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2009-11-09 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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Liverpool, England
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
Not happy!

I've just completed Week 2 Q1. However, my speed/distance computer decided to stop working! It's probably not needed but it would have been nice to have it so that I know how I'm progressing.

I have a Garmin though so I was recording my heart rate during the session. When it came to the start of the test I hit "lap" so I could find out my average HR for the 30 minute test and not the full hour.

Have just uploaded the info from the Garmin and it's merged yesterdays run with this evening turbo session!!! I'm sure I had zero'd everything. And what's more, I don't have the 30 min lap recorded either so the average HR has been taken over the whole hour!!!

Technology. Great when it works but really annoying when it doesn't. For some reason the Garmin didn't like 2 of last weeks sessions either.

Guess I'm going to have to do the test again later this week sometime. Not ideal as it was REALLY hard!

2009-11-09 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2492759

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

Jorge, the plan for week 2 that you posted 11/8 is "Cycling Plan Week 1 (HRM/RPE)". Shouldn't it be "Cycling Plan Week 2(HRM/RPE)"?

2009-11-09 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2492759

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

Jorge, the plan for week 2 that you posted 11/8 is "Cycling Plan Week 1 (HRM/RPE)". Shouldn't it be "Cycling Plan Week 2(HRM/RPE)"?

2009-11-09 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

I am no flippin good at test's apparently.  I did the 30min HRM test last week and AVG HR was 124 (which seemed low, but  heck I have never done this before).  Today I do the same test and my AVG HR is 108 and my thighs hurt.  It may have something to do with the 16 miler on Saturday,  but haeck that was a day ago.  So I guess I should ask if I should stay with the original 124 or the NEW 108?  Geeeesh,  I suck at this stuff.

2009-11-09 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2505687

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Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

saling4 - 2009-11-09 6:34 PM

I am no flippin good at test's apparently.  I did the 30min HRM test last week and AVG HR was 124 (which seemed low, but  heck I have never done this before).  Today I do the same test and my AVG HR is 108 and my thighs hurt.  It may have something to do with the 16 miler on Saturday,  but haeck that was a day ago.  So I guess I should ask if I should stay with the original 124 or the NEW 108?  Geeeesh,  I suck at this stuff.

Dude, you're not alone.  I suck at it too.  I don't have a Power Tap, and I'm not using my HRM cause depending on the temp in my garage, my HR can be close to 20 beats apart for what is around the same effort.  I'm just going to go by RPE and I'm optmistic that just doing the sessions to the best of my ability (minus any data) will still pay big dividends come Spring.   

2009-11-09 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

I'm with you Dream Chaser.

2009-11-09 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

Repeating week1...Q1 still hurts!

2009-11-09 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2505889

Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
Dumb things not to do during this plan

1) unplug the sump pump to plug in the fan.   Then go upstairs and not plug the pump back in for 48 hours.

Dumb dumb dumb

good ride on a wet floor
2009-11-09 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
Did my test today and came out with 148.  This was really my first test I have ever done but it felt like I could never get my HR up over 150 for the first 20 minutes, then the last 10 I pushed harder.  I guess that tells me I sandbagged a little for the first part of the test.  Oh well, I guess this gives me a place to start.

I am loving the structured workouts so far.....keep em coming!!!
2009-11-09 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

Please exlain the test.  Is that LT testing?  Something I have never successfully done.

2009-11-09 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2505644

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
randym - 2009-11-09 4:57 PM

Jorge, the plan for week 2 that you posted 11/8 is "Cycling Plan Week 1 (HRM/RPE)". Shouldn't it be "Cycling Plan Week 2(HRM/RPE)"?

sorry I was sick as a dog yesterday when I quickly uploaded the plans (and I still am). But it is been fixed... as soon as I feel better I'll catch up, for now I am just doing a quick fly by to see you guys aren't slacking

2009-11-09 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
30 minute time trial test with an 15 minute warm up then 30 minutes all out.  You hit your lap button on your HRm at the start of the 30 minute time trial and your average HR over those 30 minutes is your LT.  Well actually you take that number and multiply it by .97 (97%) and get your LT. 

It is a pretty hard test and I think I might have even sandbagged a little at the start.
2009-11-09 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2505929

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

harleyclone - 2009-11-09 8:23 PM 30 minute time trial test with an 15 minute warm up then 30 minutes all out.  You hit your lap button on your HRm at the start of the 30 minute time trial and your average HR over those 30 minutes is your LT.  Well actually you take that number and multiply it by .97 (97%) and get your LT. 

It is a pretty hard test and I think I might have even sandbagged a little at the start.

Thanks!  I tried this a couple years ago and totally messed up the buttons.  I eye ball the HRM but honestly get the buttos wrong more than right for stuff like that. 

2009-11-09 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2505928

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
JorgeM - 2009-11-09 9:22 PM

sorry I was sick as a dog yesterday when I quickly uploaded the plans (and I still am). But it is been fixed... as soon as I feel better I'll catch up, for now I am just doing a quick fly by to see you guys aren't slacking

Feel better!
2009-11-09 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
Yes, I hope you're feeling better soon Jorge. I just did the week 2 Q1 session for power users, including the 20 minute test. I used the computrainer's spin-scan mode, pausing, saving, and resetting the session just before and after the TT. It was a bit disappointing as the average wattage was down 10W from my first test of last year's program. That's to be expected though, considering my training lately. I'm pretty sure I was working about as hard as I could since my HR peaked at the same highest max I saw all last year and the average for the test was only 10 bpm below that. Anyway, I've got some work to do on the power, and more room to improve this year too.

Edit: Out of curiosity, I crunched the numbers and it says that for the test I averaged 94.5% of my max HR. That max was 1 bpm higher than the max from a cycling VO2max test last spring too.

Edited by Micawber 2009-11-09 9:49 PM
2009-11-09 10:36 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
Its been fun to start this plan again.  I am not doing the 20 min TT until next week but thus far my avg watts which include WU & CD have been where last year's 100% level was.....might be that our bikes need to be calibrated but I also think I am just stronger.  Looking forward to the TT.  I posted my playlist in my blog today.  For the 20 minutes I'm keeping the bpm of the songs at 85-100.  Having Dave Grohl scream at me helps seems to help!

2009-11-10 12:12 AM
in reply to: #2492759

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Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

Did Q1 yest afternoon.  It says my LTHR is 142 (146av x 0.97).  I can run for 2 hours at around 150.  Is it common for Zones to be different for running and biking?  Any good LTHR test  for running?

2009-11-10 8:08 AM
in reply to: #2506107

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Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
davidson3 - 2009-11-10 1:12 AM

 Any good LTHR test  for running?

Run test protocol:

After a 15 minute warm-up of easy running, finish with a few quick 20 seconds bursts to get your heart rate in the correct training zone.

The 30 minute TT begins.
At 10 minutes into the test, hit the 'Lap' button on your heart rate monitor, to get the average heart rate over the final 20 minutes of the test.
The average for the final 20 minutes is your Lactate Threshold or LT.
You should finish knowing you gave it everything you had.
15 minutes easy cool down.
Johnny has an average of 156 heart rate for his 30 minute run TT. If I calculate Johnny's zones using his LT and the Training Bible zones, this is what I come up with:
Zone 1 - 102-132
Zone 2 - 133-141
Zone 3 - 142-149
Zone 4 - 150- 155
Zone 5a - 156-159
Zone 5b - 160-164
Zone 5c - 165-173


2009-11-10 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2492759

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Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
Well I will have to say that is the hardest ride I ever had on my trainer and about 4 beats higher them my HR on the bike in a sprint triathlon. Came to a 163 ave. So a 158 LT for me.

(30 min TT.1.jpg)

30 min TT.1.jpg (87KB - 14 downloads)
2009-11-10 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2492759

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
Just finished the test.   Um. Ouch. 

I've only been spinning on the trainer the past couple of years and never did organized workouts, so this is all new for me.  I did workouts last week based on 172 max HR and couldn't keep up with the high end numbers at all.  I figured out why today.  Average HR for the test was only 155.  I'm disappointed.  Thought it would be higher.   It was a great workout though and taught me to push myself harder than I thought I could. 

Thanks Jorge.
2009-11-10 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
Dumb questions: any problem doing the 20-minute test outside? I'm off tomorrow and it should be decent weather...

Still breaking in my PT, I assume we should save the 20-minute test portion as a sepearte interval? I'll have to figure out how that is done.

2009-11-10 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2503833

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Wolverine, Michigan
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
If I am not able to get all 3  rides in a week, should I extend the legnth of the program or skip some of the Q3's.

With my run being my weakest, I don't want to cut back there.

I would probably have a hard time convincing my wife that "off season" requires two a days and more than 6 hours training.
2009-11-10 4:16 PM
in reply to: #2507444

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Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread
the bear - 2009-11-10 4:01 PM Dumb questions: any problem doing the 20-minute test outside? I'm off tomorrow and it should be decent weather...

I wouldn't do the test outside, since we're likely going to test again at least twice more, and then perhaps more on your own after the program.  You'll want to be able to replicate the same settings each time - can only really do that on the trainer.

2009-11-10 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2495174

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

norcal_SAHD - 2009-11-03 8:11 AM that was cool!  I've never done anything other than just spinning along while watching TV, this set last night was way more fun, the time passed much quicker!  I'm a bit sore this morning, I'm curious how it will impact my run program this week (I've been run intensive for the last month).

On the downside, I found it much harder to concentrate on my TV program while focussing on maintaining the interval schedule.

Good stuff, thanks for offering this program Jorge!

as a side note, how do you all log these workouts in your training log?  Do you just do time on the trainer logged in as an exercise (which wouldn't count towards your cycling totals), or do you log it as time cycling and make up an average pace?  I'm doing the latter, logging it as straight time at a 17mph average since that's about what I do on the road.  Just curious,


I make up an average pace based on what I do outside.  I also set up the equipment tracker to record trainer time versus road time.  Then you can look back and see how accurate your made up average pace is in the long run.

2009-11-10 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2492759

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: Winter Cycling Plan Official Thread

I have a couple of questions.

1)  I tried to skim most of this thread but I saw nothing regarding cadence.  Is there a specific cadence at which the workouts should be performed?

2)  How can I print my heartrate graph from the Garmin Training Center?

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