Subject: RE: Ironman Canada: Official ThreadWith registration opening up twice more folks from far away were able to register like me. There are about 12-14 folks from MA doing the race. I'm not sure if all 5 of our kids will come, but one of my twin son's who is 19 keeps talking about it and can't wait. He had a blast at IMLP and really looks forward to watching me do another IM plus going to BC will be new fun adventure. Our plans are to fly to Seattle and drvie up and maybe leave MA the weekend before the race to help adjust to time difference and recover from the long flight/drive. Southwest flies to Seattle and bringing a bike is only $50 each way and we are hope to use some frequent flier miles for some tickets. It is cool that so many BTers are doing the race.
Edited by KathyG 2008-12-10 4:08 PM