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2020-10-16 1:23 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Holiday Talk

In her training blog, Lisa asked how people are planning to navigate the holidays. What are you doing?

I have no idea!

Kevin and I have been discussing this but we have not discussed the holidays with my family.

First off, my parents are local (well, 20-25 minutes away) and my brother is living in the area for the time being as well so we are talking about a max of six adults who live within 30 minutes of each other. Right now, my proposal for Thanksgiving is "let's get together for an hour for dessert." That way we can see each other but in a limited time frame. We are also looking at an air filtration something but I'm not sure how that will play out.

CONTRATS Lisa!! So exciting
Melanie - that chair looks sick!

Thanksgiving will be drive through. I usually host so I'm still cooking but then the food will be outside for family to come and make up their own take home containers. I bought monster disposable aluminum trays and individual cartons of gravy. Our family has 2 kids in high school, 2 seniors and 1 person in a wheelchair with MS so we're just not going to chance it.

We've also cancelled Xmas but I imagine we'll do something similar.

We're on vacation next week - although we're not going anywhere. So probably lots of house stuff and mtb! YAY!

2020-10-16 2:10 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Holiday Talk

In her training blog, Lisa asked how people are planning to navigate the holidays. What are you doing?

I have no idea!

Kevin and I have been discussing this but we have not discussed the holidays with my family.

First off, my parents are local (well, 20-25 minutes away) and my brother is living in the area for the time being as well so we are talking about a max of six adults who live within 30 minutes of each other. Right now, my proposal for Thanksgiving is "let's get together for an hour for dessert." That way we can see each other but in a limited time frame. We are also looking at an air filtration something but I'm not sure how that will play out.

HI YANTI! CONTRATS Lisa!! So exciting Melanie - that chair looks sick! Holidays..... Thanksgiving will be drive through. I usually host so I'm still cooking but then the food will be outside for family to come and make up their own take home containers. I bought monster disposable aluminum trays and individual cartons of gravy. Our family has 2 kids in high school, 2 seniors and 1 person in a wheelchair with MS so we're just not going to chance it. We've also cancelled Xmas but I imagine we'll do something similar. We're on vacation next week - although we're not going anywhere. So probably lots of house stuff and mtb! YAY!

I like your holiday plans and I'm glad that everyone is on board!

Happy mountain biking week ;-)

2020-10-16 7:49 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Yanti, long time no see! How are things down under? (If that's where you are now.) I'm on FB now but haven't found you. You can friend-request me if you want to see cat pictures and lots of shots of covered bridges on bike rides (I'm back home in Oregon, attempting to teach third grade Chinese immersion online. That's been interesting. Harder than IM training!)

Holidays--The usual. We're not social people, most of my relatives are no longer living, and those that are don't live anywhere close. Cook dinner for the two of us (and the two cats that like people food), maybe Zoom call some friends, online church for Christmas. Probably go run in the rain at some point. Probably drink eggnog lattes until Starbucks runs out of eggnog. That's about it.

Covid is going out of control in our county since the college students came back. We are now on a "watch list" and I'm hoping this doesn't mean the pool never re-opens (it closes for maintenance 10/24-11/1). Never thought I'd be so enamored of an outdoor pool in winter, but that's pretty much it for nearby, semi-safe options. (There are two other pools available, but both are in older, poorly ventilated buildings and only 4-6 lanes, and they would definitely close if we're back in "Phase 1". I think technically outdoor pools can stay open then, but not sure they would.) Arrrgh! I feel like I've fought for every last meter and minute this year.
2020-10-17 7:41 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

Holiday Talk

In her training blog, Lisa asked how people are planning to navigate the holidays. What are you doing?


We cancelled the big family get togethers. My in laws are disappointed, but they understand, especially since they are vulnerable . We have family who have NOT been careful and live in areas with high infection rates. All of the kids are coming home, but no friends are invited. Our daughter who lives in Chicago gets tested weekly for med-school, and is super careful is coming home. If she tests positive, she is out of school until she tests negative. We have never had a holiday with just the six of us, even in the years we don't travel downstate to see family, we would still celebrate with 40+ friends. Like everything in 2020, it will be weird,

Edited by JBacarella 2020-10-17 7:43 AM
2020-10-18 10:03 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Holiday Talk

In her training blog, Lisa asked how people are planning to navigate the holidays. What are you doing?


As normal as possible. Family at the house, which will be comprised of my mom, dad and little sister, one of which is not careful by any means. My older sister and BIL will be here for a couple of months before heading back out in the RV. Ann's mom (who barely leaves the house) will be here. DD2, her husband and the grandkids will ne here. So, in short, I have those that are susceptible(aged and those with pre-existing conditions) along with those that are probably carriers(school aged children and my father who seems to have become a bit of a conspiracy theorist in his old age). All in all, it ought to be interesting. Suffice it to say, there will be a lot of hand washing and trying to keep a distance.

I'm so tired.

2020-10-18 10:04 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti


I see most of the usual suspects (suspicious ones? ha) are still here and some bright 'n' shiny new additions

I've missed those of you not on FB


Hello young lady. I hope that you and your whole extended Funny Farm are doing as well as can be hoped for.

2020-10-18 10:19 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Congratulations on the new house, Lisa. I hope it is all that were looking for and more.

2020-10-18 1:57 PM
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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti


I see most of the usual suspects (suspicious ones? ha) are still here and some bright 'n' shiny new additions

I've missed those of you not on FB


Hello young lady. I hope that you and your whole extended Funny Farm are doing as well as can be hoped for.

You called me young lady OMG I love you forever {MELON PRESS}.

And hi Hands-Marie, Randeetee, NyNy, who else said hi back? Ah yes Kaaaaaren I'll try to find you on FB. I'm Yanti Ardie. Who else?  

These COVID days I waddle, ride an '80s era heavier than Fort Knox gold stationary bike, and swim on a tether in our backyard pool.

Edited by IndoIronYanti 2020-10-18 1:59 PM
2020-10-18 2:11 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Holiday Talk

In her training blog, Lisa asked how people are planning to navigate the holidays. What are you doing?


As normal as possible. Family at the house, which will be comprised of my mom, dad and little sister, one of which is not careful by any means. My older sister and BIL will be here for a couple of months before heading back out in the RV. Ann's mom (who barely leaves the house) will be here. DD2, her husband and the grandkids will ne here. So, in short, I have those that are susceptible(aged and those with pre-existing conditions) along with those that are probably carriers(school aged children and my father who seems to have become a bit of a conspiracy theorist in his old age). All in all, it ought to be interesting. Suffice it to say, there will be a lot of hand washing and trying to keep a distance.

I'm so tired.

oohhhhh yeah! You all have Thanksgiving to be thinking about. It was last weekend for us and very quiet. We have had surging covid case load here in Toronto so it seemed like a bad idea to even think about having my family as we usually do. My parents live about 2 hours away in a quiet town. this is despite the fact that i feel like our family's risk remains low - yes, the kids are in daycare and school but the protocols are very tight and one of the benefits of smaller kids is that we control their lives pretty closely - we definitely did not feel it was the right thing to do. We invited my sister who lives two blocks from me to come for supper. Her son is in the same daycare as ours and she also works from home. Her husband is going to an office but it's small. Anyway, in the end we ended up having dinner on our own because our nephew came down with a cold on the day of. We exchanged coolers of food and still shared our smoked turkey with another neighbour. It was good and in a way a kind of relief over the usual hoopla we host but then also sad not to.  My husband at least got to smoke the turkey - we got a pellet smoker and he loves it beyond all measure! An smoked turkey (with a bacon blanket) is super delicious. 

We now have Halloween to noodle over ... and am thinking about Christmas. Please, let the numbers be going down. We've gone back to some restrictions here in Toronto - gyms closed, indoor dining closed. Anyway, good luck to you all in working it out. It's not an easy time!

2020-10-19 10:54 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Hi Yanti and everyone else!

Sorry to be MIA again. This un-retirement thing is exhausting. The mental and emotional toll this all of this is taking on the kids is draining. We all go home every night and try to gather energy to just get off the couch. However, this Friday is my last day and then I can retire again. That is until January when my sub days start all over and they still haven't filled the position. There are no teachers out there even applying for positions. Our hope is that someone is graduating in December and applies for the position. So, if you know of anyone who wants to teach middle school band and orchestra in a Title 1 school, send them this way!

As for the holidays, if we are still in school then we will have to figure something out. My immediate family is all in education, except for my mom who retired 20 years ago from education. I usually host Thanksgiving for my family which is my husband, mom, sister, brother-in-law, and niece. They all teach in different schools and my BIL is actually in another district so we don't want to really mix cohort germs. If they are still in-person teaching then we will just have my mom. She lives a mile from us and is over all of the time but we still wear masks and social distance. If schools go remote again at least 10 days before Thanksgiving then we will have everyone here as usual.

For Christmas that is totally different because we host my husband's family. I will just leave it at that.

As for training, I'm still not allowed to run. If pools close and I can't run or swim it will get ugly haha!
2020-10-19 4:15 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

I don't know how many of you check each other's training blogs but I wanted for those of you who do not do that too often to be able to congratulate Lisa on HER NEW HOUSE!

Congratulations, Lisa!

Thank you guys!! I'm super excited! I won't be moving in until the end of the month, but getting a new roof put on today and having things delivered over the next few weeks. The home is so beautiful on the inside - despite the seller being a bit of a jerk with terrible time management skills, he did a great job renovating and refreshing almost everything in the home.

And yes, holidays are going to be stressful and wonky in my family this year. My parents are floating an idea of all 10 of us, from three different states, renting a mountain cabin together. Normally that would sound lovely, but with 7 of the 10 of us considered high risk, I'm not sure it's the best idea to stomp around in airports and cram ourselves in the same house for 5 days?? My parents are going to be devastated if we aren't all in the same room Christmas morning - so I have no idea what we'll end up doing.

2020-10-19 4:52 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Congrats on the house Lisa. You looked for a while, glad the patience has paid off.

Holidays will be weird for us this year. We have no family here in AK, but my in-laws usually come up once each summer for fishing and then again at Christmas. Father in-law is in a higher risk category with asthma/lung issues already, so they aren't flying anywhere. So I think we'll be doing things just on our own this year. My kids are already asking for my Christmas list, which is pretty much the bane of my existence. I hate putting them together. Hopefully this all passes and our country turns things around a bit to get back to somewhat normal lives.
2020-10-19 8:54 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
I have a new very 2020 "injury." I was doing yard work, primarily dealing with pine needles and leaves. at some point during the day something poked the side of my foot through my shoe. I ignored it and just kept going. It stung a little but no big deal. Two nights later I woke up in the middle of the night, my foot was throbbing in pain, hot to the touch and swollen to twice the normal size. A virtual doctors visit, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later and here I am with an infection in my foot. I was finally able to fit it into a bike shoe on Sunday and I hope to run on Wednesday. It's a little swollen and the range of motion is almost back.
2020-10-20 10:28 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by JBacarella I have a new very 2020 "injury." I was doing yard work, primarily dealing with pine needles and leaves. at some point during the day something poked the side of my foot through my shoe. I ignored it and just kept going. It stung a little but no big deal. Two nights later I woke up in the middle of the night, my foot was throbbing in pain, hot to the touch and swollen to twice the normal size. A virtual doctors visit, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later and here I am with an infection in my foot. I was finally able to fit it into a bike shoe on Sunday and I hope to run on Wednesday. It's a little swollen and the range of motion is almost back.

Oh, yuck. Sucks but you made out well; especially with aggressive bacteria those things can go so bad, so fast

2020-10-20 10:31 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by JBacarella I have a new very 2020 "injury." I was doing yard work, primarily dealing with pine needles and leaves. at some point during the day something poked the side of my foot through my shoe. I ignored it and just kept going. It stung a little but no big deal. Two nights later I woke up in the middle of the night, my foot was throbbing in pain, hot to the touch and swollen to twice the normal size. A virtual doctors visit, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later and here I am with an infection in my foot. I was finally able to fit it into a bike shoe on Sunday and I hope to run on Wednesday. It's a little swollen and the range of motion is almost back.

Yikes! I’m glad the antibiotics are working. 2020 just keeps on giving!

2020-10-20 12:11 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

I have a new very 2020 "injury." I was doing yard work, primarily dealing with pine needles and leaves. at some point during the day something poked the side of my foot through my shoe. I ignored it and just kept going. It stung a little but no big deal. Two nights later I woke up in the middle of the night, my foot was throbbing in pain, hot to the touch and swollen to twice the normal size. A virtual doctors visit, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later and here I am with an infection in my foot. I was finally able to fit it into a bike shoe on Sunday and I hope to run on Wednesday. It's a little swollen and the range of motion is almost back.

Oh no...! I am glad it healed pretty quickly.

2020-10-20 1:06 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by JBacarella I have a new very 2020 "injury." I was doing yard work, primarily dealing with pine needles and leaves. at some point during the day something poked the side of my foot through my shoe. I ignored it and just kept going. It stung a little but no big deal. Two nights later I woke up in the middle of the night, my foot was throbbing in pain, hot to the touch and swollen to twice the normal size. A virtual doctors visit, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later and here I am with an infection in my foot. I was finally able to fit it into a bike shoe on Sunday and I hope to run on Wednesday. It's a little swollen and the range of motion is almost back.

Oh no!  Do you think some kind of bug bit you or it got poked or what?  Foot injuries are no fun at all :-(

2020-10-20 2:38 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti


I see most of the usual suspects (suspicious ones? ha) are still here and some bright 'n' shiny new additions

I've missed those of you not on FB


Hello young lady. I hope that you and your whole extended Funny Farm are doing as well as can be hoped for.

You called me young lady OMG I love you forever {MELON PRESS}.

And hi Hands-Marie, Randeetee, NyNy, who else said hi back? Ah yes Kaaaaaren I'll try to find you on FB. I'm Yanti Ardie. Who else?  

These COVID days I waddle, ride an '80s era heavier than Fort Knox gold stationary bike, and swim on a tether in our backyard pool.

Yanteeeee!! Long time no see!! So happy to see you ))
2020-10-20 2:39 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Congrats on the house, Lisa! I'm happy to hear the renovation was taken care of - that's always one headache less when moving to a new place... How is the area in the new neighborhood?
2020-10-20 2:45 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
I am sad reading all your Holidays posts, where you had to cancel or sigtnificantly modify your family plans.... I truly hope this mess is over, and everyone will enjoy their family time the way it's supposed to be.

We usually do camping during both Holiday breaks. If weather cooperates, we do Thanksgiving in Chattanooga, with turkey and sweet potatoes made in the fire ring.
Christmass break we go to Red Rocks/Joshua Tree (except last year, we went to Arkansas due to bad weather on West Coast). I decorate our tent and nearby tree with lights, just so it has a bit of a spirit. We cook fish and saur kraut with mushrooms, as Polish traditional Christmas dishes. Kids decorate cookies and leave them for Santa, whio brings little gifts at night. These plans won't change for us, unless there are interstate travel restrictions. We drive to all of those places, nad cook our own meals, thus, our contact with other will be truly limited.
2020-10-20 6:33 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella I have a new very 2020 "injury." I was doing yard work, primarily dealing with pine needles and leaves. at some point during the day something poked the side of my foot through my shoe. I ignored it and just kept going. It stung a little but no big deal. Two nights later I woke up in the middle of the night, my foot was throbbing in pain, hot to the touch and swollen to twice the normal size. A virtual doctors visit, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later and here I am with an infection in my foot. I was finally able to fit it into a bike shoe on Sunday and I hope to run on Wednesday. It's a little swollen and the range of motion is almost back.

Oh no!  Do you think some kind of bug bit you or it got poked or what?  Foot injuries are no fun at all :-(

It's too cold for bugs here now. I have an impressive compost pile in the woods across the street (I make some of the best dirt you will ever see haha) I think it might have been there, but not sure.

2020-10-22 1:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Karen, I sent you a message on Facebook!

Our holiday plans are literally all over the map. I was dying on Christmas 2018, too sick to celebrate 2019, and now 2020! Ha. I got Grinched! I think Christmas will be just me and my elderly mother (Mutti) and her caregivers here in Jakarta. COVID is raging in Indonesia and it's unlikely my sister would be able to join us. 

Mary/Maria/Marysia I or my brother would usually always cook rotkohl, the German red-cabbage sauerkraut. Failing that it will be Polish style sauerkraut which is much more stringy but I love it.

What's rough is that while my husband Kingsley and I are used to long separations (prior for work, family in 2 dif countries, races) it's going to be the longest ever at 6-12mo. To get back into Australia you quarantine at a pre-approved hotel for 2 weeks at your cost, and nothing is cheap in Perth. 

ETA it's worse than that. I'm not allowed back into Western Australia at all. That might last 'til July 2021 at which point I'll have been gone a year.

Edited by IndoIronYanti 2020-10-22 1:35 PM
2020-10-22 1:30 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella I have a new very 2020 "injury." I was doing yard work, primarily dealing with pine needles and leaves. at some point during the day something poked the side of my foot through my shoe. I ignored it and just kept going. It stung a little but no big deal. Two nights later I woke up in the middle of the night, my foot was throbbing in pain, hot to the touch and swollen to twice the normal size. A virtual doctors visit, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later and here I am with an infection in my foot. I was finally able to fit it into a bike shoe on Sunday and I hope to run on Wednesday. It's a little swollen and the range of motion is almost back.

Oh no!  Do you think some kind of bug bit you or it got poked or what?  Foot injuries are no fun at all :-(

It's too cold for bugs here now. I have an impressive compost pile in the woods across the street (I make some of the best dirt you will ever see haha) I think it might have been there, but not sure.

That is not something I have ever experienced!

2020-10-22 1:45 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella I have a new very 2020 "injury." I was doing yard work, primarily dealing with pine needles and leaves. at some point during the day something poked the side of my foot through my shoe. I ignored it and just kept going. It stung a little but no big deal. Two nights later I woke up in the middle of the night, my foot was throbbing in pain, hot to the touch and swollen to twice the normal size. A virtual doctors visit, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later and here I am with an infection in my foot. I was finally able to fit it into a bike shoe on Sunday and I hope to run on Wednesday. It's a little swollen and the range of motion is almost back.

Oh no!  Do you think some kind of bug bit you or it got poked or what?  Foot injuries are no fun at all :-(

It's too cold for bugs here now. I have an impressive compost pile in the woods across the street (I make some of the best dirt you will ever see haha) I think it might have been there, but not sure.

That is not something I have ever experienced!

Me neither. I get bitten by bugs in the middle of winter.

2020-10-22 1:48 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s! CLOSED

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Karen, I sent you a message on Facebook!

Our holiday plans are literally all over the map. I was dying on Christmas 2018, too sick to celebrate 2019, and now 2020! Ha. I got Grinched! I think Christmas will be just me and my elderly mother (Mutti) and her caregivers here in Jakarta. COVID is raging in Indonesia and it's unlikely my sister would be able to join us. 

Mary/Maria/Marysia I or my brother would usually always cook rotkohl, the German red-cabbage sauerkraut. Failing that it will be Polish style sauerkraut which is much more stringy but I love it.

What's rough is that while my husband Kingsley and I are used to long separations (prior for work, family in 2 dif countries, races) it's going to be the longest ever at 6-12mo. To get back into Australia you quarantine at a pre-approved hotel for 2 weeks at your cost, and nothing is cheap in Perth. 

ETA it's worse than that. I'm not allowed back into Western Australia at all. That might last 'til July 2021 at which point I'll have been gone a year.

Well, that stinks! I'm glad that you have Mutti -- and that she has you. I'm sure that you really want to be with Kingsley. I wish that there was some brilliant plan to get you two back together but I've got nothing :-(

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