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2021-10-29 11:17 AM
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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by amd723

IA few races are sold out like FL, TX, and AZ (?), but I think like Janyne said a lot of that is due to all the deferrals. Another factor toward LP selling out may be the talk of it not continuing there in the future. I can't remember what the renewal ended up as - 1 more year?


I guess I better get my act together and decide on races for next year. 

I am stuck at the cross roads. 

Should I ...

1) Try to complete 3 triathlons this year so I can get my USAT rank after only doing a total of 2 triathlons in the past two years?

2) After doing a bunch of Duathlons in 2020 and really liking them should I try to attend some of the big Duathlon Races this year?

3) With two Ironman 140.6 rances near me on Saturdays (and about zero other non-Sunday races near me) should I do my first Full Ironman?

4) With an awesome local running club that had two guys in my training group do the AG Masters World Marathon Championship in London this year and four do Boston this year should I focus on my running again and do another Marathon (or 2-3)?

When I had the same 3 local races every year and was just focused on beating my time from the previous year goals were simple.  Race cancelations from Covid and moving really shook things up.  I usually wait until the end of December after time off at the end of the season to make goals for the next year.  So...I guess I have time to figure things out, but can cross FL, TX, AZ,  LP off the list.  TX was a long shot but on the list.

So many choices!

Only you know what you are loving the most right now.

I'm not sure what qualifies as a large duathlon these days. Unfortunately, du hasn't been that competitive in recent years, although it looks like Cal Tri is trying to do a series now? TBH, I had never heard if it until today.

Regarding 140.6 vs marathon, both are good choices if you are excited about the event. I think that you'd be successful with either event.  Obviously the 140.6 will take more hours/week of training.

Maybe i am jumping to conclusions but based on some of your previous posts it seems that Ironman is a bit of a monkey on your back. It might be time to scratch that itch and get it done. If you think you can do the training i don't see why you shouldn't just go for it. There will never be the perfect training cycle - life happens along the way. 

All your options are amazing though and you can't go wrong with following what you enjoy. 

Edited by juniperjen 2021-10-29 11:22 AM

2021-10-29 11:41 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by amd723

IA few races are sold out like FL, TX, and AZ (?), but I think like Janyne said a lot of that is due to all the deferrals. Another factor toward LP selling out may be the talk of it not continuing there in the future. I can't remember what the renewal ended up as - 1 more year?


I guess I better get my act together and decide on races for next year. 

I am stuck at the cross roads. 

Should I ...

1) Try to complete 3 triathlons this year so I can get my USAT rank after only doing a total of 2 triathlons in the past two years?

2) After doing a bunch of Duathlons in 2020 and really liking them should I try to attend some of the big Duathlon Races this year?

3) With two Ironman 140.6 rances near me on Saturdays (and about zero other non-Sunday races near me) should I do my first Full Ironman?

4) With an awesome local running club that had two guys in my training group do the AG Masters World Marathon Championship in London this year and four do Boston this year should I focus on my running again and do another Marathon (or 2-3)?

When I had the same 3 local races every year and was just focused on beating my time from the previous year goals were simple.  Race cancelations from Covid and moving really shook things up.  I usually wait until the end of December after time off at the end of the season to make goals for the next year.  So...I guess I have time to figure things out, but can cross FL, TX, AZ,  LP off the list.  TX was a long shot but on the list.

So many choices!

Only you know what you are loving the most right now.

I'm not sure what qualifies as a large duathlon these days. Unfortunately, du hasn't been that competitive in recent years, although it looks like Cal Tri is trying to do a series now? TBH, I had never heard if it until today.

Regarding 140.6 vs marathon, both are good choices if you are excited about the event. I think that you'd be successful with either event.  Obviously the 140.6 will take more hours/week of training.

Maybe i am jumping to conclusions but based on some of your previous posts it seems that Ironman is a bit of a monkey on your back. It might be time to scratch that itch and get it done. If you think you can do the training i don't see why you shouldn't just go for it. There will never be the perfect training cycle - life happens along the way. 

All your options are amazing though and you can't go wrong with following what you enjoy. 


2021-10-29 11:42 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Racing Manatees!!!

October 30-31
Janyne - Trick or Trot fun run on Sunday

Dooo eeettt!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Happy Halloween!

2021-10-29 12:44 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

October 30-31
Janyne - Trick or Trot fun run on Sunday

Dooo eeettt!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Happy Halloween!

Have a great trick or trot or run!
2021-10-29 1:08 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

October 30-31
Janyne - Trick or Trot fun run on Sunday

Dooo eeettt!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Happy Halloween!

enjoy your run!

2021-10-29 3:47 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

October 30-31
Janyne - Trick or Trot fun run on Sunday

Dooo eeettt!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Happy Halloween!

Go Janyne! That sounds fun

2021-10-29 4:01 PM
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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Speaking of plans and training, and preparations...
My partner is builing his mileage to do 100+ miles on the bike, so I suggested we could do full Ironman race distance together, as relay. I would do the swim and run, he would bike. He is a very strong biker. I think overall I have some chance to succeed if I don't have to worry about the bike part - I need to cover the run, which so far has not been an issue for me, and the swim.... which is where I look for your advice.

The race we picked is Great Floridaman near Orlando:
Some reasons we decided on this one:
- it's next year in October, so we will have almost a full year to prepare
- it will be during kids' school break, so logistically makes it easier, as I won't have to worry about travel and missing the school
- since we will have travel plans during summer (through mid-August), we should still have about two months to train during the fall

Details on me and my training:
- I have not been swimming for two years, and am planning to start next week. In the past, I completed HIM without wetsuit. I have it now and am hoping it would be a huge help.
- Open water access may be an issue - we have some reservoirs in the area, but I would need to have someone come with me to feel safer. I am also planning to be in Wisconsin during summer, trying to swim Devil's lake across.
- I am planning to train all three strokes, to have a back up (with main focus on the free)

My overall goal is to finish, we want to do it for fun. My HIM time (without wetsuit and with only one month training) was one hour (and 7 minutes), so I am assuming somewhere around 2 hours to complete full distance.

My question to you is if you think it's realistic and what are your suggestions training wise. Again, I have a year to prepare the swim part, with a goal to finish the swim, not to break any records.
I am not concerned about running, because I have done all sorts of distances, and am running semi-regularly and hiking in high elevations. Obviously, I will have a more consistent training for the run part (I am also planning HIM and marathon, and maybe HM next year), but at leats with run I know worst case scenario I will walk, but won't drown...

Any advise is appreciated. Oh, and I can't join Master Classes. I know many people adviced me before on how beneficial that is, but I am on the budget, plus the classes in my area interfer with my work schedule and other obligations. So the only option is swimming/training by myself.


Edited by marysia83 2021-10-29 4:03 PM
2021-10-29 4:33 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

August 28-29
Marysia - Stauton Marathon (trail) on Saturday
Jen - Muskoka 70.3 on Sunday

Dooo eeettt!!!

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Have awesome races, Ladies
2021-10-29 4:47 PM
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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by marysia83 Speaking of plans and training, and preparations... My partner is builing his mileage to do 100+ miles on the bike, so I suggested we could do full Ironman race distance together, as relay. I would do the swim and run, he would bike. He is a very strong biker. I think overall I have some chance to succeed if I don't have to worry about the bike part - I need to cover the run, which so far has not been an issue for me, and the swim.... which is where I look for your advice. The race we picked is Great Floridaman near Orlando: reasons we decided on this one: - it's next year in October, so we will have almost a full year to prepare - it will be during kids' school break, so logistically makes it easier, as I won't have to worry about travel and missing the school - since we will have travel plans during summer (through mid-August), we should still have about two months to train during the fall Details on me and my training: - I have not been swimming for two years, and am planning to start next week. In the past, I completed HIM without wetsuit. I have it now and am hoping it would be a huge help. - Open water access may be an issue - we have some reservoirs in the area, but I would need to have someone come with me to feel safer. I am also planning to be in Wisconsin during summer, trying to swim Devil's lake across. - I am planning to train all three strokes, to have a back up (with main focus on the free) My overall goal is to finish, we want to do it for fun. My HIM time (without wetsuit and with only one month training) was one hour (and 7 minutes), so I am assuming somewhere around 2 hours to complete full distance. My question to you is if you think it's realistic and what are your suggestions training wise. Again, I have a year to prepare the swim part, with a goal to finish the swim, not to break any records. I am not concerned about running, because I have done all sorts of distances, and am running semi-regularly and hiking in high elevations. Obviously, I will have a more consistent training for the run part (I am also planning HIM and marathon, and maybe HM next year), but at leats with run I know worst case scenario I will walk, but won't drown... Any advise is appreciated. Oh, and I can't join Master Classes. I know many people adviced me before on how beneficial that is, but I am on the budget, plus the classes in my area interfer with my work schedule and other obligations. So the only option is swimming/training by myself. Thanks!

The Great Floridian! I do most of my bike training on its course. Since you are not doing the cycling I don’t need to tell you that even though it’s Florida, it isn’t flat in Clermont. Also, if your partner is riding in Colorado , that shouldn’t be an issue! 
I imagine you will benefit going from altitude to low elevation, so that is a big plus. Regarding having a wetsuit and it helping with your swim, we were still having 90* weather in October with only a few mornings in the 60s for a couple of hours, so I would not count on the swim being wetsuit legal.  Of course, it’s a shallow lake, so if there is a cool morning or 2 and they take the temp in just the right spot…  which they have been pretty successful doing most years.  Unless it’s really windy, the lake is pretty flat, so no waves to worry about, but be prepared, it’s dark water and while you’ll ( probably) be able to see your hand, you won’t see much of anything else. So, if you can get some reservoir swims in at least you won’t only have the pool clarity to get you prepared.

you didn’t mention what your swim training will be other than you will start soon and train multiple strokes, so all I can say is a year should be plenty of time to get you ready for the distance, you just have to put in the time. 
I am doing IMCattanooga b/c it is a down river swim and I can use the current! Props to you for not wimping out like me!

Edited by amd723 2021-10-29 4:48 PM
2021-10-29 4:58 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marysia83 Speaking of plans and training, and preparations... My partner is builing his mileage to do 100+ miles on the bike, so I suggested we could do full Ironman race distance together, as relay. I would do the swim and run, he would bike. He is a very strong biker. I think overall I have some chance to succeed if I don't have to worry about the bike part - I need to cover the run, which so far has not been an issue for me, and the swim.... which is where I look for your advice. The race we picked is Great Floridaman near Orlando: reasons we decided on this one: - it's next year in October, so we will have almost a full year to prepare - it will be during kids' school break, so logistically makes it easier, as I won't have to worry about travel and missing the school - since we will have travel plans during summer (through mid-August), we should still have about two months to train during the fall Details on me and my training: - I have not been swimming for two years, and am planning to start next week. In the past, I completed HIM without wetsuit. I have it now and am hoping it would be a huge help. - Open water access may be an issue - we have some reservoirs in the area, but I would need to have someone come with me to feel safer. I am also planning to be in Wisconsin during summer, trying to swim Devil's lake across. - I am planning to train all three strokes, to have a back up (with main focus on the free) My overall goal is to finish, we want to do it for fun. My HIM time (without wetsuit and with only one month training) was one hour (and 7 minutes), so I am assuming somewhere around 2 hours to complete full distance. My question to you is if you think it's realistic and what are your suggestions training wise. Again, I have a year to prepare the swim part, with a goal to finish the swim, not to break any records. I am not concerned about running, because I have done all sorts of distances, and am running semi-regularly and hiking in high elevations. Obviously, I will have a more consistent training for the run part (I am also planning HIM and marathon, and maybe HM next year), but at leats with run I know worst case scenario I will walk, but won't drown... Any advise is appreciated. Oh, and I can't join Master Classes. I know many people adviced me before on how beneficial that is, but I am on the budget, plus the classes in my area interfer with my work schedule and other obligations. So the only option is swimming/training by myself. Thanks!

The Great Floridian! I do most of my bike training on its course. Since you are not doing the cycling I don’t need to tell you that even though it’s Florida, it isn’t flat in Clermont. Also, if your partner is riding in Colorado , that shouldn’t be an issue! 
I imagine you will benefit going from altitude to low elevation, so that is a big plus. Regarding having a wetsuit and it helping with your swim, we were still having 90* weather in October with only a few mornings in the 60s for a couple of hours, so I would not count on the swim being wetsuit legal.  Of course, it’s a shallow lake, so if there is a cool morning or 2 and they take the temp in just the right spot…  which they have been pretty successful doing most years.  Unless it’s really windy, the lake is pretty flat, so no waves to worry about, but be prepared, it’s dark water and while you’ll ( probably) be able to see your hand, you won’t see much of anything else. So, if you can get some reservoir swims in at least you won’t only have the pool clarity to get you prepared.

you didn’t mention what your swim training will be other than you will start soon and train multiple strokes, so all I can say is a year should be plenty of time to get you ready for the distance, you just have to put in the time. 
I am doing IMCattanooga b/c it is a down river swim and I can use the current! Props to you for not wimping out like me!

Ahhh... I didn't realize that was your area ))
Thank you for the details, this is very helpful. I saw the bike elevation profile and it does look intense. But my partner is happy about it, because he loves climbing on bike (he considers flat courses boring), but I am happy enough I won't have to worry about it before the run

Thanks for more info on the weather/water temp. I was thinking about that it may not be wetsuit legal. Thus, even more consideration for stronger swimming.

I honestly don't have a training plan yet - that's why I wanted tsome insight from you. For right now I want to start with 1-2 times per week, just to adjust to a new schedule. I know that if I decide to make a full time swim training right away, I will fail miserably... So the plan for right now is to start 1-2 times per week, to refresh my muscle memory and get used to th ehabit of swimming. Eventually I would like to do 3 times per week (if I get a chance I would add 4th day), but realistically 3 times, with a goal to swim continuously for at least an hour.
2021-10-29 5:55 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marysia83 Speaking of plans and training, and preparations... My partner is builing his mileage to do 100+ miles on the bike, so I suggested we could do full Ironman race distance together, as relay. I would do the swim and run, he would bike. He is a very strong biker. I think overall I have some chance to succeed if I don't have to worry about the bike part - I need to cover the run, which so far has not been an issue for me, and the swim.... which is where I look for your advice. The race we picked is Great Floridaman near Orlando: reasons we decided on this one: - it's next year in October, so we will have almost a full year to prepare - it will be during kids' school break, so logistically makes it easier, as I won't have to worry about travel and missing the school - since we will have travel plans during summer (through mid-August), we should still have about two months to train during the fall Details on me and my training: - I have not been swimming for two years, and am planning to start next week. In the past, I completed HIM without wetsuit. I have it now and am hoping it would be a huge help. - Open water access may be an issue - we have some reservoirs in the area, but I would need to have someone come with me to feel safer. I am also planning to be in Wisconsin during summer, trying to swim Devil's lake across. - I am planning to train all three strokes, to have a back up (with main focus on the free) My overall goal is to finish, we want to do it for fun. My HIM time (without wetsuit and with only one month training) was one hour (and 7 minutes), so I am assuming somewhere around 2 hours to complete full distance. My question to you is if you think it's realistic and what are your suggestions training wise. Again, I have a year to prepare the swim part, with a goal to finish the swim, not to break any records. I am not concerned about running, because I have done all sorts of distances, and am running semi-regularly and hiking in high elevations. Obviously, I will have a more consistent training for the run part (I am also planning HIM and marathon, and maybe HM next year), but at leats with run I know worst case scenario I will walk, but won't drown... Any advise is appreciated. Oh, and I can't join Master Classes. I know many people adviced me before on how beneficial that is, but I am on the budget, plus the classes in my area interfer with my work schedule and other obligations. So the only option is swimming/training by myself. Thanks!

The Great Floridian! I do most of my bike training on its course. Since you are not doing the cycling I don’t need to tell you that even though it’s Florida, it isn’t flat in Clermont. Also, if your partner is riding in Colorado , that shouldn’t be an issue! 
I imagine you will benefit going from altitude to low elevation, so that is a big plus. Regarding having a wetsuit and it helping with your swim, we were still having 90* weather in October with only a few mornings in the 60s for a couple of hours, so I would not count on the swim being wetsuit legal.  Of course, it’s a shallow lake, so if there is a cool morning or 2 and they take the temp in just the right spot…  which they have been pretty successful doing most years.  Unless it’s really windy, the lake is pretty flat, so no waves to worry about, but be prepared, it’s dark water and while you’ll ( probably) be able to see your hand, you won’t see much of anything else. So, if you can get some reservoir swims in at least you won’t only have the pool clarity to get you prepared.

you didn’t mention what your swim training will be other than you will start soon and train multiple strokes, so all I can say is a year should be plenty of time to get you ready for the distance, you just have to put in the time. 
I am doing IMCattanooga b/c it is a down river swim and I can use the current! Props to you for not wimping out like me!

Ahhh... I didn't realize that was your area )) Thank you for the details, this is very helpful. I saw the bike elevation profile and it does look intense. But my partner is happy about it, because he loves climbing on bike (he considers flat courses boring), but I am happy enough I won't have to worry about it before the run Thanks for more info on the weather/water temp. I was thinking about that it may not be wetsuit legal. Thus, even more consideration for stronger swimming. I honestly don't have a training plan yet - that's why I wanted tsome insight from you. For right now I want to start with 1-2 times per week, just to adjust to a new schedule. I know that if I decide to make a full time swim training right away, I will fail miserably... So the plan for right now is to start 1-2 times per week, to refresh my muscle memory and get used to th ehabit of swimming. Eventually I would like to do 3 times per week (if I get a chance I would add 4th day), but realistically 3 times, with a goal to swim continuously for at least an hour.

3/ week will be just fine. I am not a swimmer, so someone like Melanie may be able to offer more insight, but I wouldn’t do training wher e you got on the pool, swam for x time and got out . I’d do sets of various distances and intensities.  some longer stuff thrown in here and there is ok, but shouldn’t be the main workouts. If you really want to do mine numbing swims you can do the occasional insert number here x 100 sets. So, 20x 100 or 30 x 100 etc.  when I had that kind of workout during my first IM training plan I’d break it down into sets of 10 and each one I’d do a little differently, eg, one with a pull buoy, one with paddles, one no toys.

2021-10-29 6:40 PM
in reply to: #5273965

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
I do have and recommend something like this book Swim workouts in a binder to help structure workouts. I have often used the 30 minute workouts this year when there was only lane swimming and I was on my own.
2021-10-30 5:07 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by ceilidh

Proof of sorta life post: I almost cried! I had my first first bike ride in a year. 15 minutes or so, who knows how far. That clunky, key-west, rental bike has never made anyone happier!

Yeah Robin!!!
2021-11-01 10:32 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by ceilidh Proof of sorta life post: I almost cried! I had my first first bike ride in a year. 15 minutes or so, who knows how far. That clunky, key-west, rental bike has never made anyone happier!


2021-11-01 10:40 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marysia83 Speaking of plans and training, and preparations... My partner is builing his mileage to do 100+ miles on the bike, so I suggested we could do full Ironman race distance together, as relay. I would do the swim and run, he would bike. He is a very strong biker. I think overall I have some chance to succeed if I don't have to worry about the bike part - I need to cover the run, which so far has not been an issue for me, and the swim.... which is where I look for your advice. The race we picked is Great Floridaman near Orlando: reasons we decided on this one: - it's next year in October, so we will have almost a full year to prepare - it will be during kids' school break, so logistically makes it easier, as I won't have to worry about travel and missing the school - since we will have travel plans during summer (through mid-August), we should still have about two months to train during the fall Details on me and my training: - I have not been swimming for two years, and am planning to start next week. In the past, I completed HIM without wetsuit. I have it now and am hoping it would be a huge help. - Open water access may be an issue - we have some reservoirs in the area, but I would need to have someone come with me to feel safer. I am also planning to be in Wisconsin during summer, trying to swim Devil's lake across. - I am planning to train all three strokes, to have a back up (with main focus on the free) My overall goal is to finish, we want to do it for fun. My HIM time (without wetsuit and with only one month training) was one hour (and 7 minutes), so I am assuming somewhere around 2 hours to complete full distance. My question to you is if you think it's realistic and what are your suggestions training wise. Again, I have a year to prepare the swim part, with a goal to finish the swim, not to break any records. I am not concerned about running, because I have done all sorts of distances, and am running semi-regularly and hiking in high elevations. Obviously, I will have a more consistent training for the run part (I am also planning HIM and marathon, and maybe HM next year), but at leats with run I know worst case scenario I will walk, but won't drown... Any advise is appreciated. Oh, and I can't join Master Classes. I know many people adviced me before on how beneficial that is, but I am on the budget, plus the classes in my area interfer with my work schedule and other obligations. So the only option is swimming/training by myself. Thanks!

The Great Floridian! I do most of my bike training on its course. Since you are not doing the cycling I don’t need to tell you that even though it’s Florida, it isn’t flat in Clermont. Also, if your partner is riding in Colorado , that shouldn’t be an issue! 
I imagine you will benefit going from altitude to low elevation, so that is a big plus. Regarding having a wetsuit and it helping with your swim, we were still having 90* weather in October with only a few mornings in the 60s for a couple of hours, so I would not count on the swim being wetsuit legal.  Of course, it’s a shallow lake, so if there is a cool morning or 2 and they take the temp in just the right spot…  which they have been pretty successful doing most years.  Unless it’s really windy, the lake is pretty flat, so no waves to worry about, but be prepared, it’s dark water and while you’ll ( probably) be able to see your hand, you won’t see much of anything else. So, if you can get some reservoir swims in at least you won’t only have the pool clarity to get you prepared.

you didn’t mention what your swim training will be other than you will start soon and train multiple strokes, so all I can say is a year should be plenty of time to get you ready for the distance, you just have to put in the time. 
I am doing IMCattanooga b/c it is a down river swim and I can use the current! Props to you for not wimping out like me!

Ahhh... I didn't realize that was your area )) Thank you for the details, this is very helpful. I saw the bike elevation profile and it does look intense. But my partner is happy about it, because he loves climbing on bike (he considers flat courses boring), but I am happy enough I won't have to worry about it before the run Thanks for more info on the weather/water temp. I was thinking about that it may not be wetsuit legal. Thus, even more consideration for stronger swimming. I honestly don't have a training plan yet - that's why I wanted tsome insight from you. For right now I want to start with 1-2 times per week, just to adjust to a new schedule. I know that if I decide to make a full time swim training right away, I will fail miserably... So the plan for right now is to start 1-2 times per week, to refresh my muscle memory and get used to th ehabit of swimming. Eventually I would like to do 3 times per week (if I get a chance I would add 4th day), but realistically 3 times, with a goal to swim continuously for at least an hour.

3/ week will be just fine. I am not a swimmer, so someone like Melanie may be able to offer more insight, but I wouldn’t do training wher e you got on the pool, swam for x time and got out . I’d do sets of various distances and intensities.  some longer stuff thrown in here and there is ok, but shouldn’t be the main workouts. If you really want to do mine numbing swims you can do the occasional insert number here x 100 sets. So, 20x 100 or 30 x 100 etc.  when I had that kind of workout during my first IM training plan I’d break it down into sets of 10 and each one I’d do a little differently, eg, one with a pull buoy, one with paddles, one no toys.

Ann-Marie is correct about swim workout focus.  Maybe your first week or two swim 'just to remember how' and get back in the groove but beyond that, sets of varying distances and speeds will benefit you greatly.  Intervals are your friend in swimming. 

2021-11-04 7:54 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

How's it going Manatees? It's quiet around here. I know life is picking up for me - like, kid activities and social obligations and with Fall arriving and feeling the cold and dark it can be hard to keep at it. 

I went north of me yesterday to go to a great Scandinavian baths spa and was surprised by snowfall there - we have had such a mild Fall and in Toronto was cool but totally clear but nearer to the spa it was covering the road and we saw a car in a ditch. I felt really dumb, not at all prepared but we were fine. Winter is coming! 

2021-11-04 1:05 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by juniperjen

How's it going Manatees? It's quiet around here. I know life is picking up for me - like, kid activities and social obligations and with Fall arriving and feeling the cold and dark it can be hard to keep at it. 

I went north of me yesterday to go to a great Scandinavian baths spa and was surprised by snowfall there - we have had such a mild Fall and in Toronto was cool but totally clear but nearer to the spa it was covering the road and we saw a car in a ditch. I felt really dumb, not at all prepared but we were fine. Winter is coming! 

I think that the NC mountains might get some flurries this weekend. What say you, Robin?

I'm doing well.  I started my winter training plan on Monday. I'm getting things organized for that.

We've also been working on getting our main bathroom remodeled. Hey' it's only 25 years old ;-) We have been picking out tile, tubs, cabinets, etc. Lots of side trips. I don't know how I feel about having (possibly unvaccinated) contractors in the house but we had planned to do this last year and don't want to put if off another year.

2021-11-04 1:41 PM
in reply to: 0

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by juniperjen

Maybe i am jumping to conclusions but based on some of your previous posts it seems that Ironman is a bit of a monkey on your back. It might be time to scratch that itch and get it done. If you think you can do the training i don't see why you shouldn't just go for it. There will never be the perfect training cycle - life happens along the way. 

All your options are amazing though and you can't go wrong with following what you enjoy. 

Thanks for your vote.  

Ya...I think I have four monkeys on my back.  I need to focus on one of them because when all the monkies team-up I am no challenge for them.   


Originally posted by marysia83 

 Yeah, and seeing your progress I think you are well suited for the results focus :)

  Thanks. 2X  :-)



Originally posted by jmkizer


Maybe i am jumping to conclusions but based on some of your previous posts it seems that Ironman is a bit of a monkey on your back. It might be time to scratch that itch and get it done. If you think you can do the training i don't see why you shouldn't just go for it. There will never be the perfect training cycle - life happens along the way. 


All your options are amazing though and you can't go wrong with following what you enjoy. 






Thanks! 3X


Edited by BlueBoy26 2021-11-04 1:51 PM
2021-11-04 3:28 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

How's it going Manatees? It's quiet around here. I know life is picking up for me - like, kid activities and social obligations and with Fall arriving and feeling the cold and dark it can be hard to keep at it. 

I went north of me yesterday to go to a great Scandinavian baths spa and was surprised by snowfall there - we have had such a mild Fall and in Toronto was cool but totally clear but nearer to the spa it was covering the road and we saw a car in a ditch. I felt really dumb, not at all prepared but we were fine. Winter is coming! 

I think that the NC mountains might get some flurries this weekend. What say you, Robin?

I'm doing well.  I started my winter training plan on Monday. I'm getting things organized for that.

We've also been working on getting our main bathroom remodeled. Hey' it's only 25 years old ;-) We have been picking out tile, tubs, cabinets, etc. Lots of side trips. I don't know how I feel about having (possibly unvaccinated) contractors in the house but we had planned to do this last year and don't want to put if off another year.

Remodeling is exciting! And annoying! 
We will get winter Monday when the projected low is 53* and high 75*  Then we’re back to 80s.

2021-11-05 7:56 AM
in reply to: amd723

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

How's it going Manatees? It's quiet around here. I know life is picking up for me - like, kid activities and social obligations and with Fall arriving and feeling the cold and dark it can be hard to keep at it. 

I went north of me yesterday to go to a great Scandinavian baths spa and was surprised by snowfall there - we have had such a mild Fall and in Toronto was cool but totally clear but nearer to the spa it was covering the road and we saw a car in a ditch. I felt really dumb, not at all prepared but we were fine. Winter is coming! 

I think that the NC mountains might get some flurries this weekend. What say you, Robin?

I'm doing well.  I started my winter training plan on Monday. I'm getting things organized for that.

We've also been working on getting our main bathroom remodeled. Hey' it's only 25 years old ;-) We have been picking out tile, tubs, cabinets, etc. Lots of side trips. I don't know how I feel about having (possibly unvaccinated) contractors in the house but we had planned to do this last year and don't want to put if off another year.

Remodeling is exciting! And annoying! 
We will get winter Monday when the projected low is 53* and high 75*  Then we’re back to 80s.

Enjoy your early Florida winter!

2021-11-05 7:57 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Racing Manatees!!!

November 6-7
No known racers this week

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend? I know that a few folks have started new training plans, how's it going?

2021-11-05 7:58 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by juniperjen

Maybe i am jumping to conclusions but based on some of your previous posts it seems that Ironman is a bit of a monkey on your back. It might be time to scratch that itch and get it done. If you think you can do the training i don't see why you shouldn't just go for it. There will never be the perfect training cycle - life happens along the way. 

All your options are amazing though and you can't go wrong with following what you enjoy. 

Thanks for your vote.  

Ya...I think I have four monkeys on my back.  I need to focus on one of them because when all the monkies team-up I am no challenge for them.   


Originally posted by marysia83 

 Yeah, and seeing your progress I think you are well suited for the results focus

  Thanks. 2X  :-)



Originally posted by jmkizer


Maybe i am jumping to conclusions but based on some of your previous posts it seems that Ironman is a bit of a monkey on your back. It might be time to scratch that itch and get it done. If you think you can do the training i don't see why you shouldn't just go for it. There will never be the perfect training cycle - life happens along the way. 


All your options are amazing though and you can't go wrong with following what you enjoy. 






Thanks! 3X


So many monkeys!

2021-11-05 8:06 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by juniperjen

Maybe i am jumping to conclusions but based on some of your previous posts it seems that Ironman is a bit of a monkey on your back. It might be time to scratch that itch and get it done. If you think you can do the training i don't see why you shouldn't just go for it. There will never be the perfect training cycle - life happens along the way. 

All your options are amazing though and you can't go wrong with following what you enjoy. 

Thanks for your vote.  

Ya...I think I have four monkeys on my back.  I need to focus on one of them because when all the monkies team-up I am no challenge for them.   


Originally posted by marysia83 

 Yeah, and seeing your progress I think you are well suited for the results focus

  Thanks. 2X  :-)



Originally posted by jmkizer


Maybe i am jumping to conclusions but based on some of your previous posts it seems that Ironman is a bit of a monkey on your back. It might be time to scratch that itch and get it done. If you think you can do the training i don't see why you shouldn't just go for it. There will never be the perfect training cycle - life happens along the way. 


All your options are amazing though and you can't go wrong with following what you enjoy. 






Thanks! 3X


So many monkeys!

so... it IS your circus, and the ARE your monkeys!
2021-11-05 8:15 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

How's it going Manatees? It's quiet around here. I know life is picking up for me - like, kid activities and social obligations and with Fall arriving and feeling the cold and dark it can be hard to keep at it. 

I went north of me yesterday to go to a great Scandinavian baths spa and was surprised by snowfall there - we have had such a mild Fall and in Toronto was cool but totally clear but nearer to the spa it was covering the road and we saw a car in a ditch. I felt really dumb, not at all prepared but we were fine. Winter is coming! 

I think that the NC mountains might get some flurries this weekend. What say you, Robin?

I'm doing well.  I started my winter training plan on Monday. I'm getting things organized for that.

We've also been working on getting our main bathroom remodeled. Hey' it's only 25 years old ;-) We have been picking out tile, tubs, cabinets, etc. Lots of side trips. I don't know how I feel about having (possibly unvaccinated) contractors in the house but we had planned to do this last year and don't want to put if off another year.

Remodeling is exciting! And annoying! 
We will get winter Monday when the projected low is 53* and high 75*  Then we’re back to 80s.

Enjoy your early Florida winter!

the mountains north of us got some snow today, i really wanted to go and ride some of the trails with a dusting of snow. Sigh, maybe next year. Enjoy your remodeling, if you can. The results are worth the effort. We required the workers to wear a mask if they weren't vaccinated. They all did. (Our county has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the state).This has been a busy week: we came home from Key West and the airline lost my wheelchair we bought ao I could get around. I saw it loaded on the jet and it was a non-stop flight. Evidently there is a 4th or 5th dimension it slipped in to. Amazing! What is also amazing is the total indifference. What if I truly needed it? Their reaction was I could rent one and have it delivered to the airport!! Just wow.My "race" is to virtually do the Cades Cove loop lope 10 mile race. I am going to try to do 3 separate days of 3.3 miles. I may have to do 4 days of 2.5. We shall see.
2021-11-05 8:19 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Dooo Eeeet!!!

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

How's it going Manatees? It's quiet around here. I know life is picking up for me - like, kid activities and social obligations and with Fall arriving and feeling the cold and dark it can be hard to keep at it. 

I went north of me yesterday to go to a great Scandinavian baths spa and was surprised by snowfall there - we have had such a mild Fall and in Toronto was cool but totally clear but nearer to the spa it was covering the road and we saw a car in a ditch. I felt really dumb, not at all prepared but we were fine. Winter is coming! 

I think that the NC mountains might get some flurries this weekend. What say you, Robin?

I'm doing well.  I started my winter training plan on Monday. I'm getting things organized for that.

We've also been working on getting our main bathroom remodeled. Hey' it's only 25 years old ;-) We have been picking out tile, tubs, cabinets, etc. Lots of side trips. I don't know how I feel about having (possibly unvaccinated) contractors in the house but we had planned to do this last year and don't want to put if off another year.

Remodeling is exciting! And annoying! 
We will get winter Monday when the projected low is 53* and high 75*  Then we’re back to 80s.

Enjoy your early Florida winter!

the mountains north of us got some snow today, i really wanted to go and ride some of the trails with a dusting of snow. Sigh, maybe next year. Enjoy your remodeling, if you can. The results are worth the effort. We required the workers to wear a mask if they weren't vaccinated. They all did. (Our county has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the state).This has been a busy week: we came home from Key West and the airline lost my wheelchair we bought ao I could get around. I saw it loaded on the jet and it was a non-stop flight. Evidently there is a 4th or 5th dimension it slipped in to. Amazing! What is also amazing is the total indifference. What if I truly needed it? Their reaction was I could rent one and have it delivered to the airport!! Just wow.My "race" is to virtually do the Cades Cove loop lope 10 mile race. I am going to try to do 3 separate days of 3.3 miles. I may have to do 4 days of 2.5. We shall see.

I'm still in shock that they "lost" a wheelchair!  What the heck?!

I'm glad that you are doing a virtual Cades Cove. Here's hoping that we all get back to in person events in 2022.

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