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2020-06-29 3:42 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy "last Monday of the month." It's tme for another meetup opportunity!

Manatee Meetup at 11:30 eastern (10:30 central, 9:30 mountain, 8:30 pacific, etc.)

Password manatee (all lowercase)

Shoot, I missed this.  I should've checked our forum.

2020-06-29 3:43 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy "last Monday of the month." It's tme for another meetup opportunity!

Manatee Meetup at 11:30 eastern (10:30 central, 9:30 mountain, 8:30 pacific, etc.)

Password manatee (all lowercase)

I'm going to have to miss today. I just got back from the Skin doc. She did some removal of stuff from my lip and I am now unable to speak. Or eat.


I hope the removal takes care of the problem, Chris.  Sorry to hear you had to go through that.  Doesn't sound pleasant, not being able to speak or eat.  Eating is pretty important.  Take care.

2020-06-29 5:13 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Oh no--I missed it because I though there was going to be another swim slot sign-up cluster.... this morning. But I went on before 9 and waited, waited, waited and the site never showed ANY slots for next week and the week after. Finally at about 9:15 I called the rec office and was told, "Well, the online system didn't work last time so now we want people to call this number at 7 AM on Thursday and leave a voice mail message with your number, then we'll call you back in the order the call is received. UH-HUH! Like this is going to work any better than online signup with 15,000 people trying to get slots?!

Any tips for this?? About to just give up and go to the lake! But at 50 miles round trip, I'd really prefer it to be a weekly treat than the mainstay of my swim training.
2020-07-01 8:54 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Training question for the sages in the group. I am starting to run again, nothing major, but a few miles a week. This week I am planning 7 miles, 2 2 miles runs and 1 3 mile. Would it be ok to increase the mileage next week if I am feeling ok, by a little more than the 10% rule? I am thinking 10 miles next week. Probably going to be keeping my runs to 3 or 4 runs a week, still heavy cycling focus.

What would be reasonable cycling/running goals for a HIM? I am thinking of looking at one for next season.

2020-07-01 9:07 AM
in reply to: jbwills

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jbwills

Training question for the sages in the group. I am starting to run again, nothing major, but a few miles a week. This week I am planning 7 miles, 2 2 miles runs and 1 3 mile. Would it be ok to increase the mileage next week if I am feeling ok, by a little more than the 10% rule? I am thinking 10 miles next week. Probably going to be keeping my runs to 3 or 4 runs a week, still heavy cycling focus.

What would be reasonable cycling/running goals for a HIM? I am thinking of looking at one for next season.

In my now aborted comeback, i had weeks that looked like:  week 1: 2.1 + 2.5 + 3 = 7.6

                                                                                                           week 2: 3.3+ 3.6+4.2= 14.1

                                                                                                           week 3: 4.3+ 4.2 ; back on shut down = 8.5

So, I was doing more than 10% increased and did not feel like the increases were too much. The back to shut down had nothing to do with the mileage. So, i think you can do it if you don't go too hard during your runs, pay attention to how your body is responding and back off if needed.

What do you mean about reasonable cycling/run goals? distance? time? sessions per week? something else?


2020-07-01 9:16 AM
in reply to: jbwills

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jbwills

Training question for the sages in the group. I am starting to run again, nothing major, but a few miles a week. This week I am planning 7 miles, 2 2 miles runs and 1 3 mile. Would it be ok to increase the mileage next week if I am feeling ok, by a little more than the 10% rule? I am thinking 10 miles next week. Probably going to be keeping my runs to 3 or 4 runs a week, still heavy cycling focus.

What would be reasonable cycling/running goals for a HIM? I am thinking of looking at one for next season.

Yes, 10% rule is fine but when you are first building up your mileage, it can be difficult to keep it that low.  If you are going to increase by 30% in one week, I'd be careful and maybe add two 1.5 mile runs to ease into it.

In fact, my current training group recommends doing more frequent, shorter runs and keeping the pace super easy.  The theory is that (1) you have good form at the start of any run and it deteriorates after even the first 10 minutes so doing a lot of 1-2 mile runs equals practicing good form and (2) more frequent, shorter runs are easier on your body than less frequent longer runs. In other words, if you ran 1.5 mile seven days a week, you'd get your 10 miles in with roughly 70% of them in your best running form versus doing two runs of 5 miles each, you'd have only 20% of them in your best form.

Regarding and HIM, you'll need a base level of fitness before beginning and we can hook you up with a training plan.  Most training plans are 16-20 weeks with the last 12 weeks being race prep. 

2020-07-01 9:21 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jbwills

Training question for the sages in the group. I am starting to run again, nothing major, but a few miles a week. This week I am planning 7 miles, 2 2 miles runs and 1 3 mile. Would it be ok to increase the mileage next week if I am feeling ok, by a little more than the 10% rule? I am thinking 10 miles next week. Probably going to be keeping my runs to 3 or 4 runs a week, still heavy cycling focus.

What would be reasonable cycling/running goals for a HIM? I am thinking of looking at one for next season.

In my now aborted comeback, i had weeks that looked like:  week 1: 2.1 + 2.5 + 3 = 7.6

                                                                                                           week 2: 3.3+ 3.6+4.2= 14.1

                                                                                                           week 3: 4.3+ 4.2 ; back on shut down = 8.5

So, I was doing more than 10% increased and did not feel like the increases were too much. The back to shut down had nothing to do with the mileage. So, i think you can do it if you don't go too hard during your runs, pay attention to how your body is responding and back off if needed.

What do you mean about reasonable cycling/run goals? distance? time? sessions per week? something else?


Due to having a lot of decent areas around me I train more mileage, not time, easier to adjust the mileage by turning around/shaving distance. I am thinking switching my training to more tri orientated for better cross training. What would be decent weekly mileage goals for a HIM. 80-100 miles cycling, and 20-25 running or am I way off. I am kind of looking at using the next couple months to build the foundation to be better prepared for "actual" tri training later this year into next season. If that makes sense.


2020-07-01 9:36 AM
in reply to: jbwills

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jbwills

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jbwills

Training question for the sages in the group. I am starting to run again, nothing major, but a few miles a week. This week I am planning 7 miles, 2 2 miles runs and 1 3 mile. Would it be ok to increase the mileage next week if I am feeling ok, by a little more than the 10% rule? I am thinking 10 miles next week. Probably going to be keeping my runs to 3 or 4 runs a week, still heavy cycling focus.

What would be reasonable cycling/running goals for a HIM? I am thinking of looking at one for next season.

In my now aborted comeback, i had weeks that looked like:  week 1: 2.1 + 2.5 + 3 = 7.6

                                                                                                           week 2: 3.3+ 3.6+4.2= 14.1

                                                                                                           week 3: 4.3+ 4.2 ; back on shut down = 8.5

So, I was doing more than 10% increased and did not feel like the increases were too much. The back to shut down had nothing to do with the mileage. So, i think you can do it if you don't go too hard during your runs, pay attention to how your body is responding and back off if needed.

What do you mean about reasonable cycling/run goals? distance? time? sessions per week? something else?


Due to having a lot of decent areas around me I train more mileage, not time, easier to adjust the mileage by turning around/shaving distance. I am thinking switching my training to more tri orientated for better cross training. What would be decent weekly mileage goals for a HIM. 80-100 miles cycling, and 20-25 running or am I way off. I am kind of looking at using the next couple months to build the foundation to be better prepared for "actual" tri training later this year into next season. If that makes sense.

Mileage goals for jumping into an HIM on short notice or mileage goals for starting the last 12-weeks before an event? 

Peak training for an HIM would be something like 100-120+ miles/week on bike and high 20s/low 30s for the run plus swimming.

2020-07-01 9:46 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Mileage goals for jumping into an HIM on short notice or mileage goals for starting the last 12-weeks before an event? 

Peak training for an HIM would be something like 100-120+ miles/week on bike and high 20s/low 30s for the run plus swimming.

Thanks, that is kind of what I was looking for. I am not crazy/stupid enough to jump in from 0 to 90 miles a week. I have been building my cycling base, and now going to start on my running base. I will probably have to get some PT before swimming as my shoulder started to act up this morning doing some body weight exercises. As we get into "off season" I will probably get a training program to help me get to where I want to be, these give me some ideas of what to work towards.

2020-07-02 9:35 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy "last Monday of the month." It's tme for another meetup opportunity!

Manatee Meetup at 11:30 eastern (10:30 central, 9:30 mountain, 8:30 pacific, etc.)

Password manatee (all lowercase)

Shoot, I missed this.  I should've checked our forum.

I put it on my calendar for next Monday. The beginning of this week was hectic...
2020-07-02 9:38 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by Hot Runner

Oh no--I missed it because I though there was going to be another swim slot sign-up cluster.... this morning. But I went on before 9 and waited, waited, waited and the site never showed ANY slots for next week and the week after. Finally at about 9:15 I called the rec office and was told, "Well, the online system didn't work last time so now we want people to call this number at 7 AM on Thursday and leave a voice mail message with your number, then we'll call you back in the order the call is received. UH-HUH! Like this is going to work any better than online signup with 15,000 people trying to get slots?!

Any tips for this?? About to just give up and go to the lake! But at 50 miles round trip, I'd really prefer it to be a weekly treat than the mainstay of my swim training.

Oh my... that soudns insane! I agree, much worse than the online system. Somebody has to listen to all those voicemails, take notes, take phone numbers and names (if they are pronanunced clearly...), and then call back with confirmations...? Assuming once you get your confirmation you cross your fingers it's a day and time that works for you...? I am sorry.... it just sucks... I hope they will figure it out soon...
I assume there is no other pool in the area, that would be closer than 50 miles trip to the lake?

2020-07-02 9:42 AM
in reply to: jbwills

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jbwills

Training question for the sages in the group. I am starting to run again, nothing major, but a few miles a week. This week I am planning 7 miles, 2 2 miles runs and 1 3 mile. Would it be ok to increase the mileage next week if I am feeling ok, by a little more than the 10% rule? I am thinking 10 miles next week. Probably going to be keeping my runs to 3 or 4 runs a week, still heavy cycling focus.

What would be reasonable cycling/running goals for a HIM? I am thinking of looking at one for next season.

I am not super experienced (and I have not read other comments, yet), but i followed BarryP plan, where you run more often, but slower and smaller chinks. So instead of 3-4 days of heavier mileage you mentioned, I would do 6 days of lighter mileage.
I also focus more on time ratehr than mileage, for example: my goal is to run one hour, instead of X amount of miles. So during the week when I train I would run 30-45 minutes every day, and my long run will be one hour. Then increased to 1.5 hr, then 2, etc....
2020-07-02 9:49 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
I am back to the game, Manatees )))

We have just moved to Colorado, and we all absolutely love it! I was mostly concerned about the kids, but they truly love and enjoy the new place.

I am just South from Denver, and right by a huge reservoir, which gives me an opportunity to practice swimming. I am not sure how I do it until I find a swimming buddy - or someone on the kayak. We don't have any kayak thing, and my partner does not swim. We figured for now I would swim along the shore, where water is not deep enough to cover me completely, and he would walk on the shore to see me. I will have a wetsuit and a buoy attached to me (it provides some good support, and is good for mental). My partner only stays for a couple of weeks, and goes back to Chicago (returning every month), so that's a limitation too, but again - I am happy to have the open water near me, and sooner or later I will figure something out.

I started running this morning. No more excuses! Slow 20 minutes for the beginning I am planning mountain biking tonight with a local Polish girls, so that will give me an opportunity to make new friends/connections/training buddies.

If you ever come to teh area, let me know
2020-07-02 9:54 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Also.... because I know you always appreciate cats...
My cat apparently loves new place as well. She just discovered a nice sweet spot



cat1.jpg (53KB - 4 downloads)
cat2.jpg (42KB - 4 downloads)
2020-07-02 10:31 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Awwww! Smudgee agrees, sinks are just the right size and shape for cats! (This is a baby pic from one of our places in Vietnam--he was only four months old and already nine pounds, so he pretty much fills the sink. I don't think he could fit now.) Glad the move went well and humans and felines are settling in.


DSC_0364.JPG (1535KB - 5 downloads)
2020-07-02 10:35 AM
in reply to: 0

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jbwills


Training question for the sages in the group. I am starting to run again, nothing major, but a few miles a week. This week I am planning 7 miles, 2 2 miles runs and 1 3 mile. Would it be ok to increase the mileage next week if I am feeling ok, by a little more than the 10% rule? I am thinking 10 miles next week. Probably going to be keeping my runs to 3 or 4 runs a week, still heavy cycling focus.

What would be reasonable cycling/running goals for a HIM? I am thinking of looking at one for next season.


Thanks, that is kind of what I was looking for. I am not crazy/stupid enough to jump in from 0 to 90 miles a week. I have been building my cycling base, and now going to start on my running base. I will probably have to get some PT before swimming as my shoulder started to act up this morning doing some body weight exercises. As we get into "off season" I will probably get a training program to help me get to where I want to be, these give me some ideas of what to work towards.

in Dave Scott's 1986 "Triathlon Training" book he said to only increase volume by 5% every other week.  So that was a lot more conservative than the 10% rule.  If I were going to do a really long build (6-8 months) the slower rate would keep me from getting to unsustainable levels before the build was complete, but for shorter builds (2-3 months) I would never get to where I needed to be with such a slow rate. 

One of the first marathon plans I did was a 12-week plan that increased at over 16% a week for the first 4 weeks.  That plan averaged about 45 miles a week.  I heard it said once that at 40 miles a week or less your chance of injury are low but that as you went over 40 miles that good form, recovery, etc. were important to stay healthy.  So on that plan, you were not at really high volume and the risk of injury was low even though the build was faster than 10%.   

The amount you can build each week has a lot to do with your past training experience.  If you were a 100 mile a week runner for 4 years in college running 6 days a week and doing long runs over 90 minutes every week then after 3-4 months off and starting over at 20 miles a week you can increase really quickly and be fine.  If you have never run 30 miles in a week, the longest run you have ever done in your life is 5 miles, and you only run 3 days a week and you have taken 3-4 months off and are starting over.  20 miles a week may be too many to start at and 10% a week may be a faster build than what is safe for you.   

The 10% rule is a reference point but it is not an unchangeable law.  If you are doing lower intensity runs (i.e. lower HR zones or you are skinnier, etc), if you are running more frequently (i.e. 6 days vs. 3 days), if you have a longer running background, or you have a higher volume running background you can build quickly.  If you don't you need to build slower. 

Going from 7 miles in week 1 to 10 miles in week 2 would not be a problem for me. Until I get to 25-30 miles a week I am fine with about anything.  After 25-30 miles a week the 10% rule works for short builds (4-6 wks) and for longer builds I will go a little slower.



Edited by BlueBoy26 2020-07-02 10:36 AM

2020-07-02 10:49 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy "last Monday of the month." It's tme for another meetup opportunity!

Manatee Meetup at 11:30 eastern (10:30 central, 9:30 mountain, 8:30 pacific, etc.)

Password manatee (all lowercase)

Shoot, I missed this.  I should've checked our forum.

I put it on my calendar for next Monday. The beginning of this week was hectic...

The next meeting is July 27th since we moved it to the last Monday of the month. I hope to see you there!

2020-07-02 10:50 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Well, I got my call in by 7:07. Started auto-dialing at 7:00; their phone was not picking up at all until almost 7:03, then four minutes of busy signals. Figured that would be my morning, dialing and re-dialing, but got through at about 7:06 and left my message. Now hoping someone will call back before I hit the water at 11:30 (and preferably not while I am driving to the pool--illegal to use cell phone here and I can't pull over everywhere). Doing the math, it "should" be possible, but not if people are going to hem and haw about what slots they want.

Only one outdoor pool is open in town this summer, and until next March (the other one is closed for renovation till then, IF things go on schedule). There is one more indoor facility that will open next week, but prefer not to use it as it's in an older building and not well-ventilated. I think also only 6 or 8 lanes (outdoor pool has 18). Ditto for our YMCA--there are slots, but there are only three swim lanes (four normally but one is being used for lessons or something). It's a very old, poorly constructed building (1940's?), in the process of being replaced, and really not well ventilated. That was a minor annoyance in pre-covid times, but now really not a risk I want to take. One more facility is theoretically available--a big aquatics complex in the next town over, but it's a good 30-mile round trip, would pay 50% more as I'm not a resident, and, despite being a much bigger, newer building, it's still indoors.

Maybe being overly cautious but it just seems there's so much we don't know about this virus. First they said people can't spread if asymptomatic, and now they can.... Now they say that pools are safe, but... I think an indoor pool at this point is a risk.

We had very few cases, only 40 or so, in our county from March till June but things have taken off in the last two weeks and now at almost 200--will probably top that today. Supposedly linked to "graduation parties" on/near campus (I actually had no idea so many students were still around, much less graduating--they must have come back for it), but probably the protests as well. People are pretty good about mask-wearing here (except the millennials, of course-hardly any do) but I think they're just tired of the restrictions, especially young people, and too casual about neighborhood gatherings, playdates for kids, travel, bars, etc.
2020-07-02 10:51 AM
in reply to: marysia83

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by marysia83 I am back to the game, Manatees ))) We have just moved to Colorado, and we all absolutely love it! I was mostly concerned about the kids, but they truly love and enjoy the new place. I am just South from Denver, and right by a huge reservoir, which gives me an opportunity to practice swimming. I am not sure how I do it until I find a swimming buddy - or someone on the kayak. We don't have any kayak thing, and my partner does not swim. We figured for now I would swim along the shore, where water is not deep enough to cover me completely, and he would walk on the shore to see me. I will have a wetsuit and a buoy attached to me (it provides some good support, and is good for mental). My partner only stays for a couple of weeks, and goes back to Chicago (returning every month), so that's a limitation too, but again - I am happy to have the open water near me, and sooner or later I will figure something out. I started running this morning. No more excuses! Slow 20 minutes for the beginning I am planning mountain biking tonight with a local Polish girls, so that will give me an opportunity to make new friends/connections/training buddies. If you ever come to teh area, let me know

Congratulations on the move!

2020-07-02 10:53 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by Hot Runner Well, I got my call in by 7:07. Started auto-dialing at 7:00; their phone was not picking up at all until almost 7:03, then four minutes of busy signals. Figured that would be my morning, dialing and re-dialing, but got through at about 7:06 and left my message. Now hoping someone will call back before I hit the water at 11:30 (and preferably not while I am driving to the pool--illegal to use cell phone here and I can't pull over everywhere). Doing the math, it "should" be possible, but not if people are going to hem and haw about what slots they want. Only one outdoor pool is open in town this summer, and until next March (the other one is closed for renovation till then, IF things go on schedule). There is one more indoor facility that will open next week, but prefer not to use it as it's in an older building and not well-ventilated. I think also only 6 or 8 lanes (outdoor pool has 18). Ditto for our YMCA--there are slots, but there are only three swim lanes (four normally but one is being used for lessons or something). It's a very old, poorly constructed building (1940's?), in the process of being replaced, and really not well ventilated. That was a minor annoyance in pre-covid times, but now really not a risk I want to take. One more facility is theoretically available--a big aquatics complex in the next town over, but it's a good 30-mile round trip, would pay 50% more as I'm not a resident, and, despite being a much bigger, newer building, it's still indoors. Maybe being overly cautious but it just seems there's so much we don't know about this virus. First they said people can't spread if asymptomatic, and now they can.... Now they say that pools are safe, but... I think an indoor pool at this point is a risk. We had very few cases, only 40 or so, in our county from March till June but things have taken off in the last two weeks and now at almost 200--will probably top that today. Supposedly linked to "graduation parties" on/near campus (I actually had no idea so many students were still around, much less graduating--they must have come back for it), but probably the protests as well. People are pretty good about mask-wearing here (except the millennials, of course-hardly any do) but I think they're just tired of the restrictions, especially young people, and too casual about neighborhood gatherings, playdates for kids, travel, bars, etc.

Sending Karen gets some good swim slots zen your way!

2020-07-02 10:57 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

User image

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by Hot Runner

Awwww! Smudgee agrees, sinks are just the right size and shape for cats! (This is a baby pic from one of our places in Vietnam--he was only four months old and already nine pounds, so he pretty much fills the sink. I don't think he could fit now.) Glad the move went well and humans and felines are settling in.

Oh, I lover her black lips! She's so cute in that sink

2020-07-02 11:11 AM
in reply to: marysia83

User image

Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by marysia83

I am back to the game, Manatees )))

We have just moved to Colorado, and we all absolutely love it! I was mostly concerned about the kids, but they truly love and enjoy the new place.

I am just South from Denver, and right by a huge reservoir, which gives me an opportunity to practice swimming. I am not sure how I do it until I find a swimming buddy - or someone on the kayak. We don't have any kayak thing, and my partner does not swim. We figured for now I would swim along the shore, where water is not deep enough to cover me completely, and he would walk on the shore to see me. I will have a wetsuit and a buoy attached to me (it provides some good support, and is good for mental). My partner only stays for a couple of weeks, and goes back to Chicago (returning every month), so that's a limitation too, but again - I am happy to have the open water near me, and sooner or later I will figure something out.

I started running this morning. No more excuses! Slow 20 minutes for the beginning I am planning mountain biking tonight with a local Polish girls, so that will give me an opportunity to make new friends/connections/training buddies.

If you ever come to teh area, let me know

Welcome to Colorado! I'm north of Denver. What reservoir are you near?
2020-07-02 12:10 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by Hot Runner Maybe being overly cautious but it just seems there's so much we don't know about this virus. First they said people can't spread if asymptomatic, and now they can.... Now they say that pools are safe, but... I think an indoor pool at this point is a risk. 

Everything I've read (of course as you note, subject to change as we learn) indicates pools themselves are fine:
There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, or water playgrounds. Additionally, proper operation of these aquatic venues and disinfection of the water (with chlorine or bromine) should inactivate the virus.

And the rest depends on your gym set up I suppose. For me, when I get out of my car I'm greeted at the open doors by staff in masks who do a no-touch temperature check. I scan my key card (touchless) to check in. I am required to wear a mask until I begin working out. All doors inside the facility are open (so no touching any surface whatsoever) and locker rooms are closed. Water fountains are shut off. You walk directly to the pool area (again, open doors, no surfaces, handles or door knobs to be touched), put your stuff on the ground and swim all the laps. The only surface you would potentially touch is the single-stall restroom door, but hopefully you are washing your hands and using a paper towel to turn the door knob as you exit. 

I know not everyone's indoor pool set up is like this, but in my mind a situation like this is an extremely low risk.

2020-07-02 12:45 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Okay.... It's now 10:45 and I have not gotten a call about the slots yet. My swim slot today is at 11:30 and have to leave by 11:10. Anyone wanna take bets they call while I'm in the water?

(It sounds like if you miss the call, they just go on down the list.) Seriously, how many people could have reached one number, listened to their 30-second speil, and left a message in 6 minutes and 47 seconds??
2020-07-02 1:07 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by fortissimo

Welcome to Colorado! I'm north of Denver. What reservoir are you near?

Remind me, you are Longmont or Fort Collins...? I was originally planning to move to Longmont. I have friends there.
I am by Cherry Creek Reservoir. But if you have something closer to you, and would like to swim together, let me know and I can drive
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