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2020-05-26 1:14 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Me too - out on kid duty - we are getting a very summery heat wave so we were outside putting out the wading pool, playing with squirt guns, etc. 

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

That sounds like more fun that Chris was having!

Me Too, but I was out on the water playing with the Jet-ski's which is a lot more fun than what Chris was doing.

So was Chris the only one working?

Sadly I was working as well and forgot about the meetup, mixed up days and all.

2020-05-26 1:35 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Me too - out on kid duty - we are getting a very summery heat wave so we were outside putting out the wading pool, playing with squirt guns, etc. 

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

That sounds like more fun that Chris was having!

Me Too, but I was out on the water playing with the Jet-ski's which is a lot more fun than what Chris was doing.

So was Chris the only one working?

I’ve been working all weekend and today! I’m on call this month and we had some stuff that has kept me quite busy. A little lull now, but more to come. The good news is our courthouse is closed to everything but emergency proceedings - basically, so at least I haven’t been packed in with the great unwashed
2020-05-26 1:36 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Me too - out on kid duty - we are getting a very summery heat wave so we were outside putting out the wading pool, playing with squirt guns, etc. 

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

That sounds like more fun that Chris was having!

Me Too, but I was out on the water playing with the Jet-ski's which is a lot more fun than what Chris was doing.

So was Chris the only one working?

I’ve been working all weekend and today! I’m on call this month and we had some stuff that has kept me quite busy. A little lull now, but more to come. The good news is our courthouse is closed to everything but emergency proceedings - basically, so at least I haven’t been packed in with the great unwashed

I'm guessing that this is not the most fun time to be on call

2020-05-26 2:27 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
I spent the morning packing to go camping and halibut fishing for a few days. No work for me this week.
2020-05-26 3:18 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
No weekend work (except for setting up some online assignments yesterday). We went biking at Row River on Sunday. Weather on Memorial Day was not as predicted--cooler and a little drizzle. So just got caught up on school and house stuff.
2020-05-27 6:05 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

2020-05-27 9:11 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

So glad that we weren't in Chattanooga 10 days ago...

New York Times report: Chattanooga in top 5 nationally for new coronavirus cases, as deaths and cases continue to rise

2020-05-27 9:44 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by jmkizer

So glad that we weren't in Chattanooga 10 days ago...

New York Times report: Chattanooga in top 5 nationally for new coronavirus cases, as deaths and cases continue to rise


"Wow" is right!

2020-05-27 10:33 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

So glad that we weren't in Chattanooga 10 days ago...

New York Times report: Chattanooga in top 5 nationally for new coronavirus cases, as deaths and cases continue to rise


2020-05-27 12:41 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by Hot Runner This is not necessarily true. During SARS, I lived in one of the most heavily-hit neighborhoods in the most heavily-hit city in the world (Beijing). My cat and I had to have an antibody test (to get her out of China). We were both negative. I was not truly "quarantined" then (it was more like the "lockdowns" here) and in retrospect took risks I probably shouldn't have at times--taking public transport once it re-started (albeit with limited occupancy and constant disinfecting, even with people on the bus), riding my bike around the city, and going outside in the neighborhood a lot. Perhaps most people, including me, had been exposed to some amount of the SARS virus, but maybe not enough to develop antibodies, so we weren't immune, just lucky. That being said, a study was conducted widely sampling the population in that district, and something like 50% of people had antibodies to SARS several months later. (Which meant the other half did not.) Only about 1/3 of those recalled being sick at all, and only about half of those had been ill enough to seek medical attention. So there is a big range here from possibly being exposed but not developing antibodies, to exposed but no symptoms and now immune (and, with Covid but maybe not SARS, being a silent carrier for a time), to having had the illness and now immune, at least for now. This seems to be a characteristic of viruses in the coronavirus family--large numbers of people with asymptomatic or very mild infections, which can be both a blessing and a curse (if they can unknowingly transmit the virus to more vulnerable people). If everyone in the country had been exposed enough to develop antibodies, that would be great news as the epidemic would now be over, with no current need for a vaccine. Sadly, I don't think that's the case.


Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by Hot Runner ...whether there's any big possibility for exposure.... 

There is a big possibility that everyone in the country has had exposure. Its everywhere.  I am pretty sure I have been exposed and I am pretty sure my parents and my bother's family have been exposed.  No one had got ill though which is a blessing.


antibody testing in other countries is showing only 5% of the population exposed


Nice....I was guessing that in the USA we were more like 30%.  Funny brother lives in a town of about 1,000 people.  If you go an hour in any direction the town I live in of 18,000 people is the biggest city you will hit and we are an hour from anything bigger than us.  So...for my brother's 40'd birthday back in March he invites us and my parent over.  We declined because we didn't think that would a good way to social distance, but parents went assuming that a small isolated town couldn't possibly have been exposed.  Two days later my bother got a phone call letting him know what there was a confirmed case in his town and that it was one of his co-worker's father and that his co-worker and two others that worked with him were being put on quarantine and that he may have been exposed.  So...we were glad that we skidded out on the biggest birthday of my closest sibling even though we really wanted to be there.  My parents, on the other hand, felt pretty nieve for assuming that they would be safe just because they were going to an isolated are.  One of the parents of three of the kids in our Youth Running Club is a doctor and treated patients with Corvid 19 in our town. I ran with them twice a week all through March and met him one after he had his first cases.  So I have probably be exposed, all of my family have probably been exposed.  I assumed we were the 1/3 that didn't have any memory of being ill but if only 5% are showing antibodies we are probably in the 95%.  Exposed, but not enough to get ill or develop antibodies.  

2020-05-27 12:45 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Me too - out on kid duty - we are getting a very summery heat wave so we were outside putting out the wading pool, playing with squirt guns, etc. 

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

That sounds like more fun that Chris was having!

Me Too, but I was out on the water playing with the Jet-ski's which is a lot more fun than what Chris was doing.

So was Chris the only one working?


I was working :-)

2020-05-27 1:51 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Me too - out on kid duty - we are getting a very summery heat wave so we were outside putting out the wading pool, playing with squirt guns, etc. 

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

That sounds like more fun that Chris was having!

Me Too, but I was out on the water playing with the Jet-ski's which is a lot more fun than what Chris was doing.

So was Chris the only one working?


I was working :-)

So Chris, Melanie, Ann-Marie, and Curtis were working. Good to know!

2020-05-27 9:59 PM
in reply to: #5264887

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
I also worked this past weekend. Summer holidays are always busy at the trauma center.

Actually a busy week. I have gotten zero training in this week.

Vacation next week and I am hoping to do some camping with the kids. Summer Camp was canceled and their summer is not going to be what we hoped.

I have a backpacking trip in July around Mt Rainier that I am looking forward to. Was lucky to get a permit in the lotery. 5 days 93 miles just me and my thoughts. Lots of discussion about flying. I'm not too worried. Travel isn't even considered an exposure risk for the hospital anymore.
2020-05-27 10:27 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
A pool near opened for lap swim only. It's $12 for one hour. Only 3 people are allowed in at a time and it's reservation only. You can only swim 2x per week.

As I was trying to remember how to swim, all I could think about is the races Ironman hasn't cancelled, as in Lubbock, Muncie, and other races in July. They are flat out crazy for not canceling or postponing these races.

I was a swimmer and I struggled today. My friend, who was also a swimmer, swam earlier this morning and she said she really struggled today. How are people who haven't swam in over two months going to be ready to swim and swim safely by the end of June? In the past few years every race I've done I've seen swimmers struggle. The past 3 years Boulder 70.3 has had floating platforms for people to rest on. We've talked about the safety of swimming. IM has talked about the safety of swimming. Yet, at this time, they are still holding races in which the majority of participants have not been in the water for the past few months.

Sorry, but this is really irritates me. I hope IM has really thought this through and will decide, "Hey, we have to much bacteria in the water so the swim is cancelled" moments. If not they're going to be pulling a lot more swimmers out than they normally do.
2020-05-27 10:28 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Lucky you. Rainier is beautiful! July should be max possibility for good weather too. Personally I wouldn't fly, but you are the medical expert! A lot of my flight experience is with trans-Pacific and even at the best of times, I often caught colds/flu on those. Just too long in a packed cabin--depending on route and where I was working, anywhere between 12 and 20 hours air time, plus crowded check-in, transfers, immigration, security, etc. So it's not just the impact of germs but fatigue, jet lag, etc. Might feel differently if it was only a few hours and not a full flight.

Have thought of getting a small-ish RV as that would not only be safer/more convenient for Mom (she's 81; has some health issues where sometimes we need to find a bathroom quickly and having our own on board would solve that, plus we could cook most of our meals and no need to share ventilation/surfaces with other hotel guests). It would also be nice for some of the events I do. Quite a few have camping/RV spaces near the race starts. But it's a big outlay--think I will wait to see how things go.
2020-05-27 10:36 PM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Swimming--Gotta laugh. I don't know if I've mentioned it before but at 70.3 Worlds a few years ago (in Chatt) there was some uncertainty until race morning itself whether the swim would be wetsuit legal or not. When they announced it would be for age groupers (but not for pros), the woman next to me (who was a participant) yelled, "Halleluia, praise the Lord!" If she needs divine help to do a 1900m swim without a wet suit, and she still made it to Worlds, I hate to think of what a full IM will be like with all those people having been out of the pool for so long. I think this is just a blatant money grab by IM. For so many reasons, it's not safe.

I might be in the same boat (well, on the same floating platform!) as that lady now. I'd swum up to 2K continuously last summer in Boise in my wetsuit, but never got beyond 500 in a pool without it. Was still building back strength and fitness after surgery when the Covid closures hit. I was able to swim pain-free, but fitness was in the toilet. No chance that our Y pool will open up before July. Not sure about local public pools but I don't think, looking at our "phases" for re-opening, that it's in the cards until late June at the earliest either. I'm hoping it gets/stays warm enough to get into a lake sometime soon.

Edited by Hot Runner 2020-05-27 10:43 PM

2020-05-28 3:12 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Me too - out on kid duty - we are getting a very summery heat wave so we were outside putting out the wading pool, playing with squirt guns, etc. 

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

That sounds like more fun that Chris was having!

Me Too, but I was out on the water playing with the Jet-ski's which is a lot more fun than what Chris was doing.

So was Chris the only one working?


I was working :-)

So Chris, Melanie, Ann-Marie, and Curtis were working. Good to know!

i was at the weekly doctors visit. Work is better
2020-05-28 3:16 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by fortissimoA pool near opened for lap swim only. It's $12 for one hour. Only 3 people are allowed in at a time and it's reservation only. You can only swim 2x per week.As I was trying to remember how to swim, all I could think about is the races Ironman hasn't cancelled, as in Lubbock, Muncie, and other races in July. They are flat out crazy for not canceling or postponing these races.I was a swimmer and I struggled today. My friend, who was also a swimmer, swam earlier this morning and she said she really struggled today. How are people who haven't swam in over two months going to be ready to swim and swim safely by the end of June? In the past few years every race I've done I've seen swimmers struggle. The past 3 years Boulder 70.3 has had floating platforms for people to rest on. We've talked about the safety of swimming. IM has talked about the safety of swimming. Yet, at this time, they are still holding races in which the majority of participants have not been in the water for the past few months.Sorry, but this is really irritates me. I hope IM has really thought this through and will decide, "Hey, we have to much bacteria in the water so the swim is cancelled" moments. If not they're going to be pulling a lot more swimmers out than they normally do.
I am disgusted with IM and other races as well. Liftime tri has not cancelled the NY city tri in july. JULY... in NY CITY!!! I get that they may lose money, welcome to the rest of the world. Rant over
2020-05-28 3:16 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by fortissimoA pool near opened for lap swim only. It's $12 for one hour. Only 3 people are allowed in at a time and it's reservation only. You can only swim 2x per week.As I was trying to remember how to swim, all I could think about is the races Ironman hasn't cancelled, as in Lubbock, Muncie, and other races in July. They are flat out crazy for not canceling or postponing these races.I was a swimmer and I struggled today. My friend, who was also a swimmer, swam earlier this morning and she said she really struggled today. How are people who haven't swam in over two months going to be ready to swim and swim safely by the end of June? In the past few years every race I've done I've seen swimmers struggle. The past 3 years Boulder 70.3 has had floating platforms for people to rest on. We've talked about the safety of swimming. IM has talked about the safety of swimming. Yet, at this time, they are still holding races in which the majority of participants have not been in the water for the past few months.Sorry, but this is really irritates me. I hope IM has really thought this through and will decide, "Hey, we have to much bacteria in the water so the swim is cancelled" moments. If not they're going to be pulling a lot more swimmers out than they normally do.
I am disgusted with IM and other races as well. Liftime tri has not cancelled the NY city tri in july. JULY... in NY CITY!!! I get that they may lose money, welcome to the rest of the world. Rant over
2020-05-28 3:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Boston marathon just canceled. I bet New York is next. With Chatanooga spiking so many cases I can't believe either the HIM or IM will be able to go forward.

ETA: IM just posted a video in FB discussing in broad terms all the changes they've made to make races safe. Ended with they are ready to go as soon as the host cities say they can put on races. 

Edited by amd723 2020-05-28 4:15 PM
2020-05-28 5:23 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Boulder 70.3 is supposed to be August 1. No way in heck Boulder is going to allow that to happen. Just cancel now and let people cancel their reservations. The past few years it has been barely wetsuit legal.

IM 2015 was not wetsuit legal, but people wore them anyways. Those of us who didn't wear a wetsuit started at the front but then were run over by those wearing wetsuits. I ended up swimming almost 2.8 miles trying to stay out of the mix. Okay, I couldn't see the buoys and the kayakers were wearing the same color as the buoy so I kept swimming towards moving kayaks, hehe.

Did IM say how they were going to make the swim safe? The swim no one is prepared to do?

Yes I'm a stickler for water safety. 17 years at a waterpark will do that. Add in having to do CPR on an 18-year-old lifeguard who was hit in the chest by the drunk she went in after makes my way more than a stickler for water safety. She did live and went on to a very successful Division I college career. And yes I do make my family crazy with the water safety.

2020-05-28 6:18 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by fortissimo Boulder 70.3 is supposed to be August 1. No way in heck Boulder is going to allow that to happen. Just cancel now and let people cancel their reservations. The past few years it has been barely wetsuit legal. IM 2015 was not wetsuit legal, but people wore them anyways. Those of us who didn't wear a wetsuit started at the front but then were run over by those wearing wetsuits. I ended up swimming almost 2.8 miles trying to stay out of the mix. Okay, I couldn't see the buoys and the kayakers were wearing the same color as the buoy so I kept swimming towards moving kayaks, hehe. Did IM say how they were going to make the swim safe? The swim no one is prepared to do? Yes I'm a stickler for water safety. 17 years at a waterpark will do that. Add in having to do CPR on an 18-year-old lifeguard who was hit in the chest by the drunk she went in after makes my way more than a stickler for water safety. She did live and went on to a very successful Division I college career. And yes I do make my family crazy with the water safety.

They didn't say anything about the swim, but i agree with you that no way it will be safe for perhaps the majority of swimmers.Alot of people have been doing dry-land swim cords. I think that helps get the muscle in shape but it doesn't help people get a feel for the water. 

I think Jim does minimal in the pool swim training, so he can probably speak about how strength workouts translate to a race swim.

2020-05-28 7:10 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by fortissimo Boulder 70.3 is supposed to be August 1. No way in heck Boulder is going to allow that to happen. Just cancel now and let people cancel their reservations. The past few years it has been barely wetsuit legal. IM 2015 was not wetsuit legal, but people wore them anyways. Those of us who didn't wear a wetsuit started at the front but then were run over by those wearing wetsuits. I ended up swimming almost 2.8 miles trying to stay out of the mix. Okay, I couldn't see the buoys and the kayakers were wearing the same color as the buoy so I kept swimming towards moving kayaks, hehe. Did IM say how they were going to make the swim safe? The swim no one is prepared to do? Yes I'm a stickler for water safety. 17 years at a waterpark will do that. Add in having to do CPR on an 18-year-old lifeguard who was hit in the chest by the drunk she went in after makes my way more than a stickler for water safety. She did live and went on to a very successful Division I college career. And yes I do make my family crazy with the water safety.

Good point on the swim.  I hadn't even thought about the lack of training and the added stress on the athletes. 

2020-05-28 7:41 PM
in reply to: #5264887

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Indoor and outdoor pools are able to open in NC. The pool I swim at is closed as is the university. I think the school just dropped the collegiate swim team so maybe it won't open till fall because the pool staff is pissed.

I am of the mind that races aren't responsible for making sure you can swim. They do need to provide mechanisms to avoid hazards and rescue those in distress. I do doubt they will have adequate people for the later
2020-05-28 8:48 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
I do think that IM needs to take into account that in this case many, many people will be very unprepared for the swim due to circumstances beyond their control. That is different than the standard situation where some athletes choose not to give the swim the respect it deserves. I started my tri "career" in SE Asia with almost entirely ocean swims. Usually not calm ocean either. It never failed to amaze me how many seriously incompetent swimmers would attempt even an ocean swim in rough water. And I mean water so rough that I was a bit nervous, at least at some points like getting in/out through surf break, or navigating on parts of the course where waves made it hard to see the buoys or swim exit. I'm a pretty strong open water swimmer; almost always in the top 3 in my AG on the swim. If I'm uneasy, it's dangerous for someone who's not a confident swimmer.

It's a moot point for me this year as I don't expect to race any tris. Will be happy if I can just get in some swimming later this year. I really, really want/need to swim from a rehab point of view. Just feel like things are still too tight and I would really benefit from both swimming and probably some additional PT. The dryland stuff actually seems to be counterproductive--it's improving my strength but I think doesn't help break up scar tissue and is adding to tricep tightness, which I think isn't really from the injury itself, just disuse (not being able to go through full range of motion when I had a screw impinging on things back there. I've told my coach I'm going to limit swim cord work and harder bodyweight things like planks and push-ups and do more focus on core, glutes, and range of motion. Have been doing a lot of "Soup Can Swimming". (There are workouts for this on Youtube!) It doesn't seem as hard at first but with longer sets one really "feels the burn"!

Just heard from the news our outdoor pools might re-open July 6; indoor pools will be later as they are "Phase 3".
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