BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!! Rss Feed  
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2014-05-18 4:55 PM

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2014-05-19 1:47 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Thanks for restarting Fred.

Short bio of myself for anyone who may join the discussion...

Name - Jason

Story - I got into tris after doing my first marathon.  And that marathon (with a few shorter races leading up to it) was my first dip into endurance sports back in 2009.  Since then I've done a variety of races ranging from triathlons of all major distances, bike races and time trials, open water swim races, and a few more running races.  This year I'm focusing mainly on bike racing as it is my strength and what I enjoy far.  

2014 Races - So far I've done a few time trials and one very short road race and was pleased with my results so far.  I've got a 40k TT and another road race coming up in June that are what I'm trying to peak for.  After that is a few more road races and possibly an Oly tri for fun if my shoulder will cooperate.  Then I imagine I will debate on whether or not I'll get back into tris for 2015 or continue to focus on bike racing.

I've been a member of this group, as well as Fred's former groups for something like 4 years now.  We have a really good mix of people here and we always welcome more.  


2014-05-19 2:26 PM
in reply to: Jason N

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Thanks Fred!

Name: Arend 

Story: I was a swimmer as a kid then quit cold turkey after a bit of burnout.  Did nothing sports wise for about 12 years and then saw some of my old swim buddies had done a triathlon and decided I should too.  Took me a couple of years to learn how to run without getting hurt before I actually did one but I haven't looked back since.  Still working on the learn how to run part.

2014 races: Ottawa Half Marathon next weekend.  July 6th, Challenge Saint Andrews as a relay with my wife (I swim and run, she rides).  After that is still a bit up in the air but likely a bunch of local sprints/Olys and then thinking of a HIM in Niagara Falls in Sept.

2014-05-19 4:10 PM
in reply to: axteraa

Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Thanks for getting this started, Fred!

Name: Nicole

Story: Had been active in some way or another throughout my life, but had never done endurance sports.  I was big into scuba diving when all of my dive buddies decided they were going to get into I got peer pressured into it!  Turns out I really enjoyed it and have now forgiven them

2014 races: Finished St. George 70.3 a couple weeks ago (amazing race!!) and have a small local sprint and Buffalo Springs 70.3 coming up in June.  Don't have anything else on my schedule yet, but I'm tossing around a few ideas for a fall 70.3.

2014-05-19 7:33 PM
in reply to: Fred D

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

I am back in for another round, and would also like to encourage any new members to jump in no matter your experience with endurance racing, be it triathlon or otherwise. If your goal is to both get faster or to simply figure out how to incorporate endurance training and racing into your everyday, you would be hard-pressed to find a more experienced group and support on BT.

Name: Rusty

Was a bike racer through college, but upon graduating I fell in to riding with some triathletes. I got fascinated with the idea that they could actually swim places, and so on a whim did my first triathlon. Then I decided I should learn how to swim. I have been endurance racing for 32 years, and multi-sport racing for about 23 years, pretty much without a break, except for a few years where I flirted with adventure/expedition racing. My wife has pretty much the same resume, as well as most of our closest friends - it very much is first-and-foremost a lifestyle for us. Unlike many these days, I came to Ironman racing fairly late in the game - and only did my first IM 4 years ago, mostly because I was finally starting to slow down, so I decided maybe I should spend a little time learning how to go slow for a long time. That is when I found BT, and with a lot of advice from Fred and other smarties/fasties I got up to speed pretty quickly. I raced IM 3 years in a row, and learned a lot about training that I wish I had known 2 decades ago. This year I have turned my attention back to trying to get some top-end speed back, and have A LOT of races on the scheduled compared to recent years. When I was younger I use to race a minimum of 10~14 times per year, so it is a little of an old-school plan for me this season. Remember to ask me in November if that was a good idea or not. So far it has been fun, regardless.

2014-05-21 10:37 PM
in reply to: TankBoy

, California
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Back again, quick blurb:

Name: Mark

Story: I played water polo in school, and did a bit of running but didn't pursue those much as an adult.  I started in triathlon about 5 years ago and have been primarily focused on IM distance, with this year being #6 and 7.  I suffered a pulmonary embolism mid 2012 and have been working my way back into shape since then.

This year I'm racing IM New Zealand (done: March 1) and IM Canada coming up at the end of July.  I'm also signed up for a marathon in October.

I think I'm pretty well balanced at this point although I could stand to improve my nutrition year-round   I train with power on the bike and can help out if anyone has questions like using the power meter to estimate CdA.

2014-05-22 11:28 AM
in reply to: spudone

South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
I'm back. First time that I get to say 'returning' member.
Having lurked for so long, I feel like I know everyone...


Story-Typical for an aging athlete...hurt running in 2011 which led to cycling and considering triathlon. Some training followed by aggressive ramps into long course. First completed tri=Quassy 1/2 IM. Second was IMLP. Now, year 4 and working on consistency. Also learning to bike with power and swim withh some sort of reasonable form.

Races-2013 had 2 sprints, 2 oly races and 2 half-IM.
This year, I only have the rev3 Quassy 1/2 IM scheduled for about a week and a half from now.

I did my first OWS already! See, you can teach an old dog.
Water was 63 degrees. I didn't drown and feel much better about the upcoming race now.

2014-05-22 2:14 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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2014-05-22 2:59 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Fred D

  1. Hope the back is OK Arend. PM me if you don't get better, as you might remember that I had this issue last year.
  2. Neil, I don't like the performance of a DT swiss with full cover. Did not feel as fast. Also don't like all the switcheroo involved with tubes, tires etc.
  3. I am looking at 808s with PT hub. Yes expensive, but I will sell my 404s and my cross bike.

If FLO was readily available, I'd probably go with those built with a PT.  Not just because of price but because I prefer aluminum braking surface and the ease of not having to change pads.  Would you consider HED wheels?

I do feel your pain about constantly switching tires and tubes.  Ever since I went to a quarq and can now leave the race setup on the race's made life a lot easier.


Edited by Jason N 2014-05-22 3:02 PM
2014-05-22 3:01 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!


Edited by Jason N 2014-05-22 3:01 PM
2014-05-22 3:05 PM
in reply to: 0

, California
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by Fred D

  1. Hope the back is OK Arend. PM me if you don't get better, as you might remember that I had this issue last year.
  2. Neil, I don't like the performance of a DT swiss with full cover. Did not feel as fast. Also don't like all the switcheroo involved with tubes, tires etc.
  3. I am looking at 808s with PT hub. Yes expensive, but I will sell my 404s and my cross bike.

If FLO was readily available, I'd probably go with those built with a PT.  Not just because of price but because I prefer aluminum braking surface and the ease of not having to change pads.  Would you consider HED wheels?

I do feel your pain about constantly switching tires and tubes.  Ever since I went to a quarq and can now leave the race setup on the race's made life a lot easier.

I caught a Zipp 900 on eBay with the older powertap hub - but still ANT+.  No one else bid against me.  It was still expensive but I think lower price than a brand new non-PT disc.  I didn't particularly like my old setup with the disc cover either.

I also prefer the race wheels with the aluminum brake track.  Brake pads are just one less thing to hassle about when you swap wheels, especially with the P4 rear brake.

Edited by spudone 2014-05-22 3:07 PM

2014-05-22 3:18 PM
in reply to: Fred D

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Fred D

  1. Hope the back is OK Arend. PM me if you don't get better, as you might remember that I had this issue last year.

I'm not too worried about the back.  It's sore but I think if I don't do anything stupid it will be fine by Sunday.  I did a short run at lunch today and it made it feel better.  Sitting at my desk - not so much.

2014-05-22 8:55 PM
in reply to: axteraa

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by Fred D

  1. Hope the back is OK Arend. PM me if you don't get better, as you might remember that I had this issue last year.

I'm not too worried about the back.  It's sore but I think if I don't do anything stupid it will be fine by Sunday.  I did a short run at lunch today and it made it feel better.  Sitting at my desk - not so much.

Threw mine out early in the winter stacking wood.  After no improvement with a week of rest and stretching, just getting back running was the best thing for it (although probably the week of rest helped allow that).  Hope it goes well for you and that you CRUSH the race.


2014-05-22 9:01 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

I'm back, as well.  Great group.  Tons of knowledge and always interesting.  Thanks Fred (and all the other Utopians!) - you folks have been super helpful!

Name:  Matt McManus

Story:  Did tri's back in the early 90's and then got more into running for a long time (dropping tri's).  Got a new bike a couple years ago and thought, "Hey, I'm riding and running and sometimes swim - might be fun to get back into it."  The Better Half and I did a couple sprints in Fall 2012 - had a blast.  She's still running strong and I'm both running and tri-ing.  Couple minor injuries over the last year have been less than fun, but have helped me (in an odd way) to figure out what training needs to look like for an old guy now...

Races:  Did a few sprints, a couple Oly's and one HIM last year.  Have a HIM on the books for 6/8, if I can get to the starting line (70/30 in favor as of today's run). A sprint and an Oly in July.  Registered for AGN sprint and Oly, but not sure if logistics with a new job (hopefully) will allow.  Would like to do Timberman again, but might not be local by then…  So, not really sure about the back of the season and not sure if I can toe the line for the first half!  Plays havoc with my head…  All good, though, as long as I can get out and move.

Looking forward to the season and hopeful that I can actually race (as racing is the part that I LOVE).


2014-05-22 9:07 PM
in reply to: spudone

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by Fred D

  1. Hope the back is OK Arend. PM me if you don't get better, as you might remember that I had this issue last year.
  2. Neil, I don't like the performance of a DT swiss with full cover. Did not feel as fast. Also don't like all the switcheroo involved with tubes, tires etc.
  3. I am looking at 808s with PT hub. Yes expensive, but I will sell my 404s and my cross bike.

If FLO was readily available, I'd probably go with those built with a PT.  Not just because of price but because I prefer aluminum braking surface and the ease of not having to change pads.  Would you consider HED wheels?

I do feel your pain about constantly switching tires and tubes.  Ever since I went to a quarq and can now leave the race setup on the race's made life a lot easier.

I caught a Zipp 900 on eBay with the older powertap hub - but still ANT+.  No one else bid against me.  It was still expensive but I think lower price than a brand new non-PT disc.  I didn't particularly like my old setup with the disc cover either.

I also prefer the race wheels with the aluminum brake track.  Brake pads are just one less thing to hassle about when you swap wheels, especially with the P4 rear brake.

I worked with a fellow who finds good used equipment last year for both my P2C and a quiver of wheels (or whatever you call a group of wheels).  Got a 900, an 808 front tubie (had a rear) and pair of 404 tubies for about what a new 900 should run.  Very happy with how that's worked out.  Would love a new non-tubular set, but the value was just waaaaay too good to pass up, and they've worked well to date (fingers crossed for this season, too, wrt flats during races).

PM me if you want his contact info…  Not the route for everyone, but it's worked well for me.  I LOVE these wheels (404's on my roadie for important rides, although I usually just keep my Rovale Rapides with clinchers on for training, and 606 with GatorSkins as "training" wheels on the P2, switching to 900/808 front with GP4000s for races).


2014-05-22 9:19 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
I'm in again. However having just drunk a bottle of miralax I almost literally don't have time to post any bio so will follow up later......

2014-05-23 7:46 AM
in reply to: ChrisM

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by ChrisM I'm in again. However having just drunk a bottle of miralax I almost literally don't have time to post any bio so will follow up later......

And  that is how Chris reintroduces himself....

2014-05-23 7:52 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Fred D

  1. Hope the back is OK Arend. PM me if you don't get better, as you might remember that I had this issue last year.
  2. Neil, I don't like the performance of a DT swiss with full cover. Did not feel as fast. Also don't like all the switcheroo involved with tubes, tires etc.
  3. I am looking at 808s with PT hub. Yes expensive, but I will sell my 404s and my cross bike.

I get it.  Hard to go from a premium wheel to an everyday training wheel.  I've never known anything different, so I don't have any issues with the DT Swiss - although as soon as I got my Flo Front wheel the difference was just ridiculous over a standard stock wheel.  As for swapping tire, tubes, etc., I'm so mechanically deficient that it's great practise if I ever find myself having to do it in a hurry on the side of the road.

I know you had issues in the past with the Quarq, but if you're happy with the PT, and doing all the training with it, I personally wouldn't choose to race the IM without it.

2014-05-23 7:59 AM
in reply to: GoFaster

Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
I'm sticking around.

Did tris for a couple years. Tried a marathon. Just been riding my road bike around lately. Done a few bike races over the past year.

I keep my logs pretty much up to date and my old race reports, except I didn't make race reports for a few of the crit races.

I may be getting back into tris but I'd be more of a 70.3 specialist with a long-term plan at 140.6. Short course isn't my thing and I'd rather hammer a bike race than do a sprint or oly. Probably going to give BQ an honest shot within next couple of years too.

Weight is a limiter for me and if I make a comeback I"d need to be 10lbs lighter than I was before.
2014-05-23 8:03 AM
in reply to: GoFaster

Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Very true Neil.

I get depressed sometimes lately because I've been doing all my rides on a road bike with no powermeter and on crummy stock training wheels. Pisses me off but keep telling myself it just makes me stronger. I also ride with a little edge sometimes in groups to purposely beat people up on my aluminum bike with stock wheels.

Hey for anyone into biking, a buddy of mine turned me into this podcast. Search for Mike Creed. I just listened to episode 17. It was funny and an inside look at some guys in the peloton. He interviews his buddy and there are some in there with some big names too. Worth putting on the list if you enjoy podcasts.
2014-05-23 8:30 AM
in reply to: GoFaster

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by GoFaster

Originally posted by ChrisM I'm in again. However having just drunk a bottle of miralax I almost literally don't have time to post any bio so will follow up later......

And  that is how Chris reintroduces himself....

Yeah, Chris - sounds like you have your race-day nutrition plan in order....

2014-05-23 8:50 AM
in reply to: TankBoy

Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by TankBoy

Originally posted by GoFaster

Originally posted by ChrisM I'm in again. However having just drunk a bottle of miralax I almost literally don't have time to post any bio so will follow up later......

And  that is how Chris reintroduces himself....

Yeah, Chris - sounds like you have your race-day nutrition plan in order....

haha, that is why I mentioned that podcast. Made me think of those cyclists. They were talking about their eating disorders (not a laughing matter) and what they used to eat when they first started and how they'd have headaches, hunger pains, etc trying to sleep. How crazy they used to be starting out where they'd go on all these rides and eat less food than my 6 year old. Still not as bad as that interview I heard about going for long training rides and drinking seltzer water with sleeping pills to fall asleep so they wouldn't eat though. Really offers a glimpse into the twisted reality that some people end up in at the upper echelons of some sports.
2014-05-23 8:55 AM
in reply to: Fred D

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Fred D

I am looking at 808s with PT hub. Yes expensive, but I will sell my 404s and my cross bike.

Fred - that was the route I was planing to go (sans power tap) but then really bought in to the idea behind the Enve SES, particularly for everyday riders/racers. I went with the 6.7s. I think I got a wheel set that is probably a little faster (or at least as fast) as the 808s, stronger, better hub up front (get it built with chris king), And you will feel comfortable riding the set on both your tri bke as well as your road bike, even in a group setting. I have now ridden both the 808s and the Enves in a variety of conditions (wet, dry, windy, etc) and for my setup the Enves win, hands-down

On that note, have you all been reading Dan's daily articles on wheels this week on ST? Amongst various other interesting observations, he has been making a big pitch to ride your race wheels every day. If you are looking for wheels, I would give it a look: . If you check out the front page under "Latest Tech" there is also new articles covering valve extenders and getting your wheels race-day ready. God stuff.

2014-05-23 8:59 AM
in reply to: JAYCT

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by JAYCT
Originally posted by TankBoy

Originally posted by GoFaster

Originally posted by ChrisM I'm in again. However having just drunk a bottle of miralax I almost literally don't have time to post any bio so will follow up later......

And  that is how Chris reintroduces himself....

Yeah, Chris - sounds like you have your race-day nutrition plan in order....

haha, that is why I mentioned that podcast. Made me think of those cyclists. They were talking about their eating disorders (not a laughing matter) and what they used to eat when they first started and how they'd have headaches, hunger pains, etc trying to sleep. How crazy they used to be starting out where they'd go on all these rides and eat less food than my 6 year old. Still not as bad as that interview I heard about going for long training rides and drinking seltzer water with sleeping pills to fall asleep so they wouldn't eat though. Really offers a glimpse into the twisted reality that some people end up in at the upper echelons of some sports.

Hey Jay, thanks for the link - I listen to podcasts all the time when I am driving - I just put it on my list. Yeah, it is a little nutty some of the things pros do, but I guess I KINDA get it at that level, if it actually works. It is REALLY crazy when it trickles down to us common rank-and-file though.

2014-05-23 9:01 AM
in reply to: axteraa

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by Fred D

  1. Hope the back is OK Arend. PM me if you don't get better, as you might remember that I had this issue last year.

I'm not too worried about the back.  It's sore but I think if I don't do anything stupid it will be fine by Sunday.  I did a short run at lunch today and it made it feel better.  Sitting at my desk - not so much.

Well, sounds to me like you need to take a sick day and get out and run then, Doctor's orders.

How is the back feeling today, Arend?

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