BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2019-07-30 7:06 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by jmkizer

Kirsten - Good race yesterday! I enjoyed stalking you. I hope that you are pleased with the effort!

Jim - I stalked you all day and I wondered if you were feeling unwell. The race did not seem to unfold in the typical Jim fashion.  Good on you for sticking it out as long as you did and then pulling the plug when that became necessary.  Recover well.

Hi everyone!  Thanks for the well wishes.  I had a terrible race, but a good day.  I could not get into a rhythm on the swim: I was still taking breast stroke breaks at the first turn (~700m).  It was the first time ever in a race where I considered quitting on the swim.  I struggled to get my head right to be able to push through.  Eventually I did, but by then, it was the worst swim of my life.  Best best at Mt. Tremblant to worst a month later!  Lollygagged through T1 because of it.  Got on the bike and just didn't feel like I wanted to play triathlon today.  I had an okay bike, meaning I mostly held my watts where I wanted them, but just wasn't really into competing.  So I decided partway through that if I was going to have a crap race, I might as well have a fun day.  So I looked at the scenery (beautiful), cheered other athletes (also beautiful ).  Bike course changed again this year (I have done the full once and the half twice and never done the same course) and it was tough.  1200m of climb (~3600ft).  Had several struggles on the run, sore/tight hamstrings, wheezing (I may be developing exercise induced asthma, has happened a few times now); there was A LOT of self talk on this one!  I considered pulling the plug on every discipline, but pushed through.  There were distance signs up along the run and when I got to 19km, I thought, okay 2 to go.  Get 'er done.  There's 20km, keep going.  Then all of a sudden there was another 20km sign.  Huh.  Musta hallucinated that last one.  Then a gal beside me said "there's still a km to go?" in a defeated voice and started to walk.  I realized that I had NOT hallucinated and the previous signs were for the full distance.  Okay, still one to go.  "Yep, just one.  Let's go, you got this.  Tell your legs to shut up.  5 more minutes.  You can do it."  And then she passed me .  Icing on the cake of making the best of the day.  Smiled crossing the finish line. 

Hope Jim is okay--sorry to hear he had to pull the plug. 

sorry you had such a tough day, but what great mental toughness to stick it out and get it done!

Sorry you didn't have the race you wanted. However, this type of perseverance is absolutely incredible. It's kind of why I got into triathlon in the first place - to know that when things get really tough you can push through when so many others would quit.

2019-07-30 8:56 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh You all are a bad (good) influence..i signed up for CHOO 70.3 today??


2019-07-30 8:58 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by jmkizer

Kirsten - Good race yesterday! I enjoyed stalking you. I hope that you are pleased with the effort!

Jim - I stalked you all day and I wondered if you were feeling unwell. The race did not seem to unfold in the typical Jim fashion.  Good on you for sticking it out as long as you did and then pulling the plug when that became necessary.  Recover well.

Hi everyone!  Thanks for the well wishes.  I had a terrible race, but a good day.  I could not get into a rhythm on the swim: I was still taking breast stroke breaks at the first turn (~700m).  It was the first time ever in a race where I considered quitting on the swim.  I struggled to get my head right to be able to push through.  Eventually I did, but by then, it was the worst swim of my life.  Best best at Mt. Tremblant to worst a month later!  Lollygagged through T1 because of it.  Got on the bike and just didn't feel like I wanted to play triathlon today.  I had an okay bike, meaning I mostly held my watts where I wanted them, but just wasn't really into competing.  So I decided partway through that if I was going to have a crap race, I might as well have a fun day.  So I looked at the scenery (beautiful), cheered other athletes (also beautiful ).  Bike course changed again this year (I have done the full once and the half twice and never done the same course) and it was tough.  1200m of climb (~3600ft).  Had several struggles on the run, sore/tight hamstrings, wheezing (I may be developing exercise induced asthma, has happened a few times now); there was A LOT of self talk on this one!  I considered pulling the plug on every discipline, but pushed through.  There were distance signs up along the run and when I got to 19km, I thought, okay 2 to go.  Get 'er done.  There's 20km, keep going.  Then all of a sudden there was another 20km sign.  Huh.  Musta hallucinated that last one.  Then a gal beside me said "there's still a km to go?" in a defeated voice and started to walk.  I realized that I had NOT hallucinated and the previous signs were for the full distance.  Okay, still one to go.  "Yep, just one.  Let's go, you got this.  Tell your legs to shut up.  5 more minutes.  You can do it."  And then she passed me .  Icing on the cake of making the best of the day.  Smiled crossing the finish line. 

Hope Jim is okay--sorry to hear he had to pull the plug. 

Sorry your race didn't go as you intended but being able to turn around that disappointment and make the best of a 'bad' day is HUGE!  Excellent mental and physical fortitude!

2019-07-30 9:12 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Those signs can sure mess with one's head! One year at Vietnam 70.3 the signs for 17, 18, and 19K had all blown over (pretty windy conditions!), I never saw them, and ran much of those last 5 km in a state of utter despair. I knew there was a headwind that was slowing everyone down but...How could I have been running for more than 20 minutes and not have gone even one kilometer?! (I don't race with a Garmin. It was an out and back course and I should have recognized some landmarks, though not easy as it's a string of beachside resorts, mostly hidden behind high walls. But that was the state I was in at that point!)

Great job on fighting through it anyway!
2019-07-30 9:58 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by jmkizer

Kirsten - Good race yesterday! I enjoyed stalking you. I hope that you are pleased with the effort!

Jim - I stalked you all day and I wondered if you were feeling unwell. The race did not seem to unfold in the typical Jim fashion.  Good on you for sticking it out as long as you did and then pulling the plug when that became necessary.  Recover well.

Hi everyone!  Thanks for the well wishes.  I had a terrible race, but a good day.  I could not get into a rhythm on the swim: I was still taking breast stroke breaks at the first turn (~700m).  It was the first time ever in a race where I considered quitting on the swim.  I struggled to get my head right to be able to push through.  Eventually I did, but by then, it was the worst swim of my life.  Best best at Mt. Tremblant to worst a month later!  Lollygagged through T1 because of it.  Got on the bike and just didn't feel like I wanted to play triathlon today.  I had an okay bike, meaning I mostly held my watts where I wanted them, but just wasn't really into competing.  So I decided partway through that if I was going to have a crap race, I might as well have a fun day.  So I looked at the scenery (beautiful), cheered other athletes (also beautiful ).  Bike course changed again this year (I have done the full once and the half twice and never done the same course) and it was tough.  1200m of climb (~3600ft).  Had several struggles on the run, sore/tight hamstrings, wheezing (I may be developing exercise induced asthma, has happened a few times now); there was A LOT of self talk on this one!  I considered pulling the plug on every discipline, but pushed through.  There were distance signs up along the run and when I got to 19km, I thought, okay 2 to go.  Get 'er done.  There's 20km, keep going.  Then all of a sudden there was another 20km sign.  Huh.  Musta hallucinated that last one.  Then a gal beside me said "there's still a km to go?" in a defeated voice and started to walk.  I realized that I had NOT hallucinated and the previous signs were for the full distance.  Okay, still one to go.  "Yep, just one.  Let's go, you got this.  Tell your legs to shut up.  5 more minutes.  You can do it."  And then she passed me .  Icing on the cake of making the best of the day.  Smiled crossing the finish line. 

Hope Jim is okay--sorry to hear he had to pull the plug. 

:/ your self talk sounds like most of my races LOL
Way to stick it out!
2019-07-30 2:12 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Race report is up. was half of a rough day. The first half of the day was great. I blew it by not following my nutrition and hydration plan. The result was a 130.2. it became unsafe for me the continue, and I promised Michelle that if it ever became unsafe, I would stop. I did perfect vomiting both on the run and on the bike without slowing down or losing cadence, or splashing on myself. Is that a win?
If you ever do this race Keene descent is more fun than you should be allowed to have on a bike. 7 miles of twisting turning downhill. The course has 4 cat 4 climbs, which means you do 8 cat 4 climbs, so be prepared. I could not imagine a more beautiful bike course.
I did learn an Ironman secrete from the doctor that treated me. I will use from here on out. If you go to the med tent after the race and ask for an IV because you are dehydrated, they will give you one. You will recover faster!
I am good with my decision and have no regrets. I'm trying to figure out the next race. We were invited to a wedding in China this fall. If we decide to go, Louisville is out this year. We are looking at Mt. Tremblant or Florida in 2020. Although Choo seem pretty popular with this group. We also discussed a redemption tour of LP.

Edited by JBacarella 2019-07-30 2:15 PM

2019-07-30 2:19 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by jmkizer

Kirsten - Good race yesterday! I enjoyed stalking you. I hope that you are pleased with the effort!

Jim - I stalked you all day and I wondered if you were feeling unwell. The race did not seem to unfold in the typical Jim fashion.  Good on you for sticking it out as long as you did and then pulling the plug when that became necessary.  Recover well.

Hi everyone!  Thanks for the well wishes.  I had a terrible race, but a good day.  I could not get into a rhythm on the swim: I was still taking breast stroke breaks at the first turn (~700m).  It was the first time ever in a race where I considered quitting on the swim.  I struggled to get my head right to be able to push through.  Eventually I did, but by then, it was the worst swim of my life.  Best best at Mt. Tremblant to worst a month later!  Lollygagged through T1 because of it.  Got on the bike and just didn't feel like I wanted to play triathlon today.  I had an okay bike, meaning I mostly held my watts where I wanted them, but just wasn't really into competing.  So I decided partway through that if I was going to have a crap race, I might as well have a fun day.  So I looked at the scenery (beautiful), cheered other athletes (also beautiful ).  Bike course changed again this year (I have done the full once and the half twice and never done the same course) and it was tough.  1200m of climb (~3600ft).  Had several struggles on the run, sore/tight hamstrings, wheezing (I may be developing exercise induced asthma, has happened a few times now); there was A LOT of self talk on this one!  I considered pulling the plug on every discipline, but pushed through.  There were distance signs up along the run and when I got to 19km, I thought, okay 2 to go.  Get 'er done.  There's 20km, keep going.  Then all of a sudden there was another 20km sign.  Huh.  Musta hallucinated that last one.  Then a gal beside me said "there's still a km to go?" in a defeated voice and started to walk.  I realized that I had NOT hallucinated and the previous signs were for the full distance.  Okay, still one to go.  "Yep, just one.  Let's go, you got this.  Tell your legs to shut up.  5 more minutes.  You can do it."  And then she passed me .  Icing on the cake of making the best of the day.  Smiled crossing the finish line. 

Hope Jim is okay--sorry to hear he had to pull the plug. 

Kirsten, I'm sorry you had a bad day. At least you made lemonade out of it. I'm proud you pushed through it and finished.
2019-07-30 2:20 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Race report is up. was half of a rough day. The first half of the day was great. I blew it by not following my nutrition and hydration plan. The result was a 130.2. it became unsafe for me the continue, and I promised Michelle that if it ever became unsafe, I would stop. I did perfect vomiting both on the run and on the bike without slowing down or losing cadence, or splashing on myself. Is that a win?
If you ever do this race Keene descent is more fun than you should be allowed to have on a bike. 7 miles of twisting turning downhill. The course has 4 cat 4 climbs, which means you do 8 cat 4 climbs, so be prepared. I could not imagine a more beautiful bike course.
I did learn an Ironman secrete from the doctor that treated me. I will use from here on out. If you go to the med tent after the race and ask for an IV because you are dehydrated, they will give you one. You will recover faster!
I am good with my decision and have no regrets. I'm trying to figure out the next race. We were invited to a wedding in China this fall. If we decide to go, Louisville is out this year. We are looking at Mt. Tremblant or Florida in 2020. Although Choo seem pretty popular with this group. We also discussed a redemption tour of LP.

glad to hear you are OK and have no regrets.

your race report seems closed off to me (maybe others). maybe the settings are for Friends only or some such?
2019-07-30 2:41 PM
in reply to: awm007

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Adam, the report is supposed to be public, but I added you as a friend just in case.
2019-07-30 8:46 PM
in reply to: #5253173

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
I just read that IM 70.3 Virginia (the Williamsburg race bought from Rev3) is being replaced with IM 70.3 Roanoke. Early June date. Interesting move and I'm not sure what's behind it. My gut says money given it's IM. I would think the market is better in Williamsburg though.
2019-07-31 1:10 AM
in reply to: awm007

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Kristen and Jim well done on your races. Even though you might not have had the best of days you put in the work and you were courageous enough to even think about tackling the distance which is something that I will never do.

Kristen I get the whole not wanting to play triathlon part way through a race - my last tri was like that. Thankfully it was only a sprint so it was much quicker to get it over and done with. I haven't done another tri since and my beautiful bike has now been hanging from the rafters in the garage for about 2 years. Maybe one day I will get back into it but not yet.

2019-07-31 4:43 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Race report is up. was half of a rough day. The first half of the day was great. I blew it by not following my nutrition and hydration plan. The result was a 130.2. it became unsafe for me the continue, and I promised Michelle that if it ever became unsafe, I would stop. I did perfect vomiting both on the run and on the bike without slowing down or losing cadence, or splashing on myself. Is that a win?
If you ever do this race Keene descent is more fun than you should be allowed to have on a bike. 7 miles of twisting turning downhill. The course has 4 cat 4 climbs, which means you do 8 cat 4 climbs, so be prepared. I could not imagine a more beautiful bike course.
I did learn an Ironman secrete from the doctor that treated me. I will use from here on out. If you go to the med tent after the race and ask for an IV because you are dehydrated, they will give you one. You will recover faster!
I am good with my decision and have no regrets. I'm trying to figure out the next race. We were invited to a wedding in China this fall. If we decide to go, Louisville is out this year. We are looking at Mt. Tremblant or Florida in 2020. Although Choo seem pretty popular with this group. We also discussed a redemption tour of LP.

knowing when to pull the plug is a discipline in itself. Sorry you had a bad day but glad you made the right choice and have the right attitude - get 'em next time.

I can recommend either MT or CHOO but caution CHOO is heat is a factor

(you have to publish your report - or whatever it's called. I think it's the last button on the bottom right of your report when in edit mode)
2019-07-31 7:03 AM
in reply to: awm007

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by awm007 I just read that IM 70.3 Virginia (the Williamsburg race bought from Rev3) is being replaced with IM 70.3 Roanoke. Early June date. Interesting move and I'm not sure what's behind it. My gut says money given it's IM. I would think the market is better in Williamsburg though.

The date is what's interesting. Isn't that about Eagleman's traditional date?

I told Kevin that we should consider Roanoke for 2021.

The rumor is that the bike course will be "moderate" and the description says "net elevation loss."  Then again, St. George has a net elevation loss as well!

Oh, split transition like B2B. I sure hope they provide transportation to T1 on race morning.

2019-07-31 7:04 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by JBacarella Race report is up. was half of a rough day. The first half of the day was great. I blew it by not following my nutrition and hydration plan. The result was a 130.2. it became unsafe for me the continue, and I promised Michelle that if it ever became unsafe, I would stop. I did perfect vomiting both on the run and on the bike without slowing down or losing cadence, or splashing on myself. Is that a win? If you ever do this race Keene descent is more fun than you should be allowed to have on a bike. 7 miles of twisting turning downhill. The course has 4 cat 4 climbs, which means you do 8 cat 4 climbs, so be prepared. I could not imagine a more beautiful bike course. I did learn an Ironman secrete from the doctor that treated me. I will use from here on out. If you go to the med tent after the race and ask for an IV because you are dehydrated, they will give you one. You will recover faster! I am good with my decision and have no regrets. I'm trying to figure out the next race. We were invited to a wedding in China this fall. If we decide to go, Louisville is out this year. We are looking at Mt. Tremblant or Florida in 2020. Although Choo seem pretty popular with this group. We also discussed a redemption tour of LP.
knowing when to pull the plug is a discipline in itself. Sorry you had a bad day but glad you made the right choice and have the right attitude - get 'em next time. I can recommend either MT or CHOO but caution CHOO is heat is a factor (you have to publish your report - or whatever it's called. I think it's the last button on the bottom right of your report when in edit mode)

The link has something wrong. I got the the report from Jim's training log so it is published.

2019-07-31 7:04 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by JBacarella Race report is up. was half of a rough day. The first half of the day was great. I blew it by not following my nutrition and hydration plan. The result was a 130.2. it became unsafe for me the continue, and I promised Michelle that if it ever became unsafe, I would stop. I did perfect vomiting both on the run and on the bike without slowing down or losing cadence, or splashing on myself. Is that a win? If you ever do this race Keene descent is more fun than you should be allowed to have on a bike. 7 miles of twisting turning downhill. The course has 4 cat 4 climbs, which means you do 8 cat 4 climbs, so be prepared. I could not imagine a more beautiful bike course. I did learn an Ironman secrete from the doctor that treated me. I will use from here on out. If you go to the med tent after the race and ask for an IV because you are dehydrated, they will give you one. You will recover faster! I am good with my decision and have no regrets. I'm trying to figure out the next race. We were invited to a wedding in China this fall. If we decide to go, Louisville is out this year. We are looking at Mt. Tremblant or Florida in 2020. Although Choo seem pretty popular with this group. We also discussed a redemption tour of LP.
knowing when to pull the plug is a discipline in itself. Sorry you had a bad day but glad you made the right choice and have the right attitude - get 'em next time. I can recommend either MT or CHOO but caution CHOO is heat is a factor (you have to publish your report - or whatever it's called. I think it's the last button on the bottom right of your report when in edit mode)

The link has something wrong. I got the the report from Jim's training log so it is published.

2019-07-31 7:11 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by awm007 I just read that IM 70.3 Virginia (the Williamsburg race bought from Rev3) is being replaced with IM 70.3 Roanoke. Early June date. Interesting move and I'm not sure what's behind it. My gut says money given it's IM. I would think the market is better in Williamsburg though.

The date is what's interesting. Isn't that about Eagleman's traditional date?

I told Kevin that we should consider Roanoke for 2021.

The rumor is that the bike course will be "moderate" and the description says "net elevation loss."  Then again, St. George has a net elevation loss as well!

Oh, split transition like B2B. I sure hope they provide transportation to T1 on race morning.

Yeah. I'm surprised this would mean shutting down IM 70.3 VA which was a month earlier. It would seem that both races would be supported as a month break is about ideal for someone wanting two races on the docket. It might spell trouble for Eagleman. If it does shut down the IM VA, it could be good for the new Crystal Coast Booty which was effectively the same time. Another example of IM buying up a race then shutting it down?

Heat will be a factor in early June. It's in the mountains kinda but it'll still be hot then. It's likely to be very scenic though - Roanoke is beautiful. I'm in the minority, but I prefer point to point races. I like the feeling of going somewhere rather than just a big circle.

Speaking of IM, I see they are going public. Once public, their might be even more pressure to squeeze as much profit as possible out of races.

2019-07-31 7:17 AM
in reply to: awm007

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by awm007
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by awm007 I just read that IM 70.3 Virginia (the Williamsburg race bought from Rev3) is being replaced with IM 70.3 Roanoke. Early June date. Interesting move and I'm not sure what's behind it. My gut says money given it's IM. I would think the market is better in Williamsburg though.

The date is what's interesting. Isn't that about Eagleman's traditional date?

I told Kevin that we should consider Roanoke for 2021.

The rumor is that the bike course will be "moderate" and the description says "net elevation loss."  Then again, St. George has a net elevation loss as well!

Oh, split transition like B2B. I sure hope they provide transportation to T1 on race morning.

Yeah. I'm surprised this would mean shutting down IM 70.3 VA which was a month earlier. It would seem that both races would be supported as a month break is about ideal for someone wanting two races on the docket. It might spell trouble for Eagleman. If it does shut down the IM VA, it could be good for the new Crystal Coast Booty which was effectively the same time. Another example of IM buying up a race then shutting it down? Heat will be a factor in early June. It's in the mountains kinda but it'll still be hot then. It's likely to be very scenic though - Roanoke is beautiful. I'm in the minority, but I prefer point to point races. I like the feeling of going somewhere rather than just a big circle. Speaking of IM, I see they are going public. Once public, their might be even more pressure to squeeze as much profit as possible out of races.

I like point to point races fine, it's just a sherpa issue if transportation is not provided on race morning. 

2019-07-31 7:20 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by awm007
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by awm007 I just read that IM 70.3 Virginia (the Williamsburg race bought from Rev3) is being replaced with IM 70.3 Roanoke. Early June date. Interesting move and I'm not sure what's behind it. My gut says money given it's IM. I would think the market is better in Williamsburg though.

The date is what's interesting. Isn't that about Eagleman's traditional date?

I told Kevin that we should consider Roanoke for 2021.

The rumor is that the bike course will be "moderate" and the description says "net elevation loss."  Then again, St. George has a net elevation loss as well!

Oh, split transition like B2B. I sure hope they provide transportation to T1 on race morning.

Yeah. I'm surprised this would mean shutting down IM 70.3 VA which was a month earlier. It would seem that both races would be supported as a month break is about ideal for someone wanting two races on the docket. It might spell trouble for Eagleman. If it does shut down the IM VA, it could be good for the new Crystal Coast Booty which was effectively the same time. Another example of IM buying up a race then shutting it down? Heat will be a factor in early June. It's in the mountains kinda but it'll still be hot then. It's likely to be very scenic though - Roanoke is beautiful. I'm in the minority, but I prefer point to point races. I like the feeling of going somewhere rather than just a big circle. Speaking of IM, I see they are going public. Once public, their might be even more pressure to squeeze as much profit as possible out of races.

I like point to point races fine, it's just a sherpa issue if transportation is not provided on race morning. 

Some speculation from ST: "Parking is very limited at the reservoir so I doubt anyone will be allowed to park there, and they’ll most likely running shuttles. So everyone rides over to swim start. Then spectators would catch one back to River’s Edge park where presumably T2 will be (13 miles away). They can see you come in on the bike and then its most likely going to be a run on the greenway with the finish very close to where the run started."

2019-07-31 8:23 AM
in reply to: awm007

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by awm007

Speaking of IM, I see they are going public. Once public, their might be even more pressure to squeeze as much profit as possible out of races.


2019-08-01 4:57 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by ceilidh

You all are a bad (good) influence..i signed up for CHOO 70.3 today??

Whoa, way to go!
2019-08-01 11:10 AM
in reply to: abake

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

I need to start looking at a decent HIM training plan. I will not be able to afford a coach so... any good ideas for free or cheap training plans?

2019-08-01 11:54 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by ceilidh

I need to start looking at a decent HIM training plan. I will not be able to afford a coach so... any good ideas for free or cheap training plans?

I'm far too cheap for a coach.

I've only tried one plan so I can't really speak to this as well as others can, but I've used the plans in the book "IronFit Secrets for Half Iron-Distance Triathlon Success" by Don and Melanie Fink. The book is a good read and the plans are easy to follow with a consistent pattern. They train by time in those plans so you know how to budget your week. There are only 2 swims per week and there is either a bike or run those same days. There are two days off a week which I really like as well. I'd recommend it. Don't confuse it with their book for full distance.

PS - Interesting that the IPO for Ironman was a flop.
2019-08-01 12:19 PM
in reply to: 0

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh

I need to start looking at a decent HIM training plan. I will not be able to afford a coach so... any good ideas for free or cheap training plans?

I believe that Karen has used the BT one here. That being said, I've heard a lot of good things about the Fink plan that Adam uses.

ETA: I think that TJ may have used the Fink plan as well.

Edited by jmkizer 2019-08-01 12:21 PM
2019-08-01 12:33 PM
in reply to: awm007

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by awm007
Originally posted by ceilidh

I need to start looking at a decent HIM training plan. I will not be able to afford a coach so... any good ideas for free or cheap training plans?

I'm far too cheap for a coach. I've only tried one plan so I can't really speak to this as well as others can, but I've used the plans in the book "IronFit Secrets for Half Iron-Distance Triathlon Success" by Don and Melanie Fink. The book is a good read and the plans are easy to follow with a consistent pattern. They train by time in those plans so you know how to budget your week. There are only 2 swims per week and there is either a bike or run those same days. There are two days off a week which I really like as well. I'd recommend it. Don't confuse it with their book for full distance. PS - Interesting that the IPO for Ironman was a flop.
thanks..i purchased the ebook and wanted it in hard copy and bought the full im itraining one instead.
2019-08-01 12:43 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by awm007
Originally posted by ceilidh

I need to start looking at a decent HIM training plan. I will not be able to afford a coach so... any good ideas for free or cheap training plans?

I'm far too cheap for a coach. I've only tried one plan so I can't really speak to this as well as others can, but I've used the plans in the book "IronFit Secrets for Half Iron-Distance Triathlon Success" by Don and Melanie Fink. The book is a good read and the plans are easy to follow with a consistent pattern. They train by time in those plans so you know how to budget your week. There are only 2 swims per week and there is either a bike or run those same days. There are two days off a week which I really like as well. I'd recommend it. Don't confuse it with their book for full distance. PS - Interesting that the IPO for Ironman was a flop.
thanks..i purchased the ebook and wanted it in hard copy and bought the full im itraining one instead.

I have Be Iron Fit and it has the half plan as well as the full.  You may be in luck -- or else returning it.

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