BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?) Rss Feed  
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2013-12-12 2:54 PM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by amd723 Remind me how to sign up for the manatee group. Thx
Go to. on there and when it gets to choose/create team just search through for the Mad Manatees under M. It then asks for you to predict your weekly runs you're gonna complete each week, but you don't have to do that bit yet.

Okay. That's just scary. I pulled up the site with my computer, clicked "Sign up using Facebook," and it filled in almost all of my information. Wow.

I'm signed up -- 6 runs a week.

2013-12-12 2:57 PM
in reply to: KansasMom

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by KansasMom

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by amd723 Remind me how to sign up for the manatee group. Thx
Go to. on there and when it gets to choose/create team just search through for the Mad Manatees under M. It then asks for you to predict your weekly runs you're gonna complete each week, but you don't have to do that bit yet.

Okay. That's just scary. I pulled up the site with my computer, clicked "Sign up using Facebook," and it filled in almost all of my information. Wow.

I'm signed up -- 6 runs a week.

Me too, 5 runs a week

2013-12-12 3:26 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by KansasMom

Originally posted by Richardsdrr
Originally posted by amd723 Remind me how to sign up for the manatee group. Thx
Go to. on there and when it gets to choose/create team just search through for the Mad Manatees under M. It then asks for you to predict your weekly runs you're gonna complete each week, but you don't have to do that bit yet.

Okay. That's just scary. I pulled up the site with my computer, clicked "Sign up using Facebook," and it filled in almost all of my information. Wow.

I'm signed up -- 6 runs a week.

Me too, 5 runs a week

5 for me too.
2013-12-12 4:51 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by QueenZipp

Originally posted by rrrunner

Christmas shopping done so far...

DS2 - Adamo seat & 2 tickets to 3 Doors Down accoustic (and a Broncos scarf for his stocking)

Nephew-in-law - Bottles for his home brewing habit

That's it. Not off to a great start. I have some ideas for DH but haven't implemented any yet. So far everything except the scarf has been done via the interwebs.

How's everyone else doing at getting it done?

We are mostly done here--just a gift for my in laws and stocking stuffers left.

So far EVERYTHING has been bought online - and I LOVE it!  

Tony's stuff is done (just need to try and get it wrapped when he's not home at the same time as I am, NO idea when that might happen
SIL's pressie is bought, just waiting for it to arrive (she's my Secret Santa person this year)
Pressies for the niece and nephew are done and waiting for them to arrive as well - but everything has been shipped.  
One lawyer bought for and has arrived - just needs to be wrapped.  
The other 3 will most likely be getting bottles of booze which will be purchased this weekend.  

Done and DONE!  :D  

I try to buy all mine on line as well- I love amazon prime!

. Ended up buying my 10 yo niece a slackline. I had never heard of one until my hair dresser told me they were all the rage. After I googled it, I had to make sure my brother and SIL would not kill me for buying her one! They look like a blast and I have plans to try hers out. So, after Xmas you will all probably see a post from me discussing how i broke some bone slacklining,For those who have never seen people slacklining here is a YouTube link.

That is awesome. I am sure that I would break every bone in my body, if I tried it. I broke my nose on the trampoline once, the sad part was I wasn't bouncing on it, I RAN into it!

We don't buy Christmas presents much. Back when my brothers and sister started having kids the rule was set that we wouldn't by gifts for each other's children which I am really thankful about because between the 3 of them they are currently up to 10 and still going. We used to do a secret Santa amongst the adults but over the years it stopped as we ended up spread all over the country. The year before last was the first time in over 10 years that we had all been together at Christmas time.

DH and I haven't done the gift thing for each other for years. Christmas was never a big deal in his family but for mine it was the only time that along with birthdays that we got items that weren't necessities cause my parents didn't have much money. But not living near family Christmas has become very low key for us, we normally take the dogs to the beach for the morning and then veg for the day.

In order to be a little bit more festive a friend at work and I have decided that this year we are going to start hosting Christmas lunch for people that we know (and like) that don't have family to spend the day with. Anyone for a BBQ in 100* heat, it's BYO everything including a chair
2013-12-12 5:33 PM
in reply to: 0

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
So I just had the following conversation with my DH:

DH - are you doing this triathlon on Sunday or just going to watch?
Me - doing it.
DH - the whole thing or just the swim?
Me - the whole thing.
DH - how long is it?
Me - 750 swim, 20k ride, 5k run which I will walk most of depending on how hot it is by then.
DH - mmmmm
Me - what do you mean by that?
DH - are you gonna be able to do that?
Me - why?
DH - cause you have done nothing for a few weeks you know?

So someone else has noticed my mojo has disappeared too.

Maybe it's time for a JOGO Challenge, but seeing how Jo isn't here to suggest it I will. Anyone else interested?

Edit - I guess Darren's Jantastic is a form of JOGO isn't it? Darren is Jantastic limited to running?

Edited by StaceyK 2013-12-12 5:34 PM
2013-12-12 8:37 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Hey all--Still keepin' on out here....I am probably not going to be joining the Jantastic thing; it sounds awesome, but I just have a knack for not checking in on stuff and dropping challenges like hot potatoes. I don't want to bring  down my team 

As for other goings on...I finally was able to see my doctor yesterday (I only had to wait a month for an appointment!). She agreed with m, I am umm....well...lets just say there is some changes happening. I told her I was okay with most of the crap I have been dealing with (Pains, hot flashes, etc) but I was NOT into the whole anxiety/depression thing. So I am now on generic Effexor, it worries me as it is something that you have to taper off of if you wish to get off it--I have never been one for being on a long term drug....and of course, I was stupid and immediately looked it up online. Words of wisdom: DO NOT READ PEOPLE's REVIEWS FOR MEDICATION! Apparently, the WORST, MOST NASTY stuff ever will happen when you take the drug that is offered. SO that set off a whole 'nother night of anxiety before I started them this morning. Overall, I felt ok today, so we'll see--they say it takes a while to kick in within the brain. It turns out, this was what my mom was prescribed 5 years ago for her emotional issues from Fibromyalgia--she's never had issues with the meds in the time she's taken it--and she takes a MUCH LARGER dose. so my fingers are crossed.

On 'my mom' news, her cells were down again (all of them), so it was back for another blood transfusion again, and then resuming chemo next week. She was understandably worried, but the doctors told her that women over 65 (the dr then asked if she was over 65...bless his heart!) often will have a hard time keeping the blood cells at good levels, and it was nothing to worry about. I told her that with all the gallons of blood she has donated in her life, she is entitled to the blood she is getting, and could EASILY be entitled to more! 
Anyhow, I did a run tonight at the gym, and now will be lazy.

2013-12-13 12:48 AM
in reply to: kgore

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Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by kgore

Hey all--Still keepin' on out here....I am probably not going to be joining the Jantastic thing; it sounds awesome, but I just have a knack for not checking in on stuff and dropping challenges like hot potatoes. I don't want to bring  down my team 

As for other goings on...I finally was able to see my doctor yesterday (I only had to wait a month for an appointment!). She agreed with m, I am umm....well...lets just say there is some changes happening. I told her I was okay with most of the crap I have been dealing with (Pains, hot flashes, etc) but I was NOT into the whole anxiety/depression thing. So I am now on generic Effexor, it worries me as it is something that you have to taper off of if you wish to get off it--I have never been one for being on a long term drug....and of course, I was stupid and immediately looked it up online. Words of wisdom: DO NOT READ PEOPLE's REVIEWS FOR MEDICATION! Apparently, the WORST, MOST NASTY stuff ever will happen when you take the drug that is offered. SO that set off a whole 'nother night of anxiety before I started them this morning. Overall, I felt ok today, so we'll see--they say it takes a while to kick in within the brain. It turns out, this was what my mom was prescribed 5 years ago for her emotional issues from Fibromyalgia--she's never had issues with the meds in the time she's taken it--and she takes a MUCH LARGER dose. so my fingers are crossed.

On 'my mom' news, her cells were down again (all of them), so it was back for another blood transfusion again, and then resuming chemo next week. She was understandably worried, but the doctors told her that women over 65 (the dr then asked if she was over 65...bless his heart!) often will have a hard time keeping the blood cells at good levels, and it was nothing to worry about. I told her that with all the gallons of blood she has donated in her life, she is entitled to the blood she is getting, and could EASILY be entitled to more! 
Anyhow, I did a run tonight at the gym, and now will be lazy.

Glad to see you Kate!  Looking up drug side effects on the internets is indeed a very bad idea.  I hope it helps with your symptoms! 

Good on your mom for donating blood when she could.  It's payback time

2013-12-13 12:50 AM
in reply to: bcraht

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Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Well, the semester is over.  The exams are all done, I have completed all my marking.  And I am taking tomorrow off.  This is the longest semester in quite awhile!  Lots of drama with our students.  I am finally going to get the house Christmasized   Happy Friday everyone!

2013-12-13 1:02 AM
in reply to: bcraht

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Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

All signed up and joined the team for Jantastic. 

2013-12-13 6:07 AM
in reply to: bcraht

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
alrighty you mad manatees I signed up too. Although the last week of January I'll be skiing in Colorado so I can tell you NO running will get done that week

on to other news.....HOLY BUSY WEEK AT WORK! Fear not, I leave for FL on Sunday AM for 4 days to visit Grandma (assuming this little 4-8" snowstorm doesn't cancel my flight). Still on the hunt for a tri bike. My shop got a line on a 2013 Trek Speed Concept WSD - but they are SO different from the 2014 (frame AND groupo changes) and the price difference is insane. Oh well, FWP.

Have a great FRIDAY, and the WEEKEND and the few days after that without me :D
2013-12-13 7:04 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by StaceyK So I just had the following conversation with my DH: DH - are you doing this triathlon on Sunday or just going to watch? Me - doing it. DH - the whole thing or just the swim? Me - the whole thing. DH - how long is it? Me - 750 swim, 20k ride, 5k run which I will walk most of depending on how hot it is by then. DH - mmmmm Me - what do you mean by that? DH - are you gonna be able to do that? Me - why? DH - cause you have done nothing for a few weeks you know? So someone else has noticed my mojo has disappeared too. Maybe it's time for a JOGO Challenge, but seeing how Jo isn't here to suggest it I will. Anyone else interested? Edit - I guess Darren's Jantastic is a form of JOGO isn't it? Darren is Jantastic limited to running?

We may have to rename it the Stacey Challenge?  What are the rules?  30 minutes for 30 days?  Starting when?  Are we supposed to report in (weekly?) or...

2013-12-13 7:12 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Racing Manatees!

December 14-15
Salty - XC Club Nationals on Saturday
Stacey - Hillary's Sprint on Sunday
Yanti - Hillary's Sprint on Sunday

Disabled list:
Melanie - strained hamstring

December 15 is Jo's birthday

Stay tuned for an upcoming challenge to help find your mojo!

2013-12-13 7:27 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by StaceyK So I just had the following conversation with my DH: DH - are you doing this triathlon on Sunday or just going to watch? Me - doing it. DH - the whole thing or just the swim? Me - the whole thing. DH - how long is it? Me - 750 swim, 20k ride, 5k run which I will walk most of depending on how hot it is by then. DH - mmmmm Me - what do you mean by that? DH - are you gonna be able to do that? Me - why? DH - cause you have done nothing for a few weeks you know? So someone else has noticed my mojo has disappeared too. Maybe it's time for a JOGO Challenge, but seeing how Jo isn't here to suggest it I will. Anyone else interested? Edit - I guess Darren's Jantastic is a form of JOGO isn't it? Darren is Jantastic limited to running?

We may have to rename it the Stacey Challenge?  What are the rules?  30 minutes for 30 days?  Starting when?  Are we supposed to report in (weekly?) or...

Maybe we could just use Darren's Jantastic challenge instead.
2013-12-13 8:46 AM
in reply to: kgore

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by kgore

Hey all--Still keepin' on out here....I am probably not going to be joining the Jantastic thing; it sounds awesome, but I just have a knack for not checking in on stuff and dropping challenges like hot potatoes. I don't want to bring  down my team 

As for other goings on...I finally was able to see my doctor yesterday (I only had to wait a month for an appointment!). She agreed with m, I am umm....well...lets just say there is some changes happening. I told her I was okay with most of the crap I have been dealing with (Pains, hot flashes, etc) but I was NOT into the whole anxiety/depression thing. So I am now on generic Effexor, it worries me as it is something that you have to taper off of if you wish to get off it--I have never been one for being on a long term drug....and of course, I was stupid and immediately looked it up online. Words of wisdom: DO NOT READ PEOPLE's REVIEWS FOR MEDICATION! Apparently, the WORST, MOST NASTY stuff ever will happen when you take the drug that is offered. SO that set off a whole 'nother night of anxiety before I started them this morning. Overall, I felt ok today, so we'll see--they say it takes a while to kick in within the brain. It turns out, this was what my mom was prescribed 5 years ago for her emotional issues from Fibromyalgia--she's never had issues with the meds in the time she's taken it--and she takes a MUCH LARGER dose. so my fingers are crossed.

On 'my mom' news, her cells were down again (all of them), so it was back for another blood transfusion again, and then resuming chemo next week. She was understandably worried, but the doctors told her that women over 65 (the dr then asked if she was over 65...bless his heart!) often will have a hard time keeping the blood cells at good levels, and it was nothing to worry about. I told her that with all the gallons of blood she has donated in her life, she is entitled to the blood she is getting, and could EASILY be entitled to more! 
Anyhow, I did a run tonight at the gym, and now will be lazy.

I feel your pain. Reminds me that I need to refill my effexor.

2013-12-13 8:47 AM
in reply to: bcraht

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by bcraht

Well, the semester is over.  The exams are all done, I have completed all my marking.  And I am taking tomorrow off.  This is the longest semester in quite awhile!  Lots of drama with our students.  I am finally going to get the house Christmasized   Happy Friday everyone!

Awesome! I still have some grading to do and course schedules for 2014-2015 to create. Yikes.

2013-12-13 8:50 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

December 14-15
Salty - XC Club Nationals on Saturday
Stacey - Hillary's Sprint on Sunday
Yanti - Hillary's Sprint on Sunday

Disabled list:
Melanie - strained hamstring

December 15 is Jo's birthday

Stay tuned for an upcoming challenge to help find your mojo!

Go racers!

Happy birthday Jo!

heal Melanie!

2013-12-13 11:36 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by amd723
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

December 14-15
Salty - XC Club Nationals on Saturday
Stacey - Hillary's Sprint on Sunday
Yanti - Hillary's Sprint on Sunday

Disabled list:
Melanie - strained hamstring

December 15 is Jo's birthday

Stay tuned for an upcoming challenge to help find your mojo!

Go racers!

Happy birthday Jo!

heal Melanie!

What she ^^^ said, fancied up a li'l bit.

2013-12-13 11:57 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Christmas shopping done so far...

DS2 - Adamo seat & 2 tickets to 3 Doors Down accoustic (and a Broncos scarf for his stocking)

Nephew-in-law - Bottles for his home brewing habit

That's it. Not off to a great start. I have some ideas for DH but haven't implemented any yet. So far everything except the scarf has been done via the interwebs.

How's everyone else doing at getting it done?

I'm a huge fan of internet shopping although some does get done in person.  Feeling OK about most of my shopping but there is still some to do for ancillary people.  I get a tiny bit 'grinchy' about some ancillary people ... it's a slippery slope.

Edited by melbo55 2013-12-13 1:20 PM
2013-12-13 12:07 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

December 14-15
Salty - XC Club Nationals on Saturday
Stacey - Hillary's Sprint on Sunday
Yanti - Hillary's Sprint on Sunday

Disabled list:
Melanie - strained hamstring

December 15 is Jo's birthday

Stay tuned for an upcoming challenge to help find your mojo!

Make us proud, racers!




Happy early  birthday, Jo, as I'll probably forget!

2013-12-13 5:17 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
In order to try and find my mojo I am putting my 2014 tri goal out into Manatee land.

My goal is to finish an Oly on Feb 2nd. My it will be a push but achievable time goal is 3:30. As of tomorrow I have 7 weeks until race day.

My running sucks and at the moment I don't think that I could continuously run 5k. But there are some positives:
- I don't have to study at night anymore so I could start to fit some night time runs in and it is light here at about 4:30am now so I can get some decent morning rides in outside.
- School is out for all of that time, so for me that means all the teachers go on leave and I can get much more work done during the day cause I don't get interrupted as much, which means no need to work back late. (No offence meant to all those teachers in Manatee land you do a great job which I couldn't do ever.)
- School holidays also means no night time meetings until the end of January.
- I also have only 1 work trip away in the 7 weeks which is the week before the race and I will stay with my parents so still easy to SB and R, especially swim because they live 500m from the beach.

All the stars seem to be aligning so now I just need to find an 8 week plan and get off my butt and train.
2013-12-14 3:32 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)



GO ME!!!

Heal up, Melbo!

2013-12-14 8:49 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by Artemis

Hopefully you guys can see the picture from daycare today. Note, I did not put the bow in. She asked for it so she could have a bow like her friend.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY E!!!I love the camera smile Also CONGRATULATIONS on the new job, so glad you found something before Christmas. I hope you are enjoying it.
So far it's really interesting. I'm working on part of the human microbiome project, so trying to get up to speed on everything. Part of my job is also doing work in the microarray core lab supporting the whole university so my immediate supervisor can do microbiome work.
2013-12-14 8:53 AM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
Originally posted by Richardsdrr24 days until Jantastic starts. Anyone signed up yet?
Sounds fun!
2013-12-14 7:56 PM
in reply to: Artemis

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)

Looks like Adrienne made it through hers, but have to wait for her to hear how it went. Just looks like a REALLY tough time for everyone given the paces. Only a handful of them broke 6:00/mile. Don't know hardly any names, but Lauren Fleshman is there and was not one of them.

2013-12-15 9:46 AM
in reply to: TriAya

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mucho Mental Manatee Mentors--CLOSED (Pop Tarts?)
I'm signed up for Jantastic. Currently at 3 days per week, but 2 might be more realistic to start.
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Mentors Needed - INSTRUCTIONS

Started by Ron
Views: 11077 Posts: 1

2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : January 1, 2015
author : Team BT
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Are you new? Are you starting to train for your first race in 2015? Join a mentor group to get all of your questions answered.
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There are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
date : May 29, 2012
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I recently just ran a 5 mile race, and in the last 100 meters I was sprinting to pass someone and I felt a "pop" in my left arch. Could I have strained it? What is your advice for healing?
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The closed fist drill will ensure that you are pulling with your entire hand and forearm.
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.
date : September 3, 2006
author : AMSSM
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Near the end of one of my long runs, I noticed my left hip aching. There was a slight pop with each step. The hip was sore for 2 days after the run.