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2008-08-12 9:22 AM

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$
This topic is one that effects everyone, but not necessarily equally. The economic conditions right now are unstable at best. Most of us are working, and getting paychecks and are still able to do a lot of the races and training that we want to do, others are not so lucky. Some of us have to closely budget our training and racing dollars as financial pressures like $4 per gallon gas, $4 per gallon milk, and child care, all take their toll on your discretionary (optional) spending. Tell us how the current economic conditions have affected you, and what you are successfully doing, if anything, to stretch your equipment, training, and racing dollars.

Things to consider.
Equipment Purchases / Maintenance.
Impact on Training.
Impact on Racing.
Making the best of your situation.
Your best tips on how to bring efficiency to an active lifestyle.

2008-08-12 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1596704

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Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

Great topic

I think the biggest change I am making currently is staying closer to home for rides and workouts, or carpooling to workouts and events to save on gas and time. I am having to work a little harder to enhance my job security, so I have to be more efficient with time.

Also I do not plan on doing events that are too far away to save on travel and gas expenses. We are lucky to have plenty of local events here, so really no big sacrifice.

Equipment wise, I will just have to budget things and make calculated and intellegent decisions as well as make sure the money spent is prioritized correctly.


2008-08-12 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1596704

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Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$
Once again, great topic. 
To say that this year has been expensive for me is like saying Phelps is a decent swimmer: Hello Mr. Understatement.  Therefore, next year I have significantly scaled back the types of races I am doing.  To register for Kona cost me over $500.  My entire season next year in race fees will be around $550.  I'm concentrating on sprints, olys, 10ks and 1/2 marathons with a season ending cheap marathon (probably Memphis).  All drivable distances.  Most are day-of-race driving with only a few overnight stays required.
Aside from the cost, the time necessary for IM training has forced much of my training to be local in nature.  Leaving for long rides from the house not only saves me $$$ but it saves me considerable time. 
I've always been good about finding a deal. Buying used works well for me as I don't have that "has to be new" hangup.  In fact, just about every thing I have minus shoes was bought used (mostly on ebay).   
I have 2 future IMs on my radar: IM Swiss and IM Lou.  I will wait and see if one of these can be done in 2010.  If money is an issue, IM Lou wins hands down.  But at this point, after this year, it will be a while before I rationalize stepping up to the cost and committement of an IM (although I am always susceptable to "accidentally" signing up). 
I just might attempt a 50 mile ultra-marathon year after next (way cheaper to train for that than for an IM).  I love to swim (pretty cheap aside from cost of masters).  I generally like to bike (25-40 miles might be the perfect distance for training).  I have finally started to develop a love for running (after shoes, it's a pretty cheap sport).
In summary, I think the biggest shift in my own habits is supporting local races.  GA Mulstiports, Setup Events and Team Magic all put on great races at a pretty low price point.
2008-08-12 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1596704

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

Great topic...I think we've had to be more careful at looking ahead when planning vs. just thinking about the upcoming weekend race or training schedule.  Here are some of the things we've tried doing to save some cash.
carpooling to rides that are not in the immediate area.  We realized that several people pass our house when heading up to the Bud takes a little more organization but it's worked the few times we've meet and loaded into one car.  Also, carpooling to out of town races.
Adding more local long rides including a few that are 10 min from home.  We even rode from our house to meet up with a ride.  It worked well.
Sharing hotels at races.  To me, this just makes sense especially when others are not bringing family and would be getting a hotel just for them self.
• Trying to spread out gear purchases.  I'm looking at a few pieces of new gear before next years planned IM.  I'll add it over time so that it's not a larger expense at once.
Putting a new bike purchase on hold and doing an IM on my current bike.  As much as I want a new bike by next season, I'll most likely keep mine.  It's been a quality ride and I can just make necessary upgrades if I need to.  I'll most likely take a year off totally after my IM and I'd hate for a new bike to just sit and gather dust.  I'll wait and get one when I start back into'll be good motivation!
Applying for teams like Team Zoot Gu(if you use the product).  We recently realized that paying $200 for this in March has been an awesome deal.  The amount of Gu and Gu2o we got has lasted us(both using it) all summer and will last at least until December.  $200 back then sounded like a lot for gels, and some other various products, but it's been nice having to replenish!
• Trying to skip the post workout eating out.  This is still a work in progress, but we've noticed how much it can add up when you always eat out after a ride or group training.  It's hard, we're always hungry and it's always fun to socialize outside of training.  But really, it's usually not healthy food and it's easily $20-$40 down if you pay for 2 meals and a few beers each.

2008-08-12 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1596704

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

Another great topic and one I can actually contribute to because this is a big issue for me.

Equipment purchase/maintenance: Outside of getting a new tri bike, this one is actually the easiest for me. Working at a bike shop definitely has helped me get some stuff I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to afford without my discount. Except for running shoes, I have access to discounts on lots of stuff.

Impact on training: I started to say this hasn't affected me but I thought about it and it really has. The pool where I swim is almost 40 minutes away so I don't get over there very often because of the wasted gas. I also have to skip almost all of the posted group workouts because they're just too far to drive. (time and $ wasted) I do ride my bikes locally, most of the time, so that works out well.

Impact on racing: This is probably the biggest issue for me. Racing is expensive! Dropping $65 for a sprint that may last 1.5 hours is not cost effective for us. I like racing but I have to really want to race and pick and choose which ones I can do. I think it's harder when both people race. My husband told me at the beginning of the season that we couldn't afford to drive far for races and no overnights for a race. (if we had to pay to stay) The one race I've done cost me $35 and it was 5 minutes from my house.

Cutbacks: all over the place but as far as triathlon is concerned my biggest cutback is not racing.

My situation: it's hard because I'm on here and so many people have done so many races and can pay for this new toy, or can afford Master's every month, or have travelled to races..... It's hard sometimes to remember not to worry about "keeping up with the Jones' " and just because I'm not doing X or going to Y race, doesn't mean I'm any less of an athlete, just different.

My tips: Okay, this is cheesy but I have to think about it everytime I get down about my gear, especially my bike - "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." New gear is great and fun but as triathletes I think we get caught up in all the hoopla of having "stuff."

-If you have a crappy bike, so what? Ride the hell out of it and improve the engine until you can get a new one and then blow people away.

-If you don't like your current ______ (fill in the blank), know that it's the best you can afford right now and budget to get a new one. (unless it's something causing pain, not an advocate of causing injury)

2008-08-12 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

Equipment/Maintenance.  Thankfully, Doug is able to get a lot of our gear and nutrition online for cheap.  He is the master of the deal, and has been able to adjust my bike several times when I've messed it up.  Getting on TeamZoot/Gu has also helped our nutrition expenses as Courtney mentioned. 

Training.  I'm working in the office more now so I don't have a lot of time to drive for workouts.  I run and ride mostly from our house or the RAP at the farthest.  Since working out doesn't require any out of pocket expense, it's cheap fun.  I would love to do a swimming Masters program or join LTF at some point, but it's not in the budget now.

Racing.  We had planned to do several additional races this year that fell off the calendar because of the cost, the scheduling issues and the childcare.  As someone else said, it's hard to shell out $65 for a sprint race, especially if it's a long drive and you have to pay for childcare or convince someone to watch the kids.

Cutbacks/MTB.  We joined the local pool instead of a health club and it's not perfect but has worked out OK.  If we need more workout variation, we can find swim workouts on the internet for free.

Tips.  The local pool was $300 for the whole year for the whole family of 4 - less than the cost of one club membership and I know that the county won't go out of business.  They have family swim hours, too, which will be fun in the winter for the kids.

2008-08-12 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$
This is a great line from Mindy:
...especially my bike - "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." New gear is great and fun but as triathletes I think we get caught up in all the hoopla of having "stuff."

It's VERY easy to see pretty new stuff and have bike/gear envy at races!  But as long as what you have is getting you from point a to b and keeping you safe and injury free, it's worth hanging on to!

2008-08-12 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1597515

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

CourtneyM - 2008-08-12 1:47 PM This is a great line from Mindy:
...especially my bike - "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." New gear is great and fun but as triathletes I think we get caught up in all the hoopla of having "stuff."

It's VERY easy to see pretty new stuff and have bike/gear envy at races!  But as long as what you have is getting you from point a to b and keeping you safe and injury free, it's worth hanging on to!

Awwww, thanks Courtney! (I even say it in my head in the sing-song voice of the cheezy 70's song)

2008-08-12 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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North Metro ATL
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

I queen of cheap--and not because I want to be,because Lord knows I love to spend some money. But as a stay at home mom and wife to husband who owns his own landscaping business that has been hit hard by the drought and gas prices I have to work hard at being creative to do what I love.

I am lucky that I have a dad who loves to cycle and buy sgear for his wife--my mom-- who does not like to cycle. I am even luckier that my mom and I are the same size. I ahve inheirted a Trek 1200 roadie and Trek 6000 mountain bike. Also gained a helmet, shoes, gloves and some tools--not that I know how to change a tire but I've got some tools. I keep trying to tell my mom to pretend she wants to do a tri and I know dad would buy her a tri bike but she is all into bikram yoga and won't play along.

I don't race nearly as much as I would like and when I do race I tend to go big as in marathon, half marathon or HIM. I won't shell out $25 for a 5k but will for a century or maybe a 10k. I also do local or pick somewhere where I know someone so lodging is free. Or better yet, I convince my inlaws to rent a cabin and we make it a family trip. I also look for races when we are on vacation. Not that that is cheaper but if you are already there it can be fun to race in a new place. Again though, I go big. No little races.

I have family that gives me gear as gifts.

 My father in law is also a runner so he sometimes signs me up for races and signed me up for Atlanta Track Club membership which gets me 10% off gear.

I ride from my house or from my parents. I run from home. I won't upgrade to the cushy LTF because LA is so cheap and I can suck it up in the pool and on their treadmill or in their yoga class.

I used my amazon points to buy new tri clothes off amazon. I buy off ebay and I only buy clothes that are on sale. I scour internet close outs and tjmaxx.

I am also frugle with my fueling. I typically won't use anything but water for a run under 10 miles or ride under 25 miles. I use just gatorade for runs in the 10-15 mile range. And gatorade for 35 mile ride.  I reserve my Gu's for the long runs and cliff bars for long bike rides. My thinking is if I under fuel in training I am going to feel fantastic in a race when I actually properly hydrate and have some nutrition.

Ice baths, icing, compression socks, self massage, stretching, yoga to avoid injury or having to pay for a massage.

I preserve my running shoes by running in old shoes for short runs or runs on the treadmill. I also try to use my trail shoes on the trail only runs to further save my "good" running shoes.

And I just do without.

2008-08-12 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

I feel like such a spoiled brat reading this thread....

I am VERY lucky that as a coach I get discounts and free stuff from sponsors or someone who wants us try their product and promote it to our athletes.  I also have my coaching income that I use exclusively for triathlon and gear.

I have gotten pickier about which training venues that I will drive to and which races I will do based on distance and overnight stays. But that is about it as far as cut backs.

There has been some great advice from other folks on this thread about being frugle and stretching your training dollar.

2008-08-13 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$
I definitely feel the impact of the current economy. Mainly in the cost of gas and food.

Equipment purchase/maintenance: I sold my old bike before I bought my new bike, so that was done right. Other than that, I have not purchased anything new this year outside of a tri suit.. my BT suit, and that was pretty inexpensive relative to some others. I put off an Aero Helmet, and definitely any thoughts of racing wheels. Oh, I did pick up some Pro Race 3's, but at a signifigant discount off of

Impact on training: Training took the biggest hit. Everything is local now. I don't like to drive anywhere. I 'would' drive to Cartersville, but it's too cost prohibative with $4 gas. The comet is an invaluable resource and as much as it can get a little old, it's still a wonderful place to train. While it's not the hills of Cartersville, it's not flat and provides a good workout in it's own unique way. As far as Gym's go, I belong to LAFitness, and for me, right now, there is no better value. Multiple Locations, Pools, Etc.. for 35 per month.. plus the occasional child care. It's a great value and I use the gym multiple times per week.

Impact on racing: Big impact here too. I wanted this to be a big racing summer.. with Steelhead as a potential big event. I could not justify the expense to do that this year, and have not substituted, so with a few local Triathlons left on the calander, I can honestly say that is not how I would 'prefer' it to be. Chicago is working out to be a good deal, combining resources with other runners, and using miles for the flight. I'm definitely being frugal with that one. No coat this year either.. I usually get a Chicago running jacket. Won't be doing that this year. Again, can't justify the expense.

Cutbacks: Across the board. I am not a frugal person by nature, but can be when it's the right thing to do. I am considering a second job in the off season to get me where I want to be, and possibly use some funds for some race wheels. We'll see where that goes. It would have to be the 'right' second job. Am considering the role of pimp to generate some flow. heh.

My tips: Don't eat out. This is my biggest problem right now. I easily eat 80 percent of my food, outside the house. I spend x $ per day on lunch alone. I need to get that under control, then maybe my racing budget wouldn't be so tight.. along with my pants..

2008-08-13 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Cumming, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

Only have time for a hit-and-run response right now...will give details later. 

My sister just mentioned to me this website ( which rents-to-own wet suits.  Seem like a great idea.  I wonder if any vendors do this for tribikes or other goodies.

2008-08-14 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$
I just get whatever gear Courtney doesn't want.

Edited by KraigM 2008-08-14 1:18 PM
2008-08-14 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1603845

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

KraigM - 2008-08-14 2:13 PM I just get whatever gear Courtney doesn't want.

Hmmmm, time to step up Kristen's triathlon training.

2008-08-14 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1603845

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Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

KraigM - 2008-08-14 2:13 PM I just get whatever gear Courtney doesn't want.


Poor on hand me downs...that is a swell new green jersey you have been sporting lately!

2008-08-14 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1603845

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

KraigM - 2008-08-14 2:13 PM I just get whatever gear Courtney doesn't want.

I can't wait to see you in the team StayPut outfit...


2008-08-15 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1596704

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Wellington, Florida
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$
I agree with everyone.....
Gas is my biggest issue. Thankfully the pay cuts and benefit reductions at work has STOPPED and were getting a bit back, but its not enough to offset the GAS/FOOD/HOTEL cost of doing "away" races.
Looking ahead to next season. I'm planning on doing the Tri the Parks series of races to stay closer to home, after starting the year with 70.3 Florida. Then added in in Westpoint Lake Oly, Carrollton Sprint, Peachtree City Sprint, and finishing the season with 70.3 Augusta.
I'm lucky with training. Living just south of Newnan, out in the horse farms, I can ride anything from 6-60 right from my driveway, all with nice rollers. And on most days a 10K sees 6-8 cars max.
Most seasons we make 2-3 trips to Florida for races in Orlando and Tampa. This past May for 70.3 Fla, we easily dropped $200 on Gas alone. Add in Hotel, and Food and Entry Fee and your looking at $700-900 easy, making doing one of these races, sadly, a reality check.

2008-08-15 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1596704

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

Equipment - I do not chase anything any more.  While I got a fantastic Pinarello in Feb. due to old road bike of 8 years finally giving out, I will not look at any gear.  I would like a tri bike, but....  I focus on the fact that the machine (meaning the body) is more important.  Sure I could shave off time with more aero wheels, but I could shave off even more time by training right.  I will focus on those gains for now.

Races -  I will never do another race that entails flying.  The costs stack up right and left. I will more than likely will not do another IM 70.3 race.  The entry fee does not translate relative to other races (quality) that are available locally.  I think I could have purchased a tri bike for about the same amount spent on my KS 70.3 adventure. 

Things to consider: Don't fall for the marketing of equipment.  Improvements in you body mean more at our level than expensive equipment. 

2008-08-15 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

Equipment purchase/maintenance: I basically only purchase the essentials like bike maintenance since I can't upkeep my own bike. Other than the absolute need I don't buy anything new.

Impact on training: The biggest thing for me is gas prices, so I have cut out driving to Cartersville and other far away places  for training. Other than that, I wouldn't say anything has affected my training except me. I just didn't train as far as I did last year on the swim/bike.

Impact on racing: This is my biggest impact for sure. I cut out a few races this year that I intially wanted to do. As I said before, gas prices are just ridiculous and I can't justify spending money on race entry fees plus the cost of travel.

Cutbacks: Driving for sure, as well as racing. Not to mention food. I instituted a 2 nights out a week eating out policy. I was getting a bit overboard on this one. I never go shopping for clothes and I only buy workout clothes when absolutely necessary. I would say I am a bit frugal these days.

My tips: Um. Lower gas and food prices

2008-08-16 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Cumming, GA
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$
Equipment Purchases / Maintenance....I have a long list of what I want:  swim paddles, pull buoy, Coach Troy riding DVD, bike computer for my spin cycle, Garmin heart rate/cadence/gps (have polar f6..not enough), more glide.....I guess I have to wait until old St. Nick comes around.  I always send out a list to family because they are clueless (I don't have a control issues, do I?)
Impact on Training...No impact. I've go the basics.  I'm riding closer to home which has been great.  Found a buddy in the 'hood who is adventurous.  We have found a couple of super routes with hills that I'm lovin!  This has been a good thing.  Only the pool is a drive.  I can't swim in the 'hood because its too crowded and closes at month's end.  I limit my drive to the pool to 2x/week and make a morning of it.  Swim for 1 hour, take son for pizza, and stop at the library on the way home.  It's fun for us.
Impact on Racing...Well, here's where it hurts.  I'm trying to keep a list of my "must haves" but keep finding new rides/races that I want to do.  I've thought about trying to hit up my bike shop for "sponsorship", but I'm not elite.  Don't know if they'd be interested (although I do help to organize their slower rides (because I'm one of them).  I also heard that goodies sposors folks.  Wondering if anyone has had experience with this?
Cutbacks...gulp!  No toys until Christmas.
Making the best of your situation.  I've certainly got what I need to train.  Don't need bells a whistles. 
Your best tips on how to bring efficiency to an active lifestyle.  If you can do with less, do with less!
2008-08-18 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1596704

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

Equipment purchase/maintenance: Well ... it is kind of like trying to close the door when the horse is already out of the barn as I have already purchsed pretty much what I need.  Given the latest addition to the stable (LeMond Triomphe road bike pieced together from used parts gathered here and there) I am pretty much set and will be liquidating the other remaining pieces and parts scattered around the garage ... and then using those proceeds to pay for my habit training

Impact on training: Training is relatively cheap, especially since I started riding the Cumming modified Reality Bikes route and do not have to drive 1 hour away to hit C'ville and/or the SCT.  I do car pool more with friends to training and/or events.

Impact on racing: Wish I could blame the economy on some of my splits ... but that is not the case. It has diminished travel to out of town races given the cost of gas and hotel rooms.

Cutbacks: Instead of taking the regimented coaching route through the winter months I will likely stop organized training at the end of September and take the rest of the year off from working from a set schedule.  I will instead move towards a weekly rythym, e.g. Monday = core/rest day, Tuesday = masters/run, Wednesday = trainer ride, Thursday = masters/run, Friday = tequila, Saturday = long ride, Sunday = long run.

My tips: Don't stop training ... because training is relatively cheap (especially compared to other things that could occupy your time), just stop spending.

2008-08-18 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1596704

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TOTW: Stretching your Fitness $$

As a real estate developer, I have no idea what you guys are talking about......whats wrong with the economy right now.....of course I have been intensely training over the last two years and haven't paid any particular attention to the real estate market.  Should I be worried?!!!!!!!!

Seriously, as a developer, I have put several projects on hold, thus it has opened up some training time for me.  I had planned on taking some of this time off when I started an IM plan, but thought it would be in 2009.  Well this current economy has pushed that time table forward.  With projects on hold I can train....I just hope my body can keep up!

The good thing about our sport is that you can CHOOSE to make it realitively inexpensive.  KEY WORD CHOOSE.  Shoes, bike, and googles....really thats it.  Nutrition is the only thing I will not skimp on....doctors are much too expensive.  As my grandfather use to say, you can spend a dime to save a nickel; or a roll of nickels is worth more than a dime laying flat; or a pig gets fat and a hog gets slaughtered.   


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