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All-Comers T&F 5000 - Run

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Seattle, Washington
United States
50F / 10C
Total Time = 19m 13s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Ate Taco Bell. No I am not kidding.

Event warmup:

Well, this has got to be one of the more interesting event warmups that I have taken part in. Perhaps not THE most interesting because I've been known to do some crazy shyte ...

Anyway, I did another event as a warmup. The joggers mile. So the premise of the joggers mile is basically to guess how long it will take you to run a mile, write it down and then everyone runs. Whomever runs the mile the closest to their guess wins. It's not about speed it's about accuracy. So, let me back up. I picked up my training partner/friend/teammate and we got to the track. We ran the infield for a warmup and then wrote our times down. I decided 8:27 had a nice ring to it. We lined up and everyone had to put their arms up in the air to prove they didn't have watches. Once we did that they fired the gun and we were off!

They leave the clock on for the first lap. A and I came into the first lap at 2:00 which felt like an eternity but still too fast. We slowed down and I zig-zagged around a little to "waste time."

It's a strange sensation - trying to waste time on the track. lol!

Final lap hit and I was pretty sure we were still going too fast. I reeeeaaally slowed down. We hit the back stretch and A and I were talking about how slowing down on the back stretch and around the final turn is pretty much any competitors worst nightmare. Ha! I started skipping, hoping maybe it could buy us some time. We hit the final straightaway and in through the finish. Some other teammates had arrived and were "cheering us on" (heckling) I did a really dramatic lean across the line Pre-style then threw my arms up in victory.

Damn. We ran like an 8:17.

I knew there was an 8 and a 7 in there somewhere. 2 for 3?

We had about 45 minutes until our event so we kicked back and watched the 400 relay, the 100 M dash and a few other things. Gawd I love track and field!!!

We began our second warmup, running the infield. The meet was running late so we ended up getting like 3 more miles in haha. So .. Jamba Juice was one of the sponsors or something and there were two people dressed as bananas. They were running around the infield with a bunch of screaming kids chasing them. One small child full on tacked one of the bananas and I had to jump over them. The next time we came around a kid stepped right in front of me and screamed, like a warrior going into battle. He went for me apparently thinking I too was one of the jamba juice bananas?? I had a green hoodie on, so perhaps I was an unripe one? Anyway, it was terrifying. I side stepped his tackle. Finally he realized I indeed was not a Jamba-Banana and gave up the chase.

Once it got close we did some fast strides on the turf and then one on the track and it was go time.
  • 19m 13s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 06m 13s  min/mile

We lined up on the 200M curve on the back stretch. My friend had never run a race on the track so I was helping her to feel calm and didn't even have time to get nervous myself.

"I'm only giving two commands, set and then the gun," said the starter. "Line up on the curve and take a big step backwards." We all did. I was lined up about 3 rows back. There were a lot of participants this time.

"Set." I crouched down, ready to go. "BANG!!!!" I did this weird thing where I almost stepped back before I stepped forward. Note to self: Don't do that next time.

I sped up a little and jostled for a good position on the inside. I was where I wanted to be by the time we got to the straight away then slowed down. I came in the first 200 @ 43 which was fast. I slowed just a bit and then got into a good rhythm.

Mile 1 was excellently executed. My form felt great, my turnover was good, I was happy.

Mile 2 was really tough. I slipped off pace a hair and lost focus a little.

I refocused by the end of mile 2 (took me long enough!!!) and came into the last mile feeling strong.

The lap counter said, "4 laps to go!!" and I was excited. I was, believe it or not, having fun!! The stadium lights, the cool summer air ... ahhhh it was perfect.

"One lap to go!" the counter said as I came around. Wait? What? I thought I had two. Ok ... so I kicked it in. Like, a-shut-the-front-door kind of kick. I think I ran the 400 in like 82 seconds or something. I came into the finish line and hunched over from my effort. Wait a minute ... there was someone who was right in front of me that was going out for another lap. SHIT! I DO have another lap!! So, I jumped back into lane one and took off. Oh my gawwwd. I was so spent from that previous last lap. But I dug deep. "One more lap. One more lap. One more lap" I kept telling myself.

Finally I came into the "real" final straightaway and gave it my all (again.) As I crossed the finish the counter came and apologized for his mess-up. I was totally annoyed but trying to play it cool. I may have given him a dirty look. I feel kind of bad now ...

Anyway, accidents happen. No worries.

I am overall pretty pleased with this run. I am running about half of the mileage that I usually do so it's good to see that I am still able to keep some level of speed/intensity.

I am SOOOOOOOOO looking forward to exclusively running to see what I can really do.

Oh yeah!! I didn't get DFL!!! Not even close! I may have even finished top 3 women!
What would you do differently?:

Count laps ...


More experience

For maximum performance? Train for a 5000 instead of an Oly tri
Post race
Warm down:

Ran with teammates laughing and talking about the upcoming cross country season until they turned off the stadium lights.

I am so excited for cross country!!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Miscounting laps, little fast start, weird back step start thing, oly training, no taper.

Event comments:

Dude, it's a $3 track meet. It was great!!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2013-07-02 12:00 AM
00:19:13 | 03.11 miles | 06m 13s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
12.5 laps
Course: A big orange-red oval
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2013-07-11 11:22 AM

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Subject: All-Comers T&F 5000

2013-07-11 11:34 AM
in reply to: #4801434

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Whoops!  Even with them you are freakin' crazy fast.  I love how you give it everything on your second to last lap and are still able to finish the actual final lap! 
2013-07-11 11:40 AM
in reply to: #4801434

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Sweet race!!  Awesome & speedy....not DFL, see better than the last track session already Wink
2013-07-11 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4801434

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000


Congrats on the non-DFL, even more congrats on the top 3!

This whole story was awesome from the warm up guess your mile to the banana chasing kid, to the final gutted out real last lap. You are so awesome!!!!!!!!

I thought for sure you'd win the guess your time mile because you are sooooo good at knowing your pace. And I love how you goofed off to try to waste time. I could only hope for the day I could waste time to get "down" to an 8:17 (or even 8:27) mile.

2013-07-11 11:49 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Updated photo of my face when I realized I had to run another lap.
2013-07-11 12:10 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Originally posted by Asalzwed Updated photo of my face when I realized I had to run another lap.

And we still don't have a "like" button!

2013-07-11 12:10 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
See, told you if you took my advice from your last track race you would be quicker not too shabby for an old trout
2013-07-11 12:12 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
WTF is a " cool summer night"?!! Other than that, another super speedy outing, although I kind of hate you for skipping and weaving etc as your way to run slowly enough
2013-07-11 12:58 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Dear Salty,


All my love,


p.s. I love everything about your RR and your race. 

p.p.s I would have strangled the lap counter. 

2013-07-11 1:51 PM
in reply to: switch

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Love it - Excellent RR and Congrats!
2013-07-11 2:22 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Originally posted by amd723 WTF is a " cool summer night"?!!


Great job!  So gad that you had fun ;-)

2013-07-11 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4801434

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

You freakin' kicked some serious arse! 

You arse-kicker, you! 

2013-07-11 3:27 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Go, unripe banana [stand] girl, go!!!  Hey, great race, Salty.  Yeah, I'd be pretty torqued at the lap counter, too.  Way to dig deep and not let it get to you.


2013-07-11 4:03 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Originally posted by melbo55

Go, unripe banana [stand] girl, go!!!  Hey, great race, Salty.  Yeah, I'd be pretty torqued at the lap counter, too.  Way to dig deep and not let it get to you.


marry me!
2013-07-11 8:56 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
I love you. I love track and field. You get extra points for mentioning my childhood crush. Thank you.
2013-07-11 8:58 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 WTF is a " cool summer night"?!!


Great job!  So gad that you had fun ;-)

50F?? We won't see that until the end of September. Maybe. Not fair.

2013-07-11 9:37 PM
in reply to: KansasMom

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
19mins?  sick
2013-07-12 6:15 AM
in reply to: #4801434

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Yet another speedy race, great job! And an enjoyable read as well. Keep going, you will be back to running only soon enough.

A cool summer night?!? We call that December down here.

2013-07-12 12:27 PM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Originally posted by switch

Dear Salty,


All my love,


p.s. I love everything about your RR and your race. 

p.p.s I would have strangled the lap counter. 

Dear Switch,


PS I wish you would have been there to do so

2013-07-13 2:54 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Da-yam, that's one faaaaaaast frikkin' five!  Awesome R and RR.

Gotta get me some Taco Hell before my next race… or not.  Can't imagine how fast you would've been had you eaten food first!

Rock on



2013-07-15 12:41 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Da-yam, that's one faaaaaaast frikkin' five!  Awesome R and RR.

Gotta get me some Taco Hell before my next race… or not.  Can't imagine how fast you would've been had you eaten food first!

Rock on



Woah, woah woah! Are you saying Taco Bell isn't food????

My life has changed before my eyes.

2013-07-16 11:00 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Don't listen to him..Taco Bell is totally food.  Hate when you miscount!!  That picture looks pretty accurate. 
2013-07-17 7:46 PM
in reply to: #4801434

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Running Goddess....that is all.
2013-07-19 5:12 AM
in reply to: lmscozz

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

The vicissitudes of running naked. By the way, the hallmark of a true swimmer is that they can't count past five, so you're already ahead of the game

Congrats on a fun warm-up and a kickazz 5000.

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