via Zoom!!  Yay, seniors!!

2020-03-24 2:50 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
They also have audio books, movies, and music available to check out. Might look into the music and movies, but I've never been a fan of audio books, podcasts, and the like. I know some people love them for commuting and even bike/run training, but I find I can't process a story or article when I'm doing something else. Guess I'm more of a visual learner!

2020-03-24 3:30 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing well, and staying sane.

I was avoiding social media, and Internet in general for a while. Last week was a complete chaos, with my workplace going remotely with no time for transition (which was very hard for those folks who work in the labs, who work with research, and for students + faculty who now have to convert all their curriculum into online learning), and with school going into one big questionmark, sending parents updates every two minutes with tips on e-learning (I bet tehy all had good intentions, but didn't realize how much anxiety it created for parents who have no idea about homeschooling, who work full time, who have multiple kids, who don't always have computers or Internet access). I was also overwhelmed by the amount of information, and misinformation, and fake news, and stories of apocalipsa, and all sorts of crazy stuff... On top of that we run out of the toilet paper. I had 3 rolls before the epidemia, and wa splanning to buy more on the weekend when absolutely everyone decided they need to baricade themselves with tons of toilet paper.

I avoided stores, people, and Internet/news. It gave me and my family some space, moments to relax and reflect. So a week later we are being very much sane, happy, relaxed, and just doing what we can do. I work remotely, the kids have some sort of schedule of things they can do at home. It's been fine for us.

I will have some time to read your posts and see how you're doing, especially those of you in the areas most impacted, and those of you with family members most vulnarable. I hope eveyone is healthy.
2020-03-24 3:36 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by jmkizer

The Manatee At Home Challenge sheet is available.

  • Keep Moving
  • Run/Walk streak
  • Strength/Core
  • Yoga/Mindfulness
  • Hydration

Sign up for any or all.

We start tomorrow.  I plan to post reminders at least once a week.  I also included a resources tab with some things like example swim cord workouts, free yoga sessions, etc.  Please add any ideas that you run across to that tab.

Thank you so very much, Janyne.

Thank you so much, this is soooo needed! I feel upset that now I am sitting at home all day, meaning I have all the time of my life to focus on exercising, and I just have no motication.... This should definitely help ))))
2020-03-24 3:44 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh For some reason I can't respond to your post, Janyne. Two of the counties, near the Smokies have closed their borders to all but residents. This is on the NC side. They fear too many visitors to overwhelm the tiny hospitals there.

I knew about Graham county. I heard Madison is on some kind of shelter-in-place but don't know the details.

Cherokee closed its borders a couple of days ago.

2020-03-24 4:02 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Not sure how our county can do this unless they close a major interstate (I-5) and all the exits off of that, plus several state highways and countless country roads.
2020-03-24 4:09 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by Hot Runner Not sure how our county can do this unless they close a major interstate (I-5) and all the exits off of that, plus several state highways and countless country roads.

these counties are very remote and there are zero interstates. Matter of fact, I don't think there are any, or very few, miles of 4 lane roads. BUT they are the playground for a good portion of the east coast (and more) so they get a lot of people, without having very much infrastructure.

2020-03-24 4:11 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by marysia83 Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing well, and staying sane. I was avoiding social media, and Internet in general for a while. Last week was a complete chaos, with my workplace going remotely with no time for transition (which was very hard for those folks who work in the labs, who work with research, and for students + faculty who now have to convert all their curriculum into online learning), and with school going into one big questionmark, sending parents updates every two minutes with tips on e-learning (I bet tehy all had good intentions, but didn't realize how much anxiety it created for parents who have no idea about homeschooling, who work full time, who have multiple kids, who don't always have computers or Internet access). I was also overwhelmed by the amount of information, and misinformation, and fake news, and stories of apocalipsa, and all sorts of crazy stuff... On top of that we run out of the toilet paper. I had 3 rolls before the epidemia, and wa splanning to buy more on the weekend when absolutely everyone decided they need to baricade themselves with tons of toilet paper. I avoided stores, people, and Internet/news. It gave me and my family some space, moments to relax and reflect. So a week later we are being very much sane, happy, relaxed, and just doing what we can do. I work remotely, the kids have some sort of schedule of things they can do at home. It's been fine for us. I will have some time to read your posts and see how you're doing, especially those of you in the areas most impacted, and those of you with family members most vulnarable. I hope eveyone is healthy.
That was really smart taking the time and eliminating the mental clutter! I hope things stay on an even keel for you.

2020-03-24 6:24 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Choo manatees, I saw a FB that one of the hotels (THe Chatanooga, I believe) is canceling reservations through the race date! 

2020-03-24 6:38 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by amd723

Choo manatees, I saw a FB that one of the hotels (THe Chatanooga, I believe) is canceling reservations through the race date! 

I saw that. Ironman is really dropping the ball on this one.
2020-03-24 6:51 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by amd723

Choo manatees, I saw a FB that one of the hotels (THe Chatanooga, I believe) is canceling reservations through the race date! 

I saw that. Ironman is really dropping the ball on this one.

Yep, I'm not going even if they somehow managed to get Chatanooga to allow them, but it would be nice to have some clarity.

2020-03-24 7:26 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by amd723

Choo manatees, I saw a FB that one of the hotels (THe Chatanooga, I believe) is canceling reservations through the race date! 

I saw that. Ironman is really dropping the ball on this one.

Yep, I'm not going even if they somehow managed to get Chatanooga to allow them, but it would be nice to have some clarity.

When was the race supposed to happen? They just announced Olympics will be moved to next year. Following soccer cups rescheduled to 2021. I am guessing IM and other big events will cancel, as rescheduling may not work in uncertain times.

2020-03-24 8:25 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by amd723

Choo manatees, I saw a FB that one of the hotels (THe Chatanooga, I believe) is canceling reservations through the race date! 

I saw that. Ironman is really dropping the ball on this one.

Yep, I'm not going even if they somehow managed to get Chatanooga to allow them, but it would be nice to have some clarity.

When was the race supposed to happen? They just announced Olympics will be moved to next year. Following soccer cups rescheduled to 2021. I am guessing IM and other big events will cancel, as rescheduling may not work in uncertain times.
May 17. Ironman races on either side have already been cancelled. I am really disgusted by ironman.
2020-03-24 8:27 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by amd723

Choo manatees, I saw a FB that one of the hotels (THe Chatanooga, I believe) is canceling reservations through the race date! 

I saw that. Ironman is really dropping the ball on this one.

Yep, I'm not going even if they somehow managed to get Chatanooga to allow them, but it would be nice to have some clarity.

i am not either. Now to cancel my hotel reservations. The bad thing is i cant find my confirmation email. Poop.
2020-03-25 5:01 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Happy Hump Day, Manatees! I'm sorry about all the race cancellations, seems like the first half of 2020 will be a no-go for most events. I just received word that my May event (Tour of Hermann) has been cancelled and I'm pretty certain that my June event will be cancelled as well. A few of us are thinking about going to Hermann anyway, assuming our hotels aren't closed, and doing our own thing.
2020-03-25 9:23 AM
in reply to: abake

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by abakeHappy Hump Day, Manatees! I'm sorry about all the race cancellations, seems like the first half of 2020 will be a no-go for most events. I just received word that my May event (Tour of Hermann) has been cancelled and I'm pretty certain that my June event will be cancelled as well. A few of us are thinking about going to Hermann anyway, assuming our hotels aren't closed, and doing our own thing.
i hope you get to do this. Most of the trails and all of the State Parks are closed near me. People are coming from everywhere to get away. I cant blame them at all, but i hate my escapes are dwindling.
2020-03-25 9:46 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by abakeHappy Hump Day, Manatees! I'm sorry about all the race cancellations, seems like the first half of 2020 will be a no-go for most events. I just received word that my May event (Tour of Hermann) has been cancelled and I'm pretty certain that my June event will be cancelled as well. A few of us are thinking about going to Hermann anyway, assuming our hotels aren't closed, and doing our own thing.
i hope you get to do this. Most of the trails and all of the State Parks are closed near me. People are coming from everywhere to get away. I cant blame them at all, but i hate my escapes are dwindling.

I know that DuPont is closed. Is Pisgah as well?  I suppose if not now, soon... :-/

2020-03-25 9:51 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by abakeHappy Hump Day, Manatees! I'm sorry about all the race cancellations, seems like the first half of 2020 will be a no-go for most events. I just received word that my May event (Tour of Hermann) has been cancelled and I'm pretty certain that my June event will be cancelled as well. A few of us are thinking about going to Hermann anyway, assuming our hotels aren't closed, and doing our own thing.
i hope you get to do this. Most of the trails and all of the State Parks are closed near me. People are coming from everywhere to get away. I cant blame them at all, but i hate my escapes are dwindling.

I know that DuPont is closed. Is Pisgah as well?  I suppose if not now, soon... :-/

i haven't heard about pisgah but it is swamped! I wouldn't go there now, anyway. Usually during the week it is okay. Not now.
2020-03-25 10:23 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

POL and unsick post. Things are pretty calm here, although I must admit that the news has not been on regularly in our home in a week +

I've been keeping up with the conversation and can't help but be gutted for those that are going through this mess. Cancellations, unavailability, and all around lack of clarity are all combining to cause a mess indeed. Add to that the group of people that think this current mess doesn't apply to them (I'm looking at you, spring breakers) and I think it makes for something that is more difficult then it needs to be and will last longer as well. I am working from home and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. After a recent call with my sister (retired county administrator) it is apparent that many of our officials and decision makers seem to be struggling with how best to react, what to close, what to open, how long, etc

TW and I have been trying to keep some semblance of normalcy and calm for our families, with an increase in phone and video calls. This just proved to us that we need to do this more often, even when the crud isn't hitting the fan. Just more proof to me that it is people that matter in life, not all the ancillary stuff. Also, I do have to say that this group (and triathletes in general) has been long view type people. We'll get through the mess, but it's gonna take a while.  Let me know if you need a video chat on the book of faces and we'll be happy to put you in the list!

2020-03-25 12:54 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Saw these calming manatee memes and thought of you all

hugs, stay safe!
2020-03-25 2:08 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Smart trainer peeps:

RGT - Road Grand Tours - is free for the time being.

The last review that I saw on DCR said that it was a bit clunky but that was over a year ago.  Anyway, if you are bored with Zwift, etc. Here's an option.

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