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2022-01-21 11:55 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by Hot Runner For ninety minutes and over, I will always take a gu for a long run and probably some solid food (energy bars, nut butter, fruit) for a training ride. Occasionally in the 60-80 minute range I'll take something just in case, if it's been a long time since my last meal and I didn't have time for a snack, and/or I'm doing double workouts that day and I might be a little low on calories in the system. I'll go ahead and have the gu or whatever if I feel the slightest bit hungry during the workout. In my experience, feeling hungry during a workout is kind of the kiss of death--it never ends up being an enjoyable or high-quality session. I think especially for women, and for iron-distance training or people who are physically active outside of tri, it's important to consider not only the length and intensity of the current workout, but your energy in/out balance throughout the day and maybe across days. (For example, during IM training, you might still be running an energy deficit from the day before!)

For sure, and reflecting a bit on my own experience I have been low on B12 a few times (particularly at the end of training cycle) even though i eat meat and in general do not restrict my food intake any way nor am i usually doing super high volume or intensity.  But I do wonder if it might be the cumulative fatigue and not paying attention to fueling around workouts by primarily eating my 3 meals a day and snacks. So i am giving it a try. 

I have been using the app a bit and it recommend a staggering amount of protein after a workout but i am mostly starting with the ultra filtered chocolate milk after my weekday workouts (as mentioned before I am not into protein powders) to see if it helps. On weekends i come home and make some thing to eat right away so a big egg sandwich or smoothie. I have no noticeable results as of yet but we shall see. 

I used that app for a while a couple of years ago. I stopped using it just b/c I got lazy. 

2022-01-21 12:47 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by ceilidh I have a question on "fuelling". What length of workouts do you start to fuel? Is there a rule of thumb? I am starting from ground zero and never really got a good grasp on this.

Soooo, my understanding is that for workouts around 90 minutes or more you fuel during the workout.

Now fueling also counts pre and post workout as well and if you've been following Stacy Sims or other sports RDs there's a lot of discussion about taking protein and carbs in the 30 mins (important for women to be sooner) to 60 mins after the workout. And it seems to be true for all workout durations.

And there has also been a lot going on about eating pre-workout - so much about 'fasted training' (ie training on an empty stomach) and consensus seems to be that women in particular should eat something, even a half a banana or toast, in the hour (give or take) before working out. I think Stacy Sims quote is something along the lines 'Women perform better in a fed state'

For me, a 75 minute ride might find me using a scoop of Skatch. A 90 minute ride almost certainly.  For a 90+ minute run, I'll have something as well.

I have been trying the Nuun Recovery that Ann-Marie mentioned. To be honest, I'm only having that for longer workouts.

I am terrible at fueling, which is one of the issues I have with 70.3 and longer distances.  I am trying to have a little bit of banana before runs and maybe some PB on an English muffin before 3 hr or more rides, bc fasted workouts are no good for women as mentioned.  During runs I don’t take anything until it hits 2 hours, usually. But, I have been testing out  using glucose tabs in runs of 1.5 hours or more, trying to get used to them.

i will need to start fueling on the bike too to get nutrition sorted for Choo.
I do use the Recovery for runs that hit 1 hour bc I am trying to be good about proper recovery fueling.

Yes, I am using Nuun Recover for 1+ hour runs and 80+ minute rides.  On weekends, I often do the smoothie thing instead (frozen banana, chocolate whey protein powder, milk -- either dairy or almond).  One weekdays, I need to streamline things a bit more (plus on the calorie in/out thing, a 3 hour ride is, well, twice as long as a 90 minute ride!).

2022-01-21 12:50 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by ceilidh I have a question on "fuelling". What length of workouts do you start to fuel? Is there a rule of thumb? I am starting from ground zero and never really got a good grasp on this.

Soooo, my understanding is that for workouts around 90 minutes or more you fuel during the workout.

Now fueling also counts pre and post workout as well and if you've been following Stacy Sims or other sports RDs there's a lot of discussion about taking protein and carbs in the 30 mins (important for women to be sooner) to 60 mins after the workout. And it seems to be true for all workout durations.

And there has also been a lot going on about eating pre-workout - so much about 'fasted training' (ie training on an empty stomach) and consensus seems to be that women in particular should eat something, even a half a banana or toast, in the hour (give or take) before working out. I think Stacy Sims quote is something along the lines 'Women perform better in a fed state'

It's mostly about what you can tolerate. Although yes, most agree carbs and protein after workouts in a 4:1 or 3:1 ratio (carb to protein).

If I work out first thing in the am I always have a banana because I have wicked acid issues and that seems to help (my GI dr and I came up with that).

If I work out later in the day it depends what it is. I'm not very careful if I'm biking and can eat anything (not big) up until ride time. If I'm running I don't eat for 2 hours before otherwise I get side stitches. Similar with swimming. Anything longer than 90 minutes I'm drinking and eating.

I really only use infinit for LONG workouts because I have mine jacked up to like 250cals and 600mg of sodium per bottle for summer activities. For shorter I'll use scratch and/or clif bars. It all depends.

Trial and error for sure!
2022-01-21 3:40 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by ceilidh I have a question on "fuelling". What length of workouts do you start to fuel? Is there a rule of thumb? I am starting from ground zero and never really got a good grasp on this.

Soooo, my understanding is that for workouts around 90 minutes or more you fuel during the workout.

Now fueling also counts pre and post workout as well and if you've been following Stacy Sims or other sports RDs there's a lot of discussion about taking protein and carbs in the 30 mins (important for women to be sooner) to 60 mins after the workout. And it seems to be true for all workout durations.

And there has also been a lot going on about eating pre-workout - so much about 'fasted training' (ie training on an empty stomach) and consensus seems to be that women in particular should eat something, even a half a banana or toast, in the hour (give or take) before working out. I think Stacy Sims quote is something along the lines 'Women perform better in a fed state'

For me, a 75 minute ride might find me using a scoop of Skatch. A 90 minute ride almost certainly.  For a 90+ minute run, I'll have something as well.

I have been trying the Nuun Recovery that Ann-Marie mentioned. To be honest, I'm only having that for longer workouts.

I am terrible at fueling, which is one of the issues I have with 70.3 and longer distances.  I am trying to have a little bit of banana before runs and maybe some PB on an English muffin before 3 hr or more rides, bc fasted workouts are no good for women as mentioned.  During runs I don’t take anything until it hits 2 hours, usually. But, I have been testing out  using glucose tabs in runs of 1.5 hours or more, trying to get used to them.

i will need to start fueling on the bike too to get nutrition sorted for Choo.
I do use the Recovery for runs that hit 1 hour bc I am trying to be good about proper recovery fueling.

Yes, I am using Nuun Recover for 1+ hour runs and 80+ minute rides.  On weekends, I often do the smoothie thing instead (frozen banana, chocolate whey protein powder, milk -- either dairy or almond).  One weekdays, I need to streamline things a bit more (plus on the calorie in/out thing, a 3 hour ride is, well, twice as long as a 90 minute ride!).

I do a smoothie bowl after long workouts! Protein powder, ice, almond milk, frozen cauliflower rice then add some topping such as banana's, coconut flakes, granola, blueberries, you name it!
2022-01-22 7:14 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Thanks for all the info. I have a good recovery protein shake I use. I finally found one I like. I had used Infinite back in the day, when I could workout for more than 90 minutes. It was okay, but I never got a mix that was "just right". I just can't have solid food. It just Will. Not. Sit. Gels and the like make me ill. I use Nuun to hydrate, but actual fuel is the problem. Though, long distances will just not be a factor for me, it seems. I never thought of the cumulative effect of multiple days of bad nutrition. I will have to pay attention to that.
2022-01-23 9:39 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
I think fueling is probably the most difficult aspect about triathlon. It varies from person to person and even then, you find something that works for you one year, but it doesn't the next.

Pre-work out I will always eat either a BelVita of some sort, or mini Cliff bar or mini Larabar.

If I'm riding for more than 90 minutes, I will do a Larabar. Running more than 90 minutes, which I never do now until race day, I will do a chocolate coconut GU.

Post-work out I will just come home and eat my lunch. If I can't eat right away I will do chocolate milk. Protein powders do not agree with me.

For fueling during a race, on the bike I've tried Cliff Bars, PB and honey sandwiches, Larabites were the best but they stopped making them, and a few other bar-type brands. PB worked the best but is messy. For the run I can't eat solid food so gels work best for me. I alternate between vanilla and chocolate coconut.

I have a friend who eats rice balls with chopped dates. She uses sushi rice so it sticks together better. Another friend eats boiled potatoes. However, if you're traveling to a race and don't have access to a kitchen these might not work.

The biggest thing I've learned is that what worked during training may not keep working during the race. I will never be able to look at UCAN again. When I did Santa Rosa 70.3, the PB&H were bothering me. I stopped at an aid station to use the potty and grabbed a banana. I'd never eaten a banana during a bike before and didn't know how it would feel. I will always stop for a banana now when I have to potty. I've learned that my stomach needs to be trained to eat anything because you never know when you hit that bump on the bike and lose your nutrition, you have to be able to eat whatever they have at the next aid station.

2022-01-24 8:00 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by fortissimo I think fueling is probably the most difficult aspect about triathlon. It varies from person to person and even then, you find something that works for you one year, but it doesn't the next. Pre-work out I will always eat either a BelVita of some sort, or mini Cliff bar or mini Larabar. If I'm riding for more than 90 minutes, I will do a Larabar. Running more than 90 minutes, which I never do now until race day, I will do a chocolate coconut GU. Post-work out I will just come home and eat my lunch. If I can't eat right away I will do chocolate milk. Protein powders do not agree with me. For fueling during a race, on the bike I've tried Cliff Bars, PB and honey sandwiches, Larabites were the best but they stopped making them, and a few other bar-type brands. PB worked the best but is messy. For the run I can't eat solid food so gels work best for me. I alternate between vanilla and chocolate coconut. I have a friend who eats rice balls with chopped dates. She uses sushi rice so it sticks together better. Another friend eats boiled potatoes. However, if you're traveling to a race and don't have access to a kitchen these might not work. The biggest thing I've learned is that what worked during training may not keep working during the race. I will never be able to look at UCAN again. When I did Santa Rosa 70.3, the PB&H were bothering me. I stopped at an aid station to use the potty and grabbed a banana. I'd never eaten a banana during a bike before and didn't know how it would feel. I will always stop for a banana now when I have to potty. I've learned that my stomach needs to be trained to eat anything because you never know when you hit that bump on the bike and lose your nutrition, you have to be able to eat whatever they have at the next aid station.

Adding to the list of during workout foods...

Clif Bar
PB and honey
Rice balls with chopped dates
Boiled potatoes
Fig newtons (actually, store brand fig bars)
Clif shot bloks
Gummy bears (the shot bloks are shofter and easier for me to chew but in a pinch)

Anyone else want to add to the list?

2022-01-24 8:01 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Happy Monday!  I hope that everyone's JoGo is going well!

2022-01-24 8:08 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by fortissimo I think fueling is probably the most difficult aspect about triathlon. It varies from person to person and even then, you find something that works for you one year, but it doesn't the next. Pre-work out I will always eat either a BelVita of some sort, or mini Cliff bar or mini Larabar. If I'm riding for more than 90 minutes, I will do a Larabar. Running more than 90 minutes, which I never do now until race day, I will do a chocolate coconut GU. Post-work out I will just come home and eat my lunch. If I can't eat right away I will do chocolate milk. Protein powders do not agree with me. For fueling during a race, on the bike I've tried Cliff Bars, PB and honey sandwiches, Larabites were the best but they stopped making them, and a few other bar-type brands. PB worked the best but is messy. For the run I can't eat solid food so gels work best for me. I alternate between vanilla and chocolate coconut. I have a friend who eats rice balls with chopped dates. She uses sushi rice so it sticks together better. Another friend eats boiled potatoes. However, if you're traveling to a race and don't have access to a kitchen these might not work. The biggest thing I've learned is that what worked during training may not keep working during the race. I will never be able to look at UCAN again. When I did Santa Rosa 70.3, the PB&H were bothering me. I stopped at an aid station to use the potty and grabbed a banana. I'd never eaten a banana during a bike before and didn't know how it would feel. I will always stop for a banana now when I have to potty. I've learned that my stomach needs to be trained to eat anything because you never know when you hit that bump on the bike and lose your nutrition, you have to be able to eat whatever they have at the next aid station.

Adding to the list of during workout foods...

Clif Bar
PB and honey
Rice balls with chopped dates
Boiled potatoes
Fig newtons (actually, store brand fig bars)
Clif shot bloks
Gummy bears (the shot bloks are shofter and easier for me to chew but in a pinch)

Anyone else want to add to the list?

They are focused on running but i also really enjoy this podcast - (and the RD's Instagram is also really good). Called Fuel for the Sole. 

2022-01-24 8:36 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by fortissimo I think fueling is probably the most difficult aspect about triathlon. It varies from person to person and even then, you find something that works for you one year, but it doesn't the next. Pre-work out I will always eat either a BelVita of some sort, or mini Cliff bar or mini Larabar. If I'm riding for more than 90 minutes, I will do a Larabar. Running more than 90 minutes, which I never do now until race day, I will do a chocolate coconut GU. Post-work out I will just come home and eat my lunch. If I can't eat right away I will do chocolate milk. Protein powders do not agree with me. For fueling during a race, on the bike I've tried Cliff Bars, PB and honey sandwiches, Larabites were the best but they stopped making them, and a few other bar-type brands. PB worked the best but is messy. For the run I can't eat solid food so gels work best for me. I alternate between vanilla and chocolate coconut. I have a friend who eats rice balls with chopped dates. She uses sushi rice so it sticks together better. Another friend eats boiled potatoes. However, if you're traveling to a race and don't have access to a kitchen these might not work. The biggest thing I've learned is that what worked during training may not keep working during the race. I will never be able to look at UCAN again. When I did Santa Rosa 70.3, the PB&H were bothering me. I stopped at an aid station to use the potty and grabbed a banana. I'd never eaten a banana during a bike before and didn't know how it would feel. I will always stop for a banana now when I have to potty. I've learned that my stomach needs to be trained to eat anything because you never know when you hit that bump on the bike and lose your nutrition, you have to be able to eat whatever they have at the next aid station.

Adding to the list of during workout foods...

Clif Bar
PB and honey
Rice balls with chopped dates
Boiled potatoes
Fig newtons (actually, store brand fig bars)
Clif shot bloks
Gummy bears (the shot bloks are shofter and easier for me to chew but in a pinch)

Anyone else want to add to the list?

I've done and will do boiled potatoes and uncrustables. Fig newtons and dates concern me b/c of the fiber content, but maybe i'll try them out this training cycle.  

I'll add Nuun Endurance to the list.

2022-01-24 9:08 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk Who's headed to Rwanda! Maine! We would actually have considered Maine but we have a lot going on in July so maybe 2023! FYI the Maine swim is in a river.....I don't think many people swim there. That'll be one to watch!
I've had Maine on my radar for a bunch of years, ever since Rev3 had it.  Maybe someday.

2022-01-24 9:16 AM
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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by fortissimo I think fueling is probably the most difficult aspect about triathlon. It varies from person to person and even then, you find something that works for you one year, but it doesn't the next. Pre-work out I will always eat either a BelVita of some sort, or mini Cliff bar or mini Larabar. If I'm riding for more than 90 minutes, I will do a Larabar. Running more than 90 minutes, which I never do now until race day, I will do a chocolate coconut GU. Post-work out I will just come home and eat my lunch. If I can't eat right away I will do chocolate milk. Protein powders do not agree with me. For fueling during a race, on the bike I've tried Cliff Bars, PB and honey sandwiches, Larabites were the best but they stopped making them, and a few other bar-type brands. PB worked the best but is messy. For the run I can't eat solid food so gels work best for me. I alternate between vanilla and chocolate coconut. I have a friend who eats rice balls with chopped dates. She uses sushi rice so it sticks together better. Another friend eats boiled potatoes. However, if you're traveling to a race and don't have access to a kitchen these might not work. The biggest thing I've learned is that what worked during training may not keep working during the race. I will never be able to look at UCAN again. When I did Santa Rosa 70.3, the PB&H were bothering me. I stopped at an aid station to use the potty and grabbed a banana. I'd never eaten a banana during a bike before and didn't know how it would feel. I will always stop for a banana now when I have to potty. I've learned that my stomach needs to be trained to eat anything because you never know when you hit that bump on the bike and lose your nutrition, you have to be able to eat whatever they have at the next aid station.

Adding to the list of during workout foods...

Clif Bar
PB and honey
Rice balls with chopped dates
Boiled potatoes
Fig newtons (actually, store brand fig bars)
Clif shot bloks
Gummy bears (the shot bloks are shofter and easier for me to chew but in a pinch)

Anyone else want to add to the list?

I've done and will do boiled potatoes and uncrustables. Fig newtons and dates concern me b/c of the fiber content, but maybe i'll try them out this training cycle.  

I'll add Nuun Endurance to the list.

Adding to the Nuun family of goods:  for longer stuff I've been doing the Nuun 'triad': the pre drink before I head out, the endurance while on my ride, and the recovery when I get back.  I really swear by the pre stuff especially on those hot summer days.  I also use Nuun tablets for the not-as-long stuff or as my replacement drink on a ride when I need to refill the bottle, usually 2 tablets per regular sized bike bottle.

Editing to add: for those that have issues with gels, maybe experiment with different brands as many use different sweetening agents which affect people's GI systems in different ways.  I've been using V-Fuel (peach cobbler is the BOMB) because it gives less of a sugar spike.

Edited by melbo55 2022-01-24 9:20 AM
2022-01-24 6:46 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by fortissimo I think fueling is probably the most difficult aspect about triathlon. It varies from person to person and even then, you find something that works for you one year, but it doesn't the next. Pre-work out I will always eat either a BelVita of some sort, or mini Cliff bar or mini Larabar. If I'm riding for more than 90 minutes, I will do a Larabar. Running more than 90 minutes, which I never do now until race day, I will do a chocolate coconut GU. Post-work out I will just come home and eat my lunch. If I can't eat right away I will do chocolate milk. Protein powders do not agree with me. For fueling during a race, on the bike I've tried Cliff Bars, PB and honey sandwiches, Larabites were the best but they stopped making them, and a few other bar-type brands. PB worked the best but is messy. For the run I can't eat solid food so gels work best for me. I alternate between vanilla and chocolate coconut. I have a friend who eats rice balls with chopped dates. She uses sushi rice so it sticks together better. Another friend eats boiled potatoes. However, if you're traveling to a race and don't have access to a kitchen these might not work. The biggest thing I've learned is that what worked during training may not keep working during the race. I will never be able to look at UCAN again. When I did Santa Rosa 70.3, the PB&H were bothering me. I stopped at an aid station to use the potty and grabbed a banana. I'd never eaten a banana during a bike before and didn't know how it would feel. I will always stop for a banana now when I have to potty. I've learned that my stomach needs to be trained to eat anything because you never know when you hit that bump on the bike and lose your nutrition, you have to be able to eat whatever they have at the next aid station.

Adding to the list of during workout foods...

Clif Bar
PB and honey
Rice balls with chopped dates
Boiled potatoes
Fig newtons (actually, store brand fig bars)
Clif shot bloks
Gummy bears (the shot bloks are shofter and easier for me to chew but in a pinch)

Anyone else want to add to the list?

I've done and will do boiled potatoes and uncrustables. Fig newtons and dates concern me b/c of the fiber content, but maybe i'll try them out this training cycle.  

I'll add Nuun Endurance to the list.

Adding to the Nuun family of goods:  for longer stuff I've been doing the Nuun 'triad': the pre drink before I head out, the endurance while on my ride, and the recovery when I get back.  I really swear by the pre stuff especially on those hot summer days.  I also use Nuun tablets for the not-as-long stuff or as my replacement drink on a ride when I need to refill the bottle, usually 2 tablets per regular sized bike bottle.

Editing to add: for those that have issues with gels, maybe experiment with different brands as many use different sweetening agents which affect people's GI systems in different ways.  I've been using V-Fuel (peach cobbler is the BOMB) because it gives less of a sugar spike.

I like honey stinger waffles.
2022-01-25 10:01 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Saw this post from and RD - thought it was a good visualization  (I hope this link works for the RD's full post that also had lots of good info

Eating before a run

2022-01-28 5:52 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.
2022-01-28 5:55 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

2022-01-28 8:14 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

hahahhaha, we already got extra cold here ... more than our fair share (than usual for us) so, uh, you're welcome ...

2022-01-28 8:21 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

hahahhaha, we already got extra cold here ... more than our fair share (than usual for us) so, uh, you're welcome ...

I'm beginning to think that no one will feel sorry for me and my low of 30*, high of mid-50s Sunday weather, Even if it means another Sunday it is too cold for me to ride my bike outside!

2022-01-28 8:23 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

hahahhaha, we already got extra cold here ... more than our fair share (than usual for us) so, uh, you're welcome ...

I'm beginning to think that no one will feel sorry for me and my low of 30*, high of mid-50s Sunday weather, Even if it means another Sunday it is too cold for me to ride my bike outside!

See you on Zwift?

2022-01-28 8:57 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

hahahhaha, we already got extra cold here ... more than our fair share (than usual for us) so, uh, you're welcome ...

I'm beginning to think that no one will feel sorry for me and my low of 30*, high of mid-50s Sunday weather, Even if it means another Sunday it is too cold for me to ride my bike outside!

See you on Zwift?

I'm sure part of my lovely trainer ride will be on Zwift. Gotta finish the Tour!

ETA: for some reason zwift has decided i didn't complete stage 2! That was the straight uphill stage, so i need validation I completed it

Edited by amd723 2022-01-28 9:03 AM
2022-01-28 9:03 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

hahahhaha, we already got extra cold here ... more than our fair share (than usual for us) so, uh, you're welcome ...

I'm beginning to think that no one will feel sorry for me and my low of 30*, high of mid-50s Sunday weather, Even if it means another Sunday it is too cold for me to ride my bike outside!

See you on Zwift?

I'm sure part of my lovely trainer ride will be on Zwift. Gotta finish the Tour!

I'm doing DIRT Badge Hunt.  They are doing 25x Volcano Circuit -- because... badges. It'll either be entertaining because of the group or super boring. 

I'm not sure that I'll finish that in time to do TdZ or not.  If it falls into the super boring category, I'll head over to Douce France for TdZ.  I like that route.

2022-01-28 9:10 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

hahahhaha, we already got extra cold here ... more than our fair share (than usual for us) so, uh, you're welcome ...

I'm beginning to think that no one will feel sorry for me and my low of 30*, high of mid-50s Sunday weather, Even if it means another Sunday it is too cold for me to ride my bike outside!

See you on Zwift?

I'm sure part of my lovely trainer ride will be on Zwift. Gotta finish the Tour!

I'm doing DIRT Badge Hunt.  They are doing 25x Volcano Circuit -- because... badges. It'll either be entertaining because of the group or super boring. 

I'm not sure that I'll finish that in time to do TdZ or not.  If it falls into the super boring category, I'll head over to Douce France for TdZ.  I like that route.

25 laps! Holy trainer time!

2022-01-28 9:13 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

hahahhaha, we already got extra cold here ... more than our fair share (than usual for us) so, uh, you're welcome ...

I'm beginning to think that no one will feel sorry for me and my low of 30*, high of mid-50s Sunday weather, Even if it means another Sunday it is too cold for me to ride my bike outside!

See you on Zwift?

I'm sure part of my lovely trainer ride will be on Zwift. Gotta finish the Tour!

I'm doing DIRT Badge Hunt.  They are doing 25x Volcano Circuit -- because... badges. It'll either be entertaining because of the group or super boring. 

I'm not sure that I'll finish that in time to do TdZ or not.  If it falls into the super boring category, I'll head over to Douce France for TdZ.  I like that route.

25 laps! Holy trainer time!

It's only 4k per lap but yeah...

2022-01-28 9:14 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

And were are they in July and August when we want them to share their air?!

hahahhaha, we already got extra cold here ... more than our fair share (than usual for us) so, uh, you're welcome ...

I'm beginning to think that no one will feel sorry for me and my low of 30*, high of mid-50s Sunday weather, Even if it means another Sunday it is too cold for me to ride my bike outside!

See you on Zwift?

I'm sure part of my lovely trainer ride will be on Zwift. Gotta finish the Tour!

I'm doing DIRT Badge Hunt.  They are doing 25x Volcano Circuit -- because... badges. It'll either be entertaining because of the group or super boring. 

I'm not sure that I'll finish that in time to do TdZ or not.  If it falls into the super boring category, I'll head over to Douce France for TdZ.  I like that route.

25 laps! Holy trainer time!

I'll probably do the Douce France option and then keep trying out Ful Gaz.  So far i've noticed a couple of things about FG: I think the settings are harder than Zwift (or maybe my legs are just more fatigued when i ride it) and the rides filmed via a bike can make me a bit naseous at times!  

2022-01-28 10:28 AM
in reply to: #5279172

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
For the record, this is so cold that we have a falling iguana advisory.
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