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2013-09-29 10:14 PM

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

Well, that's that.  I crashed today and snapped my left collarbone.  Clean simple break, but I can't train for 4-6 weeks, so I have to think IMAZ in November won't happen for me.  I really needed time in the pool that's out for sure.

The crash was entirely pilot error.  I was riding my tri bike on the aerobars around Sammamish River Trail mile 9, on wet pavement with breezy conditions.  I had just adjusted the rear derailleur barrel shifter knob, and was paying attention to shifting not the trail.  I was operating on auto-pilot and didn't even notice as I entered the hard left turn at >18 mph. Boom down I went. I was shocked to say the least.  I even heard the bone break - an ominous crunch - and thought I first I'd broken my phone in my back pocket.

The bike is OK with no the visible damage, but I will have to look it over carefully sense it is carbon fiber.  But my Gore-Tex jacket and favorite long sleeve jersey were ruined along with my cold weather gloves.  And I think I hit my helmet slightly.

Any advice on dealing with broken collarbone? 

2013-09-29 10:24 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

Sorry to read about your crash and being out of IMAZ.  May you heal up quickly and not be in to much pain from the crash. Did you loose much skin with jacket and gloves on?

Be sure to get a new helmet.

2013-09-29 10:45 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
So sorry to hear this.  Hope you heal up fast. 
2013-09-29 11:17 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
Ouch, what a bummer so close to the race. I did the same year before last just before a HIM. Mine was a fracture, not a clean break and I was able to start swimming with one arm 3 weeks later. I was able to switch my race entry to a relay and I did the bike leg. That bike ride was 5 1/2 weeks after the accident. I'd follow the advice of the bone doctor.

The one-armed swimming helped my body position in the water, so a little hidden bonus.
2013-09-29 11:31 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

Sorry to hear that.

Broke my wrist doing a clipped in topple one week out from my 70.3 (two weeks ago)

Sh*t happens, again a clean break but no swimming for 6 weeks.

Heal well heal quick.

2013-09-29 11:36 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
Ouch! That hurts.

But, don't rule out IMAZ yet... Mary Beth Ellis broke her collarbone on Sept. 9 and is planning to race Kona in a couple of weeks.

I wouldn't try it though. But you can count yourself in the same ranks as the pros!

2013-09-29 11:41 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
Don't rule out IMAZ until it is absolutely impossible. My friend did the exact same thing 5 weeks before IMWI and went on to race and finish IMWI with completely new goals, he swam 425 yards 10 days before the race as his first swim.
2013-09-30 12:15 AM
in reply to: bcagle25

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New user
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
Yeah, that definitely sucks. I wouldn't give up on your Ironman though. I have lots of experience with broken collarbones (once on the right, 4x on the left). The best thing about bones is that they're good to go after 6 weeks, unlike tissue injuries. Get some Bone Builder pills. As for training, do what you can. Did they give you a figure 8 brace? If not, get one. I just finished IMLOU on very very minimal training 7 weeks out, due to injuries. It wasn't fast - got to experience a near midnight finish firsthand, but I did finish. You can do it.

I usually keep a log whenever I get an injury, to know what to expect next time. I'll share it from my last collarbone break (the reference to racing is motorcycle racing, not triathlon).

Sunday/Monday/Tuesday - pain = 10. ANY movement hurts badly. Sleeping sucks! Getting out of bed really sucks!

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday - pain = 9. Movement hurts, but not as bad as the previous days. movement also causes a popping sensation. Sleeping seems a bit easier. Coughing hurts

1 week - pain = 7.5. Only hurts when I lift my arm. Walking doesn't hurt. Sleeping still sucks, but I am able to roll a little/sleep on my side kinda

2.5 weeks - pain - 6. Off pain meds. Discomfort when I move my shoulder. Still hurts if I move it too hard/fast. Arm/shoulder feels weak. Able to lift arm slowly 80%. Can fully sleep on one side. Sleeping on stomach is still a little uncomfortable. Definitely on the road to recovery. Able to ride a motorcycle - quick chicanes/change in direction really hurt.

3 weeks - pain 5. Back/shoulder muscles are extremely weak and hurt to move.

3.5 weeks - pain - 4. Full range of motion, but have to move slow. Any sudden movement or heavy object causes a lot of discomfort. Able to sleep on stomach. Could race if I had too.

4 weeks - pain - 3. Can move faster. Still can't lift heavy objects over 5 lbs. Could definitely race.

5 weeks - pain - 2. Full movement. Can lift light weights.

6 weeks - pain - 1. Can lift moderate weights. I don't really experience pain anymore, just discomfort.

7 weeks - pain - 0. Can lift moderate-high weight. Experience some discomfort when bending the bone wrong.
2013-09-30 6:08 AM
in reply to: CCS_56_EX

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
Sorry to hear. I've been there - 2 years ago I broke a bunch of stuff in a fall about 5 weeks before IMWI. As others have said, don't rule it out just yet. And if you end up not being able to make it, use this time to recover and come back stronger.

Best of luck to you in your recovery.
2013-09-30 6:08 AM
in reply to: CCS_56_EX

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Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
Sorry to hear about your crash. Although sounds like you may still have a shot a IMAZ.
2013-09-30 6:19 AM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
You have my sympathy... I still vividly remember my collarbone break (although the plate makes it hard to forget haha)

FWIW I was back on the trainer spinning (sitting up, no bending over the bars) 3 days from surgery, although that's probably not the smartest thing I've ever done.

2013-09-30 6:44 AM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

Do what you can to recover and heal. You might still be able to compete in IMAZ, but adjust your goals and race strategy accordingly.

When I broke mine, my orthopaed said "normally, I tell people to let pain be your guide, but that obviously won't work for you, so no swimming and no cycling until I say it is ok."
2013-09-30 7:46 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
I'm sorry to hear this Bruce.
2013-09-30 8:11 AM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

I don't have any advice on the broken collarbone.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry about your injury and IMAZ.  Every time I read about a debilitating injury preventing an IM from coming to fruition it makes me sad. 

I hope you heal well and can get right back after it :)

2013-09-30 8:27 AM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
Been there. Do NOTHING for 6 weeks and you might be ok. Bones can heal rather quickly and then be 100%. Its the soft tissue injuries that take months to fix. If you don't have a sling, get one and suck it up for the next weeks. If you cheat early, you'll delay healing.
2013-09-30 8:53 AM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
I'll add my sympathy and empathy; that's a really crappy situation to find yourself in. I'm glad the damage wasn't worse.

2013-09-30 9:38 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
That is terrible news. I agree with others here though about not giving up on IMAZ, just set a new goal with no expectations, you never know what you can achieve and probably come out of the whole ordeal if not physically, but pychologically stronger.
There is a group of 20 of us from my local tri club coming out to do IMAZ and we have been training together as much as possible. I have been making the comment to many of them here in these last couple of weeks to train smart and don't take any unnecessary chances in their training because we are in the window now where an injury can really be hard to overcome. I know that doesn't help you now, but maybe for somebody else.
Again, don't give up on IMAZ too easily, I bet you can do it!

Edited by mroger82 2013-09-30 9:38 AM
2013-09-30 9:41 AM
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Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
Originally posted by brucemorgan

Well, that's that.  I crashed today and snapped my left collarbone.  Clean simple break, but I can't train for 4-6 weeks, so I have to think IMAZ in November won't happen for me.  I really needed time in the pool that's out for sure.

The crash was entirely pilot error.  I was riding my tri bike on the aerobars around Sammamish River Trail mile 9, on wet pavement with breezy conditions.  I had just adjusted the rear derailleur barrel shifter knob, and was paying attention to shifting not the trail.  I was operating on auto-pilot and didn't even notice as I entered the hard left turn at >18 mph. Boom down I went. I was shocked to say the least.  I even heard the bone break - an ominous crunch - and thought I first I'd broken my phone in my back pocket.

The bike is OK with no the visible damage, but I will have to look it over carefully sense it is carbon fiber.  But my Gore-Tex jacket and favorite long sleeve jersey were ruined along with my cold weather gloves.  And I think I hit my helmet slightly.

Any advice on dealing with broken collarbone? 

Surgery or no?

With surgery, you may be able to do it.  And that MAY is very slim.  If no surgery, I'd say probably not.  Mainly because of the swim.  If it isn't set when you try to race you may dislodge it and make it even worse.  Possibly.  It all depends on how bad the break is and how the healing progresses. 

When I did mine back in May, I was back on my trainer within a week (also had broken ribs) but also had a plate in mine.  I was doing eliptical after 4 weeks but only letting the machine move my arms, NOT push and pull.  They told  me the movement in the shoulder sped up the healing.  How much we will likely never know.  But I couldn't run till the 8th week. 

 ETA: If you are out, it is ok.  There will be other races.  Keep that in mind.  This is not a once in a lifetime opportunity.  But you could potentially do serious damage if you push it too quickly too soon (says the guy that competed at AG Nationals after a severe distal end displacement collarbone, 4 broken ribs and punctured lung.  )

Edited by crowny2 2013-09-30 9:43 AM
2013-09-30 9:47 AM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

That sucks.  I managed to dislocate my shoulder again while flip turning yesterday.  As already noted, proof that flip turns are evil.  I'm now backing out of my HIM in two weeks as a result.  


Hang in there though, you still have a fair amount of time before IMAZ and I bet you can still give it a go.

2013-09-30 10:56 AM
in reply to: 0

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

Thanks everyone for your input and condolences.

So far I'm just in sling after the ER visit.  Today I will try to see an orthopedist to see if that is sufficient.

IMAZ was going to be Ironman #10 for me.  I have already signed up for Los Cabo in March, so I don't know if I need to push recovery and race in IMAZ.  Financially I can just let the registration go, although I'll send an email to WTC and see what they'll do for me, same for TriBikeTransport.  But adding in the cost of the airfare for my wife and I, boarding the dog, car rentals, host hotel (I was really looking forward to being at the host hotel) - we'll, I may just want to save all that rather than make IM #10 a "just finish" scenario.  Maybe I just come back strong for Cabo.  I certainly have some down time to think about it.

BTW I bashed the left side of my helmet far harder than I thought.  It clearly needs replacement.  Thank you Giro for saving my noggin.

Edited by brucemorgan 2013-09-30 10:56 AM
2013-09-30 11:07 AM
in reply to: brucemorgan

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

Awwww shat!  I am so sorry to hear this!

2013-09-30 12:13 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me

Hope you heal up fast.

I have a 58 year old friend who broke his collarbone in late March and was still able to do a HIM 8 weeks later.  Obviously it's a case by case thing, but just don't rule anything out.  Probably will come down to if you "want" to do it in whatever state you're in (health and fitness wise) come race day.

2013-09-30 12:15 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
I am sorry to hear this. You can't swim or run, but you can ride the bike on a trainer. Although it is highly unlikely you will be able to race, there is no reason to throw that fitness away. I signed up for IMWI next year and my biggest fear is getting injured right before the race. Good luck.

Edited by nickwisconsin 2013-09-30 12:15 PM
2013-09-30 1:15 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Kailua, Hawaii
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
sorry Bruce, that sucks. I feel for ya.
2013-09-30 1:41 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: crashed and broke my collarbone - no IMAZ for me
OUCH! Painful! No words of advice on the broken collarbone. Just sorry to hear it man.
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