BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2019-01-16 6:50 AM
in reply to: awm007

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by awm007 Goals: Under 6 hours at IM Virginia 70.3. Failing that, under 6 hours at IM North Carolina 70.3.


2019-01-16 8:24 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Hot Runner A lot is up in the air for me with the latter half of the year, so it's hard to set any really long-range goals. But I'll try. * Improve my weaknesses (strength and biking, which are connected). Basically, get stronger so I can push a bigger gear, so I can be more competitive on the bike. I have improved a lot but it is still holding me back. * Do more stretching, foam rolling, etc. to improve flexibility and resilience. My hamstrings, glutes, and lower back have really struggled with the switch from pure runner to triathlete. When I am doing any substantial amount of bike training, they always feel tight. Partly a strength issue, I think, and partly an issue of my less-than-ideal recovery habits. * Improve run speed. My run endurance is really good after training for the IM (better I think than at any time since my mid 20's) but speed needs help. Ideally, be able to hold at least 8 minutes/mile for HIM run. * Do more trail running (definitely in training/for exploration, maybe some trail races, too). * Get on the podium as much as possible. (I like podiums!) Hoping my chances are better in 50-54 but that is not a given--will probably just be racing fast older people! *Related to the above, don't give up when I think all is lost because of a less than ideal bike leg. (To be honest, this is sometimes an issue for me, and my bike leg's never ideal!) Just keep pushing the run to the very end. Stretch goals (may need to wait until the rest of my life is more settled, though): * Qualify for 70.3 Worlds (but not sure I could actually go...) or Kona (but that would require a lot of luck!) Hawaii 70.3 is actually a qualifier for Kona, as well as 70.3 Worlds, but I would have to have one hell of a race to make either--the fastest AG women around know about this "back door" to Kona, and often show up there. * If I have time to train for it, try to break 12 hours for full IM. I'm pretty sure I could "easily" (one hesitates to use that word for anything connected with IM!) do this with a faster course (Malaysia is known as one of the slowest) or even a bit better bike karma and fitness on the same course. But I will only sign up for an IM if I know I have time to train enough to do it justice.

Nice! Hands got a book for Christmas that sounds like it might be up your alley. They were talking about it on the TrainerRoad podcast a while back too. Becoming a Supple Leopard? (I googled "Cheetah Stretch Strength book" to find this. I did not even have the right animal! )

how could you confuse a supple leopard with a cheetah? I think this adding modalities from this book into my routine will be very good, I just haven’t had the time to do it yet. Hoping that after this weekend’s trip north and mom and charlies’s soon after return to their house that I can focus on making these routine, in addition to yoga.


2019-01-16 8:29 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by jmkizer

No one has goals for the year?!

OK, I'll go first

  • Stronger core - strength train at least twice a week --Strength train an average of at least twice a week over the course of the year. By this I mean a workout of at least 15-20 minutes at least twice a week. The workout could be the RDP core workout, the functional strength workout, a TRX-style workout, etc. I don't want Body Comp to be a focus for the year. I think it would be more useful for me to focus on strength.
  • Stay on top of PT exercises
  • More fun! Ride with friends!
  • Pump up the volume! (as compared to 2017-2018)
  • Try something new - new venue, new event. (maybe a trail run? or a new-to-me mountain ride?)
  • Event related goals, other than the try something new one, is have a specific time in mind for Myrtle Beach. To reach this goal, I have loaded the Advanced Marathon Plan [balanced] and completed all of the workouts to the best of my ability.
  • I don't really have specific time goals for Chattanooga or Lake Logan. Well, it would be really nice to come in at sub 6:15 at Lake Logan. (2016 - 6:22, 2017 - 6:09, 2018 - 6:34)
  • Other stuff that I wrote down but don't have a good way to measure: Mental toughness. BE MORE EPIC.

Nice goals! Mine include keeping up with yoga workouts, adding workouts from becoming a supple leopard - really can’t wait for the supple part to kick in!, and embracing the suck more while still having fun!

i also want to get back to more trail races and have a sort of trail ( rolling clay road) 10k on 2/9 to kick start that. And, though I don’t really have any control over this goal, have my next knee mri result be unremarkable!

2019-01-16 9:09 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

No one has goals for the year?!

OK, I'll go first

  • Stronger core - strength train at least twice a week --Strength train an average of at least twice a week over the course of the year. By this I mean a workout of at least 15-20 minutes at least twice a week. The workout could be the RDP core workout, the functional strength workout, a TRX-style workout, etc. I don't want Body Comp to be a focus for the year. I think it would be more useful for me to focus on strength.
  • Stay on top of PT exercises
  • More fun! Ride with friends!
  • Pump up the volume! (as compared to 2017-2018)
  • Try something new - new venue, new event. (maybe a trail run? or a new-to-me mountain ride?)
  • Event related goals, other than the try something new one, is have a specific time in mind for Myrtle Beach. To reach this goal, I have loaded the Advanced Marathon Plan [balanced] and completed all of the workouts to the best of my ability.
  • I don't really have specific time goals for Chattanooga or Lake Logan. Well, it would be really nice to come in at sub 6:15 at Lake Logan. (2016 - 6:22, 2017 - 6:09, 2018 - 6:34)
  • Other stuff that I wrote down but don't have a good way to measure: Mental toughness. BE MORE EPIC.

Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

While I joke about a lot in life, this one is actually pretty high up on my list. I have a friend (Walt) that I ride with who is just enthused about everything. Genuinely enjoys whatever moment he is in. While I don't believe I will ever reach Walt-like proportions, if I can even find a percentage of his enthusiasm, I will call 2019 a success. And the reason behind that being my goal is simple as well. I have found that work and life are quite often a mindless shuffle, from one thing to the next, checking items off the list, getting things done. For example, I don't want to ride a bike for the sake of riding a bike. I want it to take me places. Whether those places are open natural areas that bring wonder and awe, or places that open my mind and heart. Will I do the spring TT series, of course I will. But not to simply put my head down and pedal, I will put my head down and pedal while I open my eyes and ears to the people and world around me. One of the guys that is there is 70+ and can easily crush most of the people riding. I want to know more about what drives him, how he became the way he is. I want to be more enthused about the people around me.

Sorry if that is a bit deep and metaphysical, but it is one of my highest goals for the year.

From a physical standpoint, I want to run again, ride better, and do a few events that push me to better physical condition.

Oh yeah, I wanna crush all Manatees in the weight loss challenge  

Gotcha. My word for the year is JOY. I want to get back to the joy of running, the joy of spending time on my bike, etc. I want to love training.

And I want to develop your consistency. I hope you realize how rare it is to see someone who has made a commitment to themselves like you have. 

Both really good - i get it. I am often told i am 'Pollyanna' - which i don't really feel like but i also often just have the mentality of 'what's the point of being grumpy or putting your crap on others' - so i guess that translates.

Anyway, the JOY work made me think of Gretchen Rubin who i have mentioned many times - love her books and podcast and she actually had a podcast where she talked about having a one word theme for the year ... so you're doing that! Seems like a great way to remind yourself. Similar to mantras when training and racing which can just bring some intention and focus back. 

2019-01-16 9:15 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Goals for me:

I feel like I don't have a lot - for me, often showing up is the win and I guess i echo Chris where i am at the place of wanting to build consistency which is mostly consistent base. Thanks to these logs and Garmin i have years of data and i see my last few years (understandably) i have a much lower volume than i am used to. Last year, I logged 870-ish kms which was the most in 5 years but still not a great base for running strong half marathons as i would like to do.


  • Run 1200 km for the year (about 100km a month)
  • Take a good aim at beating my HM PB of 1:50 (this requires quite a bit of effort but this is more about that base thing)
  • Do at least one triathlon
  • Get stronger - specificially: be able to do burpees for the full minute in the one 21 Day fix workout video, and same with pushups (from the toes
  • Learn flip turns (not sure when i will dedicate time to this

I think that's it. I shared a few other goals on my log (in line with Gretchen Rubin's 19 in 2019) but i had some other active ones:

  • try snowshoeing
  • Try SUP
  • Try canoeing/kayaking 

I have realistic opportunities for doing all of those ones. 

2019-01-16 9:19 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

No one has goals for the year?!

OK, I'll go first

  • Stronger core - strength train at least twice a week --Strength train an average of at least twice a week over the course of the year. By this I mean a workout of at least 15-20 minutes at least twice a week. The workout could be the RDP core workout, the functional strength workout, a TRX-style workout, etc. I don't want Body Comp to be a focus for the year. I think it would be more useful for me to focus on strength.
  • Stay on top of PT exercises
  • More fun! Ride with friends!
  • Pump up the volume! (as compared to 2017-2018)
  • Try something new - new venue, new event. (maybe a trail run? or a new-to-me mountain ride?)
  • Event related goals, other than the try something new one, is have a specific time in mind for Myrtle Beach. To reach this goal, I have loaded the Advanced Marathon Plan [balanced] and completed all of the workouts to the best of my ability.
  • I don't really have specific time goals for Chattanooga or Lake Logan. Well, it would be really nice to come in at sub 6:15 at Lake Logan. (2016 - 6:22, 2017 - 6:09, 2018 - 6:34)
  • Other stuff that I wrote down but don't have a good way to measure: Mental toughness. BE MORE EPIC.

Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

While I joke about a lot in life, this one is actually pretty high up on my list. I have a friend (Walt) that I ride with who is just enthused about everything. Genuinely enjoys whatever moment he is in. While I don't believe I will ever reach Walt-like proportions, if I can even find a percentage of his enthusiasm, I will call 2019 a success. And the reason behind that being my goal is simple as well. I have found that work and life are quite often a mindless shuffle, from one thing to the next, checking items off the list, getting things done. For example, I don't want to ride a bike for the sake of riding a bike. I want it to take me places. Whether those places are open natural areas that bring wonder and awe, or places that open my mind and heart. Will I do the spring TT series, of course I will. But not to simply put my head down and pedal, I will put my head down and pedal while I open my eyes and ears to the people and world around me. One of the guys that is there is 70+ and can easily crush most of the people riding. I want to know more about what drives him, how he became the way he is. I want to be more enthused about the people around me.

Sorry if that is a bit deep and metaphysical, but it is one of my highest goals for the year.

From a physical standpoint, I want to run again, ride better, and do a few events that push me to better physical condition.

Oh yeah, I wanna crush all Manatees in the weight loss challenge  

Well I guess doing that will help you reach your main goal of maximum enthusiasm!

2019-01-16 9:36 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

No one has goals for the year?!

OK, I'll go first

  • Stronger core - strength train at least twice a week --Strength train an average of at least twice a week over the course of the year. By this I mean a workout of at least 15-20 minutes at least twice a week. The workout could be the RDP core workout, the functional strength workout, a TRX-style workout, etc. I don't want Body Comp to be a focus for the year. I think it would be more useful for me to focus on strength.
  • Stay on top of PT exercises
  • More fun! Ride with friends!
  • Pump up the volume! (as compared to 2017-2018)
  • Try something new - new venue, new event. (maybe a trail run? or a new-to-me mountain ride?)
  • Event related goals, other than the try something new one, is have a specific time in mind for Myrtle Beach. To reach this goal, I have loaded the Advanced Marathon Plan [balanced] and completed all of the workouts to the best of my ability.
  • I don't really have specific time goals for Chattanooga or Lake Logan. Well, it would be really nice to come in at sub 6:15 at Lake Logan. (2016 - 6:22, 2017 - 6:09, 2018 - 6:34)
  • Other stuff that I wrote down but don't have a good way to measure: Mental toughness. BE MORE EPIC.

Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

While I joke about a lot in life, this one is actually pretty high up on my list. I have a friend (Walt) that I ride with who is just enthused about everything. Genuinely enjoys whatever moment he is in. While I don't believe I will ever reach Walt-like proportions, if I can even find a percentage of his enthusiasm, I will call 2019 a success. And the reason behind that being my goal is simple as well. I have found that work and life are quite often a mindless shuffle, from one thing to the next, checking items off the list, getting things done. For example, I don't want to ride a bike for the sake of riding a bike. I want it to take me places. Whether those places are open natural areas that bring wonder and awe, or places that open my mind and heart. Will I do the spring TT series, of course I will. But not to simply put my head down and pedal, I will put my head down and pedal while I open my eyes and ears to the people and world around me. One of the guys that is there is 70+ and can easily crush most of the people riding. I want to know more about what drives him, how he became the way he is. I want to be more enthused about the people around me.

Sorry if that is a bit deep and metaphysical, but it is one of my highest goals for the year.

From a physical standpoint, I want to run again, ride better, and do a few events that push me to better physical condition.

Oh yeah, I wanna crush all Manatees in the weight loss challenge  

Well I guess doing that will help you reach your main goal of maximum enthusiasm!

I thought I slipped that one by people.

2019-01-16 9:39 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by juniperjen

Goals for me:

I feel like I don't have a lot - for me, often showing up is the win and I guess i echo Chris where i am at the place of wanting to build consistency which is mostly consistent base. Thanks to these logs and Garmin i have years of data and i see my last few years (understandably) i have a much lower volume than i am used to. Last year, I logged 870-ish kms which was the most in 5 years but still not a great base for running strong half marathons as i would like to do.


  • Run 1200 km for the year (about 100km a month)
  • Take a good aim at beating my HM PB of 1:50 (this requires quite a bit of effort but this is more about that base thing)
  • Do at least one triathlon
  • Get stronger - specificially: be able to do burpees for the full minute in the one 21 Day fix workout video, and same with pushups (from the toes
  • Learn flip turns (not sure when i will dedicate time to this

I think that's it. I shared a few other goals on my log (in line with Gretchen Rubin's 19 in 2019) but i had some other active ones:

  • try snowshoeing
  • Try SUP
  • Try canoeing/kayaking 

I have realistic opportunities for doing all of those ones. 

Jen, we have a low end kayak and a low end SUP and love to use them. If you like the water and simply doing outside stuff, these are both a big winner. I hope you get the chance and find it enjoyable. Burpees and pushups will help your core and your kayak/SUP experience will thank you for a strong core.

2019-01-16 12:45 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

2019 goals - my word this year is MOVEMENT.

My primary goal is to get 30 minutes of cardio in every single day. One of my dear BT friends and Iron-bestie (LindaKC) did 365 days of cardio a few years ago, and ever since then I've been inspired. Right now, I'm on a 56-day run streak (at least 1 mile a day) that I started Thanksgiving day. On days where I only got one mile in, I've added at least 20 minutes of additional cardio. If I can do this through the entire year, it will be more than 400 consecutive days.

Another goal is for 2019 to be the year where, for the first time, I reach Champion fundraising status ($1,000+) for Tour de Cure. It will be my 10th year riding and raising funds, and my mom and sister are going to come to Atlanta for the event. They both live with Type 1 Diabetes, and are the reason this ride is so personal to me, so it's going to be a super meaningful day. 

2019-01-16 2:27 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

2019 goals, now that's a bit of a tough one, in some ways.

Main goal: lose weight (OMG I sound like a freaking broken record)

Other goals: break 7 hours at 70.3 Muncie (yes, I am slow compared to most).  This will largely be dependent on my knee(s) and the heat.  I came oh so close at LP last year (7:12) which is much hillier on the bike and run but blessedly cool/cold.  If I break 7 hours at Muncie AND my knees will allow it, I hope to get into SOS for 2020.  I will definitely want to be on top of my game at this race, so weight and knee happiness will be goals for 2020 as well.  If I fail at either the sub-7 or successfully getting through the SOS registration gauntlet, that will be it, I will not keep pursuing the SOS goal beyond 2020.  I'm too old for such follies!

Get out in my kayak more than I did this past summer, I think I was only on the water 2, maybe 3 times.

2019-01-16 2:44 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by melbo55

2019 goals, now that's a bit of a tough one, in some ways.

Main goal: lose weight (OMG I sound like a freaking broken record)

Other goals: break 7 hours at 70.3 Muncie (yes, I am slow compared to most).  This will largely be dependent on my knee(s) and the heat.  I came oh so close at LP last year (7:12) which is much hillier on the bike and run but blessedly cool/cold.  If I break 7 hours at Muncie AND my knees will allow it, I hope to get into SOS for 2020.  I will definitely want to be on top of my game at this race, so weight and knee happiness will be goals for 2020 as well.  If I fail at either the sub-7 or successfully getting through the SOS registration gauntlet, that will be it, I will not keep pursuing the SOS goal beyond 2020.  I'm too old for such follies!

Get out in my kayak more than I did this past summer, I think I was only on the water 2, maybe 3 times.

ok, i'll ask and show my ignorance - what is SOS?!

2019-01-16 6:28 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by melbo55

2019 goals, now that's a bit of a tough one, in some ways.

Main goal: lose weight (OMG I sound like a freaking broken record)

Other goals: break 7 hours at 70.3 Muncie (yes, I am slow compared to most).  This will largely be dependent on my knee(s) and the heat.  I came oh so close at LP last year (7:12) which is much hillier on the bike and run but blessedly cool/cold.  If I break 7 hours at Muncie AND my knees will allow it, I hope to get into SOS for 2020.  I will definitely want to be on top of my game at this race, so weight and knee happiness will be goals for 2020 as well.  If I fail at either the sub-7 or successfully getting through the SOS registration gauntlet, that will be it, I will not keep pursuing the SOS goal beyond 2020.  I'm too old for such follies!

Get out in my kayak more than I did this past summer, I think I was only on the water 2, maybe 3 times.

ok, i'll ask and show my ignorance - what is SOS?!

Melanie I hope that you get into SOS, that race looks like quite the cool deal!

 If this the one she is shooting for, I've heard it is really cool.


2019-01-16 6:30 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by lisac957

2019 goals - my word this year is MOVEMENT.

My primary goal is to get 30 minutes of cardio in every single day. One of my dear BT friends and Iron-bestie (LindaKC) did 365 days of cardio a few years ago, and ever since then I've been inspired. Right now, I'm on a 56-day run streak (at least 1 mile a day) that I started Thanksgiving day. On days where I only got one mile in, I've added at least 20 minutes of additional cardio. If I can do this through the entire year, it will be more than 400 consecutive days.

Another goal is for 2019 to be the year where, for the first time, I reach Champion fundraising status ($1,000+) for Tour de Cure. It will be my 10th year riding and raising funds, and my mom and sister are going to come to Atlanta for the event. They both live with Type 1 Diabetes, and are the reason this ride is so personal to me, so it's going to be a super meaningful day. 

Lisa, I hope you get to 400 days straight, that would be quite the accomplishment! And the $$$$ goal would be pretty dang impressive too. Good luck.

2019-01-16 6:49 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by melbo55

2019 goals, now that's a bit of a tough one, in some ways.

Main goal: lose weight (OMG I sound like a freaking broken record)

Other goals: break 7 hours at 70.3 Muncie (yes, I am slow compared to most).  This will largely be dependent on my knee(s) and the heat.  I came oh so close at LP last year (7:12) which is much hillier on the bike and run but blessedly cool/cold.  If I break 7 hours at Muncie AND my knees will allow it, I hope to get into SOS for 2020.  I will definitely want to be on top of my game at this race, so weight and knee happiness will be goals for 2020 as well.  If I fail at either the sub-7 or successfully getting through the SOS registration gauntlet, that will be it, I will not keep pursuing the SOS goal beyond 2020.  I'm too old for such follies!

Get out in my kayak more than I did this past summer, I think I was only on the water 2, maybe 3 times.

ok, i'll ask and show my ignorance - what is SOS?!

Melanie I hope that you get into SOS, that race looks like quite the cool deal!

 If this the one she is shooting for, I've heard it is really cool.


wow, that does look great!

2019-01-17 12:24 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm
I've been thinking a fair bit about my 2019 goals and I have also been thinking about a vlog I watched a few weeks ago that talked about Goal Body v Goal Weight and rather than focusing on the number on the scales focusing on what you want your body to be able to do and how you want it to feel. This has been a total mind switch for me.

So my 2019 goals in no particular order are:
1. run/walk 2019 km in 2019 (that equates to about 25 miles a week)
2. be able to do 20 push ups - going right the way down not the half way things that I can currently manage
3. run the trails more and have fun doing it
4. go under 5 hours at the October marathon that i have planned and watch my friend cross the line of her first marathon
5. create wonderful memories with people that I love while being active outside
6. keep my brain free from food chatter

Its the first time in nearly a decade that I haven't had a weight related goal on my list and it feels great. That doesn't mean I don't want to lose a little bit more weight it just is no longer something that I need to write down because I am well down the path and I'm cementing habits now that mean if I keep doing what I'm doing that the last little bit will come off and none of it will go back on.
2019-01-17 12:40 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm
Originally posted by StaceyKI've been thinking a fair bit about my 2019 goals and I have also been thinking about a vlog I watched a few weeks ago that talked about Goal Body v Goal Weight and rather than focusing on the number on the scales focusing on what you want your body to be able to do and how you want it to feel. This has been a total mind switch for me. So my 2019 goals in no particular order are:1. run/walk 2019 km in 2019 (that equates to about 25 miles a week)2. be able to do 20 push ups - going right the way down not the half way things that I can currently manage3. run the trails more and have fun doing it4. go under 5 hours at the October marathon that i have planned and watch my friend cross the line of her first marathon5. create wonderful memories with people that I love while being active outside6. keep my brain free from food chatterIts the first time in nearly a decade that I haven't had a weight related goal on my list and it feels great. That doesn't mean I don't want to lose a little bit more weight it just is no longer something that I need to write down because I am well down the path and I'm cementing habits now that mean if I keep doing what I'm doing that the last little bit will come off and none of it will go back on.
I love your mindset, Stacey, and your commitment to YOU. Keep it up!

2019-01-17 7:20 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Great goals!

Lisa, I love the streak that you are on!

Melanie, you've done some really hilly HIM courses. I feel certain that your goal is within reach. I'm pulling for you!

Stacey, I like the Goal Body v. Goal weight mindset. Being fit and having fun and building memories are all great things :-)

2019-01-17 8:34 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by StaceyKI've been thinking a fair bit about my 2019 goals and I have also been thinking about a vlog I watched a few weeks ago that talked about Goal Body v Goal Weight and rather than focusing on the number on the scales focusing on what you want your body to be able to do and how you want it to feel. This has been a total mind switch for me. So my 2019 goals in no particular order are:1. run/walk 2019 km in 2019 (that equates to about 25 miles a week)2. be able to do 20 push ups - going right the way down not the half way things that I can currently manage3. run the trails more and have fun doing it4. go under 5 hours at the October marathon that i have planned and watch my friend cross the line of her first marathon5. create wonderful memories with people that I love while being active outside6. keep my brain free from food chatterIts the first time in nearly a decade that I haven't had a weight related goal on my list and it feels great. That doesn't mean I don't want to lose a little bit more weight it just is no longer something that I need to write down because I am well down the path and I'm cementing habits now that mean if I keep doing what I'm doing that the last little bit will come off and none of it will go back on.
I love your mindset, Stacey, and your commitment to YOU. Keep it up!

Agree, it's really awesome! 

2019-01-17 8:39 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by jmkizer

No one has goals for the year?!

OK, I'll go first

  • Stronger core - strength train at least twice a week --Strength train an average of at least twice a week over the course of the year. By this I mean a workout of at least 15-20 minutes at least twice a week. The workout could be the RDP core workout, the functional strength workout, a TRX-style workout, etc. I don't want Body Comp to be a focus for the year. I think it would be more useful for me to focus on strength.
  • Stay on top of PT exercises
  • More fun! Ride with friends!
  • Pump up the volume! (as compared to 2017-2018)
  • Try something new - new venue, new event. (maybe a trail run? or a new-to-me mountain ride?)
  • Event related goals, other than the try something new one, is have a specific time in mind for Myrtle Beach. To reach this goal, I have loaded the Advanced Marathon Plan [balanced] and completed all of the workouts to the best of my ability.
  • I don't really have specific time goals for Chattanooga or Lake Logan. Well, it would be really nice to come in at sub 6:15 at Lake Logan. (2016 - 6:22, 2017 - 6:09, 2018 - 6:34)
  • Other stuff that I wrote down but don't have a good way to measure: Mental toughness. BE MORE EPIC.

You've never tried trail runs???? You should!!! It's sooooo much fun )))))

I am a klutz.

As much as I love hiking on trails, being a fellow Klutz is why I don't do trail running.

2019-01-17 8:43 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Happy Thursday! It's technically my Friday since i have tomorrow off so i can be home with my daughter because the school is out for the day. I need to run. I need to lube my treadmill belt. It's looking quite frigid this weekend, so Manatees, while i have run in all kinds of cold i think this may be my threshold. I might try to do my 10 miles (16k) tomorrow but tell me how bad would it be to do on the treadmill if i can't get it in tomorrow? 

2019-01-17 8:44 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

No one has goals for the year?!

OK, I'll go first

  • Stronger core - strength train at least twice a week --Strength train an average of at least twice a week over the course of the year. By this I mean a workout of at least 15-20 minutes at least twice a week. The workout could be the RDP core workout, the functional strength workout, a TRX-style workout, etc. I don't want Body Comp to be a focus for the year. I think it would be more useful for me to focus on strength.
  • Stay on top of PT exercises
  • More fun! Ride with friends!
  • Pump up the volume! (as compared to 2017-2018)
  • Try something new - new venue, new event. (maybe a trail run? or a new-to-me mountain ride?)
  • Event related goals, other than the try something new one, is have a specific time in mind for Myrtle Beach. To reach this goal, I have loaded the Advanced Marathon Plan [balanced] and completed all of the workouts to the best of my ability.
  • I don't really have specific time goals for Chattanooga or Lake Logan. Well, it would be really nice to come in at sub 6:15 at Lake Logan. (2016 - 6:22, 2017 - 6:09, 2018 - 6:34)
  • Other stuff that I wrote down but don't have a good way to measure: Mental toughness. BE MORE EPIC.

Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

While I joke about a lot in life, this one is actually pretty high up on my list. I have a friend (Walt) that I ride with who is just enthused about everything. Genuinely enjoys whatever moment he is in. While I don't believe I will ever reach Walt-like proportions, if I can even find a percentage of his enthusiasm, I will call 2019 a success. And the reason behind that being my goal is simple as well. I have found that work and life are quite often a mindless shuffle, from one thing to the next, checking items off the list, getting things done. For example, I don't want to ride a bike for the sake of riding a bike. I want it to take me places. Whether those places are open natural areas that bring wonder and awe, or places that open my mind and heart. Will I do the spring TT series, of course I will. But not to simply put my head down and pedal, I will put my head down and pedal while I open my eyes and ears to the people and world around me. One of the guys that is there is 70+ and can easily crush most of the people riding. I want to know more about what drives him, how he became the way he is. I want to be more enthused about the people around me.

Sorry if that is a bit deep and metaphysical, but it is one of my highest goals for the year.

From a physical standpoint, I want to run again, ride better, and do a few events that push me to better physical condition.

Oh yeah, I wanna crush all Manatees in the weight loss challenge  

Gotcha. My word for the year is JOY. I want to get back to the joy of running, the joy of spending time on my bike, etc. I want to love training.

And I want to develop your consistency. I hope you realize how rare it is to see someone who has made a commitment to themselves like you have. 

I agree. I am always amazed by your ability to be so consistent.

The Maximum Enthusiasm, More JOY and be more Epic are all wonderful goals!

2019-01-17 8:52 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by melbo55

2019 goals, now that's a bit of a tough one, in some ways.

Main goal: lose weight (OMG I sound like a freaking broken record)

Other goals: break 7 hours at 70.3 Muncie (yes, I am slow compared to most).  This will largely be dependent on my knee(s) and the heat.  I came oh so close at LP last year (7:12) which is much hillier on the bike and run but blessedly cool/cold.  If I break 7 hours at Muncie AND my knees will allow it, I hope to get into SOS for 2020.  I will definitely want to be on top of my game at this race, so weight and knee happiness will be goals for 2020 as well.  If I fail at either the sub-7 or successfully getting through the SOS registration gauntlet, that will be it, I will not keep pursuing the SOS goal beyond 2020.  I'm too old for such follies!

Get out in my kayak more than I did this past summer, I think I was only on the water 2, maybe 3 times.

ok, i'll ask and show my ignorance - what is SOS?!

Melanie I hope that you get into SOS, that race looks like quite the cool deal!

 If this the one she is shooting for, I've heard it is really cool.


WOW!!! what an amazing race. (Thanks for asking, I was going to have to).

2019-01-17 8:55 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by lisac957

2019 goals - my word this year is MOVEMENT.

My primary goal is to get 30 minutes of cardio in every single day. One of my dear BT friends and Iron-bestie (LindaKC) did 365 days of cardio a few years ago, and ever since then I've been inspired. Right now, I'm on a 56-day run streak (at least 1 mile a day) that I started Thanksgiving day. On days where I only got one mile in, I've added at least 20 minutes of additional cardio. If I can do this through the entire year, it will be more than 400 consecutive days.

Another goal is for 2019 to be the year where, for the first time, I reach Champion fundraising status ($1,000+) for Tour de Cure. It will be my 10th year riding and raising funds, and my mom and sister are going to come to Atlanta for the event. They both live with Type 1 Diabetes, and are the reason this ride is so personal to me, so it's going to be a super meaningful day. 

 I love the fundraising goal and riding with your sis and Mom.

2019-01-17 8:57 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by StaceyK I've been thinking a fair bit about my 2019 goals and I have also been thinking about a vlog I watched a few weeks ago that talked about Goal Body v Goal Weight and rather than focusing on the number on the scales focusing on what you want your body to be able to do and how you want it to feel. This has been a total mind switch for me. So my 2019 goals in no particular order are: 1. run/walk 2019 km in 2019 (that equates to about 25 miles a week) 2. be able to do 20 push ups - going right the way down not the half way things that I can currently manage 3. run the trails more and have fun doing it 4. go under 5 hours at the October marathon that i have planned and watch my friend cross the line of her first marathon 5. create wonderful memories with people that I love while being active outside 6. keep my brain free from food chatter Its the first time in nearly a decade that I haven't had a weight related goal on my list and it feels great. That doesn't mean I don't want to lose a little bit more weight it just is no longer something that I need to write down because I am well down the path and I'm cementing habits now that mean if I keep doing what I'm doing that the last little bit will come off and none of it will go back on.

That is a wonderful goal! It is one that you seem to be doing regularly, too!

2019-01-17 9:00 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy Thursday! It's technically my Friday since i have tomorrow off so i can be home with my daughter because the school is out for the day. I need to run. I need to lube my treadmill belt. It's looking quite frigid this weekend, so Manatees, while i have run in all kinds of cold i think this may be my threshold. I might try to do my 10 miles (16k) tomorrow but tell me how bad would it be to do on the treadmill if i can't get it in tomorrow? 

BAD!! However, It is a great mental workout!

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