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2013-12-18 12:12 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
NAME: marcag / Marc

STORY: Used to be quite a bit heavier. Started to run for health reasons. I hadn't swam in 30 years but decided to go back to it in 2009. A friend convinced me to try a triathlon and I got addicted

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly HIM and Olympic distance. I train about 9-10 hours per week during winter and up to 17-18 during summer. My logs are pretty accurate.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Tremblant 70.3 (good), Vegas 70.3 WC (bad) and Miami 70.3 (good)

2014 RACES: I qualified for 2014 70.3 WC which will be held at Mt-Tremblant. That is the only race currently on my schedule. I also qualified for FIMA masters swimming WC next summer so I will probably do that as well. ( No I am not a very good swimmer so there is hope for everyone :-) ). I am a relatively well balanced triathlete although my run is the strongest of the 3 sports. I may do more Olys next summer. I did those in 2012 and had a blast.

WEIGHTLOSS: Definitely need to drop a few pounds before the season starts.

What would make me a good mentor ?
I have been training with power for a few years so know a lot of the technical gobbly goop. The real knowledge comes from my co-mentor Shane that will be putting together the training plan portion.

We put the idea of a mentor group focused on training with power in the TT forum a few weeks ago.
About 25 people showed their interest so they get first dibs on being part of the group. I have PM'd them so they know who they are.

The idea is to show them how to train with Power (or Virtual Power). We will be hands on.
Shane will be providing the workouts and we will learn to test, train and analyze our workouts. We will also give the group a hand installing and using some of the tools at our disposal.

The goal is for everyone to come out of this session stronger on the bike, ready to continue their training when spring rolls around with the concepts they acquired.

We are going to ask members, IF THEY WISH, to make a donation to the WBR: World Bike Relief. I will provide more details on this a little later on.

While the group is currently full, we may open it up a little later if some people decide to drop off.

I'd love to accommodate more people but I want to be sure we can provide a quality experience to those that already expressed desire to be part of this.

I suspect some will be able to follow from outside the group and I will always be willing to help anyone that has a question. Don't hesitate to PM me.

I'll PM everyone when we are ready at add your bios.

Thanks everyone !


Edited by marcag 2013-12-23 9:57 AM

2013-12-18 1:06 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

I will be one following from the outside and maybe chime in when appropriate. 

Name:  Jason

Story:  Got into tris after training for my first marathon.  That was 4 full years ago.  My strenght is the bike, and I've been training with power only a few months after I got my first bike...LOL.  So I know what it's like to be totally confused with power and the learning curve required.  At the same time, I still have a lot to learn.

Current Training:  Right now it's all bike all the time.  How fitting.  For the past 2 months all I have been doing is riding, and 2014 will be a break from triathlon and a focus on bike racing (both TTs and road races).

2013 Races:  Honu 70.3 and got a Hawaii resident lottery spot to Kona IM.  Did a few other time trials, 1 road race, and an OWS race.

2014 Races:  A few short TTs to start, then focus on the 40k TT where I hope to officially crack an hour.  I've done it unofficially during a team TT event where I rode solo.  Then likely Cycle to the Sun Road Race (Haleakala), Maui Gran Fondo, and Dick Evans Memorial Road Race (the 112 mile race the original Ironman was based on).  A few other road races thrown in there as well.

Weightloss:  I have quite a bit of weight to lose if I expect to climb as well as some of the other roadies I'll be competing against next year.

What would make me a good mentee:  Most of my riding is commuting to work and group rides, so it's hard for me to follow a workout plan.  I ride anywhere from 12-18 hours a week now, so my plan needs to be different and supplemented with lower intensity riding.  That said, I still do some forms of testing and structured interval workouts to track my progress.  I'm really interested in following along with what Marc and Shane have in store for this group.


2013-12-18 1:50 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
I'd like to start by thanking Marc for putting this together and for asking me to be a part of it. I'm very excited to be part of this as I believe that his vision of what the group should be is fantastic and a great way to help both the BT community and through WBR an even larger community.

My name is Shane and I have been coaching various sports since I was 18 and have been coaching triathletes since 2007. I believe the first athlete I coached with power started working with me in 2008 and since then I've worked with several athletes with powermeters; some with a great deal of experience and some who were very new with power. In all cases with a focused block of cycling training, we've seen increases in FTP which is a great marker for cycle performance at all distances of triathlon. There will be race specific work that will need to happen after the winter focus but you should be moving into this having made solid gains with your FTP and then parlaying this into improved performance whether you are racing a sprint, an Ironman or anything in between.

As Marc mentioned, we will be testing to get a baseline, then based on your tests will look at some key workouts for the coming weeks before retesting. In addition to just doing the workouts, we will hopefully be able to help you with the how's and whys of training with power and give you a good idea of where to go with your bike training when this group finishes up.

Look forward to working with all of you and I hope that this proves to be as beneficial for everyone as I believe that it can be.

Once again, a huge thanks to Marc for being the impetus and the invitation to be involved.

2013-12-18 4:32 PM
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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Thanks for starting this group, Marc and Shane!  I'm really looking forward to learning from the two of you and everyone else involved.

Name:  Nicole

Story:  Some friends of mine were big into running and decided to give a triathlon a shot.  They had encouraged me to start running, but I was big into weight lifting (and scuba diving -- took up a lot of my free time!).  I decided to give running and triathlons a shot -- first race was April, 2012.  Turned out I really enjoyed it and have been training and racing since.  I bought a power meter in September and have been training with it for a few months, but I'm mostly just guessing at how to put together a training program.  I'm an engineer, so I've really enjoyed learning about my new toy, but I think this group will help me realize how to really use it.

Current Training:  Masters swimming three days a week, a couple days a week on the trainer and one group ride outside, running 5-6 times a week -- fairly unstructured, but will need to be more structured come January.  Also hoping to do the Tour of Sufferlandria at the end of January, but we'll see how that works out with this power meter group....this seems more important to me now.

2013 Races:  A race was Vineman 70.3, though I wasn't running due to a knee injury; did a small sprint and a 5k after I started running again

2014 Races: The only race on the schedule right now is St. George 70.3 in May, a few smaller races will almost certainly be added later in the year

Weightloss:  I am currently at my lowest adult weight.  Part of me wonders if racing a couple pounds lighter would help, but it is not going to be a focus.

What would make me a good mentee:  I log my training religiously and I'm hungry for information!  I also ask questions and take advice / criticism pretty well.  I also have a little experience training with power, so I can relate to what some of the newer power users are going through because I was there very recently.

Equipment:  Riding a P2 with Quarq Elsa power meter, KK Road Machine, have a laptop with ANT+ stick to capture rides to the computer, have Golden Cheetah installed on my computer and loaded with my power data so far (honestly, though, I don't use it to its potential and would like to learn more....and, admittedly, hae no idea how to read that CP graph they give, so that will be one of my first questions!).

Edited by ligersandtions 2013-12-18 4:55 PM
2013-12-18 4:46 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Welcome Nicole.

You were on of the first to respond to the TT thread.

Having seen some of your power files you are a strong biker. St-George is going to be a great course for you.

I am more gravity challenged than you :-)

2013-12-18 6:16 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Again, thanks for getting this group up, very much appreciated!

Name:  Donto/Don

Story:  Wife & I enjoyed our 3 years of no kids then we started a family in '99. A year after #2 was born (01) we decided to get healthy again (heaviest point in my life) with running and I slowly morphed into tri's doing some team races then in earnest in 2004 on my own when I discovered BT. Many tri & run races since but always learning something.

Current Training:  Took most of 2012 off, lost the mojo, and got myself going again this year.  Mostly running right now 4-5/wk with on again off again trainer rides. Need to start a full tri training routine as I signed up for a March HIM..

2013 Races:  PR'd a competitive local sprint in June that I've been doing since '04. Did a team Olympic in July with my 14 YO son (swim) and 18 YO nephew (bike).  Ran a 10k Turkey Trot race.

2014 Races: 1st half of the year I have a possible Du in late Jan, HIM (r) in late March, possibly a 10 miler early March, competitive local sprint in June.

Weightloss:  About 10 lbs over ideal race weight.  Not worried about it right now, lots of training coming up!

What would make me a good mentee:  I Just completed my new bike build (2013 Felt B12 frame with Ultegra 6800 11-spd) and it needs to get some sweat on it!  I always log my training, can use a HRM if needed, and have used my KK road trainer & VP for several years doing the BT/Jorge winter cycling plan several times. I put the cycling plan in a spreadsheet that does all the CP calcs and training phase workouts determinations.  Looking forward to learning/using GC, all the power metrics and training with others.  I have already downloaded GC and will be pulling the trigger on Ant+ sensor and dongle any day now.


2013-12-18 7:05 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

NAME: GoFaster / Neil

STORY: This was my 6th year of Tri's and for the past couple of seasons I've been kind of winging it.  I've had decent results, but more structure is what I'm after and I'm aiming to learn from this group.  I know Marc and Shane to be very knowlegeable, and I see some other members in the PM's that will be sure to add lots more.

I don't have a background in any of theTri sports, but have taken to running, while swimming seems to give me the most trouble. I'm generally FMOP on the bike, but would really like to get to the next level.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, great wife, two crazy kids.

Getting into a more regimented schedule again, but have unfortunately fallen sick twice in the past few weeks and am fighting through something again.  Was following the BarryP run program for a couple of months, but have dialed back the running, and would like to put more focus on the bike, and find some improvements in the swim.

2013 RACES: Three Sprints, one Olympic.

2014 RACES: Half Marathon in March, three Sprints, one Olympic, Muskoka 70.3 (4th time will be the charm)

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm a lightweight. At just over 6' feet I'm usually in the mid 150's.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've been lucky to be in some great groups and learn a ton - think this one is going to be another one, and can hopefully contribute as well as soak it all in.


2013-12-18 7:28 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Thanks again Marc and Shane!
Nicole broke in and left the door unlocked so Don and I are slipping in...

Name: Dale

Story:  ...I was born a poor, un-ed-u-ma-cated kid in a little town in CT...No, really, I'm just a frustrated comedian...well, actually, I'm just a struggling AG tri-ath-a-lete (yea, I know that's not how you spell it) trying to squeeze out some attempt at speed at triathlon before I die.

Seriously, I got a bit inactive and overweight in my 30's despite playing indoor soccer and adult baseball, putting on a few pounds more than I realized. My patients actually commented that I 'shouldn't be going to the fast food chain' and I realized they were right. So, I started eating better and running/training for a marathon at age 40. Read and learned as much as I could about run training specifically and ultimately set some nice PR's as an 'old man'. Never ran track or anything so when I did my first track race in my 40's, it was a real hoot. Finishing a marathon was priceless.

Agressiveness and sloppy training led to stress fractures and after 10 years I decided to go with a 'less impact' type of sport. Turned to cycling at at 50 and signed up for IM. Didn't realize that there was a year wait time, so I did a half IM as my first tri, including my first OWS. Read my RR if you want to LOL. Finishing an ironman was equally priceless.

Been training and learning. Got a tribike after 6 months and used it exclusively in training for the last few years. Now it's time to go with power, rather than HR training for the bike. A bit more benefit, but somewhat different metric. Both have benefit, IMO, and I do know physiology fairly well. (MD-medicine/cardiology, MS-physiology and neurobiology). I have many athlete patients and am reasonalby up to date on cardiac issues in athlete's, in particuliar, one of my specialties. But hand), I will probably need some help...

Current Training:  It's winter, so I'll take a mini-break to keep my mind and body fresh and be ready for serious training beginning in January 2014. I am hoping to keep 4-6 hrs/week over the winter and begin the ramp to 10 hrs/week. Finding time is always the challenge with my job (working ~60+hrs/week) and having a family.

2013 Races:  I did 2 sprints, 2 olys and 2 1/2IM (including Savageman-now that's a race!).

2014 Races: Only thing on my schedule now is the Quassy 1/2 IM.

Weightloss:  Yes, I need this. Now at 165#'s-about 15 pounds above my goal race weight. I've learned that I really do like to eat-ha!

What would make me a good mentee:  I think this was for Marc, not us, but if it is for us...well, I believe that I have a strong background in running and training paces which I've applied to the bike. I've read about 10 books on triathlon now and think I understand what people are advising regarding the basics. Many nuances from the various writers, but many common themes.

Equipment: Weak, old legs. Oh, and I'm riding a Cervelo 2012 P2 which will be equipped with a Power tap hub for my race wheel (808 Zipp) within a couple weeks. I will keep that on all year long to get indoor/outdoor info. Likely will put on my training wheel with Gatorskins in the springtime until race time when I put my 808 or 404 on the front.

2013-12-18 7:51 PM
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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Marc & Shane, Thanks alot for putting this group together!

Name: Chris

Story: Closing in on 50. Started running about 5 years ago to get in better shape and started doing a few 5ks and 10ks. After changing jobs in 2011 I found I had more time to train and I did my first half marathon. Did my first sprint tri in 1012 and immediately signed up for another sprint and an Oly after finishing. Moved to half distance tris this past year.

Current Training: For the past 8 weeks it's usually been 3-4 trainer sessions on the bike using trainer road and 3-5 runs on the treadmill or outside a week. Swimming will start back up in Jan., that's been intermittent. My training got sidetracked after the Rev3 race in Aug. for a couple of months while recovering from a concussion and some lingering issues.

2013 Races: White Mountain Tri 70.3, cooked my legs on the bike. (that's one of the reasons I've been interested in power and this group.) Rev3 Maine 70.3, was in much better shape for this one and the race was going well until a bike crash. Rest of the race was a bit slower. Wallis Sands Sprint.

2014 Races: White Mountain Tri 70.3, would like to redeem myself. IMLP, looking to improve my biking so I can enjoy the run. Will probably add an Oly and sprint at the end of the season. Hoping to have a fun and uneventful season in 2014.

Weightloss: I was at my lightest since HS this past summer, about 5lbs lighter than now. That felt like a good weight for me and I will be able to get back to that once I ramp things up a bit more.

What would make me a good mentee: I've been very meticulous maintaining logs of all my workouts. Although I've been reading and learning about training with power I know I still have a lot to learn about interpreting some of the data. I'm very serious about gaining a solid understanding of how that data can be used during training and especially on race day to help have an enjoyable race.

Equipment: Felt B16, Power2Max PM, KK Road Machine, a PC is set up at the bike with Ant+ and GC installed. Have been using Trainer Road and virtual power up to this point. The PM will be installed within a couple of days. Also planning on getting a re-fit on the bike after the new year.

Edited by cdkayak 2013-12-18 7:52 PM
2013-12-18 8:35 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Orangevale, CA
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Name: croyston / Chris

Story: Started in Tris when a couple of guys at work wanted to do a sprint. I ended up doing the race and they flaked. I've done a dozen or so races since, including 3 HIMs and 1 IM. After IMAZ in 2012 I took most of 2013 off.

Current Training: Just finished training for my first open marathon and I'm looking forward to ramping up tri training for Oceanside at the end of March.

2013 Races: A couple of sprints, 4 half marathons and a full marathon.

2014 Races: Oceanside HIM at the end of March followed by a sprint and Oly in June and then Vineman 70.3 in July.

Weightloss: I could stand to lose 10-20 lbs. I'm hoping to be 180 by the end of the year, 175 for Oceanside and 170 for Vineman.

What would make me a good mentee: I'm looking for a way to help me save some matches for the run. I have yet to finish a HIM without walking at least part of the run, and I'm hoping that training/racing with power will help me with my pacing.

Equipment: I currently have a PowerTap G3 on a DT Swiss 465 wheel. I also have a Disc Cover for the wheel. My bike is a 2011 Felt B16. I have a laptop with a garmin Ant+ stick and GC loaded.
2013-12-18 8:56 PM
in reply to: cdkayak

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Thank you Marc and Shane. I really appreciate you both sharing your time & knowledge with the group.

Name: Karen

Story: Started running when I turned 30 in an effort to lose weight. Built up to a marathon and loved crossing the finish line soooo much I kept doing marathons. Developed several stress fractures because all I ever did was run. Doctor told me to cross train. Started biking, loved it and found out I was pretty good at it. A friend convinced me to do a sprint tri and I became hooked.

Current Training: Nothing too structured right now. Try to swim a couple times a week with a great masters group but I've been pretty inconsistent the last several months. A couple of spin classes during the week and an outdoor ride on the weekend if weather permits. Run several mornings a week and usually a long run (road or trail) on the weekend.

2013 Races: A couple of trail runs and then my A race was IM Tahoe (awesome!)

2014 Races: A race is IM Boulder with no other tris planned, I like to keep it simple

Weightloss: I lost quite a bit of weight before Tahoe and felt pretty good with where I was at. But some of it has crept back on, so I'd like to lose that plus another 5 - 10 pounds. I struggle with weight. It use to be easy to lose weight, but the older I get the more difficult it becomes. Boo!

What would make me a good mentee: I log my workouts, follow instructions very well, accept feedback (I"m not easily offended), and like to have fun.

Equipment:  Cervelo P2 with Powertap, KK trainer, speed cadence sensor, HR monitor, Garmin 910, laptop, big TV w/ Netflix, husband that will set up fan, bring me water, dogs that cheer me on....

I mentioned in the TT thread that I got my Powertap early this year and used it all summer while training for Tahoe. I followed the Endurance Nation IM plan and did the power tests during training. I have no idea what the data meant, so other than knowing I didn't want to go above a certain # at Tahoe, I had no idea what I was doing with power. I would like to improve my biking with a goal of getting off the bike in Boulder with fresh(ish) legs for the run. I'm excited to get started!

2013-12-18 10:28 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Name: Pete

Story: Had a wake up-call about 7 years ago with a heart issue at the age of 45. I decided it was time to take care of myself and simplify my life. Bought a bike, cleaned up my eating habits, cut back on my work obligations. I decided I needed a few more challenges so I entered a couple of triathlons. Worked my way up to the IM 3 years ago but decided I wanted to focus on getting faster at the shorter distances.

Current Training: Currently I am focusing on my run. I have used BarryP to get up to 40 miles per week. I am ready to add the bike and swim back into the mix.

2013 Races: I had planned to do an early and late season HIM but developed Plantar fascitis. I ran through the foot issue but stuck to sprint and Olympic distance races.

2014 Races:My goal right now is NOLA 70.3. Based on my results there, I will figure out what I want to do for the rest of the year. I am hoping for a late season HIM.

Weightloss: I really don't stress over weight loss. I'm 6'5" so I can carry 220 and people comment that I'm too skinny. I dropped to 190 during IM training and I was too skinny.

What would make me a good mentee: I am a good listener and follow directions. I am a numbers geek and really want to make the best use out of the training tools I have available.

Equipment: I have a wired powertap on a P1 in a Cycle-ops 2 that I use for my indoor training. I have a wireless Powertap G3 on my road bike that I use on my long, weekend, group rides. I usually just end up gathering data on the group rides. I also use the GSC-10 GC virtual power route when I nerd out and want to see the power numbers on the TV while doing a Spinnerval or Sufferfest video. My race bike is a P2c but I don't use power with it, at least not yet.
2013-12-18 10:37 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Arlington, VA
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
I must, of course, add my thanks. This is an awesome thing you're doing for us.

Name: JB

Story: I started running in college when I started to learn that I couldn't just eat 3 lbs of Laffy Taffy and 6 sodas in a day and not gain weight. I never really made a training plan, and college always came first. When I graduated, another running friend thought it would be fun to try a triathlon, so I started training for my first Olympic in 2012. This was my second triathlon season, and I joined a team with group style coaching. The gains were dramatic. It turns out, it helps to follow a plan and to have someone tell you when you're doing it wrong. I am about to start a new chapter with a move to lovely Denver, Colorado. I'm a relatively strong runner, but my cycling doesn't compare, I'm hoping to add about 1mph to my cycling time at the 70.3 distance and get under 2:00/100 in swimming.

Current Training: After ramping up for Eagleman this year, I completely switched gears to running only in the hopes of PRing a marathon. I PRed Marine Corps marathon by 6 minutes at 3:20, but I've been a lazy bum since November.

2013 Races: Ran 2 Olympics, then a half, a sprint to try to qualify for nationals (which I did, but they were full), and two marathons in there.

2014 Races: Oly in april, half in may, half in june, Ironman Colorado in August.

Weightloss: I generally live life about 5-10 lbs above what I should race at. I hope to watch what I eat (max 2 sodas per day) and lose that weight naturally as opposed to dieting as part of taper.

What would make me a good mentee: I'm a nicely sculptable piece of marginally-gifted clay. I only have one year of following a training plan, but I'm already doing pretty well. I'm also a single guy with a long distance girlfriend and no dependents (except my dog, who runs), which means I have all the time flexibility in the world to apply my knowledge.

Equiptment: Jamis T2 Tri bike with Garmin Vector pedals and a Garmin 910xt.
2013-12-19 6:03 AM
in reply to: karen26.2

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by karen26.2
2013 Races: A couple of trail runs and then my A race was IM Tahoe (awesome!)

2014 Races: A race is IM Boulder

You pick the easy ones :-)

IM Boulder is going to be something else
2013-12-19 6:04 AM
in reply to: __sugar__

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by __sugar__
I'm hoping to add about 1mph to my cycling time at the 70.3 distance and get under

You will be amazed what cycling with power can do to your improvements
2013-12-19 6:07 AM
in reply to: pschriver

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by pschriver

2014 Races:My goal right now is NOLA 70.3. Based on my results there, I will figure out what I want to do for the rest of the year. I am hoping for a late season HIM.

Like many, you have an early season race. Good to know !! We will take this into consideration
Several Oceanside, St-George....

2013-12-19 6:08 AM
in reply to: croyston

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by croyston

What would make me a good mentee: I'm looking for a way to help me save some matches for the run. I have yet to finish a HIM without walking at least part of the run, and I'm hoping that training/racing with power will help me with my pacing.

It will, for sure. I am sure all the running in 2013 will help as well.
2013-12-19 6:12 AM
in reply to: cdkayak

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by cdkayak

Is this your first full ? Are you on a specific plan ?
2013-12-19 6:14 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by dtoce

Oh, and I'm riding a Cervelo 2012 P2 which will be equipped with a Power tap hub for my race wheel (808 Zipp) within a couple weeks.

You are going to be the most aero on the trainer !

Joking apart, later we can discuss using power meters to tune your aero position
2013-12-19 6:17 AM
in reply to: GoFaster

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by GoFaster

Muskoka 70.3 (4th time will be the charm)

Neil and I have been in a few groups together and both did Muskoka in 2012 but didn't know each other

Coming to the end of the bike there was a guy on the side of the course with a mechanical and I said to myself "poor guy, after that brutal get a mechanical".

Guess who it was
2013-12-19 6:18 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by ligersandtions
hae no idea how to read that CP graph they give, so that will be one of my first questions!).

As soon as everyone is on board, we'll get right on that one !

2013-12-19 6:21 AM
in reply to: Jason N

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by Jason N

I will be one following from the outside and maybe chime in when appropriate. 

Jason, there is a critical role you can play

GC allows to play video with the workout.

You should use that goPro to film your riding around Hawaii so the group can use it and live the riding around Hawaii on our trainers!
2013-12-19 6:39 AM
in reply to: gsmacleod

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by gsmacleod

In addition to just doing the workouts, we will hopefully be able to help you with the how's and whys of training with power and give you a good idea of where to go with your bike training when this group finishes up.

Thanks for being part of this. It would not be the same without you. (pink) It would probabay be less painful

Seriously, I suspect people will learn to go beyond what they would normally do. That was the first thing i learned when training with Power.

I don't know how Shane feels about this, but for those that don't have power meters and use VP, a HR monitor can be your friend. You can learn what your HR does at different power levels and then transpose that to outdoor. It's not as accurare as a PM but I find it useable, especially for the Z2/Z3 type efforts

So, train with power, be guided by power, but being aware of what your HR does is not a bad thing.

My HRM is my backup if my Powermeter fails

I suspect there will be several times in this thread that we may have diverging opinions. I don't think there is one right answer,
2013-12-19 6:40 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by cdkayak

Is this your first full ? Are you on a specific plan ?

Yup, first full!

Right now I've been working on the bike and maintaining the run. I'll be following the Endurance Nation 20 week plan starting 3/10. Was planning on doing a BT maintenance plan with bike & run focus to lead into that starting in Jan. I'll revise that once I see how it will tie in with what we'll be doing here.
2013-12-19 6:54 AM
in reply to: cdkayak

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by cdkayak

Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by cdkayak

Is this your first full ? Are you on a specific plan ?

Yup, first full!

Right now I've been working on the bike and maintaining the run. I'll be following the Endurance Nation 20 week plan starting 3/10. Was planning on doing a BT maintenance plan with bike & run focus to lead into that starting in Jan. I'll revise that once I see how it will tie in with what we'll be doing here.

FWIW, I am doing the ST100/100 challenge to keep my run going. Between that and this you'd probably be in pretty good shape when March rolls around
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