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All-Comers T&F 5000 - Run

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Seattle, Washington
United States
Total Time = 19m 58s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

It was really different having a race at 9:15 PM. I had a conference call until 7:00 then just sort of pretended like my day was starting all over again. I had some coffee and some oatmeal and headed to the track.

If you enjoy running and want to push yourself out of your comfort zone a little, and learn a lot, go to an all-comers meet! It was so much fun! I seriously want to try like, every event!
Event warmup:

Some jogging and then some strides. Per usual.
  • 19m 58s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 06m 13s  min/mile

Ok so, I came into this race knowing I was going to get DFL. These all-comers meets cater to a wide range of ability levels but when it comes to the distance stuff, it's pretty much elite men and women and then maybe a little above average men and post collegiates.

This race was all about trying something new, and running a good race (specific to my own abilities, not the others in the field)

I've had a cold all week. The kind that leaves you fever-y and sweaty every time you do something semi-active. I was planning on racing the 3000 at the same race series last week but was unable to because I had some serious DOMS from a hike. So, I REALLY didn't want to pull out of the race again this week. I was hoping I'd be able to come in and like, magically fight through "adversity" and do well.

Unfortunately that was not the case. I just felt, throughout the warm up and the actual race, that I had a speed governor on me. My legs felt fairly fresh and eager, I just couldn't push myself into the racing zone. I broke into a fever while warming up so I sat down for a bit. It was just annoying.

So, I'm not trying to make up excuses or anything, I am just trying to figure out why I felt so off and the only thing I can think of is this cold. The only other time I have felt like this was the last time I raced a 5K with a cold (and also dressed like a reindeer ... but that's another story.) I am seriously hoping that it's not due to a lack of fitness. I've switched over from run exclusive training to triathlon and naturally, my run mileage is not as high. I still don't think that could affect me THIS much, but I won't rule it out. I guess I will have to race again to find out ;)

Anyway, let's get to the race!

First, I couldn't remember where you line up for a 5000. I did the math, let's see, that's 12.5 laps ... so you must line up at the 200 (end of the back straightaway.) Bingo! Hey, at least I got that part right! There were about 15 dudes (?) and 2 females. One of the females is a pro (and trials qualifier) and I didn't know the other.

We lined up, I placed myself a few rows back. The starter then said, "take your marks" so we all moved forward and got into position. "Stand tall." he said, we all did then he help up the gun and "click" Yeah, the gun jammed or something. lol Ok, so we back up and do it all again. "take your marks. BANG!"
And we were off.

My biggest goal was to race my own race and this mean NOT going out too fast. It would be soooooo easy to do with such a strong field but I know from very personal experience, and physiology, that I would be doomed it I did.

I hung back and just ran my own race. Because the guys were so fast I was trying to be as Mary-Cain-classy as I could, and step to the side to let them pass on the inside rather than the outside when they lapped me.

Throughout the whole thing I think I did well, in terms of not going out too fast, racing my own race and then having enough to finish strong but not too much left. The problem was, everything felt like 2-3 levels below what I think I am capable of.

Doing the distance on the track wasn't as mind numbing as I thought it could potentially be. It was really cool running under the stadium lights and just working the track, or trying to lol.

We were at 4 laps to go and one of the girls stepped off the track.
Yay, only a quasi-DFL for me HAHA

Finally 2 laps to go and I "kicked it in." I ran a really nice 800 and finished really strong in the last 100. I even almost caught a guy but not quite.

This was so totally slow. I didn't even beat my road PR.

I don't have any official results or anything so that is why I didn't fill out any of the stuff above.

What would you do differently?:

Hmmm see this is the funny part. I'm not sure if I could have done anything different. It would have been nice to have a group to work with as I was pretty much solo the entire time.

Obviously I wouldn't want to run with a cold. Hopefully the will be the root of the problem and not something else.
Post race
Warm down:

Ran the infield

Afterwards I wasn't even really tired or sore. Even this morning, no soreness which I usually am after a hard effort. Hmmmmmmmmm

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Hopefully the cold!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2013-06-17 12:00 AM
00:19:58 | 03.11 miles | 06m 13s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Bad
Course: Oh, just an oval. 12.5 of em ;)
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2013-06-27 12:00 PM

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Subject: All-Comers T&F 5000

2013-06-27 12:13 PM
in reply to: #4789591

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Even with a cold and fever - you're still DAYUM fast!

2013-06-27 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4789591

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Wow, it's hard to imagine a sub-20 5k being a (quasi) DFL!  Even not feeling well, you're incredibly fast!
2013-06-27 12:38 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

You run with a fast crowd! 

Sorry about the cold, that's no fun.

2013-06-27 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4789591

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Glad you enjoyed the experience, even if it was tainted by the cold.

You being DFL or getting lapped is mind blowing to me. As fast and hot as you are (even with a cold) those dudes must be SMOKIN'!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see your report when you are feeling better!!!!!!!

2013-06-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
I'm with Monica, you have me lapped even with a cold.  

2013-06-27 1:14 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Glad you enjoyed yourself and, IMO, did great!!  Surely the cold was the limiting factor.  Now that you have some recon for next time, you will be even better prepared.  Awesome job, Salty!!
2013-06-27 2:05 PM
in reply to: #4789591

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Awesome job on running your race and on trying something different.
2013-06-27 2:05 PM
in reply to: #4789591

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000


Great RR, as usual. 

This was still a fast race, but I know, based on your numbers and splits, that you can run it faster, and you will.  The track is intimidating in some ways, but I bet after a few times, you will find it exhilerating. 

I have some days when I feel like I am invincible, pace is easy to find and hold, and others where, like you said, performance is a notch or two below where you think you could be.  I wish I could control when that happened more :)

My money is that this was partly due to your cold and partly just a first time, WTF to expect thing.  Your last 800 was strong, and your last 100 was strong.  You were hitting a groove. My guess is you'll hit that much sooner next time.

All that being said, you still ran a damn fast race.  You have an amazing talent, and you're obviously not afraid of hard work.  i just admire you for toeing the line, cause I sho as hellz wouldn't have;)

2013-06-27 2:27 PM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Thank you everyone for you kind words and support! 

At least I set the bar at an obtainable level for next time Smile

2013-06-27 2:30 PM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Originally posted by switch


Great RR, as usual. 

This was still a fast race, but I know, based on your numbers and splits, that you can run it faster, and you will.  The track is intimidating in some ways, but I bet after a few times, you will find it exhilerating. 

I have some days when I feel like I am invincible, pace is easy to find and hold, and others where, like you said, performance is a notch or two below where you think you could be.  I wish I could control when that happened more

My money is that this was partly due to your cold and partly just a first time, WTF to expect thing.  Your last 800 was strong, and your last 100 was strong.  You were hitting a groove. My guess is you'll hit that much sooner next time.

All that being said, you still ran a damn fast race.  You have an amazing talent, and you're obviously not afraid of hard work.  i just admire you for toeing the line, cause I sho as hellz wouldn't have

Well, I am hoping you are right. I just have to do it again to see! 

And thank you for the compliments, you are going to give this DFL-er a big head if you keep that up 

2013-06-27 2:53 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000


I don't like it when people step off the track. Just saying.

I think you did an awesome job, and you stayed with it, even though you weren't feeling your best.

2013-06-27 3:32 PM
in reply to: KansasMom

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Get a move on next time you old trout
2013-06-27 3:53 PM
in reply to: 0

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Get a move on next time you old trout

You totally just reminded me!!!! When I was walking in to the office this morning I saw a car that had an oval sticker that said "trout" and my first thought was how much I missed the banter between Froggie and Salty! Too Funny!


Edited by rrrunner 2013-06-27 3:54 PM
2013-06-27 6:34 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Get a move on next time you old trout

You totally just reminded me!!!! When I was walking in to the office this morning I saw a car that had an oval sticker that said "trout" and my first thought was how much I missed the banter between Froggie and Salty! Too Funny!


Did you reeeeaaalllly just hijack my DFL RR to bring up that a-hole? Ughhhh. I can't even lose well (shaking fist)

2013-06-27 10:24 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Sooooooo coool.  I could totally 'see' that whole race through your RR.  I love the track.  There is so much excitement and energy and atmosphere.  It sounds like you ran the race you wanted to, with the ability that you had for the day.  I really doubt you have lost fitness--a cold/fever can really take it out of you.  I might have to come and watch at one of these races...

2013-06-27 11:02 PM
in reply to: bcraht

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
your walk pace is my sprint.  I bow to your speediness!
2013-06-28 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4789591

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Great job!!!  I would take that DFL to be so fast. 

Love the pink shoes!

2013-07-02 12:32 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000

Maaaaaan, race number on your thigh, you really are legit 'n' all!

Still forkin' fast for someone snortin' snifflin' and sneezin' like a flippinganthilltwerp puntunctiousgopher.

DFL rocks. I tried last race, but two people unbeat me to it.

2013-07-02 6:00 PM
in reply to: TriAya

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Subject: RE: All-Comers T&F 5000
Originally posted by TriAya

Maaaaaan, race number on your thigh, you really are legit 'n' all!

Still forkin' fast for someone snortin' snifflin' and sneezin' like a flippinganthilltwerp puntunctiousgopher.

DFL rocks. I tried last race, but two people unbeat me to it.

Yeah, until I forgot about it and it was stuck to my butt one car ride and 40 minutes later. Rookie.


You need to step it up if you wanna be DFL-n' cool like me.

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date : September 9, 2010
author : Coach AJ
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Coach AJ reviews the Blue FS Carbon mountain bike. A lightweight bike perfect for racing XTERRA triathlons.