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Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon - Triathlon

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New Paltz, New York
United States
Survival of the Shawangunks
66F / 19C
Total Time = 5h 39m 16s
Overall Rank = 52/144
Age Group = 50-54M
Age Group Rank = 4/17
Pre-race routine:

usual routine-get up/shower/stretch/body glide/nutrition
review race checklist
get coffee/BR
Event warmup:

while walking the bike over to body marking, I tried to sync Garmin and calibrate power meter, only one of those things happened...not sure if it was the high humidity or what, but the PM died-again, so no power data, went by HR/effort level---
The order of the actual race is:
This is a unique 8 stage race with one true transition then you must carry everything with you to the finish. After the bike, you give your bike stuff to your crew and then head out with everything to Run/Swim ... to the end.
Challenging to figure out how best to do this and practice is key.


  • 1h 06m 44s
  • 4050 yards
  • 01m 39s / 100 yards

water was much colder than I expected and the constriction of the LAVA pants and the intensity of the runs/bike caused lots of cramps, I slowed each segment to get the pants on, but I would have had trouble swimming without them; just amazing to see real swimmers stroke/kick right past me
What would you do differently?:

learn to swim better
Transition 1
  • 00m
  • 1h 40m 26s
  • 30 miles
  • 17.92 mile/hr

I did well and pushed hard to keep up with two other guys in my AG at the front of the bike field, then a third guy came with us and we were sort of together but after 20 miles 2 of them drifted off in front and I never saw them again (they finished #6 and 11 OA) and the third guy stayed with me until the transition area where he jogged up the hill and out of my sight forever (he finished 16 OA)
What would you do differently?:

I might have pushed too hard early on-I did the first 24 miles in about 1:08, about 22 mph and it took a bite out of me, although Strava says my av power was ~206W and my planned goal was 205W, so I was pretty happy with that and the fact I went as fast as I did; good solid effort; Garmin gave the effort a '5', first time I remember having that-ever, for a 'training effect'.
My estimated CP is ~235, so a goal of 87% seemed reasonable for me as this is only 30 miles and that distance is in between Oly and 1/2IM, so 85-90% FTP/CP seemed right.
Transition 2
  • 00m
  • 2h 52m 50s
  • 18.2 miles
  • 09m 30s  min/mile

Run1-Awosting Lot -4.5Miles--started to feel twinges in my legs from the bike and the hills, but felt good, slowed a little to control my HR and my breathing; walked Cardiac Hill and my HR stayed at race pace-ha!
Run 2-Castle Rock -5.0Miles(shorted 0.4 due to trail washout)--lots of up and legs wickedly cramped after the Awosting swim, couldn't get them moving at all for about 10 minutes, then it improved-amazing views up over the Lakes seeing the cliffs-I stopped once and actually took it all in, simply breath taking
Run 3-Trapp's Bridge -8Miles-the longest run started out OK, all on nice paths but the cumulative effort was taxing me-hooked up with a 35yo named Jeff and we pulled each other all the way to the finish (even though he swam by me, I did catch him at the end)
Run 4-Sky Top Climb-0.7 miles UP-walked/ran this to the top with my breathing rate in the 40's for the most part (yes, I counted)
What would you do differently?:

not a thing
Post race
Warm down:

totally spent; a little light headed, muscles were screaming from the knots/cramps; ate a little, drank a little and talked incessantly about the race to my poor wife-who was EXTREMELY supportive-love that gal!
Amazing support with a 2:1 volunteer to racer breakdown. Well marked and more than a few people out cheering.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

overwhelming fatigue and cramps
I think that was about as good as I had

Event comments:

HIGHLY recommended to do once. Just indescribable and should be on every triathlete's bucket list. Unique challenges that you will not find anywhere else. Post race food was the best I've ever had.

Signup is at midnight on Halloween and sells out in about 15 minutes. This was the 30th year anniversary of the race.

Photos:1-Race Start (I'm not shy about lining up front now);2-during last Bike climb ~mile 25-26?; 3-Last swim exit-Lake Mohonk; 4-me on the last run to Sky Top the day before (still smiling); 5-My finish (minus 4 minutes for wave start)

Profile Album

Last updated: 2015-07-18 12:00 AM
01:06:44 | 4050 yards | 01m 39s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/17
Overall: 0/144
Performance: Below average
my pace was around ~1:50 average I put my cap on as I approached each lake and put the goggles around my neck. Took out the LAVA pants, tucked in my trisuit, right at transition and put them on. Stuffed the lightweight Nike 5.0's, which flatten out nicely, into the back of my shorts, heel down, bottom out, which I found worked best for me. This was one of the most frequent places to tuck the shoes, although I saw a lot of front/back too.
Suit: LAVA pants-cut
Course: Swim 1-Lake Awosting-1.1Miles-very chilly, a jump in lake and I should have left my shoes on until I got into the water, I was nervous jumping onto a rock a1/2 foot under water and didn't want to do a face plant, I cramped up about half way through and it never stopped until a mile or two into the next run-quite choppy and I got passed by a group of real swimmers going FAST Swim 2-Lake Minnewaska-0.7Miles-only cooler, not cold, still cramping, but sighted well and thought I was doing OK, but toe cramps caused me to stop a bit and shake them out along with quad cramps Swim 3-Lake Mohonk-0.5Miles-totally blew the straight line taking a 90 degree turn twice and turned this into a 0.7 mile swim-cramped again, but I knew I was almost done and I'd finish
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 67F / 19C Current: Medium
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Average
Breathing: Good Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Below average
Time: 00:00
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
01:40:26 | 30 miles | 17.92 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/17
Overall: 43/144
Performance: Good
av HR=142/peak 154/av +1770 ft elevation gain no power data
Wind: Little
Course: flat for the first 25 miles, with a few rollers in the middle and later prior to the big hill; then +1000 feet, steady climb-not too hard and I was able to spin in my small chain ring and the 25 or 27 in the steepest of areas and keep a solid cadence; 2 tiny flats during the climb let you catch your breath before continuing; overcast at the start, a little drizzle early on and wet roads for most of it; I turned my visor upside down for much of the race
Road: Smooth Wet Cadence: 91
Turns: Good Cornering:
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:00
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
02:52:50 | 18.2 miles | 09m 30s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/17
Overall: 0/144
Performance: Good
R1-44:49 58thOA R2-44:50 57thOA R3-1:15:43 52ndOA R4-6:48 57thOA-- pretty consistent-huh?
Course: first run was 3 miles up then WAY UP, then flat second run was 2 miles up then steady down from the heights of the cliffs third run was continuing for 2 miles slightly down, 4 miles flat and 2 miles up, finishing with WAY UP last run was the unrelenting climb up to SKYTOP, which was going up steps/rocks, switchback then to the top; lots of puddles/muddy spots that you just run right though; got a bunch of little rock in my shoes at points and by the end I had about 6-7 little cuts that felt like razor cuts in the shower later on-ouch
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Too hard
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2015-09-14 3:13 PM

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon

2015-09-20 10:51 AM
in reply to: #5140734

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Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon

Great job Dale!  You had some solid times friend.  Like the pictures, very picturesque.  Something tells me this is a race you'll never forget!



2015-09-22 6:33 AM
in reply to: #5140734

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Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon
I have never heard of this race - crazy! Not your every day Tri, for sure. Great job Dale!!
2015-09-22 2:47 PM
in reply to: #5140734

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon
Congrats on your day! SoS has been all over my radar since I started doing tris..

Nice job muscling through the cramps(I bet getting to the tower made it totally worthwhile!).
2015-09-23 5:41 PM
in reply to: alltom1

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Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon

Great job Dale! It's nice to see you racing! 

This race sounds awesome lol what an adventure

2015-09-23 5:54 PM
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Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon

Nice!   My favorite race ever!!

Nothing about the post race buffet???    

Edited by ChrisM 2015-09-23 5:55 PM

2015-09-25 11:35 AM
in reply to: ChrisM

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon
Thanks to all for commenting. I did love it and will always remember that race. Unbelievable views and the unique challenge of the race had me practicing for months before I came up with a comfortable plan for race day.

ChrisM-I did say the post race buffet was the best I've ever had. Amazing spread and everything from the cut meat at the serving station to the corn was fantastic. Many thanks for the excellent race report previously, which I had printed and memorized. I learned a lot from your advice, even if I didn't go with the same shoe location-ha!

Salty-It was a challenge, but nothing like what you've been doing in terms of hills. I look forward to your reports. Good luck this year.

alltom1-Thanks for the comment. You will love it and you will excel, seeing as how fast you are. The three guys in front of me were all from the area and were not the most friendly on the race course-just kind of kept to themselves. I'm a talker and chatted up anyone I came across. They were all quick on the bike, but you should be able to hang with them and pass bunches of people. We were in wave 4, so there were lots of (slower) younger men to pass and only the fittest ladies zoomed past me. I hope you choose to sign up.

ChrisL-You may not have heard of it, but it is worth looking into. I LOVED the race and the challenge. I will definitely do it again at some point, just like Savageman-both to be done again, someday...

Bobby-Thanks for the kind words. I was happy with my time even though it wasn't a complete 100% effort. The course is just amazing. Scenery spectaculair. Might be something to do one day.
2015-09-25 1:01 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon

Originally posted by dtoce Thanks to all for commenting. I did love it and will always remember that race. Unbelievable views and the unique challenge of the race had me practicing for months before I came up with a comfortable plan for race day. ChrisM-I did say the post race buffet was the best I've ever had. Amazing spread and everything from the cut meat at the serving station to the corn was fantastic. Many thanks for the excellent race report previously, which I had printed and memorized. I learned a lot from your advice, even if I didn't go with the same shoe location-ha! Salty-It was a challenge, but nothing like what you've been doing in terms of hills. I look forward to your reports. Good luck this year. alltom1-Thanks for the comment. You will love it and you will excel, seeing as how fast you are. The three guys in front of me were all from the area and were not the most friendly on the race course-just kind of kept to themselves. I'm a talker and chatted up anyone I came across. They were all quick on the bike, but you should be able to hang with them and pass bunches of people. We were in wave 4, so there were lots of (slower) younger men to pass and only the fittest ladies zoomed past me. I hope you choose to sign up. ChrisL-You may not have heard of it, but it is worth looking into. I LOVED the race and the challenge. I will definitely do it again at some point, just like Savageman-both to be done again, someday... Bobby-Thanks for the kind words. I was happy with my time even though it wasn't a complete 100% effort. The course is just amazing. Scenery spectaculair. Might be something to do one day.

Dale, how in the hell do you experience the best post race buffet of your life and not say anything about it in the RR? OR post photos. Are you trying to keep this info from us? Do you want it all for your self?


2015-09-25 4:42 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon

Wow!! What an incredible race.  I've read about it and the strategies involved in transporting your stuff.  The scenery looks spectacular.  Sounds like you had a great day executing your race.

You sure have done some tough races.  Pretty impressive.  

2015-09-28 7:17 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Survival of the Shawangunks S.O.S. Triathlon

Awesome race!  This is definitely on my bucket list!

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date : September 16, 2014
author : funkj25
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The open water swim can be one of the scariest or most fun parts of your race. Use these four tips to take a little fear out of the water and turn it into more of an enjoyable experience.